How To Draw Charizard

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all right our friends we're going to do another Pokemon today aren't we Chuckers yeah which one are we going to do [Music] Charizard all right dude you got your marker we always hope that you guys follow along with us you got something to draw with we're going to use regular paper right out of our printer right printer paper printer paper it's 8 and 1 12 by 11 and we're using a Sharpie so we have two sheet pet of paper right and that's so that it protects our table so that the marker doesn't go through if you're using a pencil you don't really need two sheets just if you're using a marker okay all right dude you ready yeah let's start with his face okay first step we're going to start with his he's got like horns that come out right so we're going to draw his horns and his head that comes down uh we're going to do it right in the middle of the paper towards the top here we go we're going to do a little shape like that and that's going to be for the start of hisn horn and then the side of his cheek good okay and then we're going to curl around and do his jaw that comes out good job okay let's come back up here and we'll do his horn his first horn so we're going to curl around and then we'll come back down good and then come all the way down down kind of where we started curling down yeah good job okay now we're going to curl back up and do his other horn on the other side good now we're going to curl back around and we're going to do his finish that side of his horn I got a little thin and then we're going to come down into his eye go good okay now let's come back up and we'll do the rest of his mouth we're going to come around come out so we're kind of equal on both sides there we go and then this one can be a little bit longer if we need to and then we'll connect them with a V come down to a little point and then back up yeah good job all right let's finish this eye over here so we're gonna do a little and a v that comes down and back out good and then we're going to come back over to this side and we're going to do the top of his eye that comes down good and then we'll do an L shape right there good okay now let's do the inside of his eye his pupils we'll do a curved line there okay and then we can do inside we can do another one but fill it in just a little bit good job it kind of gets small in there huh all right so we can do his little uh eyebrow that comes over the top of his eye it's not really eyebrow I think it's just a wrinkle a wrinkle that's a better way to describe it yeah okay and then let's do his Mouse we come in here we do his little mouth good and then we'll do his nostril over here so the top of his nostril and then we'll do a little Mark inside there we go and then we can put another little Mark over there for his other nostril good we can fill in his pupil on the other in the other eye good job all right he looks awesome huh yeah we finished his head let's do his neck so we're g to come back over here so right under his cheek come down here and we're going to do his neck that comes down out and and then back in it looks like a big J huh yeah backwards J I guess oh yeah it looks like a giraffe good and then I kind of made so this little Loop out here came came a little wider than yours yours was a little smaller hook this is going to be his belly and he's kind of pear-shaped so we want the bottom to look a little more pear there you go go and that could probably come even a little more if you want that good yeah all right now we're going to come back up and draw the other side of his of his neck and it's going to come out and pair out like like we were saying it's going to make kind of a raindrop body shape and so we want to stop up here so we can do a shoulder okay we're going to move these these col pencils are kind of getting in the way huh let's move off to the side okay now let's do his shoulder so we'll do uh C shape good and then we'll have his arm coming out just a little bit he's going to have his claws sticking out then we're going to draw the underside of his arm and his armpit good job you know what I forgot we need to put a tooth up here huh a little tooth coming out of his mouth little shape good job okay let's do the rest of his arm so we're going to draw on this side we're going to draw his forearm coming up okay so it's a little sine and then this side I'll draw this side too so that you can see where this one's going so that's going to come up like that right next to it good and then and then you want it yeah it's okay he's going to have a a bony elbow huh so come up and then all the way up to so that both those lines are equal good job all right let's do his claws okay so we're going to do we're going to do three V's all right we're going to space them out so we're going to do one V right here and that's going to be his thumb and then we'll do another V up here that's his finger okay and then we'll do another V on this side and that's going to be his little finger okay and then we'll curl or curve and connect the top of his Talons they're floating tal they're floating magical Talons all right let's make them so they're not floating so we're going to start over here on this talent and we're going to connect it back into his arm okay okay and I already drew a mega Charizard I know you did we should show that huh okay and you did it all by yourself use that cool book that you have huh and you just looked at it okay then we'll do a little UD and connect the two there you go and then we'll connect these two over here okay and then we'll come back over here and we'll connect his little finger back into his hand is that awesome MH good job and then we can kind of we could put a little curve right in the middle and that looks like you know the wrinkles inside your hand okay let's go over here and we'll do his other arm okay so we do his other shoulder little bump looks like the other side good and then a line that comes down and we're drawing the same part over here right and then this one's going to come down too okay and then we're going to bend up but we're not going to bend up as much as this one we're going to just bend out a little bit and then we'll bring this one also with it good okay all right let's do those V's again so we'll do a V for his thumb and then we can kind of position these V's a little different than the other one do another V the same direction and then we'll do another one over here like that let see how those are kind of pointing all in the same direction okay now let's curve and connect them good and then we'll connect it back into the into his arms so that they're not floating good and then another one over here connect that one good and then this one last one good job now we do just a little line right there and then a a round curve line that direction good okay let's do the same thing we'll put a little wrinkle inside his hand that was easy huh that was isn't too hard okay now let's finish the rest of his body so we're going to have his we're going to have his leg down here so we're going to work on that next do a big curve line right here and this is going to be for his [Music] knee all right and then we're going to imagine his neckline going through his arm coming out over here and we'll come down just a little bit okay and then we're going to we're going to go all the way out and then back in towards where this this line is yeah good job all right now let's finish his foot so we're going to do we could do the three V's again but let's start by building his foot a little bit more so we'll put a line down on this side and a line out on this side good okay and then we can just do a little curl and then we'll do a v okay and then let's connect it we'll curve it connect the V there we go good and then we'll do a little line and then another V and then connect it and then we'll do another line and then do the last V and then connect it good and if we go too fast what can our friends do pause the V yes you guys can always pause the video and then finish the part that we did if we go too fast and then uh start the video back up so I put two little wrinkles right there okay now let's jump over here and let's do his other leg okay we're going to come across over here to this side do a curved line that comes out and back in good and then we'll have another line that comes out and we don't want to connect those two cuz we're going to do his foot right right here and then we're going to do when it comes out and then we're going to do his heel on his foot keep going good job man okay good and then we'll come back down like that and then they should be kind of equal good job that's getting it's a little thick but that's okay we'll practice huh so let's do this time let's just do a w and and connect these two lines and I think that'll make it a little easier so we're going to curve the W down a little and it's a crazy W huh it's got an extra bump or it's an upside down W there we go okay and then we'll connect his Talon so we'll do a curve line there another curve line and then last curve line yeah that looks awesome okay and then we can do another little wrinkle right there so that it looks similar to the other side cool huh yeah dude we're almost done man okay let's do this belly line all right so we're going to start up here do a big upside down U and into his leg good hey now let's do his wings man the cool part all right so we're going to do a little bump just right here coming out of his shoulder and we're going to do a l up almost over his finger top of his finger straight above his finger then we'll Bend up and we might run out of room but that's okay we'll try and fit it in so now we're almost up to his head and we're going to bend out just a little bit and then curl back in good okay now let's come down and do the rest of his wings so we'll come out down diagonally and then we'll come back down almost to his elbow good okay now let's do the inside of his wing so we'll come up we're going to kind to run parallel to that line that we just did up curve around okay now when we come down to this side we're going to get a little closer and make it look like it's Getting Thinner it comes down here and then we'll curl in yeah you did it good job K now let's do the the connecting part the inside of his wing so we'll curl up to his arm and then we'll we can do another curve well let's just come out right there and then we'll curve all the way over to this side so I imagine that curve coming through his arm and that came out over there and then do another U good job all right now let's do two lines one two the and those are the wrinkles in his wings I think yeah okay let's do the other wing all right we're gonna do a little bump coming out of his shoulder and we're g to curl up this one's a little more bumpy huh we'll do another another curl and then we'll do that same little horn shape that we had over here that almost looks like the same horn on his head too good okay and then we'll come down another down diagonally and we'll do another one in good okay now let's go back over here and we're going to do the same thing we're going to draw parallel to that line that we just did come around over to this side good you concentrating yeah all right he looks awesome we got to finish this Wing we'll do a curve line here good and then we'll do another curved line that just comes over here oh oh yours your Wing's a little bit different huh and that's totally cool so I would just do another bump that connects to there yeah good job okay and then let's do two more lines on this side for the wrinkles and his wings all right what are we missing dude um his tail yeah let's get that in there okay we're going to draw a part of his tail underneath his body and then we're going to imagine it coming over here so past his leg and curling up right to there good and then we'll come back over here and we want to we're going to start thin but then we're going to get thicker as we come down so here we go we're going to curve down like that into his body see how it starts thin and then it gets wider as it gets into his body then let's do the fire okay so this is just going to be kind of wiggly line comes out of his tail and then we'll do another wiggly line over on this side good and you're so I'm I have the wing kind of covering his fire so what you can do is just come back up and curl into his wing okay yeah and then just kind of go Wiggly in into his wing so it looks like fire yeah okay now do this side and you can kind of Wiggle back up into there okay yeah keep going you did it man that's awesome so we're gonna we're not going to color we're not going to draw anything else Inside the Fire we're going to use red and yellow to to make that look even better okay all right you ready to color them though yeah all right let's do it all right dude we got our colors all picked out and we got some awesome colors we got white gray we got red and yellow that we're going to use for the fire then we got kind of this light this uh it's still a light yellow but it's not as bright we're going to use that for his belly then we've got a light and a dark blue green these are just blue green colors one's called Aquamarine the other one's called peacock blue and we're going to use those for his wings and his eye and then we're going to use uh this is an orange what is this called gold something uh gold golden rod and this one is called uh yellowed orange and if our friends don't have these you can just use any color that kind of looks like it and it's still going to turn out super awesome yeah okay so we're going to do a lot of fast forwarding we're going to start with this orange we're going to color all of the orange Parts we're going to actually do the whole thing and then we'll pause it and our friends can kind of catch up cool yeah all right let's do it right now hey dude before we color anymore there was one line that we kind of left out and it's right here on his tail I'm going to draw that in really quick so that we can keep going so this part up here is going to be orange and then this part down here is going to be yellow so it's just another curved line that comes off of his tail and connects back into his body cool yeah all right let's keep going okay cool dude man he turned out awesome okay so our art friends can pause it right now okay so they can look at their drawings and then copy what we did so we used the light blue green on his wings we used orange on his body and then we used uh the yellow and we we actually did this very lightly we didn't press very hard on his belly and then we did uh red for the outside of the fire and then yellow on the inside of the fire then we also did the light uh blue green inside his eyes Okay okay so they can pause the video right now and then catch up and then we're going to keep going cool yeah all right so now we're going to take the dark orange that we have and we're going to add the Shadows so we're not going to do any blending this is just going to be a St straight Shadows so we're going to do a line right here under his neck and then we're going to color in between his head and that line so that it looks darker like there's a cast Shadow underneath his head is that cool and that makes it instantly look like his head is kind of further out than his neck it looks more 3D huh and if we had a darker orange we could probably try and get that a little bit darker under there but I think that's cool all right then we're going to do another shadow in his AR in his hand inside his hand if this doesn't this might not show up on the video very well but maybe we could try a darker color while you're trying this one so we'll do a little Shadow right here on the inside of his hand and the inside of his hand here and then we're also going to come down here and do a shadow on his tail so the bottom part of the orange on his tail then we can also come down here and we'll do a shadow on the side of his foot and the inside side of his leg right here so we'll do a line there and then color everything on the inside of that the dark orange cool okay we'll fast forward while you do yours okay there you go perfect job dude okay now we're going to use the same yellow that we did on his belly and remember how we just we did lightly we did a light layer on his belly right so now we're going to do the Shadow with the same color but we're going to do it a this is a little bit different so the orange we used a darker orange this time we're using the same yellow but we're going to press harder so I'm going to draw a line that comes over here under his from this leg over to this leg and just kind of a curved line that matches the bottom of his belly and then we'll do it we'll press a lot harder below that line like that and see how that kind of does the same thing that we did on the legs or with the orange but we're using the same color we're not using a darker yellow pretty neat huh it's another little trick and then what we're going to do after that and then we'll come back up here and we'll blend his belly so it looks more smooth and doesn't have that texture okay now we're going to add a shadow to his wings so we're going to use the darker blue green and we're going to do similar to what we did on the orange we're using a dark we used a darker orange here we use a darker blue here here on his wings okay so we got a line that's going to come up and it's going to follow his the orange part of his wing come up here and then we're going to come down on this side over here so hopefully that shows up on the camera so we got this this line in here and then we're going to fill in everything in between and this should look darker so we're going to press really hard so that we can make it solid and then it'll look like a shadow underneath his in the inside of his wing like that is that cool hey now we're going to do this we'll do the same thing on this side and then I'll give it to you and you can do yours cool dude all right the last step we're going to get the gray and this is going to help if if your pencil is sharp so we want to make sure that you have a little point on the end and that's because we're going to do the small little details and this may not show up in the video but we're going to just on the right side of his fingernail we're going to add a little Shadow on each of each of his Talons okay and then on this side we'll do on the bottom of this Talon okay so on the it's more on the left side on that and then we'll do it over here we'll do the same put it on the right side little Talons and then down here on his toes toenails we do it on the left side so it looks like it's on the bottom and this I will do it on the right again so it looks like it's on the bottom of his toenails cool want to do it to yours yeah dude good job man you did such an awesome job at Charizard give me five mom is gonna freak out when she sees that Charizard yeah I promise man she's going to go nuts you did a really good job what was your favorite part um probably the whole thing the whole thing that was my favorite part too and you know what do ours look the same m no they don't they look a little different don't they yeah but what's the most important thing to have fun yeah it's not important that your drawings look exactly like ours right but remember that the most important thing is to have fun it's okay if your drawing looks a little different than ours and the important thing also is to practice right yeah and the second time you do it I promise it'll look better than the first time right we should practice too shouldn't we yeah yes we should we hope you guys had fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye and there
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 7,813,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, pokemon, charizard
Id: -RRw77w183w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2015
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