How To Draw Venom

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here for us today we're gonna be drivin oh yeah alright checkers you get to Barker yeah alright we hope you guys are gonna follow along with us you have something to draw with in some paper in front of you your name really isn't checkers is it yeah it's just a nickname what's your real name yeah yeah real names Jack yeah and my name is Rob and we do this every day Monday through Friday right and our channel is art for kids hub and if you haven't subscribed yet be sure to subscribe we do this every day Monday through Friday yes let's start yeah alright dude we're going to start with our paper horizontal or landscape okay we're gonna start with this face it's gonna be right in the middle of our paper but towards the top we're gonna start with his eyes and Venom has the coolest size yeah he's awesome pepper eyes pepper oh yeah they kind of do look like peppers alright so we're gonna do two curls and this one is going to start we're going to do the other eye together with it and we're gonna draw just the same thing so two curves almost like a smile with a gap in the middle okay alright did you smile and then just yeah leave the gap yeah all right key now let's draw the top of his eye and we're gonna draw it it's gonna be an S line okay yes and it looks like a pepper there we go hot looks like hot pepper and we got to do the same on this side so that makes them look a little more angry when we make it an S okay now we're gonna curve we're gonna curve around like this okay and then we're going to curve this side over - this is like the stem the stem of the pepper yeah I'm never gonna be able to look at his eyes and say alright and then we're gonna do the same on this side over here don't curve this around also and they can be kind of jagged and wobbly it'll look cooler ah so good job dude okay now let's do a smile and we're gonna do this my got a big smile when he opens his mouth but he looks pretty dangerous after we get all the details in there I'm gonna do that big smile all right and then let's draw his teeth so I'm gonna do a big w right in the middle it's gonna be a crazy w this is for his front teeth that's like a bug yeah and then I'm gonna do zigzags all the way up the side of his mouth on that side and zigzags on this side all right and if we go too fast reminder art friends at home what they can do pause the video yes you guys can always pause the video and rewind it even if you need to that looks cool dude alright now let's draw his tongue and Venom has the craziest tongue on the planet on the planet it's gonna be a big s line it's going to come around like that curls yes sweet okay now on this side we're going to draw the other part of his tongue coming out and as we come over here we're going to get smaller and smaller as we get around to the end of this tongue all right we got his tongue in there and that looks sweet okay so now we're going to draw the bottom of his mouth and so on this side we're going to draw a line that comes down and connects to the tongue if you have room and we're going to do the same over here this side is going to come down and connect will not connect just come down and then we're going to angle it over the bottom left and we're going to curve back up and upside down you rainbow line and then this line that goes through is top that ends here in his tongue we're going to imagine it going behind his tongue and coming down here and connecting to his chin good job alright now let's do that say that kind of crazy W except this time it's going to be an M for his front teeth and then we're going to draw zigzags or jagged lines that go back for his teeth back here and then we're going to do we can do some zigzags on this side also oh dude that looks really creepy alright okay we might run out of room but let's try to fit them in okay so now we're going to draw the top of this head and it's going to come over so we're going to start it here just draw a curve that comes over his eyes and down into his jaw oh it's creepy now we're going to come down through here so imagine that coming behind his tongue and then we're going to create the jaw underneath his mouth and we're going to keep coming around over to this side and then we're going to come back up good oh you know what let's keep going let's keep going all the way up a little bit further is creepy that is super spooky okay now let's draw hit the top of this the top of this back so it's going to be a big curve that goes over top of his head and I'm going to curve this just a little bit further down over here on the sand okay now that we're going to turn this into his chest so what's going to come connect to his tongue and we're going to come behind his tongue and imagine it coming through we're going to connect it right to his jaw good and then we're going to come back on this side and keep the line going so we're imagine that you want to imagine that line going smoothly through all of those parts okay and then we're going to end it over here so I've curved up just a little bit at the end there we go good job okay now let's draw his first arm and this arm is going to be super awesome and it's going to come down to his big hand right here so let's draw his shoulder first and this is going to be a big curve we're going to start right here and get really close to his head come up and connect to that line then we're going to draw Alice let's have that Cup that line come down a little further - they're good okay now let's draw a shoulder muscle this is going to curve out again and that kind of looks symmetrical to this line all right now we're going to draw his biceps and this is going to be a really strong bicep so another curve so we're going to start inside his shoulder and then draw another C shape good now we're going to draw his tricep and that's the muscle behind his bicep okay now let's draw his forearm and his elbow so his elbow is going to be right here but we're going to draw his big forearm that comes around and comes this way so let's draw let me give you a point so we're going to have a point here and then this is going to be aimed over here so this curves going to come out and hit that point good job okay now let's draw the other part of his form and it's going to come down to his wrist that's a strong arm all right now let's draw his hand right here so we're going to draw a curve that connects those two lines so this is a wrist is and then we're going to draw his first finger and it's going to be going to sharp a sharp finger so it's a v-shape there we go all right now let's draw his other finger and this one we're going to first draw a rectangle okay and I want it to be the same thickness as this finger so see how thick that this finger is you want the same thickness good okay now we're going to add that same V right here that we we tree right there good let's come back to this finger and we'll draw a little knuckle line so that's what this line is right here is is knuckle and we're going to add a little knuckle there so we're going to draw another rectangle right here next to this one and it's going to be the same size as that one good okay and then we'll do the same thing draw another v-shape that connects at the bottom okay now we're going to draw his thumb and it's okay that our drawings look different right yeah most important thing is Jaffa yes to have fun so here we go we're going to draw the thumb and it's going to be a curve or a bent line there we go good and then we're going to curve this back up I'll connect it to that line and then we'll connect right here for the thickness of his thumb good job all right now let's draw a curve that goes behind all of his fingers for the palm of his hand there we go man we did it there's his hand okay now you have the his chest connected I'm going to go ahead and connect my chest and mines in a different spot and that's totally cool let's draw his other arm so we're going to draw his shoulder this big shoulder curve and this is the same muscle that's over here and I'm going to connect it to his tongue so let's go ahead and connect his shoulder into his tongue there we go good job all right now let's draw his bicep so we're going to have another curve that comes out and this we're going to go ahead and just complete all the way into his chest yes that looks awesome okay now let's draw his forearm so we're down here on this part of his his arm so draw a little curve there and then we're going to draw the rest the other part of his arm comes out and connects and we want the same so look at this distance right here this is his wrist how thick his wrist is you want to make sure that that's close to the same thickness over here good job yeah that looks great right now let's draw that same curve that connected at his wrist that we drew over here but we're going to draw this hand looking like it's going to claw something yeah so let's draw a little flat line we're going to run out of room and that's really cool so just imagine it off the page and see if you can still draw all the same steps to a little you and that's the same we could make that sharper there we go okay now let's draw this line that comes out we're going to draw his fingers next so here it's okay we could extend your paper but let's just keep going so I'm going to draw a line that comes out like this we're going to turn this into I'm going to connect it like that we're going to drew the outside of his arm or his hand there we go just like that and then we're going to draw his first and draw his first pinky finger here and I'm going to do the same thing for the middle finger and then as index finger there we go good job dude and we can add you only drew half the hand but you did awesome so let's draw it we could draw a little curve for this curve here in your hand okay let's draw his legs next so we're going to draw his thigh muscle this is the top part of his leg and this is going to his knee good and then we're going to draw a little bump for his knee and then we're going to draw the front part of his leg good okay awesome good job okay now we're going to draw the thickness of his leg so we'll come back up here I'm going to draw this going into his knee get a little closer and then let's draw us calf muscle it comes down to his ankle okay good now let's draw his foot so if the back of his foot comes out for the heel and then let's draw the front of his foot to his toes okay and then we're going to draw we're going to draw that toes individually so let's draw this toe first okay and then it kind of looks like he has claws so we're going to draw another curve and then this one's going to go back and connect to the heel yeah that looks awesome okay then let's connect that middle toe we did it that wasn't too hard right yeah okay now let's draw we would draw this line connecting over to his hand and we're going to draw his other leg back over here behind this arm so let's draw his knee first so we'll draw a little cap a little kneecap or u-shape and that's this curve his knee and it will draw a big calf muscle it comes out and then stops there and then let's draw the other part coming in go ahead okay now let's draw his foot and it's going to be different because it's aimed right at us so we're going to draw one curve on this side and another curve on this side now let's draw the middle toe and I'm going to come below these two lines and draw a big upside down you okay good now let's make it a little bit bigger so let's draw a line from here all the way over to there good that's awesome and then we can draw a curve at the bottom to connect the bottom good okay now let's draw one more toe right next to a little upset another upside down v3 upside down u shape well connect the bottom and we'll do the same on this side now connect the bottom good that looks awesome he's got an extra toe looks like that's okay dude he's missing one thing what is he missing like the design on his chest yeah he's missing the spider on his chest okay so we're going to draw a little zigzag right here and then a big line that comes all the way over his back okay and then we're going to do on this side we're going to do that same design a little little V upside down V right here and then a big line that goes over his chest good job okay now we're going to come back down and we're going to draw the other side of this leg so this is the big spider leg going over his shoulder so that V comes down and then I'm going to connect that V into that line his shoulder line perfect and then let's do the same on this side it'll be upside down V and then I don't need to draw the rest of it because we'll just imagine it behind his tongue all right okay now let's draw his next leg and this is going to be another upside-down V and then go into his arm good and we'll draw the other part of that leg and then let's just keep going on this side and then we'll add the details on the other side after so I'm going to draw another leg that comes down okay and then add the thickness to that leg okay we'll add one more let's add one more leg and this one's just going to go straight into his into his belly and then the thickness for that leg all right okay now let's draw this the bottom of the spider a little v it's a kind of a v-shape and then connect that into his belly good and then let's add those little legs these legs over here on this side so this first one I'm going to add that add two upside-down V's okay and then one more I'm just gonna connect two line straight across good job dude you did awesome yeah did you have fun yeah your promise yeah it looks super scary and I would never want to mess with him I'm glad spider-man can take care oh yeah all right so we still need a coloring so let's pick out our colors and we'll come right back okay all right we're only gonna use three colors white black and red red is for his mouth we are going to fast forward the whole coloring of this but we are going to do a lot of shading so at the end will you guys composite but we're going to talk about the shading after we're done okay let's fast-forward right now all right checkers man we did it that was a lot of black shading yeah different five you did awesome did you have a lot of fun yeah now this is a great exercise to work on your muscles no I mean shady he's been working out but we're working on our shadings and so there's when you're doing this with you guys composite this video if you're doing this exercise with us and you composite and you could try to match the shading that we did and what I tried to do is imagine a light shining down on top of them and so right here on the top of his muscles it'll be lighter and then underneath the bottom of his muscles and in here underneath his legs and on this chest it's really really dark does that make sense and then it makes his muscles look really strong and 3d now what we did on his tongue is we use the white to blend that the red pencil marks so that it looks really smooth and we could go over the whole thing and blend the black also to do to take out those pencil marks we're using prismacolor pencils and this works really well with prismacolor but not so well with other con other brands like Crayola but you could try it if you want and see see how smooth that makes us his head gets rid of that texture and but we're going to leave it just like this we're going to end our lesson maybe after the video we can go through and take the time to smooth everything out look at that looks like butter we hope you guys had a lot of fun drawing your venom with us this is an awesome activity to work on shading muscles making them look super 3d yeah now remember it's okay that your drawing does it look perfect or exactly like ours most important thing is Gotha yes to have fun and we'll see you later our friends good bye you
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 4,703,674
Rating: 4.6588693 out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, Venom, Spiderman
Id: fevQ7-dlkV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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