How to make free mockups for your Etsy printables - 100% FREE! No Photoshop! GIMP mockup tutorial

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hi welcome to my channel um if you randomly came across here hello um i like to do a bunch of diy projects like sewing and painting and recently i've delved into the world of selling printable products online and when i first got started um i had no idea how to make something called a mock-up so i'm gonna make a video today that i wish existed when i first started my etsy st my etsy shop and so what i'm going to do for you today is i'm going to teach you how to make mock-ups completely for free i know you probably think you need to spend a lot of money to get all your pictures listed with all these beautiful mock-ups but that's a common misconception you don't need to pay any money to get started selling on etsy so i'm gonna show you how to do that um here's my etsy shop it's called aesthetic solace uh i've almost been in business about a year i think i'm doing pretty well and i sell mostly printable wall art some principle stationery but mostly principal wall art now if you don't know what a mock-up is which i didn't when i first started so just trying to google how to do this was kind of funny because i didn't even know what search terms to use let me show you what a mock-up is so let me just go to one of my listings so a mock-up is when you stage your product so like if you were selling mugs with a picture of a dog on it you would want a mock-up of that dog on the mug a picture that is so for my shop most of my mock-ups are picture frames so this is a mock-up of a art product i sell of a woman in her towel some bathroom art and you want to make sure you have a variety of like different style rooms so that the buyer can kind of visualize the product in their own space so here's like kind of a boho themed mock-up here's a bathroom mock-up another boho themed mock-up a bathroom mock-up a bathroom mock-up so that's what a mock-up is you don't need photoshop to do this i'm going to introduce you to a software called is basically the free photoshop here i'm not going to go into details today about how to download if you need help with that leave a comment i can try to help but honestly just google download and you want to make sure that you're downloading it for the type of computer you have so whether that's a windows or mac or like a linux if i get enough comments asking for help i can make a video on that but for today's video to keep it short i won't so the first thing you're going to want to do is you need to find a source image where am i going to find a picture of a picture frame so you can't just use any image you find you want to make sure you're using it legally some people sell mock-up photos like literally sell pictures of photo frames that you can use for your shop you can buy those if you want but you don't have to i'm going to show you what i use a lot it's called unsplash unsplash is a website where anybody can submit any kind of photo and you can use it for whatever you want it's completely free and it's legal to do so so i'm just gonna search picture frame so when you're looking for an image to use you want to make sure well you don't have to maybe i can make a video on more complicated frames later but to keep it simple and easy on you for this video at least we're going to pick an image that the frame is mostly like straight on and square it's not like tilted or anything and there's no shadows casting on it no light glare um like this is a good one to use right here also you want to make sure the image is at least 2000 pixels wide that's just for etsy in particular you don't it doesn't have to be that wide like i have a couple in my shop that they're like 1500 pixels wide and etsy will throw you an error not an error but it'll throw you a warning message that says this might not look the best quality pick an image that's 2000 pixels wide but it'll still let you it it looks okay you don't want to go much smaller than like 1500 so i'm gonna download this image and what next we need to go to where's give me one second what just happened yep yep there we go so we're opening up and this is what looks like it looks very similar to photoshop if you're familiar with that um the first step we need to open that file we just downloaded to do that go to file open and just find the image and click open uh you'll see this pop up just i like to keep the settings like that and just click convert excuse me okay here's our image and you can see up on the ruler here it says it's a little more than 2000 pixels wide so we're good to go there the first thing you want to do is we need to get rid of the art in this frame right so we don't want to show this art we want to show our own art so um you want to go you're going to want to go to the left over here and you're going to want to click this paths tool if you don't see it here click on tools and then it'll be right here paths so the way paths works is you can it's for creating like polygonal shapes or like a square shape or a triangle shape um that's not necessarily true but for the purposes of this video we'll go with that so we need to basically select a rectangle around the art and to do that we need to make four points with this tool this paths tool so i'm going to scroll or zoom in that is into the left corner of the art and i'm just going to click damn there's a little anchor point now you have to go around in a circle to do this you can't click like in this corner this corner that one that one it won't work go in a circle and it doesn't matter which way i'm going to scroll down and i'm going to click in the corner here bam go to the right click in the corner here bam and then scroll up bam i did four corners but i need to connect it together to complete the rectangle so i'm going to go back to my first anchor point and i'm going to hold down the control button you can see it's going to change when i hover over the anchor point like that and then click so now we've created one big rectangle um i forgot a crucial step so over here on the layers so over here on the right this is the dock for all your layers so that's how photosh not photoshop that's how works you're basically making an image with a bunch of layers right now we only have one layer it's the image we imported so you need to right click on this and click add alpha channel i forgot that it doesn't matter that we did it now and not at the beginning but that has to be done okay so i'm going to scroll in and just make sure everything is highlighted because sometimes even though an image looks completely square it's not like i can see right here not all the white is selected i'm just going to hold i'm going to click on this anchor point here hold down my mouse and just move it down a little bit same on this side down this needs to move to the left a little bit needs to move to the right a little bit and this needs to move right a little bit more that is good okay so all of the art is selected i add an anchor point how do you i get rid of that i forgot ah okay i accidentally added an anchor point so let me just teach you how to get rid of it click shift control hold that down hover over the anchor point you're going to see that little negative sign and then click it it'll go away i'm kind of glad that happened so in case that happens to you that's how you get rid of it okay now i have the art selected i'm going to click enter you're going to see these little dashed lines start glittering that means that you're now selecting that area and then you're gonna click delete on your keyboard and now it gets rid of the art and when you on when you see this checkered checkerboard pattern that's just empty space that's nothing there so basically your image right now is an image of this room with the frame and a big hole in it there's nothing there um to unselect this rectangle now click ctrl shift a and now we need to import our art so let me find some art i'm going to click file open as layers i'm just gonna pick the same art i just showed earlier okay oh that's not the same one that's okay all right so you can see we have a problem now my art is on top of the frame so we've got two layers now we've got the artwork and we've got the frame with that hole in it it's in the wrong order it needs to be like this kind of like a real picture frame so you want the art under the picture frame so to change the order go to this little layers icon or dock over here right now we're hovering on the top layer the art click on that and just drag your mouse down and it'll switch the order now we have another problem the art is too big so we need to scale the art so make sure you're clicking on the layer with the art over here click shift s and now we can scale the image now you want to make sure that this here this is on the lock position not unlocked if it's unlocked and you start scaling it you can just distort your image so make sure that's locked and you can just click on these corners here to start moving around your image and basically you just want to stage it in the frame there we go scale and there we go it's staged now i personally think this looks a little fake at this point it looks very digital i want to make it look like it's in the actual room and it's not a truly digital image so to do that we're going to first add a shadow to the frame then we're going to adjust the colors and the exposures on the art itself and then we're going to apply a filter to the art to make it look like it's printed on canvas so first step add the shadow to the frame so we're going to want to click on the layer with the frame over here on the right um click filters click light and shadow then click drop shadow okay so you can see it produced a shadow already there's a shadow right there and there's the shadow right there that according to the lighting in this in this room that's incorrect at this point the light is being cast from the right side so we want to replicate that in the frame so you have an x-axis and a y-axis the x-axis is for shadows on the left and the right side and then the y-axis is for shadows on the top and the bottom so i need a shadow on the right side and on the top yes that's right okay so i'm going to click this unlock here because if it's locked it moves them both together but i need them to be separated so i'm going to click unlock and nope all right there we go so now the shadow's on the right side and then there we go so now we have a shadow on no yeah that's right okay so um what was i gonna do okay so there we have our shadows if you want to decrease the opacity or increase it you would do that with this right here i don't want it that dark though um you can change the blur radius so if you want it like really blurred that looks silly i usually like to keep it as is i think that looks good so you can also change the color of the shadow i usually never do but if you want to you would just click this here and change the color so click ok now we have our shadow on the frame the next step is to change the coloring a little bit on the art itself so sometimes depending on the room the room might look a little warm or cool so a warm room has more like oranges and reds in it and a cool room has more blues and purples in it this room looks pretty warm to me like you can tell the pillows are actually white but with the lighting they look like an oranges an orangish white so my artwork right now is pretty warm toned already so i'm not going to adjust it but if my artwork was kind of cool toned i would want to adjust it a little bit too slightly warmer to fit the lighting in the room if you want to do that make sure you're on the layer with your artwork click colors color temperature and then on this intended temperature you can just play around with that so if i go down it gets cooler more blue if i go up it gets more orange but i'm not gonna do that um i'm gonna lower the exposure a little bit it's not truly like bright white in this room it's a little bit of a duller white so we're going to lower the exposure just a little that looks good to me and lastly i'm going to apply a filter to the art to make it look like it's printed on canvas i think it looks a little flat now like it still looks like a digital image i want it to look like a canvas artwork so i'm going to make sure still i'm highlighted on the layer with the artwork click filters artistic and apply canvas and for mode i usually like to go with luma luminance lighten only or the other one darken only i'm gonna go with or should i go with darken i'm gonna go with darken in this case just play around and see what looks good to you um for depth if you go higher it looks like a really textured canvas i don't want it like that though so i'm just going to put just the tiniest bit of texture and i think that looks good there if i scroll in it looks like a canvas i'm going to click ok and that's pretty much it that's how i stage my photos and this is all 100 free you don't have to pay for anything uh to export this image click ctrl shift e or you can um click file export as and you just name your file whatever you want and save it and then you can upload it to etsy if you have any questions leave a comment i'll try my best to help you if you want more videos about stuff like this about selling on etsy how to do it let me know and i'll try to make some more content um let's see show me some love on my shop if you want support a small business owner it helps me to make some money to be able to make some more content for you that's pretty much it um trying to think if i'm missing anything i don't think i am okay thanks for watching bye
Channel: as told by Brittany
Views: 10,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy mockup free, mockups for printables, mockups tutorial, etsy printable, how to make passive income on etsy, free mockup tools, etsy mockup photos, selling on etsy tips, how to sell printables on etsy, etsy digital products listing, gimp mockup tutorial, free photoshop mockup, etsy digital downloads, selling on etsy, etsy shop, how to use mockups, mockup without photoshop, how to create etsy listing photo, etsy tips for beginners, how to put art in picture frame photoshop
Id: yY3Is3UlF4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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