How to Make Coloring Pages using Canva & Clip Studio Paint

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel my name is mayor and i teach creative people how to sell their art online and today's video is something that i've been waiting a long time to do which is how to design coloring pages and there are many many ways to create coloring pages of all kinds you can make coloring pages by sketching them on paper and then digitizing them with photoshop just you know going over the lines on a different layer you can full on just create them on your photoshop if you have you know those skills where you could just draw on the screen or if you're using a tablet that is also a screen it's really really easy to just you know if you're a sketcher sketch artist it's really easy to just make them on the sketch pad on the wacom tablet if it is a screen or on your ipad but what i was aiming for today is something more for beginners or for people who don't know if this is something for them or don't have the equipment to flat out just do something you know flat out doing some sketch art or don't know how to do it if you already know how to make coloring pages in terms of design and you already work with a good tablet and a good ipad and you already got things down on how to make the actual coloring pages please join us tomorrow for a video that will be targeting how to sell coloring pages whether as printables on etsy or shopify or with a woocommerce store or as kdp items or all kinds of options that you basically have if you create coloring pages and want to sell them online but for today's video i was trying to keep things basic so a lot of these coloring pages were actually made using canva but i also incorporated some of the things that i did some of these coloring pages with clip studio paint clip studio paint is a paid membership program and software for design it's very similar to photoshop though i think that they cost a bit less and i actually got it for free when i purchased my wacom tablet which is this cutie by the way and i'm loving it i've had this one i think since too the end of 2018 i think i got it i got it at the black friday sale it was about 320 shekels which is a little less than a hundred dollars and it's been with me for you know i think three and a half years now it's been going quite well i got tired sketches with it i got clip studio paint with it and another software that i really don't remember because i've never actually used and it's really really comfortable for me even though you don't sketch like on this this is not a screen tablet so you just connect it to your computer and i actually sometimes just find myself you know using this as my mouse pad because it's super easy especially if my computer is a bit further away so i kind of get this like sometimes you know i'm watching netflix and movies over and i just click on this and change the movie because i'm too lazy to get up and i do love this tool and i use it quite a lot in my designs and i'm also going to be using it today especially when i do like mandela's but it's really important for me that you guys understand that when i'm using clip studio paint i think almost any possible feature of clip studio paint is going to be existing in photoshop so you can still use photoshop if you want to even though that i'm using clip studio paint they still have this kaleidoscope and symmetrical ruler effect it's just about the concept and i really hope that today's video is going to broaden your mind in terms of what a coloring page is if you're not a colorist or someone who's into coloring pages maybe before creating coloring pages you might want to join some coloring pages groups on facebook and just see you know what kind of coloring pages people like to color on a day-to-day basis and as i said before if you are making professional coloring pages already tune in tomorrow for the video on how to sell coloring pages online because it's not going to be just about the platforms you can use to sell it's also going to be about some tips in terms of marketing relating some of these groups as well as well as instagram so with that being said we're gonna get started right after these three little announcements one if you're tuning in for the live premiere of this video you might have noticed that i'm also in the chat which i don't remember what side it's going to be on because i don't know if my camera of this phone is going to flip the screen over or not i'm using this i'm filming with a new phone right now so i'm still not sure but you might have seen that i am currently active in the live chat and that's because this is not a live video this is a live youtube premiere which means that i basically upload this video and for the very first time that it's being seen on youtube we get to watch it together so if you have any questions throughout this video please use the live chat to do that my second announcement regards more in-depth questions whether it's about you know something that you want to do professionally or whether you want to ask me something about my business other than youtube or what i currently do for a living or personal questions or questions about youtube there is a form down below in the description for ask me anything questions and i will be answering all of these questions in a video next month there is also a form down below for shop review videos and the next stop review video that we have is on the 29th i'm actually recording this one myself and not with another person because it's going to take me a long time to edit a video with another person i'm going to be recording a shop review video with my dad in the next few days and i will be editing it and uploading it only in may when i reach pansco bulgaria and sort of you know get a glimpse of what's going on because i'm kind of rushing into these videos these days because my schedule is crazy busy it's like in some of these videos i think that the video premiering on saturday it's going to premiere well i'm on my way to the airport to get covered test for the flight so it's kind of like crazy crazy days but what we are going to see today is i think it's quite nice and i do know that a lot of these coloring pages techniques i'm kind of using myself because i started doing coloring pages as a part of my art therapy for ptsd and severe anxiety and it's helped me a lot i also know that when kovitz started i really wanted to help out a lot of people and i tried you know talking to elderly people in my building if they need my help you know getting groceries even though i think that most of them could pretty much carry more groceries than me but everybody gets so freaked out because i was only speaking like english and i reached out to some hospitals that i have contacts and i sent them coloring pages to just give out to kids and cover departments and it was amazing because i do know the intensity of how coloring pages as a lifestyle can really help you dealing with pretty much anything it's a really good way to get a sort of like this initial painting and color it and make something pretty even if you're not an artist yourself and i'm talking about like in terms of the people who might buy from you and i think that understanding the concept of coloring pages and why people color is a significant step and trying to create coloring pages and with that being said we're just going to go to my computer where i'm going to show you some techniques that i use to make coloring pages using canva and clip studio paint some of them are actually pretty pretty simple so we're going to go over them together and then we're gonna go back to me and you know sort of finalize this and talk a bit more about tomorrow so enough with this chit chat let's go to my screen and make some cute coloring pages guys so i'm here on camera i'm going to click on create a design and the thing is that i want my design to be a4 document which is most of the world's way of printing in the home printer but if i go onto an a4 document what i'm getting is a vertical document and i'm not sure i want to use a vertical one for my coloring pages so i'm also going to create another one that is horizontal just by looking you know this is 21 centimeters by 29.7 so i'm going to do the reverse i'm going to write down 29.7 centimeters by 29 21 sorry and this way i have both the horizontal and the vertical options if i want to now the very first thing that you can do and i know that a lot of people do like to do it is having coloring pages that are text based and sort of have elements in the background so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to text and we're going to think about a nice word for example spring and i'm going to select it and i'm going to make it all in upper caps and i'm gonna make it bigger and now it's all about choosing the font and making the effects so i'm just looking into some interesting fonts here because this is one is really interesting and i want to see how they come off when i when i basically hollow them you know which is what you need for a coloring page and if i do it like this i don't know if you've noticed but it sort of goes on top of each other which i don't like so i'm going to space them up a bit and this would be my word but i'm not sure that now after seeing it you know with the font now that i like it so i'm gonna try a few other fonts i think this one has real good potential but this one might be nicer to color but here the spaces are too much so i'm just gonna shrink them down a bit and i want to see how it looks if i also choose the effect of the curve because now you can choose double effects in canva and canva thank you so much for that option this is so cool so i'm going to choose something like this and i'm going to center the whole thing and it kind of feels like it's not really working for me like i need to adjust it more because sometimes with a curve you actually feel like you need to tilt it a bit for it actually to be straight and now that i'm looking at it now i don't want the curve at all i just like it like this but the problem here is what i have with the hollow text is that if i put anything behind it for example if i go here and i choose like heart just you know and i put it behind it then this is truly a hollow text and it's not for me so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back to effects if i do want to have the option of putting things in the background and choose splice and make the color of the splice white and change the thickness and minimize all the offset i don't think you can see it here but for example if i change it back to blue then this is the offset and this is purely in the middle and now it's going to be white and now if i add a heart and put it behind it then it's going to be you know full on white here full-on coloring space and actually you know i'm just looking at it now and i'm thinking like something like this could actually be nice for redbubble maybe i'll keep it as an idea later on but now that we have our word and i do want to try another font sorry guys i'm such a perfectionist because if i'm looking at how much space this word is taking for my page then the space between the sides is not very dimensional to the space from the up and down but i think that anton is going to fix that because anton is very narrow and if what you are looking for is narrow fonts you can just search for them which would be incredibly easy for example this one which is really really cool i kind of like this one let me have a look at some more this one's too narrow this one is kind of nice but i think that for me to be able to efficiently select a font i will have to do it after i'm looking at the entire page itself although you know what i kind of really dig this one this is glicker condensed and it's really pretty and i just want to make it a bit bigger and i want to make sure that the splice is thinner i don't want it to be too bulky and minimize the space between the letters just a bit so this is going to be my word and what i'm going to do here in elements is basically write down outlined because that will give me basically you know coloring pages and i don't want these because it keeps on popping up and it's not really good for coloring pages so i'm gonna choose only static and here i have a lot of outlined and it's sort of a mix of things that i can use and can't use because obviously this is not something that would fit me but you know the butterflies here and the bugs are really really you know spring material so i might want to use them but it's also important to notice that if you choose one of them they are full on see-through they don't have any white spaces if i put one on top of the other they're gonna clash and let me just browse through there are some flowers here like leaves so maybe if i click on it it's gonna open more no sometimes it opens more options just scroll down and i can't really find what i'm looking for at this point maybe this one and you see magic recommendations opening up but again this is totally see-through so it might not be for me and i do want to see more of the things that i could use although this could be a really nice coloring page for kids if you know these are like very big animals or very big flower elements let's just try flower and what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and select the color black and it will give me more of an outlined type of flowers i really do like this one i think that this could be really really cute but obviously this would need to be in the back of the spring and maybe let's select another one like this and put it down here and i really want to try to match the width of the line to the width of the existing files so what i'm going to do is i'm going to play with the size until it looks like it's the right width of the line something like this there are actually a lot of ways to make sure that this looks better for example with this one i can manually select that everything is going to be white in the middle which will make my life so much easier other than the fact that it's really bulky so i'm not sure that i'll be able to use it because the black lines are very very strong and very very thick let's try to find something from the magical recommendations once i clicked on it and see if we have anything with like strong limited lines this one maybe nope this one doesn't have lines at all maybe this one because it does have the white feature you know me not likey so what i can do with this one is basically try and duplicate everything that i like using and just you know flipping it over using it in multiple spaces but the problem i will have is if one of them goes on top of the other and this is an actual problem that you can solve really fast by simply going over here and if i type in this one if i copy paste it here i can basically download this as a png file with the background and then clean it up myself by using using whatever software that you're using this one seems nice i think we've discovered i think in a lot of cases using canva it's just about you know trying to be creative and really thinking about what you're doing and really browsing through the options because there are so many options here but i mean come on these are full-on ready-made for coloring they're pretty you just have to make sure that they're black because a lot of them come off not black enough for example this one won't do but the ones with the white option are the ones that i'm going to choose and i can actually grab this one and flip it twice vertically and horizontally and align it here with this one sort of like you know create a frame for my coloring page and let's just grab the spring here and bring it up top and i think i might even have to make it a bit bigger as well as minimize these two for the spring word to be efficient like this i really do kind of like it i think it's cool i'm just looking into other things like what are the colors here okay just pink not good for me colors here this would be nice this would be very nice but this would be like a more simple coloring page even this one might be nice for me but for example if i take this one i can just grab it and bring it back to my vertically aligned page stretch it all the way color everything full on black let's see if i want these to be black or white yeah this might be good as white and i can open this basically here on the entire page and add text to it and these are very very basic coloring pages very very basic and another thing that i know a lot of people like to color is sort of like not color the full page but sort of have like coloring elements so for that what i'm going to do is i'm going to check out some of the things that i like here for example i really do like this one i think it will make for a nice coloring element and i really do like the same one basically just without the leaves i think it will make for a good coloring element there is another one here really good coloring element i really do love them they're so pretty let me just see all of them from this line oh we have a b here which is also cute but i kind of like this one too and i want to make sure that they all sort of have the same size the same width of the line which means that this would have to be a lot bigger this would have to be a bit smaller this would have to be a bit smaller and now they all sort of look and feel the same and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to type in shape and i'm going to cancel off the black i don't really need the black here let's just clear it up i can choose the full on shapes that are just you know outlines i can find something with an outline and i can also choose like regular shapes but create the outline myself so for example if i'm looking at this one i want to create sort of a frame to it so people can basically take it and color it and even use it sort of like a sticker and even print it as a sticker page and just use it in their journals just like that but what i'm seeing here is that this frame is way way too thick for what i need as well as these ones so what i can do is i can just choose a certain shape color it in black copy paste it color it in white and then make it just the tiniest bit smaller and i'm going to grab both of these because i want to make sure that they are centered with each other i can even try and make this one even a bit bigger and then just center it here and what i'm going to do is try and see if i can make sure that it fits if it looks good like this and then grab both of them and group them and make them smaller and go here center this and send it backwards and some people do like coloring pages that are made this way even though i think that this one would fit better let's just try and center it and put this one forward there are a lot of people who like to color this way they find it like more creative not everyone likes full on coloring pages that are sketches or something you know amazing some people really do prefer to paint this way and color this way because it gives them sort of more control especially when you're a beginner and you can even tag this as a beginner coloring pages you know just to test out blending colors on a small scale i don't know if you've known anything about coloring pages but the first step in order for you to successfully sell coloring pages obviously you know you need to have some thing in your life some notion of what a coloring pages is or what people are searching for when they search for coloring pages i think it was one of the easiest things for me to sell when i had a coloring page shop i think it was like three years ago because i am a coloring enthusiast like i really do love to color it was a main part in my art therapy for ptsd so to me this is like kind of comes to heart i guess and what i can do with this one is shrink it up a bit and take it behind this flower and it doesn't have to be you know full on a line it could also be like this and this is a beautiful coloring element you can also use these elements to create coloring greeting cards which is just have a look at the greeting card tutorial that we have we had a full tutorial on how to make and sell greeting cards and you can use this one for that and i can also try and make like a weird shape here so let me just color it in black copy paste it color it in white make it a tiniest bit smaller and try to center it and see if it goes along well it might not work with some of the shapes full on but you could just you know play around with it and see if it works because for example here it really doesn't work i can also try again with the text so i can just copy the spring one and just make it really small like this and let's grab something to be behind it like something that could really fit behind these words and maybe this one nope how about this one because i can see that this one can change the sides i think it's too much maybe this try and color it copy paste it make it white shrink it up the tiniest bit and center it to this shape and let's just grab both of them you can also just do the work with the shapes on a different page here just to make sure that you get everything right and it becomes way easier by the way you do it that way so try and minimize this one and sort of put this here maybe make it a bit bigger just bring this down and position the whole thing in the back and then grab just another one flip it twice for a different look and put it here so maybe like in reverse maybe i'll put this one here and this one here and this will be another shape i'll put here on the side i want to see what else i have because remember i have like a small one oh yeah there you go i do like that i'm making these videos because i usually talk to myself when i'm designing so now i feel like i'm less crazy and i'm not sure what's going to come of this and this maybe this one should be smaller because it's the color here the colors here are way too strong for me with these flowers but you can also choose like one of these shapes let's just try and finish our spring set up color this in black duplicate color in white make it a bit smaller and center it along this shape i don't like how it looks we also have just a frame here which could work for us yep this could totally work for me and make it smaller here send it to back and center the spring on it and i know that it might seem very basic but if you create like seven pages with these styles with different words with a different alignment of flowers people would really like using them and this is basically the very first system to use obviously you can go in and try and find more outline shapes looking for different graphics you know it could be fun for you guys to just give it a try another thing that we can do here is basically to create patterns from different shapes and with this we're going to need to have the shapes full on white in the middle so we're going to need some of the shapes that we were using here because a lot of people do like to color just patterns and if i'm looking at this shape that i've now created that it is sort of a coloring page what i can do is let's say i put this one aligned here i can just sort of create a pattern from it just you know you need to really count on your eyes with this one and make sure that you're making things right to keep the spaces even like this copy all of them duplicate maybe send them a bit down below like to the side sort of to the middle of this one and then copy paste it again and full on alignment with the topper one and what i see here with this one is i might need to use another setting here like another one of these just to put it on the side and what i can do on top of it is create more shapes bring out more flowers and do other things with it because some people really do like coloring shapes and coloring patterns and you can also i think do it with the line option let's just step in line because the new line options with canva are amazing so you can basically select the weight of your line you can select if it's going to be dotted and you can select the edge of the line and you could really play around with it and actually make like a full-on you know checkered pattern and put stuff in it so for example if i'm using like this just broadly making some kind of checkered background and within this checkered background what i'm going to do is i'm going to put in flowers or put in certain things that people can color sort of like manually just creating you know my own sort of pattern world so if this is my pattern world what i can do is i can go here and grab like one of these shapes and put it here i'm actually thinking i should print these out and i think that the lines here are a bit too thick so maybe i should work on the weight of them i want to reduce all of them to two let's see if i can reduce them together one let's just you know grab all of them and see if i can reduce them together to save up time and again this is cool and what i will need to do here is to basically center up the shape in between the lines and sort of repeat it so i'll have a pattern like this and this could be something on its own like you could get like flowers and patterns and each page like make it a bit different with a different flower or you can actually combine this with pieces of text between the lines i think this one's a bit too high and you could just make all of these flowers on all of these shapes so let's choose like another flower like this one and obviously make it smaller to fit the same width of the lines and just put this one let's say i'm putting it here i think i need to shrink it down a bit more to be sort of centered between my lines and i'm going to space it up i can also insert hearts using basically the same system that we did with the regular shapes but here what i can do is i can grab the word spring or you know any word that you want use like hopeful or joy or whatever it is that you want to put in and minimize it i need to work on the thickness a bit more minimize it some more a bit more thickness make sure that it is aligned here and i can put it like that this would be spaced out and there are people that will like this style but the thing is that if you do choose a style for your shop for your coloring pages or whether you're selling it on etsy or on shopify or on kdp just try to be consistent with your style in terms of the coloring books that you're having because i could just full full-on fill this up and it's going to be a really really cool coloring page to fill out and to do for people who like a more simple way of coloring another trick that i really really like doing is to basically take one of the graphics from canva and outline it myself so for that what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back and i'm going to click on create a design and i'm going to work with pixels and i'm going to choose 2000 by 2000 pixels because i want to make sure that the shape that i'm outlining could be you know really good so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to elements and let's type in something like fashion and i'll try to select this girl and select several ones because i want to show you what i'm about to do with them when it comes to the outlines and i cannot change the colors that she has here which might be a problem for me but i will discover that later on i can also choose her i want to choose something that i can change the colors up a bit i'm not sure but i'm going to select all of these and give it a try this one is really bright so i might just give it a back color and you're going to see why once we get to clip studio paint and i'm pretty sure you could do this with photoshop because i know that most of the options in clip studio paint can also be done in photoshop and actually this one it's she's sort of a coloring page because you know we still have to clean up the pants area and our hair but these are sort of coloring page materials already but for this type oh this is full-on coloring full-on coloring but anyway for this kind of type of what i want to do i need something that doesn't have outlines and i'm going to try and see if she fits she might fit even though she has like one tiny outline here let's put it on the side and i do know that i've done this i think it was like two years ago with christmas so let's type in christmas i do remember there was something like super fun that i did so let me just grab this one make sure to make it as big as i can within these parameters let's grab another one let's do like a christmas sweater and grab like a simple one let's also type and something else let's do like summer see what i come up with yeah let's try and borrow like this one see if this one works for me and i already seen the magical recommendations things that i might want to use so let's just go here and see all of them because these are really pretty and i think i could make them work as a coloring page if not automatically then maybe i can make them like manually so like draw over them but i like this one does it open up yes i really do like this one i think this one is actually really good for stickers but i'm gonna select it anyway because it's you know just basic no i don't like it for what i'm what i want to do i need something with very differentiating colors and this might work and again i can also draw just on them but i'm looking for something that could be really automatic and let's just choose something like monster oh some cute monsters here like do we have some free ones yep we have three ones and i'm looking for something that isn't outlined guys this is important isn't outlined and this one isn't outlined even though it has like these balloons here okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to download all of these pages as jpeg and well i can do this png but no transparent background guys and just download them and in my next step after unzipping them is basically opening all of them with clip studio paint and what i have here is i basically have all the shapes up here and i'm going to start with basically choosing an option like an effect which is this one so we'll have like a border effect and my border effect is going to be black and i'm gonna make it like three pixels and i don't know if you can see but nothing is happening and that's because i need to choose a transparent color and basically color off pieces of this design and this might not work on all paintings because for example what you see here is that this really doesn't give me any type of coloring pages that i would want so i'm going to close it up and i'm going to try the same with this one again clicking on border selecting color border to be black and while working with the transparent color and the color everything i'm going to try and color these transparent and it's going to border them up which is you know exactly what i wanted let's work on her legs because her legs are separately her hand and i can also combine white color in my coloring if i don't want everything to be transparent just sort of do something like this great coloring of her dress i can color all of her dress in white but it's just not going to create the same effect let's color everything here in white and let's go transparent on the background and this is what i have and try and zoom in and make these transparent as well like i'm coloring basically everything that is purple and i'm done the only thing i need to do right now is to add a new layer color the entire layer with white put it behind this one combine them two together merge them and color down the background of all this and save this file to take it on to canva and make my coloring page so let me just save it up moving on to her let me see if i can do the same thing with her or if this would be too hard for me i don't see her coming off nicer nicely let's have a look oh you know what she's actually coming off quite nice bringing the slots here and what i'm going to do with the rest of her is choose the white color sort of like combine the white with a transparent one this is a background thing but you see like the lines were too narrow here the colors were too matching so i'll really do it with this one obviously i'm not that quick on giving up you could illustrate that yourself it's just for this technique that photo was not good and let's just give this one a try and you see the white one completely went away with the background completely went away so it's not really good for me what i should have done is taking this little you know what let's just do it we need to take this little guy go back to him and give this a different color of a background that isn't in the photo at all like nothing resembles anything in the photo i think the green will do but the green might be a closer shade to the brown so let's just download this one again just page four and no transparent background guys it's actually a good system i've done something like this for christmas with um christmas the ugly christmas sweater and came out quite nice don't forget to mark the edges and the edge color to be black and then we get the edges around it so i need to color this one because this was in the back of it and now i'm going to go with white coloring everything here in white coloring the nose and white let's do the legs and whites too and the rest is going to be transparent nope sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't guys it depends on the shape and the original illustration i'm afraid for example you see here the colors were too close by so it doesn't really give me this perfect effect you can go over and make them manually you can leave it as is or you can just not use this one at all let's have a look at our little monster and the effect of the edge color maybe thicken it up a bit to six and delete the background select what we have here let me just delete the teeth this is a fairly automated way to create coloring pages it's kind of nice actually i i personally kind of like it i think it's really really fun and i think that if you just niche down and you know focus on making you know monsters because this one's quite cute i just need to delete all the lines or make sure that they are just black i can actually just color them in black just choose the black color there are so many monsters you can make on a full-on monster's coloring book in seconds this is awesome again go with outline i'm pretty sure this one would work because i think that i kind of used it like two years ago so i'm pretty sure this was good obviously i can make the edges more thick and then i'm gonna go with the basically like delete all of these all the stars and choose the white color you can try and basically like cancel off some of the elements here just you know work at it and do whatever looks good for you let's try and do the same thing with this speech kind of thing again our edges are black and i want a very thick edge here because it's a really large photo let's just remove the background let's remove everything that is white we're going over all the white parts and making them transparent let's go here and i think now we need to introduce some white of our own and this can be transparent this can be white and just play around with that because sometimes you need to use a transparent one and sometimes you need to use the white and it creates a different type of outline so just try and play around with that let's look at this one try to play around with it but the one that i really liked from this was the women the fashion women so i'm just going to go back to them and i'm going to go back to one of my pages and i think i will choose like this setting and i will go here go back to my downloads file and i'm going to re-upload this photo onto canva add page just put it here and you could just you can also add text to this one like write down fashion girls fashion life you know something here in the middle but this is a really nice coloring pages for a lot of people it's a very fashion i think i'm going to print it out for my flight you know and this sort of fills out this part of this technique but we're not going to see another technique and for that technique what we're going to do is we're going to go to elements and we're going to find a silhouette and i want to find a silhouette of maybe like a cat or something i don't want a human being silhouette maybe a butterfly maybe a woman this might work although i think that she's better suited for the vertically aligned coloring page so just put it here like this and let's just also try to find a cat i really want to find a cat maybe cat shape this would be my shape or another one because i don't like that it's outlined oh this is so cute i think maybe i could just take one of those and just color them inside like make a mandela inside of them or make like weird shapes inside of them but i think that once you start doing these kind of things on a regular basis you already know like to spot on if something is going to be good for you or not and i think i want to try out this one and let's just choose another thing you know what let's grab a text let's make a text and what i'm basically doing is creating the basic elements on canva and then reshaping them using clip studio paint so let's write down here lucky to be alive you know we're doing you know these kind of motivational pages people actually like to color motivational coloring books and we don't need to splice it this one we could just hollow this because we're just going to download the page as is and it's going to be white anyway and of course i want to have a different font and i want an error font as well here i kind of like it but i'm going to delete the word alive and i'm going to bring this to closer together like this lucky to be let's face them up a bit the letters i mean just a tiny bit yeah and let's put this here and i'm going to copy paste this one write down the word alive and what i'm going to do is i don't want to have this one i want to have a cursive writing it's really like this lucky to be alive like this i'm not sure if i like it or not but i think that some people might so i'm basically gonna download pages two three no pages two four and five go into the zip file choose all of them and open with clip studio paint and first i'm going to start with our little woman here because i'm going to try and do the same thing to her that we've already done to everything else which is this one let's just color all of this like that and then layer white layer under that merge them and what i can do now is i can basically remove the background of the woman just a woman create another layer underneath it color it in white and on this layer i'm going to grab a pen and you know i just want maybe a mapping pen make sure that it's black and a lot smaller not that small and what i can do is i can draw sort of behind her make like shapes from her because a lot of people like to color this way like with certain like shapes that they can color through that are within and i can also do it with actual shapes so for example if i go back to shapes and i have like the ellipsis shape just make sure that it's a bit more narrow and of course this one you know it takes practice it's take it takes you know feeling comfortable with the software playing around with this a bit making different types of lines looking at what you can do but it's sort of like making her like kind of psychedelic kind of thing i think it's actually kind of cute like this crazy coloring page and what i can do here is once i finish with this layer i'm basically gonna again merge them and then bring up another layer it's just all about in the layers work guys it really is all about the layer work make another layer like this and remove the background of the hearts and then do the same thing that i did with the circles but just doing them behind the hearts if you do do coloring pages just do something that you would want to color because i don't know this might not be you know the prettiest thing i've ever done but it's kind of cool and i kind of like it moving on to this one and this is a pretty simple one where you can basically just color the back so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make another layer color in white send it to back and basically clear out the background of the heart behind and go here go back and you can make all of these shapes you can also like multiple color layers just you know once i started coloring i can actually make these layers to be white too and basically paint behind them so for example what i'm going to do is i'm going to merge these up now add a new layer color in white sand it to back and then go here and transparent the spaces that i have between these and even transparent the middle parts of them and then choose the color black choose like let's say the rectangle but i don't want the rectangle to be full i want it to be like sliced and then just go like this just play around with it i think that the rectangle shape is a really easy way to make like patterns because you automatically have like you know two sets of lines and you can carry on and write down something here like using canva that is also see-through so what i can do here is basically two things i can make the background transparent like this and color the background or i can basically make the text transparent and color it inside the text like make lines within the text or you know do both so what i think that i want to do right now the first thing is i want to make all of these transparent but just the first words like not the alive one because we are creating a different and then i'm reactivating this layer make it black and i think i want to go with some like a line of some sort maybe like an effect line so i have like ruled lines i like the waved line just make sure that it's smaller it's very small okay too small guys still too small yeah this one looks nice just do like this trying to see other patterns here maybe like a hat job no the hash could be nice but it's really big i don't know why it's set on like 2 000. this could be cute just need to lucky to be and what i'm going to do is i'm going to merge both of these layers because i want to color the back so i'm going to merge them create another layer color it in white and put it in the background and delete it and what i'm going to do here now is i'm going to delete the background don't forget to delete behind you know these letters and activate the background and what i can do in the background is actually kind of cute because in a lot of these like photoshop and clips of your paint you already have like some elements so i have like for example like flowers so i have like water lilies so if i go to my water lilies and make them a bit bigger so i have these water lilies but the other color should be white i have sort of like these templates to be in the back but i don't like them let's just try to see this one this one is nice so i can either go with this or make another layer color in white go back to black go back to my effects i don't know what this is okay not good hygienes maybe i need to make them one bigger oh wow guys this is super cute it's super intense super super intense maybe plum oh this is nice this is also cute just putting up flowers here and they all come up on top of each other and this would be the coloring page and another thing that i wanted to show you guys moving on is just let's make a new one and i'm going to choose an a4 and what i'm going to do here is create a mandela so i'm going to go to my ruler choose symmetrical ruler choose the number of lines to be 16 and i did sort of like have a mandela tutorial for making you know redbubble items but this is a bit of a different one because this is for coloring pages so i'm not going to be working on deleting the background i'm going to be working with either my pen or with shapes so let me just go in with my mapping pen and try to work out nice shapes here maybe like this or i'm just trying to imagine what kind of mandela i would like to paint right now and kind of do it if you've never painted mandela's before making mandela's for coloring might not be for you but i really do like these sort of like weird mandelas that are not very they look more hand-drawn they don't have like very very strict and like very very symmetric lines but if you want to work with symmetric lines it's not really a problem especially not with clip studio paint i just go back to my square and i choose like a curved line make sure obviously that it's how thick is it ah this is very thick i need maybe like a 10 and then basically what i'm going to do is connect the dots make sure that it's curvy like this now you can center the mandela when you're doing mandela coloring pages or you can leave it like uncentered like i'm doing because i'm basically made the mandela to be sort of on the side of the page but if you want to make this centered if that is more your speed and your style you know go ahead do that it's totally up to you and once you also create a mandela you can also put it behind the silhouette of an animal i remember i had a very very successful coloring page that was just the silhouette of a kia and behind it you know was the mandela which is funny because i did have the exact same mandela and it never sold even once but the cat coloring pages with that mandela sold really really well people really do love to color like weird silhouettes or something that might look like a painting but isn't i do know a lot of coloring enthusiastic people what they do is when they finish coloring a page they actually hang it on the walls because i don't know if you've known this but a lot of coloring pages like colorists come up to like full-on artistic levels and it looks like kind of like a real painter did it it's amazing you can have like so many blending options so it's also about who you're making these coloring pages for because you can be making them for kids or you can be making them for adults who are using gel pens or making them for adults who are using you know coloring pencils so it's all about that and i think i'm just going to finish this one out because as i said i'm flying in a few days and i need something to keep me busy on the flight over one thing that is important for you guys to remember is one of the best ways to actually sell coloring pages especially you know if you want to market yourself using instagram or any kind of social media you actually have to color these yourself so you could color them digitally but i really recommend that if you want to take this on seriously you would find a way to print them whether it's in your home printer or in like a depot kind of shop or in the post office i know in many countries the post office can you know basically print out things from your usb drive but you will find a way to print it out yourself and color it yourself at home and show people how it comes off because without that end result a lot of people will not be interested because a lot of people need to see what comes of it and tomorrow we're also going to be talking about marketing for it a bit because when you do sell coloring pages there are a lot of coloring enthusiast groups that you can market yourself in obviously you know by being polite and the best way to market it is not by putting in your listing and saying like hey this is my coloring page buy from me but it's more like you coloring your own coloring page and then putting that end result in that group and saying like i just finished coloring my my own coloring book or just put it out and if people like sometimes people are like oh this is so pretty who made it and you say i made it and you can find it on etsy or on shopify but we're going to be discussing that a bit more tomorrow please let me know what you thought about this tutorial i was trying to really make it accessible for any kind of person i didn't want to you know make it just for people who are artists because i never believe the people who are artists themselves and already know how to you know sketch digitally and do all that work i think that you guys will need more the tutorial that we have coming up tomorrow so for example you would be it would be more useful to just know how to mock up it and how to sell it you don't really need someone to explain to you how to illustrate but i really do love the mandela feature i think that you could create so many different types of mandela's because i've been just doing this you know with these lines here i could have easily done it with circles i could have easily done it with squares and it just looks pretty i really do like it and i'm done with this mandela let's go back to me talk a bit more about what we've learned today and what we will have tomorrow because we just made you know we started making a bunch of various and different coloring pages and coloring options and we have made some interesting things that we can use whether alone or not alone add text to them fill them out and complete them but we are missing the piece which is how to sell them so let's go back to me and talk about this some more and we are back to me and i know that some of you who are like you know genuine artists might be a little under impressed by these techniques and these methods and as i said at the beginning this is not a professional illustration you know how to make these videos but these coloring pages and coloring and events could be really worth it for you and you could use them in more than coloring pages we are going to be talking about how to sell coloring pages online in the video that we have tomorrow but for today's video i just want to give you up some advice because what we've seen now you can also incorporate these you know specific little features within a printable greeting card for etsy or printable stationery for etsy and i am leaving links down below in this video's description to both of the videos that i made about greeting cards with etsy and stationery which are both you know how to make and sell including mockups and everything if you have more questions about coloring pages or if you want me to make a full-on video just about you know actual illustration like high-level illustration well my level of illustration but a bit higher up maybe from photos please let me know in the comment section below as well i am thinking about doing sort of a youtube challenge on june which is 30 videos in 30 days and i do think that a big part like at least one video is going to be a bit more about coloring pages let me know if that is interesting to you as well and if you like this video please hit that like button down below because every time you do youtube seo algorithm thinks hey this is a cool video and i'm gonna show it to more people subscribe to my channel if you're not yet subscribed and join us in our facebook group link down below in the description to i don't know get a little bit more from our community our growing community where we share what we do every day and to those of you who are already in the group come on guys post some more i don't want to be the one posting there i want you guys to post there feel free to post you know not promotional stuff like links to your shop but feel free to post questions that you have or just show what you're working on today i'm really enjoying this part where after three months of you seeing me and what i do i get to see you guys and it is kind of nice and with that being said that is it from me for today i will be seeing you guys tomorrow for a video on how to sell online coloring pages whether in books with kdp or printable coloring pages printable coloring books using etsy shopify and woocommerce and that's it guys if you've already seen any of my videos you know exactly what i'm about to say right now because the live chat is gonna go away in three two one and i'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: Mey Aroyo
Views: 2,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make coloring pages, how to make coloring book, make coloring pages on canva, make coloring pages on clip studio paint, sell coloring pages on etsy, printable coloring pages tutorial, canva tutorial, etsy printables tutorial, clip studio paint tutorial, printable coloring pages, sell coloring book on kdp, make coloring book for kdp, mey aroyo, make coloring pages with lulu, sell coloring pages online
Id: tqvoYwh-tVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 38sec (3638 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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