HOW TO DESIGN IN CANVA || Tips & Tricks to Create Printables, Stencils, Vinyl Cut Files + MORE!

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hey friends welcome back to whiskey and wet I'm Whitney and today's video is going to be a very requested long-awaited canva tips and tricks I mention it in so many videos that I use it for cup files printables all that stuff so we're gonna cover some of my favorite chips today to hopefully help you get designing in canvas you can make your own so like I said this video is highly requested every time I mentioned that I use canva to design stuff I get a lot of questions so I wanted to sit down make a video and run you through some of my favorite tips and tricks now canva is an amazing tool it's a free online resource however there is so many things that you could do that this is not going to be all-encompassing so if I get through this video and you think of something that you would like me to cover in a future video please let me know in the comments down below I'd be happy to cover that in a future video so without further ado let's get designing in canva the step 1 let's get you started with canvas so you need to create an account you can either log in with your Google account your Facebook account or you can do an email and password login it is completely free for canva they do have paid options but you can do what I'm going to show you in the free option and the nice thing is everything is shared online and saved there in the cloud you can also access it via their mobile app which is really nice because I run out of space on my desktop on the regular and it is really nice to not have to save all this to an external drive I can access it from anywhere so it's super nice so once you log in this is the main home screen over here on the side you can look up anything so your designs they have templates as we get designing things will be down here so here are thumbnails that I've created for prior videos so here you can select from some of the most common design so as you can see here YouTube channel art thumbnails story highlight covers presentations they really have anything so say you're looking to create an Instagram post you can just come up here and type in Instagram and it'll give you a lot of different options so before we get into the printables and the cup files I wanted to show you my top five favorite canva things really quickly so let's just say we're going to make youtube channel art so my number one favorite thing is the remove background feature and that's because it is so easy so I'm gonna go over here to my photos actually my uploads and I'm going to select something that I've uploaded so let's find an MA here we are super cute so then what I'm going to do is go up here to effects and this background remover so you can click it once and then it removes the background for you so here's our cute little family all cut out so then what I could do is put this like in the corner somewhere by making like a thumbnail or something I could put this on a different background so I could make this move this to the background you don't have this be like whiskey in wit here's my family blah blah here we are in the corner put some text up here it even cuts out my little curl there which a lot of background cutters won't do now grant it over here in the corner it looks like Alex doesn't have a hip but for me it's not a huge deal if I'm going to use it as something like this number two is when I am looking for a specific look for text but I'm not quite sure what the font name is so say I add a headache and I'm going to add whiskey and wet over here I'm selecting this text and this is just the default text that it was when I added it they had her so basically what I'm trying to do is I would like a script font I want it to look like somebody did their handwriting but I'm not quite sure what it's called and I don't really want to sift through five million things of fonts no problem so you're gonna go up here to your fonts and you're gonna type in calligraphy you've been type in a ton of different things but for me I'm looking for calligraphy so here all these handwritten calligraphy fonts so I can go through and actually say okay that okay that might be too thin that one might be too thick okay what am I looking for I want something that's really that farmhouse handwriting situation and this one's Kaitlin and I like it so we're gonna make this a little bit bigger here's the font but that was a lot quicker than cut going through a ton ton ton of different options and go down here select this color and tada I've got that fund number three of my favorite things are these font combinations so I usually have a pretty good luck figuring out what fonts I want to put together just because I've done design before but if you haven't it's super hard to know like what goes together what fonts even like etc so over here there are a ton a ton of different options of fonts that canva has already said you know these look good together visually so you can scroll through figure out what you like so this one gives you a header so you can go ahead and click on it it will give you a couple different options I can go in here and select this text do whiskey and which you can select this make it bigger you can get rid of this so make it bigger down here you can then play with it from there I can make this bolder if you want to design one piece on its own you can just click on group and so then it won't move around as a chunk anymore you can go over here decide that you want to make this font much bigger because it's not working as the small font whatever you want to do but it's a really nice starting point over here to get a collection of funds another thing that I love on here that might seem super simple but it's really nice as the align feature so so I'm gonna add a couple things so now they're all over the place what if I want these all to be aligned it's super easy so you can go ahead and select all of them here and go up here to position then you can do a lot of different options so I can say a line all these with the left so they'll all align left here could do the same thing on the right side you can also do Center which is awesome because then all these things are centered or we can then go in and evenly vertically displace them or horizontally just place them or you can align them all at the bottom you know if you've got things going vertically you could do the same thing with the top so there are a lot of different ways here that you can align stuff it's really hard to do it manually so this is nice you know that they're all aligned just click it and be done and then my last favorite feature for my top five are these templates so if you're going through deciding that you want to make an Instagram story for example we're going to go up here and say create new design we're going to type in Instagram story okay great open up a new window maybe its fourth of July so then you can go over here and click a template and this is a fill in the blank fourth of July edition so then I can go in here and say okay this font isn't actually what I want so I'm going to change this I change it to this guy I'm going to go in here this blue is not the blue that I want so I'm gonna pick a different blue etc but those templates are a really great starting point so that you can create something without having to look at a blank screen let's say that I've got an 8 by 10 frame so I'm actually going to go up here to create a design click on that and I'm gonna do custom dimensions so I want mine to be portrait so my width is going to be 8 by 10 and I'm gonna want to change this to inches PX means pixels millimeters centimeters etc the pixels are really only if you're designing for digital that you're gonna want to really pay attention to that but I usually design in inches so I'll go ahead and change this over here 8 to 10 so you click create design and we are headed into a page so like I said this is the blank page you could stare at or you can use this template so whatever size you put in they'll give you some ideas over here so typically when I go to design I look for a saying so I will head over to Pinterest so let's just say I want to create something for my kitchen printable or maybe even sine let's do that so here are a lot of different examples for sines principles and this is usually where my creative juices get going so that I can kind of figure out what I want to put on the side so I'm gonna go with this image over here is where you can add pretty much anything you want so let's start with the text so let's click on this one once you click on it it will put it on the page for you and this is a group situation so you can edit this a gift and you can also edit just for you so let's start typing so that saying was and so together built and typically when I'm creating text I want to look at how one is gonna work with the other so really what looks good and then also within the actual text what words do you want to stand out so in the same and so together they built a life that they loved a life that they love seems to be kind of the focus of the quote I'm going to duplicate this here so it's this button up here and so then I'm gonna say and so together they built a this one I'm just clicking on this and editing so a life and then here I'm gonna do that they and then loved so then when I'm editing here you can drag this bigger small to figure out your sizing you can also edit your text up here it's very similar to how you would edit in Word and then what you can do is ungroup this and basically what the group ungroup does is it allows you to freely move this so I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger here and then also now I'm starting to basically work as a game of kind of Tetris so I want this all to fit together so I'm thinking and so together they built and then here I'm creating a spot so that I can put this big life here we're going to ungroup the same section over here and take this piece I'm just dragging this dot in the corner to make it a little thicker so then I'm looking to kind of make it work around these cutouts from the L and the F so here I'm trying to put this here I can make it a little smaller so that it'll fit there and then loved I want the safe thing I want to be nice and big and now that I look at both of these I kind of want to switch this over to play off of the F so then I'm going to add a little space here for the a so then the outfits kind of right in there built a life that they I'm life we can make a little bit smaller here fit that in there set that with the F there you could honestly move this in here so that that all intertwined or I think what I'm gonna do is have the LB there so it kind of fits in that spot make this a little bit smaller and put that in oval so basically the way that the topography looks when it's all together I like it when it kind of fits together there so it looks like it was always meant to be together I like how this all looks together kind of flows so then I'm gonna go over here and find an element now if you were going to cut this out the cricket then what you would do is you could just export it now so what you would do is you would go up here to this publish and you can do a lot of different things you can share it you can download it etc so if you're going to download it you can click download now these options here because I have premium so the transparent background but I'm going to show you how on the free version you can get this ready to be cut out for your Cricut so you're gonna export as a PNG and you're gonna go ahead and click download I'm going to show you how you can kind of smash this up a little bit so it can be a printable so what I would do is I would come over here and I would look in the kind of the different elements which is going to be under this tab here so I like to add I like to add laurels a lot if you're going through here and you're seeing that some items are showing up as Pro and you don't want to pay for them all you have to do is click this little filter up here you can pick certain colors whatever you can also click this box and it will apply so everything that's free will show up so let's say I like this one I'm gonna make it green I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger so it fits the whole page and then say I want this text I actually fit within this so I'm gonna go ahead and select the text so I'm gonna select one I'm gonna hold down my shift key and click the rest of these elements and get this out of the way so I don't select it so you can either hit shift and select all of them or you can take your mouse and just kind of glide over there to select all of them like I just did so we're gonna make this it's designed a little bit smaller so then that way it can fit within the laurel here I'm going to drag this a little bit bigger now what you can also do is you can take this item and go up to position this is where you're able to align things or you can send this to the back so then that way this little dot down here is going to come out front basically what I'm going to do is go through and select these but then hit the shift key and unselect the outside then you can start messing with this moving it around so it fits within this like Laurel situation here so then what you could also do is you could go over to photos and you could find a kind of wooden background so here's you can really type in whatever you're looking for here same thing with the filter but I'm going to go ahead and select this you may have seen this on my channel I like to use this image but I'm more concerned about this right hand side so that it doesn't take away with those flowers so here's this shiplap look so I'm gonna take this make sure it's big enough go to position send it all the way to the back and then right now it's kind of hard to see so what I'm gonna do is click this image and I'm gonna go up here to this transparency it kind of looks like a checkerboard and I'm going to pull this down so basically it's gonna make it a little bit more see-through marci through I'm gonna take it down to 30 so now you can actually see what you've got here you can change the colors of the text but then you also have kind of this watermark what in the background which is awesome for your printable because you can put this in a frame and it's gonna look very put together like you printed it from you know a at-sea page or something like that if you're looking for wood you can come up here and do like rustic or wood click that and there's a ton of different options over here so if I wanted to do this I could drag it over and actually like fill it in behind so if I wanted this lighter wood once I get it in there if I decide that white is not you know showing up enough I can crank up that transparency I could go in here I could okay I don't want green I want it to be more you know this color okay great then I can go in select this text again say black is actually too harsh so then you can just go up here to the color do a lighter color do a darker color and then today you have a printable that looks like you got it from you know let's see Pinterest but you designed it yourself doing the free version of canva you cannot export with a transparent background however what you can do is you can go to Google they've been remove background remove dot BG I will like this down below for you what you're gonna want to do is upload your image from the desktop so I'm gonna go over here and find this one it's going to upload and because you have black text on a white background it's gonna cut it out for you here click download so now once you're over in design space you can go ahead and create a new project you're gonna go to upload over here you're gonna upload it I usually just select simple and then it's going to show up in here as a cut file insert images and there it is to make larger smaller you know kind of whatever you're looking for to create now sometimes with certain fonts you won't get as clean of lines here you can also come in to upload you're going to upload our one with the background so this is the white background file and then what you can do here is go up and do the Select in erase which looks like a magic wand click it it's gonna do your background then you can go in here and select these now if you've got a ton of text this is gonna be a pain in the butt there's not a ton of text so I can go in and cut this out so here it's a pretty quick process put it in cricut insert and this one as your as you can see your letters are a little bit better as far as looking like what you exported out of canva thank you so much for watching I really hope these tips and tricks help you design your own printables cut files social media graphics really whatever you want to design and canva the sky's the limit let me know in the comments down below what your favorite tip was how you're going to use this and also like I mentioned before if there's something that I didn't have a chance to cover today let me know and we will do it round two if you guys would like to see that so again thanks so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Whiskey & Whit
Views: 50,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, how to, canva tutorial, designing in canva, how to make stencils, cricut how to, how to make a cricut cut file, how to make a svg, how to design a printable, free printable, cricut tutorial, canva templates, how to create instagram graphics with canva
Id: o4cyV3uM4zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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