20 CANVA TIPS AND TRICKS 2021 You Wish You Knew Earlier | Canva Tutorial For Beginners

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take your designs to the next level  with these nifty canva tips and tricks   some of them are quite obscure so i bet you've  not even heard about them let's do this hi my   lovely people it's natalia and welcome back to  my channel where i share super action ideas on   content creation for entrepreneurs and creatives  and did you know that you can use canva to create   and share pre-recorded video presentations hold  a q a while presenting and even make a website   you know canva but maybe you want to be a bit  more efficient while using it well in this video   i'll show you my top 20 tips and tricks which you  probably didn't know about if i helped you find a   tip that you really like hit that like button and  subscribe for more content so without further ado   let's start with tip number one creating qr codes  canva lets you create qr codes and implement them   in your design so if you're creating business  cards or or other things like posters magazines   products you might find it quite useful so you  can use it to direct your customers to your   social media profiles website you know contest an  app anything that you can think of and so you can   get very creative with them and instead of just  using the usual links you can try directing your   clients to leave a review for example in google  or tripadvisor so the way you want to do it is if   you're in the editor you click on more and then in  the search bar you type in qr click on the qr code   and enter your url i'll just use my instagram  handle and i click on generate code and as you   can see canva popped up with this little qr code  so i can just align it with the previous one that   i had in here and that's you done tip number  two aligning elements with tidy up feature   if you want to align elements or text perfectly  you can use the tidy up feature and this feature   works brilliantly if you're using multiple texts  or elements so instead of relying on your eyesight   and trying to align them perfectly just let canva  work its magic automatically for you so as you can   see i've got the little social media buttons in  here so they're perfectly aligned at the moment   but if i just move them around like this and i'm  trying to align them again you know it's quite   tough to do it on your own so if i just select  all of them go to the top bar click position   and then click tidy up you'll see that canva does  it for me perfectly tip number three the perfect   alignment so the tidy up feature is not suited  for what you're trying to do you can perfectly   align text photos or other elements with guides  rulers or use automatic canva alignments so for   example i've got this in here it's grouped so what  i'll do i'll maybe ungroup the whole thing and   select just this happy person text so if you click  on position you've got a few different options   from canva so you can align it to top to middle to  the bottom or left center and right but let's not   stop there so if you go to view select show rulers  and show guides the low margins appear and if you   click on the margin and drag a guide from it you  can put it in a place that you want it to and then   you can drag the text to align to it tip number  four wavy text so canvas recently introduced the   curved text option which is a long-awaited feature  and i absolutely love it so with this feature you   can actually make wavy text as well just like  you see in here so you can click on the text   let's pop one box in here i'll just pop in text  let's make it uppercase or maybe change the font   so i've got this one in here let's go to effects  click curve and then it's just the curvature so as   you can see it pops up with this little circle  and you can just adjust it to what you want   let's make it smaller and now i can do i can just  copy that text go to effects again go to curve and   let's change the curvature to the opposite i'll  align it perfectly and i can just copy those   two over i've just selected them both and align  them in here as well so that creates that cool   wavy effect which you can use to outline your  design and make it a bit more interesting   tip number five add text with a shortcut so as you  have seen to add text to your design you normally   click in the left panel in here and choose a  text type you want but to save your precious time   i'll let you in on a little secret you can just  press t on a text and that box pops up for you   so let's move the text in here and i'll show you  a couple of things so for example you can ctrl c   on this text and ctrl v to paste it just like  you would in other apps and then if you select   both the text in here you can just control g and  that will group them together i'll post a link   to a very useful canva infographic with all the  different shortcuts which you can use in canva   it's going to be down below in the description box  tip number six quick zooming in and zooming out   so sometimes you need to see the details of your  design or adjust smaller elements and the normal   way to do it is to click in the bottom right  corner of the design to change the percentages   um so you can see it in here like this and  it goes up to 300 but there's a much faster   option for you and you can click control and  scroll up or down which zooms it in or out   or you can hit control and hold plus or minus  which is a bit more controlled way to do it and   while the manual clicking in the bottom right  corner you can go up to 300 percent with the   clicking and scrolling you can actually go up  to 500 which is much more detailed tip number   seven duplicating text and elements i know i've  mentioned copying and pasting with control c   and v earlier but to speed things up even more  um canva lets you duplicate with the letter d   so a quick option to duplicate your text or  element is to highlight them and then click ctrl d   or you can highlight something like this  and then hold alt and move the element which   drags it and duplicates it tip number eight  using canva keywords so as you probably know you   can search for specific elements such as social  media icons and they will pop up in your search   but did you know that the search bar is also a  sneaky way to get beautiful illustration packs   and other objects set with various themes so let  me give you a few key words to get you started on   your rediscovery journey so you can go for blob  doodle neon words aesthetic bright leaves washi   tape or watercolor so try them all out and make  your designs a bit more dynamic tip nine searching   by creator or brand and while we're on the subject  of searching you can also find similar types of   photos or elements from a creator or brand so  let's go for photos this time and if you click on   the three dots here you can view other creations  by a specific artist or a brand and as you can see   the search bar now shows brand and a creator code  which means everything displayed below belongs to   that one collaborator so that's an easy way to  find more photos in the same style if you need   more with similar editing or lighting and to give  you some examples you can search for the works of   megan plowman for example it's one of my favorites  i won't read out the brand code it's there for you   displayed and you've got that mary as well one of  my favorites and yulia chizzka so my extra tip if   you like a particular creator save one of their  photos or elements to likes and you'll be able to   then easily access their libraries within canva  tip number 10 filtering elements and photos so   when you're designing searching for that perfect  image or element can keep you you know scrolling   and scrolling and scrolling but if you use  filters the whole process becomes more efficient   so if you're looking for a photo with a specific  tone or palette you can click on a color to filter   out the ones you don't need so let's say we want  blue so click on the filter apply filters and will   show you all the photos and blue tones so same  goes for the orientation if you're designing   a vertical poster for example make your life  easier and just select a vertical orientation   i use it particularly often for wider ratios so  when i'm designing something like a twitter post   or a banner tip 11 locking an element all right  so tell me how many times have you accidentally   moved an element or you know kept selecting  the one you don't want and it costs you so much   frustration i mean i've done it so many times so  you can easily eliminate that issue by locking   an element so select the element and click  on the lock button in the top right corner   this way you won't accidentally drag it because  it stays in place and it's impossible to select it   only by clicking specifically on this element  and unlocking it can let you actually edit it   tip number 12 selecting difficult layers so again  if you've been designing in canva for a while now   you know that sometimes it's quite easy to lose  certain elements and then it's quite difficult to   select them but there is a quick work around  a quick way to select them is to use control   plus left click just like that it also works great  for any hidden elements let's try and find one   so now that i've got it selected i can just  click on position and send it to front and here   it goes it's found tip 13 moving elements with  arrow keys moving elements by just a tiny bit   can be a bit messy even when you're zoomed all the  way in but actually there is a quick workaround so   you can just use your arrows to move the elements  photos text by one pixel at a time so i'll show   that to you in here so as you can see i'm just  pressing and it's moving just a tiny tiny bit   but if you need 10 pixels at a time this can  be done by holding shift and then pressing   the arrow keys as you can see it moves by a  bit more super simple and saves a lot of pain   tip 14 uploading images quickly when you want  to use your own image you need to go to the left   panel to upload image and then select specific  media as you probably noticed i'm all about   making things efficient in here so there's a  faster way to do it just drag and drop your   image into canva and voila it's uploaded directly  but hey let's not stop there same goes for any   online design so there's no need to download an  image and then upload it to canva so there's one   image that i found within canva library so i can  just right click it copy image go to canva ctrl v   it pastes it and uploads it directly tip  15 inserting hyperlinks so when you're   designing a graphic to export it in a pdf  format you can make it more interactive   by including links so having some links to app for  your social media channels for example or website   is a great option to further direct the viewers  so you simply select your text or an element   so i'll select the facebook icon go to link  insert your url and that's all that's it tip 16   quick way to include testimonials social proof is  so important for every creator and entrepreneur   so if someone left a really good review just  put it to good use and whether it's been left   on instagram google or facebook you can just  screenshot it and incorporate it into your   design in canva so to do it i'll find a random  review from google screenshot it on my phone   upload it from here to google drive and since i  have it connected to canva which you can do from   the upload section or the apps below i can simply  grab it from the drive through the upload tab   so let's go to upload media google drive and  as you can see it pops up with the contents   of your drive so i've got that screenshot  in here so just click on it i'll crop it and then just add it within your design  nicely and there you have it a quick way   to showcase your new games testimonial tip  17 creating a website okay so this one is so   cool did you know that you can actually  create a simple website within canva   yes and so this might be extremely useful if  you don't want to invest in an actual website   or simply don't have the budget for it just type  in website to find some beautiful canva templates   or design one yourself add any relevant hyperlinks  which i showed you how to do a moment ago in tip   15 and publish it as a website and there are a  few different ways of how your website can look   so choose the one you like open website and canva  will give you a unique link and that's the only   caveat you can't use a custom domain or change the  canva link in any way but there is a workaround   you can use a link shortener like bitly.com  and get a nicer looking url to include in your   communication or social media it's a pretty  great option if you're looking for a simple   landing page to redirect the traffic create  your online profile or provide some more info   tip 18 using canva colors colors are an important  part of your brand image and making your design   stand out and canva provides very useful  resources to help you find the right ones for you   so if you go to canva.com color you'll find four  tools the colored palette generator color palette   ideas color wheel and color meanings the last  one teaches you about color symbolism so that   you know how to make your image reflect the brand  values and evoke specific emotions with the use   of the color wheel you can find what colors look  good together and play around to find the perfect   combination color palette ideas present you with  various ready-made palettes to get inspired and   start designing with them straight away and last  but not least if you yourself found a photo that   attracted your attention you can just upload it  to the color palette generator and canva will   automatically produce the palette from it so it's  very inspiring tip 19 creating canva presentations   that's a fairly recent feature and what's  brilliant about it is that after designing   your presentation you can present it from canva  with various handy functionalities first of all   you can choose the presenter view which opens up  two windows one that the audience sees and the   other one that is for you it shows you the current  time and the timer which is very handy to keep   you on track you also have the notes panel which  displays all the notes added to the presentation   while designing or you can update them before  you present to it's amazing because your audience   can't see it and you can refer to them throughout  the caveat is that you can present live but with   an external program like zoom or microsoft teams  what's more canva lets you present and record your   work as well which is a separate functionality  from what i've just discussed what i love   about this option is that you're visible while  presenting in a wee bubble so let me show you this   and as you can see i'm here in the we bubble down  below and this makes your presentation process   much more personal and easier and quicker which  is extremely important in today's online world at   the moment unfortunately you can only pre-record a  presentation in canva and send it to your clients   and partners as a link my tip is to screen record  your presentation and this way you'll reap the   benefits of the wee bubble tip 20 holding q and  a's with canva live while we're still talking   about presentations canva live allows people to  ask you questions while you present so i'll start   a new session and there's no need for the audience  to install any apps simply send the dedicated link   and access code and people can access a chat and  ask you questions in real time and before you say   hey but people can ask questions in a chat on  zoom right well the advantage is again with the   presenter view so all the questions are displayed  right next to your notes and presentation and   it's all in one place visible at a glance so  you can also showcase the questions like this   on top of the presentation for the audience to see  and answer them one by one it's a very promising   development from canva and i really hope they'll  be improved for live streaming if you don't know   how to use canva i've recently published a full  comprehensive tutorial for beginners which goes   in depth on all the different functionalities  and explains a step-by-step process on how to   actually design in canva so go ahead and check  out this tutorial i have a shorter crash course   version of this tutorial coming up which will  take you through canva in around 10 minutes   if you have any questions or any other cool  canva tricks leave them down below in the comment   section i'm all about community here so let's help  each other out like this video if you enjoyed it   subscribe for more content like this thank you  so much for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 169,482
Rating: 4.9784756 out of 5
Keywords: canva tips and tricks, canva tips and tricks 2020, canva tips, canva tips beginners, canva tricks, tips for canva, how to use canva, canva tips and tricks 2021, best canva tips, canva workflow tips, canva tricks and tips, canva text tips, advanced canva tricks, canva 2021, Canva tips and tricks, Canva tips for beginners, canva tutorial 2021, canva tips beginner, canva shortcuts, tips and tricks canva, tricks canva, canva tutorial, how to use canva for beginners, Canva
Id: qgpmYZpsY0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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