How To Make Digital Prints To Sell On Etsy Using Canva - Etsy Canva Tutorial

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[Music] hello and welcome to my channel in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make digital prints to sell on Etsy using the free design website canva this is an incredible resource that I recommend if you want to start making digital downloads in printables to sell and make passive income so let's get started so I've logged on to canva and I'm just using my free account you can also purchase a monthly plan that offers premium features but for what I'm showing you today you will only need a free account so when you are going to make designs using canva there are a ton of templates that you can browse through depending on what you would like to make such as a planner worksheet letter lesson plan today I'm going to be making a wall art that will be a digital download printable for the children's market on Etsy so I'm just going to type in my custom dimensions 8 by 10 inches and press create new design so this is going to open up in a new tab I'm just going to zoom in a little bit and talk to you a little bit more about what I'm making today and why why the wall art market is such a great one on Etsy so I'm on Etsy and I've just typed in children's wall art such printable today I'm going to be showing you how to make a set of printable wall arts in canva and just to show you an idea if you see these right here this is a nursery print set of three prints so what this seller did was they made these individual princess ABC print this rainbow print and then this number print they probably are selling them each individually and then also offering them in this set that they have mocked up for either a discounted price or the same price as all three would have been so this is something that I do often when I make individual prints I will select some that I feel work really well together and then group them create a mock-up photo like this one we'll just take a look at this dinosaur one create the mock-up photo and then list it as that set and this is a really amazing option to bundle your items and then get a bigger a bigger sale okay so I'm going to be making a set of three animal prints for nursery children's room wall art so we have our blank page right here [Music] to make the additional designs all you have to do is press this plus button or add a new page and that is what we will be doing once we get to that step I'm going to just show you really quickly if you've never seen canva before once you create your dimensions and it opens this up it starts you off on templates right here if you would like to drag and drop a template in you can browse to photos and use their photos but I am not 100% sure on the license of these photos and if you are able to do anything with them like sell them in any way I don't I'm not sure I don't use the photos I would be really cautious about that and make sure to look into it first there are elements that you can use and I believe these are I mean because a lot of these elements are so basic like these shapes it should probably be okay to use them I'm not sure about these animals it might be for personal use and you might or you might have to purchase a premium license to sell to sell things with these icons we're going to be using the text today so I'm just going to drag and drop a header right here we won't be using any music there's also videos background if you would like to add a background color you can just press a color I'm just going to stick with white or you can drag and drop these backgrounds depending on what you need them for and then down to uploads so this is where you upload your own photos your own images your own clipart so I have uploaded three animal clip art items that I'm going to use today a raccoon Fox and a deer these are clip art illustrations that I have drawn myself in the procreate app for iPad and I will be making another video about how to make clip art in my clip art process I do have some tutorials on my page some really simple beginner tutorials of simple things that you can draw so go ahead and check those out if you are interested in learning how to make your own clipart or your own illustrations and procreate so I'm going to drop my Fox there and I'll have to adjust it in a little bit I want it to say dream big and I want to change the font I'm going to go pick a font that I like so a lot of these fonts are premium if you press it try to use one with a little crown it's going to offer you an option to try the premium plan for free for 30-days that we're not going to do that so that's what that little crown means there we go this is the one I wanted this one is called o matic SC and it has this really fun like almost dreamy handwritten look dreams Inc and that's gonna bother me cuz a fox doesn't look centered let's see so that's centered but the only thing is is when I Center my fox it looks off because of where the tail is so I will just Center it pretty much based on his ears in a way that I can kind of fix not as maybe make this a lot bigger okay I like that now I'm going to press add a new page and now I'm going to add my let's do the deer okay so I need my deer to be smaller I just want to make sure it's in a similar place I kind of wish that they would allow you to put the when you're adding new pages to put them side by side let me see if it will if I can look at it this way [Music] okay I like that looks pretty good now I'm just going to drag it here but in this one I'm going to write we and before I forget to mention it I'm going to be linking these wall art printables and the description box below so that you can download these prints and use them in your own home so be sure to check those out after you watch the video see it's 1:35 this looks almost too small but it may be this box needs to be rotated just a little bit okay so that's cute okay now I'm going to be making one more I'm going to drag my raccoon sizing it down I'll just take a look I have to make that even smaller to look my dear looks too small okay and then just duplicate so if you ever want to duplicate anything you just select the item go over here press duplicate there are other options if you select it if you right-click you can copy it paste delete and then these are when you have items that you are layering it you can send an item to the back send it backward bring forward bring to front or you can set the image as a background and that just makes it large and take up the whole page okay I'm going to duplicate this drag it down zoom in again so I can adjust it and this one I'm going to put have adventures mmm one's not going to fit very well see what I can do [Music] I'm mighty tough - makes us a little bit smaller let's see almost [Music] almost have it it's almost too big let's change it to have and then we'll bring it back to 135 so now we have our three wall prints we have dream big let me zoom back in so we have dream big be brave and have fun and I what I would do is mock these up in a frame and sell them individually and then I would mock them up in a three-set frame and sell them as a bundle okay so I'm going to show you how I'm going to save and download these so to save it I would just go file save to a folder if you don't have a folder you'd press create new and create your new folder I already have a folder I want them in I'm going to press save and now the way that you can share them there are multiple options so I typically save my wall art principles as the JPEG file and it's going to save all three pages I'm just going to download it and then what it's done is it's given me a zip file so I'm going to pull that up really quick okay so I've opened it up and they have given me my three files right here my dream big be brave and have fun and before I give them to before I'd make a listing and sell them an Etsy I would label each of these so Roxy beer and a okay so I'm going to show you guys how I would mock up these wall art printables so I've uploaded my JPEGs to canva and then I've also uploaded this frame mock-up that I purchased on Etsy you can find some free mock-ups on google make sure you have a commercial license to use them there are also many awesome options on Etsy and creative market so if you're wanting to mock-up frames and are sorry if you're going to want to mock-up wall art it's awesome and a great idea to have a mock-up like this to show what you have created so what I would do is I put the mock-up behind it and then I'm just going to drag in and resize the printables to fit into the frame when you're looking for frame mock-ups it's a good idea to have the image size in mind that you want to use okay good enough so there's one of them there's my other one and then the last one okay so that is how I would create the mock-up in canva all you need to do is upload your mock-up image and then place those printables that you created on top of it alright so that is how you create digital prints to sell on Etsy using canva remember that these ball prints are going to be available for download and the description box below they are free to use just not free to sell so thank you so much for watching be sure to give this video a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more tutorials like this one thank you so much [Music]
Channel: Sandra Eide
Views: 129,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make digital prints, how to use canva, how to make money selling digital art, make money with digital products, how to use canva for beginners, Sandra Eide, how to use canva 2020, make passive income, how to sell prints on etsy, create printables, canva printables, etsy tutorial, how to make money selling printables on etsy, how to make money on etsy, how to make passive income on etsy, how to make printables on canva, how to make art printables
Id: s5ijW_YjnQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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