A COMPLETE GUIDE: Canva Template Tutorial: How to Sell Canva Templates

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so you want to create a template in canva and you want to create one that actually sells but you have questions you have concerns like am i actually legally allowed to create templates in canva and will i actually be able to make a template that looks pro enough in order for it to not just sell but sell well well we're going to answer these questions today in this video along with how to make this canva template step-by-step tutorial style and how to package it all up and add your template links to a functioning pdf document so your completed product is ready to upload to wherever you're selling your digital products online let's get into it so i'm sure you're sick of hearing to read the canva licenses yourself so i am not a lawyer obviously but i am going to offer you some guidance and point out what i think that you can do with these templates and elements as far as creating and selling your canva templates are concerned yes you can create and sell templates on canva whether you have a free account or a pro account so we're on the terms of use right now for templates and it says we welcome people who would like to create and sell their own canva made designs as templates that others can use on our platform so what you can't do is you cannot resell the templates that canva has already created because canva has a lot of template options over here right so they have pre-made templates for you to use for your business or for personal use but you can't resell these note changing the content of a canva template without completely changing the design is not creating your own work and it's not allowed now if you scroll down you're gonna see that you can share your canva template in two ways so one way is if you have the pro account and then the other way is if you have a free account so when you have the pro account you would go to share and then you would click on this down arrow where it says share a link to view and you would click share a link to use as a template you can tell that it's a pro feature because it has this little crown icon so when you click on that and you copy the link this link is what you give to your customers and we're going to get to how you can deliver this link to your customers later in the video but basically when they click on that url it's going to make a copy of the original template so they can go ahead and edit it and it will not affect your original template now if you have a free account the link that you will be sharing is going to be this link share a link to edit and the problem with this is that your customers are going to need to remember or to know that they need to make a copy of that template in order to not alter your original design now i can foresee a lot of issues with that and them forgetting or not reading the instructions so i would definitely suggest that you get a pro account if you want to sell templates and i will link a 30 day free trial for canva pro in the description box below now if you have a pro account you have unlimited access to all of the pro elements and the pro fonts if you have a free account if you want to use a pro element you need to pay one dollar per element i would not suggest that you actually use pro elements in your designs though because if your customers don't have a pro account they're going to need to pay and it's going to be watermarked like this when they get their template so i can foresee a lot of problems if you do use pro elements in your designs so i definitely suggest that you don't do this you do get to use the pro fonts and customers that have a free canva account can edit pro fonts i know it's a little confusing because the pro elements are watermarked but the pro fonts are not and i've tested this i have templates available on my etsy shop and they include pro fonts so if you're thinking of creating and selling templates on canva i definitely suggest that you get a pro account one because of the way you can share your templates with your customers two because you get access to all of the pro fonts and your customers even with a free account can edit them and three because if you're creating other digital products other than templates then the elements can still be used in your designs without the watermark for your customers if you're downloading it as a pdf a jpeg or a png i hope that this cleared up some of the use cases for pro and templates and elements and fonts all right let's talk about design hacks that will make your templates look pro so you want to keep two things in mind that is color theory and typography so these are two things that designers understand and how they create aesthetically pleasing designs but you don't need to be an experienced designer to use these techniques and i'm going to show you how you can use these techniques super simply so you can make an amazing design so you want to limit the amount of colors that you use in your templates you don't want it to look really messy and you want the colors to be complementary and to find these complementary colors you can go on pinterest and just type in brand palette you can scroll through and see which brand palette catches your eye also if you have a specific color you want to use in mind just type in the color and then brand palette and then you can see more options with a color of your choice so for your font pairing you can do the same exact thing you can type in font pairs and just take a look on pinterest and see what pops up now for fonts you do want to make sure that they are in canva already because you can't really give people the font to edit it in the template so i would say as far as fonts go just make sure they're already in canva and canva pro has a ton of great font options so you really aren't limited here so if you save this image from pinterest and then you upload it into canva what you can do is go to elements click on a shape that you can change the color of click on the color square like you're going to change the color and you'll see that suggested colors are being taken from the photo you added to your canvas so then what you want to do is copy and paste those hex numbers into a notepad or a text document so you can then add those hex numbers to a color palette on canva when you do this then when you are ready to design you will see all of your brand colors in the panel on the left hand side so this makes it super easy to use your colors when designing another awesome feature is that canva actually has font combinations so they have an array of different font combinations that you might want to look through instead of using the pinterest method that we talked about before this video we are going to make a workbook slash ebook template you'll either want to create your workbook template in letter size or you'll want to use a4 so i'm going to use letter size and we're going to start by kind of using this template over here as the guide so i'm going to go ahead and actually use these colors up here and then for my fonts i'm actually going to use canvas already pre-made font pairings so i'm going to go ahead and use this one okay so to create this cover we're going to go to photos and you can search a word if you're looking for a specific photo so i'm going to use this photo and i'm going to drag it into the background if you double click it then you can slide it around to choose a different section of the image now if you go to position and hit center it's going to center whatever you're selected on now let's go to colors i'm going to use this color and then copy and paste and that was just command c and command v on my mac make it a little bit wider actually and a little bit shorter this way position center and then i'm going to make this one a lighter color let's do green and let's say you wanted this to be a lighter shade of one of your colors you can slide it like so okay now i'm going to take my font and see how when i dragged it up here you can't see it well what you're going to do is you're going to hit position and then you're going to bring it forward so all these elements are layers and this text layer was in the back so now when i'm dragging the text around they're stuck together so you can just hit ungroup and then you'll able to just grab the individual lines of text if you wanted to regroup you can click on the text then you hold down shift on your keyboard and you click the other text and then you hit group but we're going to keep it ungrouped i'm going to change this to a not so dark black there we go and i'm going to say by your name i'm just copying and pasting this and i'm going to deselect uppercase only then i'm going to go to elements and type line and maybe i want to do a little dotted line here position center okay the last thing i'm going to do on this cover is copy and paste this square and i'm going to make a little footer here and then i'm going to take this copy and paste pull this down position center i think that looks pretty good okay now we're going to add a page and i'm going to create something that looks like this first what we want to do is grab that text combo i'm going to make this smaller just see so this text over here you can just google dummy text i think boom so i'm going to left justify worksheet and then left justify this dummy text you can also change the letter width over here and the line height now something that helps a lot is let's say you wanted to add this footer to every single page you could copy it and then you could paste it just like that and when you copy it and then go to the next page and paste it it's in the exact same spot now if you want to include an image like this you can go to elements then you go to frames go to photos and the reason why you want to add a frame first is because most of the time when creating templates people will only include the stock imagery for the listing photos but then they'll remove the imagery from the actual template that they're selling you don't need to remove them depending on the licenses for the stock photography but if you don't add a frame then you will need to include the stock imagery in your template otherwise there won't be a photo placeholder because when you delete the photo it just deletes everything you can also adjust this image by making it brighter and changing the tint a little bit so maybe to match more of your style and your color palette and you can also add filters now as you can see these are not evenly spaced so if you wanted them to be you can highlight all of four and then go to position and then do vertically and then what it's going to do is align all of these lines of text evenly elements square line it up with the purple lines and i'm going to change this transparency to 50. okay so i'm not going to obviously do the whole workbook but that looks pretty good now this is the last page of my lead magnet but i'm going to edit it so it's the pdf that people actually receive when they download their purchase from etsy or your website so for example this is one of my thank you card templates and when someone downloads it this is actually what they see and when they click open template it brings them to canva so for example then they will see this screen and they're going to click use template because i have a pro account canva is going to make a copy for them and so when they edit this template it doesn't affect the original that i created on canva in my account so to create this document i'm going to show you exactly how to do it so i'm just going to use this as an example there are so many templates that you can work off of for this purpose so i created this fake button by using a pink square and then just forming it into this rectangle and then by taking another square the same size and then just moving it a few pixels down and out and making it gray so it looks like a fake shadow so now what you can do to make this look professional is you can take your template cover and you can download it as a jpeg or a png it doesn't matter we just want the first page now you can upload the image of your template cover you can go to elements go to frames and then you can drag your cover in there and you can also change the color okay so what you're going to do is click where it says click here for your template and you're going to add a link so let's say this is your template and what you're going to do is you're going to click share and then share a link to use as a template and you're going to copy that link and this of course you need pro because you can see right here it has the crown icon then you're going to go to your pdf that you're going to upload into wherever you're selling online you're going to click on the text that's on your fake button and you're going to add the link and you're going to hit apply i would also do that to the button the pink because people might click on the wrong part i'm going to click apply you can also add like instructions on this on this pdf and you could also add these clickable icons so people can go right to your shop right to your instagram account so then you're going to download this page so you're going to download it as a print pdf and we only want to download page 7 boom and then you're going to upload it into etsy okay once someone purchases the listing they're going to have the option to download this pdf and when they download it they're going to open it up and it's going to look like this and then they're going to click on this template link and boom it's going to bring them right to canva and to their template now if they don't have a canva account it's going to ask them to create one it's totally free so they shouldn't have a problem with that and once they have an account they're going to click use template and now they can edit this template they can add their own information and that is it all right guys if this video was helpful please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and comment down below if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you so much for watching and i will catch you in the next video bye guys
Channel: Alissa Rose
Views: 60,713
Rating: 4.976912 out of 5
Keywords: canva template, canva tutorials, canva template tutorial, Canva Template Tutorial for Beginners, Create Digital Products, sell digital products, digital products on Canva, digital products, how to use canva, selling digital products online, canva for beginners, canva tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, create digital products or courses, sell digital products online, digital products to sell on etsy, canva tutorial instagram, design in canva, tutorial canva video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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