23 Canva Tips and Tricks for Beginners: 2021 BEGINNER FRIENDLY CANVA TUTORIAL

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[Music] please like comment share and subscribe [Music] hey now it's your girl shanita nicole and welcome to do dreamwork if you're new and if you're already a dreamer welcome welcome back y'all welcome back welcome welcome back y'all welcome back okay today are going to be going over canva tips and tricks and really excited because this is very beginner friendly i just want you to know i will be doing more but this is beginner friendly okay canva tips and tricks for beginners and i am so excited if you guys have been watching me you all know i love canva canva is my jam okay i love it i use it all the time now i am not i want to be clear i'm not going to go over everything with canva because i have a few other canva videos and i also have an intro to canva video so i will put that link somewhere on the screen and in the description description so you can check that out okay so let's just go ahead and jump right into these tips okay because i'm ready okay so the first tip that i'm going to do actually i'm going to be giving y'all a few different tips i'm going to give you all some free tips at the same time too um but okay the first tip that we're going to do we are going to show how to remove a background from an image so idea upload this image here i'm going to put that image on the screen i just clicked it i am using a mac and i do have the canva pro version so just so you know i do have the paid version i also have a link down below because i'm a canva affiliate if you want to get that information about um joining canva you could try it for free see if you like it or get the pro version i prefer the pro version so i do apologize i'm going to be doing pro version tips on here okay for example the first tip is how to remove a background and that is a pro tip okay so we're going to click the image that we want to remove the background we're going to go to effects then we're going to click background remover one click let canva do what it does okay and boom it has been removed easy peasy easy peasy lemon squeezy okay now here's the second thing you can do if you see here it says select a brush so let's say we want to erase more we have a brush here it shows a number and then it shows the size of the brush okay so let's say we wanted to remove more we can remove more uh oh we made a mistake let's say we want to restore we can restore as well okay now this apple i am going to restore that but let's cancel we're going to click here we're going to restore the only thing i really want to restore is this apple okay all right so that is how and actually i'm gonna erase some of this table and let's say you make a mistake you can press that back button oh it went all the way back let's have a remove it again it's doing twitch okay the only thing i do want to restore is this apple though because whatever the background is it'll come on the computer all right so that is the first tip how to remove the background in canva all right the second tip i'm going to press done and voila magic the next tip that i'm going to do is show you an easy way to add text a circle and a line okay so we're going to go ahead press apply that's done we're going to click on our canvas and we're going to press t on the keyboard that's it that's all we press t okay and then it brought up the text all right so we did that now here's the thing i want to you to be aware of you can also go over here now that first video that i linked that you saw i went over all of these um all of these elements over here so you can know what those are but you can click there and it'll bring up text as well i just showed you a quick way that you can bring it up i'm going to click here add a page and in the previous video i showed you how to do that as well so we're going to bring up t for text okay we're going to put hello and then we're going to put c and it's going to bring up a circle and then we're going to put l and it's going to bring up a line these are all elements that are strictly a quick shortcut by using your keyboard now once you have the elements here you can change the colors you can change the font the size uh where it's placed all of those things and i went over this in the first video as well so you can change it to whatever you want to change it to something that's new that i do not believe was on that first video is the width and weight of the line so this is something that's really really cool you can change the lines and you can put what's in the beginning and what's in the end of the line as well okay so that's something that i do not believe was on the first video that i did so that's something that's new all right and these are just quick links to add text a circle and a line that is tip number two okay the third tip i am going to provide is how to lock an image okay so let's say we're playing around with this and we don't want the circle to move okay we're going to center it see those magenta lines we are going to go ahead up here where it says lock and we're going to click that lock so now you see there it will this will not move we can move everything around it and that will still not move okay so that is how you lock an image so you can make sure it doesn't mess up or different things like that all right so the next tip we're going to go over is working on a brand kit so this is really really cool in regards to if you are um doing logos or if you have a brand or a business and you want to do a brand kit we are going to go to home okay and then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna go ahead and look down here where it says brand kit i did mention this in the previous video as well but it's okay so these are the brand logos any logos you created or made or uploaded will go here your brand colors would go here i'm deleting that because i don't know what who brand colors those are this is the ig palette um you can look up more information here this is my youtube colors what i use this was for one of my clients um and all of these colors have something called hicks codes which we talked about previously and i've talked about in several of my videos how you can find the specific colors okay then we have our brand fonts here and then uploaded fonts so we upload fonts here and this is called a brand kit and i'm going to name it because previously i did it so do dream ones so you can name them too alright so this is my brand kit that i use all right now we're going to go to our next step our next tip is going to be saving folders okay so if you want to organize your information you can save them in your folders and you can create new ones but this would be all of your designs likes purchases purchase things you've purchased if someone shares something your logos a bunch of dreamers these are just a nice way for you to keep yourself organized and know what's what okay so for example i'll click this here and then there's several different it shows you how many numbers or how many pages it is okay so for this one this is my actual planner get out of there so that's my planner right and i created that in canva and it's just showing me and keeping that folder in here if i ever need to come back to it so that is amazing okay i pressed that x to get out of it and now it's back to folders so that is our fit tip our sixth tip is going to be frames okay so let's go ahead and i'm going to show you how we will create a frame so we're going to go into elements and then we're going to go down to frames okay we're gonna see all and then let's say that i wanted to put an image into this laptop here or a book cover whatever you want but we're going to use the laptop and then this when it has this like picture background with the grass and the clouds that shows you you can put a photo there all right so i'm going to put this this is my instagram page and i'm trying to get to 10 000 there the name is do dream on so please follow me on instagram follow me on ig so you see how i double click there we can rotate we can move um crop the image is there okay so that's how you would do a frame and i'm going to show you a different frame too so we're going to go back to frames and i'm going to do a book so let's say we were doing a book cover we're gonna go to uploads and then i'm gonna pick this image here i'm gonna drop it inside the book and there you go and now it's a frame all right so that is our sixth tip now i'm going to go ahead and go to our seventh tip our seventh tip is going to be our drop shadow or our glow effect okay so we're going to come back to this picture here and then what we're going to do is i'm going to click the picture highlight that i'm going to go to effects and then i'm going to go down to duotone here's a tip if you have not seen this you want to go down here to see you may also like and then whatever you click here it'll populate there okay and excuse my computer i don't know why it's going so slow it's tripping so you see this right here you press connect and then now glitch is going to be one of my options here because at first i didn't have duo tone anywho we're going to go to dual tone we're going to select that you can choose whatever color background that you want for the glow i'm going to show you two really quickly so oops i didn't mean to do that i'm going to go to undo and then i'm going to duplicate press the three dots and duplicate my image now i'm going to click the image and i'm going to go to see y'all again i'm going to go to amber because i want it to be um an oranges glow back background for me okay you see these options anytime you see those lines they're filters so you can do the change all the different things like that with the filters we're going to go to the top to adjust and we're going to make it bright really bright no not that bright we're actually going to make it not so bright i want it that that way and then we're going to blur it okay you can make it really blurred for this i wanted to kind of really blur so it could look like that glow and then i'm going to make it larger than the original image i'm going to come back to the original image and voila magic see that now here's something that we can do i'm going to show you actually our eighth our eighth tip how to group images at the same time okay i'm going to click away from the images i'm going to drag a line to the image you see how a group both of those then i'm gonna go and press group and if group isn't an option you can press those three dots but i'm gonna undo it because i want to make sure it's right alright so you see how we have like that effect if i want to make this smaller i think i want to make it a little smaller i'm going to click the image again scoot it over now we have a glow click outside of it draw that line group it but i want this to be white for what i'm doing and then i want my background so i'm clicking my background to be black so you can see the glow okay now you have the blur effect now i'm going to duplicate the page i'm going to make this back i'll make this actually pink take that away and then i'm going to ungroup it and then i'm going to go back to duotone because i say you just want the white glow i'm going to click cr and then i'm going to go to classic okay we're changing the filter of the glow all of these different colors will show different glows i'm going to go to adjust i want this super bright and i want it super blurred okay and now we have the classic white glow on there oh i think the word i'm just copying and i'm pasting it here so you can see it okay so we have two different glows and you can make different glow colors and we grouped so we did seven and eight together okay so the ninth tip that we're going to go over is how to create a team so let's say you're doing this for work or for a group or different things like that we're going to go back to home on canva and we're going to go to create a team here if you want to create a team it's going to break down the admin attempt designers members etc you can send a link or you can get an invite link or you can put the people's addresses here so that is specifically for um making a team inviting a team and if you add additional people it does cost 6.99 per person over four so you get four in a group um and correct me if i'm wrong but it's four in a group and if you want to add more so that's how you can create a team and once you get that team you can go back and forth and share things with each other so now we're getting to the 10th tip in that sharing so let's say i wanted to share these images i could go ahead and put in with other designers other people etc i could put their name or their email and then i can copy link or i can you can share your designs inside of canva and to see who shared things with you previously previously you can go here and you see people share things with me we've shared things before okay so that's how you can do that all right so that's sharing inside of canva which is really really cool okay our 11th tip is going to be how you can find company logos so let's say that you're trying to do um instagram or facebook logos you will go to elements and then you can press x to clear everything out and then you can put in facebook logo and voila magic facebook logos will appear art all types of facebook logos that you're looking for you can even change the colors so a lot of times what my you know my colors are pink and different things like that i change it to match my uh my colors right so then this is something called a magic recommendation when you select certain things and you see how it says that pro with the crown there when you select certain things they give you recommendations because you know they're not going to let you talk about facebook without talking about instagram and pinterest and twitter different things like that okay so it provides you the different options there so you can create whatever it is that you're looking for with that and what's really cool is you see sometimes they let you change the colors you see they let you change those but they won't let you change this one you will have to look up a different instagram logo to see which one you can change you see that so sometimes they let you change it sometimes they don't and the way you know they'll let you change it is if this box comes up here to allow you to change the colors okay oh and then there's a cool i love when this happens there's a cool thing that you can do too is let's say that you want to change all of the things that's black on your image to pink you see right here it says change all black to pink so anything that's black instead of you clicking everything if you click that there it'll automatically change my record button is over here so it looks like it's blocking it from being from allowing me to do it there we go okay how are the system i used to record is right at that bottom over here so it wasn't allow me so you see how i did that so anything that was black it changed it to pink so that actually is a quick way to change all colors that's tip number 12. that allows you to do that on the bottom of when you're actually changing colors and different things like that okay okay so tip number 13 i'm going to show you how you would be able to measure things precisely okay so if you're like me and you want things to be measured really really good we're gonna do that i'm gonna change this to black i'm gonna come down copy this command see oh it's locked so i can't do anything when it's locked i'm unlocking it command c i'm on a mac i'm copying that command v i'm pasting so really that's that's another one so copy and paste but we're gonna just give you that i'm gonna give you that one for free okay so i copied and pasted that welcome and then i'm actually going to go to elements exit out of there and i'm gonna go to flowers okay and then i'm going to pick what flowers do i want this flower okay so i'm picking this flower okay i'm gonna make them smaller so they could fit and i'm going to delete these and then duplicate them again all right so do you see those magenta lines those help but there's a better way that we can make sure things are precise as possible if you saw that i went to file i went to show rulers and it is show ruler show guys okay these guys came up i'm going to click on there and bring it down boom i'm going to click here and bring it over boom so these are the guides to show you okay are these leveled correctly are they ah there you go you see how the emergency did it make sure that things are leveled correctly and it's all on the same page so you can bring more down you can make sure everything is as crisp as possible i love this tip okay so this tip is technically measuring things adding grid lines so everything can be precise all right okay 14th tip is how to filter elements by colors so we're going to click elements again i love me some elements and we're going to do flowers again okay so we're going to go to flowers but we're going to go to here you see that that's the filter the lines in the dots and we're going to look for pink flowers you could do square vertical horizontal static animated availability free or pro this will help if you're just looking for free things if not you have to pay we're going to apply filters for all of the pink flowers and like i said my computer for some reason is going slow so i do apologize but that one up there shows that the filter is going so we just have to wait for my computer to catch up come on little computer come on tink tank get it together okay bam so now we have all the pretty pink flowers so y'all know we gonna swipe this out right i'm about to swipe them out and give me some pretty pink flowers there we go there we go all right and then the grid lines are still there if you want them to be gone guess what you can do just move them back up just move them back from where they came from move them on out slap them back over to get them out the way okay and there you go all right that's how we filtered the elements by colors let's clear that exit out of there and that is our 14th tip now our 15th tip is going to be changing the transparency so let's say we want to do the flowers we're going to go here you see that transparency we're going to go to the transparency and we're going to change it so look at that all right and that is changing the transparency gonna change this one another one all right and then i'm going to go to the 16 which is going to be changing the positions first let's go to file and let's take the rulers off okay so now i think i want one more flower so i'll duplicate it there so now let's say if we want to change the position of the flowers we will click on the flower we will go to position and you could push that one back or you could push it forward back back fourth and fourth let's push that one to the back you see how that changed this one watch when i click it to the back look how it's going to do and it goes all the way to the back see so now it's adding that depth of field there okay so that is changing the positions and transparency that's 15 and 16 at the same time okay just something i always do is i always go to file and i save it even though a certain amount of time it automatically saves i always make sure that i save it because with pro look what you can do you can actually go to version history so that's going to be tip 17. for pro only you can check out a version history of your difference see it shows the current auto save when it auto saved all types of things it shows the date the time how many pages it shows everything here so let's say i made a mistake and i want to go back to 35 minutes ago i can go back to that one and it will bring it up that has been a life changer change the game for me okay i messed up i'm doing something my computer crashed something happens then you could always come back to it all right so that was tip number 17 to ch um to go back to different versions of your projects okay all right now we're going to go to 18 and that is going to be creating smart mockups okay so 18 is creating smart mockups you will have to go to those three dots at the top you see we say share you have to go to cr you have to go down to smart mockups you see all this other thing like look at all these other things they can do i'm only giving you a few smart mockups you do have to go to smartmockups.com before doing this sign up i'm on a free trial and i'm probably going to pay because it reminds you of place it but it's all connected to canva so they did a wonderful job i'm going to use image pay i'm sorry page number five and i'm gonna type flowers that's gonna be the name of it so let's go back smart mockups page five i'm going to save it it's going to show preparing your design and then it's going to give a couple options it shows continue editing go to your home page or view and smart mockups so go to viewing smart mockups and here we have this is basically kind of like place it it shows all the mock-ups so it's professional product mockups for you all of your digital and printed projects right but look at this it could do t-shirts smartphones magazines books laptop frames mugs face but look at this the image that we saved it automatically made the mock-up for all of these and look how sweet that is and of course you can browse you can go ahead and um crop and edit but look how sweet that is it automatically did it for you that is amazing didn't even know what i was using for but they said don't worry boo we got you whatever you using it for we got a mock-up for it that's what it was saying so you can browse we're going to just go to mugs for the sake of this and then look it's all the mugs oh and it's a flower and a flower stop playing with me christmas time look how cute this is this is amazing oh they don't make me i'm probably about to leave place and look how many of them it is it's a lot tons of them okay so that is creating smart mockups uh with smart smartmockups.com inside of canva this is everything okay everything and then it shows you all the different things it can do it's really cool all right so that is smart mock-ups now we're going to go to our 19th tip and for our 19th tip we are going to animate our image okay so you've probably noticed this i'm clicking on there when you do that that's that turquoise thing it shows is highlighted i'm clicking on here and you probably notice this animate thing right so we're going to go here and if you don't want none if you want to do a block if you want to do a fade a pan let's let it come all the way through okay then the the um crowns those are oh that's cute so you could do this for anything for your youtube videos you could do this for your instagram post um for literally anything you can add this anything that you want and it just shows you different ways that you can make this into an animation okay and it shows you the time so you can adjust the time if you want so that is animations okay and then we are going to go ahead and show you for our 20th is adding audio all right so we're going to add audio into our project so for the audio i want to use this one okay so i'm gonna highlight this and then what i'm gonna do is i'm going to go to uploads because you will upload come on computer we almost done you go to uploads and then you're gonna you can upload your media there or you can go to audio i recorded this earlier so i'm going to click my audio and drop it on there thanks for watching my youtube video so there that is how you can add audio what i did was i recorded it on the apple head i recorded it on my memo and my iphone and then i just um dropped it on down to to my mac and then i just uploaded the image okay and dropped it to whatever i want so you can do this um for anything guys we're winding down on the tips but i have a couple more for you let's say that you do create a team right and let's say that you want to leave notes your team members that you're working on so this tip is how to add notes so on here the way you would do that as you see you click the image you see this here it says you can add a comment so you can add a comment you can ask a question what do you think about this not being about it what do you think about this right add the comment somebody can reply to the comment once they saving it and share it and you can just play around with it to edit the comment delete the thread etc but if you're on a team have a team you and the team can leave notes to each other throughout the process okay we are going to go over um text effects okay so we're gonna duplicate this one we're gonna make this pink and then we're gonna go to effects and then we're going to go to style they can have a shadow you can't see the shadow here oops undo change the background so effects and we're going to have a shadow we can have the offset you see how big it gets can you see that let me see let's change the back maybe i'll change the color you see that a in the color we can change it to black so then you see that the effects we can even change the color of the effects right now it's pink we can change it to orange and then look at that look how big or small the offset is the direction it could go from left to right depending on what it is you want then that could be a blur too see that all right let's go back to effects then it does the transparency see how large that is blurred it is then we can also go so if you click off of it it'll click off we can do it hollow splice it echo it shows all the different ones glitch neon you guys i use this neon all the time and then we can do the intense the intensity how intense we want it we also can do with the shape so here's the curve so i'm giving out two for one is that a hundred percent you can curve it either way whichever way you want so those are the text effects that we can use i don't want this color i'm doing command c to copy command v to paste and then you see and i'm doing over here but since these colors i want to do it to where it can match and i'm going to click the background and i'm going to do a black boom that looks completely different like look how different that looks all right that's the text effects now we can also do is the next tip we are going to show you see how these elements are really really close and you have to switch them all around and figure them out to get to the images behind the other images you would have to press i'm on a mac it would be command and then the left i'm sorry command and then the left mouse click so now you see how it doubled it and the actual square is on the second um i'm sorry the actual square is on the second triangle i'm going to click here and i'm going to change that color you see that i'm behind it and let's say i want to go to the next one i click command hold command command and i go to the left mouse again i click it again and now i'm on the third triangle and i'm going to change that color okay so if you have elements that are stacked on each other you press on a mac command and then the left mouse click if you're on a pc you will click whatever is the equivalent to the key is called alt a lt is equivalent to command so that's how you would change that okay and that is my canva tips and tricks video so if you guys have any questions comments or concerns please holla at your girl i can do more of these videos if you like so if you have any questions comments or concerns please let me know please join our facebook group queen dreamer we love it over there um i appreciate i appreciate you guys for taking your time out and watching this video if you have any other videos you want me to do please let me know but yeah y'all i love y'all y'all know that i love y'all and y'all be safe out there you're here bye [Music] thank you for your time please like share and subscribe bye
Channel: Do Dream On
Views: 13,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, canva tutorial, how to use canva, canva tips and tricks, canva for beginners, canva tips and tricks 2021, easy canva tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, canva tutorial 2021, canva tips, canva design tips, how to use canva app, tips for canva, canva tips for beginners, canva tutorial thumbnail, how to add shadow to text in canva, canva.com tutorial, canva tricks and tips, canva 2021, canva tips beginners, canva hacks, canva pro, how to use canva tutorial
Id: -M-dhQXrbJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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