20 CANVA TIPS AND TRICKS I can't live without [2021 UPDATE] 👈 Canva Tutorial For Beginners

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today i'm back to show you some more of my favorite canva tips and tricks i can't live without these are new and updated ones which i haven't really covered in my previous videos ready to get more efficient and discover some new possibilities let's do this hi my lovely people it's natalia and welcome back to my channel where i share super action ideas on content creation for entrepreneurs and creatives and today we have an exciting video i always get tons of comments and messages about how much you enjoyed my canva tips so i have some more super useful ones in store for you and i'm very excited to share them today if you haven't seen the first video and tips and tricks in canva that everyone should know make sure to watch it next link in the description of course and you will see it here too with these tricks you will be much more efficient and discover some less known canva functionalities which can unlock new possibilities for promoting your business and presenting your work some of the tips i share with you today are available for free users only while others may require a pro account ultimately it's your decision whether or not to use a paid version but i highly recommend you do up for the pro account just because it adds another layer of efficiency to the designing process you can check out the link in the description box for a free 30-day trial for canva pro and at the moment they're running a promotion which they allow you to actually add five people to your team for the price of one normally you would have to pay for each member so it's definitely a great opportunity from today i'll also start doing shout outs if you'd like to be mentioned in my next video screenshot this one and share it on your ig story and remember to hit a notification bell as well or you might not see my new videos okay enough with the talking let's jump straight to canva tip number one embed social posts and videos now you know how popular the twitter style posts are on instagram well apart from using templates from the canva library which some of them are pro templates you can actually repurpose your existing tweets or other social media posts with just one click from within canva so if you go to the left panel in here scroll all the way down and hit more you'll see this little icon in here which is embeds and you can see a wide array of different platforms that you can pull your social posts from and this way it's just with one click it goes to your design so let me just delete everything that i've got in here if you click on twitter and here it will show you an example of what that looks like and i just have a link in here to my post so you can just paste it in there hit add to design and canva just pulls that post for you straight away and the fun thing is of course this will be used for instagram but if you wanted to embed your post into a pdf to make it interactive as well so this actually links up to that post if i just double click on it and it will open up another post so it will open up that post in another tab so a great way to use your existing social media posts or any other resources that you've posted on different platforms without the hassle of actually having to screenshot them upload them to canva and then crop and add to the design tip number two embed designs in blog posts so to stay on the subject of embedding did you know that you can also embed your designs on a website it can be super useful for showcasing your templates or as a presentation for example to do this once you have a design ready type in embed in the top right corner in here just like that and as you can see you can either choose a smart embed link which is supported on some platforms like wordpress for example or an html embed code and i'm just going to show you what it looks like in a random blog post that i've been embedded on my website this is it you can just watch the whole video from here or you can actually double click on it and it will open up another presentation here in full screen so quite a cool feature if you're selling templates for example if you're a graphic designer that utilizes canva or if you are embedding some presentations or ebooks that you've actually created in canva tip number three edit pdfs this feature is still in beta but it's certainly a very exciting development from canva do you know that you can now upload your flat pdfs and edit them from within canva honestly that's so cool to do that you can go to create a design in here and then hit import pdf now i'm just going to choose a random file from here and now it's uploading it takes a while depending on how many pages there are in the document and sometimes if it's too big of a document it won't actually open it but let's hit that you'll see what it does it was a completely flat pdf and you couldn't select anything you couldn't edit any of the images but you can see now that canvas done that for you so it identified all those different text boxes granted there are some parts that are not ideal that you would need to be cleared out a little bit but if you scroll down and look at it it's pretty good actually in here for example you have an image it's actually transparent as well so you know quite cool that it's actually doable from canva and hopefully they develop this feature even more you have a feedback form in here they can fill every time and this way they can identify what went wrong and improve that tip number four pace stuff over from another design this is something i get asked about often during my consultations and for some reason not many people know about this so i'm going to ask you did you know that this feature exists let me know down below in the comment section and in the meantime to paste stuff over from another design so i have a blank page in here i have another design from canva opened in another window i can just select everything hit ctrl or command c to copy it then go back to this design hit ctrl or command v to paste it and you can see that this appears in here no fuss copied from another design so you don't need to go back and recreate anything that you've created before tip number five paste whole pages between designs now speaking of pasting things over it's now possible to copy and paste entire pages over to another design it's a very recent feature released by canva and it certainly makes designing so much quicker and sometimes when you create a lot of presentations or you have similar slides on your instagram carousel you need to move over whole pages and now it's as easy as going to your page view here in the bottom selecting the pages you want in here hitting ctrl c again or command c and then going to another presentation and hitting ctrl v and this way all your pages appear in here you don't need to copy certain elements over whole pages and that's you sorted tip number six create graphs very often when you're giving presentations and where you're creating informative carousels for instagram you need to showcase some data and of course a classic table is the obvious choice but it's not that attractive to do this go to the left panel to more and hit charts and you have all the different options to represent your data and you can either enter your own data manually or if you have an excel spreadsheet with data in it you can just copy that over to canva and it does the job for you and of course it wouldn't be a graphic design tool if you weren't able to adjust some basic things like colors or fonts that you can change from here tip 7 create a pop-out effect that's quite a fun effect that you can easily create in canva and it works for profile photos as well as fun interactive images so let me show you how it's done now first of all you need to make sure to have a photo that actually is able to be transformed into that pop-out effect i have this ballet dancer in here and now the next thing i want to use is that instagram frame if you go to elements and search for instagram frame this will pop up for you and now i'm going to just place it where i want it so that the hands can stick out i've made it a little bit smaller so the next thing i want to do is to hit that image again i will change the transparency so i can see exactly where i want to put it because we want to put it on top of that image to directly correspond to the image that i've put in the background and now i'm just going to stretch it out to make sure that it fits and you can see that it's nearly nearly there play around with the size a little bit just like that perfect great so she's in position just now i'm going to quickly crop the image like this just so it doesn't pop into the background for me and now i can just change the transparency back to a hundred percent the next thing you want to do is to actually go to edit image and go to background remover fantastic so now this is removed so you have just that ballet dancer in here i'll put her in position as i did before and now of course we want to create that pop-out effect i need to crop that image on top just to be able to remove that bits that i want hidden underneath that frame so just make sure that i crop to this line in here just like that and that's cropped out and you have a fun effect like this i've done the same thing with this image exactly the same process so add an image to the background then add a frame have another image on top of it perfectly position it edit it cut the background and then crop it so that it stays in place properly and this is another effect that i've done and when i was talking about the profile pictures this is another effect that you can use to create more kind of fun interactive profile photos or little kind of bubbles that you would include in your pdfs let's say so it's a very similar thing that i've done in here i've grouped the whole thing so you can move it but you can actually see that this is just a cutout that i've created and then another one was the image inserted into a frame actually so i've just combined the three with the method above and here and this is what it looks like tip number eight make your elements the same size now again i do consultations regularly those on canva included and this is something i notice people often struggle with so i definitely wanted to add it to my tip list if you want to make all of the different icons the same size or different elements i'm just going to opt for social icons because it's the easiest i'm just going to choose a few from the magic recommendations in here what you want to do is to make sure that they all kind of come in the same place i'm just going to stack them all together just like that on top of each other and you can see that canva straight away shows you all those different lines and these dashed lines and that means that all of them are in the same position and now we can just make them smaller and this way you have all the icons in the size that you want them tip number nine use new shortcuts in my previous canva tips and tricks video i've shared some shortcuts with you to speed up your whole workflow and if you're using some of the shapes quite regularly i have some new really cool ones to share with you now if you want to add a circle simply hit c and that will pop up a circle for you now another one is r for rectangle this pops up a square but of course you can make it work as a rectangle as well or you can hit l and that will add a line just like this and another tip that you really liked from the previous video was the tidy up feature which normally is in the position and then tidy up if you have three or more elements now if i select all of these you can simply hit alt shift t and this will tidy them up for you again another speed up to your whole process and now another thing if you want to group all of the images you can go to group in here or you can simply go ctrl or command g and that will group them all and now if you want to ungroup them you can go shift ctrl g and that will ungroup them for you very quickly tip number 10 speed up your workflow with integration not sure if you realize this but canva has quite a few useful integrations that can help with your workflow and frankly make your life that much easier i personally use it all the time save my design straight to mailchimp without having to download anything and then upload it there from my drive and they land in my newsletters with no hassle and then in your inbox shameless plug here if you want to hear more from me make sure to subscribe to that newsletter because i share more of my business journey there and let you know when i publish a video as well but now back to the integrations there are so many other options you can save your designs to onedrive dropbox or google drive add a map from google maps to your design which is such a cool option when for example you're creating an informative pdf itinerary you can also share your designs on slack with your team i'm all about improving your systems and making sure you're that much more efficient and it definitely helps when you have so many integrations available from within canva to check them all out open canva.com in your browser make sure you're logged in and then under this features tabs you have the apps tab so click on it and you can browse some of the things that canva has available or search in the bar if you have something specific in mind tip number 11 search through your designs quickly can i just say one thing i absolutely hated having to scroll through hundreds of designs just to find something i needed and this was one annoying thing that really bugged me in canva on a daily basis well this now has been solved but not many people are aware of it so i'm here to share hopefully it will save you some headache so if you search in the top bar for something in particular nor normally it would show you some of the templates but now if i want to go for my mock-up design i know this is something that i named one of my designs in here apart from the templates you have your designs tab and this actually browses through all of your different designs and can have yours here tip number 12 create a gif gifs are an interesting way to add a fun visual representation of what you're talking about whether you're sending out a newsletter making your q as on instagram stories a bit more fun or having your otherwise static presentations come to life and there's a quick and easy way to create your own gifs in canva too now i have this random perfume bottle you can use whatever element you want you can use your product you can use all the different things but just for the purpose of this presentation first thing you want to do is to go to animate and just create some sort of an animation we're going to actually change it in a moment but the thing i want at this moment is to change the timing to 0.1 and this will become very important in a moment this just enables that video feature that allows you to actually kind of create that gif so i'm going to go back to the animations and select none so it doesn't animate actually and the first thing i want to do is to just skew it a little bit again any motion that you want to do you'll see what i want to do with this one later on but at the moment i'm just going to use this one now i'm going to duplicate the page from here at the top and skew this perfume image to 9 degrees just that it's it's consistent between the two i can just go to grid like this and just select both of these pages remember i shown you they can actually kind of copy whole pages just now and i'm going to just pop them in here and create a few other ones like this so just like that i'm going to keep adding let's say i want round 12 and now what you can do is to go to download hit gif all the pages and then download from here and now as you can see i've opened that gif up just a random movement in here but this is the way you can create various different gifs through the various different types of movement you can do rotation you can do so many different things but it's very easy to do in canva tip 13 access cutout images you may not know this but there are plenty of photos with no background in the canva library already and this can really transform an otherwise flat design and help you create seamless carousels for instagram which i've shown in one of my videos or even recreate flat lace yourself and to do this what you want to do is to go to elements and search for cutout or png and you can often get different results with both cutout and png so if you're looking for something specific search both ways and see what you like so as you can see in here i've created this image just a white background and these are all cut out images they've introduced included in here some of them have shadows already some of them you can add shadows later on which i'll be covering later in this video so stay tuned and if you search for png you have all the different options in here as well you can see another mug with some coffee in here so i could swap that out that one out and this was actually a backdrop that i've created for one of my videos on um instagram so it's very useful very useful if you're trying to search for particular things again for instagram carousels as well so really good but that's not all if you have a pro account you can easily create your own cutout images by using the remove background function so if you're planning on creating a flat lay just search for a flat lay photo or upload one of yours and i have this planner in here in the uploads so if you just go to edit image in here hit background remover canva will automatically remove the background for you and will create that cutout effect and this is what i've used to actually create that little edge in here that little corner so i'm going to just remove it but you can see that this is the planner in here and it created a bit more dimension with what i was going for tip 14 make your own instagram story stickers now another fun way to use these cutout images is to add them as stickers to your regular instagram stories if you have the canva app on your phone it's super easy to use it on the go so say you're planning talking about bouquets in your stories you can have a few different ones cut out save it without a background to your camera roll and then record yourself and use them as stickers to visualize what you're talking about and it works for many different products items or can even serve as decoration to make your story stand out a little bit more and you can think creatively maybe you can design some personalized stickers to say hi or thank you to your followers so i have this sticker in here prepared so i can just go in here to save it to my role hit png transparent background and select page 5 because that's the only one that i want to download once i hit download i'll have it saved to my camera roll and we can go straight to our stories with it so now that you're in your stories you can start talking about the bouquets and different things that you want to mention let's finish recording in here and here at the top you've got the different stickers and if you scroll down a little bit you've got this sticker in here which means you can grab something from your photos and actually just apply it to your story so let's hit that in here and select this from the camera roll and as you can see i can just add that in here and i can play around make it a bit nicer you know add some um different design elements but this is how you would add stickers to your stories to make them more interesting and they can also not only just show something that you're talking about but they can serve as decoration as well so as you can see i've added my sticker in here i've added a few different elements just from my text tools within instagram to make it a bit more branded and my story is ready to be posted tip 15 create mock-ups mock-ups are a wonderful way to make a design come to life and canva lets you do it quite easily from within the app there are actually a few ways to create a mock-up in canvas so let me show you how it's done so method one is using frames to create a mock-up using a frame you can go to elements in here go to frames if you scroll down you'll see the frames in here and as you can see you've got a phone you've got a laptop and you have a screen and for this one let me just pop it on top of the screen in here just like that and if you go to some of the photos for example let me just choose a random photo like this you can just put it inside and this is what it looks like and the second method is using cut out so this is where the cutouts from my previous tip come into play as well as an example if you search for an iphone mock-up in photos you'll find a few options so i've got this one in here we want something flat because we won't be able to change perspective on the images so let's choose this basic iphone cutout in here i want to include an instagram screenshot so let's pull it up from the uploads and let's place it underneath and voila here's our mock-up we can select the two group them and move them around easily like this so the third method is using smart mock-ups and there are quite a few integrations with third-party apps in canva and smart mock-ups is one of them and with this method you'll need an account with them and it is a paid service but if you use a lot of mock-ups smart mock-ups might be a great option for you so i have an invitation design in here and what you want to do next is to go to the search bar in here and let's type in smart mock-ups i already have an account connected but you can do it from within canva easily it's just a straightforward login page so let's save the image in there and that will save it straight in smart mock-ups so let's go to smart mock-ups and choose a design you can go to all mock-ups in here and simply search for something that you like so i'll go for invitation you can scroll down and as you can see there are plenty of different options for you i'm looking for specific dimensions so i actually like this one quite a lot so from here you can actually hit upload from hit canva and as you can see you will have the published designs in here so let's select this one crop and continue because it matches the size perfect so this is what it looks like when you can just download it i'll choose a super high resolution just because i want the best quality possible and it will save as a png we can then go to uploads hit upload media i'll choose device and let me just choose that image now we have our beautiful image from smart mockups and i can just integrate it within my design and just like that you have another mock-up ready tip 16 add glow shadow or stroke now this is an image that i've actually removed a background from so if you click on that image hit edit image i have it in the recently used but if you scroll down go to shadows you have a few different options in here so you can add a glow and this is how you would add that glow that i mentioned before and you can add a drop shadow as well so if you click on it and then click again you'll be able to actually change some of the settings to achieve the look that you want to achieve so you can change the transparency which makes it kind of more or less visible um i would add a bit of blur for this one and you can even change the color of that one just to blend in with the background a little bit better i'll go for this one and you can offset it a little bit more you can create a kind of a different angle as well so all the different options just apply that little shadow in here to try this glow option again go to edit image scroll down and choose the first one just in here click again for the settings and you can choose the glow to be whatever different color you want you can kind of play around with the settings in here i'll maybe go for this white one in here just like that just so you can see it and you can see that there is a bit of a glow appearing around the image can make it lesser more transparent just like that and you can make it blurry so it creates that nice separation from the background for you and the third effect you can achieve is to actually go for a full stroke around your image so if you go to that glow again i'll choose a white background transparency high i want the size to be quite big actually and i don't want any blur with this one whatsoever and that will create that stroke around an image very popular with kind of youtube thumbnails things of that nature again if you want a bit of a cut out effect with this one that's a great option tip number 17 make your own product backgrounds when you're selling physical products you can sometimes get bored of the photos you already have of them and may want to present them in a fun way so did you know that you can search for the term product display background in the elements tab to find great backdrops so in order to do that product display background go to photos and you can see so many different options to display your own products so let's say i have a photo of some of the products i could potentially be selling in here what you can do is to just place them in here and you have a fun way to present your products you can add some text over it make a little ad even so so many great options in here go and play with that option if you sell physical products tip 18 stay on brand with instagram stories this one is one of my favorite canva plus instagram tips and something i've been using for a long long time to keep a consistent image on various profiles so you know how i told you to save your canvas stickers in a folder on your phone and you can add them to your stories well if you create your own color palette image in canva and save it there as well you can have all your brand colors available at hand every time you want to post a story now once you have your story recorded what you want to do is to go back to that sticker that i've shown you before just like this add your color palette and this way if you choose like a text let's say hey there just like this and the thing that you can do if you go to color choose a color picker this is how you can stay on brand and keep your text boxes just as you want them and you can create the same thing with these kind of different scribble effect so i can choose the the pink one and create it that way so then once you're done you can just remove that photo and you're sorted you're staying on brand in your stories tip 19 apply branding instantly if you're a canva pro user you get access to a brand kit which allows you to gather all your brand assets in one place and access them easily when designing so you can see it from the home page in the left panel in the brand kit when you're not using your own templates but don't want to waste time manually changing all the fonts and colors to match your branding there is a quick hack to efficiently transform a canva template so to do this i have a template in here like this if you go to more and hit styles this way you'll be able to see all your brand kit assets in here the first thing i want to do is to change my fonts if i simply click on that button in here canva already applied my fonts to this design the next thing you can do is to shuffle through your main color palette and this way you'll see all your brand colors applied in different ways and you can find something that suits your needs and you can do that for all the different pages and you don't have to worry about clicking on every single element or every single item and changing it tip number 20 use video timelines now that's the latest development from canva and shows that video editing is what they have their minds on now in the video mode you actually have a timeline in here where you can edit your individual slides or clips and you can actually add transitions granted these are still fairly basic and i would say they work best for a presentation style video but here's hoping that there's more in store for us from canva you can change it to dissolve you can make a slide you can circle wipe or line wipe and you can change direction or even the duration of the transition itself and this is how you change the clip duration as well have you discovered something new and exciting today jump to the comment section quickly and let me know which tip was your favorite now if you want more great tips check out the first installment of the canva tips and tricks and for more quick canva tutorials head on over to this playlist and see what you can create yourself as always i'm so happy to have you all here and i'm so grateful for your lovely comments and messages and if there's anything you'd like me to cover can dm me and i'll make sure to add it to my video ideas list and of course don't forget to share this video and your instagram stories for a chance to get a shout out in my next video and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss it have a lovely day and i'll see you next time
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 21,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tips and tricks, canva tips and tricks 2020, canva tips, canva tips beginners, canva tricks, tips for canva, how to use canva, canva tips and tricks 2021, best canva tips, canva workflow tips, canva tricks and tips, canva text tips, advanced canva tricks, canva 2021, Canva tips and tricks, Canva tips for beginners, canva tutorial 2021, canva tips beginner, canva shortcuts, tips and tricks canva, tricks canva, canva tutorial, how to use canva for beginners, Canva
Id: G7Bf63gYm54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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