How to Design a T-Shirt in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

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What is up everybody Matt with Mikey Designs here we're going to do a little bit of graphic design on screen I'm gonna kind of walk you through the process of me design something so stick around hey welcome back if you're new to the channel my name is Matt this is Micah designs and silkscreen if you don't already know be sure to subscribe check out some of our other videos today we're gonna walk you through how I go about designing a t-shirt so let's dive right into it okay we are doing a little bit of some late night design work last-minute order Kristi I really appreciate it if you see this video about the design your t-shirt right here on camera so here is what Kristi has provided and let's see here we are level number 83 so there gonna be some racecar shirts and guys bear with me I'm gonna work through this as quick as I can I'm not going to kind of talk about the commands and all that this time around because I'm gonna get to work so here's what has been provided and let's go ahead and the first thing I'm going to do is use Photoshop I'm just going to drag all these over to photoshop and the first step I am going to do is we are going to essentially make clipping paths and not the cars or extract the cars from the background this image in particular is going to need a little bit of work to get rid of the the copyright you know the watermarks from the images so I'm going to dive right on in I'm just using my zoom tool here and first thing I'm going to do it excuse me meant to hit caps-lock I'm gonna make a clipping path I want to make sure that using combine shapes here I'm just going to dive right in and start drawing a clipping path pretty quickly and I do plan on having a Photoshop class on how to do a lot of these tricks so if I'm losing you a little bit well you're just gonna have to bear with me and hopefully you might learn a little something from this so one of the great things about the pin tool as you see here I'm using the pin tool to create a clipping path to essentially cut this image out of the background and we're gonna blow through this pretty quickly at least the clipping part that when it comes to being a graphic designer the one of the hardest things is you know where do you go with this you're almost kind of working with the blank canvas you got a client that has a particular need in the in this case you have a deadline to meet we have to have this is going to go on a t-shirt so if you're checking this video out in your graphic designer and you're kind of watching what I'm doing here we are screen printers and this is going to be screen printed on shirts so this video will be a two-part series can I cut really call it a series I don't think it is it's a tutorial and actually you're kind of just watching me do this but I will show you how we end up printing this and how it ends up looking but as I was saying if you are a graphic designer one of the things you will find out about clients sometimes they need stuff at the last minute and in this case is no exception but it's all part of the job okay so we closed off our path next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go over here and do subtract from shape and we're gonna start drawing on the inside of this path that I just made and for you and for those of you that are new to using Photoshop you want to draw your outer shape first and then subtract from that otherwise you're going to get issues when it comes time to selecting things okay this looks like a shadow from the car but I'm basically just kind of trimming out what is the interior of this car and at this very moment I and I'll show you guys here in here in a bit once I trim all this basically extract this car from the background and we're not going to get too too too fancy with it or at least I'm not going to mess with a lot of these holes here maybe this one here since it is the back window and we're going to figure out a way to kind of make this work these images are pretty low res but that is okay with screen printing you tend to high res is best as always but you know sometimes you have what to work with what your client has provided and that's it that's just a case okay so I'm going to go over here to my pass there's my working path I'm gonna call this my clipping path and I'm just going to I'm not even gonna worry about the fact that it's all caps I'm gonna go over here and excuse me I'm gonna call this a clipping path I'm gonna make my flatness 0.3 that's kind of my default and then I'm just gonna go ahead and save this as a TIF really quick and I'll just create a new folder and we'll call it builds normally I would normally I would just turn the caps lock off but I need to get through this quite quick quick so we're gonna go ahead and save that I'm gonna go ahead and close that one out and now we're gonna go to this next image here and hit P on the keyboard see my pin tool make sure we're using the combine shapes and we're just gonna knock this dude out real quick real quick lack we'll get it get rid of the background it might not look like I'm getting rid of the background right this moment but you will see what I am talking about I may end up doing this it will be a combination of illustrator and Photoshop I might do most of the composition in Photoshop or I might just bring an illustrator sometimes I tend to piece things together in Illustrator or I might do the whole thing in Photoshop and then bring some elements over an illustrator that I have designed because a lot of the time I do end up using illustrator to set my type I getting just my work flows a lot better when I bounce between the two I'm pretty proficient would Photoshop however there are a lot of tricks that I can do an illustrator that just can't do as quick in Photoshop so I mean if your Diels Photoshop then more power to you I would suggest learning the bowtie because they're both great programs and I can man a lot of stuff that I create is an illustrator and I can just bang stuff out same thing in Photoshop but I like to use a combination of the two which you will see here in a moment like I was saying some of the hardest things and this part here I you know it might have to end up being like some sort of cold background that fixes this issue because the fact that it's just sitting in a field and you're missing one of the cars you got to be creative and figure out a way to problem-solve all that and I'm not going to mess with these flowers here I'm not going to do all that I would try to do least amount of points as possible probably need to take a page out of my own book there and that's where Photoshop is gonna come in handy I'm gonna pull this in a little more looks like I moved the whole image okay we have that part of the clipping path all taken care of now let's next thing I'm going to do is use these subtract from shape I'm pretty sure they don't want her in there I'm pretty sure I could be wrong I might look like a fool if they do want her in there although I don't see why they would kind of looks like she's hanging out from the driver's side and notice you never know we well see they get this racing seat in there that's definitely something that they probably might want there's no driver though there's no driver there's a wait actually I think she is the driver Brent Brent Guillory I don't know I might have to talk to them about that if she is the driver and her name is Brent then I will be surprised but I don't think she needs to be in there they might come back and be like hey why'd you why'd you take Brent out I didn't know Brent was a woman isn't that right Shannon yeah I I don't know I don't know if brent is I'm pretty sure Brent's a dude and have her there might be as a girlfriend or his wife or something hanging out the window but I am going to remove her for the initial concept so we shall see and hopefully they like this designs I'm doing it last minute and like I said that's just how it goes sometimes so let's crank out some last minute creative stuff and sometimes it's hard being creative at the last minute but I will say a lot of times that working under pressure it kind of forces you to get things done and come up with something versus if you just sit on it and you're like I don't know where I'm going with it I don't know where I'm going with it I have no clue I do have some images I pulled off the old interwebs that I may use for ideas that's just kind of the way I work creatively so I'm going to call this clipping path once again okay I'm gonna say this is a tip actually I probably should have save it as an EPS TIFF will be fine as long as it retains my clipping path sometimes I don't know back in the day you had save it as a EPS that it came in well but here I mean these days now it's kind of they're pretty smart the the kind of date myself the version of Photoshop that started out with was 5.5 and I think it was illustrator illustrator 5 as well so am I tell you a little something although illustrator 5 was so I still really use the same tricks that did an illustrator 5 think the newer versions are just it makes it easier to do things like drop shadows you kind of had to manually do that where you would make a selection and then essentially create a shape and then blur that and kind of offset it so you guys are lucky you guys and gals out there lucky if you're just getting into it for some of you out there that still do graphic design and I've been in as long as I have and perhaps I don't know if you are an art director or something along those lines and don't screw around with it that much you know what I'm talking about you do the hard work had to be that person to get to that spot and now are probably directing some younger people no you're doing it wrong that's not what I said anyhow you can see I'm kind of burning right through making all these clipping pass this part is easy part really ah aha although you know what I didn't do is I forgot to make this dude to combine shapes now we can subtract let's go back so I'm trying to one of the things about doing this on the fly and trying to record this is sometimes you might overlook stuff and you're not quite as focus you're getting rid of this window area it's a pretty you know low res image so kind of hard to tell where the exact exact edges so you have to be the person to determine where that's at okay I'm gonna call this a clipping path once again 0.3 flatness and what the flatness means is if you boost that number up some more when you bring that into let's say if you brought it into InDesign or illustrator you're gonna have some pretty hard edges so I point threes kind of when I found the beam a little bit of a sweet pot sweet spot and you notice that's 1041 here okay got that one done this one's gonna be real doozy alright let me go back up here and make sure we're starting out right and like I said I mean if this word if this was going on some sort of big banner or something like that you definitely would notice look at that I forgot to tire over here I'm gonna go back but if I were going in some sort of large format where it was digitally printed offset for in it and I think a lot of stuff digital these days unless it's a huge run but you're really not gonna tell too much on a t-shirt and makes some difference but okay this is what we have to work with now hopefully we just make something really cool-looking because this isn't something I do every day not just design part but doing a race specific t-shirt they generally have a specific style but I'm gonna throw my own little style in there yeah so much stuff to knock out of the windows why why why can't these cars just have tint on them or something and I wouldn't have to trim all this stuff out I finally let being a graphic designer you get to kind of secretly bitch about certain things and you know your client just sees the end results but I think that probably comes with any profession you take your car into a mechanic and something goes wrong you better believe they're bitching about it not that I'm bitching too much just just need to blow through this quickly figure out some sort of decent layout and then we're gonna tie in some sort of cool-looking text I hope and figure it out like I said I'm gonna use some of these examples I took offline as a as inspiration okay we're gonna call this clipping path once again go over to our options and make the clipping path so now just need to save this out save it as a tiff and this is my builds generally I would label these but kind of need to do this quick quick Lac so I don't know um let's figure this out real quick I might do it in Illustrator Photoshop maybe obviously I'm using both right now but I'm going to go ahead and do my maximum print size is 12 by 15 so let's go ahead and make ourselves an illustrator document I'm gonna place these guys on here and I'm gonna play with the layout a little bit come on computer do your thing double click get it to folder all right now I'm gonna place these on here let's see how this ends up working out if I need to go back and save it as an EPS hopefully not no look at that it's backwards that one's backwards I may have not clipped on one correctly anyways our paths are working but obviously I didn't do something right so let's go back and take a look and see what we I did not do right okay open it on up what did i do some of these have okay so that one looks fine let's find that image and close that one out and that one I may have just blown through it too quickly let's see do we do our clipping path maybe it's good and entering any flatness let's see if that made a change yes we want to update it pal look at that okay so we got that all taken care of let's take a look at this dude all right we got our flatness in there but I think I jumped the gun and did not yep there it is that is the issue so I hit save pal there we are there's that dude just go ahead and close that I'm sure it's probably the same issue mmm nope you over to my clipping path yeah we made a clipping path all right maybe the inside of all these windows which if that is a case not too big of a deal however yeah we'll hit some track and then we're gonna go back and select the outer portion of it hit save and see what we got I am there it is getting ahead of myself so I'm gonna try and make all these cars about the same size be sure to hold shift and it will scale it to size and at this moment you know this might even be a moot point doing this but I so we're gonna start out and I think I'm gonna kind of stagger some of these and maybe this car could have some text or something underneath that I'm gonna stagger them a little bit we are way too big with our graphics okay so we're off to the races yeah yeah oh good you know I don't even think she even mentioned what she wanted on there I'll have to go back and check that but in the meantime I got me a little folder here that labeled ideas I wonder what they are could they be ideas no look at that they are ideas so okay I think one thing you will notice in this particular instance with our client we're charge them to put something together pretty quickly but we're going to use the car images as is these are obviously redrawn but really and truly as quick as a turnaround time is as much time as we have charged a day that this could have been this could be a three or four day project doing something like that redrawing all these cars this one perhaps maybe today day and a half this one a different story kind of like how this one looks this is pretty cool too you might have to take something along the lines like that and yeah this one's pretty intricate that's definitely taken someone quite a bit of time you are not going to see me create something that at least not in the amount of time we have to do this this is pretty cool okay yeah so this looks cool a little more simplified same thing here a little bit of an 80s vibe going on where to go with this where to go well for starters we do know that's 83 and first I'll leave that as is and we know the name is level I think that's how you spell it before I get too too far I'm going to go ahead and save this out real quick copy that and I'm not trying to be a military personnel under the same just copied the name save it alright while this saves I'm gonna go back real quick and take a look at our messages from Facebook okay now I've had a little bit of a chance to review some of my clients feedback looks like they want some sort of racing flag in the background so let me let me see what I can find as far as a racing flag goes let's let's say clip arts and see what we get mm-hmm so many ways to go hmm let's see this might be something we can use so I'm gonna take that and then I'm gonna toss that into my folder see what else we got here mm-hmm design and stuff on the fly racing hmm I don't know maybe something a little more grungy well that looks pretty cool so one thing I you guys are watching me do this got to keep in mind is that it needs to be it's going on a hot pink shirt so let's see what we end up with here this might end up being something cool and it doesn't really matter has this watermark stuff in it that's pretty cool as well and I'm just looking for something that's gonna be high enough resolution well let's see what else we got I mean some of these will kind of give you ideas too there is a million ways that we could go with this do do do do do doop de doop doop doop that's kind of cool maybe I might use that we shall see no I'm gonna write that one off let's see what else we got here Krita bard once you give me the they're giving me a suggestion that's kind of cool I could do something with with that that's pretty neat let's see what else they have given me some suggestions here hmm mmm might be hard to get rid of those water marks a certain tricks that I do to combat that if you're not exactly paying where to go with this where to go okay let's look at some more dirt track racing tees and I did not spell design right just trying to do something that looks cool and we don't have a whole lot of time to spend doing this stuff that is fairly simple so maybe this is kind of give me an idea here let's see ideas let's see what else we got what else do we have I mean you see something like that it's pretty simple little too simple if you ask me see I mean it's pretty simple as well like we're trying to stay I mean that's that's pretty awesome I'm gonna take that and stick it over here as well to me the more ideas a merrier and I can kind of just create something based off some of these ideas uh-huh uh-huh that's pretty cool this one's pretty elaborate don't think I'm gonna put a goal in there or anything like that mm-hmm that's a little much although I do like the outline around this one oh I want to drag this over just in case I think oh well give me some ideas this one's kind of got that same thing going on lines around it we already grabbed that one up mmm not sure I'm a fan of the background looks cool but looks cool but not the way I want to go with it and I'm not gonna limit it to just dirt track I might find some other ideas from stuff like this yeah okay I do like this kind of splatter background thing going on here okay so I think we have enough to go off of let's see what did I just add today let's go ahead and drag and drop these in there I'm gonna change this to RGB so the colors here are nice and vibrant RGB colors and it's just kind of the way I like to work just tend to put things on our art board and then just kind of figure it out from there okay one thing I do like about this I like how the cars are layered I like the little action lines they have going on that's cool you got action lines here so maybe we'll do something similar I like this I do like that I like how it looks like it's kicking up dirt let me go back we do have six colors to work with so looks like we got ourselves a blue so let me just toss in some sort of blue swatch here we'll make it a royal blue light color let's call it royal sorry Roy and then we have so I just made a spot color definitely have pink so let's give that a hundred percent and maybe not a high percent let's pull back that looks cool we'll call it pink and we're just using these as a basis spot color we're definitely going to have a gray shoe maybe something along the lines of that mm sure why not call grey spot I like to use my see my color so I see him YK excuse me so I'm just he's black at the moment get rid of this yellow find something kind of medium ground let's just let's just do a blahblahblah one of them them long days can't even talk let's do 30 percent keep that as a spot color as well I'm going to drag this up here looks like we have some yellow and some of the cars here so we'll just create a new spot call it yellow spot so we just kept it yellow that would not work and it will tell you no you cannot name it yellow because we already have a yellow and I can always go back and fine-tune these by double-clicking them and saying I want it to be more pink hit okay and it will just everything alright what else do we have going on here color wise looks like we have some white or blue got some red going on I do know I will have a white at least as the base so we'll call it white base okay probably should have made that a spot color there we are I mean black black so we got six colors having work with let's do black as well we'll call it black spot because once again it will tell me that I just call it black it will say hey there's already a black spot color in there or black swatch okay so I'm gonna select all on use just get rid of those but you know what because I haven't using those swatches of course it's gonna tell me that aim we're getting rid of the spot colors you just made up because you getting use them quite yet so we're just gonna do this real quick just how we retain them and it will kind of give me a little bit of a basis to go off of as I design okay select all the knees you had delete okay so now we have our spot colors your black and your wide your registration color and no color well generally always be there you'll have to excuse me didn't mean the bump to Mike there okay so next thing we want to do level racing Racing racing racing the word racing tends to be something that's in a lot of them I like this I like how it's got the numbers there so we're gonna have to find some some colors that's kind of cool as well and I'm not sure what I just said because it's getting late okay we got let's see racing maybe you make that lowercase and then let's kind of go through and find herself some sort of font to work with move this dude over so I can see it mmm this might be something racing wise just to make it look a little different Spoleto just be a cool one yeah I don't know we'll see I'm trying to find something along the same lines let's see what we have in our library here let me scroll to the top nope nope mmm little too fancy definitely none of those no that looks pretty cool all right let me see if I can find one more and we'll find there go with the one that kind of looks coolest as you can see I'm just kind of quickly blazing through some of these and then my work I don't know let me do one more I feel like I'm probably end up missing something that might work a little better and brush no brushes use a little too often that's too 70s looking mmm no not that one that's the one our use I just saw it's all something that look kind of cool haha do Fiesta mm-hmm a little teeth in need some kind of bold and one thing I'm kind of paying attention to the well as I'm going through these is and some bald and for my that well for levels name and then for the racing numbers so I'm kind of keeping an eye out for that kind of stuff too yeah hmm it might be alright I think we've spent enough time doing all that let's see what we get when let's see if we can't find something cool that's kind of neat doing this on the fly guys doing it on the fly got a lot to do and very little time to do it nope not liking it no see what else we got here nope you know I might end up just going with this font called and go bold it tends to be one of my default fonts just in case this is like I mentioned got such a last minute thing and this is go bold like I had mentioned but I don't know maybe that might not work for this situation alright well we'll use that as an option see if we can't find something a little cooler granted I can always go find a font at thousand one free fonts something along those lines is trying to find something kind of edgy bold looking some that's like in-your-face hmm since a little definitely not United and a little - a little too athletic for me at least for this design I might hold on to this as an option that's pretty bold and not quite as edgy as I want but we could definitely make it look pretty cool let's take a look at some of the numbers they got going on here mm-hmm I don't like how they got some of these graphics going down the side that's pretty cool let me go through these one more time I don't think that's gonna work but let's see what else we have you know sometimes these things just kind of fall into place once you put a design into it and you kind of start to I wouldn't say fall in love with it I guess get used to looking at it maybe a little desensitized to it I don't know yeah some of these are just none of these are really speaking to me not quite in love with any of them nope and that I come across and go bold I'm like oh no that's pretty cool it's not the Nikolas thing but hmm although at this point sometimes you just kind of have to choose something and run with it Rockwell boy that's I'm just really digging deep there with Rockwell yeah no all right I'm gonna have to go 2001 free fonts and find a little symptom it's I don't know that may work he's a little too techie kind of football --is-- ah you know what speaking of football got some NFL fonts might end up working out go through some of these NFL fonts and might end up being something I can use let's say this Mac might be there we go some of these might end up working what folders us in NFL Texans one point I did a Texans design we have all these team fonts fonts that are at least similar mmm come on work with me open this stuff up you'll see how some of these fonts like some of them can be pretty cool and not too T me let's see yeah yeah I don't know maybe let's stick this into a folder called fonts this might work maybe nuts alright let's see what else we got here yeah man some of these just because they are so tall just might not end up working out oh okay took myself a little break to eat a little something now time to get back at it okay so I was looking at fonts but I think what I'm gonna do is start shuffling these guys around a little bit and I think this dude can go on top of this one I think maybe we should feature this one a little more it goes a little bit better of a photograph stick this dude over the top of that kind of hide that a little bit and then I'm gonna switch these guys around and then maybe I can hide part of this one too ow send it to the back okay well we've got four cars here I don't know for some reason I feel like this should be a little a little bigger I don't want to irritate anyone I'm making one car bigger than other but what are you gonna do and at this moment I don't know this might even just be kind of a mock-up layout one thing I do like about this shirt if I make it straight ish so kind of like how the cars are kind of angled see how that will look I'm not looking very good I don't know maybe that's enough shuffle around a little bit I don't know if I feel like I'm trying to make some lemonade here some lemonade uh for cars let's let's take a look at maybe some sort of multiple car dirt-track t-shirt design and see what that pulls up but man some of these angles are just really cool on some of these others okay I don't know I feel like the angles on these cars are all on the side which tend to be not super interesting hmm oh no that's kind of cool however you got this big graphic here going on I don't know creative wall hitting the creative wall what do we do what do we do if you know what to do at this point leave a comment into the the comment section I need some help now I'm sure it'll be fine um I'm gonna go back in immediately looking at this I'm gonna make that that color you make this a little more blue and you may find that my designing technique is a little sporadic yeah I don't know I'm just not thrilled about some of these fonts let's see here's the design I did for for my brother but I mean looks cool have her there was more direction obviously it's the Hulk and all that team 55 I know him I know my brother a little a little more so than I do them so it made it a little easier all right let's go back to these fonts see what we have here so you find anything cool man all these fonts are just okay this might not be the best font selections although this one almost looks like impact and max very generic maybe I shouldn't use that one you know I might not be too bad that may not be too bad what do you think guys let me know in the comments what font I should have went with but we're gonna make this look cool regardless okay and start shuffling some things around I don't know just these mixtures mm-hmm man looking at this and there has to be all four cars on there is a thing which is kind of turning into a little bit of an issue I don't know maybe we rotate this dude a little bit so they're not they all don't look like they're going downhill or uphill who knows maybe maybe so maybe this one could not be quite such a dramatic angle you make this dude go down maybe not and for you graphic designers out there you are experienced you know how this goes or maybe don't there's a lot of shuffling a lot of shuffling that goes on hmm okay I think next thing I'm going to do is look at some splatter backgrounds see what I can't get out of that deep excuse me let's see black and white oh geez not quite what I was looking for but let me go back to where I was at and something like this I could possibly use to collage something up here so I'm gonna take this and I think I'll just throw it in here I'm gonna go to image trace see what we get from that all right I'm gonna hit expand I'm gonna select this white same fill color so one thing I may want to do initially if hey let's call this the art layer we call this background so I do know that the t-shirt color is going to be a very similar color to the paint that we are going to use to screen print these things with so let's just we'll make it this color maybe even make a new color and we'll use RGB hit preview on that so it's pretty much like a safety pink and I think that's cool let me call this safety pink and dragged us behind my art layer and I'm just gonna lock it Wow look at that what is going on okay so I do have an idea I'm really gonna have to and the shirt color safety pink right Shannon yeah the shirt color safety pink of so they have gray shirts as well oh well isn't that fantastic okay that makes it a little more interesting okay so can we design something around the gray that'll be a little easier at least for me four cars that's a lot of cars okay so I think I'm just gonna run with this for now I find a font that I like more I will replace it but however we had to create something a little more interesting than this Oh No maybe we can put the 83 in the background you're not gonna see that noop okay I'm gonna have to go back to the old tilt that we had tilts them up a little bit I make this guy a little smaller again or I just might staggered each one of these a little more it's trying to fill the space create something that looks interesting okay I'm looking at a little more grab the image there we go those look like it's riding on top of it okay I like that a little better and we have to fill some this dead space with something some sort of graphic okay maybe should make this one flat like so Oh all right let's see if we can't create something cool with this and maybe let me copy that off it's already converted that and maybe some sort of interesting and you'll see what I'm doing here mm-hmm okay we're gonna divide that ungroup it get rid of that get rid of this take this stop selecting cars stop doing it let me back up a bit it might not be what I'm after maybe just needs to come up a little bit looks like I might have backed up just a little too far close this pass off see what we got here get rid of that I might just lock these cars for now won't take what I got here move it out the way I keep selecting them and we can either do something along those lines someone along these lines I think I know let's see okay so let's make a gradient here let me reverse that do a similar gradient take our little gradient tool okay now that's starting to look like some sort of hill range don't wet it that dark though mm-hmm let's see okay maybe we can take this gray pop that in there I might even do another grain come over the color make that CMYK put a touch more black now you spread these dudes out with this white to be obvious I don't like how hard the break is right there though so maybe we'll just take that up pull this back where was that I'm gonna go ahead and combine those combine these so I usually select them however we got a little bit of an issue going on here okay actually I think I might make this a little bit darker of a gray come on now so what's all the CMYK in there mm-hmm okay might be a little bit more dramatic if we come back here and pull some of that back yeah I think it's a little too dark little too dark so let me go back to my swatches here there okay so I'm gonna take that and then see what we can't do with some of the colors that they have it's gonna copy it and send it to the back kind of like how this looks so let's say we'll do a little bit of a darker outline at this point I just want to work with CMYK i swish that around it might help let's see they have okay I see what's going on here all right I bumped a stroke up a little bit copying send it to the back command C command B now I'm gonna make this drug black at least I thought I did make that a little larger yeah I got a little bit of a 3d effect going on here so if I want to achieve that copy it send it to the back come on now I'll set that a little bit and we shall fix this later however sometimes that ends up looking pretty cold and let me go to my art layer here figure out where all these cars are at lock them so they don't move they end up stretching this out or not we shall see okay so I think at this point might see how some pink or these are that or the blue excuse me stops coming up one thing I do kind of like is how that's done so but we'll kind of do our own thing all right so we're gonna use this pink make it bigger overly come on I'll join you or missing a pal yeah I think it's a little too big 20 points not quite enough not quite there I know we might round it off a little bit what did I just do all right take this I'm gonna cut this guy and I'm gonna make all these rounds it's a little bit see how that looks and that may or may not end up working but we shall find out let's get down to this pink here come on give it to me yeah you know what sometimes when it's hard to get to select st. Phil excuse me stroke color okay hmm man what to do here let's maybe try a little bit of white bump it up a little bit it may or may not work and then let's see what it looks like kind of sheared off make it bigger squeeze it down a little bit looks a little too fat now send it behind the car my excuted a little too much who knows who knows and who knows if they want that paint they might not even like it okay I'm going to unlock these play with these cars a little bit come on okay still enough old letters there to read it we get rid of this dude and then I don't know just do something a little different so using this eighty-three might take one of those in a fail fonts let's see which NFL font that I'm tossing here it's anything doesn't look like I grabbed any see if these any of these look cool trying to find something a little more rounded I mean that can't be every single NFL fonts okay I kind of like that ah that looks cool alright let's use that one we will use the NFL Rams scuse me and it's nice bright and early 1:16 a.m. let's see that should be installed now let me double check that let's see and if L Rams all right let's see if we can do something interesting with that I think I'm uh hmm make this pink a little deeper no I see it next to the car okay I was looking more like it okay mmm a lot of black and white and blue going on I might have jumped a gun a little bit select same stroke color change it to blue see what it looks like and I think I like the pink going back to the pink so there might be a few things that end up doing to kind of make this look a little more interesting with the font but we shall see time is of the essence and I eventually would like to get to some sleep so I'm going to go ahead and save that since we're at this point I'm starting to look kind of cool I might end up squeezing in the 83 here somewhere you know maybe something like this move in this car this way moving this dude this away and maybe I could or even that the the racing I don't know how they'll feel about that but okay so at this point I'm going to pull this aside and make this his own little group and then perhaps mmm I'm gonna do some interesting with it at least try to maybe use the the blue skew it in a similar fashion make it smaller because it's not the main focus of everything and take a look and see what we can't do with it being blue I think I might end up making that just a true royal and so we might do something similar similar treatment kind of the mountain hills kind of looking background don't take a look at there in the G okay make this a different color might make it a little easier for me to let me duplicate this so I don't lose whatever that font is okay just turn that the outlines and use my little divide get rid of that come here get rid of everything inside of my characters get rid of that as well at this point you know I'm gonna take this going to group head double click on it select same fill color make that one shape I may have missed this little portion of the eye let me cut that double-click on this again paste it in place combine that shape combine these shapes now I want to go to ungroup it got these two separate shapes back up on that looks like there's something funky here okay got rid of that let's make ourselves a little gradient here again and using our spot colors we're going to take this and take that one and repeat the same thing here get her a little gradient going on and then we're going to make this one a little lighter pull that back come up here see the same thing except we need to fix the direction of the gradients oh look at me I'm Bob Ross it it looks like Bob Ross has been here helping me design this t-shirt not really he's much more amazing any who will make it to to light plate this gray I'm a little bit however trying to make it look a little reflective so I might pull this in some kind of really squish this gradient okay I think that's good enough now let's play with some outlines I think in this instance mmm let's try a few things colors that we have to work with here yellow yellow is one we have to work with let's go back and look at some of our examples we'll get some ideas yeah I don't know I might try an old trick I like to use well let me group this send this to the back offset it a little bit there's a little too much holding shift down and walk it back a little bit and use our black okay it's looking kind of cool copy both of these actually letting a group hit copy it sent it to the back and let's toss some white in there white our white base you're gonna round this off this looking a little too sharp yeah I don't want to do that maybe make it yellow okay excuse me I was looking a little a little more interesting yeah pump it up I'm just completely fill this part of the a in okay I think that stands out pretty well might play with it a little bit so some of the Oh six out here do you think that these however at are at slightly a different angle mmm go extreme and just trying to find the correct angle okay let's try that and our group these dudes I think I might need to increase this angle just a touch more I think we're about there what do y'all think let me know in the comments and add what section you are letting me know at because I know I've said that more than once okay see so that both these should be grouped off and I think it might scooch it over a little more now I feel like it needs be increased just a little more there we go get something in there then we'll toss it into our composition make this bigger trying to fill some of this space up yeah okay we got to scoot some of these cars around and who knows maybe this is too big maybe this one's too ginormous maybe this one's too big I don't know because it's not exactly that important compared to the cars so bring this dude up into the composition a little bit scoot it over and it's one of them things about designing think something might work and then you're gonna end up undoing what you did anyways I thought do you kind of want that to shout there's a window a little bit so trying to grab this card right here this dude that's not it oh it is it alright let me move this guy over move this dude over the only issue is this front wheel so I'm starting to like how this is looking think to kind of fill some of the space down here pull this down a little bit so I don't want to cover up the car too too much all right it's not looking a half-bad starting to get there slowly but surely one of the things that's going to kind of tie this in is some sort of background and you'll notice a lot of these other designs just background kind of helps fill some of that stuff in but also they have other stuff going on here in here and they don't have as many cars they've got some extra copy sponsors I take it they have no sponsors this may be a little bit better of an example so tossing in that 83 somewhere may help to fill some of the space up maybe we can toss to 83 in right here something but at this point now we need to do something interesting with it and if it's not obvious 83 is the number it old 83 hmm okay and I think in order to kind of fix what's going on here and one of the issues is I don't want to make one car less important than the other however composition wise okay I think that's enough of the car not making it too small might make it a little bigger depends on how finicky their sponsors are all right I kind of like this here I think I might mimic that so let's take just 83 will skew it a little bit always gives a little bit of makes it look like there's some action going on these cars are fast my brother races I actually race against level and he would win competitive he would get so pissed because he would come up second I think I actually have some video if I can find it I'll toss it in right here I think I might compress this a little bit make it look a little bolder maybe tighten up the kerning okay let's see how this ends up working out I don't know I might make this a little smaller ah who knows let me see what goes on with the background before I end up messing with that too much now at this point I'm almost kind of thinking this this is nice and bold but it's not as interesting as this font so if that is the case why don't we just make this black which is not going to end up being black but this is for mock-up purposes and it's a little trick you can do to make a font in bold hmm this is kind of cool I'm like looking at this I'm like this is kind of cool I don't know I might try another variation of something similar to that but it's definitely a longer name hmm you know what it's going here to our effects and we're gonna do a little something a little something or another and that is not what I'm after where is the effect I am looking at I believe it's this one I just need to reverse it out a little bit name that's not it mmm let's see may we skew it a little more because now it looks like it that one's definitely got a little bit of a taper going on so I think I might end up pulling back that how bold that is I don't know kind of like that a little better so I'm not happy with how tall this is and how fat this fun is but also just the angles of these things and multiple cars alright well let me push on and keep working with some of these other guys sorry dude you might end up being a little smaller whatever class you're in I think you our streets dog could be wrong this might be the street stock car anyhow like the effect that's going on here so let's make that white and then looks like we got a little okay so it looks like this type of things going on maybe a slight drop shadow to it slight Caesar that or it's got an outline on it maybe we'll do both maybe we will do both let's see what that gets us okay and let me go back a little bit and you look make it touch sticker turn them both out just a little bit or not maybe I'll just make the outline thicker come on where were we had some times when stuffs not working I tend to Kissick over-exaggerated make sure I'm not losing my mind here and so I'm messing with this and it doesn't seem like it's doing anything you know why I don't have anything selected let's hit to our board at some point hmm come back and make this thinner copy that and send it to the back let's just just go with it make it big yeah okay starting to get somewhere a little different hmm can make it look like it's popping off that way let's see however I don't like what's going on here seems like a little much okay copying sensitive back make this black kind of mess with that a little bit I've got an idea since we do have yellow we're gonna do is turn this font to an outline path outline to stroke combined that we're gonna go over to our fill this is really gonna make it stand out even though it is not the biggest number I could possibly do however take this yellow and then this white bow now that pops out makes these things kind of tie in together I'm gonna pull that back a little bit where did you come from get out of there there we go yeah no no no I might try taking this and soon it's the other way yeah I think I liked it better the other way although I think I might pull it down a little bit sorry sometimes I have to pull these things out too extreme to really see what's going on okay I'm liking it I think I may size that down a little bit really just trying to cover up what's going on with that front wheel and one thing I do not like is the amount of space here so I think I'll pull this back just a little bit just make it eight point come on yeah uh-huh aha so let me delete that pull this back I don't even sure why that was even there to begin with okay now we're cooking with Crisco hmm like one thing I might do let me take a look at something here nope you're not the one I was looking for there we go there we go so now we got some of this stuff going on here almost like a little bit of window 3d effect going on Wow however I still I don't know I might make some something that looks like mud and going over that or just Photoshop it out mmm okay I guess I'm going cool going on here think I might space some of this stuff out a little bit want them to overlap a little bit but I do not want them to look like they're monster trucks and ride on each other's hoods the thing had to be parked in grass didn't it okay so there's got to be mud coming up off here's or something something to fix this situation although it's trying to space these cars out a little bit okay I think we're at a pretty cool spot yeah yeah yeah okay so I just hit save and this thing is giving the Rams font that I use is giving me a little bit of an issue which is pretty typical I'm gonna bring this in because it's fall enough to artboard might make it a little smaller let's see how much of the but we're covering up might pull this dude back a little bit you can see the 83 a little warm okay hitting command save that keeps coming up every single time since I'm using this font now at this point background gonna do some sort of background think we're getting there and then these cars I probably may just bring in the Photoshop and see I can't make them look slightly cartoony with a filter probably might not happen what does low res is everything is so figure out some sort of background and bring things out to the edge here I'm gonna make me a new layer I'm gonna call it the real effing background okay so this little splatter thing that we took here this is going to be my background how well I'm gonna chop this thing up and I'll show you exactly how I'm going to do that however I think we might need some more splatter backgrounds to work with here to make sure our tools are still working with large size too much I'm reusing that it's kind of neat probably a little too low resolution that's kind of cool gives me a little bit of an idea all right I think I might grab this and use the edge of it yeah actually that's a little a little too crazy okay let's place this dude or actually I tell you what side doing all that take this and I'm gonna use this almost like a stamp take the parts that I find or interesting all right let's put this on our background layer I'm gonna Lock this and then we're just going to take this and kind of make something interesting looking think I might get rid of part of this section and so basically I'm using this so like I was saying to kind of create some sort of stampy fag I put my paste my original version here so I'm not losing would already have let's flop it around and see what we got okay that looks kind of cool I have to get rid of some of these little dots that just will not print take this one I'm gonna clone it off create something a little interesting here issue what this is I just have to make something a little more interesting going on there in this case I don't know I might have to make this a little smaller or just adjust Dangs yeah I thought that'd look more interesting flop this round trying to fill some of this space up yeah it's starting to get there it is getting there slowly but surely who knows I might really crunch this dude down let me get rid of that clone this one off and do something along these lines to kind of help contain some of this alright I'm definitely gonna have to go back and fix a lot of this it's all part of graphic design boys and girls let's see I don't know can we go back and find something that might be a little more contained let's look at this dude let's say what we get out of this one okay then increase this so this disappears here a little more alright and expand that grab this background same fill color delete we don't need this and this is just what we call getting gray of what didn't am i stealing an image no we are just trying to get a little creative with some of the stuff here at this point I think I might just start filling stuff in I don't know that I'm very happy with this one let me get rid of that I'm gonna go back to my original I'm so start using it as a stamp let's make some sort of interesting background so what I'm basically doing is using this to kind of create some sort of background really is really filler I'm gonna turn it into one big solid shape and then I think I'll take that American flag that excuse me not the American flag although god Bless America though scheana's laughing over there we salute you that's not how the anthem goes or anything remotely you shut your mouth you've never been in the service neither have I so oh well good for her congratulations Leora you know if you want to come over here on camera and show us how it's done you're more than welcome to I owned one straight the art school Hitler well there you have it fun fact Thank You Shannon for the fund apologize about okay so I just combined all these shapes here so we got one big pile of mess and I'm gonna try and delete well here we go I mean that might be it yeah it's looking pretty cool it's getting there at least I don't know I think I might need to make this black outline here thicker I've pulled away from it either that or the pink at the top thinner yeah I did I totally Bob Rost it up okay I'm gonna get rid of some of this stuff around the side along with this stuff it just it is not usable oh now what happened okay I probably shouldn't delete that part I'm gonna get some of these little speckles out and some of these some of the stuff we're gonna have to go we're just a little bit of magic like this we can just select and die that's not what I wanted to happen then I'm gonna select it and just punch it down move down get into your space okay now that just looks stupid all right so my computer's a little slow overdid it let's move it back up okay there we go we got rid of this guy and you know and I'll probably just throw it in the composition bow in this story movie this dude down and it looks a little crazy but you know still looks like a splatter sword looks a little funky like a little fucking my design yes I must have hit something guy that's better what I did is I accidentally hit the F button with good reason actually there was no reason at all for it okay getting rid of s'more splatters trying to keep it confined here yeah I just delete it and see what happens looks like I need to close that path off so it doesn't quite freak out nailed it same thing over here this do you might just pull up same thing this guy let's flop it around so doesn't quite look like the same thing over and over pull this dude out I might do something a little different since we do know it is stamped off and we're looking to repetitive Scylla we'll just delete take some these little speckles here maybe move it up in this section over here not a whole lot going on there so I just make them a little bit bigger fill some that space okay looking pretty cool the the area that is I'm pointing at the screen like you can see but this area here and here looks like it could use a little something but when we toss that finish line flag in there there might be it you might be finished with it so let's take a look and see how that ends up coming out but first before we do that a message by our sponsor as always don't forget cat spit productions use our promo code so that's the end of that frilled up for your graphic designers out there that are watching this that really aren't going to get in a t-shirt screen printing but if you do we are an official rep for cat spit productions so use our promo code Mikey designs and you'll get $5 off your purchase and it helps support this channel so that's enough of that moving on to the fun stuff doing some design work and I just hit safe again now at this point trying to figure out select the cars have a lot of blue to begin with and then I think we're good on the blue with racing being blue and let's see what we can do here okay so this may or may not work so actually I think I'm gonna copy this background come over here the Photoshop when we close that guy I'm gonna go to file new or you can just hit create new here or come at in whatever tickles your fancy yeah it excuse my computer it's a little slow okay so we're gonna make sure that our document is 12 by 15 and because this is going on a t-shirt that we will end up printing at 45 LP I um you know I'll do 200 200 dpi RGB transparent background sounds like the way to go so I basically copied that background I'm gonna paste those pixels really do not need a smart object now let's go back to let's see hmm might have to grab me a new racing flag that is not going to work you might end up doing some sort of cool grayscale stuff I don't know why I always think grunge or maybe it really should be some sort of abstract thing this is kind of cool let me take that and see how that ends up working in the composition so I'm going to take this dude and clone it off and put it in the background here command T to transform it and I don't know this may or may not end up working out so I'm going to come over to layers select what I got here do something like that take our image mode make a grayscale I know I put an RGB on purpose bud I really want this background the beam kind of a black and white thing black white gray with screen printing you're definitely gonna end up putting some gray down so let's pull this back a little bit see what we got here and I may just end up actually I got my masted making this thing a little lighter yeah alrights losing summits to tell will keep that as an option at this point I'm just kind of making keeping my stuff organized I like to keep things organized even though generally lies images that I have been using I like to reel able them but we're on a time crunch here and these shirts have to be finished today I match him by at least 7 p.m. excuse me 7 p.m. 6 p.m. so let's just call this BG and we're gonna make it PSD that could be something that may work my not trying to get something let's go back to our examples a little more this color that gray something like that what they got going on here this definitely that looks cool so it's very 80s retro-looking 90s not quite what I'm going for but gives me a little bit ideas all right let's take this whole thing here and let's just pull everything up just lighting the whole thing up see what we end up getting maybe even taken some points and me making this uh-huh yep that's getting there looks pretty neat although I kind of want some of these areas here to stick out a little more so let's see what we do in curves so I hit command I'm actually kind of like how this is pixelating just a little bit okay now we're talking I'm gonna save that real quick let me go ahead and save this a transparent TIFF real quick I'm gonna toss it in the background just see how it looks save transparency toss this in there and see how it looks let me just go to line dartboard and Center it up and I think I'm gonna duplicate this real quick turn that one off cut that out get rid of my vector art send this to the bag I don't know looks kind of cool however I feel like this car that is gray is definitely getting lost actually it stood out more with the all-black background but I don't know let's try something else that's pretty cool although I don't think I'm going to use that huh maybe man that's crazy all right let me make sure we're on large images nope I like that but that didn't look like the correct sizes let's view that image real quick come on browser do your thing okay we're not gonna mess that website it's taking too long that could be pretty cool let's bring that in real quick let me try flopping it all right take this here create a mask call this option two little on the light side for me although let's take it just the way it is and see what happens call it op 2 for option I don't need two layers save transparency oh good and let's duplicate this again come here we'll turn this one off and I'm just going to go over to my links and I'm going to relink it and with the image that I just just saved ok so now at this point now the card that has white I was definitely getting washed out okay no I'm not a fan like the other one better I don't know my I might just end up using this background and then Jen it's getting late obviously and then just kind of making it a little darker yeah let's see what that looks like this time around I'm gonna go to image mode and brightness dim that back a little bit I don't like to how dark the other one was he pulled a contrast bag I don't know I mean sometimes he's got to play around these things and until you find something that works for you I'll call it up one - - it's that way I know it's the second variation of the first option I was going with links we're gonna really link that there go ahead and place it and see what we get don't look out that just wondering how it will look on a pink shirt might look pretty cool there's still some things that I want to do I don't know maybe an outer glow around the cars or something maybe not hmm a lot of these examples I'm going by our black shirts which tend to make it easier okay this one's a grain using a little bit of thing is this car here let's do you just really let me back it up one I don't know I think maybe the lighter one may be the way to go and then perhaps I can do something to make this car here stand out so I'm kind of bouncing back and forth between the two yeah I think I like the lighter variation better other this car here is an issue all right so one thing I'm going to do at this moment I'm going to go back to my layers I'm gonna lock this one and I think I might play around with this a little bit I think I might pull back some of the pink here I think I feel like it's too bold the pink outline I'm gonna cut this all right we got our pink selected and let's try 40 even do 35 pace that back in place see what we got and then the white I'm gonna pull it back as well if I can only get to it all the ways I get to it is right clicking last object below and didn't almost forgot how I have this layered there's so many of them okay so there's our wide might just start D selecting some of these things until I get to the white didn't work get rid of this one didn't work let's try that again well here we are however okay let's try this gonna ungroup it actually I'll brief it again and back up a little bit here okay so the group that we are working with here we are now how okay let's reduce that down some alright definitely went too far well though you know that doesn't look too bad one thought I kind of still want a white outline around it just a little bit just kind of make it pop all right I think I'm going to stick with that still nice and group so what I'm going to do at this point is go to effect stylize drop shadow a little bit of a drop shadow on it make it just kind of really stand out let's try point three inches and see what we get here okay so now we're starting to get some contrast going on I think the blur might be a little much and let's do two okay so that added a little bit more depth to it kind of making it stick out a little bit will do the same thing with this guy drop shadow might be a little too much let's try one see what that gets us okay and we'll go back to the 83 drop shadow on it and it's just little subtle things like that that really kind of tie things in makes things just kind of stand out which is why I need to go back to some of these cars and do a little something to make them stand out so I just hit save real quick I'm gonna take me a short little break stare at it for a while and figure out what my next move is okay I'll let my hair down a little bit thought about kind of set back and got some of Shannon's feedback the gray car here obviously doesn't stand out a whole lot but so a few things I'm going to do to make this work so let's go ahead and dive in I need to select these cars so have some ideas to really kind of add a little kind of jazz it up so to speak so I basically copied those cars I'm going to turn this back to RGB turn all this stuff off and paste the cars in here hit a return hit command bean paste return and now I'm gonna have to kind of recom tuss just a little bit inside a Photoshop so let me go back to my builds grab all four of these images and this is where our clipping paths are really going to come into play once again and you'll have to excuse me if if I'm starting to seem a little sluggish or I'm not quite as energetic as I could be or for some reason and it's not as entertaining but I'm gonna take this car took my little clipping path there let's go find the car that we just had I'm gonna pull this guy off bring this image in here let me go back to my layers and we'll call this comp that's my little composition we'll call this car one since it will be up at the top command T to transform it use my little tools here little grab handles to kind of see what I'm doing and I'm just kind of pulling back the opacity of this I'm just trying to get it the exact same size as the composition as it is if it's slightly often no big deal okay you got car one car one is down they're going to close this out I'm gonna go to my next one go back to my clipping path my whole command down here I go pointing again over this area just hold command down and brings up the little kind of marching ants thing we're gonna pull this one off see you later it's like what's happening to my car it's lost it let's try that again no already got it in there good old late night designing as you guys will see it is 255 am one of those things you have to do to get things done alright let's call this car three command T to transform it and pull it over here get it about same size rotate it up a little bit I'm gonna pull my opacity back so I can kind of see what's going on make sure we're trying to match it up as close as we can again doesn't have to be exact alright we're gonna close this one out command W go to the next car same thing again clipping path if I can get this guy out the way and pull it on over it's a car number four I'm just gonna go ahead and close that no just simplified things pull it down here come aunty transform scale whatever you want to call it pull back my opacity so I can see what's going on underneath and it looks pretty close close enough and call this car for some of these other things I'm gonna get rid of as well because I don't need those images he's checkered flags last but not least go to our paths make our selection from the path that we have made clone it off this is the smallest of all the images which you couldn't tell because of the lot of the noise that's going on in there and you know really because we're putting on t-shirts it's not gonna be too too big of a deal you do kind of notice once you do your your separations with your film because it will look a little pixelated in certain colors but it'll end up looking alright okay let me go back to our last image so I'm just gonna close it out keeping things organized again with the organization car number two as you guessed it car number two okay so I'm gonna order my layers just that way that way we have things looking just as they should like with our comp I'm gonna go back make these 100% again turn it off so I'm gonna turn these off take a look at my comp that one's slightly different turn it back on rotate it just a little bit command team to transform it enter to get out of transform and you know they're slightly off but he's gonna know it's set for us right okay I'm gonna turn this one off look at my comp looks like a heat well they're all car 83 but this one's behind this one this one's behind that one so let's make sure that's how it looks looks like I jumped ahead of the game a little bit so probably need to do the order in Reverse here okay so that's looking like it next thing I'm going to do the little idea that I do have I'm going to clone each one of these off now put this clone right behind it and then I'm gonna go to let's go to filters yeah let's go to filters we're gonna do blur we're gonna do a little bit of a motion blur before I even get that far make a background image I'm just gonna put BG and let's find a gray kind of similar to our t-shirt quickly option delete gives you your fill and let's go back to this copy here we're gonna go back to filter blur we're gonna do let's see here we are get old motion blur and we're gonna bump the distance of this up until we can start seeing a little bit of an action going on here make the car look like it's just speeding along so fast that you're I can hardly catch it and that will kind of generate a little bit of interest some motion I think that's a little much and you guys will find when you're designing stuff you're gonna figure out what works for you so there's no right or wrong way to do this let's do it at 2,000 look at that I actually kind of like that yeah I think we're gonna we're gonna get a little extreme here I like that you know what I'm gonna come down to 750 so that looks pretty cool so the next thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna take my eraser all option control just my tool here and I'm gonna get rid of what's in front of it that way now we just have what's going on behind it right okay so let's do the same thing for the rest of the cars and since we applied that one filter all you got to do is go to filter motion blur look at that I'm gonna drag it down below it and any race what's in front of it so we got a little bit of a tail blur there and do the same thing for car to drag it below filter get rid of what's in front of it hey what happened to our car three let's turn that back on there we go car one drag it down below our layer you know you used to be able to just hit command F but now it's just a little goofy I'm gonna go up here and do that instead and let's go back over here any race what's in front of it so now each one of these cars look like they're going fast got a little bit of a motion blur going on I'm gonna go ahead and save this and what's gonna happen is I'm going to end up just saving this as a separate image bring it into illustrator okay that looks pretty cool I need to find some sort of way to separate this a gray car from everything so we might end up just doing okay so car three in outline that's what I was getting to use we're gonna so let's see what it looks like with a little bit of a stroke on it and we might play around with some of the colors maybe white now I think black looks pretty cool that's pretty cool-looking okay so I'm going to right click and then I'm gonna copy layer style I'm gonna go to each one of these right click and paste layer style and I don't know it might not look that cool on all of them let's check it out first check it out we'll bring it into our composition see how it looks so I'm going to turn this background off and then I'm just gonna save a tiff transparent if you know before I do that I think I'm going to make a new layer up here above car for command shift in and I call this merge I'm gonna hold option down and then go over here and hit merge visible essentially what that did it was emerged every single of these layers into a transparent layer so I'm going to turn the rest of these off save it as a transparent TIFF I'm gonna call it comp get rid of the layers save transparency come over here to the Photoshop so all these guys I do have selected I'm just going to turn them off command shift P let's find her image double-click on it I don't know that looks kind of cool send it to the back grab this one send it to the back and I do that using command shift as the left bracket directly to the right of the P okay so that's looking pretty cool and move this up see where we're at in the composition turn one of these cars on looks like I need to enlarge it a little bit you know let me turn the rest of them on kind of get some basis to go by here looks like the nose end of our cars sticking off okay that's pretty close you turn these back off yeah you know I actually I like that now the car stands out the car does indeed stand out however a wiser ah I miss a turn with the wrong images off okay that's I like that that's looking good you can see the little action lines from the cars going on you might not be able to see it as much behind everything that's going on here however who knows we can make this a little smaller I'm gonna make it too too small maybe we can just drag it like this just make it taller push over to the right a little bit enlarge it make it a little taller this is our design after after all so you can do whatever we want I decided I don't want some of this tail then of all the cars showing where it's got this little blur so that looks pretty cool that looks pretty awesome now I need to figure out what to do about it see oh man so I think I'm gonna do like some little dirt thing going on how to tackle that that is the question that is the question my shoves us around a little bit who knows I might just yeah I kind of like some of that checkered flag showing down there a little bit of her border so I'm gonna keep it or was that where it was at okay so a little composition that we did and just create I'm gonna go ahead and save this real quick I think she's going to love this what do you think Shannon you can't see she is tired too we are working some late hours a little too late little too late what's that Shanna is watching her animate okay now at this point I'm gonna get rid of this clutter I feel pretty comfortable with more on that these help with ideas and I'll leave some of this stuff here actually I was putting on a new layer real quick just to kind of get it out of my hair so I can kind of really visualize what's going on here I'll just call it builds I feel like I just took something I shouldn't have okay here we go let's grab this one too that looks like it's probably locked on the background or something command F selected my layer I'm gonna turn that off looking pretty cool now I'm just saving it real quick and I'm going to think for a moment try and figure out a solution as to how I'm going to make the dirt look cool still look like dirt however find some sort of way to make everything look cohesive so give me a minute I'm going to think about that rope I'll be right back okay now that I've had a moment to kind of take a look at stuff and Shannon Gianna and over there she's getting tired what I'm gonna do is I am going to I think I'm gonna boost these up a little bit and essentially how I'm gonna do that let's just copy this merge off there we go boost up a little bit I might even do that one more time and then for some of these now this is getting a little ridiculous this is the one I wanted to boost up some more so I'm going to go back to my first copy erase some of this here so it's not too too extreme and I may go back to my second copy and then reduce my opacity and kind of pulls us back just a touch okay that's looking pretty cool now one of the things I am going to do is have to essentially put something that kind of looks like mud covering this up and with this car I need to get rid of these copyright things that are going on here so I'm gonna go to my clone tool my clone stamp tool and I'm just going to take a portion of this car and for one I'm going to just select the whole thing so I'm not going to too far out and about actually let's go to let's go to my car one will select it I need to turn it on in order to select it yeah well there's the issue I'm trying to select car when it's at a car - okay let's go to my merge and I'm going I'm gonna make this a little smaller control option size that down now I'm gonna hit option sample that come down over here let's start kind of racing some of those stuff getting rid of it because we do not need that in there gonna come down here raise some of this stuff and I'm trying to make this look as seamless as possible might even grab some of this because it is a little bit of a darker shade I just held shift in order to do that kind of quick line between the two if you know what I mean let's do that again and I'm just grabbing off different little sections of this trying to basically get rid of what is here now I'm going to go down to this tire this may be let me back up a little bit this will be a little more difficult there we go it is now gone now we need to get rid of this little portion here I'm going to grab part of this tire do something similar this will mind up might end up looking a little a little goofy but hey it is what it is okay so we went a little too far with that mmm I'm just going to manually get rid of this selection by holding option let's go back to our stamp tool our clone tool I'm just gonna make this all the same color trying to make the tire like round okay hit command-d get rid of that looking pretty good now need to figure out how I'm gonna go about making some sort of mud thing going on here cover up these tires where essentially while sitting in grass hopefully I didn't want that person standing here number one baby if you're not first you're last it's a copyright by Mikah designs really isn't okay yeah Ricky Bobby you sound like a dog with peanut butter in your mouth okay uh now comes a challenging part and I think I may go back to man where did we find some of that let's look at this splatter back around or maybe let's try my mud flinging black white that might get us something we're not you might just get a bunch of people working in the mud let's try that splat crowd again black and whites okay so this is a part that's a little gonna be a little time-consuming because we're just kind of looking for a black-and-white image we're still on large and you can probably scroll through these four days who knows maybe this might work let's take this we're gonna just drag this over to our composition here and that potentially could look like blood splattering so I'm going to do select and then we're gonna do color range I'm gonna select this black here I'm gonna bump it up to 100 easy with the awning back there oh yeah I can hear you all right it's okay now I'm going to inverse the selection delete the white now I'm gonna turn this layer on only I just held option down and clicked on the eye and I'm gonna take this lasso tool I'm gonna really delete some of the stuff that I do not need I'm just trying to keep stuff that does look like a mud splatter these both kind of look like a mud splatter so I'm gonna select this one hit command shift J put it on a separate layer we'll call this mud one we'll call this mud - okay so mud one we're going to command T actually I got that backwards mud to command-t let's just flip that up around and depending on where we need it it will I mean essentially we're going to kind of cover up some of the stuff that's going on here okay where were we ad that's mud one excuse me led to mud one so we're just going to drag this up here I'm gonna go over to my car for let's see where is Carrefour hold command down make that little selection I'm just going to do select modify expand we'll say 10 pixels too much select modify expand let's say six okay that works for me and inverse that command shift I'm and I'm gonna mask that off using this little button down here okay now it looks somewhat like we got a little bit of mud going on here I am going to adjust that a little bit with our brightness and contrast just to make it look more like gray let me get off my mask layer there's mode just miss brightness you know that's not gonna work let's go to sit command em for curves and then we'll just really pull that back and make it look a little more gray so I'm just clicking off points here and this will be one of those things where it's just kind of like you're gonna have to play with it now it's looking quite like it's got quite a bit of noise wishes to be expected let's try that again I know that I'm going to have to do here let's pull this back some I'm gonna keep some of the darkness there so it does look like a gray mud I'm gonna come in you pulled my saturation bag make sure I'm getting all the color out of that okay now looks like some gray mud is kind of splattering around the wheel kind of covering that up a CERN mud one on you know mud one main' I'm working I got to turn that uh excuse me mud to let's see let's go back to mud one we're gonna clone that off and then we're gonna use a little bit of Photoshop magic to essentially make it not look 100% the same I'm gonna yeah maybe not compress as much maybe expand it a little bit now we're gonna bring this down just a touch and then I'm going to go back to my masking layer I'm gonna take my brush I'm gonna get rid of some of this stuff make sure it's that a hundred percent I need to get rid of it quickly and putting a lot of time into this but it's going to be well worth it I might leave a few of these pieces here what kind of blur it out just a little bit get rid of some of that okay it looks good too mean we'll go back to this one here maybe hit a little bit with the blur all right so there we go I'm gonna save that real quick save another TIFF out I'm just going to replace the one that is already there I'm going to go ahead and hit let's see B gene come I'm gonna make sure I know what what it is let's call it new get rid of layer selection here save transparency gonna come back over to my image go to links re link that and there we go looks like we got ourselves a little bit of mud going on here I do need to fix that now that I'm looking at it and it's in there in the composition so let me go ahead and fix that real quick it's hard to tell sometimes you know this might help there we go turn that on go up here sorry about that let's try that again make sure okay so it's the wrong one let's try that maybe take some of the hard edge off of what we have going on here okay let's see how that looks will turn our background back off I'm gonna save that it's telling me it's still saving at the moment let's try that again command shift s click the button a little too soon there we go get rid of the layers and replace it save transparency go back to illustrator and yes what it's going to do is real ink this put the image back in there replace it there we go it's feather it out a little bit looks like some mud although these guys don't drive through might a whole lot is dirt so I'm miss dirt basically okay that looks pretty cool I think we're just about finished there's gonna be one more thing that I am going to do and I think I'll just do that in Illustrator and then we can kind of put this comp on a t-shirt and set it off for a client so I'm going to put some little action lines here on the cars and we're essentially going to use it command Y real quick so I can see my line actually let me go back to that so we're just going to use a gradient to we're just going to clone the same thing off over and over resize it make them look a little different you always have to use them or draw new lines these are kind of like quick little things that I do personally take this gradient here and we're going to adjust it from there make sure it's on our film not our outline and we're going to use our little swatches here bring over our white spot color now we're going to take this one here and let's say 10% okay so that way not actually us make that zero so now we've got a nice little transition going on here I don't want this as hard as it is so I'm going to go to transparency I'm gonna pull that back just enough to make it so you got some little accent lines going on here sorry I grabbed the wrong thing I might put a couple two or three on each car so we'll do something like maybe off the top of the tire make this one a little shorter take our skewed tool skew it down a little bit just something to create a little bit of action because these cars do go fast we'll take the same set bring it over to the gray car I'm going to take my mirror tool hit return twice I'm gonna rotate it until we kind of get this in a cool spot for this car as well and boy is this thing getting funky there we go kind of some action coming off the body lines there and then I'm just going to do the same thing close it off put it on this car and in this case I might even just make sure it's right on top of racing that way we get a little bit action in there that way it's clearly visible and I don't know if we might make it even look someone like an underlined going underneath the racing and it looks pretty neat I think I'll put one on the top of the car size it down a little bit rotate it there we go starting to really come together and we'll do the same thing for this car as well thanks for 83 is probably not going to stand out as much pull 83 in front command shift right bracket a little brackets that are directly to the right-hand side of the P on your keyboard and you're not gonna see a whole lot and what's going on with this car but you do see some things going on I don't think I want to cover up Louisville maybe it'll be off the top of the car alright I think that's it I think it looks pretty good got our mud going on we've got level really big incorporated some of our pink yellow blue into some of our fonts here 83 kind of ties in the yellow here and here some yellow and the cards it's looking pretty cool so quickly I'm going to take this design and I'm going to toss it on to the front of a t-shirt for both not only gray but pink as well they make sure I'm able to grab everything I should be able to grab get rid of that once and for all select everything I'm gonna hit command cut okay able to grab everything I'm gonna hit undo let me save this real quick don't want to lose my work okay now I'm going to go over to my template that I have designed myself feed a proof template well we can offer for you guys I don't know maybe we make that part of our registration template that is $5 hand that off to you but should be able to make something simple enough like this for yourself alright we hit command V to paste everything in here okay paste it in there I'm going to turn this RGB so we get our bright colors back let me delete that pace it again wasn't looking quite as vibrant maybe it was maybe now it's right up next to his background is looking a little different yeah okay sorry I'm going to do this one more time and then kind of group everything - the background by hitting command G all right let me get rid of this selection part of the background got a group this off move it out the way get rid of that gray background and then we're gonna put this on the front of the t-shirt and they have two different t-shirt colors one of them is gray and then the other is a hot pink with the background will come out slightly different so what I will have to do is kind of mimic or replicate how that will look here for the client to approve so we know this is 12 by 15 looks good to me select all copy select all paste okay so this is going to be a gray shirt this one is going to be hot pink like we need to change that up a little bit make it a little more or it's not hot pink it's actually a safety pink it's gonna kind of eyeball that okay this shirt in particular this background will probably have a little bit more transparency to it I'm gonna hit multiply grab this up I think I use the wrong thing I'm going to go back a little bit let's see where is my background that is not it there we are so I'm just going to pull back the transparency a little bit copy/paste in front I hid multiplying let's see how that ends up looking okay so it will more than likely end up looking a little more like that let me go back definitely make it look a little more bright than that okay yeah just bumped it up a hundred percent there we go that's definitely a lot more like what it look like okay you got one more small thing what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put the colors that we have use in our swatch palette here and then I'm gonna send it off to a client thanks for tuning in guys I really appreciate you kind of hanging out watching me design something for those of you that completely went through and watched all of it you're awesome it's greatly appreciated if you're new don't forget to subscribe give this video a thumbs up go to our Facebook page give it a light follow us on Instagram until next time guys we'll see you later
Channel: Mikey Designs & Silk Screen
Views: 136,476
Rating: 4.8840237 out of 5
Keywords: how to screen print, silkscreening, t-shirt printing, t shirt printing, tee shirt printing, how to, Graphic Designing Tee Shirt Start to Finish, graphic design, t shrit design, t-shirt design, tshirt design, Adobe, Illustrator, Photoshop, adobe illustrator, how to design, adobe photoshop, graphic design tutorial, t-shirt design tutorial, graphic design (industry), illustrator tutorial, how to design logo, how to design a tee shirt, how to design a shirt
Id: zQmIJkaN0Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 45sec (11505 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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