Silhouette Cameo 3 Scan and Cut Soft Stretch designs

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hey guys what's going on it's your boy Allen Wade back again with another video a double productions and the reason why I'm smiling is because it's a great day to be alive so much opportunity so many things going on in the world so much beautiful things but anyway the reason why we're here today oh yeah before we get started I'm sorry bipolar like comment and subscribe to this video give this video a thumbs up already before we get started it helps the channel a lot but today we're going to do some make some t-shirts with our silhouette cameo 3 our heat press and you're gonna need some jet pro soft stretch transfer paper all the links to everything that I'm talking about in this video down below it's a fun activity moms dads you can do this with your kids it's gonna be great you could do this for the holidays are coming up so you can do this for Thanksgiving you can do this for Christmas you can do this for Halloween not in that order and also if you don't have a cameo 3 or a heat press you might as well just go down the link below click the link now and just buy them right now because it can save you a whole lot of money on clothes when it comes to your children decorating garments you can be the most popular parent in the world like you can grab I'm going to show you after you you can finish this tutorial you're gonna realize a power that you can do that you can have with just owning these few pieces of equipment and how much money you can save over the years your kid wants a fortnight's shirt make them fortnight shirt your kids wants a Dragonball Z shirt make them a Dragonball Z shirt and they can wear it to school your kids once the school logo on the shirt want a shirt get the school logo you want to sell the school logo on a shirt for to the other kids at school do it you can make your money back really really fast really really easy and save lots of money over the years I've had this particular thing right here so that you know something's old when it starts rattling right I have to get a new one soon but anyway um I've had this for years and it's still working this is the old cheap heat press that I got off of ebay I suggest using my link on Amazon to buy your heat press though Kamio link down below but let's get into it guys okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go on our computer right here alright now that we are in our computer space to the magic power of editing video editing we're gonna launch Chrome we're gonna go to Google - navigating to Bing for some reason and I didn't even do that maybe it's a virus or something I know you guys can comment in the comment section we're gonna click on images right here so Google Images we're gonna go to you can get basically anything from Google Images guys you want to put in PNG for anything that you're searching for so right now I'm going to type in Goku PNG alright Goku PNG and this one looks good so we're gonna grab this file right here and we're gonna double click on it and we're gonna go save image as and when you go save image as guys you want to make sure that the PNG is transparent and it has PNG at the back of it when you go to save it it says the format is going to be PNG so I'm going to save Goku go I'm gonna delete all this and just named Goku Goku alright and say that replace it alright now we're going to do something else um we're going to go back up to the top and we're going to put ninja turtles ninja turtles just as an example of PNG just an example of stuff that you can do guys and girls look at this this is sick right here into Charles PNG Wow look at this Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael Donatello alright we're gonna use that one maybe we can find a more crisp one more big one what also what you can do in Google Images is you can go over here to the tools size and you can go you can click large size and it'll give you a larger size files to choose from these look what about this one is that a PNG yeah that's a PNG so we're gonna click on this and we're gonna double click and we're gonna save image as once again making sure this is a PNG and I'm going to tie it Ninja Turtles alright and save that to the desktop and now what we're going to do now that it's saved at the bottom we've confirmed we got both saved boom close that out close this out we have Goku right here and we have our ninja turtles right here on the desktop we're gonna go ahead and launch our silhouette oh one thing we're gonna go ahead and launch our silhouette studio software right here guys and aren't we having fun already isn't this real easy to do if you have any questions about anything that I'm doing right now comment in the comment section down below and I'll be sure to straighten things out with you guys because I want to make this a fun family activity fun family activity that you can do with your kids alright so now that we are in our silhouette Studio software guys I want to tell you we are doing this thing on a fly I haven't done this before well I have I've done this one I've done another tutorial on it once before but uh I just want to show you guys that we're doing this on a fly we're gonna go ahead and grab our images we're gonna go to order open and we're going to navigate to our desktop where we have our images served say first thing we're going to do is we're going to do a ninja turtle one important ninja turtle one and right here we have our ninja turtle PNG looks dope right we got to size it down guys so how do we size this thing down we got to get the images and size it down guys digital grab that right there the arrow right there see the pointer we were on here but we gotta grab this and we got to grab the edges and we got to size this down because it has to the image has to fit on the cutting mat on a 12 by 12 cutting mat okay so make sure we got everything in there nice and perfect and make it as big as possible so we can utilize all of our real estate in here and now boom click off of it now we're going to what are we gonna do now guys we're going to go and hit the page this page button right here just follow my steps guys this is not hard at all it I sort of got so to hit the page panel right there and now because of what we're doing we have to change the settings keep the size right here on Cameo arts automatic Cameo we're using a 12 by 12 cutting mat and Cameo cutting that 12 by 12 make sure that's checked then right here this is where key right here registration marks when we're doing scanning cut on a silhouette cameo 3 you have to put registration marks on your page okay so hit registration marks see style it's off got to turn the registration marks on alright now we have our registration marks and they are on now notice see the edges right here how my image is sized right here is what you want to pay attention to the lines around right here you want to keep your whole image inside of this border right here so we're going to have to go ahead and we're gonna have to resize our image may come down a little smaller and put the image inside of the box so we're left with yet a smaller even smaller space silhouette cameo like if you guys can see this video please make it so that we can have bigger images somehow I guess we'd have to have a bigger machine but whatever okay so now we have everything this actually is not a good picture to cut out because it's gonna be very very difficult for the Cameo to cut this out guys so um let me do the Goku okay the reason why I'm gonna show you guys why I'm doing this so delete that I just press Delete I'm gonna go and I'm gonna open up another one another image you're gonna grab Goku the reason why I said it's hard to do I'm just um command C to copy overhere command V that's not working okay let's just close this out okay so the reason why I said I'll just select Goku guys because if you notice this is just one image and it's just doing one cut the Ninja Turtle ones had even though it was a nice looking picture it had debris all on the sides and stuff like that and that's gonna be kind of hard for the Cameo to cut and you'll see what I'm talking about so let me turn back on the registration marks alright and once again I got to get the image inside of the lines so that the Cameo can see it alright let me explain to you how this works guys these are registration marks this right here this right here and this right here alright this box right here this dark line right here in this dark line here right here these are called registration marks the machine the Cameo three machine sees these marks right here alright and inside the machine the Cameo 3 sees those marks and that's how the Cameo is able to cut along the edges of this image alright that's how registration marks work alright so now what you're going to do is you have your image right you have registration marks on right let me just test something out real fast while I got you guys here just in case say if I was using a 12 by 24 cutting mat I just want to see if the registration marks can get bigger and no they can't okay alright so let me switch that back to 12 by 12 all right so okay so now I got my registration marks twelve by twelve everything is set now what you want to do is you want to go ahead and print this out all right so you want to print this image out on your printer I have my printer set up in other rooms so we're going to go ahead and go over there and load up some paper guys so we are over here at our epson workforce 77 20 guys and this is a jet pro soft stretch paper and I'm talking about links down below now we're gonna test out this theory I'm gonna print this out I'm gonna use this paper on white materials so what I recommend you guys do and we'll see by the end of this video if it works or not because I haven't tried it out yet and you can buy jet pro soft stretch paper transfer paper for white colors for light fabrics or dark fabrics I'm going to use the paper that's for dark fabrics but print it but press it onto a white shirt and we're gonna see if that works which in essence would mean just by jet pro soft stretch for dark fabrics and use that dark fabric paper for darker or lighter fabrics alright so you won't have to buy one for light fabrics and one for dark fabrics all right so I'm gonna load some of these a few sheets of these papers papers in my print war and let me show you what guys one reason why I love this printer right here alright so right now I have just regular printing paper in here I'm gonna take this print paper out send it to the side and I'm gonna put in some jet ProSource favor but as you guys can see it can't fit right but with this printer right here boom it's like a convertible like I push this and pull this right here and look that just got bigger how dope is that right so it says that the paper side this side is gonna be down alright by the illustration on there boom it's like a convertible look at that it's like a convertible this is dope and now that has converted to a printer that can fit my type of paper my size paper that I have and that was mad simple right so just put that back in there hold on one second they got off grumpily don't want it gets crumpled II all right there you go it's not gonna get skilfully now boom whatever skillfully is all right so that is loaded up guys that's loaded up and now it's time to go print our material all right let's go a double action all right guys before we get started sending this thing to the printer I want to show you guys something that I discovered remember a little while ago I just said that I wish cameo would make a way that you can print larger files well they do alright let's get back in the software in the software right here okay you got your thing selected first of all you don't need to have a cutting mat because that's not what we're gonna do so you can select 1224 but I'm gonna put none because we're printing something we don't need a cutting mat so I'm gonna press none and right here under our settings there is a setting for let me see real fast I just did this okay leave this right here I'm gonna select we're cutting our paper width is 11 by 17 guys 11 by 17 and look what that did that adjusted where our registration marks were so now we can make our image bigger what the heck just happened 11 by 17 boom that just made our image bigger I mean our area bigger so now we can make our image bigger making sure still we keep it inside of the area where it needs to be boom boom something that I discovered real fast before we pretend this thing to print while playing with this file okay so you guys see our file right here that if you look right here with says show print border when I toggle that on and off you see the print area and I'm assuming that that area means that that's the only place where we can print at you know I mean like that's the largest area that it will allow the machine to print out so in essence our pictures have to be this small which kind of sucks but you know you can only do what we can do right given given what we've been given all right so toggle that on and off to make sure everything's in size inside of that little area right here and everything is inside the area okay so now I go over to my my registration marks right here and I'm going to adjust my registration marks go down here to Advanced Options bottom and set and I'm going to pull that up so that the registration marks come up and over to the left one is that my left on my right that's my right and I'm gonna pull that British mark in also and then we're gonna now that we're now we're going to send this to print this is kind of small it's kind of upsetting to be honest with you but it is what it is so let's send this to print put it on the best setting print and we should be yellow we should be good all right you see my ink is low right now but that's okay let's go ahead and send it over and see how it comes out and when we send it to print guys after this thing goes up you'll see right here file pop-up and that's exactly that's your surface in print preview right there so you know it's gonna print out the whole thing before I was having problems printing out I'm not gonna lie to you guys I always keep it real I tested this out I always do stuff one one time on air but I tested this out a few times and I was having difficulties see this one right here didn't print out the correct way the second time couldn't turn out the correct way and I finally got to print out landscape and I thought I was gonna take up the whole paper but it didn't as you guys can see it cut off the hand right here printers can be a little bit complicated um in the comments section down below agree like if you agree but this setting right here it shows the actual whole image so that means the whole image is gonna print out looking good so far paper size settings and cassette there's not much to specify done it always gives you a weird message the paper size does not match but it does match so let's see how good this prints out you're gonna notice a printer shake because the table is not very sturdy guys just bear with me let's see how good of a print we get and the key thing is you want to make sure your registration marks are on the page once our registration marks are on then you know that the cameo 3 is going to be able to print everything out guys look at this looking good so far got the top 2 registration marks on there as you guys can see and it's going to cross our fingers hold the bottom registration marks print out and we're good to go all right so guys you see our image looks really really good got our top registration marks but the bottom registration mark the edge right there didn't print out I'm gonna print one more out guys see the bottom one the L right there did not print out so I'm gonna print one more of these guys and we're gonna see if we can get the bottom part to print out one thing about printers guys you have to understand the way they work and you have to get the settings right with your computer and the printer in order for it to print correctly and that can be a real challenge but noticing once again we got a great print and it zoom out a little bit zoom in now and you see this time I got both marks right there I got that l that I wanted got the one up here got the one up here so now the Cameo can read all of this now guys let's just take a moment to notice how clean of a job the epson workforce did printing out this file I mean look at the detail in this guy trying to focus as I go along look at the detail in this look at the detail did a great job printing this thing out turn on our cameo right here button and I think I'm gonna use a cutting mat guys because when this thing prints out when this thing prints out its gonna separate from the page cuz that's what we're doing we're cutting it so I'm gonna use a cutting mat so let me lay this out on the cutting mat so I'm over top with it and what I'm doing is I'm matching the edges up because you want to exactly on the line so this is on the line and I'm matching the other edges right here then when I get them when I get them all matched up and it's gonna lay this paper down on it boom trying to get right on it just hard for me to do this and film at the same time normally I'd have had it down by now but I'm trying to get you guys good shot here trying to get you guys to get shot here give me a second let me come from over here we go looking good looking good looking good got a lead down on the mat like wool now we lay it down on the Cameo line up the lines on the side like we normally do with the cutting mat now you press load back into the cameo and as you guys notice I'm not using my screen caps right now but I just want to show you guys that I'm turning on my cutting mat I'm going to use my 12 by 24 inch cutting mat because this is a big picture I can't use my 12 by 12 because the picture is longer than 12 let me see if I put my toe about 12 on it'll make it but hmm I'm gonna use a 12 by 24 I hope it still has some stickiness left to it so we'll see in a moment guys and I'm going to go ahead and press send and I'm gonna change my material change to take its paper that I'm using but let me see if I have a Selective setting in here hmm what material am I gonna use we have cardstock cardstock plain chipboard copy paper medium I'm gonna use copy paper medium guys to do this alright so that should be sufficient for cutting this out there's still one more step we have to do before we send this thing to the printer so let's do that step right now we have to go over here in the software and we have to press this button right here which creates an offset we're going to select trace area and this right here is going to tell the Cameo what to cut guys this step is very very crucial so right here we're going to go and trace outer edge we're going to select that select outline and we're going to adjust settings trace outer edge all right so if we look over here we got nothing command Z sorry about that selects race area and outline trace Irish see we got our outer edge and that's gonna so it's kami what to cut command Z to move it back that's gonna tell the Cameo exactly what to cut now we can go ahead and send it over to the Cameo send we got our paper stocks elected these are all our settings to ten fifteen one pass and we're ready to send it over and you see we have our outline right out outside of our image so the Cameo knows exactly what to cut and where to cut it's got the registration marks on there so the Cameo knows where this is related to the it is difficult to explain guys but we'll do plenty more cut tutorials so to get you guys to understand how this works better just know that the Cameo needs to have something to cut and the registration marks is what you print out on the printer because that's what the Cameo reads and it tells it where the image is compared to it's difficult explain like I said just just do it the way I did it and I know in my last video I did it differently but check it out follow along and do it and tell me how it works and we'll do more we are over top of the image now I'm gonna press send on my cameo I mean on a software now the Cameo is trying to find a registration mark see you found one down the other one right now it's trying to find a third registration mark up they missed that one our picture moved our picture moved see what happened right here this is not just this other part it's not locked down alright that that'll happen guys so let me adjust this let me fix it real fast and I'm gonna go unload on the Cameo that can happen see see how that happen even a dub makes mistakes boom I know what happened there guys but that was a bust okay I know exactly what happened our wheel came out of place here so we gotta adjust this wheel on the side this thing isn't perfect all the time guys and that's what I like to show you stuff like this I gotta unlock this we'll bring this up first of all I'm not this will slide it over lock it back and now we're locked into place all right I don't even want it locked right there I want it locked on the other side of me put it in that groove right there lock it in place lock it in place cool heard it snap put this back down now this should be good all right press load now we should be good like my stuff like that happens cuz you guys know you guys know when I do it it's perfect you guys do it you're like what the heck happened all right so let's do it again let's do it again send it over all right once again cameo looking for registration mark found one found another one right look found that one on the side now let's see it cut getting ready to cut sharpen up the blade getting ready to the right distance let's see what it does stiffing butchers this thing oh fast cutting that image right out back up look it up all right along the edge of that image perfectly hopefully it's perfect we'll see we gonna see you guys can do ghosts you guys can do dragons you guys do whatever you want you can cut out and it should come out just like that as long as you do the registration marks and everything - exactly I told you - you can do all set like in my last video and you know all right so it's done I'm not even gonna cut I'm gonna go straight to it unload job complete unload let's see how this came out I'm gonna go ahead and peel this off okay let's see I'll feel the cut and here it is right here see it it's right there but this was supposed to separate from the paper and it didn't and I'm disappointed with that it didn't cut through the whole paper but you can see you guys can see the like the line right here you guys see the Linna to create it actually did it's like a perforated perforation so let me see something guys let me see something this just mess me all up I didn't cut deep enough I didn't pick the right the deeper settings maybe it's just my cup to the side right here oh boy always some technicalities guys so what I'm trying to see is if I could just separate it but it didn't cut all the way through which is not a good thing sure to cut all the way through so the question is how good can the Cameo three read the registration mark cuz I'm gonna put it back on and I'm gonna do another cup this is a true test of whether the Cameo 3 can really read registration marks good because if it can it's gonna go right back over the same lines so let's see how good this feature works guys this is the test right here let's see if it's on point to the millimeter all right boat is on backup load it back up put it back in very very interesting back in and we're gonna cut again but we're going to adjust the depth I just ablator a little bit and we're gonna go ahead and cut it again sound alright found one found the other one found the other one it should cut on the same street same lines all right if it reads the registration Marcin if it's true to it it should cut right back on the same line let's see how good it does this how good of a machine as a cameo three about to find out no no guys looks like it's on point looks like it might be on point tried to find out they can cut through the first time took the paper off the whole mat and you know what happens when you take the paper off the mat it's like impossible to line that back up but put it back on a mat and it looks like it's going across the same lines this is going very fastly very fast sorry to make this video so long guys next when I make up I'll probably I'll make it shorter but I ran into some a few issues because I didn't prepare for this I'm gonna prepare for the next one I my apologies but uh yeah you can see what happens when you print with registration marks cameo is on point product links in the description down below should be through both papers now let us see so now it still says working working working working unload all right let's see what we got yep look at that look at that whoa camera fell just get a higher look yeah I didn't tighten it back up that could have been disastrous dubnation that's exactly what we want it and look at this the dope part about this is oh my gosh it's crazy the dope part about this is the fact that this is incredible I'm gonna be calm be honest with you I think that's incredible I'm gonna get my scraper tool right here so I can get this up if you got a phone call [Music] we're gonna pull him back scraper tool right here comes the handy guys and we're just gonna go ahead and get our Goku up right here get it up all right look at this dope print went over this twice guys that's pretty darn good this is a hairpiece right here I'm gonna go ahead and take this off cuz that's not gonna come out right that's another hair piece right here but look at this sick sick guys Goku thumbnail guys now that our press is heating up there's one more step because this is dark transfer paper we have to separate the image from the actual transfer paper this is the difference between dark transfer paper versus light transfer paper you're gonna see you have to do this very very carefully because you're gonna be left with something that's very very thin and fragile and you can Jack this all up if you don't do it right now you guys see what's happening right here this image is separating from the actual paper and what you're left with is something that's really really thin so you have to be careful when you're rolling this out careful when you're removing this that you don't rip the actual image okay but even if you did rip the image I mean it would still be okay for transferring but you get your scraper tool or your flat tool and you can just use that as an aid to help you do it carefully carefully guys carefully separating the two all right carefully so it's like it's like a sticker it's like you're peeling off a sticker all right so I see this this is what you're gonna be left with when are you doing this now gotta go back around this area and do the same thing for hands separating it carefully so you don't rip it all right it's gonna be great guys gonna be great I'm gonna go ahead and finish mine and I'll be right back we're separated we got this trash and we got our actual image this little flimsy little thing right here this is our image all right so we're going to go ahead this is cool right we're gonna go ahead and press it on let's go over here all right now we're at our heat press we're gonna go ahead and put this on a ladies female shirt we're gonna go ahead and lay the shirt on the press nicely and we're going to go ahead and press it real fast to get all the wrinkles out one press real quick the wrinkles out that should be sufficient and now we're gonna start laying this down nice and carefully guys all right see how flimsy this thing is right you got to do it really really carefully because there's one shot type of deal very very difficult to press this on guys because you got to lay it flat and that's gonna be the hard part what we can do is we can utilize our heat tape leave this part down man I tell you what this is harder than I thought it was I'm gonna be honest with you guys we're like laying down a thin little pieces very very hard to work with stuff right here very very hard to work with I don't even want to do that heats a play because it's gonna take forever to do that I just want to lay it down like so very very carefully I'm trying to flatten it out look at it flatten it out while I'm doing this guy's hard for me to explain what I'm doing but I'm coming underneath I'm flattening out the design and this is kind of transparent so you can see through it I'm sliding it up I'm flattening it out right here this part is flattened out I'm coming over here alright what I would suggest that you guys do at this point is shine a light on it just make sure it's flat but mine looks to be totally flat so I'm gonna go ahead and press it down this presses down for 30 seconds so let me hit it one time so this is the main difference between using the other type of transfer because it transfers on with light colors but this is dark colors and you carefully peel it off up stuck on there this is supposed to be a cold peel guys it's supposed to be a cold peel so I jumped the gun right there and press it again go fast press it again bring it up bring it over here before I separate it let it cool off for a little while just cool to the touch and then peel it off let's see yep yep right on there pretty sick take off my bandage here I like this it went straight on I like this guy's it's different different texture different type of press you know something different something DIF always good what do you guys think discovered something new new way of making shirts nice and stretchy very very dope I love it I like it it's like it's different I like it a lot this is very very dope I like it look at this look at this quality different type of shirt guys different type of shirt alert all right guys so the verdict is in the verdict is in and I have to be a hundred percent honest with you guys this really turned out to be a whole lot better than I thought it was gonna be I mean you can sell this in a store I can't I can't I don't know if the cameras doing it any justice but um yeah this is like next-level I understand why the dark the dark ink is better to use than the light the light transfer paper from now on I'm not even going to buy the light transfer favor because peeling the image off using the light transfer paper heat stress transfer paper just doesn't make sense when you can get a quality product at this that's this good so from now on I'm just gonna buy the dark and use it on the light because I mean look look at this it's crazy this is bananas so um I hope this video was helpful if it was give it a thumbs up don't forget to use my Amazon links any time you purchase anything on Amazon I'm sorry that this video was so long and I ran into some a few hiccups and stuff like that but why isn't it worth it I mean look at this thing it was just crazy so yeah guys don't forget to visit Alan wacom by some channel merch help support the channel don't forget to Like comment subscribe and share this video use my Amazon links down below visit backslash king a dub and backslash ain't up productions and use this video watch it over again and know the settings so you guys can make all types of cool stuff for your kids for your friends for your family sorry I made it so long but you guys see the quality that you can get out of this you guys know exactly what to do because I laid it all out this is your boy man hey dub King on I was in there don't forget to follow me on instagram at a dub productions Alan Wade peace among back it up while I listen to arrest me Michael in the past baby [Music]
Channel: A-Dubb Productions Allan Wade
Views: 208,664
Rating: 4.8469658 out of 5
Keywords: Video tutorials, A-Dubb Productions, allan wade, how to, blog, blogger, tech, tech news, technology, Silhouette Cameo 3 Scan and Cut Soft Stretch designs, silhouette cameo, brother scan n cut, silhouette studio, jetpro softstretch, transfer paper, cameo 3, silhouette america, designer studio, epson workforce 7720, scan and cut, Silhouette scan and cut, print and cut, card making, silhouette cameo 3
Id: -TJ6aS3kIiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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