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this video is brought to you by Bella campus the innovators behind black Heather and fast fashion just launched their very own YouTube channel this video is long overdue what's the difference between Photoshop and illustrator for t-shirt design the answer is coming right up what's up guys Gary Ajene here t-shirt helpdesk and I have received so many comments over the years about number one like what program am I using and I'm like obvious illustrator Photoshop but I realized that a lot of you guys you know you don't quite know you're new and there are a lot of options out here now me I rock with Photoshop and illustrator I've been doing it for years and if it ain't broke don't fix it okay Photoshop and illustrator are the industry standard all right and I'm not messing with it you're going to rock rock with the best that's my personal opinion so that's the only people that I endorse and the only people that I really designed and I use when I do my videos so that any further ado I am going to show you the difference in case you're confused you don't know which one you use depends on your design style on what you're trying to do the difference between Photoshop and illustrator and which one may be best for you alright wanna hear it go alright guys the difference between Photoshop and illustrator we're going to start with Photoshop this is Photoshop okay and I'm a really great tutorial in which I teach Photoshop the link is in the description and I go over this in detail in the tutorial but I'm just going to go over this briefly here if you go in and you pull in close alright let's go and it's already starting to change and you go any pulling close to this guy right in a photoshop or a raster or pixel based program you're gonna see all these little dots you see how we went from something that looks like a person's face all the way into these little dots all right these are gone these are called pixels okay Photoshop is based upon pixels all right they're little squares of color that come together so you darkest darks right here dark and a little bit lighter and light for a highlight and all these little boxes come together to actually make up photographs okay all right it's a digital representation of real-life things and and made by little dots which are called pixels let's go into this guy okay you see the same thing here right it's just little guy so all these little subtle nuances of shade okay when you go into his beard it's like really dark right here and then highlight it right here all right in order to get that and make it look realistic you need the little pixels okay and the thing about it is that the smaller or the amount of pixels that you have the more detail you can have for instance every square inch right here has a number of pixels and depending on how many of these dots are in a square inch okay gives you the better detail that's why you always hear something about dpi dots per inch that's what that means okay so Photoshop is based upon little dots and those little dots help you make photographs okay hope that makes sense let's go over to illustrator okay now this right here is a logo may in Illustrator okay this just to let you guys know plug this is my new channel that's coming real soon probably in August called t-shirt design school in which I'll do nothing but stuff like this which is teach design I'm kind of breaking t-shirt helpdesk up but we're going to go in close all right what's going closed right over here you're gonna see that there are no dots okay there's no dots here baby what this what this is this is vector the other one of pixels and this are vectors okay so in order to make these shapes okay you have these dots and these anchor points okay and you can play and manipulate them it's really a mathematical equation okay and this gives you the ability to play and manipulate shapes almost like you're drawing okay and as a matter of fact with certain tools you can actually draw in Illustrator all right now I go over that in detail in my illustrator course I'm a Photoshop course as well okay so this my friends gives you the ability to go in and just work your magic all right and play with any and all of these shapes change them around make them bigger smaller go up you can do all this stuff and how you actually do this I go over in detail in the tutorial but you can also play with and change each individual color alright so illustrator is really very much like drawing you can play with these shapes okay math Mele mathematical equation known as a vector okay so that pretty much is the basic difference alright and if you do a lot of drawing if you do a lot of spot prints and things of that nature and text definitely text then illustrator is for you because you can take any type of text let's just say you type this out okay that's basic text okay but then let's just say we change this to that right there okay you can take this and create outlines on it and make it a shape okay and now you can just like before you can have all types of fun let's go in closer and play okay you can change the shapes to make them exactly how you want and of course change the color and all this stuff now this is nothing I want to show you no matter how close you get in okay this will always maintain its sharpness okay always because this vector you can take this and you can blow up on the size of the Empire State Building and it will be just as sharp so whereas in Photoshop okay with something like this you really have to go in and make a really high DPI in order to make to blow it up like something like this let's say say you had like 100 dots per inch that would look good or fifty dots per inch 50 hundred that would look good or like a cell phone or something like that but if you wanted to put it in like a movie screen or put it up on a billboard it's going to look terrible it's gonna look just like this alright so that's one of the advantages to illustrator but it's still you can still get to be sharp you just have to use more dots per inch there are totally different technologies guys so I want wanted you to see that now just to let you guys know depending on what type of t-shirts you're going to use it really can make the difference in which program you should get so I'm going to go through and show you some different types of t-shirts and different styles and show you which one and which program lends itself to so it can help you depending on what type of t-shirts you want to do it could help you make your decision all right so I'm gonna go in and show that right about now what's up guys just wanted to have a brief little intermission to let you know that you can get the whole photo shop illustrator Creative Cloud whichever ones you want to get they're on sale now for 60% off there was a time a long time ago when like Photoshop and illustrator they were like crazy mad expensive okay and I know that that could be a deterrent but nowadays it's like dirt cheap okay it's a few dollars a month okay and now it's like 60% off so it's crazy alright so um you can either if there's a card up there check out that card and if not go right into the description box the first couple of links will take you to get illustrator Photoshop Creative Cloud but 60% off can't beat that with a stick ball bat I I'm a hollow let's get back to the video okay guys so now let's get into some styles okay some simple styles alright let's get rid of this okay so we have some Photoshop styles and we have some illustrator styles okay so right here now don't go by the blank just look at this artwork this is one color it's just a drawing of this tiger lions I think knives and some words this is perfect for illustrator okay here you have boxes it's just it's just boxes and some tight okay you have some looks like some Asian or Japanese tight some letters and some Old English letters okay now this right here which is like a shape from Japanese letters a circle some more Japanese letters and some English I mean really simple spot prints this is nothing but white and red okay and yeah something like this a few more colors but this is kind of like a comic book looking thing but if you look at it's just red black yellow blue and white you know very very simple very very simple this could be done in Illustrator very simply okay look at this one right here okay really cool t-shirt but if we're gonna we're gonna go in a little bit and if you look at this you're gonna see that it's just like it's white gray yellow and that light yellow in the black outline and that's it for everything and you got red the pink or the light red and this one is like a tan or brown and a darker tan or a lighter tan rather it's you can see that it's really simple there's not a lot of grading there's not a lot of going back and forth of this little pixels that you would need to go from light to dark it's very spot on spot color these can be done with a screen printing machine they're very easy okay look at this one okay with the mouse mouse okay this is pretty much I mean you have pink white black outline and a little bit of great and I said I mean I mean can you see that this is really graphic big bold graphic and it's not really clear to graphic all right so if you look through these you can see as I look at this when I show you this before this when it is a playoff of Gucci Mane's tattoo you know it's black red blue pink yellow and that tan and you see there's not any it's just a flat color these are all flat color no gradation these are all perfect for illustrator all right this one too you know all just spot flat colors okay and you see this one these are spot flat colors you see this black white yellow skin a little bit of gray right here and it's done okay so let's go over here so some of these photoshop to use this is believe Cassie and you can see that this is a real live actual photo photo photo shot you get it and you can see there's a lot of like gradation of going in to get the cash to the skin tones to make although this is you know black and white with a little bit of blue there's a lot of gradation going on okay from darks and lights to get those highlights to make it look realistic you know I'm saying like that other stuff is that does not look real that looks like a cartoon this right here is a photograph you got the lion okay this is perfect and you got the gradation the blue going all the way up perfect for Photoshop this is another photograph Estevan Oriol photograph okay this you know perfect for photo shot okay look at this pink dolphin shirt let's blow this one up okay you can see that if you go in closer you can see that it's a pink dolphin you can see it's got like light Pink's dark Pink's there's kind of a light pink to a white highlight all this color all these little color this is Photoshop this is perfect for Photoshop photographic grading I hope this is making sense so if you want to do t-shirts that look like this learn illustrators you want to do t-shirts to look like this or use Photoshop I'm say or use photos learn Photoshop the best thing is to is to have them both like me I know them both very well and I teach them and you can get my courses ghosts go to the link below in the description box get my illustrator courses I teach you how I mean I teach you from the Rooter to the tooter but let's go back here look at this one okay you see if we go in closer man like this one is like it's got like the Super Bowl trophies got like some women with the little buoys out or whatever it's got money it's got roses diamonds I mean there's a lot going on right here it all looks photographic there's a lot of great see the orange for the yellows skin tones roses this my friends is probably one 99.9% sure was done in Photoshop anything that looks photorealistic alright or with a lot of even if it's art if it has a lot of gradation okay gradients going from likes to dark a whole you know like this is going from dark on our dark orange to yellow orange lose to this white down here that's Photoshop guys alright so I hope this is making sense to you guys I hope this is making look at that this one is black and white again and you can see it's like you know it's like it's like an astronaut's helmet but this is the ground color but the girls all the way up and it's a whole lot of grain it looks like a real-life photograph Photoshop guys Photoshop Illustrator okay now you can now don't just think that you can just do simple stuff in Illustrator you can do some really great complicated more complicated stuff too like this with all the little paint splatters stuff all I could be done in Illustrator okay something something like hold on something like this with this gradation okay you can actually grade eight and I should teach you how you can do this simple radiation in Photoshop okay let's go something like this alright this spaceman thing okay this can actually be I'm sorry man I'm sorry this one right here could be done in Illustrator this this gradation can be done in Illustrator okay this right here okay you can do this in Illustrator okay it's a little bit is not as much gradations a little bit more it's kind of spot color you can do more complicated stuff it's just that Photoshop lends itself to gradation and going from light colors to dark colors and all that stuff so I hope this makes sense you know stuff like this perfect for illustrator okay simple you know stuff that looks like it was drawn you know spot colors and stuff that has a lot of gradients and gradations like this it lends itself to photoshop okay man I once again I teach all of this stuff from the river to the to the Photoshop and illustrator basic and advanced okay so that is it and I will see you guys on the other side I hope I kind of explain this and I hope it makes sense all right until next time ladies and gentlemen peace alright guys that was deed illustrator versus Photoshop t-shirt design video hope you enjoyed it now if you like stuff like this Bella canvas has launched their own YouTube channel alright you go right up there this should be a car and you can go right in the description box it'll say okay and they lost a new youtube channel and they go everything from design inspiration business tips behind the scenes and they are awesome ok if you like t-shirt help this if you like this channel you will love and I do mean love Bella campuses new YouTube channel alright so check that up also illustrator 60% off for Creative Cloud Photoshop Illustrator whatever you want alright that's down in the description box alright listen remember where you heard it all first alright cheers to your t-shirts I am I don't remember do something up for somebody not can't find someone to do something good for do something good for yourself until next time ladies and gentlemen peace
Channel: Tshirt Help Desk
Views: 239,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, Photoshop cc, illustrator cc, tutorial custom t shirtstshirt design learn photoshop tutorial, photoshop cc 2017, how to design t-shirts. graphic design, photoshop for beginners, photoshop effect, How To Make a T-Shirt Design, clothing line start your own clothing line, design your own t-shirt, learn to design using photoshop, t-shirt design, t-shirt beginner tutorial, how to design, help startup entrepreneur, fashion graphic art
Id: 6nDhvuk3fDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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