How To Create Tshirt Designs That Sell - Teespring Tutorial

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Hey everyone. This is Greg, and today, I've got another Teespring video for you. This is going to be one of the biggest Teespring videos that i've ever made, and it's going to cover a lot of very important things. You've been asking, how to create designs that sell? So, this video is going to touch on how to create designs for Teespring that actually get sales, but it's gonna go a little bit further than that. As you notice, this is going to be a bit of a longer video. And the reason behind that is, it's not as simple as just saying, this design will sell on Teespring. There are a few different variables that go into this, and I'm gonna cover each one of these in this video. It's going to be the first time that I've walked through from start to finish on this. So, I really recommend you watch the whole video. I'm not gonna have any fluff in this video, so, just know that if you stick around to the end of this video, you only have to watch it once, and you'll know all of this information going forward, for every time you're creating designs for Teespring. So, without further ado, let's get started. The very first step that we have to take is often overlooked by a lot of people, and this is why a lot of people don't have success, or get a lot of sales on their shirts. This is making sure that your niche will actually sell. So, the very first thing we're gonna do, we're gonna pop in the computer right here, and we're gonna go over to So, this right here is It's short for 'keyword finder dot com,' and it's the best keyword search tool that I've ever found. It's completely free to use. They give you five searches per day, but the cool thing is, each one of these searches yields about 30 results. So, you have plenty to work with. If you hit your maximum of searches, it'll just prompt you to create an account. You can create a free account. You just put in your email and create a password, and then, you have additional searches that you can use. Just know that if you run into that issue. But what we want to use this for, is to make sure that there's room in the niche that we're thinking about, in order to get sales. So, there's not too much competition where we never get found. What we're going to do is, come right to enter a keyword. You're gonna type in the niche that you're thinking about, followed by shirt, and then, we'll see what those results yield. So, the first thing we're gonna do here is yoga shirt. And then, we'll leave the other two on anywhere in any language. Hit 'find keywords' over here, and we'll see what these results yield. So, we only have to look at three things here. The first thing is to make sure that the keyword is actually relevant. So, yoga shirt, yes, that's relevant. Yogahose, that's not going to be relevant. Yoga hose, not relevant again. Yoga t-shirt, that will be relevant. So, the two that we'll focus on right here are yoga shirt, yoga t-shirt, and then, maybe, even 't-shirt yoga' right here. As you scroll down, you can see, you have quite a few other options you can look at, and then, it's start to blow it out until you get a paid plan, but remember, you get five searches a day on here, so, there's plenty to work with. So, the first column is making sure that the keyword lines up. So, yoga shirt, yoga t-shirt, and maybe, t-shirt yoga. That's the first of the three. Now, the second is the search volume. So, we have to make sure that there's actually enough people searching for this niche. So, 5,000 monthly searches. We've got almost 2,000 monthly searches right there. That's about 7,000 searches. That's plenty, and then, t-shirt yoga. That's a more uncommon search term, but there's another 300 right there. So, we've got our keyword. Make sure that it's relevant over here, and then, the search volume, make sure that there's plenty of search volume. Anything over a thousand a month is a good one to go with. That'll give you plenty of searches to work with. If you get Into 5,000, or even something like 12,000. That's great. As long as you make sure that this number over here, want to look for 39 or below, this will mean that it's actually rankable. It means that niche is not completely saturated. Anything over 39 or closer to a red color on here means that there's a ton of competition, and your shirts won't rank, so, they won't get found there. So, make sure that it's 39 or below. The closer to green you can get here, the better. So, what I really like about KWFinder is that it gives you this color scheme right here. So, you don't even really have to look at the numbers. You just aim for the closest to green. So, right off the bat for yoga, we can tell that if we add up yoga shirt, yoga t-shirt, we've got a 31 of 35, and then, maybe, we'll go with t-shirt yoga, it's a 31 as well. If we add all three of those up, and then, we divide it by three, it gives us the average. So, there's three terms, so, that's why we're dividing by three. So, we've got 35, 31, and 31. When we add that up and divide it by three, it's something around 32 or 33. So, that's our number, that's below 39. So, that absolutely works. Now, that's pretty close to 39. 39 is kind of the cutoff. I would not recommend going forward if it's above 39, because it just means there's too much competition. So, this is going to be a little bit of a competitive market here, this yoga. Clearly, there's a lot of searches, but I know there's a lot of people making purchases in the yoga market. So, that's why I would say, it's okay to use this. But as you go through here, you can search different things. Not only yoga shirt, but you could type in 'basketball shirt.' You can type in 'rock-climbing shirt,' You can type in different niches. Just make sure that they have relevant keywords, and then, it's getting enough search traffic, and that the numbers are in the green, and absolutely below 39. The closer to one that you can get here, and the greener your terms, the better the niche you found. So, go through here and keep searching. Just make sure that before you create any designs that there's room for you to actually sell in your niche. That's the first step that people often overlook, and that's making sure that there's actually room for you to make sales in that niche. So, that's the first crucial step right there. So, now, that we've made sure that we've picked a good niche, we need to go and find some design inspiration. What I love to do is, come over to If you haven't been on Etsy, It's kind of like a custom craft marketplace, but you'll find that you can get a ton of inspiration on really good ideas for designs here. So, what we're going to do is, come right up to the search bar, and type in our niche followed by shirt. So, we'll type in 'yoga shirt,' and now, you can see in these results, you have a ton of hits. So, the ones right up top are advertisements. So, don't think that those are the top results. Those are the ones that people are paying to put right there, but don't immediately write them off. Just know that those ones are being paid to be on the top row. So, what we're going to do is, scroll through these listings to get idea inspiration while looking for three specific things. So, the first specific thing is to make sure that the designs are something that we can actually create. If you find really intricate designs on here, something like this, you're just not going to be able to create that, unless you are a graphic designer, or you're paying someone to create something similar to that. What I prefer to look for are things like quotes like 'inhale-exhale.' You can make this in a ton of different variations, and you can absolutely do that just by typing text. Things that are just words like this. You can use quotes. You can spin them around. I'm going to talk about that more in a bit, but the first thing is to absolutely make sure that they are simple designs. I like to focus on words. So, that's the first thing we're looking for. The second thing that we're focusing on is the reviews. So, we want to see how many reviews there are. So, as you can see, when we scroll through here, there's something like 2800, and then, we've got 758, and then, on a shirt like this, we have 57, we've got 125. You want to see if you can get into the thousands, judging by how many reviews it has compared to the others. So, as you can see, anything over a thousand is really getting a lot of reviews in this category. So, those are going to be good options. And then, the third thing that we're going to look for is what the actual review is. So, as you can see here, this is a full five-star, full five-star, full five-star, and then, as we scroll through here, we might find some that are lower. So, this one's one-star. Someone really didn't like that when they got it. So, as we're scrolling through here, we're keeping those three things in mind. Make sure you're looking for designs that are mostly words, and things that you can actually create. Number two, making sure that there's a lot of reviews, and the number three, making sure that those reviews are good reviews, five stars is preferred. So, with all that in mind, you can scroll through here and get inspiration. When you find ones that you like, you can just screenshot them. If you're on a Mac, you press 'shift command' 3, and it'll screenshot that page, and you can reference that screenshot later for some design inspiration. Now, if you're using a PC, or you just don't want a screenshot like that, you can take photos on your phone of the specific ones that you like, or you can jot down what those quotes were on a post-it note or something, just so, you can reference that later when we're doing designing. Now, the big thing that I want to talk about here is, you cannot just go on here and copy someone's design exactly. Teespring is actually going to penalize you for that. They'll remove your design, and then, they actually lower your trust score, making it harder for you to get sales, because they won't be promoting your stuff organically. However, you can absolutely use this for inspiration, and I have a full video down in the description that talks only about Teespring copyright, what you need to know, and all the important things. So, feel free to watch that after this. So, this is actually information straight from Teespring, on exactly what we're talking about right now, and it actually gives examples, so easier to see. If we look over here, we have the original shirt, which is 'beards are best,' and then, we have someone who copied it and that is not good. Now, if you use that for inspiration, and you create something that looks like this, 'beards the best,' and then, put multiple beards on there. That's completely fair game. As we scroll down here, we can see a few more examples. So, just changing the color of the shirt does not suffice, and is still copyright infringement. However, if we use that same idea, and we change the quote slightly, it's completely okay and now, that's your own design. And then, the last example here is with images. As you can see, there is a figure right here, and we cannot use the same figure on another shirt. However, if you change it slightly, now, it's yours again. So, they change the words, and they change the figure. Now, that's your own design, and that's fair to use. So, if you want to know more about the copyright, and how it all works for Teespring. Like I said, there's a video linked in the description that'll go over everything, be explaining what this is, but I'll also link to this article, so, you can read all of this in more detail if you want to. But the moral of the story is, when you're scrolling through Etsy like this, don't copy something exactly. Make it your own. Change the order of the words. Put on different images. That's creating your own, and the best thing about Teespring is, when you actually create your own original design, by default, copyright law gives you that copyright. You don't have to do anything. You now own that copyright. So, if someone else copies your design, you can report that right to Teespring. Teespring will investigate it. If they deem that it's copyright infringement on your design, they will remove that listing and lower that seller stress score. So, just know that you can use this to your advantage too, as long as you're creating original designs. What I'm gonna do is, just pick one design that we're gonna use for actually creating the design on this tutorial. I'm gonna go with something like this. This is 'yoga I'm down dog.' It's like downward dog. So, that's kind of the pun right there. It's got over a thousand reviews and five stars, so, this is looking good. What I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna change this a little bit. So, I'm gonna probably change this to 'yoga I'm so down.' Try to keep it close enough to go off that same pun of downward dog. but changing it to make it my own, so, mine's going to be 'yoga I'm so down.' So, what do we do from this point? Now, I recommend you go to your smartphone, and you download one of two apps, either Typeorama or Word Swag. Typeorama and word Swag are hands down the best designing apps. You put in the words, and it creates designs for you. You don't have to be a graphic designer. So, this will work for anyone. To be very clear on this, Typeorama has already been cleared for commercial use. They released an update saying that you can use the designs created on Typeorama for commercial use and for profit. So, that's excellent for us, because we can use this on our t-shirts to profit from. As of January in 2019, Word Swag has not pushed out this update yet. I would imagine it's coming very soon, because it's a very similar app to Typorama. Now, the thing is, on Typorama, nothing on the app actually changed from before they put that in their terms to after. It's just that they announced and put it in print that you can actually use it for commercial use. So, my assumption is, Word Swag is right behind them and going to release that soon, but as of right now, Word Swag hasn't released that. And the other thing is, these apps are a couple of dollars. It's something like five dollars, maybe, seven dollars right now, but trust me, you pay that once, and then you can create unlimited designs. You sell your first shirt. It's going to pay for that. And the last thing here is, Typorama is for iOS or iPhone, and then, Word Swag is for Android. Right now, Typorama is not on Android. So, you can't use it on there. So, you may have to look further into the 'Word Swag' option. With that being said, I'm going to pull up Typorama on my phone, and we'll start this design process. Alright, now, we're in the phone here. So, I'm going to click on Typorama and open that up. The very first thing we're going to do here is, click that transparent in the top left corner. This is going to give us a clear background. So, we can just create the text or the design, export it, and it won't have a background. So, we can put it on any color of shirt. So, click that transparent, and then, we have a couple options for sizes. As you scroll through here, You can find all different sizes, but we're just going to leave it on original size. It's actually perfect, and we don't need to change anything. So, just make sure you're set on original size, and hit 'next.' And this is the beauty of Typorama. So, all we have to do here is, double tap right on that text, and now, we can type in our quote, or whatever we want to use for our design here. So, I'm going to come back over here and find the one that we were going to use. it's right here, 'yoga I'm down dog'. So, we're going to do 'yoga.' I'm going to capitalize the 'yoga,' and then, I'm gonna do manual line breaks. Just so I can press 'ENTER,' and come underneath, and do a similar design to this, and then, we'll do 'I'm so down,' and you can play with the capitalization. If you want to capitalize the' s,' 'so,' 'd,' and 'down,' you can do that, but as you see on this one, they didn't, so, I'm just not going here, but this is going to be our design right here. Now, if we were to turn off manual line breaks, it'll just split it up randomly, so, we have 'yoga I'm' could be on the same line, so, that they could be on different lines. I know exactly how I want it. So, I'm gonna turn 'manual line breaks' on, and all we have to do is, hit 'done' in the top right corner, and this is the first of our designs right here. So, all of these things on the bottom here, you can actually hit, and it creates different designs. What I really love about this is, if you hit the same one multiple times, it creates multiple designs. As you can see, it's slightly changing, and sometimes, it's more prevalent than others. So, you can see that this design is changing like crazy. So, these are all different designs all within one different design category. Look how many design categories you have here. So, you have unlimited designs, and you don't have to pay anyone for anything like this. You can just go through here, and this is how you can create your designs. So, all we're gonna do here is, just keep coming through here, and see if we can find one that we like. I don't want to waste your time here. So, I'm just gonna try to find one pretty quickly, and I'm gonna go with this one. It's just a nice looking design that I could see on someone's yoga shirt. As we come back over here and look, you can kind of see this script kind of text, which is the same like my best right here, and some of these words through here like 'breathing,' that's in that scripted text. So, that's what we're going to use on this one. And then the last thing we have to do here is, click on it once, and you can actually drag it to make it bigger, and this is just going to make the quality of the design when it's exported better, so, we can make it bigger on shirts without getting grainy, and then, the last thing is just to make sure that it's centered. So, I like to use the gray and white squares in the background. Just try to make it even on both sides. So, I'm looking at the bottom right now on those dotted lines, and it looks like I can get about two squares in on both sides, and just make sure that you get that set, and then, that's going to be centered. So, that's your design right here. If you want to change the color of that text, all you have to do is hit 'color' at the bottom, and now, you can change what color that is. If you're going to put it on a black, or a dark shirt, you might want to go with something that's white, and if you're going to put it on a gray shirt, or anything like that, you can go with something that's black. If you scroll all the way over here, You can actually change, and get multiple colors if you wanted to put in like different colors like this, and you can keep hitting these, and it'll switch it to different colors throughout . I'm gonna stay with black. I found over time that the black, white, and grey typically sell the best, and my assumption on that is because you have a bigger market. If you put the font in purple, someone might not like purple, and just because of that, they don't buy the shirt. So, I recommend you leave it in a black, white, or grey font, but you can do whatever you prefer here. That's all we're going to do, and then, we just hit 'OK, share.' And we can save it right to our camera roll, so, you can save it right there. It saves it to your phone's camera roll, and now, you can either text it to yourself, airdrop it to yourself, you can email it to yourself, just to get it onto your computer. What I'm going to do is, airdrop it onto my computer. That's the easiest way if you're on a Mac and an iPhone, you can just send it right to your computer. But if you need to, you can go to your camera roll, and you can just email that to yourself. So, all I'm gonna do here is, hit 'done,' and a little side note, when you're ready to create your next design, all you have to do is double click on that text again, type in the new quote or whatever it is, and go from there. So, here is my camera roll. All I have to do is, hit this send button in the bottom left corner, and then, I'll airdrop it to myself, but if you want to, you can send it in a message or mail. Everything you need is right there, just to get it on to your computer. So, I'm gonna get this over to my computer, and I'll pick up with you guys when I'm back on my computer with the design. And just like that, we've got our design right on our computer right now. As you can see, it has the transparent background. So, when we zoom out, there's no background on this. We can put it on any colored shirt. As we zoom in, you can see that the quality of this design is actually really good. So, you guys are probably thinking, well, that's all you have to do for designing, to sell them on Teespring? Well, yes, and no. You see those steps that we went through prior to this, well, there's a couple more important steps that are coming up after this. So, we have our design now. So, I'm going to head over to Teespring, and we're gonna start the uploading process, and what comes after that. Let's come right over to Teespring, and what we're going to do is hit 'start designing.' And in the Teespring launcher, just as a side note, If you ever run into any glitches on launching a product, because Teespring is updating this launcher almost daily. So, sometimes there's small little glitches. You can just hit this button, switch to classic experience, and it brings you back to the old launcher, and then, everything works flawlessly there. But what we're going to do is, put this on a t-shirt. So, we're gonna go with a unisex shirt. This makes the market a little bit bigger. You have both men and women, both can wear it. So, we'll start with this, and you can choose the quality of the shirt. This doesn't matter all that much. The only time that this really matters is, if you're creating a legitimate clothing brand. Most of the time, people are just creating shirts for passive income online, and if that's the case, you can go with a 'Classic Tee.' It keeps your margins a bit bigger. It's only ten dollars and 22 cents. It's your base cost. So, if you're selling that at $20, you're gonna make about nine dollars and 78 cents per shirt sale. Now, if you're creating a legitimate clothing brand where people are going to be wearing this. They're going to be reviewing this, and quality is an issue. Then you're gonna want to go with at least a premium Tee or up. Now, It's a couple dollars more per shirt. If you're selling it at 20 bucks, you only make about 6 dollars, as opposed to almost $10, but it's worth it. People will associate that quality of shirt, that nice soft feel to your clothing brand. So, if you're building a big brand, definitely go with at least a premium shirt or above. If you're doing this just for passive income, then, you can go with a classic Tee, it's very easy. It keeps your margins high, and the quality on this really isn't that bad, but it's not something that you would rave to your friends about. So, we're gonna go with 'start designing,' and you can either buy it or sell it. If you're creating this for yourself, you can actually buy it and buy it at cost which is pretty nice, but we are here to sell it. And now, we're in the designer. All we have to do here is, add an image, and select that file right off of our computer. Just wait for this to upload, and now, we have our design right on our shirt. So, as you know, we made that design bigger, so, we could get better quality, and because of that, the design is actually really big. So, it's probably a little bit too big, then, you'd want to put on a shirt. So, we're going to make it a bit smaller, making the quality go up even more. As you can see, as you go smaller than that, this 'good' will turn to 'great,' meaning that your design is going to be printed amazingly, but we don't want to go that small. So, we're just going to go about this big right here. Something that looks like it would be a good fit on a shirt, not too big, but not too small. So, there's really no guideline or specific rule on this. Just make sure that it's not overly big, or too small where you can't see it. So, that's it. That's our design on our shirt right there. And then, we're just going to add in a couple of other product colors. I recommend you don't go too crazy on the product colors, because, you give people paralysis by analysis. That's another really important thing is, if you turn on all these color options, people will sit here and not know if they want this green or that green, or this green over here. They will have too many options. If you give them one green, if they want a green shirt, they'll pick that one green. If you give them too many options, they'll start to overthink it, and chances are, they might navigate away from the page, and not complete the purchase. So, what I've been doing lately is, going with five colors or less. Just keep in mind that you have a black text. So, you're not gonna want to put that on a black shirt, because it won't show up right. So, we're gonna go with a white, blue, red, green, and maybe, we'll add in a pink for ladies as well. So, this is our color options right here. That's five core colors that people can choose from, and that's going to be our color selection. Let's hit 'done' here, and then, another big thing we need to worry about is the price. What I've actually found out is, I've tested low prices, trying to get high volume in sales and high prices, knowing that I'm not gonna get as many sales, but bigger profit margins, and using the prices, just about what they recommend them, yields the most profit. At the end of the day, whether you're getting twenty sales or two sales, whatever gives you the most profit, is the best option. So, using something like this, $21.99, I'll actually lower this to $19.99, to make it a little bit more affordable. We're still gonna make about ten dollars per sale, but we're a couple dollars less than what they recommend. Most people coming on here might just usually recommend it. So, you're beating them by a couple of dollars. That gives you a little bit of a leg up when you're selling. Just don't go too low, because you're not gonna make your money back in the margins, even if you sell a lot of volume, and don't go too high, because you're rarely going to get sales, even though you might make about twenty dollars per sale. So, I recommend staying in the middle. Trust me, I've tested this, and this has yielded the most profit. That's what I recommend on price here. Let's go ahead and continue. Onto another important step here. This is actually adding products onto your shirt. So, as you go into these, you can add on different products within that same category. So, this would be very similar to a shirt. It's just a nicer quality shirt. I do not recommend doing that, so, X out of that. All I recommend doing is, maybe, adding on one or two other products that make sense, and by 'make sense,' I mean like this, this is not going to make sense. You can't read that. It cuts it off. So, we're not going to use either of these, but what I will use is a sweatshirt, and a tank top. Both of those make sense. So, we'll come into this sweatshirt, and we'll pick one of these. One per category. You don't want to choose multiple sweatshirts. You're just going to confuse people. So, we'll go with the classic pullover hoodie, because it's still affordable, and it has the biggest profit margin on it. We'll select that, and then, we'll X back out of here, and then, we'll come into tank top, and again here, I'm just going to go with the classic, so, we'll turn that on. Remember, if you're a full-fledged clothing brand or company, you might want to choose higher options on the other products that you add on. So, you have that better quality no matter what they buy. So, that's all we're gonna do here is three options. You have the classic Tee for just a t-shirt. You have a pullover hoodie if they're in a colder climate, or colder time of the year, and then, you have a tank top if they're in summer. So, you have three big options, and again, you're not giving people paralysis by analysis, or putting in products that just don't make sense. That's what we're gonna do here. Let's go ahead and hit 'continue.' And now, onto a really important part here. Simply put, Teespring is amazing, because they do a ton of marketing for you. However, they will not market your shirts, or feature them if they are spammy, and it's not something they want to put their reputation behind. So, make sure that we keep this very clean. I'm gonna walk you through this right now. So, for the title, don't put it in shirt, or tank top, or whatever kind of item it is, because remember, you have three different items on there. We have a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and we have a tank top. So, if we were to put in yoga shirt, if someone's looking at a tank top, that no longer makes sense. So, Teespring's not gonna like that. So, what I always recommend doing is, using one of three ways to optimize this. So, looking at Teespring's examples, they have three really good ways on how to optimize it. So, you can go with keywords in a non spammy way right in the title. You can go with what's on the shirt, or you can go with something that's really going to show up in Google searches. For something like our design over here, the one that I see best fit right now would be talking about what's on the shirt. I don't think I want to use multiple keywords here, and I don't think it would make sense to do a Google optimized title right here. So, I'm just gonna go with what's on the shirt. This is always a good option. So, if you're making a shirt, and it makes sense to use one of these other ones, then absolutely do. You're not going to be wrong with whatever one of the three you choose here. These are all optimized titles. So, I'm just going to use what is on the shirt. So, we're gonna do 'Yoga I'm so down,' and that's going to be our title right here. This is not spammy. It's talking about what's on the shirt. Teespring will absolutely promote this, or feature it and put their name behind it, because that's not a spammy title. We're not saying, 'yoga I'm so down,' limited edition, buy it now, now going to be sold in stores, anything like that, they won't promote that, and then, coming down to the description, we can come back over here and reference these as well, but I've actually made a description that works extremely well, and I offer that to you guys if you want to use it as well. I'm gonna put a link to this shirt, which is actually one of the other shirts that I used as an example, but this is the description that you can use here. So, I'm giving you permission to copy this, and come over to your launcher, and paste it here, and then, fill out the details with something that makes sense for you. So, it's kind of like a fill in the blank, and I'll show you where those 'fill in the blank areas' are. So, this is going to be a noun here, so, add some fun. Yeah, that makes sense. 'yoga I'm so down.' It's a funny shirt, so you can say, 'add some fun' here. You can put in different nouns here, depending on what kind of shirt you're making, so, fun makes sense. 'Yoga wardrobe.' That definitely makes sense. If you're in like a fishing niche, you could say 'fishing wardrobe.' Whatever niche you are here, with this funny, because it's a funny shirt, and then, you put in the name of what the shirt is. 'So down.' Since we're offering multiple items here, we might not want to say 'yoga shirt.' So, on this, I'm gonna say 'yoga design,' and that way, it stays relevant, and it doesn't contradict to what we're offering. So, we have a yoga shirt, you have a hoodie, and we have a tank top. So, I'm gonna put 'yoga design,' because that remains true. It's a yoga design on all three of these, and then, the last part there is, or give it as a perfect gift. Maybe, this makes them think of someone else who could want this, and if it's around their birthday or a holiday, it makes them think of purchasing it as a gift for them, and then, the last part of this is just a call to action. Choose your size and color below, then, buy it now to place your order. Now, capitalizing 'buy it now' is actually okay. It's under the borderline of staying spammy, while at the same time increasing conversions. So, this is an excellent description, and like I said, I give you permission to copy it from that campaign, and put it into your own, and make sure that you don't forget to fill in the blanks, and customize it so it makes sense for your design. And then, a couple more things here that are pretty important. This is the first color that you're going to see when someone's scrolling through, and they see this in the marketplace. We can edit this and change it to whatever color we think looks really good, and this blue looks really good. It's a dark color on the blue, and this blue actually sells really well. So, I'm going to use that as our first one, just to catch people's attention as they're scrolling through the marketplace. If you want to, you can change the URL. It's completely up to you. You might get a slight, very small search engine optimization boost by putting your keywords in here, but we already have yoga in here once. So, that's going to be the keyword. I'm going to leave it exactly how it is. Now, I'm not going to add this to a storefront right now. I'm just going to launch this campaign. If you want to know how to use storefronts, because you can use them to your advantage. I have a full tutorial called, 'how to get your first sales on Teespring,' and that covers the storefront in detail. So, feel free to check that out if you want to, and then, the last thing here guys is, just hit the publish listing, and when you finish this up, you're going to have your live listing right here. It's optimized. It's ready to go. This is something that someone will buy on Teespring. So now, you have this listing ready to go, optimized, and just go through this process, creating another listing, and just create as many of these as you can. Ideally, you want to have a couple hundred designs on here. Good designs, optimized properly, no spam, and priced right, and you will have no problems selling consistently on Teespring. So, guys, that's all I've got for you. That covers all the steps you need to know on how to create designs that sell on Teespring. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know. I really hope this video has helped you. That was a lot of really good stuff in one video. Feel free to reference this if you need to watch it again, or go back, and get a specific step again, but once you watch this through once, you should be able to just apply the same thing over and over again into your future campaigns, and see a lot of sales coming from it. So, if you guys have any questions, let me know. Otherwise, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up, and I will see you all in the next one.
Channel: Greg Gottfried
Views: 1,426,784
Rating: 4.9464569 out of 5
Keywords: how to sell on teespring, teespring, teespring tutorial, how to sell shirts on teespring, how to sell teespring shirts, sell t-shirts on teespring, t shirt design tutorial, how to make money with teespring, how to sell on teespring 2016, how to design a tshirt, how to sell shirts online, how to sell t shirts online, how to sell t-shirts online, teespring bangla tutorial, how to design a t-shirt, greg gottfried, gottfried09, print on demand 2019
Id: JXqxDoteTuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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