How To Make Your First Shirt Design In Photoshop For Free

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what is up guys charlie pang is here today I'm gonna show you how to make your very first shirt design in Photoshop completely free this is gonna be a really fun video so grab a coffee grab something to snack on and by the way I had way too much caffeine today it's crazy I'm just so caffeinated but I'm pumped to make this video for you guys let's go and roll that intro and get started in today's tutorial I really want to keep things super simple so we're gonna go out on the internet and find some resources to use in Photoshop to make a t-shirt design and this is especially helpful for some of you that are brand new to making t-shirt designs or you never made one before I think this video was really gonna help you out before we even get into the design step one is learning Photoshop if you don't know how to use Photoshop stop the video go learn Photoshop because you're gonna have a huge roadblock if you don't understand what I'm saying in this video I'm not making a full tutorial right now on how to use Photoshop it's like learning a new language if you don't understand Photoshop I'm gonna be speaking in a foreign language to and you're not gonna understand me so learn it I promise you it's gonna help but anyway now that that's out of the way let's go and get started I have Photoshop CC pulled up what I want to do first is I want to create a new document and I want to prepare this for my t-shirt design process because this is the most important part now if you don't prepare your document correctly you might not make your design the right size for t-shirts and you're gonna have issues later on if that makes sense so in order to fix that we're gonna make sure this is right the first time right we want to go ahead and switch from pixels to inches and we want to make this let's say 14 let's do 14 by 17 just for now that's completely fine and then we want to make the resolution 300 now this is really important because if you make the resolution 72 it's definitely not gonna look as good when it's printed so we want our t-shirt design to look great printed right so we want to make sure the resolution is 300 sometimes you can even go past that but I find 300 to be a very very good starting point and then we also want to make sure that orientation stays the same and we want to make sure everything else is the same now on the background content so we can change the background color right now and we're actually gonna do that so we're gonna make the background black because I want to print this design on a black shirt does that make so we want to go ahead and hit okay and that's gonna act as our shirt color so once you set everything correctly we can go ahead and hit create and that's gonna pull up this new window this new artboard if you will and we are ready to start designing so now what we want to do is we want to go find some resources so we can actually make this design right so let's go ahead and do that the first website I'm gonna use today is and I'm gonna go in there and find an image to use for our design but we're not going to touch that website just yet we want to pull up a new tab and we just want to use Google to search for an image so I'm actually gonna go to the actual homepage of Google real quick so go to google and let's go ahead and type in let me see black grunge background so type in black grunge background trust me we're gonna find something to use right here so after doing some digging and typing in some stuff that I want I found that if I typed in ink roller texture I found this nice little background that I want to use and basically what I want to do is overlay an image on top of that and I'm gonna show you guys how to do that so what we want to do is we want to actually copy this and we're gonna paste that into Photoshop so the one that I used is this high resolution rolled ink one so let's go and copy that like I said we're gonna go back to photoshop real quick and we're gonna do command V alright and I think it's ctrl V if you're using a PC and we want to resize that real quick so we're just gonna make that pretty big about this big in order to get rid of the white what we want to do is we want to go to layer one which is the image that we just pasted it in and we want to name this background or something like that so we can name this background or we can aim it grunge background let's name it grunge background we can name it whatever you want and what we want to do is we want to go down to where it says FX FX and we want to go ahead and change the blending options okay when you go to the blending options it's gonna pop up something called layer style and what we want to do is we want to go to the blend if section where it says this layer we want to go all the way to the right where the white is and we're on the top bar right now okay and when you go to that white we want to hold an option and we just want to drag to the left and what it's going to do is it's going to split that arrow in half and we want that left half to go to the left about 196 we want to take the right part and we also want to drag that over so just like this and that looks pretty good now we're going to hit OK and then from here now we have a background without any white it's gonna look a little ugly but trust me it's going to come together so what we want to do now is we want to actually right-click on this we want to convert this to a smart object and then we want to make the color overlay white okay so we can make it white gray whatever color we want but I'm gonna make it white so it really pops on that black background and we're gonna go ahead and rasterize this layer style so now we have just a white grunge background that's exactly what we wanted we're ready to move on to the next stages which is finding our image to overlay on top of this background I did forget to address one thing real quick before continuing on if your guys's setup doesn't look the same as mine in Photoshop CC that's probably because your workspace is different now what I'm using is the default workspace and I adjusted a couple things about it or I guess you can say move two things around a little bit but what I'm using is the default so go to window real quick on your program go to workspace and just make sure it's on essentials default that's exactly what I'm using with my setup and again I just moved a couple things around but that's about it so yours should look pretty similar and that's what I wanted to mention real quick because some of you might be very confused on why mine looks different than yours go to let's go and type in let's just type in New York we're gonna go for like a street vibe so new york streets or something like that so type in new york streets and let's go and find an image that we want to use on this this one's pretty cool I'm not gonna be like too particular on what I use but I'm just gonna find one that I find interesting but we're just gonna find one real quick actually I'm gonna use this one right here by Luke we're gonna go and download that and what I want to do is I actually want to show in folder and I want to drag that into Photoshop now so we're just gonna click that image and we're gonna drag it into Photoshop now what I want to do is resize it so I'm going to go up to the height where you see the H right here and I'm just gonna drag to the left and we're just going to resize it real quick and I'm also going to Center it so we're just gonna keep doing this until it's the proper size before we continue on I want to rename this photo of something so we're just going to name it photo by double clicking on the actual thumbnail name and so it's just photo now we know exactly where it is and the next thing we want to do is force this image inside of that box that's below it so on the layers pallet photo is sitting first and then below that we have the grunge background so now what want to do is we want to force this photo inside of the grunge background to do that it's really easy you just want to click on photo and you want to hover in between grunge and background while holding an option and you just click once and it's gonna force that photo inside of that grunge background that we have and then from here we can move it around wherever we want so I'm gonna move it up a little bit this is actually a really cool image I think so we're gonna probably move it about right there it keeps moving because I'm not using a mouse but anyway we're gonna move it to about right there I think that looks quite good we're doing really good guys the next thing I want to do is find some tape and import it into Photoshop as well so let's go to Google one more time I don't know why Google is such a weird word to say sometimes but anyway I'm going back to Google we're gonna type in tape PNG or something like that and it doesn't have to be a PNG but I'm gonna try to find one that is PNG I found a piece of tape that I like and it's by pixel scraper we're just gonna use it for this video I'm pretty sure you'd have to buy rights to use that so we're not gonna actually try to make money off this or anything like that and it's important to know what you have rights to use and I mention that in some of my videos you can't just go on Google and find anything and use it because you can't get in trouble let me zoom in real quick so you guys can see so I'm taking this marquee tool and I'm just selecting around this little logo here and we're just going to delete it real quick so I deleted the pixel scrapper logo not the pixel scraper logo I don't know why I said that before but the pixel scrapper logo is deleted now I just have the tape and I have renamed it already tape so I know exactly where it is now what I want to do is do command T and we're just going to basically rotate it and position it where we want it so I'm gonna probably put it about right here I wanted this design to look like it's taped onto the shirt right so when we print it it's gonna look pretty cool so I'm just gonna put a couple on here I don't want to put too many we're gonna put one right here in this corner as well so again we just want to make sure it's kind of looking like it's taped on there you don't want to overdo it obviously so I think this looks pretty cool and it's okay to put them in different positions to make it look sloppy because I think that looks cooler we're gonna put one in this right corner as well just like this so one in this right corner again this is just to make sure it looks like it's taped on there right we're gonna put one on the bottom left as well I think this looks good for now normally I would spend a little bit more time adjusting things but like I said I think this looks fine for now so what we want to do is we want to select the entire design and we're gonna group it so I'm basically selecting the very top layer I'm holding in shift and then selecting the last layer and then hitting command G to group everything we're gonna name this design and we're gonna add some text in a little bit so what I want to do now is actually resize the whole design holding an option to resize and the reason why I'm doing this is because I want to add some text to the design we're just gonna type in New York so what I want to do is hit T on my keyboard and we're gonna go ahead and zoom in real quick so you can see exactly what I'm doing just like this so we're gonna hit T on our keyboard and then we're gonna type out New York and whatever font we have selected at the time we're gonna resize it we're gonna change the foreground color on the top left here to white and we're just gonna go ahead and let that be New York right we're gonna make it really simple I'm going to use a font that I found online for free it's called rustico you guys can go find it right now for free I'm not gonna link it or anything like that but just Google rustico and you guys will find it this is the font I decided to go with so we're gonna go and go to rustic Oh now that looks pretty cool I think so we're gonna go ahead and resize it we want to make it kind of big not too too big though so what I decided to do is actually hide all the tape real quick and I want to shorten the grunge background I want to make it basically a little bit shorter because it's too tall in my opinion and I don't think it's needed so what I want to do is hold in command and I just want to drag down on this to about right there I think that looks much better for some reason to me it just looked a little sloppy and we can even resize it to the right as well so we're gonna make it basically wider as well and I think that looks much better and then we can recenter by doing command a and then using these Center options right here and I think that looks much much better we can even shorten the bottom a little bit too and see what that looks like yeah see I don't know I just think that looks so much better we're gonna duplicate New York in a second but first what I want to do is recenter everything basically move it up a little bit now what I want to do is take New York and I want to go ahead and duplicate it and we're gonna type out city so just like that so we're gonna type out City but I want to make this in a different font so I'm gonna change that font to azo sans black and we're gonna just put that at the bottom here but I want to make it a little bit smaller so I'm gonna double click on it change the size and I'm also gonna change the kerning by holding an option hitting my right arrow key just like this we're gonna make it really spaced out so I'm just gonna let it do its thing just like this I think this looks really really so now what I want to do is actually change the color of New York let's go ahead and try to copy the color of that taxi real quick and now what I want to do is go back to the tape idea that we had previously and unhide it and we're gonna basically replace them because I actually want them on there I just didn't want all of them on there if that makes sense so we're just gonna replace them and we can even resize them maybe they don't need to be that big just so they're less invasive that if that makes sense so we're gonna resize them real quick just resize the ones that we did keep one other thing that I think is going to help this design out is changing the color of city so we're gonna actually duplicate the effects of New York and we're gonna add it on to City so we don't have to riad that so all you have to do is hold an option click on the effects and drag it up to the new text line which is City and what we're gonna do is go to the color overlay and we just want to kind of color pick on this design and find a grayish color real quick so and now we kind of have the same colors going with this text and I think that looks really good you guys might think this design is done or you might want to keep working on it that's completely up to you but for now I'm gonna keep this as is I think it looks fine here it is on a mock-up so you guys can see what it looks like on a shirt there's so many different decisions that we have to make as designers to figure out what our end goal is what we want the final design to look like and again that is completely subjective and completely up to you but I am happy with it for the short amount of time that we spent on it so that is it for this video guys let me know what you thought about the video in the comment section below make sure you guys hit the thumbs up button on the video if you liked the video and also subscribe if you aren't already I would love to see new faces guys I had a blast making this it was so much fun I can't wait to see you guys in the next video keep creating guys keep being awesome I'll catch you in the next video peace
Channel: Charley Pangus
Views: 623,988
Rating: 4.9409637 out of 5
Keywords: How To Make Your First Shirt Design In Photoshop For Free, t-shirt design tutorial, how to, graphic design tutorial, adobe photoshop (software), photoshop tutorial, shirt design, tshirt design, how-to (media genre), graphic design (industry), photoshop for beginners, online shirt, how to make a shirt graphic, shirtgraphic, free, learn, tutorial (industry), t-shirt design, merch design, step by step photoshop tutorials, photoshop cc, photoshop tshirt design, psd, photo shirt
Id: jMMyhG-ecDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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