3 Ways to CUT HOLES in Objects in Blender

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what's up guys Justin here with the CG essentials dot-com back with another blender tutorial for you so in today's video we're gonna talk about a couple different ways to cut holes in objects inside of blender so let's go ahead and just jump into it so one of the things that can get a little bit tricky in blender is when you start trying to cut holes and so I wanted to talk through a couple different ways that you can cut holes in different objects and there's other ways as well these are gonna be three kind of basic ones and then we may talk about more in the future but for right now we're gonna start off and we're gonna add a plane so I'm gonna do a shift right click to set my cursor right here and then I'm gonna do a shift a add mesh plane and what we want to do is I'm gonna move this off to the side over here and we want to cut a hole in the middle of this square or the middle of this plane and so right now we can't do that because if we hit the tab key you can see how all we have is we have four vertices or four edges going around the outside there's not enough geometry in order to cut our hole and so what we want to do is we want to start by right-clicking on this surface and subdividing it and so let's go ahead and we're gonna subdivide this to three so that we have the central vertex in here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna tap the one key to go into vertex editing mode and then I am going to select this vertex right here and I'm gonna hit the Delete key and I'm gonna delete vertices so what that's gonna do is that's gonna leave me with this box around the outside here and at the moment right now what we need to do is we need to take this geometry around the center and we need to make that into circular geometry because we want this to actually curve a little bit so we don't want to come in here and subdivide this right now because if we were to add a subdivision surface modifier to this one and then you were to look at this and let's turn on our wireframe real quick you can see how it kind of works but your geometry starts getting really weird and it doesn't really kind of follow a circle as we subdivide it you see what I mean this isn't a circular hole and so let's get rid of this subdivision surface modifier and what we want to do so we want to make sure we're in edit mode and we want to select the loop around the outside here so I'm just gonna alt click in order to select this loop we want to do is we want to tell blender to start treating this like a circle or like a sphere rather than just a loop and so the way that we can do that is we can just type in alt shift s well when you type in alt shift s what that's going to do is that's gonna take this geometry and it's gonna make it into a sphere you can see how I can actually move my mouse to the left or right and this will actually kind of bend this around in a spherical or a circular shape and so I'm gonna move my mouse all the way to the right so this is actually and here's a circle and I want to click and notice that once I click it pops up this little box down here because we basically told it to use the two sphere command by typing alt shift s and so notice that you get the same effect by clicking and dragging that's right here but we want this to be a factor of 1 well now if we were to take this and let's say we were to give it a solidify modifier so if we were to go into modifiers do a solidify give it a little bit of thickness so will give us some thickness right here and then we were to give it a subdivision surface see what that does is that subdivides this surface so this is now in a circle rather than that kind of weird shape that kind of curved around the edges but wasn't actually circular and if we were to take this and we were to click and drag this up you can see how this sub divides us even more and you can see with this geometry this is all quad geometry so it's really good helpful geometry and one thing we want to do though is let's say that we didn't want this to come to a kind of a point in here let's say that we wanted this to be a little bit more of a refine circle well what we would do is we would add an edge loop along the middle so for now I'm just gonna turn off this in my viewport so I'm gonna turn off my subdivision surface in my viewport and what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna go back and I'm gonna hit tab to go out of edit mode and we're gonna apply this solidify modifier and so when we apply that what that means is this becomes geometry we can edit so right now we haven't applied this so if we go in here and we try to edit this try to add a loop cut you can see how it only allows us to add a loop cut on the flat portion of this because this just has a modifier associated with it it's not the actual geometry yet well if we tab out of this click on apply what that does is that makes this into an actual 3d object so it applies that 3d geometry well now we can hit tab go back into edit mode into a control R we can actually add loop cuts in here to actually affect what our subdivision surface modifier is going to do so if I turn that back on you can see how I can use those loops in order to make this flatter with just kind of a curve around the edge so when you apply that you can affect the way that the shape looks so in addition to this you can also if I was to add a cube I'm gonna scale it down a little bit and then move it over right here another trick you can use is you can use what's known as the bridge edge loops function so the bridge edge loops function will take edges and it will basically create edges between the vertices on those faces so the way that that works is if we were to hit the tab key to go into edit mode and what I want to do is I want to go into face select mode by tapping 3 and I want to select both of these faces and I want to inset them so I can just type the eye key in order to inset them and so you're gonna notice what that does is that in sets both faces because you had both of these selected oh well we want to do now is we want to use a function called bridge edge loops and so the way that I find that is I type F 3 and then I type in bridge F edge loops and what that allows me to do is that allows me to find that function if I click on it what it does is it bridges between the edge loops that we had selected so you can see how it draws lines between the vertices of the faces we had selected so that's an easy way to add a hole inside of something like this box right here so that the last thing I'm going to show you to cut a hole is by using a different object in order to cut the hole so let's say for example so basically what we're gonna do is we're going to tell this to subtract one object from another object so the way that we can do that is we can do a shift date we're gonna add a we'll call it a UV sphere right now I'm gonna scale it down a little bit then and add another object which is going to be a cylinder I'm gonna scale that down and I'm going to move that cylinder off to the side right here and I'm just going to do a rotate so I'm gonna have an R X 90 and then I'm gonna scale that along the y-axis so this basically intersects with this sphere right here and so we want to do is we want to add a boolean modifier and so the boolean modifier is gonna allow us to basically use one object to affect another and so we want to add the modifier to this sphere right here so we're just gonna click on the sphere add a modifier and click on boolean and so there's a few different options in here that we'll talk about in the future for right now we want the difference the difference is going to remove one object from the other object the way that we're going to do that is we have our sphere selected well now we want to select the object that we want to use to remove our material so in this case that's going to be our cylinder and so if you look at this right now if you move this cylinder around what this is doing is this is basically removing material wherever this cylinder intersects with our object so in this particular situation for example if I was to turn off my cylinder you can see how this is removed material wherever our cylinder was so we can use a boolean operation in order to remove material in that cylinder so the only problem with this is your geometry gets a little bit weird so if you're planning on subdividing things a little bit later you need to be a little bit careful when you use this so like if I do a subdivision surface modifier right here you can see how you get this really nasty geometry around the corner because those weren't in here as quads so you do need to be aware that if you're gonna use the boolean modifier you need to be a little bit careful with the geometry you're creating but if you're not really worried about that geometry this is an excellent way to cut holes and the other cool thing about this is if you decide you want to move this so if you want to move your cylinder up for example you can just move it and notice that that hole moves along with your cylinder so that's another quick easy way to cut holes inside a blender so that's from an in this video leave a comment below let me know what you thought was is helpful to you did you know about some of these ways of doing this I just love having this that conversation at you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 186,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, blender cut holes, blender 3d tutorial, blender 3d cut holes, blender hole cut tutorial, blender boolean, blender bridge loops
Id: kUwra0cM4To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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