The Worst 'Major Update' In Runescape 3 History..

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hi guys um Mike Roo here today we sadly talk about the new hero pass I honestly wanted to wait until it was out before I commented on it and I had hopes that jagex would listen and change a few things yeah ask him for our feedback literally everywhere they changed nothing put it out live in its exact form that they proposed that everyone hated and they're just you know rolling with it so I won't be wasting too much of your time in this video and I want to keep it as tldr as possible but there is some things I do want to note that are absolutely terrible about this boss and I want to highlight I do want to give people information about the past before we move forward and honestly just ask jackix why I logged on to my main got some hero pass levels for free for having some Yak skips and daily challenge Skips from the past obviously you're not going to get these in future you get a couple of levels for free at the start and then there's some challenges that I was able to complete straight away like the new Quest and the necromancing levels and it gave me a bunch of necromancy goodies and whatever that gave me a couple more hero pass levels but then that is where it ends from like the free stuff and whatever and then you have to start completing the hero pass so let's go into the hero pass first of all they remove daily mission to replace them with hero Pass Daily missions so they claimed that daily missions were too good and wanted to minimize daily Escape so you know what they did they replaced them with more daily missions that take longer and give worse rewards so they make your daily Escape less rewarding and then also make it take longer if you do want to do dailyscape so they're not reducing it they're making it longer very weird thought process maybe they just were like let's make the daily challenges so bad that no one does them just remove them at that point what's the point it's so annoying also not to mention that the dailies don't even give rewards on an Iron Man I went on my iron done the daily it gave nothing so now you have no daily challenges as an Iron Man at all they're actually like worth doing because the pass on the Iron Man only gives you oddments anyway which is ridiculous the only thing that actually gives me items on my Iron Man is new necromancy items are getting necromancy levels and if they're talking about iron you know Integrity why are they giving us brand new necromancy items and taking away some daily XP it is so annoying and contradicting everywhere from JAG eggs absolutely ridiculous irons literally don't have to care about this update just claim your free stuff and ignore it the only thing that's good is the Cosmetics if you like Cosmetics there are some decent ones in this past but again there's way too many bad things to outweigh the nice cosmetics in quotations I would be absolutely fine if it was only cosmetics and nothing else but it clearly isn't and they're doing exactly what they did with the yak track and I was hoping this was going to be better than the ACT track but obviously drag X doing jagex things it's literally a reskin jack track the new daily mission sure do give a little bit of progress towards your track and for a main it gives a small a medium then large XP lamp every time you do them and they have three repeatable dailies every day so naturally I wanted to go time how long it takes me to do these dailies so I done some wood cutting the first mission takes around two minutes if you do the skill that it tells you to do and three minutes if you don't that sounds fine right yeah well the second mission then takes seven minutes with the assigned one and 13 minutes with the non-assigned skill because the assigned skill is two times as fast and then the third one obviously is longer 13 minutes with the assign skill and 25 minutes without so honestly it's not really reducing daily Escape it's just increasing it and sure it's 45 minutes of doing whatever you want but that doesn't defeat the fact that they've literally just made the dailies completely useless for irons and honestly pretty useless for a main as well you get like no XP now compared to what you used to and a lot of people like daily challenges it was a daily that people actually enjoyed and they even done a rework to it like you know a year ago which was a good reworking even gave some weekly progression rewards and stuff and that rework was fine they could have left it at that and a lot of people liked it it had really good positive feedback and they've taken it away because it was good I guess because people liked it you can't have good things I know I'm being pretty negative here but this daily change is just one of many things that are really bad with the new Yak hero pass and I'll get into the others now let's talk about the track itself it's crazy how it is I don't often swear on this channel but um yeah it's like I have no other word to describe this so I am going to sweat I'm happy to call it that and it may be worse than the ACT track which is kind of mental to me because I absolutely hated Jack tracks so you all know that I've done a rant video on Yak track already and yeah this is worse for me so that just puts into perspective how bad it is and now I'll explain why not only the daily change obviously there's way more to it each hero track takes just over four hours of activities getting four points per minute and needing 1K for a level it's always 1K per level right so jagex made it out that you're going to be getting through the levels really quickly less grinding than Yak track it doesn't scale like Yak track yeah good one jackets it just stays four hours permission the whole time okay buddy this means if you don't do any of the extra missions level into 99 is going to take 400 hours yeah it's definitely not grindy right but obviously you're going to have some of the missions done if you've done the quest and stuff and doing the dailies every you know so often or whatever you're going to be getting 375 points for doing the dailies each day that you do them which is just over a third of a level so you know it seems a little tiny bit of time but even with doing these missions because they give only small rewards it's still going to take an average player around 250 to 300 hours to complete the track to 99. then guess what the new track goes to 120. wow amazing right so these levels now get three times as long from 99 to 120 and it's gonna take another cheeky 250 hours on top of that so the average player is now taking 500 hours to grind out the whole track and you know 500 hours in a quarter of a year not that bad for an average RuneScape player but uh classic Yak pass I mean hero pass there is another thing at the end of a repeatable challenge yeah so you know you're done but you're not actually done you can repeat this challenge as many times as you want and you gain more tokens to spend on Cosmetics the same as you would get a yak Sac or Yak coins to spend on Cosmetics they've literally done the exact same thing and everyone was annoyed with this and they've done it again you get 3 400 tokens for completing the whole track to 120. 3400 tokens sounds like quite a lot right yeah sure it sounds like it but it's actually only 20 of the total amount needed for every single Cosmic in the store bringing a total of all of these Cosmetics to 15 175 points this means you would need to grind out an extra 11 775 points for every cosmetic this makes you grind for another 94 levels and this is post 120 remember so this is probably going to be the same time it takes to get a level post 99 which is three times as hard as the normal ones making it 12 hours per Mission so if this is going to be 12 hour permission for the extra one and you want to get every cosmetic that's going to just take you 1130 hours and that's uh after the 500 hour grind so having to spend 1600 hours to complete the track is far and away from not being grindy and is essentially more grindy than what the yak track was and it incentivizes people to buy bonds for Cosmetics or buy these things in the store you can you know buy these uh little packs of points and you just use those and look you get your Cosmetics quickly instead of grinding for 1 600 hours more fomo tactics the same fomo taxes they used in the ACT track I'm just really really tired of jagex posting really good W's with things like necromancy right necromancy was so good and then the player base was super hyped from the release of necromancy and they even promoted a major update the month after and guess what that major update is this this is the major update the yak track re-skinned into a fancy new hero pass daily challenge removal on top of that and just you know absolute rubbish in terms of what content we get I think this was the update for the whole month so I don't even know if we're getting anything else this month which is really disappointing and finally uh before I let you guys go there is a part that we all already know and what most people were annoyed by the most the Buffs page another thing making you want to speed through the track to get the Buffs for as long as possible so you might buy skips so you can get the XP buff just like the yak track had the 20 XP buff slapped onto it this is up to 15 on every type of skill that you get throughout the past getting better and better so you want to get to the end of the past as soon as possible right so you can get your buffer as long as possible another fomo tactic and then alongside that you get charges from doing the track that can be use things like Clues which is a joke because the clue has already had enough to deal with the MTX dies and then we have stuff like boss damage reduction and plenty more on this page there are also very likely to get power Crypt in the future and get worse and worse and worse and you know they didn't listen to our feedback before they're probably not going to listen to it after putting it live so now it's just going to get more and more power grip just like the yak track did and it's just going to get worse and worse and worse on a battle pass system that we already pay a membership for on a game most games that have a battle pass system you don't pay membership for they're a free to play game and that's how they make their money fair enough jagex makes their money from our subscription obviously that's not enough so they also have like the Treasure Hunter and a bunch of other stuff loot box systems and then they also have a battle pass like they have everything every MTX Avenue they can do they do it and it's crazy it's really annoying because like a lot of people will say oh if you don't like it just don't play but it's like I love the game and jagex done so well with a lot of of updates like necromancy recently and they were doing really well with listening to feedback and stuff with necromancy as well and then they do this so it's like you're having so much fun you're doing really well you've got some good updates and then they hit you with this and then it just you know makes you feel crap so it's not that I genuinely don't want to play the game I want the game to succeed I love the game and you know this makes me annoyed because it's not going to succeed so I'd rather voice my opinion on it just because you're playing the game doesn't mean that you don't agree with certain things it's just saddening and honestly two steps forward one step back for jagex every single time they do something good they have to ruin it I'm done talking about this now uh yeah let me know what you think about in the comments down below the Cosmetics are actually quite nice and then it's also just sad because the Cosmetics are overshadowed with all of these MTX and money grabbing tactics and insane grinds so it's just yeah overall really really sad really bad and I wish they just made the cosmetics and nothing else and learned from the yak track but they clearly didn't even though they kept saying they did so yeah thanks for watching subscribe if you would like other RS3 content and if you made it this far you're an absolute Legend as always and until next time see ya ah dragons
Channel: Maikeru RS
Views: 41,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RS, RS3, Guides, Help, Guide, 1-99, Money, making, Loot, Runescape, Runescape 3, Runescape 2017, 2018, 2017, Maikeru, Maikeru RS, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, new, hero, pass, yak, track, costmetic, mtx, microtransations, major, update, fail, jagex, bad, terrible, worst, fomo, predatory, battle, rant, discussion, daily, challenge, rework, reskin, ironman, iron, nerf
Id: HEq1T5cLHKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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