RETRY: Elden Ring | Ep.8: Entering Stormveil

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Well that’s my Saturday afternoon sorted

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Gonner_Getcha 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

Death 111 is particularly hilarious

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Swarbie8D 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

Put some armour on Rory.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Thegreenmean 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Vinnie1103 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2023 🗫︎ replies
this is retry a show about three Idiot Friends slowly losing their minds [Music] oh dude at night yeah so last episode we just crushed that guy market right so yeah this is Stormville castle where we know we've gotta go come over here would you I thought it was a ghost saying it this fella can't knock on hopefully he's friendly you're you're tarnished aren't you I would advise against taking the main gate into the castle oh it's totally guarded by hardened old hands his head looks like a turtle's head right here gods don't know about it you'll breach the castle undetected this is awesome yeah yeah yeah sneak him right yeah it's nice it's not going for the main gate yeah do you want to go in the main gate I don't know about this dude look at him I think he looks nice we know this game shouldn't judge by appearances yeah it looks like he's wearing a VCR as a necklace and that's cool that Run DMC used to do that always yeah if Run DMC there you think it's cool he does [ __ ] yeah all right or just the kind of tarnish that I like really I pray for your success you're very cynical about it yeah I am I don't I don't I don't know about this dude oh that yeah right yeah Oh I thought it was gonna be a secret wall or something oh no I mean it's a secret opening watch this this is just gonna say kill him now yeah beware of old KOJA yeah he's a he's a sneaky little bastard that's good this was the place we've been hearing a lot about this was our first main directive to go to stormvale Castle and seek the decrepit demigodric the grafted now this is something that exists in Ellen ring called a legacy dungeon and when we get into these walls this is straight up Classics Halls interlocking linear paths so it was a few branches oh and then we're going to be stuck inside of here and it's almost like classic Soul's gameplay wow so there's a few of these in the game within the larger yeah and it's just like you still get that kind of Miyazaki from linking back on yourself so it's nice that's very cool it's really hard do that in an open world yeah be very open so what you're saying is settle in yes we're not running out yeah we're in it till we're done with it and that's that thing it's like we want explore because we want to find the good equipment yeah we want to find the upgrade materials because it's so easy in this game to like Miss upgrade stuff right yeah yeah yeah speaking of uh Missing little details I did forget to wear my glasses today uh and we are using this morning the time we're using the tiny uh TV so uh let's say tiny like what size is this uh it's 45 inches that is it I could only dreamed of a 45-inch TV when I was a kid in anyone I'm basically playing on a [ __ ] Apple watch is it pretty I don't know Game Boy Game Boy size that's a castle I thought it was a pile of rocks right look at that in the distance as well I think there were some little exploring our branches upon there the tree branches nice have you got this then we can figure it out and then we'll stick it in no there's a lot being cut already man yeah yeah Jesus Christ foreign [Music] oh my God flight opinion I was hoping I was going to give me chicken legs yeah you want a falcon yeah yeah I don't think a bird needs swords I like it I mean it only took us two hits on it so don't worry about it is that another one yeah maybe even tactics in yeah remember like would you jump you can do a tactics anytime you want technically yeah holy [ __ ] they're strong I'll be really looking forward to these Legacy dungeons he's just like you know like we're getting brand new Dark Souls but I like I like that we're going in somewhere that we can't run away from as well I think they can smell the prawns they're thinking about prawns a lot recently yeah like we remember on lunch that day we were doing a big Google like what's the difference between a prawn and a shrimp yeah quite a deep rabbit hole is it because someone is your size no you were there at that conversation that's what you've taken away yeah that was no no I was definitely not there there's lots of like lots of it is like different like Americans call it something different as well they're basically both quite yeah it's like the word fish almost has no taxonomic that's actually a really it's like having a word to describe all bad mammals yeah that can't be our main attack these days the fire it works kind of well with the birds nice spread here you go yeah because it's kind of weird isn't it because like when I was growing up I would be like oh we're gonna we're gonna go get a fish and chips and I would have ordered that's like but it would be my same land animal yeah and animal meaning everything monkey to Bird yeah yeah chicken nuggets because I don't know she refers to a shark as well yeah yeah yeah yeah they're all very different cards haddock we just homogenize them because yeah they've got fins but they're all very different yeah but they are off like monkeys [Laughter] I thought you were saying like it's a very imprecise term a cheeseburgers like monkeys and dogs both have limbs but they're very different and like I would say like but when I say shark is very different from like a taste difference a goldfish yeah so when I go get monkey and chips it could be a dog no what I'm saying is like I don't know what they put in like cod taste different to haddock but in my I'm sure where I grew up I was probably getting called in chips but I was just saying fish and chips and if one day the game you had it like well that's what you asked for not monkey you have monkey and chips off mate someone spotted you what was that somebody's blowing a horn in the game Oh I thought that was a car backing up or something in the driveway um we'll read that Shield when we have an opening oh hey I'm getting big into fire I do like it like if it works I like it you know what's good eat this with with Elden ring and all the options and possibilities yeah I think you can be yeah we've not we've it's like going to a shopping list I want that I want that yeah yeah you really got Christmas money yeah and you're like you you can't have it all um I do it like we've gone from Magic because we're on Dragon magic yeah we've got Twin Blade and now we're fire breathers yeah because I'm hoping in the in the comments people like they can't use magic all the time don't worry yeah we'll figure I already forgotten yeah we don't even craft anything look how bad we are yeah crafting is definitely going to be the Sakura arm of Elder ring or later on our 80 will find one thing we love crafting yeah and it'll be too late oh I forgot all my turtle [ __ ] yeah yeah again I'm gonna be a ninja turtle the other week oh okay leather Shield of Stormville soldiers much like the castle is marred by modeling and Thorns some say it is the curse of Grafton which causes such Affliction While others talk of its root being something altogether more Sinister hidden deep within the castle it's like when you're further down in Lim grave storm Veil looks really impressive yeah already when you've seen it's quite broken and crumbling yeah yeah it's like oh is this because of the grafting that we keep hearing godra it's been easy with right well this implies that there's something else hidden within the castle right yeah I guess as well if you'll not go in there on the reg you're like oh yeah it's amazing all this amazing over there then you get it and you're like oh it's actually kind of shady [Laughter] man better than Alton Towers yeah I said can I have all the Alton Tower stands coming after us now the oldies yeah all the oldies think they're right yeah a lot of thought parts uh the I think it's like runaway train which is like is like uh all wood I think it's like the longest wood one or something like that in the UK or something else in Europe I heard no actually it's actually bigger one in Poland yeah but yeah awkward Oakwood Park another ride oh I don't know I think it was like the Dragon no that wasn't Dragon I think it's like [Music] you can weapon worn on the fist comprised of sharp parallel Blaze favored by those who lurk in the dark lacerations cause blood loss with great effect claw weapons come in pairs and two hand in this weapon will equip it in both hands those are proper Wolverine ones as well oh that was cool oh I'm a little I'm a little night Beast now look at me go this would be cool you've got um the Earth tree must be maybe shedding its leaves oh yeah I think oh yeah our wolf friend would be so proud of me right now same thing a little bath oh I still like fish I'm gonna take all my clothes off as well I am one with the Knight lots of explosive barrels yeah and nah nothing in them oh nothing in them I'm still alive because I still alive yeah I was I was looking at a thing on the floor look there's a thing on the floor a slugged either it was someone died yeah so there's loads of uh a lot of things like if someone died foreign [Music] gone There Goes My Souls oh that's a rough one that is the loot like he's coming after me he's chasing me down the hill I look really rough when she fell is there a way of getting him before he blows the horn yeah we just Crouch and hide I mean we do have range weapons or Hoon to him stealth yeah look he turns us back good child though gav what are we looking at in the background insane is nice view yeah yeah big statue of a man no oh nice get him off is it just him the blows yeah yeah he's doing weapon on me that's crazy what's your weapon eye on that yeah the Quick Step The Jive you don't have to be Wolverine if you don't want to you have no choice program ah he had a choice do you know what Wolverine's real name is I will accept two answers is it a normal amount well it's a normal name I think they introduced it not someone good Steven James yeah it's James it's James it's a very funny last name isn't it like considering James howler yeah yeah but when we were growing up we knew this Logan Logan back in my day James Howlett yeah that's like I haven't seen that is actually kind of Interest like a good idea is like in that crappy Wolverine film where it's like him and Luke Schreiber all through the years yeah Wars and stuff yeah yeah yeah well yeah in that in the origins Comics as well just that one panel where it's it's a really cool like little bait and switch because he's being a Canadian like he's quite like a posh kid isn't he he's like comes from yeah but there's basically a posh kid who is ill all the time and uh and a little like um sort of peasant boy yeah and you think and he looks exactly like Wolverine and you think oh it's gonna be and that him they they're both friends with the lit with this little girl who also lives in the manor and then um that's just called Origins isn't it it's called Origins yeah and then it's like the the I think the end panel where you think is going to be the little boy who turns it actually turns out to be the other guy it takes it's the Posh one and not the stable boy obviously people know worried more about comics than us but like it turned out to be Wolfman introduce the idea of the bone claws yeah because prior to that they just gave him the clothes yeah and then you realize oh they've actually grafted other than onto the bone class yeah yeah yeah it's cool as well it's a wild old panel where he's got like yeah like uh yeah it's cool like four issues I was just isn't it like that I think it might be six you know how because the covers are wild yeah like you know how Spider-Man there's two versions of Spider-Man Toby McGuire from the uh Peter Parker Spiderman he's like why don't you sit down on this chair all right sorry uh because you know I was just like consider we just watched spider verse together you know like there's two versions of spiders uh last question yeah I'm the uh uh conservative Spider-Man fan there's only two Spider-Man I don't care what you say are you saying like the as in like one of them where the web comes out of his hands yeah I'm yeah I'm speaking very broad terms um James Cameron came about yeah are they coming out of him I think so I think that was like a carry over from when he was developing yeah I quite like it because I like it because okay isn't it yeah I also really dislike the um this is what I why I don't like it is because am I just to assume that this kid was smart enough to make spider for the things he's a genius yes yeah but that's quite a common thing with a lot of those models they're also a genius but like he he was it is a character trick yeah Tom Holland is like that's why he gets the Stark scholarship yeah but do you not think so if I got bitten by a spider right yeah and I became nothing to do he was smart anyway yeah I know all right okay imagine I was fighters on imagine I was super smart super smart and I got bitten by a spider correct and I got spider senses and I could climb walls and I had super strength and all this [ __ ] it's the last thing I would do is oh I'm gonna make a little machine or I can shoot string from my hands and fly around yeah why would I do that I can already jump because he wants the website but that why not because he loves he wants to go with the theme but he's got the idea from us from another spider isn't it he could just build a jet pack why does he have to why does that have to be a spider what spiders have you ever seen with a jet pack it doesn't have to be a spider thing this is what I'm saying no but it's cool all right because he's like I am Spider-Man I'm running with the theme I'm Spider-Man because he might also have a jetpack because he's chosen to embrace the spider brand new doesn't he because he could have just like I'm really strong just seems also bear in mind he is a child as well he's a child in a world where Iron Man exists so he's like I'm gonna be Spider-Man what else do spiders do oh they do this I know with all these things it was written in 1962 sell Comics to children all these kind of like I would just have all of the spider abilities and carry a gun [Music] I think the film isn't as good Adrian like all I'm definitely not the game considering the games are like 70 just swinging about sure if he's just walking around with it visually two gunsling yeah I just kept throwing in prison laughing someone's locked us in what the [ __ ] oh I wonder who that could be right sorry about the spider what the [ __ ] Christ um oh [ __ ] I'm not sure why you like or don't like about a spider thing yeah Spider-Man's cool you love that for me I'm just saying I'm just saying you know Captain America right oh here we go this whole thing is unfollowable oh it's he's great he's Captain America he gets given all his [ __ ] Spider-Man makes his stuff he's a self-made man yeah but I'm just saying he doesn't like ride around on an American flag he's dressed as the American flag yeah I just I think it's you've got two things here you've got a genius who can make web fluid and somebody's bitten by spider you know what the two different things Calvin I think he's familiar I think spider but Spider-Man's like a self-made man whereas like what Captain America like he lit he can't even get into the army like the bog standard Army and then he's like oh we'll give you a load of powers I think Spider-Man's better than Captain America because he's a self-made man he got bit by a spider he's like a dragon nobody win itself I like it oh Jesus pulled him up by his spider straps so hard so he's not a golfer makes my food they just don't bang on about it yeah Exile Hood I like that that's cool that's a good look that's a bit more grammar for you yeah and your auntie Finch is coming down later yeah oh she's making prawns she always makes the prawn cocktail at Christmas she's got prawns in her bags like yeah Auntie would have like with his Originals I had a prawn sandwich yesterday for the first time in my life I don't think I've ever had problems yeah no no you influence Yourself by playing this yeah Andy finchy influenced you it was literally made by my auntie as well I'm doing bad we're trying to rush the the other bed despite the Spiderman thing got me too I agree this feels like Dark Souls yeah that's almost like that's good to have it like let's get ourselves back let's take my time you know well we've lost it's hard yeah it's hard if we run through yeah you are right Chris I think if that him making his web becomes [ __ ] when they've gone oh we need like a bit of conflict we need a plot Point here oh he's running out the thing is probably need that more often yeah true whereas like in the film yeah I'll just run out yeah yeah I used to like the organic thing it's like you're going through changes Peter yeah uh yeah that that's something I don't mind and I I I'll never watch I was talking about never watch him again I'd watch the second one never really liked it now the first one came out it was like my big reward after you're my gcses oh really I was like finish that watched World Cup 2002. it really sucks I was going to see him with that yeah I thought I'd follow the previous year and we were like really looking forward to going to see it together yeah it's got a PS2 game the PS2 Spider-Man game is this like it's like honestly it's what I think of the new one yeah yeah that's what like fire yeah dude as a kid I was like this never ends it sounds like Mrs Doyle making tea then it's tedious but I like the teams not for me yeah I just found a whole new bit funny hidden area oh yeah look at that um what's this guy doing it's almost a bit like um Thorns bit like venoms yeah yeah somebody could use Venom yeah I don't know who that is why not what's the name of this uh Castle storm Vale bitter bit um which of isolithi isn't it the branches coming up from the ground when we we're actually when we taking a piss out of rhino on something the other day I know right it's gonna crave it no no he's gonna be include you thought he was like a bigger part of that one oh yeah he's literally just in an epilogue yeah crap like I like that scene because like Andrew Garr feels like really owning being Spiderman yeah yeah little kid and he's just like which is good I think about this the other day yeah because we live in a world where like just make one just continuity because you live in a Multiverse yeah just give like tall um Andrew Garfield the film he deserves yeah yeah yeah just me I know also because we've had like little kids Spider-Man yeah make him 35. I think he's like hard fast forward he's married to Mary Jane already he's grown up I think that could happen yeah I think be a lot of good will towards that lazy I thought you just worked something out yeah I was like that is wicked and for all to be fair I guess for all its faults the DCU is doing Anna yeah they're just like yeah um no no way home yeah I think people would love to see him again good actor yeah he's great can I just wait trigger and roll out and that's what meant to be a new I mean sir maybe let's see the sea to see keep watching now yeah I can just leave now oh yeah pretty much you know where we're going next no clue probably like probably gets me yeah holy shitty Shield we don't have a shield equipped well yeah I know but like before we went in the room because we knew who he was you can get me through walls I don't know if he comes out can I get him through walls there Michael I see how it is you can go through balls unbelievable oh Kitty Pride though come on damn it Michael that's a day one patch that was patches in episode one I like that a lot little uh from humor for you yeah plenty of that to come it's gonna be a long session baby name I'm gonna put a shield on I think the fire is not working I enjoyed to put a shield on that's what we just said let's do it now and what timeline that's 81 physical block so it's this one a 78 is better yeah I think we do have 100 physical blocks but is it Parry no skill no skill so you could go back to the war master and put Perry on it true she's uh he's like yeah [Laughter] he's already gone he's already gone in my head I'm like what is the wall master I'm sorry you know everybody's name on your burn hole oh yeah yeah yeah I know him too well yeah I can't Mr B yeah I can't Bumble brother I I call him brother oh God no no I got tactics Jesus Christ he is this just shows you it's like a psychological thing because the first room for this we did it really straightforwardly yeah yeah yeah but you've got your Shields we lost our souls you don't worry about them anymore and I love that word yeah get someone get some sweet poweries here you know yeah yeah it's quite a few of them oh hey what about my big exactly exactly how are we doing worse on these like this is the bit we worked out that is almost like the perfect thing for this job yeah join me oh just one flask on the first three guys yeah you know yeah we have no idea where the next sight of Grace is it's like he's Dark Souls we don't know where the next checkpoint is yeah keep an eye out for loopy doors because immediately though isn't it that'll be great oh [ __ ] too far please army guys oh don't throw your [ __ ] at me who's the best villain in the Spider-Man movie in oh we put countries anything it's the goblin Doc Ock in number two was yeah [ __ ] brilliant uh Doc Ock in the Spider-Man game that made me cry um I wasn't just really scared yeah to be fair that's the thing is like I would make a I I could buy Michael Keaton yeah yeah he was really good that's because it's like small skate it's like you keep your girlfriend oh man do you remember us in the cinema at that moment they're revealed yeah really good that was on my birthday that was that's a loopy door if I've ever seen one go for it I'm telling you all the [ __ ] it's locked hitman's bodyguard I walked out I actually think that is one of the worst like proper films I've ever seen yeah I I walked out there because my mates were in the pub and you were like we were meant to do that we were going to do the junket for it and I said I was like I'm sorry man I gotta go this is awful and you were like I know it's awful you were like I need to I just gotta see it yeah I need to see like it could be yeah so I went and I think that's that might be I'm not even appropriate it was like it was not long I think it's like 30 minutes left I think it was yeah that that a very rare time that because now and again IGN you would get like offered things and you go like oh well we can oh we could Samuel Jackson about yeah Avengers we could ask uh exactly yeah well that was one that we were like we hated it so I think we were friends with the people we are now being honest you think it's terrible we ate today yeah like we don't want to run a piece on this film no but then we got to go watch that which is one of my favorite my favorite films ever there's also a really cute yeah because yeah that moment where you realize that like who he is or just like oh no when he knocks on the door yeah and he's like because it's like yeah imagine a [ __ ] like because when you're like 15 yeah meeting your girlfriend's dad is kind of like your version of a showdown yeah yeah yeah that was so scary um yeah that was really good I think we could do a really good thing I'll be like what's the best putting together the best Spider-Man thing but then to be fair I'm not massive tell me my fan so he wouldn't be my Spider-Man oh we rate our ex-girlfriend's dads it was Michael that's what he said yeah we make for the Andrew Garfield 35 year old Spider-Man film the treatment but can we read I really wanted it to work with Lucy just for Kevin's sake yeah he's a legend because I love working on bikes they told me I surrounded by I was 28. yeah my girlfriend was like are you gonna spend any time together no I'm here for Kevin actually attached to the parents yeah honestly yeah absolutely were you ever scared of an ex-girlfriend's Dad when I was a kid there was one that I was kind of scared of because he was he was quite thuggish was he or but then his um uh 17 because I could drive and that was a big thing because his daughter was 16 and couldn't drive so he was just like you better be [ __ ] and he was massive as well and you're probably like yes sir of course and then like I'll have her back by Sunday's out of him or if he if he says that to me once more um it was it was weird because he was like it was really nice to be fair and I sort of gave as good as I got because I used to take a piss out of me loads um because for some reason like he gave me the nickname Clifford so when I would go around he would call me Clifford the friendly dog yeah I don't know The Big Friendly doll I have no idea but he was massive right yeah yeah whatever and I was really scared of him and he was from a really rough area of cthilly and um once uh well not once like his his brother died his brother died and he said um oh I I'd like you to come to the funeral like I know you never met him but I'd like you to come to the funeral because I've been going out with his you know daughter like six months or whatever so I was like yeah yeah of course I'll come no worries never met this guy um go to the funeral and it's all right it's full of really rough people and then like as he's going down they're like oh we're gonna play him out with um his favorite song which you know everybody knows him knows that this like this is perfect for him it was who Let The Dogs Out by the baham and I was like I've never met this [ __ ] but I really want to he was like Clifford you're gonna love this one I'm like standing up oh hey hi mate smashed it that was awesome that was for him mate that was that was for him if I could remember his name I would dedicate this episode to him I cannot remember his name that's for the Baja man yeah got a rusty key Rusty that's all we got yeah oh dude that's gonna be for that door that I said was The Little Door yeah I bet it is don't take us anywhere I'm so sick again oh [ __ ] A Talisman depicting a curved sword and a swordsman enhances guard counters it is said that a blind swordsman was the originator of this technique the art of allowing one's opponent to strike so as to leave them vulnerable to a well-timed reply we mentioned this a couple of episodes ago do you remember God counters you did warn against the first it's really cool so let's reintroduce them oh oh damn holy [ __ ] balls okay well I'll show you I'll tell you how to do one on the next launcher okay I don't know a single clue you guys watch this he'll do one now he's like so [ __ ] cool yeah it's really cool you like Ransom yeah we did it on the first boss yeah yeah so it's like name barred boss and he basically one shot at him yeah me what a little yeah me yeah oh me yes I was wrong I thought this was going to be a little round it's just a regular door in the kitchen door that we needed yeah that's the ones that he's done you there yeah is that the first time oh have we got a done counter running for this we got them oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah we have made them I probably should use it there you definitely got done in the first episode okay all right all righty well I was going to explain before we're in it let him hit you and then R2 after he hits your Shield just let him hit your Shield right oh so I have my shield up he hits high too okay okay all right next guy next guy yeah there's a shiny look there's one over here he's one over there and there's one oh this is I agree he's got another hat oh do I have to there's a hole there I think that's what we did earlier right okay let's try that remember when we found a hidden area earlier yeah yeah that's what I was thinking or about oh um but you could probably jump from that too oh from there to it yeah it's kind of remembering I think while Stormville does a bit is like reminds you that yeah you can jump this time but like a proper jump yeah how to play the game that'll be off somewhere up there maybe yeah oh [Music] oh wait you I didn't know I think yeah oh [ __ ] there I saw it yeah it's not like it's not a cheat button Jesus Christ he's still got a shield your magic button isn't working what do you do it there's also this other thing you could do where you just uh tap our one as fast as you can you don't even need two hands for it well this our seven year strategy oh my God it's got the rkg special this is brilliant to be fair I was actually thinking on the way in today how lucky we are to do this I was so excited to get you oh there you go perfect time in perfect timing I was literally thinking this this morning we're still coming in Sandwich though yeah what could it be rocket I don't like rocket okay the rkg I was like your first ingredient [Music] um yeah yeah it was okay kale oh it sounds awful rocket kale and garlic garlic greens General greens oh that's that's the one and general sauce uh yeah we've just got the brook Hammer nice got the camera man I will break yeah let's have a look because normally we're gonna be able to wield that thing is there Weapon made from an ordinary stone brick wielded by labor who led a rebellion and later became a champion become a champion himself even among other bludgeons of its size this weapon is especially weighty the strength of a giant is required to wield it see this eyes on her I want to see the yeah 30 ones yeah Jesus Christ let's see it's quite a good big idea for like a weapon of the people yeah brick yeah people rising up against Power yeah we've had that already in that which is quite a sore thing in general it's like believing the things you're told or challenging Authority yeah what was the name of that what was the name of the guy that we kept calling a king that wasn't a king uh and we summoned him to fight down on the little island vet [Music] looks like oh [Music] it's just like dulled quite a lot if you don't understand does it feel nice to use or just feel really heavy it's a bit chunky I prefer my Darth Maul blade yeah it is literally we should work on that sandwich yeah right yeah that's like that's a semi that's a whole couple months project for us yeah yeah yeah a silver one helps item discovery hey boom so forever like looking for a particular item if you want drops yeah yeah I thought that was a drone sounds like they're making yes in here that's an auntie drone the thing is that would be like the biggest [ __ ] ever like you know like we went through a door and it's modern time like yeah Jesus what's that the village yeah that's what well that's why I thought Horizon zero Dawn was going to be yeah like it was gonna end up it was like the 90s yeah because it's kind of horizon zero Dawn it's kind of doing plant the Apes but it tells you up top yeah yeah oh it is all right yeah I know this is our I thought we were gonna get over the brow Over the Horizon well and it was just going to be normal New York and people are gone lost their heads I don't care what anyone says the village is a good film there's a good film it's [ __ ] brilliant [ __ ] can I get in there probably not in the thoughts it doesn't look great he burn him it doesn't look good let me see if uh you can't burn them oh what's the message yeah time for sandwich but maybe it means the other side yeah yeah yeah maybe there's another way down to it this is hussy can they check all your Corners because you just might find the best bit of loot ever very true yeah Let There Be item yeah yeah this is a good old-fashioned yeah I think this is settling in this focuses you a little bit more yeah [Music] try down therefore praise the message oh jump down no way I can survive that yeah cool you can you've got full damage well if you land on it oh I need to drink a potion yeah oh I got my bubble tea because remember like we're on the other side of that Gap now yes yes nice well done thank you stranger from another one watch that mate what's that one the last bit of treasure that we're missing oh yeah look whoo lovely stuff right here really arterially what is that it's just like a type of leaf I think we have random it's just like quite a good craftable item craft some high level stuff okay sweetie can't say I'm not a little disappointed but I know you are I know what did you want nice something yeah a big hat or something spider gun yeah what if it was like web slingers you like [ __ ] girls on my side get them out of my size again oh God get eggs from me get your eggs Jesus Christ what is my uh what does my bubble tea do again do you know what Pokemon I think oh [ __ ] we've got health regen on it we have yeah and also a big we got a half elf and health regression yeah can I pull this lift up that's a candlestick glasses tomorrow glasses tomorrow can you re-text can you get Siri to read the text for you yeah I love that in demons the big thing about you getting glasses ah it's gonna be oh yeah I I've gotten worse away I wear them a lot for a while they're just not glasses are Christmas things you know what they're not they don't feel like famously the Christmas glasses were he's like he's like a dark-haired sound every time you want to see your loved ones isn't it or summer yeah stick your glasses off yeah all right we just we absolutely don't draped with that do you do you just not wear them in the house do you only wear glasses for this except when they um when you remember when you're running we picked up that little dog sorry no that was um because I asked you the other day if you had if those sunglasses of yours were prescription you said no they're not they weren't I need to fall back to my T can heal me this is oh yeah it is going I would like to see the world in to see like how bad your eyes actually are what what they're not that bad what what you thought that stickers we were doing like a gaussian blur on reality how many pixels are we talking yeah nothing we're talking five five minutes not nothing so stormvale Castle now look at that I read that wasn't too bad you recognized that can you distinguish between the west and the north on that Compass yeah yeah yeah yeah for me if we do an eye test on this like I I can read touch blood stain there okay can you yeah yeah they're fine okay because I know that that says Parry but you can't you can't read it I can I could maybe tell you that was a p oh oh yeah that's I can read them okay I can't I can't see anything you see the number on how many flats we've got of the blue I could guess oh two uh two and we've got 342 Souls I'm fine boys don't worry I probably can't pilot a jet or drive a car right now but I can play I don't think a lot of that is in your future play place um yeah because I wondered if you did wear your glasses other than for here and I'm saying that as someone who witnesses you never win them here as well so I love it traveling there was Guy Cowboys against this yeah yeah yeah here we go whoa and that just broke his stance as well so you could go get a crit in as well why haven't we been doing that for everyone for everyone forever we're very much there's a lot to do so yeah our strike is very much like the most recent thing is our big thing yeah we'll latch on to that for a bit Yeah remember you've forgotten all about Dragon yeah it's like this that's like that Simpsons bit was like when he learned something new it pushes something old out of his uh Minds like when I took the home wine making course and I forgot how to drive kind of why I brought that like remember that for this guy yeah you know don't just Spam it there you go he can fly he's using the power of the wind bro unless you get that we can we should kill yourself I want that now do we we have a halberd I wonder if it has that well that would probably be one of those ashes of War which we haven't no we've been using the ones that we get on that come with the weapons yeah all that stuff we can change if we find a cool one you know the repetition might be driving us a little bit insane but good for the episode and good for uh Garfield's crew we're never I'm not going to finish that sentence because it could be gone what do you say we're getting a lot of souls but if I die how many of you we just dropped we've lost more than we've got back let me tell you that I think we've got a couple I don't know any glasses to tell me that you talk about time yeah we've got to be thinking about timers oh so they're in him now no oh what I think you get like a little I can't remember what that is it's not like the bloodborne mechanic right yeah that was wicked then you're like oh who's he gonna be in and you've got to go get him out of him yeah that's cool it's quite risky though I can't just pick them up in the way yeah that was a fun mechanic man I don't need to fight that dude I'm on a mission all right I can't be Dilly dying if you see the Captain America film that was out when we were kids like the crappy TV movie I don't think so I don't think so if you told us about this before but like do you know who plays Captain America in it no oh is it it's like a trivia thing like rather than someone famous oh it's not like Dolph London yeah yes it's JD salinger's son who is it why I don't know why because he's just trying to be like was JD sounds a son of an actor because like Jenny Salinger like it's a bit like Thomas picture there's not really a picture of him is there or maybe there's a picture but he doesn't uh I think he's quite like shy and retiring right yeah um but yeah his son is Captain America that's wild he's um Hasselhoff played Fury didn't he as well and something oh yeah Jesus do that thing right do that thing that was working well yeah give me a second Gavin I've barely picked up my Souls I'm getting spanked from every direction two six eight eight holy moly all right that's what you want this is the one this is the one get up in number 47. start the episode no okay what about all the good cinnamon chats officers Spider-Man continuity um um I think yeah Green Goblin yeah uh doc Arc the vulture those are the best ones right what was it that what about the Tom Holland ones oh no um Mysterio Mysterio is really good that's quite a funny idea [ __ ] hilarious I was a really good actor what was it vulture Mysterio last one is everyone yeah it was a massive fan who they picked for those ones probably the ones that were about I could yeah I would have liked it more also want to be fair it's actually most of them I I just would have liked him more if it was someone new as well in it like that they pulled through someone we'd never seen yeah I think that would have been kind of cool like I don't think I needed to see Sandman again sorry inside my man I do like him it's not my Mains these days he's you know he's definitely in a TV show that has gone for like six years and it goes with 24 episodes and he makes a [ __ ] load of money from it the boss principle yeah like blue bloods in the Box principle yeah Ray Donovan like he's gonna be or something like that you want to be um [Music] it's filmed 20 minutes away from his house I get paid four million per episode his wife is also works on it fun again it's the easiest show in the world to me because I remember how many um runes are in there yeah [Music] okay nice see he's a fast little bastard he's stuck up Glitch Master Powers he's stuck he's stuck he's coming at you keep going keep going it's all right it's all right we take him now you've got a good thing yeah he's ours that move there you go love it don't be greedy because you need the stamina to withstand the attacks oh fudge holy nuggets I would suggest let's put on 100 block shield and if we have green we will be able to survive those attacks yeah you guys mentioned it this morning and now I can't stop thinking about it the McDonald's chicken nugget thing yeah I want one so bad would your brother better bring back home better oh he's not dead because he's uh in the the Hornblower is not that he's going to be in Hong Kong yeah look we don't want one we want three we want one each so we can all play together I hope they can connect to each other as well I don't think so though imagine the connector is just a big tub of sweet and sour sauce loads of fries it seems like that's pretty advanced technology to put in a Happy Meal yeah a little machine a little video game of the an iPhone the last time I got a Happy Meal my free toy was a book yeah I can get a [ __ ] chicken nugget that plays Tetris that's insane yeah that is bunk that's crazy I bet it's not that expensive to make but I don't think that's probably not much more than a big [ __ ] rubber Snoopy it's just wild it just uh just goes to show you how far technology has come that we can put together I know what are they putting in chickens it's a genetic engineering yeah they should have done that bit in the tetris movie that I made it way better I was playing centipede on a Lambo yeah they say you're going to a really high-end restaurant you can play breath of the Wild on the stake No it should they should over in the UK it should be like James pond on like a fillet of fish and we just call that a fish yeah he's a robot culture yeah it's like uh it's like those stats that you hear which like did you know all the technology they put a man in the moon in a McFlurry yeah it's now in the McNugget form like buzzle it's just punching somebody in McDonald's oh buzz you [ __ ] loser just so you know all the technology around it I've got it in nugget form now he's like he thinks he's gone round the bend yeah come on Buzz this puzz wasn't dead actually if he is he's rolling in his grave looking at the [ __ ] Apollo Mission now in nugget form goes the Moon I went I went to the Moon with shut up Buzz I went to the news eat your nugget meal and shut up that'd be weird like he's your granddaddy he's saying that all the time yeah yeah yeah shut the [ __ ] buzz if you go to the Moon yeah you can go on about it yeah you're allowed to talk 100 yeah how many people live can say that there used to be a big thing in um unless you go just because you're oh you thought you went off there wait I might have them yeah you fancy it oh he's alive mate he's coming back up he's oh [ __ ] do we want to fight him here where we can roll off or I don't know I don't know big wave oh yes it's our way like it worked it worked they used to be a big thing in like rugby punditry when like um if a Welsh play did something Wild against like an English player like say we like kicked a massive like when Gavin Henson did this massive kick against England I remember like the punji would be like and he'll never have to pay for a pint in South Wales again like I think that should like if I had been to the Moon I'd be hanging around like Cape Canaveral and stuff like that being like Oh yeah sorry versus Jersey yeah yeah we'll have a pint no I'll get it I'll go on it yeah yeah I will actually yeah you've taken off the bar oh bit heavy Mr the zg sorry I'll get a lighter in a minute here's my space walk that's one small sip for a man don't call it getting a buzz on [Laughter] I would be doing that all the time yeah milk in it you were the first Welshman on them 100 yeah you love it on the moon but you can't wait to get back somewhere else yeah just talk like over the chatter down please straight to the [ __ ] yeah weirdly pontyprid is not set up for that oh he's landed outside the weatherspoons again yeah I'm being interviewed on the moon what's it like it's all right it's not like astronautica yeah there's a Valley's up there yeah yeah I will have to cut him off he's gone he's gone he's got space dementia ah thank God for that yay oh you can see that did you hear about the restaurant on the moon go on uh [ __ ] hold on he's joking the restaurant on the moon we're gonna stop for a bit uh God is it great views but there's no atmosphere [Music] I just messaged my brother saying that we've talked about the McDonald's chicken nuggets extras machine machine so he has to get them yeah so we can drop in footage right now of us playing them of him in a Chinese McDonald's looking confused [Music] I like that your brother's actually got quite a serious job we can't say what it is but your brother's got like quite a serious job and a British ambassador to China yeah over in China we're like girls the McNuggets Tetris machine place I think he he is about what it is I think he does something else like he lies to you yes oh [ __ ] oh my God you think he lies to you about what he's doing because he doesn't trust you to keep a secret definitely he just thinks because he knows the bird's in the house a captive audience of 50 000 people like I will spill government secrets on this uh yeah that's like you're that's your other job you will spill government secrets for nugs cheap bastard he's like what a nugs with attaches mean no just a big box just I know we are that to be fair you are we are dealing with something new there but that was pretty cool yeah those look like aliens look at that aliens she's aliens everything is 299 one we need to get here let's get him back all right thanks smart think smart but also do smart look he dropped the barrel I freaked him out so much he's gonna pick it back up mate so I think to be honest I think these birds one of the things that the forests like go cool it's good to have a range option and Elden ring yeah it's almost like because if you were just straight on melee but like you'd be yeah you just have to run through it wouldn't you really yeah you just have to wait until they land this back uh in the the in a town near where I grew up uh Colerain there was a pet shop and there was a parrot in there who was just like kind of they just let him loose in the shop and he grew knives on his feet yeah they don't work there but he could uh he did a Saturday shift his work experience oh his mum came in one day he's really embarrassed he he kept having a go at the big mirror he spoke with the uh Northern Irish accent it's not a joke all right it's not a joke oh because he would though yeah so what could he say it just anytime he spoke he'd be like who's a pretty boy right there yeah because they just copying noises and they heard isn't it yeah I mean I like that what if I cheat gives us a cracker that's like kind of guy use your horse catchphrase it's a cracker guess it's cracker man [Music] wait hang on though he's in the house wait was it I got no spells but he's only repeating things that he's heard so if he's saying kiss a cracker people are saying to him kiss a crack yeah right yeah yeah oh yeah because they because they Birds say Polly want a cracker yeah but that's because they heard yeah people want a cracker yeah that's a good point yeah it's a very good point say whatever his name is Jimmy to be fair it's easy Jimmy want a cracker if he's only repeating what other people are saying he's probably gonna say same swear words and stuff shot that bird up why is this burger until shut that bird up please compound card shut that little rat's mouth he was so loud shut that little rasp mouth you're not a lot ears the Paris live for all the time imagine they do yeah bro this one did let me tell you I don't think he ever got adopted I don't think he died in that store no one wanted him that's really sad Powers it's the truth sometimes yes because he had a [ __ ] smart mouth and no one didn't think about anyone shut up oh no one wants a break from the northern Irish accents yeah get your [ __ ] what that's for children be careful loads of these I've done that very well I'm gonna big wave it up right now too yeah cool you could be big wave all the barrels yeah roll through oh yeah I love this anime who's done that oh is he crafted little grafted bits he just likes putting stuff on other [ __ ] he's like Sage from Toy Story yeah oh so like graft is like a skin graft that kind of graph is that well that refers to or is it something completely I think it's like putting a thing onto a cements [ __ ] not working yeah we've used a lot in previously yeah I think I can make that you see it do you need to make it from there no I definitely don't don't it's not like Mario 64 like the long jump button yeah like do you want them right or do you want to do it properly there's another area right here yeah two no I don't love actually yeah cookery cookery that's what bird should be saying it seems oh [ __ ] that's right it seems though hello oh someone what the [ __ ] is this glasses you can't see that can you oh man just jumping in before things really kick off to see if you think this episode is good then wait until you see stormvale Castle Part Two that's right there's simply too much magic for one episode so as soon as you're done with this one you can watch us finish our first Legacy dungeon today head over to our patreon now and join our extra features tier to watch all of that and more alright who's this fella in the Hat ah nice to meet you the pleasure's mine Rogers oh yeah that's right yeah you might have guessed it so I will give it away I'm looking for something here in the castle okay when I'm not hot footing it from the troops that is but enough about me what are you doing here in stormvale Castle this place is bristling with tarnished Hunters you know they sacrifice our kind of drifting not exactly a place I'd stroll into without a purpose in mind what are we doing here we're here to challenge godric and lay your hands upon a great recap for us big time Big Time thanks for helping us I take it enjoy it while you can I'm tarnished like you but unlike you I've seen neither hide nor hair of this guidance before some people that won't forget how it felt when I first came here to the lands between I'm privy to a few magical battle Arts would you care to learn one yeah as a fellow tarnished once Guided by Grace I'd love to help you it's almost like if the force has chosen you now I'll help you along yeah yeah yeah yeah so I think if we buy one of these he'll give us a bit more dialogue as well so these are magic ashes of War oh [ __ ] what's the next one down this looks cool Asher will spinning weapons news on small and medium swords axes and hammers as well as pole arms and stays great Spears the asherable grants an armor to the magic Affinity in the following skill spinning weapon defensive skill employed by carrion princesses lifts almonds the mid-air that makes it spin violently those it touches will suffer successive attacks usable on small and medium swords axes and hammers as well as pole armor sticks what have we got double [Music] eventually yeah yeah that was worth buying because we all like chat to us a bit yeah yeah let's buy that one what's this one I can't afford it big sword Glenstone Pebble skill that employs the Glenstone Story the same name follow up with a strong attack to chain the skill into a lunging thrust perform all the arm and still imbued with glintstone use blonde swords as well as pole arms capable of thrusts then uh class weapons accepted let's go feel them this one over here yeah yeah yeah I like it the battle art you've learned is of the glintstone family they were conceived Academy yeah paid laws which contravened the golden order or so I'm told fascinating isn't it that the golden order was pliable enough to absorb practices that contradicted itself in the past with the order broken twisted and in need of repair such adaptability is more important now than ever we recognize his voice I feel like it's like just shows that we keep hearing of the golden order we don't really know what it is yet no they said like Glenstone sorcery contradicts it but it's so pliable it could absorb it so it was like the most powerful ideology can you know something contradicts it going oh no no we we understand that yeah yeah yeah we do that as well yeah yeah as well so any of that new thing comes on like oh yeah like that that works with what we're saying yeah yeah of course like you can never then topple it yeah we've been doing that actually for quite a while I meant I actually did mean to bring that last time I saw you but yeah I'm lucky you brought up actually because you reminded me to tell you about it so actually it seems quite a nice job positive yeah it's like when people are like oh I'm not I actually prefer the Resident Evil games oh yeah when we do rezzy as well yeah yeah we do resi and we do and we do the from games as well by action well rezzy can be action yeah I actually build it um games where you sort of have consequences and you have to make we actually do them as well we actually do them we do them as well so yeah let's go wherever you like we do it yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh Christ alive he looks like a maniac he looks a bit like that one you fought with the wind powers yeah he does doesn't he remember like we're in Stormville Castle so it makes sense that they maybe have like stormy whoa it's big he hits big no he would you all your magic it's all right we're we're not using magic for um oh my God he's gonna go kill our buddy Brian Daniel but he wants to go oh [ __ ] oh we're so far back it's all right no we're not we're spider Birds gives us a cracker get these little bastards real quick and then we're flying right in the big wave all right I love the big wave big wave might be one of my favorite things that we do all through the game yeah I I genuinely I like the other I do like the big wave I like the other one with the swords that was wicked oh yeah that was cool yeah I forgot about that but we switched we've got one on now none of us none of us oh yeah carrot size is good for bosses I guess like yeah we think I don't know yeah this is like I mean it depends on the bus mate it's all good stuff yeah if you're fighting a wizard you can go straight down oh but there's no other see I thought there might be but you should just keep checking yeah there's a ladder down as well if you want oh yeah look we can go down this way oh I can maybe get the drop on them they're on patrol the other way no yeah can you get some magic on them down there no that's too far or you could wait until you go past and sleep yeah sneak back oh it's good I'm gonna sit here oh yeah it's not golden one though can you when can you lock on right now yes man I don't think star's mind get bit away from them you can try and climb up you could just knock him down when he gets there yeah yeah be careful with the iPhone yeah he's not trying to climb up that is he is he is climbing up yeah I've double handed my [ __ ] oh no oh no oh no this is God you got that's one of the funniest things you've ever done I can't believe he just did that oh God can I turn off the emote thing that was amazing I double handed my torch and then you did it oh wizard stick and then coated the Cockiness they were so far away we were so safe yes I can but we brought out of stasis and Dead Space I'm joking we brought that all on ourselves so can we tell him yes can we do magic yes can he climb yes done by Roy Walker he's a cracker mitt oh it's getting on you know it's getting off if you mention Roy Walker you're obligated to talk about that time Mr Chips was wanking off that yeah that was good who's Roy Walker are you representing the catchphrase did you ever watch until you came along it was Northern Ireland's favorite son yeah that's the thing is like because some of them you obviously had to learn as a child so like that was at least good because it was basically cartoons yeah yeah someone almost using those phrases when you were a kid yeah exactly so it's really hard to play that one was but at least it was cartoon so yeah no exactly yeah going to school can I claim this is time in lieu [Laughter] I actually came in half hour early today see my conquers what were the bit of big things that were banned at your score pogs got banned Hogs big uh pigeon toss did you ever play that I think it's pitch and toss but we call it pigeon toss because I guess it got changed that which is basically like you know when you've got like pennies and oh against the wall yeah I don't know what we called it I think it's pitch and task but we call it pigintar so it got then got abbreviated Pidgey like Pidgey was banned Pidgey mom Pidgey was banned uh Pokemon was never I was a bit too old for that so but I know that was massive thing yeah yeah we weren't allowed to bring in like toys and like Tamagotchis yeah this is oh my God she's kept like early off in school right yeah yeah you're getting a lot of double mass and you've got double poos why this is gold on it yeah you see double poos when they stack their poos and then you go I got double poos mom you said you look after him I did it I I don't remember that they've changed um tamagotch she's not as well like they're like they don't die they go off our kids they go off to some maps Tamagotchi realm where they all live [ __ ] die PC World the kids these days can't deal with tamagot she's dying tamagotch is woke my time of God she's died every week yeah when I was a kid every day I was out there on the front lines responsibility my look I was on war rations because he was a pricked double boost I never used to feed him because he was an [ __ ] oh I'm losing it yeah this is gone man my time I got here to Northern Irish accent give us a snack what they come down from a spaceship that's what they are all right do you know Furbies Furbies came from their own climate apparently that's the Furby Lord furbulon when they come from a different planet yeah because I think I remember them a little spaceship in like the yeah and we're just looking after them while we're here that kind of does me Intergalactic babysitters yeah yeah pogs were definitely banned are you guys too old for beyblades yeah yeah that's a trick question let me tell you hey guys can I um what do you call like a matchup you call it a match okay I don't know no that was that was a battle that was uh battle you would instigate that might take you off your glove and hitting a small boy around the face yeah sorry I'm thinking Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh was the duel you demanding satisfaction I think it's battle a Beyblade battle yeah you're probably right one thing I'd love us do one day is do a parody of those 1990s toy commercial yeah yeah whoa Jesus Christ was there a cartoon for Beyblade as well oh was there a cartoon it was yeah there's a cartoon for Yu-Gi-Oh it was called yeah I think so Johnny Beyblade but what's the obviously in Pokemon they're not doing the Pokemon card game it's like real in it it's like real version of that what's the real version are they like massive Beyblade the Beyblades so it's basically still just Beyblades you'd pull the chord and they would spin around in an arena in a huge Arena they'd have like a map and you've got like up the walls other Beyblade I'm not I'm generally not scary teeth yeah I'm generally not taking a piss with any of these questions I actually want to know no it was it was amazing with a Beyblade sentient uh you would have something called a bit piece right that you'd put into the top of your Beyblade that have like a dragon on it or a horse or something and when you Unleashed it the bit piece will come out so they would fight but your thing was also fighting right okay it's just like Enchanted you know what I should get you guys I should buy some Beyblades we did this at IGN and we played it for about 30 seconds and then I was stuck in the igen studio yeah like the rest of time yeah it's still there now I think they've probably been there yeah you were meant to take it on your last day you didn't that's what we're saying I wonder if they'll spend all those dinosaur statues those big ones yeah he's definitely sold them I've seen I saw them his his home office looks really nice there's no way he didn't pay for that with IGN money you pay with that without Dark Soul leads okay here we go you ready it's coming up I'm gonna double hand whack him off that sounded wrong oh whoa It's good it's good but like we've still got it's a longer fight than just that you think you can't just wait for everything all good Daniel all good Daniel I'll go Daniel don't don't you worry my man back in come on first yeah [Music] that's right he's dead good he's trying to fly my sweet tits tit s you've got this you've got this come on man yes mate yes yes no no I think Rory Walker's ever heard the phrase sweet tits I've never heard you say it not on top of a challenge pass you remember do you remember when we were unboxing the Okami statue and you broke it straight out of the box a 400 pound little car Miss actually that lights up and at that point as well I think there was only like it was more to fight yeah I think it I think it's I don't think it was ever made public there was like 10 in the world I definitely would have put that video out yeah dude I I think we were just holding it it's quite clearly broken in it oh as well if that public is out there you will see it soon it was supposed to light up and it didn't in the end because I snapped it because you snapped the last mechanism I remember your face because it was we were just like oh [ __ ] we've broken that it literally was the most most earth-shattering crack when I tried to screw something in it was horrific I got my face oh my God I was I was mortified absolutely mortified [ __ ] good times man good times thing is it was one of those things was like we would never really get in trouble for it no like I think it's more just like us yeah yeah yeah this is like ah I think you just feel like that when you break anything you like yeah yeah yeah you want to not be breaking stuff especially session when it costs 450. yeah it's kind of ridiculous yeah yeah well if I can just snap it while I'm taking it out of the box but that price isn't like commensurate to value it's robustness isn't it no um and also I guess as well if you had paid 450 pound for it I don't know maybe you would be a little bit more careful pieces together yeah that was this Faberge egg oh [ __ ] I could just go get him down here guys we'll get some chip damage oh [ __ ] yeah I mean that's a good idea or kill the [ __ ] muncher kill him first I like I like that I like that I like that a lot it's all good stuff isn't it so many options yeah that's the thing about this game he is going to come though as soon as you at least we'll get him yeah yeah oh I just hit my [ __ ] wood can we get it just knock off the top guy when he's coming up we're gonna fight him on the rooftops epically whoa that was yes stamina and your shield on yeah remember guy counters yeah love it and just don't rinse them on a church of all places unbelievable I'm playing like a [ __ ] I need to stop is it a statue of something from a game that you would pay 450 quid for if I gave you 450 pounds now what's that going on not an Okami statue I know that wow I don't know much in this life but I know that what about one that lights up that's true mine one doesn't yeah it never did it came this is a tail oh you're playing I don't remember so much did I think I have a master sword oh you would have thought that it's the broken one from tears of the Kingdom everything it's called your career time outfit no it's a it's a broken Okami from tears of the Kingdom all right let's get the little guy I I can take him from here yeah Jerome they do maybe they stop running it's all right there we go oh he's done four he's done four you can just get a big guy now as well yeah let's just let's play every time I do the wrong thing which is take a second hit after the shield counter and I'm not gonna do it anymore okay excellent good that's right I'm gonna do something stupid here okay yeah that's done really well okay and just reset oh [ __ ] okay so here you go lock L2 don't go for a second one just got your green back up he hit me remember Lockhart and just use your Shield oh Jesus health and then just use this yes let's do the fight love it I love that Dodge look at that I'm gonna go for a big one on the way up yes just a tiny little hit now let's play him whoa there you go that was so easy you know what I know we love the jumping that was tactics yeah that was just straight up one what's husband play in the game this is the landing thing go for it he's going he's gone guys leg over do we put the guard coware Tales middle uh both of those are quite good for us yeah they're working really well yeah but like because remember we have one that was good for chaining attacks do we put on the guard counter one because we're doing guard cameras now no I think we got the double-handed one but we've got a room for two haven't we uh the health one Health oh yeah we've got the twin blade yeah if we're doing guard accounts we get let's depends how much that extra health is I'll take care I like that hey it's all good stuff you can get him now from there there's a little thing there is there anywhere is this I think it's worth like having a little look around I think that is a bit far but it's good to know there is something over there ah took it nowhere to run to your money magic oh my God he's got stuff as well he's got an arm on him how did he hit that that's crazy nice actually really impressive shield on when you go into a new area please oh but I like the light in here we should save up and get the lantern then yeah we should we're going for now two thousands yeah let's be careful with like her health and stuff this is my land we're trying to like unlock something aren't we all get oh he's just little I like that I like that a lot it's cozy like a pub anything it's gonna be a booby trap what the hell is that what what are you looking at I don't know man stop hanging down there oh Jesus oh [ __ ] what is that was a big thing and lose some arms and [ __ ] nobody told us about Grafton haven't we is it the spider we have seen some also she said her friends what the [ __ ] is that on the wall it's a troll oh you're taking its leg we fought one of them for our first medallion so you can go over there or we can go into the next room what was in there though I feel like there was more on the other side way too much yeah we've got to like be methodical yeah because oh we never went up here yeah down the bottom and then there's also oh it's a little balcony who's a guy he's massive he's bigger fighting properly you know game over game over it doesn't all last to be done in one he's a boss I'm getting out of here like play cautiously with the shield issue you know let's just have a look as well we need to figure out how to get over there because there's a purple shiny a chest yeah what the hell is that it's like Neato do you remember that no it's the first thing that killed you in the game oh [ __ ] really yeah yeah the grafted Scion you use an FP oh yeah I forgot that wasn't stamina yeah I wish it was and so we've got two wait we've got this way it's got sandbags yeah okay we're over now it's still light up here which is nice yeah that's awesome we could pop one of those if we think we're gonna be doing some good runs no I don't think holy [ __ ] look at that while we're in agreement about those things being good I don't think we're on the same page about using them because I think is it like good to use him if you know there's a good area for farming yeah look around brother we're basically in a corn field not going blind into an area that's kicking our eyes it's worth it oh imagine I had the gold foot on it would still be one enemy yeah and then he's gonna run out you want to use it for like right remember when we used to farm that one place in Demon Souls be like that we could do a run and it's going I know exactly yeah yeah it's one God counter no it's so far remember that's what we did last time you rolled through them and it worked really well there you go bloody hell could have doubled those oh shut up mate you can double it by not buying and collecting them I like that one I don't know that idea yeah don't don't die like you want a little sit down golden veil of intricate design uses FP to mimic me and buy objects when godric was hounded from Lionel the Royal Capital this was one of a multitude of treasures he took with him also known as marika's Mischief so when we heard about trailers Kenneth height said that he escaped the Royal Capital with the women and children yeah this allows you to disguise yourself for Stuff so I think the implication is he probably disguised himself as like a woman or a child right I think Auntie finchy would be into that I think she's into you know those people who go online pretend to be children and like Catch a Predator yeah she definitely does that this is probably how she got out of prison yeah what but who's this oh yeah yeah became a guard what is she what do you think she's gonna oh can I use this just with FP I can use as many times I want this is if you go somewhere else it should probably turn into me else oh I'm gonna get big into this if you go up there go and that's that statue it caught that armor yeah oh this Candlestick mate I think it might be a dude that's coming sir you won't know what's going on can you do that during like um bro can you use it oh definitely not I'm so sick can you do that if you get invaded oh that's cool um you know what I like about these games they're very like sophisticated also yeah they're very silly all the soul games we've got loads of really wacky stuff like big talking yeah yeah yeah big pots talking about getting their butts smacked yeah it's kind of funny because see what happens don't move don't move don't move we've got one way here he's not gonna kill us no this is no surely not oh whoa that was cool dude should we get big into this I know there's a joke for the next 10 minutes yeah you know until we find the next thing there was some a bit more that was awesome that was fun there was more outside baby there was a lot of you really how much is it worth half RFP yeah I don't think we're full okay cool there's something here yeah before you came in through the Windows like you went out with sandbag way through the windows so this is the other side of the wall which is not a great discovery but you went here and there's a ladder on that wall oh [ __ ] yeah I didn't even see it if I was using that I'd just be obsessed with like going and going to every different room girl what could I be in here what can I be here a chimney yeah let's find out some look oh it uses [ __ ] whoa holy [ __ ] really Blends in from what's up on the roof doesn't it so what happens you go to that until you press any other button and then I think so okay you can't this is very um bed knobs and Broomsticks isn't it I love this yeah you kind of just say this is cool is that is it that must have become like quite a big thing was it dude like that's been in previous games right yeah like so it's like so that's that door oh this is gonna be a loopy loop this is sort of a little Loop and then yeah what's gonna be in here so almost like somewhere in there I've never been [ __ ] so this is opposite that room oh you said we were always oh yeah which we wanted to go let's get it so the thing is like with stuff like this you can kind of theoretically help that that's the other side of that that's life no is it oh some sort of lion Beast lion what was that oh fresh arms for the Grafton praise the pickle pickle turtle neck hey so fish pigs maybe Birds this is your skin rabbits all skin yeah it's not whoa so good I know that nice it's not prone to tell you that yeah where's my prongs I haven't had a good prawn cocktail for a while actually I can't the last time I had a really good one gosh let's go who's this exalted flash Spiderman you couldn't write it could you oh my God no no he's made his own web slingers Powers hates him you're like what he can call himself Spider-Man yeah he's allowed yeah why are you running away just fight him why I wanted to get a tactics on him maybe magic hurts do the magic from this thing oh that's not taking a lot off that no it isn't fire Maybe yeah the corner is doing something for me does he not like fire he doesn't I've got no breath left look bolex I used it all to become a pot and I'm out of I'm out of I'm out of magic this is a mess Castle okay we're just gonna let's just skip nail the rolls let's use this [ __ ] it doesn't like fire [Music] I feel like we're on the backs up yeah yeah I wasn't prepared we used all our magic pretended to be things I'm I'm gonna be back by the birds yeah that's how these games work oh that's ages away we gotta run we're running good tuner yeah yeah it's a Huna it's an old-fashioned Huna genuinely remember they are blowing things up yeah yeah I heard it too hard [Music] these oh yeah you're joking I have to put my drink down oh man right are you still gonna run less stress I have to I have to hit them once well no I mean if you could do a pure run you can run this but just oh get them with those Souls that's a mess you gotta kill the birds yeah I feel like it's fine it doesn't take long to kill a bird why don't you I don't know why don't you get the the really strong magic back on oh can we change magic before or do you have to change around to get the ground changes here you can change your hair do it do it here do it I hate those three little pieces of [ __ ] this is your controller you're right you got four spells like we've never used for 10 minutes [Laughter] that's why we killed the dragon yeah maybe they won't have to do that that's a good act it's a good activity though oh [ __ ] I've got an idea boys I've got the greatest idea of all time go man hold on hold on what is it use all our Magic on these so when we get to this side we have nothing that's what happened last time said we were protect oh nice we'll pretend to be oh watch out for the barrels mate that's gonna take ages off the edge full damage well just like I think it's like yeah movement yeah red Barrel this is what happened last time well we ran out of stuff it's gonna go downstairs yes how do you know they're smart mate [ __ ] it's fine we made it that's the hard part once they've dropped their barrels yeah they can't fly though I would suggest let's drop down after these guys have gone past stealth as an option what are we doing I wish we never found it oh [ __ ] I was hoping I could become an eagle this Castle is Bonkers and it's brigging out the worst in here but it is very funny so I'm on board yeah let's try that one more time running back didn't realize Stormville I thought would be a two-part we're in a not uh we're on like a nap we're not we've in you know this amount of time we've not made any [ __ ] Souls at all right ashes maybe spent a lot of money on that yeah okay this is a this is a good spell yeah I think you should get the run down more instead of locking on you could be halfway down look two will get them watch yeah but we are using there we go worth it and then I'll just single hit this guy actually I'll double it but we've basically used a full Blue Bar on these three and Chipmunks I reckon oh [ __ ] I need to do that and now we don't have to worry about them anymore never again we farming feathers now no it didn't big time what do you what do you make out of feathers pillows arrows yeah oh we're using a couple of episodes for 20 minutes it'll be fine is there anything down there it's like well like we tried better it's just like the back of the church where you met Rosia locked locked where is it be fine be careful don't know how hard it is for me to stand still I know [Music] oh remember your um to you know you regen thing as well it's not really you're only really using that you're doing bosses idiots it's just those birds you know once you kill them everything's fine the grafted silent takes care of itself yeah exactly or because we're already back here again also oh yeah um it's a classic like contraction of space like you know I mean like when you're chipping away through these games you feel massive and then you're like oh actually I mean look you could drop down there okay there's other routes dead fine another guy I just need one on them do you think check this out finish them off I didn't go to plan I didn't go to plan oh don't die don't die on him he's so strong oh die please oh my God he's Immortal please don't die thank you I've become quite fond of the torch yes please yeah oh is the lady outside that was like oh said tell him to say hello last from Birmingham yes Memento left by the Chrysalis sacrifice for Grafton a brooch wrapped in red velvet traces of blood divisible uh faintly visible Spirits try to convey something but their voices cannot be heard so we need to like at some point give that back to her oh we can give that to her yeah that's [ __ ] awesome I liked her sorry for it the lady who was outside Stormville on the way up in a little Hut when it was raining around oh yeah well um pain pain you don't know how to endure your pain yeah she said all of her friends had become spiders she's the one who told us first by the spiders yeah it's like oh I wish I was brave enough for Grafton yes yeah yeah so they want to be grafted this weird like you you don't know like I guess like what lies have they been fed yeah like I'll be part of something greater than yourself yeah yeah yeah that's good PR for Grafton isn't it it is pretty bad lend the helping hand we grafted together what flies have they been fed Daniel yeah big spiders flies oh cause that oh hey I know where we are yeah yeah yeah that's like um oh dude dude we're right here yeah oh that's wicked also we still never win no that's it no this is like more and more it is yeah that's like in Dead Space where like some of them were like yeah we we actually won this is what the final form yeah we want that your body's just a vet like it's keeping you apart from you yeah it must be one I love it I'll do it I was big into it then big into me now flames a flame on I think I mean at least we can like have several goals at this lad now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what is that screaming you might be scared of me he's gonna do much damage on it I can all these little that's insane I would say yeah I would say if I was like trying out grafting on stuff and I made that that's a good day at the office like no one can say that's bad it's like when they saying it's not looking but it works yeah proof of concept though isn't it it's hard as [ __ ] Nails man like I would be like yeah I did it actually I'm really good at it I'm really good at grafting now if you showed me that I would think what have you done not if I was giving you not not if I was trying to make that though what if I and then I showed you you wanna you were like I want to see the blueprints but honestly the workings out first because if it's just a human yeah with a big arm and then I've made that fine I'll I will concede that is not a good day at the office if I showed you a picture from that with a picture of me spider yeah between me with the newspaper next I swear to God this is what I wanted to make you can be rolling with me about that I want my bonus Chief if you cook spells off and then we're going shield and then Twin Blade yeah our most powerful thing yeah because the glim the magic isn't doing much and fire is not doing much is in a bad Rhythm yeah bro this is this is something else let me tell you he's good I always thought where's faster yes he's done he's seen the code fire does a little not a lot well I'll tell you what it just did he's got him at that glitch really opened up the arena form remember you've got our counters you love them and you block him Jesus it's good though this is we're getting all right oh look he's just oh [ __ ] this master Powers is back baby can I have my boba no it's right you still alive it's alive run whoa well done remembering brother here we go check this out check this out you guys are gonna love this okay oh did you love it loved it yeah yeah careful yes mate heal I'm still alive I'm still alive that warm fast does a lot now yeah yeah it's cool you can do this mate you can do it you can do it easy easy mate just easy Jesus I hate your windows pick your windows I need my stamina back it's all right well just like cool down yeah remember shield down stamina got some quicker because the more you're waiting as well the more your health is going out yes yes yes yes well done mate everything man I took everything oh look there's a slope's death oh [ __ ] Highland ax yes please that sounds cool let's look at this enjoy this picture oh is it his ax he's got an accident Hannah sword is going on little something very cool should we have a look at it single sided acts used by the Warriors of the Highlands Brave comparisons begin battle by crying out their names Roars are enhanced by this weapon so don't use that you have to do that you know my name that looks exactly like of course isn't it yeah Rory Rory Rory and we've got the Talisman for roaring so I love it yeah I'm big into Rory now oh yeah big Rory Lord um so Laurie this bit Loops back to where we were right cool so we've got one of those now yeah let's see what let's oh let's just get the lay of the land a bit was that a stone sword key one yeah so should we get the lay of land and no water auction my face yeah it's a big blood you know what I think it's working for it I like it that's cool bit of rouge I think we should use a stone sockey because we've got a bunch yeah we do have and we know we can buy more so yeah so let's look at what options are here bro it keeps going it doesn't doesn't stop it is there so where's this guy oh Kevin oh this is upstairs of that Corridor yeah you can't tightrope what can we try it let's look around the rest of the room first yeah we just look One Direction walk away you meant to go there you go I've Got a Theory guys boom nice so there's a door in this room that takes us outside you see that yeah out here so maybe we don't do that we've got the shortcut so we know all this is like close accessible yeah let's go down here and then we'll go to that this now this is linking back to where we were originally coming down yeah [Music] what's up bro even he's got magic see loving those garlic calories no I yeah they're good finally good for those medium guys so do you want to yeah should we how many stones or Keys have we got two will we see when we use them I mean yes I love that let's find out what after we've used it or you can just look do we find out then psycho look it's like doing Apple pen going oh someone should go yeah we already decided we were gonna open the door so we saw we were opening it so we're either yeah does it does it tell you I don't think it does is it it doesn't say like yeah was lost with use yeah it doesn't tell you so don't worry about that oh [ __ ] oh Jesus there's dudes down here I didn't know they could be dudes in the sex dungeons have we only use one once in the one round table uh well we might have used one out in the world oh we did yeah yeah yeah yeah when we didn't know what it was light work nice someone else in here I'm pretty sure yeah oh Jesus another one Coco we've seen his eyes Scott he's got all the stuff all over it yeah I was like sequential Cutthroat slices curtain's a little bit too heavy for iron wet plate we've got some this is good items yeah good uh iron wet blade crafted and graph Hawk Crestwood and shield a tall medium-sized wooden Shield light for its size and easy to handle adorned with a long forgotten crest of stone Veil ancient in design it's a Parry as well brilliant let's give it a shot oh that's cool and then so it's like a kind of a wing look like she's holding it like a wing almost what a major record yes I've read of that dagger favored by military physicians in white the pointed blade is hard and sharp making Critical Hits especially potent medicine is Mercy and mercy upon the battlefield is ruthless beware the killers clothed as men of compassion covered in blood Whiteface fire right yeah because who else would be covered in blood a military physician yeah oh but also this is implying that yeah these aren't the most compassionate of people shipment yeah I want to try it's kind of interesting though yeah yeah yeah when we saw him a bit like we did that yeah blood spied yeah we dagger boys yeah little daggers I'm on my Peter Pan [ __ ] I wanted to try the weapon art well the quick quick step yeah that's cool oh that's fun and if you notice like that's the balcony we could see yeah yeah of course it was that's why awesome it's like I got a kite on my back yeah well she kind of holds it like a wing as well like if she had two it would look like a wink I like it I like where your heads are Gavin this is so you can fly the wrong exit we don't need to go in there the dogs come in oh it's a kind of exit exit the world exists yeah great that's two grand well it's but yeah fine yeah oh [ __ ] yeah yeah it's the benefit of shortcut that's what I get for sending the lift back up I'm too responsible because I died in the pit where the lift should have been hmm I'm too responsible Rory power seven year Journey so we don't need to go in the doggy room please we're going to go this auntie Vinci's out again yeah on the next episode of retry I've done it this time guys oh [ __ ] why do I keep talking oh Jesus Christ every time as well that was nuts why did you say it while there was still like 20 of them alive
Channel: RKG
Views: 64,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _ElNZ6Ado-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 26sec (6386 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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