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thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] I gotta be a little bit honest with you guys Starfield is still unpacking day I um I pre-loaded the game reloaded the game as soon as I could I'm gonna put myself up here for now and uh and I fired it up I fired up about half an hour ago and finished my morning went to the shops did the shopping rest and everything did some housework did all the usual stuff at a decent breakfast I am ready I launched our fields and it goes downloading content one percent half an hour before stream [Music] my God hey at least I did it half an hour before stream because if I booted it up literally as I went live like I normally do with games um look at me here for a while I probably rescheduled the Stream day I'll be back guys Battlefield is doing that thing where it teases you like we've not waited long enough cheeses you even more he goes no no no no we're not ready to play yet we have to unpack that's where steam is doing some kind of unboxing video nonsense unpacking it I don't know what's going on but anyway thank you very much for joining me ladies and gentlemen we've got things going as soon as we can thank you for being here it's so great to see so many of you uh waiting in the chat for this at well what must be a stupidly early time for some of you for a stupidly late time for some of you and for those that you're in the European time zones well it's just mid-morning or afternoon for you so thanks for popping along you agree um we wait for this last one percent to come down maybe do some hellos Mike Brown hello uh Mr Jiggles hello Tasman trouble Jackal Body Shop uh pie hey bye flight Jeff um maleficentia oh hello oh what do you do you want to allow this app yes do whatever you need take my machine do whatever you need to do to my machine I don't care just [ __ ] run um Ivan death Andre how you doing Michael hey buddy work in about two hours I'll try and make those two hours as as good as possible where's it gone doing stuff I don't even know what's going on uh Dameron welcome killer for days as well Jim Alice good morning I'm gonna remember who I said hello today purple Mage hello even star solo Spirit Brendan all right now I can have it potentially two sets of Music going let me just kill this one off we can enjoy this one there we go the game is finally here and this is building shaders a little longer to wait there we go Darfield is edging Spanish hey Jen yeah edging yeah the pro streamer right here folks say trouble yep absolutely would you be would you have it any other way I believe that says press any button to start oh oh it may be here now that they're here I'm not feeling ready I'm not I'm not sure I'm ready here we go we're gonna start a brand new adventure here in uh let me just read through all of this guys I gotta be really careful with this stuff why ever just joking um we're gonna start a brand new Adventure here in Starfield they're finally here you know what I really wish I thought fired this up last night but it came out at 1am 1am okay 2K that's good everything's on Ultra we'll see how we go I need your guys help with feedback like frames for a second audio you know the drill guys help me out here um so 19 hours of character creation yeah maybe maybe a bit I may need to invert the Y's it's good we'll we'll see how I do I may need to invert the ways but I have them inverted on games like imperion and baseball and stuff like that so I'm just going to crank this down a little bit here just so I'm not shouting over it there we go all right getting these buttons Alf yes indeed all right there we go I think we're good let's go are we ready let's do it actual tingles wonder if the stream will be at night as per typical Spanish neelex I'll do my best to make it dark AF we'll try hope you guys are excited let's play some freaking Starfield guys been long enough and uh I'm hearing very good things already I'm I'm staying the hell away from all the videos spoilers reviews yada yada but like the little headlines that inevitably you see it sounds good hey Dream Weaver Jarvis let's go honestly for a secondary thought we were in Skyrim on that cart oh you're finally awake good Oxygen's good just do what you did last time and you're fine follow my one simple rule hella what's my one simple listen boss lady knows best exactly listen to me mining's just like any other job go steady go sitting go home with a pocket full of credits at the end of the day yeah totally it's just like um not working the stardock except uh with more cave-ins lasers and accidental dismemberment very helpful thank you ah you're gonna be fine your first doubting was solid and you know let's be honest in exactly astrophysics that's why I keep him around the helium deposit from 300 meters not untrue shame we won't find any down here but the metal deposits alone should pay for our own healing hell after this we'll have enough jump fuel to bounce from one end of the settled systems to the next more minerals more money and so the cycle repeats itself just no more unauthorized jumps in the house for room space okay he's just a big baby there are worse lives you know most dusties don't even make it this far I have a good feeling about you that group hog now we're at the end of the shift one of these days hella I am going to leave you behind promises promises [Music] two hours since last accident wait wait someone needs to pee how far in before Spanish has I hold my beer watch this moment grab some samples we can only hope oh look at this I mean it's a cave but what are they are they like bones or something sticking through they don't like normal stalactites they're all a wonk a yeah what I love about working in freestyle Collective space a job like this to the United Colonies it's good for Carl we are deep rock Galactic in right now they've had a graphics update what is he doing if you got paid per break you'd be a million now let's go yeah yeah okay you make your cut you catch your cut no exception come on pick it up Troy what's the yield why is that laser kicking back so much occasional glimmer but it's weak what do you think stay the course no ma'am juice ain't worth the squeeze well okay then I'd call this one tapped why don't you move over to that big vein we looked at yes ma'am the game in space underground we understand we're underground now but give it time look at this this is freaking dug by some massive boring machine and the scratches on the Rock and stuff it's a nice detail where am I going what am I doing what am I doing it grab a cutter and mine what you can okay what are you waiting for dig okay I gotta dig get the cutter it's over here cutter all right I've eaten select minerals all right here we go so the first thing that we do in game is learn how to mine rocks with lasers I gotta say this is kind of familiar this is very familiar this is this is what I do this is literally my life is pointing lasers at rocks I'm busy all right I wasn't talking to you I'm just getting the minerals I'm doing it I have a lot faster than you are Sunshine watch out 20 lasers or rocks guys it's a wonderful introduction to an epic RPG in space all right don't walk through the laser though yeah maybe what if I do walk through the Laser hi you carry on all right fine whatever um Iz this game is rocking make you earn your Sky there's that big boring machine I was talking about there look oh that's freaking cool it's digging a massive hole but only that much rock is coming out sometimes I'm in an accident here aren't they all right hello get the readings yeah about that problem uh not if you consider a spike in gravity reading is a problem spiking gravity look don't when we're after it'll read as an anomaly we've got a flashlight anyway okay now you're starting to freak me out relax it's just another job come on it's one of those games where the NPCs walk and move either faster or slower than you and in this case uh slower I might look at the controls and see if there's a walk key seriously there's something really effed up about this where is it hella through there I think they called it a mine and then we'll come get you oh thanks great okay would anything go wrong oh Jesus Don't Look Down this is looking more and more like Moria every day old f for a flashlight okay I was pressing f there we go I do hammer flashy long way down all right cool that's a long way up as well it's a decent sized Cavern flashlight seems to have kind of a more horizontal thing going on you're weird I found minerals I'm a miner after all right I can't I can't not pick up the minerals oh I missed some hang on beryllium sweet anomalies as usual uh yeah I see floaty rocks I'm gonna mind some can I mine some one come on oh hail it might added what the hell did I pronounce that right hey we watched spans the darkness stream hey I did promise that if he could if I could make it dark AF I'd make it dark AF did I not deliver did I not bloody deliver it wasn't even my intention I don't know why I'm mining this I didn't even know if we get to keep all this probably not let's just crack it probably just gonna wipe my inventory out any second now this is cool what is going on here we've got floaty bits let's touch it take it use the cutter all right break up the deposit this seems sensible when you find something like completely uh Alien let's just point lasers at it my drill right now Time Warp I need you I can't drill right oh boy man hey lady good morning let the party always a good decision lady I'm pointing lasers at rocks again I don't know why it keeps happening what am I supposed to be pointing at no we've just pointed it out where it says to or you're supposed to be cutting this away right this hunger metal here all right I gotta wait for it to recharge hey come on recharge faster oh there we go oh it's knocking me about a bit I don't know what I'm supposed to be pointing at but a point of the lumpy bits because it says anime deposit there no I can just freaking take it for crying out loud does see see the E take you got it you got that adjustments you got there before I did oh hello we're off [Music] old lady okay come on come on okay take it easy you were out cold uh no physical damage meant to leave the jury's still out you know who you are new recruit for Argos extractors ring any bells any of this look familiar hey guard the creation what a douche don't want that is that a randomized button because you know I like to start off with some kind of template Personnel record okay select a profile so we got loads of oh my God yeah loads of profiles that we can basically start off with all right is there a ginger in here come on oh wait is that John Cleese decking John please the raises you just go around doing funny walks the entire time pointless rolls come on all right you got all your diversity in here except the ginger this is discrimination was he Ginge he's gonna tinge to the Ginge no that's a that's kind of a a blonde day I don't know what that is what are you pointless Scarface uh Goldilocks sorry sorry dream oh Mr Suave get okay well yeah generic guy you'll take a while guys this guy looks like young douchey douche face wow hang up out he looks like a boxer he wouldn't want to meet him down at freaking dark alley I'll tell you you punch your brains out so now we're talking 80s rock star um the mullet is strong on this one you must admit he's got a strong mullet oh boy I'm gonna get the details of the suit come on Sponge you can modify your genetics later okay fine I will I will go with mullet man all right mullet man select a background to continue all right body muscular thin heavy well okay we'll go heavy but muscular okay kind of chunky Boba Fett body type 2 what the hell okay I see that's not it's not male female it's body times gotcha walking Style ladylike or eight Lake gotcha skin tone all the way all right well definitely a white dude uh Bass what the hell is going on with my skin tone here okay smirk at me head shape hahaha Mr Incredible no brains oh my God yes It's gotta be Mr Incredible let's go okay here we go the hair what happened to me yeah it looks great actually oh my god I didn't even know what kind of character I want to create right now I'm just like this is funny yes uh man I want you to stick with a mullet foreign for women here but where are all the dude Cuts I mean what is going on with you that is some disheveled what happened to you no hair barely any hair receding hair more receding hair buzz cut um Let It Grow Let It Grow uh and douche milk Mark II the jedward the you got something on your head yeah cornrows dreads with the pike it's the pike look isn't it it's Captain fakes I don't mind Captain Pike's hair I think it's freaking badass uh this the the man bun yeah it's probably closest to my hair looks like nothing on to oh get a haircut that's not too bad actually I don't mind that one that's that's pretty much my style right there except yep and good dude Cuts equals paid DLC Mr Jaws mcsmash there yeah Spanish finding the sad dead and office guy with no hair yep there we go uh hair color we gotta find the right tone of Ginge you know that's two Ginge where's the natural oh yes red Ginge blonde Blondie more Blondie okay is that the best Ginge we got I feel like that needs to be toned the F down a bit because we're just gonna look like cow from Star Wars like a little too Ginge there's no nothing between those two facial hair obviously let's go more more too much too much too much what is going on down here what is this you don't know how beards work The Shadow all right um no that's probably like the least offensive why is my beard a different color facial hair color here we go you make purple beard ah the purple beard there you go all the full Ginge throughout to be honest my complexion is just not white enough for a ginger there we go there we go oh my God there's so much to this guys there's so much oh my Jesus yeah we've got to be tired as F yeah and it's pretty decent I think so much this this is probably going to take a while basically weary I want weary looking eyes yeah to be honest they look fairly freaking weary eye color Orange yeah why not let's go oh my Lord it could be a freaking days yeah fine eyebrows my nose foreign decent nose the nose that knows your nose oh my God who am I creating here who am I creating a big big head BC face big head Facey face all right uh so Lainey is going to have a week on character character picking there are sliders next to the presets there are I didn't even notice these freaking what okay so can I go back to hair color there's no sliders next to hair color okay well that's crazy so you got the presets and then you can actually shape the presets I don't think we've got time for that but yeah apparently you could freaking spend your life on this that is an insane level of detail I gotta say it's pretty decent neck why is my neck dirty oh shrivel neck turkey neck there we go good definition jewelry nose piercings [Laughter] gonna be a major one I want a facial jury uh thermostatic oh freckles is that what it's called thermostatic this is a normal Romance of freckles please your complex in color temperature blemishes whoa that's just dirty and blemishes yeah there we go you know it again [Laughter] yes scars obviously obviously yeah I'm going in a fight with a cat what else we got oh damn is that the joke somebody gave him a Chelsea freaking smile or something like that I like these nice scars they're all burn yeah that's that's definitely got a story behind it yeah that's some freaking crazy Burns you got there I like that one though that makes me look kind of stupid uh facial forms my God I don't know what this is changing um that one I guess whatever what is this changing I'm being blind but I'm not seeing anything actually changing okay tattoos we have a tattoo oh look at that the neck tattoo oh my God that goes up the face what oh my this is pretty impressive this is very uh extensive I don't want to face chat you cheeks oh Rosie dx2 don't mind a bit of color in the cheeks you know lipstick eye shadow eyeliner dirt hmm that's just the face that's just a face there we go what'd you think of my guy my dude go to third person or first person easy so you can always see them um intensities later there's refined ear the bottom of those oh the Facey ones hang on what was it called again base forms baseball card like e intensity yeah maximum intensity OAC oh they're like like kind of like uh age lines and stuff I see oh yeah make my eyes look even worse ACAC that's really cool I gotta do the I one that one uh one before that one that one there yeah facial forms two intensity maximum intensity let's go back to the beginning let's see what we got oh more eye stuff okay oh that's some serious skin pot holding that is holy crap what would do that like a form of eczema or something oh really old I don't know what that one did they're in the eyes I want to look like albertine [Laughter] that looks old now there we go all right I know like I've got a pretty sad story to tell yep you're six hours behind Raptor oh well I hope Raptor's having fun looks like a younger prettier Spanish thanks Michael younger bastard uh man I drunk that already right Kim thank you very much for uh being a member six months at the Godlike leather high future Spanish I missed the start a bit no problem you're fine uh that was 20 minutes ago sorry Apollo first thank you for the 27 months resub he says here at the beginning with you of the brand new series thank you buddy verse and uh Java I think with the 24 months free so 24 months being here it's been fun chaos all the way glad I got time off work to watch today thank you Java for that that's amazing thank you for being with me for two years uh Antonio thank you for the two dollar pledge over on patreon as well thank you very much guys sorry right I will try and keep on top of those but I'm a little distracted so I'll try and be with you as best as possible oh my God you ruined him is it because I took the mullet off of him yeah uh cheeks one is the face cheeks two is somewhere else looks like he's had a hard life that's the general idea then that is the general idea okay background here we go uh right okay I'll not found um so here's our background these are all the things how many can we choose do we just choose one I think we can just choose one right Beast Hunter uh from the ashture of Aquila to the terramors that plague the whole of the settled system hostile alien life abounds you've learned the skills to track them find them and take them down uh that gives you Fitness ballistics bouncer you've worked the line at the toughest clubs in the settle system back then you learned that most non-lethal confrontations can be solved one of two ways a strong right hook or a more strongly secured door boxing security and fitness Bounty Hunter wherever there are wanted individuals there are those who profit from their capture and your Quarry knows that in the vastness of space they can run but they can't hide chef while the unrefined masses scoffed down chunks by the shipload you cater to those with a more Discerning palette in your kitchen countless alien species become true culinary masterpieces the astronomy Julian skevanging combat medic leave it to human beings to fight over something as infinite as outer space that's where you come in you've never been afraid to take on the enemy but you'd much rather take care of your friends pistol certification medicine and wellness cyber runner from neon to new Atlantis the megacorp standards monuments to power prestigious and profits come in you've never been afraid to take them take on the enemy but you'd much rather take care of everyone else I've moved the mouse up sorry I thought that sentence started making no sense halfway through uh you wrote both for both uh for them and against them on the inside and the out often sacrificing conscience for credit stealth security and theft cyberneticist assist robots mere toys new ramps neuro amps good for parlor tricks The Colony War may have made implants and upgrades available to Veterans but you once saw a greater future humans and machines as one medicine security and lasers we uh that's cool Diplomat so the wars are over peace now Reigns The Solar System but only because there are those quietly fighting to keep it because of you agreements were signed words were heated lies are spared persuasion Commerce and Wellness persuasion is very useful in Bethesda games I know that almost me uh Explorer they said the explosion is the Lost Art you can listen as a major factions argued over the space they desperately tried to control you were busy uncovering the wonders of the settled system lasers astrodynamics and surveying gangster can you have more than one of these like can you get another one like through the game or something like that gangster you're always just uh disgusted by suckers killing themselves to make an honest wage as soon as you were old enough to hold a weapon you took what you wanted from anyone unlucky enough to have it shotgun certification boxing and theft Homesteader discover the discovery of the settled systems many oxygen planet planets and moons meant humans could live just about anywhere if they had the know-how you did and utilized it to Graphics geology surveying and weightlifting fair enough industrialist there was a time when all you wanted to be was a Titan of Industry maybe a ship designer or a mega Corp executive thankfully that skill set never goes out of style in the settled systems the situation security and research methods ship designer you say [Music] um long hauler let those other hot head Pilots obsess over laser weapons and maneuverability you're a space trucker you're in symbol pack the cargo get it there fast get paid repeat life is simple and good weightlifting piloting and Ballistic weapon systems that's gonna be a pretty good one as well I think Pilgrim Wayfarer Wonder a secret transient you've been called many things during your travels and learn something those others could never understand the journey is the destination Scavenging surveying and Gastronomy ninjas Professor you always enjoyed learning but nothing could compare to the joy of teaching others as humankind spread through the stars there was never a lack of knowledge to obtaining ugly assisted astrodynamics geology research method Ronin put a few more of these to go through sorry guys masterless and Unbound you wonder the sale systems as a blade to hire some uh to some you're a simple mercenary to others a hero and to select few and Nightmare they could never wake from dueling stealth Scavenging that's your sneaky one right there that's your sneaky yes this is a stinky Archer that one there sneaky Archer you want to be a ronin sculptor within uh with the knowledge of anatomy and skilled steady hands you could have had lucrative career as a surgeon instead you followed your heart and created works of art to amaze Inspire medicine geology and persuasion Soldier set systems are no stranger to Warfare and there's one thing armed conflict relies on it it's trained warriors with guns and guts you had both simple bloody work and you were great at it Fitness ballistics and boost pack training that's jet pack nice space scoundrel is your hand solo class good bad who's right is it to say if there's anything you've learned while rapesing through the Galaxy it's this space may look black but it's really one big shade of gray pistol certification Pew piloting obviously and persuasion you smooth talking little Foxy xenobiologist the sound systems is home to Untold alien species and while none of them have yet proven sentient that never deterred you so you sought out and study them for whatever gifts they offered lasers obviously surveying and fitness and file not found oddly there's no information on file about your past life uh clerical oversight deletion by some powerful unknown faction or was there just nothing of note to mention whatever the reason your past is known only to you what's important is the here and now and the path you are about to forge Wellness ballistics and piloting okay so you're healthy you can shoot and you can fly that's kind of like yeah yeah you have no idea what to do Bing uh right so now what uh yeah bass scoundrel about found Jack of all beards well I mean you say that guys but I'm actually drawn to the industrialist because the ship designing bit really drew me in obviously yeah yeah I knew it lost this too persuasion bloody useful skill in the Bethesda game security I.E lock picking let's go research method so let's give it employing both new and time-tested methods a researcher May complete projects faster it even gained unexpected insights pretty much a perk I never like a ticket or leave it kind of perk on the end there well but uh if this can help me get to designing ships and stuff like that quicker than I am on that one I mean the space scoundrel very tempted but pistol certification I don't like to be locked down to a single weapon type um piloting is obviously useful but I feel like that's probably going to be a fairly easy part of the game anyway so and persuasion again is the good bit of that which is also an industrialist longholder sounds like a great sort of chill uh play style just basically play a a truck simulator but yeah the rest of these Bounty Hunter again piloting Target control system booster pack training the booster pack training and targeting control system probably quite useful chef Chef is the other one that kind of Drew me in and that's more about my character and the way he's got a burn down his face how did he get that burn maybe he spilled a pan of hot water over his face you'd think that maybe you're on a fire fight and he got a bit too close to the Flames no no no he was just an idiot and Spilled himself so but there you go Gastronomy access to a brand new world means access to brand new ingredients and there is almost no limits of delicious foods and drinks and talented Chef can prepare probably quite good for Buffs and stuff like that dueling considered to be uh by many to be a lost art close attack so the melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner going full melee could be it could be fun and Scavenging those you can find just about anything in their success is usually depending on knowing how and where to look Scavenging obviously uh we're going to be exploring a lot so that could be a lot of fun and then we're going to be exploring a lot so yeah um a lot of these are going to be really good so I think I'm just going to probably just take my gut reaction and go industrialist here because that is that's what drew me first now I could go in to order these and spend 20 minutes going through oh but that one oh but that one oh but that one oh but that one but sometimes you just got to stick with you go right never stressed a skinny yeah neelix yes a clumsy Chef I like it Jen um someone has already made up in Millennium Falcon and mock-up Yep this is only they these are only your starting skills you can get others with leveling up yeah please choose found out found says lawn but the final I found I just is is basically a bit of everything isn't it it's Wellness ballistics of piloting it doesn't really say anything about that I'm not drawn to foul not found them honestly uh my one weightlifting you want to loot and sell everything seems quite adequate too you want me to go chef now I'm doubting myself that and character two or three can be other backgrounds oh now I'm like chef but industrial shipbuilding but chef but industrial Shipbuilding block picking and persuasion yeah food and dueling and Scavenging air no stick with you guys think what you got don't don't back down no don't finish cancel what are you doing great okay it's said he's a chef never said he was a good Chef yeah go with you girl yeah thank you guys trust your instincts give me your first impulse you guys got me back and got me back I appreciate that right okay great then I can pick three of these alien DNA you volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien DNA uh with yours as a result you start increased health and oxygen but healing and food items aren't as effective not good with Chef Flats but yeah potentially with the industrialist dream home you own a luxurious customizable house on a peaceful Planet unfortunately it comes with 125 000 credit mortgage with gal bank that has to be paid weekly oh get a house but also have a freaking mortgage that's not I've got one I don't need another one no no no no no no no no no no empath deeply connected to the feelings of others performing actions your companion likes result in temporary increasing uh combat Effectiveness but performing actions they don't will have a precise opposite okay people pleaser not really extrovert definitely not Bree star Collective settler you gain access to the special freestyle Collective dialogue options and better rewards for some missions given by the faction hero worshiped oh God no no no no no no no no no introvert you really need your alone time exerting yourself uses less oxygen when you're venturing alone but more when adventuring with other humans the manions right definitely Intruder okay kids stuff your parents are alive and well and you can visit them at home but you will automatically send two percent of your credits home to them every week neon Street writing grew up on the Mean Streets of neon you gain access to special dialogue options and better awards from submissions on neon Prime Bounty can't be behind with other factions Allegiance should also not be able to be combined with kids stuff really if you think about it I like that raised enlightened uh you grow up as a member of the enlightened you get access to special chest full items but lose access is the sanctum Universal raised Universal is the other religion serpents Embrace is another religion spaced your body is becoming acclimated to space health and oxygen increase when in space but decrease when on Surface task master occasionally if you have crew trained in certain ship systems that system will automatically repair itself to full hell whenever it is damaged below 50 however all crew costs twice as much to hire holy [ __ ] Terra Firma you've never acclimated to space okay the opposite of this space and wanted some one per price in your head and word is spread occasionally armed mercenaries or sherp and try to kill you but being cornered gives you an edge when your health is low you do extra damage a killer like that is just funny is the uh element of surprise you ah come on here we worship I heard if you choose to have parents they give you good stuff including a ship task master yeah but cross twice as much money is less of a problem as you'll earn a lot from quests okay hero worshiped is Gerald I don't want to be followed around by Gerald who needs a house when you have a Starship this game is Just Got Deep oh my Lord hero smash Heroes bands yes hero worshiped ah you guys I suppose I gotta give you guys one thing if you want the hero worship then Taskmaster scenes fitting managing and criminal yes it does Brew wanted occasional free loot fine I'm an introvert from the streets of neon and I got some kid that keeps following me around all right oh Gerald fine but I'm doing this for you and I'm not happy about it okay name right no they've got pronouns and everything let me him I can't actually change that oh well but but laughs oh now now soon yeah yeah yeah now what was fast turning I never remembered the law that I wrote if I was the surname or his first name Riley Riley Riley far no yes and uh you kicked Gerald off a cliff knife is so good for Spanish Darth Spanish it's okay okay not really far oh uh Riley far Spanish Maximus juices if the fan doesn't give you things you can kill them okay prankshaft Reginald ah Reginald I love love the name Reginald so good Reginald far that sounds like well Posh doesn't it crankshaft well the other name that I think it was um cam Dell wax gingiva Mike canticular ballad Riley or right no Jan Starfall now that sounds like a really sneezed Roger far you didn't get the Riley farther really far no you didn't get that did you the whole word play basic space boss Bob but I'm sure what about axel Reese all right I got a feeling there's a little messing around here um I feel like no dear Lord Goran and you Nicholas didn't go far these are horrible names the dent Alpha oh my God I'm stuck now I can't think of anything well you guys are going off like that I'm just looking around just going oh my God the Builder how about Axel Foley maybe not an actual character name though quell I quit um I watched Beverly Hills Cop recently so it's fresh in my mind I'm still naked a bit too far far away your neck Theodore Rex T-Rex Reginald bar the Third Legend father that Reginald far three I like Reginald Manuel not far no far sounds like family or Jamie far from Mash pouch fat um what am I what am I I'm an industrialist right so original Reginald span Smith bungee mode make itself original S I gotta go I gotta go far okay okay right I gotta go with that because otherwise we could be here all [ __ ] day okay um employee number that he him cancel finish wait how do I enter there we go confirm yeah it's happened nope you were a real rags to riches to rags story from space industrialist to contract Miner well you got the sample client's on his way then we all get paid do you remember anything that happened it is wire on the end you guys are the worst there was this light and music it was incredible like a dream or a vision everything a blank after winning that tunnel what is that thing I mean there was a light and then there was some music well you passed out that's for sure everything else probably just your brain playing tricks all this trouble for that stupid thing sure don't look like much never mind what it looks like it's worth more than this mine has pulled in all month will be speak of the devil hi zoom zoom thank you very much for being a member of 14 months of the god like leave him he says uh write a hook thank you for the following Razzle 2 thank you for the follow uh Rod shaft should have gone with Rod shaft thank you for being a member for 20 months shipbuilder Spanish is just meant to be Ashura thank you for the eight months research caught up nearly in time type popcorn and I'm just ads gamer thanks for the raid buddy um thank you very much for twenty dollars hello again Spanish I look forward to playing this when it's released the non-premium purchases uh ads gamer thank you for the rage uh again I don't know what happened there but you got two raids fair enough uh Kim thank you for the six months uh I think I said thank you for to Kim already but thank you very much welcome along guys if you just joined we have just completed character creation uh we know who we are now we are Reginald far the third here we go uh I am an industrialist from the the streets of Neon I'm an industrial Street rat makes no sense but there we go should have had my parents in a Cozy home if I was an industrialist but then why would I be out here mining all right Dusty airlock put your helmet on right equipper helmet press tab okay select the area in the lower right to access your inventory Yep this is gonna take some good news select the helmets category it's taking a while could I just not press U like a normal game take the deep space for mining helmet all right there we go look it's like my eyes are my own freaking flashlights look at that guy he's a handsome devil I have helmeted myself oh I need to look up if there's a walk setting hang on uh eBay the key bindings bindings sneak is left control over to run toggle always run auto move or Auto move that's quite here this is an auto move num lock alter run uh so if I hit apps then maybe he'll walk yeah we're walking to Daylight everybody out of the mine hey everybody something's happening over there oh [ __ ] [Music] incoming [Music] that was cool that was cool [Music] a gun it looks like a gun this looks dope and we're going to happen to Spanish streaming daylight it will um yeah uh anomicron it will automatically be a video on YouTube oh I forgot to talk to this guy no okay pretty great Walker hellhole like this place rare mineral contract your teeth are a bit more sophisticated now huh so you found something right here a new guy felt it bad right and everything went cool just like grabbing those minerals on bending and no Barrett not cool he passed out after the extraction woke up saying all kinds of nonsense is that right cowboy went on a trip huh you could call it that I'm fine not talking about it how would you how would you know about that did she just took she literally just told you fine huh not the most gentle push into the great mysteries of space but hey been there look just hand over the credits or you ever again Spirit the scanners on the frontier are reporting a [ __ ] coming in Hunt for Morgan oh hey do you guys have guns um wait how do I equip it what do we got here so skills star map inventory weapon Eon I'm hoping there's a quicker way of doing that I may have missed the uh the thing maybe there's a weapon wheel or something dialogue kind of sounds like the expanse caption there partakes in fun leaf you have a laser drill their bones are made of minerals do the math ah bit early to ask perhaps but how does it run for you is it smooth oh graphic settings are all up um yeah he runs great so far it seems pretty damn smooth and we are on maximum settings here Pirates tomorrow headshot [Music] oh God ouch anymore were you a pirate um yes yes oh yes of course I get to loot all the corpses now a rescue ax why is everybody carrying rescue access oh did you get if I lose him does that med pack rescue ax utter oopsie maelstrom Ira assault space helmet space Rogue muscular gear muscle Gates muscle gear muscular gear I will take it all because it all can be sold I assume right The plaz Merck helmet all right what's Maelstrom there's a lot of it on these guys you guys are fine God damn uh what's third person like for shooting I'll find out next time sorry I missed the opportunity on that one coming with me to Constellation part of this now oh okay if they can tell me what the artifact is of yours I mean if you'll take me off this damn moon sign me up wait I didn't answer any of this well wait I wait I've done to your head and constellation is really the only group qualified to help oh no Barrett no think you're just going to take off after the mess you caused yeah all right I guess I did just put you all on the Crimson Fleet hit list how about I stay and I send your dusty here in my place I I know I know but he's not some minor anymore Lynn as soon as he touched that rock something changed don't tell me you can't feel it fine it's a deal get out of here Dusty you're on to bigger things no way not my job what about the mine don't you need me thanks for everything don't you need me we've got to pack up anymore okay just go before I say something I regret well none of that settled Vasco get him to the lodge no deviations unless absolutely necessary okay protocol Indigo indigo again very well hey take this you'll find it very useful out there and it even tells the time Fitbit all right hey look at that the watch fits you perfectly now it's a watch me you're giving me your ship who are you what's consolation what exactly did we dig up why was the Crimson Fleet after you why was the Crimson Like Pirates do and I have something of a reputation as a new collector um why are you sending me just you're really not at all curious about that light and music show you experienced why it only affected you I was the one that touched it notice we've all been handling it since with no problem the way I see it constellation needs that artifact but they also need you this mystery is only getting bigger each step we take and you're part of it now okay what the hell is constellation see that's the problem is to take everything from we're the ones Brave in the unknown starting the vastness of space without us the Galaxy is just a big room with the lights turned out hey are you giving me your ship then technically it's not even mine consider it alone fine what exactly did we dig up my friend amazing can find the answer okay bye and Vasco don't let it break my ship I'm still in one piece toodles everybody take that you're gonna throw up Jesus Christ dude calm down it was just a firefight take that take that take that take that take this take that uh what you guys got to steal ing don't mind me just taking all your [ __ ] uh yeah take that can I open this gonna go in there and loot it no okay Lou would you yeah where's the pirate ship gone did they just did a scarper I'll take that probably sell it looked were you in that dust up eventually we learned like what we can take impact driver take it reactive gauge take it this is a this is my industrial site check it in right now Magpie mode engaged exactly what can I take what should I take do you think there's anything up there ah come on let's go um poor luck yeah dude thank you very much for the five months resub how are you enjoying the game so far spans you ain't even enjoying it so far it's definitely it [ __ ] gorgeous and uh it's smooth silky smooth no bugs so far thanks a nice the um voice acting is good it's good enough Vasco first aid kits and amps I won't take them I'll leave them where they are so they're not clearing my imagery let's have a quick look at that actually um we've got we're at 70 of 135 mass of all the stuff that we've taken so uh deep space suits we've got one soup but I did pick up a helmet didn't I pirate assault helmet is actually worse than my current one the Dr I presume yeah and more energy better against corrosive but less airborne heavier less physical yeah kind of like a Maelstrom is it oh that sort of oh hello [Music] favorite and drop right so it's really good I think we've got a Skyrim style um um Inventory management thing with the favorites and stuff like that so we favorite that oh yes here we go empty slots so put it there the Maelstrom goes there Eon go there and the cutter you're at the top there we go and is that what do you think that is is that b okay [Music] um right actually okay numbers I don't get a wheel we're gonna get used to the controls here sorry guys hang on okay we load sheath open data brick keys big skills right okay don't know like weapons wheel or anything like that okay so we just have to do it by Keys then interesting [Music] yeah these are the quick Keys here we set our ax on three we should say our ex really on on damn it [Music] next on that cutter is on three maybe with the car on nine because it's like mining equipment it's nothing really is it why did the ax go back to three again hang on okay that makes sense one two three okay cool one yeah yeah dude PPU machine gun three bang bang let's do it all right cool and Archer sheath all right board the piano pioneer you uh okay damage oh nice yes Q thank you Kim okay inside the ship guys to the shields just in case there aren't any difficulties oh [ __ ] they're actually animated as well that looks awesome an impact driver chunks of Apple Britain sandwich did you pick that like a log pick I'll take that that's gonna be useful this looks awesome Nova Galactic coffee mug personal slate let me take that no distractions no daliances in short no fun unless as strictly defined by Sarah set deviations distractions and dalliances are completely necessary in getting this fine vessel a discovery class starship Frontier back home in one piece I guess I'm still technically borrowing in from constellation even if I have no intention of actually giving it back no intention of giving it back actually looks pretty sick gummy bugs soap dispenser I can actually just take that sleep pictures of us okay the news there's so much detail guys research station research Labs let you discover new crafting recipes by completing research projects eat each project requires material in order to make progress the materials needed can range from raw minerals extracted from planets to organic substances extracted from alien creatures and plant life through manufactured components that can be made in industrial workbench okay yeah so you're like food and outpost development Weaponry Palmer solid Jiggy is that it yeah no scroll down here equipment weaponry so old Earth cuisine requires bread red meat and cheese sounds about right s flavor and water to research the beverage development Mixology uh now I should have been a chef performance enhancement argon etrafluoride material available metabolic agent oh my god um what about Outpost research Outpost development a manufacturer resource extractor decorations Horticulture domiciles power generation robots Outpost defenses my guard element mods speed suit mods pack mods Barrel mods rips and stocks opticals muzzle mods Jesus Christ this is freaking awesome that's so cool that's right hi drunk hydraulic clamp ampy clamp whoa interesting oh my God this gets even freaking cooler jumps jump seat I'm gonna sit in it yeah waiting waiting how do I get out okay yeah for anyone wondering Starfield will run on a GTX 1970 not well but it runs nice honoring oh yeah probably run away it'll probably run a little better on my old 2070 but yeah Noel how much stuff for robots like space Pokemon yeah I guess so tip seems to have a Star Wars feel inside it does have that kind of yeah the the whole padding around the outside is very sort of corellian Millennium Falcon style the kind of worn used weight cream kind of setting here it is kind of very uh IIs International Space Station ISS uh little kitchen units and stuff like that it's familiar but also sci-fi I really freaking like it dudes it looks sick hey yeah the detail is freaking awesome oh my God all right let's see let's go noise exit ship take off get up land and hold space to take off all right here we go we're doing the space thing people almost sounded like a freaking DeLorean then um all right here we are boost ing wise to test all controls and systems to ensure they are not on the verge of catastrophic failure I fired again private just power up all the systems and be on our way lasers balanced missiles engine grab uh yeah I want to learn to fly hold left all and use wscg to switch between systems and allocate power okay I see yep engine Shields gravity we don't need gravity Shields are in maximum engines we can up but we need to actually take we can take from lasers or Direct Control yeah let's go maximum speed relative velocity no we're speeding and we're slowing down easy yeah okay A and D uh roll draw your attention to the HUD you'll notice a speed indicator in the lower left is a gauge that goes up and down as you adjust the throttle try to Center the gauge so I press the wrong button I press e it's right this is going to be problematic because in every other game I play Roll is q and E It's A and D on this okay yeah all right that's gonna take some freaking getting used to I'm gonna exit the cockpit halfway through a fire fight I swear this is all gonna happen yeah strength protect the ship from Whole damage yeah yeah standard Shields I understand yep okay Colin's Shield I got you outrageous how adequate are you whoa hello gousting space jousted easy peasy episode I see it understood eat a loot Lanham coolant parts very good all right anything else I feel bad guys they attacked us he should have known they were fighting the great Reginald now what ships Pete's sake yeah all right it was a 42. 00 they can hold damage foreign [Music] press zero to repair your ship this consumes ship parts okay damn it come on I got zero repairs Shields do not come up apparently oh Shield to come back a little bit I got some Shields I got some Shields has been far more than anticipated that was close from their ships are high enough to jeopardize our mission they are after all right stop people need to do local Crimson Fleet Captain a recent scan indicates an abandoned facility on the nearby Moon above Crete a perfect staging area for pirates what can I loot this there we go ship parts okay I got ship parts the why can't I repair okay hang on that [ __ ] um repair there we go why is that not down here then there we go repairing the hull we've got more loot yep cake yeah I must have click something all right press freaking e again [Laughter] is that zero not key for the repairs yeah maybe I don't know it reads as like how many repairs are available is there an FPS counter I can get one for you hang in a second we just uh Johor here um wait how does damn it oh the Jeep GeForce overlay was uh I'll I'll see dirty G-Force overlay [Music] damn it Control Alt Z yeah that's what I thought it was not working yeah there's a freaking AMD in it this is an AMD game um I might need to come out and go back in for it to pick up in the GeForce experience and actually register it as a game let me get to can I save yeah okay I'll just save here all right hang on a second guys I will get a FPS counter up a second so we can see it's come out it's not control it's just oh yeah I'll Z with my controls he wasn't working nothing was working you come out controller delete yes no no no no no no no no it's of4 kicking for repair ships [Music] are you actually closing the game uh how are you finding it dude Chucky I'm pretty good so far yeah I'm just still trying to get used to everything I'm running about 50 FPS constantly okay that's pretty good that's pretty good all right hang on then e to confirm exit really you want me to log in back that's my password I don't know oh [ __ ] uh bear with me second go sorry have it have my face I have my face because I need to hide what I'm doing on screen one second just the process of [ __ ] logging in and I gotta go through all this stuff a few Factor Authentication the g-force I mean seriously right escape the bloody tour uh Battlefield here it is picked it up settings here's your Facebook login he's optimal okay so it should now pick it up and I should be able to use the overlay right Theory let's find out there is a mod for DLS 2.0 look at that nugget yeah there we go so we want it uh hot layout performance FPS top right There It Is Back done on Z all right so there we go now I have the FPS counter in the top right corner there that's the top of my head was being cut off now we continue original does it I've never used steam earlier as well although I didn't know that I've just done all that thanks guys yeah it looks like we're locked to 60. I mean I have got the global setting um the local games to 60 FPS because I mean for the streaming and stuff like that you really don't want to be um shooting it I'm shooting it is there like a fast travel thing that I missed this is going to take forever yeah have I missed the tutorial or something there am I uh hang on let's have another look see if like fire boosters yep fire weapon increase decrease next system previous system scanner menu navigation container you will be Reginald the 24th by this time you arrive at that speed I know right I need to find a way to get there quickly how do you do that I must have missed a little tooltip or something undock and state take off I tried Space already get up exit zoom in open scanner we can try the scanner next system is all about the systems and stuff I think up down left right left arm for the alternate controls ship action R Maybe um is there a map between Stars zoom out to see the entire system block of course by selecting the style you want to travel to your ship can only jump so many light years at once so you distance the star matters okay good Argos extractor mining outposts is that where we're heading then we're heading to a moon that Landing Target back to system AB here we go the ship is there star station davlic we're trying to go over there let's see Crete greet travel to Crete there we go set course X travel I did it free we have arrived in the orbit the abandoned facility with our Crimson Fleet Captain is on the surface all right so to do the whole Landing thing then I guess I got to do that open tabs open data menu from there you can open the star map we'll just press M right the planet view of this diamond gives you information about the environment let's scan the entire the planet for resources helps you discover key Landing sites rotate the planet until the Crete research lab map icon is in View and then select the map to land there okay uh scan oh nice I like the scanny scans there's the research lab there's bugger all on this place land at the Crete research base and let's go ludicrous speed now do it again online honestly I don't know why there is an A Star Wars Style game like this yet oh my oh look at that bye we're gonna go straight to exit ship I like that that's a nice little quick shortcut although I quite like the whole um RP element of getting up and walking down through the ship and stuff like that hey Vasco man I've seen a lot of like um I say a lot I've seen a few comments and reviews and stuff like that about how it sucks that you can't land your own ship or fly free on a planet and stuff like that yada yada yada this isn't a Sandbox open world space game it's sent Bethesda RPG so expectations are key um if you think it's going to be like no man's sky or you know other games like Ariana or space engineers or whatever you can free fly and stuff like that it AIMS in freaking RPG Things Are don't know this on purpose right look at this Basco see this is my problem with freaking companions I nearly chopped your legs up dude look there's some iron down here look at this it's actually iron no it's broken up my own what are you you do potential uh you could take the man off the mine but you can't take the miner out the man immigration is going to be key around here look at this place it's freaking volcanic as hell all right I got my ax let's make me go with hello hi you look creepy as [ __ ] dudes weird so if I got a scanner or do I need to get one I probably need to get one right it's not like um yeah V maybe let's maybe holster that but now I don't want to repair threatening we can walk around though we uh we caps lock we can have a little stroll we can take in the sights and the sounds and the on Beyond of this it looks freaking awesome have a little look around what are you you look maybe minerally you're actually not minerally maybe you are if I get the scanner out ledge I knew it looked minimally F to scan minerals gang creatures minerals and plants each unique item scan progresses your survey data of the Planet complete survey data to be sold for credits scanner mode also announced additional features such as building outposts and using social skills like diplomacy and intimidation I should go back and scan those little creature things no that's a laser don't do that E I need to get closer Yee F let me let me let me achieve that right f e scanned 13 . I need to scan more of them is that what I need to do okay don't need to scan multiples in order to get like complete data on it right yeah I see I see I see yep okay LED I understand now the range is 10 meters you can only scan something once you have to scan multiple of the same yep quick question how does one play this game it doesn't seem released till May 6th of September yeah lightning Luke unfortunately you have missed Early Access I think if you get the premium deluxe edition you can play now but if you've bought or pre-ordered the standard edition you'll have to wait until the sixth uh unfortunately I would do want to say a special thank you to Michael who was uh very generously gifted me the deluxe version of this game so I could play it for you today which was incredibly kind of him thank you so very much Michael if you're still there buddy you're a gentleman fiber can I drill it no what if I when I exit I ain't ask it a question yeah no okay damn it all right fine well there ain't no like normal Survival game when you run around and just like dock trees and build yourself a stone ax yeah thank you Michael you're a gent very kind right Mike has gone bad but I will speak to him later okay thank you Dreamweaver did you try punching the tree you can unlock the early game access with Game Pass for 31 dollars it does look stunning doesn't it I've got everything running on pretty much the highest settings here so um and I think um I'm streaming in 2K so unfortunately I can bandwidth can't handle the old 4K but uh actually you're getting here are you going to attack me beat stalker I wanna I wanna scan you yeah no I didn't mean to okay what are you doing I freaking oh my God Oscar you are an animal fiber tissue all right that guy went flying standard Bethesda physics everything's normal you're an enemy and they go like freaking Zoidberg off right give me that iron hey we'll actually get to this Outpost do stuff but I'm kind of enjoying just mooching around and looking at squirrels oh look at this dream looks great especially with the RTX super resolution nice thanks light pillar I'm glad it looks good oh scan the remains no I'd already scanned it I scanned it I scanned it scanner is getting used there is something over there what is that 800 meters 800 meters over there that's a long way it's quite a run unknown here with the Crimson Fleet captain oh God there's stuff everywhere like 600 meters that way silver noise I'm rich I'm rich I'm rich Japan silver you wait it came up a second and it's gone oh that's Vasco are you the plan let's go you know yeah kicking around is what you were right I see I see minerals everywhere okay I think I could probably be here all day mining right so let's move on great research lab this game is gonna absolutely take over my life I'll see you in about a year guys oh my God okay so right I'm assuming silver is reasonably valuable more so than iron all of this is going to be useful somewhere in the game that's that's the rule there is actually quite low gravity on here maybe we should arm ourselves I'm ready are you talking I can't hear you let's go typically unscrupulous and violent I got it I get that from the whole attacking me thing earlier in space you know no big deal oh geez look at this look at the lighting difference guys from outside are you right everything's fine you can see you okay you go in somewhere like a dark uh the transition is beautiful sorry I'm nerding out over Graphics right now that is that is sexy I'm not enjoying the flashlight and the scanner on the same button a folder seriously can literally take anything syringes swabs a medical sample tray is it's [ __ ] Skyrim in space isn't it I gotta film an inventory it was spoons and plates [Laughter] how do you not have a gun yet I'm sorry what I have a gun look there it is done Basco is a backpack is he and where is where is Vasco gone oh there you are oh [ __ ] did the lever I just pulled protocol Indigo dictates that I let's trade gear how can I be of assistance right Vasco has laser cartridges okay you for inventory okay this is my inventory uh queue for vasco's inventory okay so can I like resources can I say um raid oh sweet the rule yeah sweet okay so we can I mean somebody's gonna mold this UI aren't they really let's be honest anti-microbial misc ball let's just store all of that over there we go thank you take all the [ __ ] that I pick up please can Vasco refined oars I know I don't think so why is um carrying everything yourself yeah thank you right yeah I don't think you can do anything infantry saw take inspect yeah no he's not gonna he's not got a mobile Constructor on him go sorry right get there you can take boom cups hmm folders I don't know over here surgical bowl and screwdrivers at a tape measure oh there's a succulent I'll take that I think the little cactus styrofoam containers my God you can literally just be a litter a microscope value 240 sealed container you you can just take out the trash the whole time sedatives I think around cleaning up the Galaxy one loot box at a time open this all right standard classic Bethesda loading screen I'd be disappointed if there wasn't one I suppose issues a hammer thermos a cube I'll take the cube Omega last days oh look at that we got a freaking reading in books and stuff as well old pyramid I'll take it gravity Paradigm Paradigm um yep issues the vials and stuff like that oh hello another drill that's what's going on with you okay I gotta go up there blunt Collective that this was once a secret UC facility Banner disk fan 100 void basically anything over 100 I'm taking oh oh was that oh a heat leech yeah you that's disgusting oh cheese um cheese yeah that was a loot chest burster wasn't it it was a wool vagina guys uh right if anything you've watched our back for bloodstreams you know what we're talking about uh right okay that was horrendous I think that 360 on the value I never get like that much money for it and I say like maxed out trading plant I'm probably going to collect every plant that I find and fill my ship with little plants compact drivers spend all day just freaking looting this stuff blood genetic sample bottle who are you you look important what is that did you pick yeah breadstick oh 189 credits to eat see that throughout first aid kits not me and much resistance out here are we a spoon definitely taking a spoon most powerful weapon in the game dead person scientist legendary laser pistol please stand back frenzy solstice um unfavorite um there we go I just swap it with whatever new one this looks why is it got an exclamation next to it does this mean bad Hitman first 15 damage while aiming uh aiming extended magazine doubles the base magazine capacity small chance to frenzy a Target by r825 magazine 32 range 30 accuracy 69. perfect amount of accuracy no mods 42 rounds you can open cabinets as Jack you can open cabinet doors plenty of hiding spots digipex lets you summon a friendly cute monster fight with you go back and I open cabinets okay so I've been missing camera sorry guys I will have a look at that oh yeah all right hang on uh let me pop down back down again I've missed some cabinets right these guys like this here yes you can oh yeah look at that ammo crimping crimping and he still using RJ45 stuff are there any crimping some network cables huh they're missing the cabinets down here oh my God yeah look at this look at this it's crazy uh ammo I'll take the ammo wrote as a book as a notebook why can't I take that there's clearly a box with something valuable inside it but I can't take it pirate is yawning all right calm down I'm pirating right not good I was I was reading another freaking thing jumping out and getting me mascot what companions this is generally why I fly soda I should have told him to stay at the ship I'm assuming I could have done that but never mind let's move on I've got this game is a loot hoarders wet dream it really is you really hate to do this but if I don't lay down I'll be picking keycaps out of my forehead good luck Spanish have fun I made the RNG not be a complete bastard I'll catch the replay thank you Kiki take it easy buddy have a good one in the words of my favorite Heroes spoon I'm gonna open you just freeze it dude this this is like a freaking old hospital or something I swear it was an abandoned Outpost but um yeah hydraulic clamp I'll take that whatever oh I hear voices again why have I got my drill out snack drink back water sparkling water fluffy mugs where's the actual loot at though these are pirates right I believe the enemy is nearby I think you might be right I think they just spotted me through the window good luck don't die milk salmon fill it leave bus go alone thanks for asking yeah appreciate that buddy RAM and multi-pack value 155 direct blood that looks valuable 240 hell yeah you got here Grendel solstice laser cartridges deck of cards that deck of cards very valuable do that my God the Luke hoarders are just not going to be able to play this game one freaking Outpost there's so much to pick up that looks valuable you're gonna be kind of like almost strategic it's strict about what you pick up and what you leave thermos was there just a two I feel like there was another one I got them all right oh yeah I didn't get that one marshmallow treat three of them the lens flare is real you might want to heal this bench yeah there you go aeromorph is loose [Music] [Music] Eggman desk assistant packing place dumbbell that'll be a lot of mess UC multi-pack wire spool Eggman another Deck cards how am I supposed to get through this there's so much stuff oh it's safe oh here we go alien all open slots in every layer to open the lock select the key and rotate it until it lines up with the gaps in the security layer slot the key in to fill the gaps each key can only be used once there are three slot key e Digi picks I gotta fill the gaps right okay I've got to pick which key to use let me see right could be easy enough 300 credits nice oh there's did you pick there as well orange lettuce and a potato blue lab outfit five percent chance of research sudden developments that's going to be useful when we do some researchy stuff we got here red Harvest Rye another lab outfit all right fan sculpture they notebooks oh yeah look at that 600. do Mrs Sal England Saint Petersburg it tells the spice of time 100. comment all the books desktop frame plan another lock mini game just for Spanish at least that one was slightly and more enjoyable than uh I should say less annoying than the the Hogwarts one you know Hogwarts one just takes you out of it that one actually feels like you know you need to break something oh look at this another Grendel there's a weapon rack that I've just emptied excellent humidifier alien bug paperweight blender base for no blender I've taken their blender base but I've left the blender and the most annoying bastard ever hunger in there gunks chicken why is it just out should we try oh no don't try let's go [Music] Target eradicated nice Roscoe nice always a Vasco sorry vacated this location it is foolish to carry so many items on your own thank you guys I appreciate you volunteering yourself Scotty what the hell is that is that basically code for you're getting over and covered yeah this is not a good position damn foreign glass [Music] Jesus Vasco peace was never an option these are pirates in this area I still have a blip on my radar was that for another room all right come here and the Crimson Fleet how commencing item exchange protocols as your mass limit for your backpack um inventory is 148 of 135 so I am over encumbered so I want to braid basically all this use of stuff with us uh Vasco all the succulents yep there we go notes and all the books do half a mass each okay there we go down to 81. uh so Vasco is 95 1035 so good I don't have ammo then you okay yeah you're fine eel paste where did that pirate go I thought he died here did he oh yeah he went splat I got that look at the whole freaking section here that we've not looted aluminum fiber antimicrobials sealants and stuff spoons the marker pen a box of tissues pharmaceutical lab yeah standby bandages seedant and fiber craft them all bath them all antibiotics membrane uh we haven't got a membrane heel paste analgesic and membranes everything is membrane membrane memory they make a membrane no okay very full out that interface isn't it molecule extractor blood you know there's so many plants on the ship it's just gonna be full of plants it's gonna be Daft but it'll be brilliant at the same time what do we got oh hello Sunshine a laser rifle well do we have here um the equinox at the moment of the Maelstrom is what I'm using here so is there a compare compare with equipped okay hang on I gotta equip the pistol I need to equip the Equinox uh the yeah that one so if we compare the Equinox to equipped oh bloody smaller magazine rate slower rate of fire but much is better than everything else I think that's that's a given then isn't it okay so the Equinox then will favorite that over the Maelstrom and we'll use that look I love the detail on this thing hang on I'm gonna do an inspect on this look at that another little safety I don't know high voltage there's the battery under the barrel or something like that there's one chunky boy isn't it and that's just a basic [ __ ] weapon I love the detail they put on that it's fantastic all right there it is a hollow site and everything fantastic genetic sample bottle I'm not giving her a membrane that would be really useful apparently microscopes meal meal eggs and lime that storage box is empty they've got so many coffee makers around here crazy plant no it's like a rash from sparkling water lovely all the plants yeah I think we're good in this area there's just so much detail in these places dudes it is unbelievable you know we've got someone I'm on it no one's getting through you sure about that stick shot [Music] [Music] ah oh my God what do they have in there we got a Maelstrom you got a mail stream that's the next area let's have a look around here looking before we were impact driver blood yeah damn it okay pistol is in oh wow uh it's a reason to Fallout laser rifle isn't it yeah the lock picks back utility knife lamp planter that's quite valuable what is this Blaze man okay the Raptors Escape what were they doing here that bong no not a bong can I open these I can't open those this place is kind of creeping me out huh you know who I'm gonna sell all this stuff to but I mean someone yeah my God scratches on there you would have thought if that they the Pirates are moving in here to live they would have like cleaned up the bodies at least like look at this guy he is properly decomposing all right look at these molecule extractors are super valuable but blood laughs honestly I don't know how I'm going to keep track of all this stuff I mean ultimately there's a finite amount of things in the game but there seems to be so many things and I don't know what is used for crafting so it's kind of like pick everything up and hope some of it sticks you know we've got Vasco here so uh inventory slots hopefully won't be an issue too much until we get to like the end of this thing then maybe we may be starting to struggle but place is so detailed let me flash you off it's doing lens flare like craziness all right going to the lock pick to pick Tech yep uh there is no air so no decomposition I guess the appearing Spanish saying blunt rather than plan oh really did I read any of the terminals oh there are terminals to read wrapped oops no I haven't read any of the terminals okay probably not the right one to use then oh boy um did I do this wrong undo I think I did yeah ready that sucks how does this one work then um right I'll do this one first because that goes there yeah and then that goes there there we go and then here and that one bingo pick lovely hopefully this is a junk system like Fallout 4. undo uses digipicks does it crap so we had just three or three uh free undos but I wasn't gonna get it anyway I'm gonna use them either way it wasn't me because I did that wrong you think about it a little bit better funny the first one's like really easy all in order you're like yeah that's easy second one you're kind of not thinking about it and you just go straight in oops uh so terminals I didn't even realize there were terminals to read sorry these things here ah crikey right look at this aeromorph specimen thanks to the UC Marines we're now in the second piece of the puzzle a fully grown alpha predator what is my research a group of astrologists made first Contact nearly 100 years ago on some remote the creature didn't appear to be indigenous and was alone the only known record of how it got there so it was sheer Cosmic chance that an astrologist found it or rather it found them Manchester categorize it as a case a kissio Machina roughly killing machine you see Marines tasked it with taking it down shows a simpler name paramorph I read the official record once of the eight person Squad only two of the grunts survived and one of those lost a leg such an exciting time to be a Xeno in Xeno Warfare today we fit the terramorph with the NCI if our experience when the grunts first dropped of the creature is any indication our sedation window will be around 15 minutes we'd better make them count you guys are idiots no wonder you all died right thank you for letting me know about the um the terminals I I yeah didn't even tweak that they were a thing that's really cool nearby freaky freaking face hugging Beckers why I do have some Digi picks though let's do this properly shall we uh okay so the second round that ain't gonna work that is going to work in the second round okay so we can't use it I have to use on the second one there's this one as well that's gonna work are you there it doesn't work on the first round let's just work on the second round so that works and that one there foreign works on that one there [Music] that one works there how the hell am I supposed to do this that's to be used on the first one and that has to be used on the first one okay got it haunted eon is it called cornered damage increases Health decreases oh nice a David Copperfield book animate med pack 500 Value Plus four percent health over 10 seconds all right worth it that's nice was that my last Digi pick I think Dr Wayne emergency slate we're all dead roaring somewhere and more people screaming man I've been missing this whole storyline the entire African place sorry guys you're terrible Starship has a problem with lock picking ring I got there eventually gray graduated cylinder ah congratulations he graduated oh my God look at all the stuff in here the frontier has a new captain you working with Barrett or did you pry the ship keys out of his cold dead hands nice mask I'm with consolation you need to stop attacking our ship that's right I killed Barrett to tell your parents are back if let's talk die what's your problem with Barrett anyway we don't have a problem with Barrett we want that ship the frontier if you're the captain of it now that means we're after you uh Army consolation needs to stop attacking our ship oh no you see maybe your colleague Barrett didn't tell you but there's a bit of a legend surrounding that ship that constellation keeps treasure hidden in the cargo Bays the loot from a hundred planets is going to be ours that statement is partially correct the frontier as into many planets and moons thanks vaska thanks held in the cargo bays are spare parts dust desiccated food particles and a variety of species and I don't care what kind of Lies parent program that robot to say we're taking that ship there's no treasure in my ship I realizes before my people got hurt build systems as safer place I don't suppose we could just agree to disagree no hard feelings I just imagine that last line being said by The Bard from The Witcher um I forget his name persuade damn it to persuade a person you need to make successful choices choices can range from kind words to distractions to threats each choice has a difficulty the higher the difficulty the greater the chance the choice fails but the more points you'll earn when you succeed you have a limited number of choices you can make but you can never fail if your last choice is indeed you have it wrong consternation is an Explorer's group they aren't treasure Hunters right I have three turns oh I'm looking forward to tearing you apart there was the pluses here this is the rewards basically if I if I do this that's what the word rewards I get if it's a success if you want to trade ships that sounds good to me the frontier creeps when it turns anyway do you think the game is worth the 60 pounds um petition to make after only a couple of hours playing it's a difficult one to say don't far I'm really enjoying it the level of detail is astounding but I'm still very much in the first missions I don't know what the greater gameplay Loop is you know there's all the a lot of Flash and a lot of kind of visual stuff going on but the gameplay underneath that I haven't quite got to yet so while I would say what I've found so far is really good and I'm really enjoying it and I recommend it for 60 pounds yet not quite give me a little bit more time if you've got it spare and you know you've you've just got 60 grid you can throw on a game then why not but you know if it's a little bit more valuable to you and that 60 pounder go to something a little better then hold off for a second there I'll let you know in a little bit more time rip and tear there is more more than collecting plants looks like you need four points I have I don't know how many points I've got I think that's how many points you get if it's a success turns three persuasion zero Auto persuade is grayed out I'm gonna go for the middle option um you're willing to give up the ship just like that it's a cool success there isn't any treasure been trailing that old ship get out of here take your robot and your ship and get out of here I see you all again you're dead critical success to travel to constellations headquarters without Crimson Fleet interference lovely thanks for summing up Vasquez um can I loot all your [ __ ] first before I go thank you foreign Magpie mode engaged guys there'll be some stuff around here sure really surely surely surely surely Plant worth it absolutely worth it will be compromised by carrying so many items that sounds like you're volunteered to carrying for me then Vasco just one of my list in most yeah fast travel to your ship press F to open the scanner nice uh let's go with misc and give you the oh hang on that was vasco's inventory uh want to buy trade all button thank you why can't I trade that is he full he's full okay fine if he's full and I'm full then we have done well on this pillaging Quest we have pillaged well Vasco the most important item we pillaged was a spoon oh that goes up there do you think there's anything up there you want me to find out go check it Not Gonna Take It long bring it up here a little scanny scan med pack oh no weapons case this is where we checked there's a Grendel okay not the most exciting but still yeah Basco I forget about the low gravity oh I can get a fire extinguisher shot I'm taking it you never know when you need a fire extinguisher goes I'm gonna scan you what do you think about that I scanned you get out of here all right fine cost you [ __ ] you decided to chase down a stupid [ __ ] you dumbass coming at me with your breaking news that looks like a healthy account why am I stuck on let's go medpack sand pendulum okay fast travel to my ship there it is Frontier that's clearly not what I'm trying to do [Laughter] the cargo leadership has a mass limit as well okay hold on because there's the console is sparking there's a fire where there's a fire but you know the freaking console is sparking dude my God right um so everything like containers and stuff like that is there like a ship inventory ship let's repair let's see if that deals with the sparking issue inspect crew cargo hold oh yes lots of ache inventory jettison sort inspect the inventory this is mine right okay yeah okay so it's the same as Trading Moscow make it with the fire extinguisher I'm Gonna Keep The Fire Extreme shot on me right store somebody is going to mod this okay there he is gonna mod the head out of this Robles apparel Argos extractor jumpsuit base Rogue muscle uh muscle gear better radiation well we can store it can we say store mine is utility outfit is what I got at the moment no better air airborne and radiation protection five percent chance of research sudden developments good if I put that on when I'm doing research that would be useful Argos extractor jumpsuit this 120 Mass plus 5 health and O2 the same as what I currently got on but it kind of looks better I will be it to equip it and we will store the utility outfit because we're not mining right now very cool black missions in the bottom section um when you say the bottom section what are you referring to press tab missions bugger witch Quest is tracked on your head only one Quest can be tracked at a time select the name of the quest to expand the list open objectives select any objective in the quest to track the whole Quest you can press the set course button to automatically navigate to your active Quest objective all right wants me to take the artifacts to the colleagues in constellation I'll have his ship the frontier and his robot Vasco for the journey there we go RAV jumped to Jemison Tech course all right Alpha Centauri jump let me do it from there you don't even have to go into orbit or anything wow we just freaking spawned there hello I'm being scanned well if they find my spoon thank you Karen good x uh you're playing at higher res than your typical stream yes 2K well then the stream is running a 2K which is typically uh yeah I usually do it at 1080p so we're a bit higher how you doing bud uh cracksis you okay I'll get you we may have a million I feel sorry for those pirates as they watch the guy who killed their friends hop around pick up everything nail it down walk away with a box of plants and proceed to shoot at his own ship the life of the NPC they have a video they all right so new Atlantis is where we're going we've got the scanner open at the moment so we can see all the other ships around look at all these other stuff going on to see Discovery narcissists gal Bank storm Raider a lot going on here huh right here Atlantis let's go spoon successfully smuggled we get the spoon hey me sir how are you doing for the sub I appreciate you guys all right you're gonna get up you're gonna walk through my ship like an absolute delinquent as you do I need to put some more stuff in the ship like the extra guns and stuff that I picked up uh right ship Taco hold inventory weapons right born of the Eon we should probably use the bashing Grendel as well we'll keep that one I don't need to carry like four Cutters on me so you just got rid of all of them did you okay fine oh need the rescue ax solstice a rubbish laser pistol Hey Joe probably going into an area where I can sell a lot of this stuff right there might be an idea to actually eat some of this stuff I should take in what I could take in as much as I can the cell is what I should be doing right we need two lab outfits these are resources aren't they so I shouldn't take resources I should take misc yeah take that misc stuff can be sold resources are probably useful brewables ammo Aid spacesuits helmets a little weapons hey so Tabasco where's he down in the cargo hold I wish I could watch have a fun day good squares take it easy Bud thank you very much popping in uh we must now collect and category samples of all four million 163 299 guns a soil fauna and bacteria pretty much through here you can access chip cargo from the vendor oh that's nice right you hey hey hey hey hey where you going constellations headquarters is located how may I be of service done all of it because I've obviously you need to be able to carry stuff right right uh resources you can keep because only that apparel I'll take uh wait there we go misc [Applause] so if I can carry if I can trade from the um ship's inventory then I wish there was a take all you know now I'm in resources resources keep that age phone apparel um but this is the frontier hang on inventory there we go if it's in the front seat because I'm 207 in about right so um Frontier put is that going into Frontier or is that going to Basco I'm pretty confused go into Nebraska thank you remember that there is a tickle button I saw it comes up I think when you've got uh stacks of stuff but not like the the whole inventory if you know what I mean foreign you know unless there's multiple so uh I can't do that so if that one has a H it doesn't even have okay yeah you get a select amount when there's like multiples there's six there all right nailed it I think that'll do yeah yeah I'm 120 okay cool let's go but you think you took Vasco vasco's ammo I don't think I'd touch the ammo allow me to assist you with carrying your items uh Roscoe maybe you're right am I I don't know ammo he uses crap how much does Rosco use that bkv laser thank you javath Captain constantly I am ready to commence a trade KV laser that one I have 20 and again confirmed you know he's got some ammo bye heck am I going that way no unknown 500 meters that way can I can you stay here we need to live at new Atlantis in order to reach the lodge I guess you'll just come in then are you um why is that saying let me go back on the ship um did I just land not on Ludden no obviously not because I don't know where we are pretty sure I said land at new Atlantis so it's landed me somewhere in the middle of a field [Music] yeah I just like randomly on the planet somewhere [Music] that course Bravo [Music] there we go right dear Atlantis ladies and gentlemen hi and he's our new captain my crew can take a look at your ship and you can stop by to trade Authority kiosk if you need to offload some cargo just a bit yes a little bit of cargo yeah gases please thank you very much for the sub uh Mr Lobo thank you for the five months resub M I appreciate you dude thank you my ship needs some repairs one thousand credits I like to view and modify my ship let me see what ships you have for sale where did you say I could sell things where can I go if I need more crew sure how about it yes expect shipbuilder is the B button the Builder allows you to fully design modify and paint your ship the floor gauge to the right tells you where new modules will appear when the floor gauge is at zero for example new modules will be placed in the center uh in the center mass of the ship building new ship modules will cost credits and deleting them will give you credits back the shipbuilder will keep a running total and process the entire transaction at the end there is a flight check that will give you warnings or errors if your design is invalid for any reason holy moly all right so we've got here we've got uh left controllers options undo and redo plus three is pan yeah g is to add oh hello we're going like sell all my stuff first before like even trying to attempt this your credits 2 800. yeah weapons structural weapon mounts oh my God over cowling Buster away you know the wings weapon mounts yes over brake engine port you know flee you could flip it you can go variants next variant there's three variants of that there's three variants of that there's three variants of that over engine struts oh my God protective shield generators abs RAV drives air landing gears fuel tanks engines Dockers dark chocolate only three three cockpits is that it it's limiting cargo bees Landing B Landing Bays weapon early moly Molly Molly Molly thank you cowling that's just like oh I see it all do snapper what's that he tank what do you protector Shields white dwarf engines you thousand Dela reactor ballast cargo hold and then you got the pulse laser there and the pulse laser there yeah okay what have I done oh just that there we go [Laughter] all right all right we're gonna we're gonna play with this in a bit let's go make some money first Assemble um okay thank you everything looks good here I'll be at my booth if you need me oh damn this looks good attack on a United Colonies research facility will will not go we'll get you settled into your new assignments as soon as possible beware of rocket blast proceed to security screening for new arrivals hotel is shopping security and safety new Atlantis Transit hotel and shopping talk to Sergeant Yumi thanks thank you oops uh sorry bearing up my all my space suit stuff on look everybody's looking at me like who's this guy look at him what is he doing hey hey your suit is protecting you from environmental damage not anymore there you go there we go a little bit normal now should walk around like a normal person as well there we go I feel a little bit like nice hat no I like that hand they weren't that hats your Watch beats fast as your suit runs out of protection stop pulling your gun out it's safe around here right do they have boob canopy attachments oh I know we saw the cockpit variation was a whopping three so you have to worry about balancing your ship thrusters like an Imperium I'm not sure I guess we'll find out won't we all right let's let's let's move all right so I wanted to sell some stuff here so we got the viewport I assume is like a hotel Mercantile here we go Brader is what we run he frequently buys chocolate here though I have informed him repeatedly it is likely a significant contributing factor to this being overweight who's the actual vendor are you the vendor hi there hello thanks for stopping in feel free to look around you should take care of transactions I want to sell a spoon nice place to go here I'd like to see what you have for sale by the unspense kill Point okay I'll be there in a minute wait Sal here we go then weapons we don't need recuters so sell from ship inventory dammit oh please take a look thank you sell there we go we've got three eons The Equinox the frenzy Solstice we don't really need the E on at all then actually really we've got six grendels select amount to sell they'll fight with them please six maelstroms still five of those and the solstice to the laser pistol okay some weapons there ammo spacesuits don't need a pirate assault Bay suit we've got our deep mining spacesuit although the pirate assault one is actually better isn't it uh kind of it's worth more so sell it backs sell the pirate pack and the helmet Aid look at all the aid we've got holy crap limes we've got books wow some of these books had a value of like hundreds when um when I was picking them up and now it's like 13. and misc Digi picks we won okay so from ship inventory misc eggman's desk assistance I need to really improve my like um Commerce skills and stuff I suppose that's one way of getting more money out of this stuff isn't it let's just sell all of this is there a cello yeah I saw the fire extinguisher we're doomed pulling up the plants oh no hang on yeah it's fine I've got enough plants I got enough plants it'll be okay okay what have you actually got for sale though as skill point says need to get more selling skills sells everything yeah I know don't worry right so you've got weapon basically all the [ __ ] that I just told you right okay a bit more apparent Brown engineering outfit gray elbow grease gear leatherware settler Adventure hat oh a hat though bass trucker haul rap Bryden luxury lines Urban efficiency uh uh utility and utility jacket wear nice boom pop rhubarb a bag yeah a heart ah Plus two when he hell for two minutes plus 200 damage resistance for two minutes Bruce fortitude and pain tolerance sounds great instant oatmeal crap I think I just bought that I bought some sushi I'll eat it they'll be fine bye thanks for shopping at Jemison Mercantile yeah we have man the cowboy hat uh yeah okay um let's have a look at the skill points then you receive one skill point to spend every time you level up each skill also unlocks the challenge complete the challenge and then spend his skill point to rank up the skill the top row represents basic skills the rows below are locked until you have spent a minimum number of skill points okay so we've got combat why can't I move this along Mazda right physical social combat Science and Tech um so we're already expecting security okay I see I see I see science we've got research methods we could use surveying medicine geology combat ballistics dueling lasers pistol shotguns social commerce yeah that would have been see they're unlocked by for five percent less than seven percent more I mean yeah you probably should have done that shouldn't I and physical boxing Fitness stealth weightlifting and wellness be sure maximum health increase total carrying capacity adds a stealth meter 25 more difficult to detect when sneaking and some more oxygen available and unarmed attacks to 25 more damage 25 so to use when using a Power Attack right uh unlocked you can craft specialty food and drinks and research additional recipes that's a research lab persuasion we've already got so just by having one in here we can't actually unlock any more I look there's a chance you'll find extra credits when searching containers unlock the ability to pick pocket targets well we do search on lots of containers we also shoot some lasers unlock increased grab jump range jump drives get more common and uncommon inorganic resources on the surface more health and unlock adds an additional Zoom to the hand scanner and scan distance has increased to 20 meters that would be very useful because that 10 meters thing was kind of irritating and is why we pulled that that um scorpion thing in the beginning there ballistic where ships have a temperature increase damage and cost 20 less to use in targeting mode we can now utilize booster packs can now utilize ship thrusters uh unlock ship targeting functionality booster pack unsurprisingly I wanted the pick bucket one yeah bunny that Laney I don't need that I quite like being able to jump around a bit that sounds like fun there's no training in emergency personal Mobility systems have allowed for unfettered exploration on alien world you actually have a booster pack though I'd need one wouldn't I I'd actually need a go and get one be useful for when I actually get one uh right where's that scanner range one I think that was probably going to be the most use for me surveying 20 meters rank one available increase the skill scanning baby useful no explosives uh has it been fun so fast man it's been in pretty incredible so far I would say uh completely smooth no bugs or glitches uh we've had pretty much we're we're hitting around about well I got the FPS meter in the top right there [Music] no bugs or glitches [Laughter] uh yeah but really it's been a smooth it's been smooth so far 60 FPS pretty much stop I keep hitting right click on my mouse it draws my gun um to pickpockets I would assume you need to be stealthy not really your style okay hi how you doing you're just being a standard Bethesda guard on you please tell me it used to be an adventurer they took a laser belt to the groin and something this place is um pretty swish though really swish oh a coffee shop yeah I gotta go get a coffee I'm sorry hang on I'll be right back hold on although I have attempted an analysis several times racing mod quantify humans addiction too thanks for choosing team certainly please take your time oh that's the nicest coffee shop person I'm interacted with cappuccino classic cortado espresso latteo maciato they all have the same bonuses apart from that one there strong Italian coffee 2002 recovery for three minutes those three health I'll take the espresso thank you very much what's your favorite thing on the menu stop flirting yes nice helmet I guess um where's my coffee eggs chicken ramen snacks fartling terrible espresso I drank it kind of I don't feel like I've drunk a coffee you feel like it would have been better if it's in my hand and I see my character doing that but no it wasn't to be no no mocha don't even see like any kind of indication of a buff this is transit or the net it provides free transportation thanks thanks Vasco uh we watched the whole thing there gotta get ready for work have a great day thanks Arjun you too buddy thank God no pumpkin spice Anthrax thanks for the follow dude uh okey-dokey as well thank you for the 12 months research appreciate you guys thank you very much yeah this generally looks like a freaking train station I gotta say it is so slightly futuristic looking train station I don't know what I expected but it's really big versions of those blue crystals that you hit in Hogwarts Legacy also Barrett has told me what water provides on Advanced hydroelectrics for most of its power that gotten cloudy scan you can you can you okay bye it's pretty it's pretty we'll just go with that it's pretty oh there's the water you were talking about yeah it looks alright this is good water I'll give you can we get a little car um Reliant Medical hello nice t-shirt I mean this is a fairly busy area but nothing's changed what oh oh investigate brownouts in the well don't Sergeant Yumi okay we've missed that one oh God like I'm going like random little side quests popping up just from walking and talking that's pretty cool usually after like actually talk to people where these ones were just in a United Colonies City but constellation is an entirely neutral entity and always has been okay yeah usually have to talk to people to get side quests pick up like that that's interesting this is a little overgrown huh I have messaged the other members of constellation they will be waiting for us inside okay I think I guess round outs are rolling blackouts I don't know I know what brownout is it's just uh I was more taken aback by the fact that we just picked up a side quest I think it's technically due until Sunday night hi good luck with the homework you got this oh Andy did um it kind of looks like the Citadel from Mass Effect a little bit I suppose as in that it's a tall pointy structure a funky ass watch foreign were here he'd probably tell you that you're part of something bigger now and he hopes you'll make this place your home oh we appear to have a visitor welcome to Constellation we have a lot to talk about tell us what happened to our friend why you're here and he isn't I sorry I just got here Irish attack Baron asked me to deliver the artifact it doesn't matter I have your artifact who are you why don't we start with you telling me what constellation is uh everybody peeps chair of consternation care that means anything you discussed with Barrett is my business now if you would please answer my question I suppose you answered minds and it's fair enough um Pirates attacked Byron asked me to deliver the artifact vosco verify all statements made have been factual is this is just typical Barrett hands over our ship and our robot to some random employee of that discount mining outfit he uses lovely and if we hadn't insisted on installing those emergency protocols I guarantee you this rock breaker here would be halfway to Neon but that didn't happen he's here with the artifact yeah thank you Mattel now let's focus on what's in front of us shall we what happened when it was extracted did anyone see anything hear anything I'm going to talk about this that thing almost killed me how many times has this happened who else had these visions we think it's anyone else who pulls one out of the rock for the first time why we're not sure yet so if you wouldn't mind adding another data point Bright Lights of Music interesting similar to Barrett's description of the experience with less embellishment well I'm sorry I'm not a freaking poet or not why couldn't it be part of the ultimate mystery that gentleman can we please Focus Noel right let's see we know the artifacts react to each other the pieces we already have move when they're in close contact now if we add this new one to the two we already have the artifact if you could place it on the table here that's it and to imagine you thought there were only two of them at first oh my God that's it they're reacting look at how it's coming together yeah we have eyes working between them no manufactured material in the subtle systems can do that none of them this proves easy girl you'll have a hunt attack he's not the only one if coming together built by an intelligence outside the settled systems aliens still 2 000 credits for our little wager you're on Walter well if you had all the answers it wouldn't be exciting now would it not to take away from the moment but what are we going to do about our new friend so are you ready to get to work see if exploration is the life you want to lead in this little Universe of ours um this is all a little much need sometimes clear my head how much do you know about the artifacts what are they you want me in consolation what does that mean what's expected yeah what is expected we're all here because we're committing it lowering space Humanity may have settled the stars but that doesn't mean we should stop diving into the unknown beyond that you'll be expected to use your own judgment it's like the rest of us okay how much do you know about the artifacts what are they individually they're just odd hunks of metal another Oddity from the Uncharted as to what they are what they're building well you'll be part of solving that all right what happens next time to get settled in introduce yourself to everyone some of our members aren't here but you'll meet them soon come find me when you're ready you and I are going to be doing some traveling together get your feet wet and here I think you've earned something for bringing the artifact to us in addition to credits don't we set you up with a backpack with some boost capability oh you'll need it out in the field anyway just mind your head thanks [Music] swish I get a backpack a Boosty back a Boosty pack are you ready to get to work it looks like a cult it's a little culty I'll get you okay so what's consolation what do you do how well known as concentration what do you know about the artifacts oh okay uh I was gonna ask about the whole jetpack thing but um oh don't patronize me let me know when bye inventory installation pack very ran out of o2 further exertion will cause OG buildup do it build up sorry I'm on a breathable Planet it's fine doc not worrying it panicking this guy panicking honestly wait how much how much money do we actually have do you have um credits 15 000 okay cool we made some bit money on all that selling and stuff like we've got a new new skill point um so we got the booster pack you now utilize booster packs that's what we want that's why I'm gonna unlock that's doubles previous bonuses build your regenerates more quickly using booster packs and expenses fuel okay uh there's no level cap on this game so everything here and all the tears in everything you can unlock I believe at least anyway [Music] that's fixiophobia [Music] isn't Sarah the same voice actor as the doctor in Mass Effect no idea no dear Elder nuke uh chat what class is he industrialist I'm gonna build some ships I am at your service captain um however there's a couple of little side quests that we picked up here sponge working towards being a Mandalorian yes we okay we're definitely gonna have to upgrade that because that is garbage was that it oh hello I'm gonna get that pack up yay climbing trees running jumping climbing trees hang on then come on double jump no you won't take it let me recharge it a little bit longer we can get there we can get there damn it okay hang on these trees are remarkably solid remarkably solid um king of the world fantastic okay anyway s yeah I was tempted by bouncy hands we're gonna say it's just um there's a lot of skills that I think you'll just have anyway well not necessarily but yeah anyway book to know about quarters investigate brownouts in the well and talk to Sergeant Umi biscuit relative let's go with that one let's let's do the brown out one one small step the old neighborhood so I want to talk to me about my first mission I brought the artifact to conversation now you want me to join Sarah Morgan is asking me to come with her on a mission okay is that complete now yeah okay let's see about this power outage of business over there down there okay [Music] good job that the backpack just suddenly spawned on my back because for a second there I was like crap I unequipped it somehow I was about to die just now the tree pruner tree surgeon class right okay so that's in the stationary thing right okay quite a ways to go bad black dog dude thank you for the 12 months resub I appreciate you and track thank you for the following welcome along I said that already but I'll say it again thank you sat in the water hang on I'm not sure if that's in the water or if it's in here in the water yeah the well activate industrialist rat with yeah we are cat made me take the freaking um follower hero worshiper well this looks a very different side of the city above doesn't it you citizen I love that hat and I'm only one person it's so overwhelming okay hey hey James just sort of thank you for the five dollars dude sorry I shouldn't assume maybe you go back Carl you're just not the girl I was waiting for yes they're doing fine we're supposed to be investigating a power drain down here people have been reporting brownouts for a while and mass finally decided to follow up on it I can't be in two places at once and Carl isn't here so I'm just trying to look inconspicuous yes I took the adoring fan chat made me all right um I could assist you well since you're here I'm gonna head to the monitoring station the first box we're looking for is over near UC Surplus you know Antonio's face I can contact you once you get there all righty all right so the activity led to a side quest here we go um because I went with dream house I was tempted by that but I didn't like the idea of having a mortgage in a video game uh one dude an introvert I went introvert as well um Chris what else did I pick I can't remember though they're not in here are they um oh it was no this is the main thing using it so yeah what are my traits I can't freaking remember great see you again oh yeah Neon street right that was it um yeah so his special dialogue options better awards from some missions on neon crime bouncy by other factions has greatly increased whoops but yeah hero worships isn't an introvert thank you Java sorry pardon me coming through place is crowded oh joke it's some kind of celestial being they call it the Great Serpent is it real well if I know but they think it is and that makes them dangerous dangerous all right hey can you use this working I only have a general view of things find it open it up and plant this great job thanks wow really okay got it next one is way down past Jinx and maybe up a story or two it's a bit of a hike sorry yeah no worries all right I gotcha yeah selecting one makes the other available [Music] hey Morpheus thank you for the 21 months research wow your early High span shower star field so far is it worth the 70 US price tag it's debatable really I would say that if you've got seventy dollars to spare run a game go for it because so far I think it's freaking fantastic and huge but I'm only a few hours in it's difficult to give like a proper review at the moment because at some point this game is getting repetitive and I just don't know what that is like at this point wait what I didn't mean to do this I thought it was a normal door okay uh I feel like I'm probably gonna need this for that one yep it's for that one this for that one that one there and there [Music] well that doesn't fit anything oh yeah that's that one that's the second layer that's the first layer no what's wrong first layer first layer second layer a missing one I'm missing this one here [Music] yeah um that one's done twice okay I see that one's done twice does this one go there [Music] we go that's it oh yeah oh my God foreign what the hell I didn't expect this why is it not reloading reload the freaking gun already how many times do you need to reload the hmm where did it go oh God I don't know why I pissed it up again [Music] Christ [Music] in sin iso-centered magnet what the hell is a big freaking robot dog doing down here hit toggy good doggy not good doggy murdered his owner I'll take all his staff obviously but I honestly thought this was supposed to be where does that do the blinds yeah I'll do the blinds do people can't see me in here empty beer bottle that's a lot of empty beer bottles [Music] 28 days ago 25 degrees 22 22 to the latest entry this is the girlfriend of mine told me you were looking to purchase a Model S is that true yes my man those robots are so badass I've got to have one guarding my Mansion you know how much are you selling them for everyone it's decommissioned unit that equipped a good looking to get rid of if you can if you could pay cash we can make a sale you do know it's illegal to buy these things right oh meet me behind Orion Tower at midnight we need to come back to immediately and give me the money you were lucky that I'm willing to let you live after that if you don't pay me or return the robot I'll kill you woo you got trooped you got two food you were like hello yes sir do you have the money thank you please and I was like here's your money Bam Bam Bam now I have Bruno what are you gonna do yeah you know what's funny I do have the money I keep it right next to my bed not that you'll ever know where that is bye hahaha he did a buddy um are you out of your mind can you possibly be this stupid you know who I bought that robot from right the words remote activation mean anything to you bring me my money immediately or I'll you'll you will be dead in your apartment tonight tofu for the gay style a freaking security guard robot dog thing and then decided to mock the guy he stole it from and no one was surprised that the robot guard dog thing then murdered him that's fantastic that is a safe here this will be where his money is then 900 credits Whiskey and a space trucker hat oh is it and it's stolen it's coming up as stolen goes dead no shower you're in there nope ouch I haven't got a suit on so I've got a flashlight um so if I get scanned now murder yeah yeah well in character creature this could take a while yes took me nearly an hour that's contraband uh uh so where's it going hang on is it under Aid yeah Duck's pie package pumpkin pie flavored Chuck's Food Q well I just eat that now I just eat it there you go Brink pack whiskey is that whiskey oh my God it's in it is it a juice box whiskey Juice Box eight plus eight carry capacity of five minutes minus 25 recovery I'll just drink it there you go it's not Contraband now is it helmets none no but I got a space trucker hat I'll just wear it nobody will think I stole it right it's not like adding a they stole this beak into my head oh [ __ ] hell I'm pissed bye time to go rewire some electrical stuff I guess this is fine you can go to jail I I better have good luck tomorrow says lady yeah I hate my character too lady are you saying you made an ugly did you you hear how she looks oh no thanks [Music] and tell me about Jakes you need to go check close my door hang on second guys okay thank you camera follow me camera follow me yeah he tried to murder all the Pokemon I have drank sake in a juice box damn Brian Nene's a gangster get another bullets it turns out there were a lot of them fantastic I flipped it worse than I thought Ikea is a good place to pick up side quests the train Authority okay just find that and uh maybe don't talk to anyone about it just yet maybe don't talk to anyone about it just yet okay seems fine yeah sure ever run into spacers scumbags and scavengers is there a stairwell in here foreign 's very familiar I gotta admit I'll go Starfield a soft com goes very well thoroughly enjoying so far okay the final box I need you to deal with should be right around there unfortunately I just realized you're in for a real thing it requires computers I don't remember the order the flip levers until all those circuits are powered down levers until they're all powered down okay I got to go all lights gotta go on there we go where we met I am solo and ammo foreign this is not the way where is the way which is the way why is the way this doesn't seem like the way either oh this may be the way Liberty lips any unlimited carry weight mods out yet oh it's a bartender at viewport right got another activity this doesn't seem right either what the hell where is she she's like so close but like freaking miles away at the same time how do I get up there oh hey did I say thank you because thank you there's no way I could have done that in a reasonable amount of time all by myself uh as long as the money's good I'll do what needs me doing that we both got to waste our time I wonder if we just made things worse money right sure of course thanks for your help I was able to trace the power dream I know where it's coming from right unfortunately the source is exactly where I was afraid it was the trade Authority I murdered him oh that's something that I'll need to deal with that'll be fun if you wanted tag along I certainly wouldn't complain but if not then this is where we Bart ways I'm happy to tag along it's fine being reported down here I don't know if you ever dealt with the trade Authority but Zoe is intimidating I have to go in there but I really really don't want to to go with me just make sure this doesn't go badly I would be happy to I got your back thanks that means a lot I can do the talking I think just be ready you must go the way of the Mandalorian anything this is the way all right follow hang on I need a drinky drink yeah what I have dubbed the zpm right hi I'm here uh are we walking are we okay fine yeah so enjoy the Ambiance of this undercity it is piketastic though very pipey lots of pipeage um got your back in my scoop cheese walking slightly faster than me this is lady annoying I can walk for a look I'm a really slow Walker why different things to always do this make the Walker the same speed walking I guess foreign to catch up it's all that junk in your pocket sponge uh wait I sold most of that junk I did pick up some new junk though didn't I you're right very pipey Punk pipe Punk look at all the piping it's beautiful It is Well textured I gave him that he pressed the wrong button sorry it's caps locked to unlock and it's tab to open the thingy they're right next to each other and I got fat fingers she is pictures yes well you know that because I've been in here three times of course you are and was it you were accusing me of with absolutely no audience the power drain is coming from your building I you and I both know it and now I can prove it I'm sorry what we traced the dream check the grin and let us hear you you can't talk your way out of this I'm going to ask you to wait here a moment I'll be right back um freeze [ __ ] I said damn it you gotta lock yourself in there I'm following I'm gonna guess she's not gonna do anything incriminating while I'm stood here fine I'm gonna watch from here though I'm gonna guess I need to come all the way out be ready for anything I don't know if she's going to come out of there with a gun or intimidation check failed I don't want this to turn out violent if we can avoid it okay it's okay everything's going to be fine I won't fire the first shot but I'll fire the last one let's just assume things are going to get rough uh yeah well you're in the way of the Mandalorian that's that's the answer this is dramatic I like Louisa he's cool I apologize for not taking this matter more seriously I assure you I will eagerly assist in getting to the bottom of this we're not weaseling out of this we got to the bottom of it you are the bottom you're a bottom I appreciate your enthusiasm for your work but I do excuse me someone has indeed been using this location through which to Route electrical power it is not the trade Authority I've had my suspicions for a while and have been keeping detailed notes which I'm happy to share with you for now though what do we do next I wait what oh For Heaven's Sake I presume you've been assisting Miss Reyes and tracking down this little problem don't talk to me talk to her work to be why don't you continue the work you've been doing with an assurance that the trade Authority will compensate you for your time don't recruit me [ __ ] I'll coordinate I will slap you miss Reyes with masks access to the grid we'll find out who did this soon enough why presumably you're the one who's been doing the field work so I believe you'll find there's another junction box out there in the well that needs your attention how convenient okay well this is not how I saw this going for the moment let's assume this is all legitimate I can sort out the details with Zoe so why don't you go investigate the next junction box because Zoe really is maybe or maybe she's a snake snake egg okay Louisa I got you though I will do the junction box thing don't die don't get kidnapped don't get electrocuted and don't get eaten by a snake up there I need to get up there stairs stairs Bears yeah hey stairs stairs are good what the damn it I think the gravity is really strong down here that that is definitely not health and safety approved um how the smack am I supposed to get up there though I'm not talking to you sunshine shut up I'm gonna figure out how to get up there it is not clear but the hairs are stairs at the upper level so this is a good start you're locked wire's key might be the way through but maybe there's another way around it here we go this looks promising can I loot stuff here spacesuit workbench all right hold up well well look at this no mods basic boost pack I can mod it extra capacity mod I need two sealants I've only got one I got three polymers though that's cool emergency aid medic ative trauma packs regeneration regeneration is generally that is that's what I like Auto healing you know um hyper catalyst amino acids positron battery and emergency kits this is one of the things I was saying earlier about all the stuff that I was picking up no idea what actually is useful and whatnot you just gotta like pick everything up and hope something sticks um right okay requires computer okay I don't need that actually here we go take the kids balls you guys are freaking Savage in the chat today honestly updates activity is that clear yes junction box 45a or Logan or location junction box 45b are you looking at the same diagram I am 47b is obviously the next one the same level so we I know how to read all right I trust Louisa I'm gonna be a big time space but it's okay I'm sure you are don't you worry about it long employee of mass grows what she's talking about oh please that was indeed the correct junction box ah see that Zoe yes yes fine let's move on I'm sure you can handle whatever challenge might be associated with reaching the Box great okay just making sure you saw it so now things get interesting I can't find the next spot on any of my current diagrams and I can begrudgingly confirm that she's reading them correctly we've reached the conclusion that it must be some surface outside the well this Reyes has suggested that this means it's somehow no longer it's Melody frankly don't care find this person Ally agree with Zoe it's not technically my problem at this point but I want to see what this Trail leads stop side I'll pull the diagrams will need to contact you okay what what [Music] okay power down the junction box and locate the junction box okay sorry I kind of missed what the bank I'm supposed to do there is powered down right red means off right so why isn't it updating the thing okay well let's move on to the other one let's see what happens when I do that one um you need to go top side now okay uh Spaceport Promenade from an ad the map markers though the quest markers are still staying here so I'm like are you ready okay before she returns it's night time I guarantee you the trade Authority will pay well it's somewhere all right okay that's uh I'm you know I'm interested there's an interesting offer Zoe voiced by Jerry Ryan then what now that you mention it just she does sound a bit like it but I don't think so by Victoria I can't believe it [ __ ] is it you is it really really you captain of the frontier bane of the fleet constellations shining star of stars I've literally just joined constellations so what what what that's exactly what I would say you are definitely any constellation there's no Neighbors about it I have an eye for these things not that you're hard to see with that Halo on your head although at first I wasn't sure if it was just the glare but now what are the odds and to think I almost went for coffee instead changed my routine for one day one day and here you are here you are you make it sound like I'm famous I'd much rather Fade Into the background as my introvert ability it's definitely not agreed it's clearly Destiny look I was just reminding me in business when you came up to me you changed your routine I'm gonna go over the introvert one because it's like yeah feed never only Brian shimmerman's in this oh that's awesome either way it is you should play Obama do you mind if I follow you around do you need a sidekick what am I saying you're a hero of course you do oh I get no choice signing the adoring fans your crew will make him essential until unassigned thank you if you're gonna be my sidekick wait you need a costume costume I'll start working on it right away as soon as I learn how to sew until then maybe I can be a sidekick in training do you have an academy where fans can practice groveling at your feet if not I can start one fine welcome rewards you won't be I will kind rename him uh manager career review change their assignment senior ships and outpost different crew have different skills which are hand which enhance your ship's Outpost um uh Anna signs sorts sign damn I can't rename him okay bye wait what hey no no yeah um he explains Dwayne Dwayne doing I can't fit through here though oh I can go over it though absolutely badass oh yeah Unstoppable baby that was fun all right moving on [Laughter] wait he has weight lifting he can carry a ton of stuff is this Gerald all over again yes yes yes it's bloody Gerald Green fan is not a romantic option I think good well he tend to all of your needs all of those things repeat the cruise meet Shield has just been acquired as Andy nice ah here we go you know I think I remember seeing a report about power problems on one of the upper floors I think it's related how did you see reports about power problems are in a building in the upper floors when you're responsible for the well one might say well well [Music] uh okay here we go this takes you a little while to figure these out but bear with me guys this is definitely not a first layer one okay so this is the second layer one and probably goes wait yeah that one probably goes there or there that's the first layer damn it nope foreign first two oh sorry the second layer there's the second layer yeah first layer that one and that doesn't make any sense now it does nope no they're used twice that one's missing so okay I've got them wrong then I can go there this one doesn't fit any configuration on the first layer so it must be a second layer one uh so that goes there right okay that has to be your first layer as well because I mean there's no other way it will fit anything else that one first layer is those two second there is second layer I'm so confused [Music] not the sharpest through the shed are you there with this this thing is absolutely completely blank me foreign them all up but um didn't clean out that has to go there has to go there I'm gonna go to there what the [ __ ] there isn't enough points you can cover everything is this one's always missing let's do that there we go that's the back of me I didn't think it didn't fit and then it does fit sorry I'm an idiot yeah no it's sorry I was being a stupid idiot I just um that that one just I thought it didn't fit in that configuration I would like I swear I went past it but uh yeah okay we're gonna steal stuff in here let's not do that record soos Record paper records on it and receive how is this guy doing is this the adoring fan sorry other people to watch it was that one that that I finally figured out the last one that was like oh okay it does go that way I just like I went around so many times it I didn't think it fitted it looked like it didn't fit but it does um apparent slicing Target ATM trans right zero zero zero one credit transaction uh scammy Nano files Deliverance to Zoe powder delivery evidence to so my guy got created with the rewiring you should have all the juice you need to run the program non-stop so stop messaging me and get to work don't expect my cut soon leave the damn door locked last thing we need is someone poking around even if galbank notes missing funds they won't have a way to trace it they'll call it a malfunction and wipe the records like they always do money is All Digital anyway they can literally just make as much as they want he's got a point blood I don't know if that plant wasn't stealing exotic bottle Vanguard Adventure awaits nice bathroom though that is swish pants Swedish pants all right guys should we go back to um can we go back to the trade lady or the other lady the masked Lady this is the question that's what she said that was like watching my nan program of VCR recording ah man I feel bad I feel bad already you guys are laying on thick dudes okay um hang on let me check the mission here power down the junction box deliver the evidence to Zoe or Luisa we deliver it to Rosary or Louisa Oblivion lock picking was the worst it was a too it was too accurate if we really get a train from there to there yeah I need to buy some ammo sure where I do that but we'll find some oops I'll get some climbing up here now laughs you have ballistics to use foreign it just it was like uh it was a brain fart it's already called a brain fart and somebody's so stupid and little I overlooked it why is that still a [ __ ] thing power down the junction box won't tick off maybe that's a bug maybe that's a bug maybe we found our first bug can't give Zoe anything don't you okay but she said money he said money yeah ah Luisa foreign [Laughter] do you have something for me yes this need information needs to get a mask yeah I'm glad you made the right decision I feel bad I'll look this over and make sure that Master I'm over it just as much as they need not a bit more okay the trade Authority will not forget what you've done for us two thousand didn't have to end at a glance they may have had some success this will make for some entertaining late night reading well touchgrass it's been such a pleasure having you here I'll be sure and pass along my compliments to your superiors I hope whatever that is it's worthless to you and you know I'm somewhat sure you weren't behind this all along whatever this is sorry to hear you say that I was trying to be sincere well in any event thank you for a wonderful diversion from my usual work feels bad it feels bad right so I talked about an interview Port talked to know all about quarters talk to Sergey Sergeant yubi Sergey um we store to know about quarters because I wonder if that's like we get some Quarters here that would be nice um yeah sorry Louisa oh man she doesn't hold any resentment she's fine she fine don't worry about it hi everybody don't worry about me I'm just running past everything's fine don't you wait what oh yeah full span sold this over three grand also the trade Authority sounds like a really good maybe faction to get kind of on the good side of though his master just kind of like maintenance grub Lords yeah whatever they'll be fine where am I going over there Ultra Scientist by tree okay they come in thick and fast guys I don't know how like we could probably be here all day doing these little side quests I'm a guest that they are an ending wait that just takes me back to there that's not what I wanted to it's um oh no is one of the constellation people okay yep Louisiana's pissed on the inside no dates for you the poor get poor and the rich get richer hey man don't hate the player hate the game that you're not no that's Sarah it's just leading me back to the main quest I thought I did this brilliant show me on the map it says oh I can just travel straight to it the lodge Lord who needs to walk [Laughter] what this is the lodge who's Noel which one is no which one of you is not that's Mateo noise your Walter you're Vasco you are satisfied with the corners it was intense wasn't it the art facts I mean I'm behind you sorry this must all be a little overwhelming for you right now you mean turning around I guess a lot overwhelming now that I think about it I'm Noelle it's really nice to meet you yeah I'm still behind you thank you for bringing the artifact to us you're right um there I said something about a place for me to stay planning on sticking around then good I think we can find a spot for you and along the way I can give you the very abbreviated tour but there's that so you've seen the library obviously Walter is quite proud of the collection she turned around KO has made more than a few contributions Gardens are out the doors there if you need a moment of Applied contemplation emphasis on the quiet part at least usually let's head upstairs Banks constellations founder had this place built decades ago it was a big to do at the time but most people in the city have forgotten were here this guy caps lock damn it no freaking tab foreign so this is the bar usually no tender so help yourself within reason of course oh now let's see about that room you're in luck we were almost at Max occupancy already one room up for grabs it's been nice having the place so full uh playing Morrowind the first playthrough I didn't finish the game because I was enjoying all the side quests so I love that Vasco just straight ridicules you for being a loot Goblin yep he does and then he complains to you that you're carrying everything hang on nice that's cool I like it I like it I like this better though now this is what I'm talking about have you guys seen the new Skull and Bones game Ubisoft to making common room on one side so that'll be cool looks quite good tail on the other side so less quiet I'm sure Sarah has something planned for each of us so I'd better get back to it don't want to keep her waiting too long enjoy okay thank you this is mine this is super nice well swish I got a sealed cocktail mixer with Chandra Chardonnay pants the Ice Bucket look at this guys this is oh I got a storage safe desktop digi-frame heck I can put my transfer I can transfer stuff in here Reddit um I can put this doctor in there empty beer bottles I could put my plants in there that's really awesome constellation guide did I use that remember the infant reduces full damage foreign ham everybody's stolen ham in there reveal uh battle meal multipack we're still 28 and plus a carry capacity for eight minutes that's useful a lot of this stuff is just like extra health research product projects require less resources fewer resources for 10 minutes nice sliced Apple packs Ramen yeah you know sweet Bruno Mark watch case looks very familiar that's what you get if you get the constellation pack isn't it actually in IRL I will set I will enjoy my chair and I shall have a Pity sit um excellence okay we need rooms like this in a period Elliot ravian please fix yeah I mean you could do the wood paneling in Imperium you can do the wood flooring in Imperial you can even have like the little rug thing the bed looks garbage though and you don't have side tables wardrobes or other Dutch nice chairs and stuff like that so yeah it would be good right okay I've spoken to Noel about rooms scientists by the tree bartender at viewpoint and Sergeant Yumi okay so let's let's do the Sciences by the tree that literally just came out didn't it so uh and can we just travel straight to that set course party well that food is making me hungry it's still dark on this planet this is totally my planet it's nicer than Neon that's cool all right Mr science pissed by the tree bye hi I'm sorry to be distracted I need to get to the bottom of this is Skull and Bones a better version of the Sea of Thieves well it's looking a little bit more like um I don't know if it's gonna be single player or Co-op or something like that I saw some developer um footage of it and it was when see if he's announced it was going to be this kind of like a Arena based almost like rocket league but on the ocean right and I think they've completely scrapped that idea and they're going with a with a proper actual story narrative driven RPG type thing it um it looked kind of interesting anyway sorry you seem to be staring at a tree I am not staring I am analyzing staring this is important xenobiological work staring I work for the scientific division of Mast I've been studying this tree for quite some staring and it appears to be exhibiting some worrying signs are you familiar with this particular specimen do you understand it's important it's a tree look I have a lot of work to do here if you're just going to gawk I'd ask that you move on if you can actually assist me however I would appreciate it I don't normally solicit help from random passersby but it seems an exception is necessary would you be willing to retrieve some additional data for me I might be interested in something of it for me hey Ott thank you very much for the six euros Super Chat there who managed to catch the stream glad to see you playing this buddy how do you like it thus far I would categorize myself as loving it so far well I'm sure we can work something out very much enjoying it I'd love to help well that's thank you that's unexpected there's a series of biosensors I've placed in various locations around New Atlanta pertinent information they've been running for long enough that I think it's time to collect and analyze their findings if you would bring them to me that would save time right okay I will do my best I will help the tree hugging scientist dude person because honestly these trees look dope and um yeah preserving this would be awesome it all died off that would suck man let's go I am going to be the fastest tree data retriever in history take the biosensor hi good evening to you don't mind me I'm just like you know everyone else except I Sprint everywhere and use my jet pack jump off of things uh I know what the tree does it allows you to live yeah it's unexpected players normally just kill me any Badger you got a point there buddy all right I have the bio sensor the last one is all the way over there this is oh no there's two more yeah just two more this one wait three more what that marker just jump from over there to over here Bethesda oh I see I gotta go on a tram yeah see that's what I expected right one of them says good evening sir the other one's like nobody business with the booster pack I got it got it what is this Pioneer Tower looks nothing like pioneer Outpost I see it looks a lot like pioneer Outpost well uh Pioneer up which is cleaner what does that say Ron's Roost hey I would be surprised if we played this all day oh yeah well I'll tell you what guys are gonna be taking a break around about half four so that's in about an hour and a half um to do IRL stuff and then I'll be back on about eight to eight o'clock maybe half eight I'm not sure exact time somewhere between eight and eight thirty my time again to carry on playing so I'll be having a little break but I'll be back and it will be essentially playing this all day maybe it's Dawn Dawn's a good Shout hello you're an artist sensor hey are you looking for eggs too I've only found one so far but I want to find more before anyone else does so if you see some can you tell me um I'm not gonna bio sensors not eggs the Yankee fan wasn't beeping was it yeah it was weird right saying over at UC distribution bought the one I found and she said she might buy more if I can find them I could really use the credits balberg Whetstone this place is super fonts is this like a little restaurant with what four tables how exclusive it is this place jeez [Music] don't get too chubby what do you mean what do you mean Laney I guess I will allow a little break um 8 PM how long does it take you to poo no I gotta I gotta make dinner for my little girl and Twitter to bed and there's bath time involved and everything you know pray do distribution now before you say a word I am required to inform you that formal complaints cannot be filed until the customer feedback system is back online I have been told it'll be up and running in two weeks but you know how these things are I am sorry for any potential inconvenience also if you're here about a corporate account I've been assured that deliveries will be back on schedule soon I thought you bought an egg from a a kid recently I need it Jordan kids in here every other day with some random thingy thing I took pity on him why what is it sensitive scientific group have been very important oh really well you can have it back for what I paid for it plus a little extra let's call it a convenience View and this is inconvenient because if you'd left yet alone don't you just give it to me I could but I did pay for it I'd like to recover my losses and it's all the way in the background oh my God back there then back out here I did say this was important after all honestly it's probably worth way more than what we're talking though did I pay you it's only 100 credits isn't it 100 credits damn it lip sync is off yeah the sound's a bit out isn't it sorry about that guys fine pleasure doing business with you yeah you suck I didn't even see you go to the back room and then back out again come back if you need something else if you can actually steal stuff oh hey in space just do us all a favor and never turn into one of those spacers scum of the Galaxy Crimson Fleet feet oh yeah I mean let's just leave your doors unlocked I could have just stolen them oh well [Music] this game is cool though it's not like it would I thought it would be it's it's very Bethesda it is very very bethesd you can see there style influence from all their other games everywhere but that's not necessarily a bad thing um because I mean like I said before they they make some great stuff you can you've got this ball out in here there's Elder Scrolls in here there's there's all the DNA but all set in a Sci-Fi universe pretty freaking cool too far where's the thing there is Mass Effect Vibes yeah uh I've got your sensors right here so you do wonderful I'll just take these what they have to tell us we'll just upload the data give it a moment giving it a moment and just another moment and at the moment it is working isn't it I don't know you're the bloody science as you tell me ah there it is now let's see this is well it's who am I oh my ammo there good point yeah it mustn't forget to buy some ammo what's wrong with the tree talk to me well there's good news and bad news the good news is that my suspicions were correct there is something wrong with the tree I will report my findings to Mast immediately with no small amount of satisfaction the phrase I told you so may even be uttered more than once that doesn't sound like good news well from a certain point of view and and admittedly somewhat selfish manner I see good news as it were is that the internal composition of the tree is changing who's mutating the case the tree is now regularly emitting an ultra low frequency sound waves they're nearly imperceptible now but they're growing in strength this is something we've never observed before depending on how large these waves grow consequences for the sea could be disastrous I must consult with my colleagues in mast at once thank you for your assistance I hope these credits are adequate compensation trees acting very wooden so the trees are emitting sound waves that are growing and getting stronger and stronger which will eventually her men create geological instability and collapse the city so after all that scientists was right because now they have to chop all the trees down otherwise the city goes boom right guys I'll be right back I need to pee all right foreign [Music] give us a whirl best part of the street Mighty chair wait unbelievable internet I'm here you guys are freezing the chair thank you for your help retrieving the biosensors welcome why is the marker still on your face deck in on Kelton later okay let's go talk to the bartender then I think to be honest I think we could do one more otherwise it's gonna go on forever back to the grind while roaming the city I heard a job advertisements for real in Industries I should find we're using kiosk nearby if I'd like to apply for a job interesting hey a job you say let's check out Viewpoint first [Music] I have a seat chest on the Stream dispatcher in the way now get Keith beautifully summed up there dude buddy [Music] let's see what he cheers I got caught by the popo because I couldn't run Laney are you recording it Laney because this sounds freaking hilarious yeah hello I don't know how you function as a normal human being outside of uh outside hello life is treating you well let me know if I can get you anything oh what could do with a drink nice to see a new face first time in New Atlantis uh I didn't think it was obvious ly make yourself comfortable you're welcome to stay as long as you want that work for you new guy let me know if there's anything I can get you this is seem to be brewing for you so what's the word around town uh what is the word around town I hear there's some sort of citizens group trying to get the old Varun Embassy turned down when I first heard about it I thought it was a bit extreme but really would you want to move into that place me neither is that the snake people coming back house for room I mean well at least not make nice and be all diplomatic we all know how that went yep Spaceport traffic keeps me pretty busy but just between you and me I've got something in the works that'll change everything a new drink that'll make this place famous galaxy-wide oh tell me everything I have to give this a try you would love it I guarantee only I can't make you one right now don't have the ingredients I made a deal with the hauler to bring me some small samples of an ingredient I think will make all the difference but it never showed up turns out the guy I hired wasn't hired by a few other folks the guy and the folks who ship less than legal cargo I always saying and the whole lot was expounded now they're just sitting on it taking their sweet dime like they always do it's killing me okay uh you should you're just curious if you can get what's yours it says that sort of thing that could drive one to drink very clever ah thank you so I picked that option all by myself I'm not even certain this is what I need to finish the recipe I just I think it is I need to get my hands on that cargo Laney lady taking the day off just to watch the stream thank you so much I can't wait to see what your adventure is absolutely chaotic by the sound of its Central areas um be there Lane you need or need lazy days says Chucky the loot in this is going to be as bad as Fallout 4 when I had over 200 of every gun and over thousands of random junk we enjoying the game hell yes it's slurb don't understand that you need a helping hand I really do it's gonna keep me awake nights if I don't try before we say anything else I am in no way asking you to do anything that the legal reasons I'm not asking you to do anything many many laws in place here in New Atlantis or the larger United Colonies this is just one friend talking to another friend asking if maybe that friend could possibly find a way to get her important I'm not part of the impound and if hypothetically that were done in a less than 100 percent legal way well that might not be the worst thing in the world you uh I need more cups with me on this uh I don't think this is something I can help you with I'm in who do I need to kill yes what I'm already uncomfortable with this whole thing don't go making jokes like that seriously can you help me with this or not I'm here for you I do whatever day maybe it is scooma oh my God I'm obviously not expected all right distilling confidence access Secure Storage acting you or anyone to go in guns blazing and taking hostages or something I just figure there has to be a way to get what I need worry I'll figure something out I'm not worried I'm annoyed why are you annoyed wait wait I trust you you're a neurotic [Laughter] how do I get what you need I'm obviously not expecting you or anyone to go in guns stop by anytime you'd like to ketchup right did Jemison have ammunition I what do you have so please please ammo crap what am I do I need I should probably look that up first finishing it hang on sorry appreciate the business what business I haven't done anything yet diamonds right you take what um what does it say what ammo takes oh 1.5 kuv laser and the Equinox takes 3 KV laser it's probably a Schumer I hope it is no no weapons 1.5 give me that I don't know like uh and I'll do right 10 cartridges this is a cartridge yeah 320 credits and the three KV laser I need 10 of those bingo there you go you could stop freaking out now chat thanks for coming in well I'm not going to use this ammunition for any um dodgy stuff okay bye [Music] this lady is lost I didn't understand her she was a little bit erratic yes should we should say that it'll be fine really sounds like lady it will be fine don't worry about it it's pish posh all good off goes another ship don't mind me actually got a job ain't you hey this really isn't a good place for civilians to be hanging around there's something I can help you with you've got some cargo that was impounded I need to access it oh we're gonna persuade yeah [Music] yeah I can't really just let you in there there's no reason for us to have problem is it you can't just have anyone going through I get it must be hard for you to say no all the time instead of my way you hurt like where it goes we'll go for the middle one again until no what's the harm if you help me maybe need to think about it oh critical critical success don't tell anyone I did this for you this guy's brilliant at his job anyone asks I had nothing to do industrious baby yeah one second all right make it quickly oh credits uh is there anything else to steal in here no lame okay thank you it's really not safe for civilians I got it okay I'm leaving okay bye laughs I think the numbers represent the difficulty action yeah I would say so I see I bought cartridges I don't know if it's um n is the rounds yeah it's the it's the cartridges the magazine size so it's not 41 or 21. let's get that drink shall we hey there new guy good to see you again can I get you something yeah I have a present for you oh no way you really got it it was super easy I probably don't want to know what you did to get this right she just said please [Laughter] go to the favor if you see ass you never met me no one died getting this I certainly hope not this is a huge deal to me but it's not worth either Eve murdering over over well look I can assure this one oh I even they're very different games matter of fact I'm going to let you have the first ever sample I mean they're both cheese on top of that you get free drinks not not like unlimited free drinks but you want a little pick-me-up now and then I got you covered I need some time to work on what comes next but this this was the difficult part I think really thank you so much supernova all right let's check this out later bye I presume it'll be Aid alphabetical Supernova a liquor slush floated over a sour punch of exotic alien fruits 12 persuasion chance for five minutes plus 2002 for five minutes and then minus 25 O2 recovery for five minutes okay hey yo um I'm gonna eat I'm gonna eat some snackies smoked salmon a potato red Harvest Rye which is it just Rye or is that bread I have the bread milk heel paste spiced worms ah nice I mean don't know but you know chunks packaged all the space Food Dudes time for Reginald to get drunk we'll use that next time we have to persuade someone I might have a little cheeky uh persuasey Swayze okay so um try not to get bogged down in do much of this stuff to Representatives only seems to just have me give me three activities to do around here uh so we could go and talk to Sarah we can go get a job foreign oh this is what I'm gonna do we go back to the shipbuilder and we do a bit of ship customization here and we try and figure out the shipbuilder a little bit better alcoholics groomer Shuffle uh slushy yay a drink to sit in the inventory for the rest of the game no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'll use it I'll use it I'll use it are you the guy that I talk to you I don't know you're the guy I should talk to you I've added here we go shipbuilder I'm sure they won't mind me messing with a ship right uh right okay so we've got 24 000 credit got suspect a suspicion that that's not going to be enough right but yeah um Bayes Landing bays at 800. cargo Bays or you know anywhere for a thousand and stuff so if we had like a 200C cargo bay for example we've got nowhere we just slap this at the moment we need to add more modules you see um so cancel that so I'm guessing we just sort of take things apart so okay we got this cockpit we got these guns maybe you want a new copy so delete it oh pits oh now we've got some more look oh these are expensive oh boss cockpit it's difficult to see like what they look like O2 oh I don't know what the difference is you know Mobility Mass Argo so they increase cargo 100 to 40. the Magellan cockpit C2 which is why I kind of had wasn't it C1 oh I like that that's the nicer let's put that here for now okay without base weapons structural Shields reactors Habs RAV drives bae yeah landing gears fuel tanks engines so I only need forward engines I don't need to mess around with the reverse or anything like that we have got these uh Landing thrusters here obviously so let me come out this a second let me see how is this one unit landing gear okay so the landing gear is the Thruster oh that's interesting okay that's kind of cool all right wish there's cockpits cargo stormax 30 cargo hold 40 cargo hold is a small 200 CM 100 cm please go on the side of things that's going to dock that one into anything but I think these go on the back of the ship yeah I think it's the same as what I've got already there look yeah that comes off that will slap on the bottom of what is that reactor oh [ __ ] I really ripping this thing apart out you're gonna take it apart let's see how it works right Drive reactor holy crap what is this the docker top okay stop Docker there's a shield generator there's a h a helium tank a helium tank yeah because that's a grab jump stuff okay we got rocket launchers the top docker a cowling the hab and a Landing Bay okay oh because I mean it's a good ship it's got some good stuff right got everything you need there's nothing wrong with this ship but it's not ours and we need to make it ours let me put the let me put I put the guns to one side of here like get my kind of working space sorted in a bit I guess the cowling here that's kind of got Universal connectors on it I don't know what can connect to okay so that can connect onto the side of things I was seeing the things that the that have certain attachment points and whatnot uh right we've got a landing Bay ng6 Landing Bay here I don't know I've never built in this game before so it's kind of like there's two Landing Bays you've got this one and the one we've got this one's much bigger all right let's see if we can get rid of that so if I delete that add the bigger Landing Bay although technically oh what the [ __ ] have I just done oh my God no gee T and Q Jesus Christ R is I don't know what okay is yep so this hub Nova Galactic Frontier hub okay habitats abs oh my God living quarters science lab Workshop infirmary control station computer core Captain's Course demons are all in one birth Champion Companion Way storeroom okay give me us all in one birth engineering Bay engineering bay living quarters neurogalactic storeroom nobody Galactic all in one birth which is what we have and in an engineering Bay wow these can actually get quite big then really uh you build everything around have blocks I figured as much yeah you'll never get it back together again I think you may have been validated your warranty but remember Tom Powers said early this week that your starting ship is magnitudes better than anything you can build yourself before end game really do you say that yeah really okay so all in one birth Companion Way that's much bigger engineering engineering living the all-in-one berth sounds quite good right Emma that on the top there we go there we go are you actually kind of won do you think I get this thing to rotate the other way it's probably gonna be a pain yeah so I do that because the uh everything lands on it doesn't it all right all five passenger slots two Demi's habitat Module come in several different interior configurations for a variety of personalization options hey theft control for options oh redo okay duplicate okay fine so this one which is a Alpha Frontier two okay you can delete yeah hey oh it slap that on there is totally works barely works the Nova Galactic cockpit on a dmos pole I'm not sure it's fine we could add the dmos uh cockpit here we've got these three robust cockpit which actually would look very much better on that so if we were to delete that cockpit and get the Phobos one it actually snaps on a hell of a lot better um yeah oh I didn't mean to do that cargo Bays stormax 40 cargo it's almost 30. okay Auto demos belly four races the most breaking engine uh which can't really go on anything because it's uh got to be connected to the app I assume this is yeah they're gonna take some figuring out the braking engine is is a just a bit of it's like nothing isn't it skeg skeg B SK gay well there's a skeg all right abs reactors the reactor we've got is um where's the reactor accelerator reactor 30 32 30 40t or eight grand for that one eight grand for anything more than what we've got then basically yeah the 30 30 T reactor but you get a bigger reactor then oh [ __ ] which one's which 30 30 T we had the 34 ET already maybe I hope otherwise I'll just uh we've just done something here can I put that reactor on the back there how do I make it go up uh is there like a lift button like page up or something I want to connect it to that top bit there but um how do I make it go up that's really annoying I can't make it snap to what I want it to snap to 100 cm ballast cargo bay I feel like we can definitely make a bigger cargo bay in there we're up to 13 000 though we are like spending way more money than we have yeah that's great what mod is this you had the 30 30 okay cool different types of snap points ah yeah yeah the hell are the founder base gone what the hell oh I see I think it's telling me why I can connect to the current thing here I just see him balanced cargo bay okay well I've already got G that one it's the same there we go and it's nothing different Store max 40 cargo see can we put that in there that doesn't dock onto that either then that docks onto there because it's a walk-in thing right okay this is going to take some getting used to guys yeah the balance cargo bay I don't know how to make a part that I've got go they snap to a higher point uh there you go thank you yeah slider on the right you're right rnf raises the thingy up well spotted thank you this is a Docker two top so I'm gonna delete this and not you Dockers here we go slim Docker top and it's quite chunky don't need that no now that we've got this so he was probably some structural bits of caring hell this is going to take me a little while to get used to this idea right oh or weapons mounts belly races engine braking bumper owling four there we go oh a radiators wow Nova bracer we're into the Nova stuff now that Nova racer looks like a freaking missile launcher look at that it's crazy and you can actually slap an engine on the edge of that as well that's nuts slap it till it fits it's pretty thick at the back yeah she's a chunky she's a chunky chunker and it needs something in between these points here I'm not sure what though um you got the all a little slap right there and then it's a case of like what do we do down the sides here we have these wings spines Wing you've got like a wing here we can add your wing a or Wing B Port Wing a so if I circled that one previous variant flip I don't want to flip it I want to rotate oh maybe I'll just do that like that kind of thing I don't know yeah dual generator foreign where the weapons go twice really doesn't drag very easily come on over here let's go we've got the laser there the missiles no clearly not where I want to put them I want to put them on the hardpoints underneath the freaking cockpit oh my God slap them there for now and then see if I can move them there we go holy crap that was harder than it should have been okay so now is just the engines right and 17 000 starting to look crisp crispy let's be crispy crispy yeah and it might not have enough credits for this I went out to have bought the entire thing after all this rap drives you got landing gear we got the hang on a second let me we have got oh this table landing gear oh there's two variants of that four and aft okay is that the it is that it is that the landing gears we got am um let's duplicate there's a duplicate button I remember there it is called G uh-oh nineteen thousand and then engine so I got lots of space on the back here for upgrades later on and I could even take these engine off quite nicely and put little hubs or other structures along the side there uh so let's see what engines we've got oh yeah we've got a fuel tank everywhere yeah oh my God look at these size of that one white dwarf engines white dwarf engines 200 what are these these are white dwarf 2000s these these guys here they're pretty decent the 100 engines I mean we can have more of the smaller ones or something like that look at this foreign get rid of that get rid of that we're over we're over budget now though even even selling those parts it's over budget damn it so I'm gonna see it's gonna see a second uh see this is a problem uh yeah we can we can try and attach those there because uh there's another room for them what is that oh hang on I'm out oh damn yeah twin exhaust baby oh dear I think you screwed up yeah I'm a little over budget guys I have 24 000. this ship will cost 32 000 so um yeah we need to make a bit more money before I could do this I think I would be comfortable with a good sort of 40 000 if I had 40 000 credits I think we could make this with a little bit more upgrades a little bit more inside I'm interested though logic command allow you to modify your ship's shape size personality and silhouette with the uh demos Hull I'm curious to what this looks like on the inside um but yeah especially the bridge do you ever do a flight check on this get costs exceeds available credit needs more grab jump thrust ship is too heavy to grab jump reduce mass or increase grab jump thrust okay what grab drum wait let me just check this thing all right dries was yeah Okay so we've got the we got here we got an ng-160 grab Drive okay which is that one there so we'd probably need the r1000 alpha foreign yeah 37 000 so like I said about 40 Grand over budget I mean so yeah I know if these engines can go up a slot I take these off a second got another idea because they didn't quite kind of match very much [ __ ] I just deleted something hang on there you go at this point I'm just messing around really we can get the e110s here you can fit them there white or 110s uh super hit that there and then also oh my God that would be awesome but yeah no no the white doors are massive get more weight one tense they're gonna fit there put it in there they do everybody good I could just move these back yeah like that I put this on the top gosh [Laughter] thank you Tom thank you for the twenty dollars dude ditch the wings I don't think the wig's okay we're up to 46 000. we're having a laugh aren't we um yeah it's cool it's cool but uh yeah one era is the ship cost bunny yes gonna take some experimenting I definitely think that uh yeah we can come up with some pretty Unique Designs especially because you got all the the structure stuff oh these little shapy things like we can come up with some pretty cool stuff I think the wings the wing bees um radiator look at that radiator you can go quite big as well holy crap you can go quite very big there you go get a bit of wing wingage we love a bit of wingage I don't know what we can do with those wings but I'm sure we can put some other stuff on them like a pop or hole a little window look amazing if you if you highlight the part and then press G it kind of gives you the stuff that you can attach to it which is quite useful you realize that we've got damios and you got Nova I should imagine combining the two it's probably not a ryzen weapon mount oh Dragon lasers IR Flair more missiles more missiles Electron Beam do it give me two of them yes I am beamed up this thing could be arms of the teeth apparently uh with the wings adding additional can I add more missiles hang on is Miss out oranges yes more missile launches I'm gonna freaking Battleship baby let's go okay Mass much errors much chip does not have at least three different weapon types it has it has more than three there's four more more than three weapon types okay it's two completely conflicting errors there okay so you can only have three weapon types that's good to know as well don't you know one set of missile launchers or the other but not not two different sets uh Spanish you do you unlock more The More Store you do maybe we'll have to find out it's no VW it's really like a laughter he's a chunky monkey oh Grant you for sure these These Wings intrigue me though because this these give me an idea but we're gonna need some more money so I'm gonna um cancel the modification there there we go um an exit one of the skills unlocks more parts we'll get more parts as we go but now we'll stick with the basic bit star because we need to we need to earn some cash okay so that was fun I enjoyed that he will do some more ship building stuff um okay let's go and talk to Sarah then it's Gabe do they allow you to make big ships with turrets or is there any smaller ships that do dog fights it's only the smaller ships I think um I think I saw something about there being big ships in the galaxy in the universe um but they're kind of like they're in NPC ships you know patrolling vessels and whatnot no O2 CO2 thing on a breathable planet is a bit weird I'm gonna admit a little bit odd I must just buy a new ship yeah additional funds are required yeah we need to earn some money this is the part where the dealership kicks about kick myself out expect out a ship that costs 20 grand more than I am you know so you could have just got a new have block Ed yeah true could have just gone upgraded drive or Shields or something like that but I feel like I mean there's a save up and do it all in one go now it works better in my brain head you know there are ships of sale that are quite chunky running it in at about 300 000 if I recall greatly damn I spent how long until mods they're probably mods out already I think there is a mod that enables dlss as well although I need that because um I'm blocking down the 68 FPS okay 1am here now can I oh enjoy I'm Gonna Leave twitch watching thanks Jeff appreciate it dude have a good time I hope you are satisfied with the quarters available to you thanks Vasco Sarah's coming down let's go Benny spinny [ __ ] we could have Starfield chilling and building stream at some point yeah there's probably enough customization there at least um I won't have to texture and paint it you're going to be there for it uh I'm ready take me we're going to be doing some old-fashioned detective work lovely the artifacts are relatively in that means people can pass them around not even knowing what they are I've been letting my contacts know to be on the lookout for strange metal objects nice Lainey a lot of noise usually but a tip from the UC Vanguard sounds promising I'm excited a good a chance to learn more about the United Colonies legwork never pays off quite the way you expect uh other people have artifacts we have to assume that we're not the only ones to have stumbled into this mystery I'll play the idiot but most people natural to me they're looking for places to sit people resource to extract territory to defend an odd looking Rock were a single strange hunk of metal wouldn't mean much to them that's why constellation exists in a way to put pieces like this together yeah uh okay good chance to know more about you see apology you're good we 've used to be out there but it's not just that it is so patronizing to take this opportunity to see how you handle yourself and for you to learn more about I'm going to be stick y for this we'll be traveling together until we either find an artifact or this lead runs dry lovely lovely what was that for weird okay got it uh you and me until we get that artifact it's good you'll need to head to Mast check in with the Vanguard Recruiting Office where my contact works all right Merlin thanks for the shout the tip whatever you do once you're out there I don't care so long as you don't bring UC security to our doorstep every member of constellation is their own conscience understood sounds Reckless an organization should have rules what do you mean you don't care if I steal as long as you don't get caught I mean constellation has a roster of members who haven't always been on the right side some of us have seen the inside of a jail cell more than once if you join us it means you're committed to our mission in exchange we give you latitude and your choice of means okay good let's take a little stroll through new Atlantis shall we it's good dumpster juice it's very good it's smooth conscience I am at your service no additional protocols necessary also given the likelihood that you will be out in unsettled space it might be beneficial to go over exploration Outpost development in case you ever need to build a base for field research uh uh yeah exploration of an unknown planet can be a major undertaking by building an outpost you will be able to construct scanning equipment resource extractors and defenses it is it is even possible to set up multiple outposts capable of manufacturing allowing you to build Advanced Equipment sounds useful how do I know if a planet has resources I need you scan it what kind of advanced structures could I build I've already looked down as usual or try next time to touch on the planet blueprints you need to construct an outpost should already be on your watch it will automatically connect to any available materials for construction in your ship's cargo that's best that's the best I will proceed to my assigned post lovely confirm right I've got the adoring fan Sarah Vasco again I love this guy uh sealment weightlifting and Scavenging is his skills uh right okay cool thanks fosco Vasco whatever whatever basketball basketball all right let's go I love her eyes it's got good eyes uh Captain Max Fox thank you very much for the two months in a row thank you very much dude for the resub um Captain uh gas bid only problem with building a base is it triggers the the Xerox that would be a Twist that no one would expect Lenny's cargo board Selena's cargo board wait where are we going we're going over there let's go Roscoe's coming you run very funny you're a funny Runner don't get stuck on things I know your Bethesda coding says to get stuck on everything but you know you can do better evolved evolved right should I get a screw her up because I'm going to jump off something uh we need to go over there 60 meters down there bye what's she gonna do now you're gonna do but that's the thing in teleport yep hi another end guard help the United Colonies earn some credits even get your UC citizenship maybe later what's the Vanguard I think I've heard about it these volunteer fleets okay independent captains and lists get to use their own ships and the UC provides them with sustained work and credits and it sounds cool and put in your time and your guaranteed you see citizenship and everything that comes with it discounts on UC goods and Medical Services chance to own a place in New Atlantis only way a foreign captain could even dream of seeing those sorts of benefits so you want in all right maybe later it does sound good all right all right can't blame you for trying right I mean I still haven't given up on getting Sarah to reenlist it's a game we play he asks I say no yes she says no to a lot of things Van Guard volunteer by the name of moera Health Patrol the old neighborhood Seoul Mars Neptune you know the soul system yeah Skyrim joined the legion to get that posting he's Martian born and raised not like I can get anyone else to care where it is he's got some fancy metal ornament he's been showing off to the old grounders matches that description Sarah gave me um scientific discovery being used as an ornament the indignity if he's on patrol he could be putting our item at risk what no salt system is as quiet as a coffin it'll be fine that means it's not going to be fine I'm sure you two can handle it solar system is a lot of planets but a vet like moera will be checking in at Sedonia on the regular you mean hitting the bars don't you John hey nothing wrong with a little refresh between Patrols uh anything you tell me about Sedonia yeah bring a coloring book get so used to seeing red you'll forget what blues and greens look like okay nice okay thanks John anything for Sarah you see always takes care of its own even the prodigal children ah brother I'm serious about that recruitment offer by the way you just come talk to me when you're ready you see is a good friend to have this guy is he is all about the UC it's been a long time since I've been to Mars Soul system doesn't get a lot of traffic bye-bye let's go come on we need to go down there hey yo this jetpack is awesome I got I just got this game hopefully this game is fun I think you're gonna be all right two of you like RPGs because it's it's an RPG a lot of stories a lot of dialogue there's some puzzles there's some mini games craft will get sick on the night it looks gorgeous oh I've always liked that it runs smooth the only sort of glitches I've had were kind of like your quest markers not behaving themselves some objects dancing around which is you know classic but there's the stuff really but very very minor excuse me sorry sorry the weather around here sucks United qualities sure isn't taking any chances all right back to our ship is it like Mass Effect in a lot of ways yeah oh when you're ready to Launch there he is look like a dream it tries to pinch me I will smack them in the face you know this is going to be fine they probably equip my space suit I suppose but it depends where we're going right let's go [Music] this new Skyrim mod is fancy yeah it's all right a little buzz this ship over here and see what he's all about nope guess I got a little too close out of there right anyway where are we going we're going to Mars oh we need to go to the soul system we're in Alpha centuro okay system sir system let's get to the cell system we I'm spinning around really I want to be pointing in the right direction right you can have an absolute disaster of a ragtag team I love it thanks there we go serious skill that was improved Terminals and electronic locks to be hacked foreign last time I checked there wasn't an atmosphere on Mars [Music] I wonder if the broken spear is still open it's the only decent place in town to grab a king good day captain you mind if I asked you some personal questions it's a freaking robot what do you want the Tony allocation discovered welcome to Mars and as is the tradition it's dark hey hehe you're the only able to build ah there it is the same they would have a ramp down from The Landing bed they do I'm just being a spoon as is always go over here trying to use my oxygen up I need it over here suppose that would explain the brown outs so I'm not brownouts again fine do it I'll be at the bar find me when it's done we're on it sir is your ship effed yeah that was solid thingy Dara oh there you are where is the ELO mustachi wouldn't be a Spanish dream if it wasn't dark there you go see you know you know I suppose I could probably take my helmet off now I'm gonna keep my base suit on though because taking that off is a pain in the ass we were told there were jobs [Music] I think that's a bar underground community on Mars is pretty much as I imagined we're freaking hell hole I can't imagine being cramped down here choking all the fumes in the dust no trees no grass there's the Elon Musk statue I'm not gonna lie it's not great Authority huh these guys see the train Authority are everywhere they knew it would be good getting in with those guys where the hell how do I get up there we're going the wrong way is the bar actually where I was supposed to go it looks like it bar is where I was supposed to go whoops all right no I'm looking for a Vanguard named Moira went off on patrol starting to think it might be time though or one out to the blackest sea bases in Kaya isn't kind to the Lost he's in trouble or worse about right look nothing more I'd love than to help out a fellow Martian eventually when it's missing but um he has a tab and you don't know if he's coming back it's a lot of credits okay I'll let it slide for a long time because he's a regular but if I'm out all that money I've got problems what do you say 2500 he could need help you shouldn't put a price on that skip to the part where you admit you're lying wow uh I need a way to make cash then go any work let's try to persuade your companion can speak on your behalf what they will say is written next to their name yeah okay laugh on Sedonia ain't hard enough Guilt Trip me yes I want you to imagine how they're alone and here you are holding out for cash let's do it I want him found critical success last time he was here my wearer kept yelling about the lady of love for songs all that kind of thing Venus that's only one planet hardly an entire Patrol route I forgot what I got okay fine we'll make do it's a Venus at least I've got more than enough work to complete before I can go home know me yes what a day huh am I glad I got this joke this goes to me but there's stuff to do around here I'll tell you I'm in the butt monkey maybe the options there I could get a job or something with him but yeah oh there's an engine stealing Dara um your boots boots hours without incident not days hours yeah then you can pick up crew in the bar too um residential I realized that was gonna take me out of there but right have a little look around yeah I may have to pop back to the bar and see if we can pick up some crew that would be cool citizen ah there's nothing like fresh air filters am I right there's nothing like seeing old soul coming through the big window in the morning this is this is habit this wow well at least they've got ping pong tables guys and a gym you know it's not so bad honest work really Joy why hello there what can I help you with have you come to seek assistance from the house of Enlightenment oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I actually prefer My Religion with more religion in it uh no I don't think I need anything right now bye the house of Enlightenment I think is the sciency ones serve as a community-centric institution much like a traditional church but without religious faith for it's the community and faith in one another which is important not adherence to a particular religious Dogma okay what kind of assistance do you offer we're here to serve the cydonia community in many ways you actually look people in the face we have faith in humanity that people will always strive to better the human race as a community we come together to help those in need food shelter basic amenities will provide because that's what people do for one another Brotherhood of far will always be here if you need something or just want to meet people actually before you go oh God would you mind helping me out with something I was debating with my dear friend Horace and went like an outside opinion he believes that faith is what inspires more people to be good I say that more people do good without any promise of divine reward or retribution what do you think I'd rather not be part of your debate goodbye horse is right we wouldn't even know what good is without God I agree with you for instance am I helping you without any reward both are right doesn't matter which inspires more good I kind of I'm kind of I'm with the last one there are oh that's an end but she's blind damn it thank you I'm an [ __ ] that's when you get down to it as long as people are good to each other it doesn't matter what drives them to be good exactly share that with Horus excuse me oh there's Horus Joy would you like to join me for drinks at the broken spirit oh Horus you know that's a terrible idea for our friendship by the end of the evening we'll be at each other's throat today sometimes it feels like the UC forgets we're out here to James percent independent One-Stop shop I apologize if I'm a little distracted I'm currently dealing with a little issue but please let me know if there's anything I can get for you I think she's Australian mate also she's got amazing eyes look at that they're Orange I'd like to take a look at what we've got to say running an independent shop by yourself must be hard work maybe I can help with your issue see if we can get a side press out of this yeah every time I feel like I'm getting ahead something happens to knock me back down but unless you're some sort of Merc I'm not sure you can help see I saved up to get a new ship and hire a pilot he was supposed to help run deliveries and bring in all sorts of new Goods but he went missing can't find anyone willing to track him down I'm worried something bad has happened talking about the same pilot as long as you have credit I'll do it well you get what you paid for good luck with that why can't you why can't you call sift death or something like that what do you think happened to him I'm not sure I'm hoping it's something simple like he ran out of fuel it's an older ship and it may have had a minor leak but I know there's a problem with pirates out there this was Eric's first real piloting job and I'm worried what they could tell it was easy pickings or something could just be my overactive imagination the lips don't match her words yeah try not to look at the lips so I've been basically looking away because they're all over the shop uh sure I can track him down I mean thank you I know it's a lot of trouble but it'll mean a lot to me me I'll try to compensate you as best I can when you bring back Eric and my ship it's a cargo Runner called the berry mule very new signal I got from him was out near Triton it's a starting place at least and try to bring them both back in one piece all right look at thermos stealing most visitors can't wait to get off this rock right well uh I think they're gonna have to call it here ladies and gentlemen it is that time of day but it's interesting we got startups stopped buying the berry mule and go to Venus at the moment speak with Trevor these don't these activities don't aren't location specific then okay fine uh so yeah I think we will uh when we go back out into the soul system we've got two quests to do there the Venus one and find this dude and there's Wilson Trevor dick yeah your ship's inventory starting our post on the planet wow okay buy a lot of stuff there all of a sudden yeah it's uh guys thank you so much for joining me uh today this this morning this afternoon I hope you've enjoyed the stream uh thank you very much for the follows the subs uh the donations the bits everything in between you guys are as always amazing thank you so much for your generous support uh thank you for just being here being in the chat thank you for lurking uh I hope you enjoyed the stream and I hope you'll join me later I will be back today at around somewhere between 8 and 8 30 my time I'll post the stream as soon as I can confirm the time a little bit earlier um and hopefully I'll see you then and we will continue our journey here in Starfield but uh I'm gonna be off for a bit uh gonna have a little break uh we could do a rage yeah I mean I do them very often because I am on YouTube and twitch so it's like difficult to do but let's see what we got hang on a second give me a sec we can do that see if we can find a little streamer somewhere running Starfield anybody that I'm following playing no moment foreign 2.5 k too many too high 37. Captain Collins for um it's a full-frame camera he's into cameras let's go he is spending a lot of time looking at stuff I decided somewhere hold on a second guys 23 views hang on ads let's go let's go let's go let's go are you guys on YouTube thank you very much for joining me today um I'm just trying to sort of read out on Twitch over here so don't worry they're gonna show the stream down after this that is a massive freaking camera okay well I gotta go I gotta do it um let's see let's see it seems cool retro Crystal mess up a bit because [Music] all right raids up guys head on over entry Crystal say hi enjoy but thank you again for joining me today I'll hopefully see you guys later have a good rest of your afternoon and day uh thanks again guys I will see you very soon all right take it easy bye everybody
Channel: Spanj
Views: 17,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, gaming, lets play, spanj
Id: 2FiaxtR-lgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 338min 45sec (20325 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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