Multi-Camera Editing in DaVinci Resolve 16 | Multicam Crash Course

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what's up guys welcome to the video today we're talking multi-angle video I'm gonna share a few tips on how to get set up to shoot multiple angles and then we're gonna take all those files bring them back into DaVinci Resolve I'm gonna show you how to create a multicam clip and then how to edit with that multicam clip but hey if you're new here my name is Jael offski and on my channel we talked a lot about DaVinci Resolve photography faux shop Lightroom so if you're into any of those so just subscribe to my channel alright let's jump into the video [Music] alright guys so getting right into it I've got three camera angles going here I've got the 5d Mark for arms my head-on shot my main shot I've got my Canon 60d over here with my secondary angle and I've got my GoPro up there with my third angle so we're gonna use these clips here to create that multicam clip and use in our timeline so one of the things you want to keep in mind when you're getting started with multiple cameras here is that you want to have all your cameras at the same frame rate for example I've got all three of my cameras the 5d Mark for the 60d and the GoPro all set to 24 frames per second and they're all shooting in 1080 video this way my Clips align up nice and everything should fall into place once we get into DaVinci Resolve so there's a few different ways that you can sync your footage once you get into DaVinci Resolve one of those ways is to use a timecode so if you have the ability to add a timecode to each one of your angles then by all means do that that's gonna be a great way to line up your footage the second way that you can sync up your videos in the way that I usually use is to sync it with audio now in the past that did not work very well in DaVinci Resolve but I found as they've refined it I find that it works pretty good now so we'll see how all this footage works once we get into syncing them up but if you're gonna use audio make sure that all of your cameras are recording audio so I have my main audio here on my 5d Mark 4 using a lav mic on my 60d I just boosted the audio levels for the internal microphone to make sure it's picking up my voice and same with the GoPro up here it's just picking up my voice and that's gonna help us sync everything up in post I do like to do a little clap if you had a clap board you can use that or I just clap my hands a few times to get myself a good spike in audio to make sure things are lined up alright so now that we talked about those two ways to get our footage synched up the other ways we can do once we get into DaVinci Resolve so we're gonna take this footage here cam 1 camera 2 and camera 3 bring it into DaVinci Resolve and I'm gonna show you how to create your multicam clip and how to edit with it in DaVinci Resolve here we are in DaVinci Resolve and the first thing that you need to do is go ahead and round up all your clips from your different cameras and your different angles and bring them into DaVinci resolve so I've already gone ahead and brought the files that I want to use into my media pool so sometimes when I'm working with multicam clips I like to create a new bin and just put all those files in one bin just so it's organized and everything is in one place so I'm gonna go ahead and come under master and create a new bin and I'm gonna call that multicam clip then I'm gonna drag all those files that I just brought in and put them into that bin now there's a few ways that we can put together our multicam clip here with our multiple angles the first way we're gonna talk about here is in the cut tab so let's jump over into the cut tab so as I mentioned earlier in the video I'm gonna start by using the method of audio synching now in the past this didn't work very well in DaVinci Resolve but I found that it does work better with the more recent versions of DaVinci Resolve so let's get to syncing up our clips so I've got all my Clips here in this bin so I'm gonna go ahead and double click to get in my bin I've got my Canon 5d Mark for angle I've got my GoPro angle and then I have my Canon 60d angle so super-easy come up here and click on this little icon here that says sync clips so this is the sync Clips window let's just go over what's happening here and just to get you a little familiar with it so on the left here we have sync view this is basically all of your different clips on the right hand side here is whatever clip you have selected here that's what's going to show up on this side moving down we have sync by so how do you want to sync up your clips the first option here is by timecode so you would have had to set that in your camera's somehow when you were filming your video you have audio which is what I'm gonna use to give it a first shot here and see how well it works the next method is to use endpoints and basically you would watch your clips you would set an endpoint and then once you got into this sync window you can use an endpoint to sync them all up so that works really well as does the out point if you have a common out point for all of your clips so like I mentioned I'm gonna try the audio one first and just see how it works out here so moving down to the bottom section here you've got your different tracks and then you have your different sets of Clips so DaVinci Resolve knows okay this is one camera this is another camera and this is a third camera so you can see it's broken up there's two Clips here and that's just because the camera couldn't record long enough without breaking the clips up so that's why we're seeing two different clips for the GoPro angle here and two different clips for the 60d angle here so the next thing I want to do is make sure I've got my audio selected here because that's how I'm gonna do it first and then come and click sync then DaVinci Resolve is gonna analyze it and sync it up the best that it can so now that it's gone ahead and synced everything it looks like it's put all the videos together where it thinks they belong so if we go ahead and just play a little bit of it let's just jump in the middle here let's play and see what happens so so if I look in these angles up here they're small but it kind of looks like they're synced up so I think this looks pretty good to start with now you do notice that the different clips from the same camera are in separate tracks but we can fix that in a little bit and I'm just gonna play another second here looks like I had a clap right here I just want to see if you got that clap in there let's see how that lines up like me so I think this is good enough to get going with the clip and like I said synching with the audio in this version of resolve is much better than it was in say the previous video that I had made a while back about creating multicam clips so once it looks good come on over and click Save sync so now if we come back into our media pool we'll see we've got all our clips and they have this little icon in the top left hand corner and that means that they're synced up so where is my multicam clip how do I use these guys so for me now that I've got everything synced up I would usually jump over into the edit tab I just find that it's easier to edit the multicam clips over there for me it makes more sense and I just think it's easier to work with so we'll get to that in a little bit here but first I'm going to show you how you can edit your multicam clip here in the cut tab so to get started let me click on my clip here and I'm just going to grab about that much and I'm gonna say append which means just dump it into the timeline so I'm gonna scrub through here find a spot where I want to add in a different angle so I can see I'm looking a different way so I'm gonna come to this point right here where I start to look another direction so how do I edit in another angle here so come up to your sink bin up here click that and what's cool about this is that between the sink bin and your timeline where the playhead is in my timeline is exactly the same spot as it appears in sink bin so that's pretty cool it keeps everything synced together so let's say I want to change the angle and I know I'm gonna be looking at this angle here so if I go ahead and select this angle it's gonna pop up this window here which shows me that particular clip and you'll see it's got a playhead here now this playhead matches up exactly with this point in my timeline which is the same as this point in my sink bin so everything's matched up perfectly so the playhead is the end point the out point is set at the default which I think is about five seconds or so but you can grab that and adjust it as much as you'd like so let's say I want to change to this angle how do I add this into my timeline you can just come over to this little icon right here it says place on top click it and it should place it right on top for you so let's back up and watch that and see how it fit in so let's back up a quick tip here is that I know that this track right here has the main audio that I want to use so I don't want to hear the audio in the new track I just put in there so I'm gonna go ahead and turn that volume off or mute the track then I'm also gonna come up here and click this little icon which says timeline and that make sure that the viewer here shows exactly what I have in the timeline so let's play this and see how the cut worked out set up so that you can record in multi video and then we're gonna take all those files jump into DaVinci Resolve so that's pretty good now I did look back the other way a little bit early so if I scroll back here I can adjust this top clip and just slide it back and when I played through we're gonna take all those files jump into the division it looks pretty good so let's say I got over and and I wanted to go with the wide angle so I'm gonna open my sync bin back up I'm gonna click on the wide angle and again the playhead right here matches the sink bin which matches my clip right here it's pretty smart it's cool that DaVinci Resolve can line everything up and keep it all sink together like that so again I'm gonna leave it at the default clip here and I'm gonna click the same icon over here place on top and it's gonna drop it in there for me now if we play through let's see how our cuts go together here so I'm gonna again I'm gonna come up here change this back to the Timeline view and let's play the clip take all those files jump into DaVinci Resolve and I'm gonna show you how to create your multicam clip and let's shorten this clip up to bring it back to my main angle your multicam clip and there we go so that's how you can put your video together here like I mentioned I think this way would take a little bit longer than the way I'm going to show you in the edit tab but you do have the option to do it in the cut tab and it does have some cool features for you to get your multicam clip edited here in the cut tab so what I like to do once I've synced up my files here in the cut tab because I think it works pretty well here is to jump over into the edit tab to continue with my editing so I'm just gonna jump back to my media pool and I'm gonna delete this clip out of my timeline so let's jump over into the edit tab so now that I'm in the edit tab I've got my media pool open and you'll notice you do have your multicam clip right here so the difference between the cut tab and the edit tab where we are now is really just a way of looking at things and a little bit different way of working with them so I prefer to use the edit tab here just because I'm more familiar with it and for me it's quicker and I just like it better so now I just want to show you that you can actually sync up all of your footage and your audio right here in the Edit tab as well I do like to do it in the cut tab because I think it works well and it's quick and it's easy but when it comes to editing your multicam clips for me it's just way easier to do it right here in the Edit tab but let's say you just wanted to come to the edit tab and sync up your clips right here so how do I create a multicam clip in the Edit tab here well it's super easy you just go ahead and select the clips that you want to use in the multicam clip you can right click and you can just come to right here it says create new multicam clip using the selected clips then you this new multicam clip window to pop up so it gives you the start timecode you can name your clip whatever you want we're gonna call it multicam too the frame rate is 24 frames per second the sync angle how do you want it to sync up and these are the same options that we had in the cut tab it just in a different way to view it so you have your end points you could do out points you could do timecode sound or marker so I'm gonna do sound for angle name I just leave it sequential but you do have other options of how to name it I'm gonna detect clips from the same camera and I'm gonna detect using the camera metadata now when it creates the clip you also have the option to move all of the source Clips into an original Clips bin so I'm gonna say sure okay let's do that so I'm gonna go ahead and click create it's gonna analyze the content and sync up all your clips so now we have our multicam clip to right here and all of our original files are in the original Clips bin before we even start editing the multicam clip here I do want to make some adjustments like change the track names here so it's easier for me to know which one is what so how do I do that so if I come to my multicam clip and I right-click on it I can open in timeline so I'm gonna open that up and now I can see all my tracks here in the timeline now we notice that they're all locked so I'm gonna go ahead and just unlock all of them so that we can work with them a little bit looks like I accidentally have some in points and out points here so I'm gonna clear those and now I can start working with these clips a little bit so I'm going to close my media pool actually want to change my view here so that I can see the track names because I want to rename them so if I come here I know that this track is the 5d Mark 4 so I'm gonna rename it 5d Mark 4 I know this is the GoPro and I know that this track right here is my 60d and you'll notice that my audio tracks change name with the video tracks because they're linked together the other thing I want to do while I'm in the multicam clip here is just kind of consolidate some of those files that got broken up because the camera couldn't record that long so I'm gonna come here and click on my GoPro file for example and just drag it down so it's in the same track as the rest of the GoPro footage and I know my Canon 60d also did that so there's one file right there and here's the break between the two of those now I did miss a little bit of video there so I'm just gonna put my playhead right where the clip is so it snaps to it and I'm gonna drag it down now I notice that I have some empty tracks here that I don't need so I'm gonna just come over anywhere on the side here where the tracks are I'm going to right click and come down to delete empty tracks and that's going to consolidate everything and make it nice and neat for us so now I'm ready to jump back into my normal timeline and start editing so I'm gonna click on my view options come over here to the stack timelines so you can see I'm in my multicam clip so I'm just gonna click the little down arrow here and go back to my normal timeline I'm gonna go ahead and open my media pool back up and now I'm ready to bring my multicam clip down into my timeline so just drag it down in there the next thing we want to do is look at this window right here so click on this little drop-down menu here and you want to come down to multicam and that ensures that we're looking at all of the camera angles that we have here so I'm going to close my media pool to make a little more space here so before I get started editing this footage I want to make sure I've got my main angle set and for me this is my main angle right here to set it before I start making any cuts or any changes to the footage here I'm gonna come to the video track I'm gonna right click and go multicam clip angle and I'm gonna change that to 5d mark 4 and the same down here for the audio I'm gonna right-click come to switch camera angle and come to the 5d mark 4 because that's where I recorded with my lav mic and that's the audio I want to use for the entire track so over here on the right hand side you see what is actually showing from my timeline so if I play it a little come phone down here alright I can see right here is my main angle but you can see my other angles are playing along with it let's jump ahead a little here Multi cam video so you can see here on the left my videos are synced up it looks good so now how do I start editing this so before we get started with that - another thing to keep in mind is you want to take a look at these three icons right here so what these mean is when I click on one of these videos up here what will it show in the timeline will it just the video will it show the video and the audio or will it just insert the audio so for me I know that I have my audio on one track from one camera and that's the audio I want consistent through the whole video so I want to come down and select the video only option so whenever I click on one of these angles to change the view it's only going to change the video it's not going to change the audio with it so the first method that you can use to change between your angles is to simply play through your video watch your multiple angles here and just click on whatever angle you want as the video plays so I'm gonna play through here I know I point to a couple different cameras so as I point to the different cameras I'm gonna watch my screens up here and that's the angle I'm gonna pick we're talking multi cam video so let's jump into the video a little late on that last one there but here now let's play through so you can see it made my cuts down here and it should have the angle that I selected as we were watching it so let's just see how that looks hey we're talking multi cam video so let's jump into the video so that's the first way that you can do it so I'm gonna undo those so the next way that you can do it is to play through your clip again but to use your numbers on your keyboard to select your different angles sometimes that's a little easier or quicker just to hit the numbers so how do I know what number corresponds to what video well back when we renamed our video tracks I probably should have put a dash 1-2-3 after the name so I knew which track but in this case I know that this is 1 and this is 2 and this is 3 and this fourth track here is nothing so now I can just use the numbers 1 2 & 3 to change between my clips so I'm gonna play through the video here in my timeline and I'm gonna press 1 2 & 3 to change angles so let's give that a try and see how that works and real quick before we play through the track make sure that your track down here is not selected so just click off into someplace else in the timeline here so let's play through the video and I'm gonna use my number keys 1 2 & 3 to change between the angles today we're talking multi cam video so let's jump into the video so you can see that worked out pretty good you just got to know which cameras are which angles and you just press the as you go through it that sometimes quicker than trying to jump back and forth with your mouse so let's play through that and see how that worked out in our viewer over here talking multi cam video so let's jump into the video and there you go that's how you can easily cut through the different clips so I'd go through I'd play the whole video I would pick the angles that I want then I would go back and re-watch the video to make sure everything looks good but let's say for example I had I want to change an angle so let's say I will have this clip right here and oops maybe I picked the wrong angle I actually wanted to be the GoPro for example so how do I change that so if you come and you select your clip you can just right click on it and come to switch multicam angle and now you can pick whichever angle you want and this is kind of why I like to label them with which camera twas because I know where they were and for me it's just easier than seeing track 1 track 2 track 3 so I'm gonna pick the GoPro and you can see it changed to the GoPro angle here so now if I play through it cam video so let's just change the angle for me so it's super easy to go back and make any kind of edits if you need to and just like any other footage you can grab and change the length of the clip if you need to you just click on it and drag it and your whole video stays intact everything stays synced up it makes it super easy to go through and edit your multiple angles here one more thing I want to talk about is color grading multicam clips so you've got a few different options here one option that you can do is to come to your effects library come to your effects and put an adjustment clip on top of all of your tracks then you can extend that adjustment clip across your whole track and now I can do my color grading on the adjustment clip and it's gonna be the same for all of the clips so for example let's jump into the color tab and let's just say I wanted to make it look a little more blue I'm gonna grab my temperature and drag it way down so just jumping back here now if I play through the clip Balkin multi cam video so we can see it's all got that blue tint to it but what if some of my clips need different adjustments then a ones in my clips so I think an adjustment layer is good to put some overall changes on everything maybe an overlay of a color to make everything look consistent but there's gonna be times where maybe my my angles don't match the cameras look different I need different treatments I'm gonna go ahead and delete that adjustment layer so now if I just jump over into the color tab you'll see I have different clips so these are the different multicam clips that make up what we were just watching in the Edit tab so if I play through this clip for example okay okay okay it's only showing me coming back into my timeline it's only showing me this clip so I can make adjustments to just that but let's say as I go through my video you know I cut to this angle whatever two dozen times I'm not going to go through every single clip and adjust the color grade on every single clip so what we can do is come back to our media pool right click on our multicam clip and open in timeline and now that it's open in our timeline now I can come and select the clip now if I jump over into the color tab I can color grade the entire clip in one shot so this is my GoPro angle let's just say us a little bright so I'm gonna bring it down a little bit and let's say I wanted to boost up the saturation a little bit boost up the color yeah just a little and saturation boost that up a little bit so now that entire GoPro clip is gonna have that treatment to it so if we jump back into the Edit tab here so now let's play through it and when we get to this GoPro angle we should see the color grade that we just created let me close the media pool here I think the window a little bit bigger so we should see our GoPro color grade right here cam video okay and we can see it so the entire clip is affected so now anytime I cut to this angle it's gonna have the color grade that I want so that's the way that I would color grade my multicam clips I think it's the best way to do it and it's gonna save you the most amount of time and if you're like me when you're working with the multicam clips there's gonna be times where you run into some issues so here's some troubleshooting tips for you one of the problems you might run into is that your Clips don't line up when the multicam clip is created and maybe it tried a few different ways and it doesn't line up so how can we fix our clips and line them up within the multicam clip I've got an example here in my timeline I've got my multi clip angles up here that we can see and I'm just gonna play through it and you're gonna see that these don't line up and I'm gonna show you how to fix that so real quick here let's play a little today we're talking multi cam so you can see that these don't line up this angle here angle one is different than angle 3 and angle 4 so how do we fix that how do we line them back up within the multicam clip it's pretty easy you can come to your media pool find your multicam clip right-click on it and choose open in timeline I'm just gonna make this a little bigger here so we can see all of our tracks so I have my three different video tracks as well as my three audio tracks now I know they don't line up so how can I line them up so what I want to do is look at the audio waveforms here and I can see that these two look like they're lined up pretty good but this one I can tell is off and I know that my 60d here this angle angle 1 is the angle that was off so since we're in the multicam clip all I have to do is grab this file that's not lined up and find a place where I can match it up so let's come to right here looks like a good spot I'm gonna zoom way in and I'm gonna just grab that clip that doesn't line up and slide it back to line it up now I do have all of the audio turned on for each one of these tracks so if I play through it it should sound synced up so let's try that ok so we can tell it's still off there so I lined it up by the wrong spot so I'm gonna do it again find the right spot come to some spike in my audio or some waveforms that match I'm gonna zoom out looks like they match up pretty good and let's play through and listen how that sounds so that seems pretty good and lined up so now once everything looks good to you you're gonna go ahead and just close the multicam clip come back into our regular timeline here and now if I watch the clips up here they should match up so that you can record and now it looks like they're lined up and you're good to go you can start editing with your multicam just like we talked about earlier in the video so another question that you might have when you're working with your multicam footage is what if when I recorded my audio I recorded it on a separate source not to one of my direct angles so for me I had recorded it right into my 5d mark four so the audio that I wanted for the video was part of that 5d Mark four clip but let's say you're recording to an external recorder or something else and you have just an audio track so you can go ahead and try and create your multicam clip using all of your video tracks as well as your audio track and it should be able to sync them up using one of the methods we talked about earlier in this video so let's open a multicam clip and see what that would look like so again I'm using my multicam clip to here I'm gonna open it in the timeline and when we look at my different tracks here I've got my three video tracks I've got my three audio tracks that go along with my video tracks but I also added in a separate audio track down here so again if you have any issues with it syncing up you can just open your multicam clip in the timeline and make any adjustments like this that you need to so you might want to label your audio only track main audio so that you know which track you want to use in your final video and let's say maybe DaVinci Resolve couldn't sync up your audio track with your video clips you can just create your multicam clip with your video clips and then open your multicam clip in the timeline and just add in your audio track and line it up manually then once you got your audio track in there it's lined up just go ahead and close your multicam clip and back here in my timeline I can right click on the audio come down to multicam clip angle and come down to main audio and when we play through our multicam clip it's gonna use that main audio track that we just labeled in our multicam clip let's say you've got more than four angles here how do I view more than four angles of footage super-easy come to this little icon right here and you can do one by one and all these different options up to four by four so you can have up to sixteen different angles that you can edit together here if you find that your audio is getting messed up make sure you take a look at these three icons like we talked about earlier and make sure you're bringing in just the video footage not the audio with it and again if you pick the wrong angle to change your angle select your clip right click then come over to switch multicam angle and then you can change your angle to whatever you'd like if you find that while you're playing back your footage you it's really slow it's choppy your computer can't keep up with it there's a few settings you might want to change I would come up to playback come down to render cache and click on smart I'd also want to come to playback proxy mode and use either half resolution or quarter resolution that's going to just help your machine play through all these clips together because when you're working with multicam clips it is pretty taxing on your machine and the more clips you have the longer your video just the more it kind of bogs down your machine sometimes the other option that you have to help speed things up is if I come back to the media pool go to my original clips you can select all these guys right click and come down to generate optimized media and the optimized media should help DaVinci Resolve run a little smoother so between those couple different things that should help speed up your computer a little bit to help you get through editing the multicam clips but if you have any other problems any other questions definitely leave a comment down below and I'll see if I can help you out and give you any more tips all right there we go multi-angle video here in DaVinci Resolve I hope you guys found this video helpful if you did smash that like button and if you like this video you want to see more like it consider subscribing to my channel so from angle 1 angle 2 and angle 3 I will see you guys in the next video peace peace peace
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 107,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial, Davinci Resolve, Resolve, Davinci Resolve for beginners, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, Multicam, Multiple Video Angles, Edit Multiple Angles, Edit More Than One Angle, DaVinci Resolve Multicam, Multiple Cameras, Multicam Editing in DaVinci Resolve, Multicam Editing, Edit Multicam, Multicamera Editing in DaVinci Resolve, How to Edit Youtube Videos, Edit Video, Free Video Editor, Audio Sync, Editing in DaVinci Resolve
Id: ZzPZe36RdkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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