Build Overlay To Promote Instagram in DaVinci Resolve 15

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in today's episode we make this overlay [Music] so today I was watching a Philly d video and I seen a overlay that he was using let me show you here click up here in this corner just a little line that whips around and then some font comes in and then it stays that for a little bit and the two animations play backwards so we're gonna make that quick so up here I have a quick clip that I'm just going to be using so let's just say that this is the footage that you currently have in your project I next need to get a logo and all I do is just put an Instagram logo search and typically you would see it would look like this but all of these logos well I don't know if all of them but the majority of these logos just have white backgrounds so what you're gonna want to do is click on this tools color transparent and then all of these now have a transparent background so if you click on one what you'll see is it's displayed like a normal logo but when it's displayed over here what you can see is that there's the checkering and the check mean just means that it's transparent its see-through and all of these are also like that so I was just looking through here and I believe I grabbed this one here so I just grabbed this one the resolution is a bit big but that that's perfectly fine and we'll just use this one so just save this just right click and then save image and so let me pull that into our project just drop it into our project and there we go now we have that the next thing that I want to do is find a location that I want this little thing to pop out at and let's say it's going to be right here or no let's say it's going to be let's just do it at 5 seconds so right there 5 seconds and we'll just take this to ten so to complete five seconds and as you can see this goes to 29 if you don't know what this is this these last numbers right here are the frame numbers so currently I am running a 30 frames per second timeline so this will count up to 30 and then once it gets to 30 it goes to zero and the reason why to know that is because when we're working in fusion we're going to be setting things on one we're doing our animations they're gonna be set on frame numbers so that's just something to be aware of alright so now I have my shot here I'm going to grab my Instagram logo add that right on top then we're going to highlight both of them right click on them new fusion clip click on that and it combines them both into one clip and then if we go over into fusion now what we'll see is both of those and they'll be in two nodes so media one if I hit one it'll play in viewer one here so I'll hit one so that's the background and it's shown by the yellow which means the background and then the foreground is green and if we play that one by hitting one again now we see it over here and in the second player as you can see down here this is everything combined together with this merge so let's add the other elements for this so we're just going to grab a background node and then we're going to grab a rectangle mask we're gonna connect these two together then we're going to drag from this background the output so we're gonna drag from the output of this background and drop it on the output of this merge and then what will happen is this this background layer will then be the foreground of this over here and because there's a rectangle it's masked out this little area for whatever this background is so we can change the color of this and that will change whatever this background is if we don't have the rectangle it would be the whole screen but since we do it to just that area okay so now on our rectangle we are going to just size this up actually I think that it would be fine we're just going to make this a little smaller and we're going to bring it up to the corner here that we want it to go and I think I'm going to add a little bit of rounding here on the sides for the corners and I don't know how big I want this so I'm going to add in a text node and I'm just going to connect that here so then this is laying on top of everything that we've built so far and the text node I'm just going to put my Instagram which is at J our mr. J our TV change the font click whoops okay that's looks about right I just am using this now to make sure that it's the right size so I just grabbed the middle point to move it around and that looks fine I am completely content with the size of that I might actually move it over just a little bit so we'll grab our rectangle here just drag it over just a little bit because I need to still add the this logo in here and you'll see that further on okay so now we have everything looks like it's the right size I'm just gonna drag this out so it's not so confusing actually I'm just going to disconnect it so we don't see it at all so in with this rectangle I'm just going to move it up a little bit and because everything looks good in that rectangle currently I'm just going to click on it ctrl C to copy ctrl V to paste now I just added the another rectangle but because it's a mask inside of a mask we now have different modes that we can set so we're going to add a subtract note so anything that this particular node is touching its going to subtract it because both of these nodes at the same size this is subtracting everything so now I'm going to change the height and bring this in just a little bit so I think that looks pretty good hit that right on the money I'm going to save it quick now I can add this in again and move it up and I think I would be able to fit that in there so I'm just moving or that I'm moving around the whole frame by just holding down middle mouse button to zoom in and out I'm holding ctrl and mouse wheel eat in and now so that's looking pretty good so far the next thing that I'm going to need to do is take this logo and change the size of it so currently we have both of these going into this merge because the node that has the logo is the foreground the controls in this merge I can use to manipulate that foreground layer so I can move the size down and I can just place it right up here and we're just going to set it right there like that and that's looking pretty good now that I have everything here I could adjust the actually I think I'm going to change the size of this as well and to fine tune when I'm moving this to find a fine tune adjust you're gonna hold control be a bit more sensitive so you'll need more movement of the mouse to find it'll be fine-tuned so then you'll have to move the mouse more okay and let's go up just a little bit there I think that's perfect okay so now that we have that let's fit here at this point we have it but we could add some animation to it so let's do that quick all right so now moving our playhead back to let's say 1 first thing that I'm going to animate is I'm going to animate the line so all this stuff here is currently the line and because it's the foreground I can add a mask to this merge to manipulate the foreground stuff elements so that's what we're going to do I'm going to click on this merge I'm going to hit shift spacebar to bring up our search and we're going to type in paint we're gonna pull up the paint mask so now we have this paint mask and I'll just put it down here and now in the paint mask I can't see that line anymore because currently it's not a part of this mask so it doesn't show so what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to take this background node and I'm gonna play the background node here so I'm just clicking on here I'm gonna click - so I can play it here I'm gonna click on my mask node now plane this node but I'm clicking on the mask so I can see it because this merge is affecting how this backgrounds working but I can just play this background so I'm going to have in this window I'm just going to have this background so I can see it so now in my mask I'm going to click right here to edit line so I can add a path and I just shifted it over by holding middle mouse wheel in I'm just going to follow along this line like that and then I can click this button here to close it now if I play this last node now we can see it again and that's because this mask will now allow that to be seen the cool thing with the paint node is now I can do this right on and if we look at this we can write that little line back on okay so that's how we're going to be animating it by animating this end point here so currently we're at frame as you can see right here frame 1 clicking on the mask I'm going to click on to start the keyframes I'm going to bring this down to 0 now we're gonna go up to frame let's do frame 17 sure we're just going to bring it to the end whoops I just can't bring the end to the end so we have 0 & 1 and now I just clicked so we don't see that blind now we can see that line being added on ok so now we have that and play it we can see that line it looks great while I'm already in here I'm just going to add V out because I want this to all disappear and it's all gonna disappear the same way that it came on so lets 49s the last frame so let's go to 35 I'm just pulling these out of you know out of nowhere you can set it however you want whatever you see fit I'm going to go to 48 48 I'm going to bring it down so just come here and it's going down let's come back to the end and see how quick that goes by oh it looks good if you need it to adjust if you need it to adjust your keyframes just click on the spline editor and then we were manipulating mask paint 1 which is this one and it's already selected then click this button to see all your keyframes and then you be able to manipulate the keyframes if you want it to okay so now we have the line coming on and leaving now we need to do the same for the text and the logo so we could we could take both of these elements and make them into one with a merge so we would just have these two merge together and then be a part of the rest of everything or we can add them separately and I think we're gonna do them separately because I want the logo to bounce so I want to come in and do a little bounce and then settle down so let's go into our text here and our text node we can come over to our point and let's have it when the whole thing's up so the whole things up by here we are going to just come in a little bit further because we already have it adjust it we're just gonna so where is that end that ends like frame 17 or yeah that ends like 1617 so we're gonna come up to let's do 17 have a keyframe there and then 17 let's go 10 frames so 27 now I just want to come back to here the reason why I added this frame just because it's it's in a good position and I want to add that keyframe so I want to find that spot again because I just want it to move back and forth I don't want it to you know creep up or anything like that and get all wonky so I'm just gonna come back to frame 17 now and just move it off the screen and it goes around and then that comes on we can go to the other end here it's disappearing so before or actually let's have it like right here is when it starts leaving and then by the time it gets let's say here it's already gone okay so there's that let's play this okay so it played on here but one thing that you'll notice is when it plays this text just moves back and forth clean it doesn't have any motion blur like it's moving quick so let's add some motion blur and now this is completely up to you it will use more resources to render this but it looks a lot better and if you want to add it you could add it in after everything else is done and then you could add it in so it's not slowing down your machine when you're previewing everything but yeah I just want to let you know that so coming here to the end clicking on here we're on the text one clicking motion blur and the quality is just the quality of the blur as you can see here it's blurry but it you can see like hard lines if you move the quality up it's gonna use more resources it's gonna take a little longer to render if you have quicker equipment it won't be that noticeable moving this up but that is something to be aware of so once you move it up what you'll notice is that it starts to look a bit better like an actual blur instead of being very like step II like that so I'm just gonna move it up to let's say 8 8 looks great and we will put this to fit again now anytime that that moves it's gonna have that motion blur as you can see it chunk there a little bit when I was making its preview but yeah so now I have it there and then the motion blur will be affected there at the end as well okay so the last thing I need to do is move the logo so here is the logo mediate into and I can see that by clicking on it and playing it in one of the play players put this back over here and because it's a foreground object this merge I can affect it we talked about that before and now I can come into the center because that's what this is the center and we can adjust it on there so let's have so after this already lands a couple of seconds later I want the logo to land too so a couple seconds after that stops we want the stopping point for this one for this as well and then we will have zoom out a little bit we will have this like off-screen now that should slide in after and it does okay looks great you could add motion blur in here as well that is something you could do so it's always the object that's moving something is what you want to add the motion blur onto to add the effect so you want to come into here if this did have motion blur settings and you want to you know change the motion blur on here it's the object that's actually doing the movement of said thing okay so now we have the logo coming in but I said I wanted to add that little bit of a bounce so we'll just come here to the last keyframe click on spline now we have a bunch of keyframes here we want to look at the keyframe just for merge one so we'll just turn this off and turn text off and here we have merge one let's see how the speed is first before we manipulate this too much it comes in and that now let's play this after it's cashed okay I'm going to just move this just a little bit so I'm going to just click here and move it over I'm gonna highlight it now and hit F now when I hit F I'll have a little little guy here to move this around and the idea here is when it goes up it's going to then go past its mark and then back down so it's gonna have a little bit of a bounce okay that's almost a little that's not enough so we'll just amp that up just a little bit wow that's that'll be too much now let's see how this looks okay that might work let's play it oh it's cool I think I'm cool with that all right so that's looking pretty good now let's get the out for this I don't need the spline editor anymore so everything starts moving here let's have the logo move first so just want to come here gonna click to add a keyframe cuz it's and then by the time it's light there I want this already off so let's play this no it's alright until the last thing I want to do is the this line isn't doing it for me so I want to add the Instagram colors to this so the first thing I'm going to do is click on the background and then click on gradient here and I'm going to grab the hex colors for the Instagram logo so the black so that's the purple and then the orange gonna click here look at this one there's the orange now I just need to manipulate where our gradient is so I'm gonna bring this up here and bring this line so what's happening is from this point to this point we have the gradient in color and that's just stating that this line and this is where the gradient happens if I pull this out further that gradient is wider so it takes this and just stretches it out so I'm just going to move it here and here make it like the opposite of the logo over here and over here it looks like there's an orange in there but I'm just our a like reddish in there but I'm just gonna leave that out I don't not that concerned okay so that looks good I'm kind of content with that so I'm just going to save it and now in the editor I now have once this would cache my computer struggling a little bit until I would cache this but yeah let's do that quick turn it on smart caching come down here and we change this and make sure that's on standard quality so shot there's a little guy that comes on and then it leaves alright so now we have it now let's go into how would we be able to add this through other projects because if you're gonna make an overlay like this you're probably going to want to add it to other projects so what I would do is come into fusion and currently we're now on the right Club so just computer clip click on our fusion clip now we're hearing clip we're just gonna move out the media 1 and 2 and the media out over and we're gonna highlight everything else in between we're gonna even add the merge 1 because we did add a bunch of keyframes and we change the size and/or the scale and everything so I'm gonna highlight everything we're gonna right click and then we're gonna go to save as and now we're gonna want to get to this location and a lot of people once they get into their username they say oh I can't find app data if you're on Windows and once you're in your user you're just gonna come down to down to this little options and show hidden files should say folders and files but once you do that then app data is right here and you should be able to get to the rest of the path so then once you're in here you can just type in down here anything you want so I can just put in let's say IG now that it's saved once you restart the Vinci you'll have those in there so let's I'm gonna restart quick and show you how to get into it let's say that we had another little clip right here that we were going to add it into we're just going to drop our logo in and it's only 5 seconds so I'm just gonna cut the extra a little bit and say these are my two shots now that could be a ton of shots and you could put this you know there could be a bunch of shots over here a bunch of shots over here but let's say this is where you want that overlay to go click on here and then we're just going to new fusion clip drops them both down now here go over to fusion back to the same little look we can take this merge and delete it because we have a merge that we're going to use instead come up to effect library templates titles IG drop that down everything's currently highlighted so I can move it if I need it to we're gonna break this connection connect this over here and take our our endpoint and we can just play this so this is our background we're gonna put that on our background you can just drag it first and then I'll go is the background and then this one is the logo so we can just drop this on here again or put it two feet green and then that's the output and as you see over here everything looks the same as before we have all of our animations at the beginning and also here at the end and you could just come back to the Edit tab and it's already here and that's pretty much how you would make a and that's pretty much how you would make a title that you can then use in all of your other projects the cool thing about making it this way is now in fusion you can come in and let's say the let's come in the middle or we don't have a blur on the name we could come in here on the name and click on text 1 and if we wanted to we could change the color of it to something else and back here we will then have that and you know you could also change the logo if you wanted to instead of having this logo you could put the Twitter logo or the Facebook logo and it'll downsize it and everything else and then over here we have the the one that we previously made so yeah that's pretty much how to do with that being said let me know in the comments what you think about this one if there's anything that you'd like to see in the future let me know that is well down there and with that being said my name is J Arden thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 21,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, overlay, fustion, DaVinci Resolve 15, Motion Graphics, Instagram, free after effects, template, free
Id: JJ01zEorvDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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