3D Text and Particles Intro Animation Blender 2.8 Tutorial

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hi and welcome to this DCP work tutorial in today's tutorial we'll be using blender 2.8 to quake these 3d text and particle animation okay so let's go ahead and open up blend up and like usual the first thing we'll do is click on general here let's go to file save as I'm going to save this project as text particles - 0 1 so we just give it a sensible file name and then let's go and click Save I'm going to press the letter N and you don't need to do this but I'm just going to turn on my screencast key so you can see the key presses down here I'm gonna click on this cube and delete it and then we'll middle mouse click around so the X on Y in this direction let's press shift an a and insert a text object let's press the number 7 that takes us into the top orthographic let's zoom in hit the tab key or you can go to edit mode here and delete this text and type in anything you like keep it quite short and then hit the tab key to go back into object mode you can move between objects in edit mode here or just use the tab key where you can select from this drop-down lets click on this text go to the object data for the text and in the geometry we want extrude it to 0.1 and willness set the bevel depth to 0.2 0.02 and then the line spacing we want to set that to 1.2 so the text is got some thickness now it's got a beveled edge so the light will shine off of it and all that good stuff ok the font is not very good so let's go and open up our web browser and we're going to go to this website I'll put a link to this particular font in the YouTube description we'll click download so you'll find a direct link to this font you can use the same font or a different one we'll open up this folder and we'll go ahead and drag and drop this zip file in here right click on it extract it here and we'll delete the zip file that just leaves us with this phone in here so let's open up blender let's go through the selected text let's go through the font settings here in a regular click on the open folder here go to the font select it click open now you can see this font like this is looking good let's click on the font go to object set origin geometries origin that will put the origin point in the center of this text and then let's press number one number one takes us into the front orthographic hold down the shift key in the middle mouse button try and get your text in the center of the viewport let's click on this text press Auto rotate then X type in 90 then press ctrl alt + 0 that moves the camera to this particular position and let's see let's middle mouse click and press number three number three will take us into the right orthographic zoom in click on this text press G to grab it then Z then hold down the ctrl key and drag it upwards we want to zoom right in press G to grab then Z and move it down so that is like just a little gap between this green line and the bottom of the text something like this maybe a little bit higher Jeter will ABS ed you just move up slightly just want a little gap there your middle mouse click we can rotate back around press number 7 that takes us into the top oval graphic and then we'll click on this text press shift in D to duplicate it and then press G to grab it and then Y and move it backwards so we'll have two copies of the text we've got this front tick so let's call this text front and then we've got this one here and it will make sense we call this text back worth labeling your objects as soon as you guess when you start to get lots of different objects then it's a bit easier to know what they are here let's click on this one and we want to make it thin up so let's go to the extrude and set that all the way down to 0.01 so it's a thinner piece of text let's click on it zoom right in let's click there and you can click on the move tool as well and we can click on the green arrow and drag it down so there's a little little gap in between the two pieces of text that you can see there's a small gap there right in between them okay let's press number seven and seven takes us back into the top view let's hide these text objects and press shift in eight and we want to insert a mesh circle so we've got a circle here let's go into edit mode and then left click to unselect it press shift in a and insert another circle now press s to scale hold down the ctrl key and when you hold on the ctrl key as you're scaling it's going to scale in increments and you want to scale it in one two at this now you've got this circular shape press a and a will select all the vertices go to a face and go to fill and that will fill in the face let's go back into object mode and then press shift in a and insert a plane now the plane let's press the press s to scale it then hold down the control key and scale it so it's two by two in here if you click on the object they are you'll see actually one one and one this why you want to say to zero point two you want to be a bit taller than the other two dimensions let's go into edit mode for this particular object click on the face select all in fact yeah let's click on face select let's click on this object press G to grab it and then Y and then hold down the control key and drag it up so that it sits on this line here like it's almost in between the two this top edge and the bottom edge here sitting in between let's zoom right into this object at the top let's click on the vertices tool and left-click to unselect all of the vertices you'll see they all go black and you can click on this top one it will go white you see it's got a white color let's press G to grab it there's a couple of ways you can do this you can either use shortcut keys or you can use the tools let's use the torso make your life is all bit easier let's click on this tool here and then we can just hold down the ctrl key and use the red arrow and drag it in this way we can then click on this one hold down the ctrl key click on the red arrow and drag it this way as I'll show you there is another way to do that without using this particular tool if you've got the move tool selected or the selection tool you can click on this and then press G to grab it so you pressing G to grab that vertice then you press X to lock it on the x-axis and then you hold down the control key and you can drag it as well it's like using the same thing that's at all sometimes it's nice to just clip your your selection at all available and use shortcut keys so we'll click on this one press G to grab X hold down the control key and drag it here both ways do exactly the same thing let's click on their face select all here and click on this object that will select this whole object you're selecting the face of it right and we're going to press shift in D to duplicate and get enter press R to rotate then Z and then type in 180 and it's going to rotate a hundred eighty degrees and then we'll press G to grab it lock it on the y axis so press Y hold down the control key and drag it all the way down to the bottom here now we've got two objects in opposite directions you rotate it like this let's press a a we'll select both of them the top one and the bottom one let's press shift in D to duplicate both of them then press R to rotate and then Z then hold down the ctrl key and rotate around to the opposite points here now we just want to keep duplicate and rotating so let's press a able select all four of them press shift and D then hit enter and then press also rotate Zed hold down the control key rotate once twice three times we're going to go three increments right and yeah this little gap here let's select all of them and drew placate them press a able select all of them press shift indeed then hit enter press R to rotate then Zed and then we're going to rotate them around and leave that same little gap here like this so you can see the gap is even let's press shift in D to duplicate all to rotate Zed to lock it on the z axis hold under control key and rotate around now you've got all of these spikes done go into object mode okay so this is the circle the circle we want to name it and then the plane is the teeth or the spikes let's call em spikes okay so let's click on this cog on this circular shape let's go to let's press number three number three will take us into the right over graphics we're seeing it from the like a flat angle let's click on the modifier add modifier solidify and set it to let's see let's set it to 0.1 0.1 and then click on the spikes go to add modifier so you want to make sure you click modify as you add modifier solidify I'm going to set this to zero point let's see from zero point five will be good zero point five five let's say it's a 0.6 0.6 let's zoom in and we're going to click on the move tool click on the blue arrow hold down the control key and drag it up so that it sits in between the height here and the height above should be the same yeah they look roughly the same they're gonna be perfect but roughly you want the height above and below to be the same its middle mouse click now you've got this source wacky COG thing going on here okay so let's um let's see what I want to do now is press number in fact we just do this at an angle Bluebell so what this sort of angle let's press shift in a and insert a cylinder so we've got this cylinder here and in fact we'll press number three because that's a good view to see it so you can see the height here is too tall I want to make this height the same as this as this let's press number three years that's there's this object here the what do we call it the COG so let's zoom in here and on the z-axis we'll want to reduce it right let's just reduce it down to inflate doesn't need to be exactly the same hype i think the 0.03 seems to be about right and we can click on the blue arrow and just drag it up let's just see how that's measuring that so this this one here at around the top edge that is actually 0.5 0.5 should be almost pretty much the same pretty much the same so now this this cylinder is exactly the same height as the this co-op jokes right we're going to name this cylinder a particle emitter okay let's click on the particle limit the cog I want to hide it and hide the spikes well now you can hide the light as well that when you need that so we just got this particle emitter which is this cylinder shape flat cylinder shape let's click on it go into edit mode and then left click outside click on the face select all click on this face here and delete it so you just hit the click on this face hit the delete key and say delete face and click on the one at the bottom hit the delete key and delete the face now you're left with this orb and you can think of it like this thing that wraps around the COG let's go back into object mode and go back in turn on the COG and the light and the light we don't really need in fact we can just right click on this light and delete it just delete it so we left with a cog and the spikes and this particle emitter now we want to parent these all together and it's important that the COG is selected last so select the spikes hold down the shift key and select the particle emitter and then select the COG lost make sure the Cogley selected last you know it is because it will be orange here and the two other objects will be red move your mouse to the middle of the screen here and then press ctrl + P and then select object here now everything will be parented to this cog those two objects so you've got the particle the spikes and you've got the COG here so when we click this copy you can see it's selected let's press the number 7 you can see it from the top and if we were to press R to rotate then Z then the spikes and the particle emitter will rotate with it it's all behaving like one objects as long as you're manipulating the COG itself not the objects that sit inside you can manipulate them separately right but whatever the COG does these objects will do as well let's turn back on our text here so we'll go our text here turn back on and really we're looking at this from the top and we look at it from the from the front so let's press number one so now we can see it from the front we'll hide the camera for a moment and we want to rotate this cog just click on it press auto rotate X type in 90 and he will only drag this upwards so that it's in the middle of this text that the text is one two three four five six seven blocks do you want to be one three three and in the midpoint of this third one here right around here so let's click on the blue arrow and just drag it so that doc sits roughly in the middle here it doesn't do it perfect but this particular square here you want the COG what you want this thought to be in the middle of it right then you'll have one two three blocks below and one two three above and a gap here will be the same one in the center because we're going to scale it so let's press s to scale so make sure the COG is selected press s to scale hold down the control key and we want to scale it down to around here so there's a little gap Barban is his little gap below here like this this looks good let's press number seven number seven will take us into the top orthographic we'll click on this green arrow so make sure your move towards are selected click on the green arrow and just drag it so that kind of sits in between these little gap the gap is smaller than the width of this this Cobra it doesn't matter it's not important okay so let's go to file save as and save this as version two and what we want to do now is press shift in a and insert a cube let's click on the cube data and set everything to like zero point one in fact we want it to be was small in that one is set to like let's see the zero point zero six zero point zero six that's just copy this one do that 0.06 and then 0.06 so we're gonna have this little small box here shape let's just click it and drag it above the other objects because we want to make this pretty small this is still way too big so less when these edits probably okay but we set this to be like 0.01 0.01 it's going to be quite a thin object let's just see I think that's going to be okay 0.01 0.01 and 0.06 it's quite a small little object like this it's little cylinder not even still in this little rectangular type object all right let's go ahead and open up this hog and when we open it up click this arrow we've got the particle emitter let's click on the particle emitter and go to the particle settings here and then click on the plus sign and then everything's self here we'll leave everything as default for now but really what we want to do in fact is we want to create a particle collection so let's let's click on this one here this one it's called way to call right now it's called cube let's call it particle so we'll name that particle and then press shift in D to duplicate it and hit enter press shift indeed to duplicate and hit enter you've got three particles now this one is called zero zero one so let's call this one zero one let's name this one space zero two let's just make them the same and let's call this one space zero three so we've got one two and three objects click on this scene collection up here right click and create a new collection and that will appear at the bottom name this collection particles particles click on the first one hold down the shift key click on the second one and hold down the shift key and click on the third one grab all three of them into the particle collection here so it'll sit inside of this collection here click on the second one and just drag it to the side click on the third one that's an aside for now they're not we haven't applied any material to them but it's worth doing this now because then we can apply this collection of particles to the particle emitter here so let's click on that particle ml and then we'll go to the render settings in the halo let's select collection and in this instance collection we can select the particles now and let's click random and let's click play and now we can see these little particles they're really hard to see because they're pretty small so let's increase their size just set them a bit bigger like on a lot let's set them to around 0.4 so we can see these particles drop in so let's pause this we don't want them to drop all the way through so let's press 0 0 takes us into the camera view the camera is no good in terms of its position so let's click on the camera turn it on so we can see it let's click on it and go to the settings set the X to 0 so that will Center it all out set the rotation to the X rotation to 85 degrees so it's looking slightly downwards let's move the z-axis and try and get it sent it out like this and move it backwards a little bit so it's just slightly looking down at an angle this is a better position now now that we've got the camera in roughly this position we'll move it back a little bit more so around here let's press shift in 8 and insert a plane I've got this plane here now what's happening is um this plane object is being added to the pipe or collection you can see it's plane here so only drag this up to the main collection here so click on it if it's already in the main collection don't worry we just want to drag it out of the particle collection drag it out there this minimizes particle selection click on this top one then hopefully only our objects will be added to this collection here this plane we want to call it floor and then we want to press s click on it press s to scale and hold down the control key we're not really need to hold under control K just want to scale it so that it moves past the camera you can see it's going past the camera this boxes the camera and the plane is past it we want to move past we want to click on the plane go to the physics and inside the physics one set collision now if we go back to the beginning and click play our particles will bounce off of this surface and that's what we want so let's do one other thing let's click on this text here this text is called text front let's go to object right now this text is behaving like real text if well press the tab key I can type in other text right afterwards but I don't want to do that what I want to do is convert these text objects into a mesh object so that the particles can bounce off of this text as well because right now you can't do that there is there is enough physics settings to make this object collision so let's click on the text go to object convert to a mesh object here and when we do that we can now click on the bat text as well go to object click convert to a mesh object click on the front one go to the particle settings and set collision and then click on the back text go to the particle settings and select collision let's go back to the first frame file save click play now these particles will bounce off of the floor and the text so if they get caught up in the text anywhere if they're bouncing off the top of the text they won't just um basically they won't just bounce through the text right or they'll collide with the text itself let's go to the particle emitter let's go to the particle settings and let's see in fact let's pause this for a second I'm gonna think what we want to do right because really want these sort of these cylinder type shapes to be rotating or some sort of trajectory to make them rotate they're bouncing a little bit too high and doing all this stuff so let's go to a file say for the moment okay so the first thing we want to do is increase in fact we'll even a thousand particles for now will increase this a little bit later because it will help us during our real-time rendering to see what's going on with these so the first thing we want to do really is sort at a velocity so inside the velocity settings what we'll do is let's see we'll set the pretty much all of this stuff can state default really is the rotation we want to set inside the rotation we want to set it to normal value and we want to randomize the rotation and inside let's see let's just get this right and we want to set this to be dynamic as well and then let's see we will go pick random here scale we want to set to random as well so with some would be smaller some will be slightly larger let's go back to the first frame here and then inside of the field weights we want to set the gravity to 0.35 we want less Webby and I think this should be pretty good this should help us to get our we should have an angular velocity in hit we want to set this to global X so basically what this will do is rotate these particles on the x axis so you think about the X's this axis right the red one so they're going to rotate along that axis so in food we click play now you'll see the particles will start to rotate as they bounce off of the floor and all that good stuff now they're kind of moving in different directions and we'll change the the gravity here so the gravity will affect it as well so less gravity they'll fly away we don't really want them to fly away the parent want them to bounce a little bit but kind of stick to the floor surface rather than just flying away some of the particles will fall through because they're being emitted from the bottom of this object anything that's above the floor we'll bounce off of the floor so they can see them bouncing like this that's kind of what I wanted something light it's a bit random we're gonna increase this to around 10,000 particles 10,000 so we're gonna have a lot more particles in our simulation when we finish off but for now while we're working on this I like to leave the particles to around a thousand because it would just help us to do everything in real time when we were you know just experimenting so that's really our particles kind of sorted I think we need to really do much more with them and when it's not about color choices so what colors do we use in lighting and the particle colors and the text color and the floor and all that good stuff so we'll think about that as we go along so one thing we want to do it's probably so at the lighting first so it's going to be kind of similar I did this cinematic animation thing before it's only is kind of the same sort of design styles that were used in that particular tutorial let's take these part we leave the park was there for a minute they're fine they're not hurting no one so let's let's press shift in 80 and we want to insert a light spotlight the spotlight right now is facing downwards so we want to move it backwards and and rotate it as well so let's just press number three you can see the text here and our camera should be over here and we want to just move this so we need to click the move tool just move it behind a little bit of beef over I'm gonna rotate it around so we want to rotate it at minus 90 and that will make it point towards the camera and bring it up a little bit so it's kind of in the middle of this text that's procedure oh now you can see that light source behind the text let's go to our render view and now we can see the light source there let's go to a file save as say this is version 3 and then let's go to the light source and say to 1500 1500 here and we want to let's say we want to set the radius to two I want to make it a bit wider and the size want to set it to 100 and the blend we're going to turn that all the way off something like this and we can adjust this if you need be afterwards so let's go to our shading inside shading we'll press 0 that shows us what the camera sees let's go into the render view make sure when render and let's go to the world settings inside the world settings unless we'll see these two nodes if you don't see them sometimes they're like up above here you can't really see them use your mouse wheel to zoom out you will see them like this middle mouse click with your mouse wheel and you can zoom back in to see them for shifting a and we want to insert a shader volume scar like we did in my previous tutorials we remember and we want to set the density to zero point to this zero point zero one five zero point zero one five and then we'll set this value to zero point two to what it's like it's called volumetric light right that's what it's called you can adjust this maybe it's a 0.8 maybe we'll have it kind of a bit brighter it's up to you this value here will determine you know what sort of effect you will receive from this lighting so normally anywhere between 0.3 and 0.8 it's kind of what I choose we live at 0.2 for now let's go back to the layout and let's go through the render settings and inside the render settings will turn on ambient occlusion turn on the bloom and we want to turn on screen space reflections and inside the volume metrics when I said it's a tile size 4 and we want to turn on volumetric shadows I think that's pretty much about it but we want to set let's see we want to set the screen space reflection saying so screen space reflections turnoff half trace trace position and Max were oftenest set them all the way to the top here that's what I normally do then we want to go ahead and let's say this the soil is frothing let's click on the floor and then we'll go to the floor here let's click on it let's double click copy this name floor press ctrl C to copy go to the material let's click new material and then always name your material the same as the object that's what I do it's good practice to do that because later when you were looking at all your materials you'll see floor you know it belongs to floor it makes your life a lot easier later so what we want to do here let's see the base color we want to make that pretty much black right and then what we'll do is bring down the roughness to 0.175 and that's pretty much it offering we don't really need to do my choice here I think that's pretty much it so we see these like light reflections can you see off of the floor here and what we want to do now is click on the back text this text back let's copy this name text back click it go to material click new material paste that name in here and we want to set this to an emission shader and set its value to something like let's say to around 54 now it's going to be quite bright so you can see this text behind is going to mix some light as well and that's just going to help give some better lighting on this Florida off the reflections and we want to set the color now let's let's set it to like in my demo example that uploads you to I use them like these purple colors but I think today I want to kind of work with blues right so it's entirely your choice you pick whatever colors you want whatever you think is it's good for you I'm gonna try and do use blues in my previous tutorial that I demo1 uploaded I use kind of more more purple colors or pink colors so let's click on the text front it's copied its name text front copy it let's go through the material new material let's paste that text in here that name and then with this one we want to set the metallic all the way up and the roughness we want to bring this down to around mm say 0.16 so we'll have some roughness to it so when we get close into here you can kind of see these nice reflections off the blue light and our particles will reflect off of this text as well so we're getting really really close we're gonna see some nice sort of lighting effects off of this right let's press zero again let's go through our world settings here inside the world settings let's set a background to black and then let's click on this spotlight let's go to its settings and we can change its color I want to try and give it a bit of a blue not too dark somewhere like around here you can go like really really dark but I think we want to keep a bit of that white in there inside of the light so somewhere around here I think it's going to be pretty good so let's press f12 to do a test render let's just see what it looks like so after what we can see what the text looks like and I think this is an improvement in terms of lighting compared to the demo one that I did the demo one was quiet the colors won't just write our own thing they'll feel a little bit off my fingers is pretty good I want to click on this spotlight and press G to grab it then press Y and move it up backwards a bit more well that's false let's move it backwards a bit to around here it's moving it back a little bit further just me you can click this green arrow to move it backwards as well or move it forwards so one move it backwards a bit more you further away to somewhere like here you see let's press f12 to render that again I think that's going to be okay I want to move it down a little bit and probably move it to this side I just wanted it to be covered obviously this letter T is kind of covering it a little bit like around here I think this should be pretty good around here and I like the lighting and see the reflections off of the floor we're getting a lot of that from this it's glowing text behind she's going to help her lighting let's go to file/save and I think I might even move this let's see I think he was actually okay around here okay so what do we need to do we need to sort out the colors on our particles so let's click on this first particle or you can click on this this drop-down click on the first one this particle one let's go to the material let's copy this name particle one so press ctrl C to copy click new label data particle one go to the here click emission set the emission to around 50 you can see it's going to be quite bright and we're going to set its color so I'm going to choose all blue shades that quite turquoisey light blue and then we'll click on particle number two let's see let's double click and we'll copy that name we'll click new and sure there's an easier way to do this bottom doesn't matter we just paste this into here particle zero to click here go to your mission set that through a slightly different shade of blue maybe a slightly darker shade and then the strength we'll set that to 50 as well so that will glow a slightly different blue color let's click number three let's click new paste in that name and change it to 3 PI 3 click here go to your mission set that to 50 and then we'll select a darker shade of blue more like three different shades of blue here right let's click on the first one hold down the shift-key Slyke the second one and the third one so all three a selected zoom right out click on this blue arrow and drag them way up the top here somewhere all the way out the gee-pole so we don't really see them anymore right now if we were to click play we'll see those particles flowing out here and this gained a bit closer and then you'll see lighting that it's generating it looks a bit crazy at the moment let's just pause this lets press f12 and see what the render looks like because sometimes in the viewport it just doesn't look the same as what the render looks like right it's not it's trying to do a lot in this viewport compared to what the render will look like so the render is the true representation what this looks like so this is really what its gonna look like I think this much looks much better let's go through our render settings and let's set the render settings to 96 let's increased the the samples as well here that will help us right we could increase the samples in the viewport as well but normally I leave them pretty low because all rather press f12 and actually see the render that's kind of highlight to do it let's go to the output settings and in the output settings we want to set the speed or the frame rate to 30 here let's go to the particle email and let's go to the particle settings now the particles we are wanting to emit straight away we want to kind of time this a little bit during our animation so really what we want to do here let's think about this a little bit so what we do is let's see I think it would be wise for us to go to the particles go to the particle sayings let's increase the number to around 10,000 for now so if your system is really slow and can't cope with 10,000 particles you can reduce this you don't need to have make sure you don't move this by accident right you don't need to have 10,000 there that's quite a lot it's not that much to be fair what if anything strange is happening here go to file save and make sure you save your particles let's just play this you can see like this shape is in generated what's going on here I think it's I think it's too many particles for it to to bake out in real time so we'll just set this to back to a thousand and you should see it actually working quickly ten thousands too many for it to calculate all at the same time without caching at first so we'll cache it in a moment but what we want to do is set the start frame to ninety so that gives us a bit of time to move this cog in to the scene we don't want the particles to admit until this spinning object actually hits the text so we'll set it to around 90 it's going to finish one around 200 but we want to fade out our particles a bit earlier than that so let's set them to around 40 in terms of their lifetime so though they won't stick around for too long let's say I think that should be pretty good now let's go back to the first way and this object is the COG so let's click on this cog minimize this again let's click on the COG and we want to start doing some final animation now so let's click the recall button and what we'll do is what would be wise is I think this actually go to file save as we should save this as a version so if we want to come back to this point we've got some way to come back to okay so we have the COG selected we're on the first frame here we know that between frame 0 and frame 90 no particles are going to be made they get started it starts to get made on frame 90 so what we'll do let's see let's go to frame 1 we need to make sure the record button is on and we're going to drag this object off the screen off the camera view needs to be off the camera view around here then we're going to move to frame let's see frame 45 he's here so let's click on this object and bring it back in where it's overlapping this letter P here around here and then we're going to go to frame 205 and drag this to the other side so it's overlapping the letter s here and then go to frame 250 and drag it off the screen here and drag it pretty far off the screen let's zoom out a little bit drag out the viewport here so we go back and click play kind of see this right now obviously this thing is not spinning so we want to make sure it's spinning let's see I'm not sure we need these keyframes here and here I think we don't need them no we don't we don't need these keyframes this one on 45 I'm going to right click on it and delete it we don't need this delete and then this one one two or five I'm going to click on it and then right click on it and delete that as well it doesn't make sense having them there just making things calm we just want it to be one transition all the way through like this right that's better so let's go to the last frame here 250 and on 250 frame let's go to the object they are and in fact when you go to the first frame just make sure there's keyframes in there press the letter I those keyframes will be there for the rotation so let's press the I hear it's keyframes here and we want to rotate when this green line which is the y-axis so let's work out we probably wanna rotate it twice so I went 720 let's go back to the first frame and it's just jog through can you see it's rotating now we're rotating this way but it gets to around here this is frame 60 on frame 60 if we open up the cog object and go to the particle emitter let's go to the particle saying instead of starting frame 90 let's start on frame 60 Starnes frame 60 so that way when this starts to hit the particles will start to flow out as he hits this letter P right rather than waiting so I think around here is good it's better now that's um let's see so let's do some work with a camera so let's click on the camera here let's go to Marco add marker and then go to a marker and bind camera to marker this will basically allows the multiple cameras and switch between them mil so let's go to the camera go to the camera object they are press the letter I here let's just see everything's good yeah press the little eye and the left eye here then let's go to a frame let's see around frame I think 1 frame 45 just before he gets to frame 60 yeah around frame 45 we're gonna be dreamed up by then so frame 45 press the letter A and the letter I hear and let's go back to the first frame then if you go to edit preferences click keymap here and go to the search type in fly FL y and then you have the fly navigation walk and fly the keyboard shortcut you click here and then press shift + f + shift + f will be the hotkey for this function so when you click on the camera you can press Shift + F and you rotate your mouse rule forwards once and it will start to zoom in you just rotate one click forward it was Umi slowly if you do - it'll be a bit quicker through a bit more faster for even quicker and you can rotate backwards to stop here morning zoom right in to this letter - you get real real close to it about here and then we're going to move to the left hand side so let's press G to grab this camera press X let's press escape actually a shift in F and we can zoom in and we need to left click to confirm right so we'll get closest let's see then left click to confirm that then press G to grab the camera press X and then we'll move it across to here and then we can you know you can use these options here as well so you can use a wire to get in to a black frame we want to zoom in to the front of this letter T so we got a completely black frame then on the Y rotation will set it to finger 45 degrees and then click play and it's going to zoom out like this right so let's just see that again think maybe you can actually click on this keyframe and maybe move it to around frame 80 let's move it to around frame 80 let's go back and click Play be a bit slower but as it's still moving we'll see some of the these particles being emitted as it's still rotating here right rather than it being quite flat and we've got options we can either do something with this camera we can switch to a completely different camera really what I wanted to see is kind of an angle of this text with this cog fing flowing towards the camera with the particles flying out that's kind of what I wanted to see so to do that let's go to a frame 81 one frame off the last keyframe here and we're going to press shift and 8 and insert another camera where is a camera so we've got a second camera now just call this camera right and what we want to do is click on it press 0 let's see are we looking through that camera see I forgot to bind it first so just click on camera here go to marker add marker and then go to mark our bind camera with the binding first now we're looking through that second camera and all we want to do is click on the camera and on the wire just move it back a little bit then on the X we want to move it up a little bit and then we want to move it on these this X location we move it right all the way across to this lace and then we want to rotate it not on the Y on the z-axis want to rotate it around so we can see these particles being emitted let's move our camera up a little bit let's move it across a little bit you can play around with your settings now just to get it out an angle where we think it's gonna look good let's rotate a bit more kind of want it somewhere around here I'm gonna bring it back a bit as well I spit too close let's bring it back might be worth having it above and I'm gonna rotate it this way maybe looking down at it slightly let's bring it back so the few is a few different ways to adjust the camera position right it's not the only way you can use like the flat camera mode to do this but kind of showing you a different way to get this done I think we need to really be looking at this text from the front slightly maybe about hearing us bring it up slowly so let's see what it looks like listen so this first part will be like this and then we'll add the text kind of ripping through here I think we need to rotate it a bit - about an angle what I think it's not quite right at this angle so let's rotate around this way a bit more and then move it on the y-axis back here may bring it down a bit and this is dance your own preference right there's no right or wrong here just want to try and get an angle where it's gonna look good that's the main thing so I think around here we're kind of ripping fruit let's pause on this frame here and press f12 let's just see what it looks like from this angle here it's kind of what these particles flying out and you've got this text is not illuminated that world oh is it really I think it will be fine there this hon take the record button and let's just see I think it will be fine there let's press zero again so we're looking at it from that camera angle really that's what is set to on all these key frames right you want to go to frame 81 hit the record button go to the camera right-click that press the little I hear and I hear and as it's moving through here when it gets to around frame a hundred and fifty let's see it 150 it's almost done around here so it's gets through about frame one 180 I think let's get it back here I think right around frame 150 we'll press the letter I and letter I here so these are the key frames for this second camera we don't want to try and do is move it on the X let's see let's move on the wire I'm going to rotate it around here and then move it on the X a little bit and on the way kind of like this Hawk to fly past the camera like this let's click on this keyframe and move it forward so I'm frame 190 and then I'm frame one ie you see - 250 let's press the letter I here and the letter I here on the Z rotation I'm going to set it to zero then on the X location I'm going to set it to zero and then the X rotation I'm going to say it's you 85 and why I'm going to bring it back screw around here this will take us back to the front of your text again right I mean that's okay what would be nice is if one around frame 215 so run frame 220 we can probably press click on the camera press G to grab it and try and get more this powerful text here like this you can insert keyframes in between so that you can kind of control the camera position a bit bar around here probably you can see like the s is being caught off here slightly if you're not fingers too much of a problem but let's try and go to this frame to be 20 plus G to grab it and move it to the left I'll move it to the right a bit more let's see when I squeeze that holding here like this okay I'm kind of happy with that let's just do a test render here okay let's go to file save save this is version 5 and what's important is before you do anything you should uncheck the record button go back to the first rim go to the particle limit up go to the particle settings click cache and we're going to set this to 10 thousand 10 thousand particles and then click bake or dynamics and you see this red line so blender is now memorizing where all of these particles are going to be positioned in the scene so when they would click play now we're going to see a lot more particles and we can turn off the overlays here just to see that without overlays you get an idea what it's going to look like so that might be too much you know looks like a bit hardcore but you know let's just pause it on a frame and see press f12 and just render it it's looking a bit crazy but hey you know what unless you render it out you never know let's save this let's go to our output in the output first frame 250 this is good 1 to 250 everything is good here let's click on the here and let's say 2 avi JPEG click the open folder let's go back to my desktop and we'll just click in this folder we just accept it and then we'll press ctrl s to save ctrl f12 to start the render and I'm going to pause the video and we'll check the video once it's completed ok so blend this finish rendering that all of the 250 frames so let's close this let's go to file save I just minimize this and inside this folder we should see an AVI file let's open that and play this and we set it on repeat for now so we can watch so he's a pretty cool effect I like and the the coke spinning but I think it would have been better to have maybe left it from this front view in this front view would have been better if the coke lots around the middle and then around the middle we switched it over camera angle maybe switch they're different I'm not convinced this is the best camera this one here isn't too bad you can still read the letters right as when you swerve around these letters tend to get a bit harder to read but overall I think it's a good idea it's a good concept and you can rework this this tutorial in to make any outfit you can improve it to be fair but I like the particles I don't have ten thousand was too many maybe a little bit looked a bit but if there was less particles because here you can see it's getting quite busy there's a lot of things going on in this particular frame around here it's getting quiet overwhelmed with his particles laughing maybe ten thousand was too many but having said that around here it's looking pretty cool around here looks pretty good so I'll leave you to go and experiment with this tutorial I think I roll out quite happy with it I don't know what you think leave a comment in the youtube description tell me what you think if you make an example and you improve this in any way then please put a link in the comment section so I can see your examples and see what how you've improved it in some way maybe you can make something nice as well and if you do that then I like to see your work you can tag me on Instagram can upload it to Facebook or put a link in the YouTube description to your YouTube video be nice to see what you guys come up with from this particular tutorial just play it one more time and just watch it again yeah I think it's quite a cool concept this is quite similar to the last year Toralei did if you remember we made that cinematic text intro I just wanted to incorporate some particles and show you how to work with particles and blend I've done plenty of other tutorials with particles but for this one will be quite interesting to do as well okay so that's the end of this tutorial I hope you find it useful and I look forward to seeing you in the next DCP word tutorial
Channel: DCP Web Designers
Views: 38,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.8 text tutorial, blender 2.8 text animation tutorial, blender 2.8 3d text animation, blender 2.8 3d text tutorial, blender 2.8 text animation, 3d text blender 2.8, blender 2.8 3d text intro, blender 3d text intro, 3d text intro using blender, 3d text intro in blender, 3d text intro in blender 3D, 3d text intro in blender 2.8, 3d text intro blender 2.8, 3d text intro blender 3d, 3d text blender 3d, 3d text blender
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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