How To Create An Amazing Epoxy Water Drop Finish | RK3 Designs

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hey guys i'm rhonda draculas with rk3 designs and we are going to show you a fantastic fun faux finish that's going to take cornhole boards a bar top your shower walls anything that you can even think of and take it to the next level this is going to be a fantastic fun video so i hope you enjoy it so we're using three quarter inch medex mdf and the medex mdf is a water resistant mdf so it's really really good to use on any project that's going to be around water these are cornhole boards they'll be outside so we just want to make sure that we don't have any water damage so what we've done we've put two coats of the stone coat countertop undercoating let that dry and then we came back with black gloss rust-oleum spray paint and the reason why we're using the rust-oleum spray paint is because that is not a water-based paint and we're going to be letting water sit on this uh for quite a while so we want to make sure there's no reactions going on there here's the fun part plain water and then what i've done is i've set my nozzle so that we're getting pretty good size drips i want a variety of sizes of my water drips i don't want just a lot of fine mist you can do this a variety of ways you don't have to use a spray bottle you can actually come in here and put it on your hand make big drips like this flick it with your fingers just about any way that you want to do it or a combination of ways to get a really cool look so we have all of the water laid down like we like it so now what we're going to do is we're going to create a 3d look of actual water droplets by using three different colors of the paint and the way that we spray it the angle we're going to create an illusion that it's 3d so we're going to start off with our darkest of the three paints and we're going to just have our say our light source is gonna be at this end of the board so the dark color is gonna be on the bottom side of the drips so we're gonna come down here and we're very lightly gonna spray and i'm not doing it really heavy at all [Music] more of just kind of a misting fog get my edges and we'll do the same thing here [Music] now we'll come in with our mid-tone this is brilliant blue the first blue that we used was navy blue and these are all rust-oleum colors [Music] i mean that already looks kind of 3d okay so our lightest color we're gonna come from the opposite direction to give an illusion of the light source coming on top of the droplets [Music] okay so what we'll do now we'll let the water evaporate and then we'll go to the next step which will be to apply a coat of epoxy okay so it's been 24 hours all of the water has evaporated and now we have a super smooth dry finish during that 24 hours we had a special guest sneak in hey i'm whitney from tropical epoxy i'm down in the florida keys and marathon last year i took rhonda's pro class and i was so motivated i started my business and business has been booming since then booming booming it's awesome and i think it's just going to get better in our field and so i'm here visiting rhonda's awesome she's accepted me into her family and i'm so appreciative to be here and we're about to do our first clear coat on these boards here yeah so what we'll do is we'll put a clear coat we'll let that dry overnight then i'm going to come back and put a logo on these boards and then we'll do a final flood coat this finish is something you can do on any surface um you don't have to just have it on fun game boards this would look amazing in a bar it would look really cool in a maybe a kid's bathroom or a pool house bathroom anything so this is really really turned out so cool okay so we're gonna mix up our clear epoxy and uh we're gonna do a one-to-one ratio we're using stone coat countertop epoxy we're gonna pour part b first whitney do you know why we pour part b first yep uh b because it stands for b awesome always yes that's all right b awesome always that's how we remember but we pour b first because b is less viscous it's thinner basically than part a is so what happens when we put part b in first then put part a part a is going to fall through part b quicker and we're going to get a little more accurate reading that way all right so we're using three ounces per square foot now we're gonna mix for two minutes now when i mix with a paddle if i have enough epoxy i try to keep my paddle under the surface of the epoxy when i'm using when i'm stirring it and that way i don't get quite as many bubbles in there okay guys let me give you a pro tip as you continue to use your mixer and if you don't clean it off every time you start getting these little kind of these little fingers these little sharp points when you're stirring or when you're mixing and those little points hit the side of your bucket you could bust your bucket really easy so instead of panicking and losing all of your material out and then having to take it and pour it into the bucket have another bucket sitting here so all you have to do is drop that bucket inside there and that's going to plug that hole long enough for you to be able to finish mixing add your colorant and get it onto your project onto your surface all right so let me give you another pro tip when after you're done mixing take your stir stick and you're going to stir the edge of your bucket and then you'll hand mix you'll stir scrape the edge and then you'll hand mix i do this several times and the reason i do this is because all of that material that's on the side of your bucket isn't completely mixed and if i go and pour this now on my surface and i didn't scrape my edges and stir it when i poured it i'm very likely to get sticky spots in certain areas and a really good way to make sure that you know that your material has been mixed properly is if you turn it upside down when you're done let it dry a couple of days that whole inside should pull out just as clean and you'll you should have a bucket that's just as clean as when you started if you pull it out and you have a lot of sticky spots on your bucket that means that you didn't mix your product well enough okay you ready to add a little bit of halo yeah all right so it's a very very very fine glitter it's by just resin i'll have a link where you can get this product we get it from artists till death and we're going to add a very very tiny amount so whitney i'm going to let you do this and if you get too much we're going to blame it on you all right since you couldn't put the glitter on that's it all right just get a little spit of it yeah is that good that good yes where are we thinking do it a little bit off there right there yeah we can put more okay add more you can't see yeah so we're gonna see how little bit that is we only want a hint so we're going to stir it because we just want this to be a just a hint of eye-catching sparkle all right so now we're ready to apply this to the board okay so like i said we're doing three ounces per square foot these boards are eight square feet each so we've got 16 square feet so we've got a total of 36 ounces and we're gonna apply half to each board we're not going to trial this on this surface because this is just spray paint and if we use a trial very easily can scratch it so we're just going to use our hand so you're ready to get in there yeah all right here she goes okay here we go so we're just going to spread it out i pull it kind of like in the i pull it to eat end to end just so you have enough and start coating it and like rhonda would say there's no rhyme to reason you just kind of get it coated get it on there and then one other thing that i learned from rhonda in her pro class was that you always coat your top surface first before doing your edges because you really want to have enough material to coat the top surface in the surface area you are making an a so far so i'm going to do the same thing i just kind of cut my hand and i almost use it almost like a trial and i just run it along the edge now if this were any other type of finish you could definitely trial it but we just want to be super super careful when you're doing your edges you really want to pull your epoxy down over the edge and then up under you want to cup the edge that way you get a nice seal because later on there's another step that we're going to be doing which is the red guard and you want to make sure that you have all this coated under here another reason we like to use our hand is because if we just let the epoxy roll it's going to develop a little drip line right here right on your edge and what we want it to do is we want that epoxy to roll and give us a nice clean edge okay so we have it all laid out nice and even our edges are taken care of now we're going to torch so when we torch we'll come in about an inch and a half to two inches from the surface and we're just going to take that torch and move it across we're not going to stay in one spot because you don't want to burn or get your epoxy too too high all right so we've torched it i'll let it sit two or three minutes torch it again get all those bubbles out let it dry overnight we'll come back tomorrow and we're gonna apply a vinyl sticker and a flood coat okay guys so our first clear coat is dried overnight and now i have a special guest he's gonna help us to put the decal on this is keith mcginnis and you are from from eagle nebraska and my business is kcdc designs all right so he's here for our pro class so we are putting him to work all right so we're going to give you guys a pro tip here keith told me that if you use foamy spray foam glass cleaner all right that it's going to be a miracle worker and we'll get this logo to get on really easy so take it away keith what we used to use back in the day when cars had wood grain paneling on the station wagons is we would use a spray foam glass cleaner to put on the vinyl decals you just dated yourself i know big time okay let's see what he has [Music] can we see our lines i'm gonna put a little on there too [Music] okay right direction correct okay okay so we got that line there right there we go all right are we good and how about our up and down lines well kenny took my glasses so like there's that one there got it there's that one there all right we square that way okay square on there it looks like we need to come over just a hair right there yeah our center is off a little bit here there okay i'm going from the center out so i know i'm gonna have questions about this the glass cleaner is not going to give us any kind of reaction with our epoxy correct that is correct awesome so the purpose behind using the spray foam glass cleaner is when you set a vinyl decal down as soon as it touches it's there for good and you're not pulling it back up so the spray foam glass cleaner allows you to be able to move it around and give you some time to work out the bubbles you just taught me something i've used soap and water before but i've never used yeah and i think it's the water uh in the soap and water part of it uh-huh uh opposed to the spray cleaner that foam that kind of gives you that cushion between the two yeah so now the magic appears i'm gonna wipe all that out yep i can handle that part you're gonna pull the plastic off too huh i'm gonna pull the plastic off okay so you know if it doesn't work i'm gonna blame all of this on you and everybody on youtube is gonna know this was your fault how about that i didn't see my name did i yes absolutely and i gave your address and phone number okay start from one corner okay you already messed into that so far so good looks good and guys this finish keith was saying would also look amazing on shower walls all right we're gonna work out a few okay well see that just shoot right out there yeah like is it dermatology at its finest this could be fun too so oh that's so satisfying oh man that looks good all right i did that that looks amazing good job okay okay bye golly yes okay guys that's how it's done so what we'll do now we'll let everything dry and we will put a flood coat all right guys so the decals are on and we're going to put our final flood coat we've added a little bit of the halo which is the same thing that we added to our first clear coat all right so what i like to do is once i have my material laid down i'll torch it just a little bit helps me to spread it out you can use a trial at this point but i don't really like to do that i like to use my hands so here we go and i'm not going to address my edges on the first pass now if your material is cool and you're having a hard time getting it to spread out you can then take your torch again to spread it out a little easier again when we do our edges the reason i like to use my hand is i'm going to cut my fingers up over the edge and i'll run the material over and push it up underneath the edge guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you did give me a thumbs up leave me some comments what would you do with this finish where would you put it i'd love to hear from you guys all of the products that we used on this video is on my website we also have an online course check it out online so remember hit that subscribe button hit the bell for future notifications that way you will know when we post another video alright guys until next time you know what the routine is don't be scared move forward and be [Music] creative [Music] you
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 124,867
Rating: 4.9348016 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, epoxy table, resin, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy, remodel, renovation, home improvement ideas, kitchen, bathroom, diy, how to, tutorial, water droplet, faux water droplets, realistic water drop, realistic water droplets, water drop technique, chinese water drop technique, pool house ideas, pool house, remodel bathroom, remodel kitchen
Id: w0-v5CnSF08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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