Hammered Spray Paint Marbled Finish | RK3 Designs

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hey guys i'm going to show you a finish that was developed by one of my former students so stay tuned and enjoy the video i am so excited i get to share with you the neatest technique that alan chambers from creative surfaces design he's one of my former students he was in our pro class he actually came up with this finish and i was just in awe with it i love it it comes out gorgeous every single time you do it and it's just i mean it's endless the colors that you can use and i am honored that he is uh letting me bring this to you on my youtube channel so check him out alan chambers with creative surfaces design you can find his website and he's also on facebook all right so let's get started okay so what we're going to be using today is stone coat countertop epoxy it's a one to one ratio epoxy and that one to one is done by volume not weight so i like to start with mixing part b first and the reason i do that is part b is a little thinner a little less viscous so it's going to go in first all right so i'm going to pour that down now my part a is thicker it's more viscous so i like to put it in second and the reason i do that is because part a is is thicker it's gonna fall through part b a lot quicker and i get a little more uh accurate reading when i'm measuring now if you do the other way around and you put part a in first absolutely fine i just like to do it this way like i said i get a little bit better more accurate reading all right we'll mix for two minutes okay so give you guys a pro tip once you've mixed up your product with your drill or even if you're hand mixing it it's real important to come and scrape your edges and then hand stir so what i'm doing i'm pulling all of that material that's on the edge scraping it and stirring it into the rest of the mixture and the reason i do this is i'm ensuring that all of that material in that bucket is mixed up thoroughly that way when i do pour it onto my project if i happen to scrape the edges i know that that material has been mixed up really well and i'm not going to get any sticky spots now a way to really ensure and check yourself to make sure that you are doing this correctly is once you've poured out your material you're going to take your bucket you're going to turn it upside down for a couple of days and then what's going to happen is you'll be able to just literally pull the product out you'll be able to pull all of that dried cured epoxy out and it should all come out in one big lump and then that way you can reuse your buckets over and over and over again if you are continually getting sticky spots on the inside your bucket what that should be telling you is that you're not mixing up your product thoroughly enough and that could be a red flag if you're getting sticky spots on the surface of your project so make sure that you really scrape those edges stir it two or three times before you pour your product out onto your project okay so for this project most of the epoxy is going to be clear however we are going to have a little bit of it tinted white and this is just our white mica powder from stone coat countertop and i've tinted it very opaque meaning i want that mica powder to literally tint my epoxy then what i'm going to do i'm going to save a little bit for later and we're going to just do some accents i'm not going to do a lot now with this i'm coming in with some really cool colors this is our turquoise glitter it's a very very fine glitter we do sell this on our website and then we're going to add a little bit of the bronze glitter and now we're gonna come in with some really pretty bronze mica flakes and i'm gonna be pretty liberal with that now we're gonna let this sit in the cup for just a little while because we want this to start getting thick and we're going to add this to our finish about i don't know 30 minutes or so after we pour okay so we're starting out on our sample board and we painted two coats of the stone coat countertop undercoating in black and what we've done to our sample board is we've rounded over our edges with a quarter inch round over bit so that our epoxy will really flow over those edges really nicely and not develop surface tension all right so now what we're going to do we're going to start off with our clear and our white we're going to save our glitter mixture for about 30 minutes or so down the road all right so what i want to do i have in my mind an idea i kind of want it to have not just one main vein down the middle but i want my focal point to be the white kind of the white vein so what i'm going to do instead of just going straight from corner to corner because i don't want it i don't want it to look really man-made i want to kind of shift that vein kind of off a little bit and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come down just a little bit off the corner and i'm just going to kind of pour it to where it it looks a little more natural i'm gonna save a little bit in my cup all right now we're gonna come in and we're just gonna add our clear [Music] all right now i'm scraping my edges and i'm putting it into a big area here so that i can make sure that i mix it with my hands just to kind of ensure that we don't have any sticky spots so i'm going to take that area i'll mix it up and then we'll spread it out now if you're doing a really large piece or a large countertop you can use a trial instead of your hands i really like to use my hands i even use my hands when i do big areas but this is definitely the time when you could use a drop i'm not worried that it's touching the white a little i just i kind of want my white to be pretty distinct now if you're doing a really big area and you want more than just one vein of that white by all means you can do a couple of those white veins in fact i actually am going to bring in with my hand i'm going to bring in a little bit of that white not going to be quite as bold [Music] get my front edges use my hand this is why i really like to use my hand because i can take my hand and run it over those edges and then take my fingers and roll up underneath that edge so that i ensure that epoxy will roll over the edge and up underneath and that's where the drips will start to form and i won't have a built up ledge of the epoxy as it starts to cure it's going to come in about an inch and a half from the surface [Music] now i have very very fresh epoxy so this epoxy right now what its main focus what it's trying to do is self-level itself so i'm going to give it about 15 minutes i'm going to let it self level and then we'll come back and we'll start adding the cool effects okay it's been 15 minutes we've let the epoxy start to set up and the reason we wait about 15 minutes it's not that the 15 minutes is a magic number what we're trying to do is get the epoxy to start leveling out self leveling and start to thicken up because if we go right into the process of laying down our spray paints our epoxy is really fluid and we really want to kind of slow that process down a little bit so by giving it about 15 minutes even upwards of 20 minutes depending on the temperature and your environment we've kind of slowed that process down all right so now what we're going to do we're going to start coming in with some spray paint now guys i know i'm gonna get some hate mail um i do wear ppe when i'm by myself and i'm doing this but obviously i'm in front of a camera and i can't wear a mask i am assumed that most of the people watching this are adults and uh you watching me not wear ppe should not affect the fact that you should take care of your lungs so that's your choice you're the adult you decide to do what you need to do i suggest wearing a mask if you're by yourself now my epoxy is zero vocs it's a stone coat countertop epoxy there are no vocs in this epoxy so the only vocs that i'm getting is the spray paint so have good ventilation and wear proper ppe alrighty here we go so i'm going to start off and we're going to lay a lot of spray paint down this is going to be different than any of the finishes that you've seen me do before we're really going to lay a lot of spray paint down on this finish and then we're gonna have to really let it set for quite a while to get the most out of this finish i tell you guys all the time you have to let the epoxy and the spray paint kind of do its thing and you have to unfortunately hurry up and wait all right so here we go we're going to start off with uh let's do dark bronze all right and this is just rust-oleum hammered metal all right and here we go all right so i'm going to just kind of come in here and we're going to lay quite a bit of that down here get your edges now just by spraying it on the top it's going to start creating some really fun cool effects so that was the dark bronze now i'm going to come in with just brown hammered metal and we're going to do the same thing all right cool um okay so i'm gonna come in with just some black glossy spray paint now what that's gonna do it's just gonna give it a little bit different texture and look and just add some fun designs to it again don't be scared that it looks really crazy when we're first starting off because we're really going to do a lot to this all right now i'm going to come in with i want to add a little color uh champagne mist champagne mist is really kind of a has a little bit of a go gold tone to it and i'm just going to add a little bit i'm not really quite sure i'm going to like a lot of this color i'm just going to add it a couple of spots yeah just kind of give it a little bit of added color all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to take a popsicle stick and we're going to just start melding these together now what we don't want to do guys we don't want to come in here with the tip of our stick and start doing this because that's going to give us a wood grade we're going to actually turn our stick and we're going to use the flat part of this stick and we're going to start working it down into the epoxy now i am going into a striated pattern and i'm just working it in there now because i don't have any of that hammered paint on top of my white it's going to give me a little bit different look like i said you're going to have to take my word for it because this turns out so cool once you let the epoxy do its thing and move and work with that spray paint that's pretty i think i'm actually going to come in with a little bit of the brown i'm gonna put a little bit kind of on top of that white not a lot just a little i just wanted it to i wanted to tone down that white a little bit oh yeah i like that it is so neat just to sit and watch what the paint and the spray and the epoxy do all by themselves without me having to do anything you could see just within the last few minutes some of the designs that it's causing all right so i have a little bit of white left in my cup and i'm just going to come and strain [Music] some of that leftover epoxy i'm going to run it through that's cool and then instead of taking that hammered paint and going directly on the surface i'm just going to put it on my stick and this was the uh brown and i'm just going to run a few veins just to kind of meld [Music] that white all right that's cool i'm loving this look at this isn't that pretty [Music] okay guys oh i'm loving this so if you have the ability to tilt this would be a really fun thing to tilt because you can kind of make that striation kind of get more of a little bit of organic movement now if you're doing this uh say a pour in place where you don't have the ability to move your piece make sure you don't move your sample board because you won't be able to recreate that look but since i can do this i'm going to show you guys what it would look like all right so we're going to heat it up just a little bit and then i'm going to tilt just a little bit i don't want this to move fast at all you start getting your epoxy to move too fast and it creates little finger looking things and it looks very man-made all right that's about all i think i'm going to do because all that did is just kind of make it not look so striated it just gave it a little bit of movement guys this is stunning this is gorgeous we're going to let it sit up oh i don't know another 10 or 15 minutes then we're going to come in and we're going to add our bling bling okay guys this is stunning i love this and this could be a finish all on its own you don't have to go to the next step but i'm going to go to the next step so this is the fun part where i get to add a little bit of bling all right so this is the a little bit of epoxy that we mixed up when we first mixed our product so this is about 35 minutes old or so in this cup so it's already really started to get thick now i'm gonna just add it as a hint of um kind of a bling you definitely don't have to do this but you know it's got turquoise in it i have to add some turquoise all right so let's go ahead and do this i'm gonna go ahead and just put because i want it to be pretty chunky because i know it's going to continue to move and then i'm going to go a little faster so i just have a couple of pieces all right then i'm going to kind of come here let's see now because i'm adding more epoxy to the surface what's going to happen is even though this is thick this is going to still try to self-level and level out so it's not going to stay really together and really thick it's going to move and cause some voids and that's really what i'm going for i almost want it to look like it's aggregates that are deep down into a piece of stone wow i really like this now that i have thick areas i'm going to come and make some really thin and i'm going to actually use my stick and i'm going to kind of bring those almost make little tiny little veins not quite as bold and if you don't like something this bold you could definitely leave that part out but i just love how it just kind of sits there very cool i'm gonna run it right next to this white now i'm almost following a design that's already there i think that's good and like i said guys you could definitely walk away before you came to this part i just wanted to bring in some really uh distinct uh chunks of color uh like big mica flakes i really love that it looks like a big old slab that's got aggregates in it i love it it's so pretty okay guys so i cannot really uh reiterate the point that this piece is going to contin you to move for the next several hours so you can't you can't judge it right now so um what we'll do is we will come back in the morning i will do some flyovers and then that will be our actual final piece but this is stunning i love this i could see this in a high-end bathroom or powder room with a vessel type of sink on top oh my gosh this is gorgeous alright guys so this piece will set overnight tomorrow we'll come back and we will do a flood coat i do have videos on how to do a flood coat and also we'll put utc ultimate top coat either gloss or matte again we do have videos to show you guys how to do that and they'll be linked in the descriptions below alright guys so if you like this give me a thumbs up hit the bell for future notifications and subscribe to our channel we are really rocking and rolling on our subscriptions and i so thank you for that um and i also want to say i really appreciate each one of you that uh all the texts and the phone calls and the facebook messages that i got for the passing of my dad thank you so much the the love that everyone out there gave me made me really feel special inside so i really want to say thank you to each and every one of you that reached out to us and our family alright guys until next time you know what to do don't be scared move forward and be creative [Music] you
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 66,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, epoxy table, resin, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy, remodel, renovation, home improvement ideas, kitchen, bathroom, diy, how to, tutorial, Geode Veins In Striated Granite, geode, geode resin art, geode resin, geode countertop, striated granite, diy granite, diy granite countertops, diy home improvement, glitter countertop, countertop diy
Id: 3qhkEhokJaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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