Soft White Sand Granite Epoxy Countertops

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[Music] hey guys rhonda dracula's here rk3 designs and i'm going to teach you a super fast super simple granite using this little bottle and a few cans of spray paint [Music] so what i've done is taken stone coat countertop epoxy and i've tinted it very opaquely with the alumalite dye and when i say opaque what i mean by that is i can't see through the material when i lift it up and i look at my stick i cannot see the wood grain so that would be an opaque look if i tint it and when i lift it i can still see the wood grain that's a very transparent i want it very opaque so i'm going to pour this out when i scrape my edges i make sure that i don't take that material and put it over here if i do that then the material on the side if it wasn't mixed up well enough that's going to leave me a sticky spot so i really want to make sure when i empty out my cup that i'm putting that material in the middle now that i have the material from the side into the middle i can take my trial and i can mix it up one more time so that i'm not going to have any sticky spots so i'm going to bring this one little piece over here and i'm going to make sure that i mixed it very well all right i'm going to take it trowel it out i'm not going to push it over the edge quite yet now you can also do this with your hand and those of you that follow me quite a bit know that i use my hands a lot i like to be able to get my hands so that i can feel underneath the edges and make sure that i'm really getting that material to flow over the edge okay now i'm pushing it very lightly over the edge now at this point you could take a brush and you could chop your area to remove the bubbles and to remove the trial lines but i'm going to use my hand on this couple of reasons like i said i really like to be able to fill the edges get that material to flow also i don't have to worry about bristle hairs coming off and i don't seem to entrain as many bubbles when i use my hand as i do when i use my brush so take my hand take that material i'm going to push it over the edge make sure my edges are fully coated and i have prepped this sample board by using a router and taken a round over bit and routed out my edges so that they they're round i don't have 90 degree edges because epoxy really doesn't like to flow over 90 degree edges almost builds up surface tension and causes a little ledge so and like i said by using my hand i really don't entrain as many bubbles therefore i don't have to use my torch as much to get those bubbles out plus i just like playing with my hands how about that all right torch now i have a very basic white base i could really jazz this up by adding diamond dust to my base even adding a little bit of metallic white to my base but i'm starting out with a very basic white finish as my background to get started okay so the first thing i'm going to start out with is the rust-oleum gloss leather brown i really like to use rust-oleum that's really the only paint brand that i use i seem to have the best results and if you have a choice i always buy the gloss however some of the colors don't come in gloss they'll come in a satin and that is okay as well however flat or matte you want to stay away from all right so first of all i'm just going to take this and i'm going to just fog the area very lightly very randomly and i'm going to actually bring in on one side of this piece a little bit of gray not both sides i'm gonna let you guys see what it looks like with a little bit of gray in there so i'm taking granite also rust-oleum this is their 2x ultra cover paint and primer so you can use this as well now this is a satin i'm going to just add a little bit of gray on this one area i don't want a whole bunch of gray there just a little bit all right i'm going to come in and hit it with some white even though we're going over white i like to add a little more white because it makes it have depth and now i'm going to add a little stone gray now this is a gray but it's more of a neutral gray it's a lighter color gray and i'm going to kind of put that all over the piece and let's see what oh silver metallic i want to add just a little bit of bling bling so i'm using the bright silver also from mustolium i'm only going to put a little bit of this and i'm only going to put it in certain spots all right here we go oh i like that i think i'm going to add a little bit of black as well i want to get some real depth in there and like natural granite there's multiple colors going on here at one time now i'm going to take fracture and i'm using 91 percent isopropyl alcohol now i know you guys are having a really hard time right now finding isopropyl alcohol you can also use everclear which can get really fun by the end of a job and i have seen people use acetone i haven't had as much luck with the acetone it gives me a different effect but you can definitely use it so now what i want to do is that i have these color all over my board i'm going to take my hands and i'm going to pounce and i'm going to cause some really cool texture you're like what in the heck is she doing i'm just trying to get some really cool texture in the background now at this point you can decide let's say that i i don't like the amount of color that i have on my board that's okay you can just take your paper towel or a shop towel shop towel actually works a little bit better it's a little easier to to play with but then just pinch your towel up like a little rose and now you can pull material off but as you pull it off make sure you change your towel so that it's dry now that's only if you have too much color if you look at it and say i really have too much color i really like the amount of color that i have here so i'm gonna leave it like this i was just giving you guys an out in case you put too much color on there i get those questions all the time what do i do if i put too much color you take it off all right so now i'm going to re-fracture now you see as we refracture we're getting a little bit different type of pattern because we've used our hand to to pounce it out now i'm also going to come in with a little bit bigger drops i'm putting it in my hand and i'm dropping it so now i'm going to get an even more pattern variation on here okay that looks way cool all right i'm going to let this set 10 minutes maybe i want it to start to move i want to be able to watch the pattern and see what i like now i've had a lot of people text me and say that they need me to put a clock behind me so that when i say it's going to be about 10 minutes they can wait 10 minutes the only problem with that is your environment your workspace is going to determine your time that you're going to wait we're not so much waiting time we're waiting for our epoxy to get to a certain stage what i'm trying to do is get my epoxy to be a little more stringy and set up instead of so fluid as it is right now so instead of waiting an exact 10 minutes i want you guys to wait until your epoxy is at the stage to move to the next step okay so we've waited about 10 minutes uh my epoxy is starting to get a little more sticky and i'm going to come back and add a few more effects all right come back with black because now i want to be a little bit more i guess artistic about where i'm gonna put my black and i'm gonna come in with some white also all i'm doing is layering layering these looks uh add a little bit of silver and then i'm going to fracture one more time and i am fracturing with plain alcohol you can absolutely fracture with colored alcohol that's got mica powders in it now because we waited a little bit of time it's going to make these fractures actually stay in place a little easier i want big spots and i want little spots now it's very important not to get too much alcohol on your surface as i squeeze my alcohol bottle i'm really barely even squeezing the top i'm going to let this set for just a minute let that alcohol react and i'll come back and hit it one more time okay so i really like how this is starting to move but i do want to get kind of creative and i'm going to come back now with copper some copper i'm going to come back now with some copper mica powder mixed with 91 isopropyl alcohol i mix about one quarter ounce with eight ounces of alcohol again if you don't have alcohol readily available try some everclear all right shake it up squirt it in my hand then i'm going to add a little bit of color now i'm getting some pretty big size effects and the colored mica is just adding a little bit of a tint to the top and i'm going to spritz very small amounts as well this is the finish that you have to kind of hurry up and wait we have to really watch the epoxy and it's going to tell us what step to take next okay so i'm really liking how this has given me a nice soft granite look the reason it's soft is because i'm layering the paint that first background that we did when i pounced my hand made things very soft now when i come back with the spray paint over the top of that i've got a little bit more distinct looks so it's given me a softer type of granite so this is definitely a stage where you could stop and not go to the next step which i'm going to go to the next step just saying because that's just who i am and that's what i do and i'm going to use this montana marble effect love love love this stuff when i'm trying to create a granite look because it gives me fracture lines that i can't recreate as naturally as what this does for me like that so this is kind of like the old-fashioned silly string shake it up really well and then practice off to the side so that you can get an idea of how the pattern is going to lay out all right so i'm going to come in very lightly at first and i'm going to create some distinct lines i'm just not throwing it all over i kind of want fracture lines in certain areas i really like that now this is going to be a choice that's up to you on how much of those fracture lines you really want i think i'm going to go a little bit heavier on this then again i'm really kind of hitting this corner down here just because i like that look all right pretty cool now i'm going to come in with my black but i'm not going to be as heavy on my black because i don't want the black to take over so i'm just going to put a little bit of black same thing i'm going to check my spray pattern my spray pattern on my black is a little different than my white so it's broader so i'm going to kind of step back a little bit there i like that oh i like that a lot i think the ac also caught it when i did it i saw it kind of move i really like that because it gives me some real geometrical i guess visions that i'm able to see my eye catches it instead of just putting it all over i just put it very few places so now my eye really kind of goes to that i'm going to one more time because my paint is starting to kind of fill in a little bit i'm going to go ahead and re-granify just a few spots all right i love this i love that it's very soft in areas in some areas it's very distinct very hard granite look okay guys i think i'm gonna call it a day i love this this would be really really easy finish to do in a your kitchen any colors if you didn't want to use your browns you could come in and do the exact same technique but use grays that way you've got more of a gray granite you can use tans lighter color browns you can just customize this so many ways plus it's fast if i have to get in and get out this is definitely a finish that i would run to very easy to do it over existing countertops if you don't want to custom build your countertops a piece of furniture very very array of way to use this finish [Music] guys if you like this finish let me know give me a thumbs up and hit the bell and subscribe to our channel that way that you know when we have future tutorials guys visit our website we have a great lineup of hands-on classes both group and private we also have a great online course very detailed go to check us out so leave me some comments i would love to get your feedback maybe some colors that you would use would you stop a couple of steps back would you have used the montana marble spray let me know i love hearing your comments so remember guys don't be scared move forward and be creative you
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 23,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: white sand granite, white sand granite countertop, white sand granite with white cabinets, epoxy countertops diy, epoxy countertops granite, epoxy countertop, stone coat countertop, stone coat countertops, epoxy diy, epoxy resin, epoxy countertops, stone coat epoxy, epoxy tutorial, Epoxy countertop tutorial
Id: Ir-_-qQJaQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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