How to make easy ocean waves effect using epoxy resin - full tutorial

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hey so uh i'm just gonna do some really quick craft projects uh so i'm gonna do a quick ocean uh on the top part of this uh cutting board uh i'm gonna do an ocean on both of these uh cutting boards and we're going to see how they go and i mean it's real quick and simple i'm going to be using epoxy from using their craft epoxy it's a one-to-one ratio crystal clear it's awesome i'm also using their pigments they're liquid pigments these things are absolutely awesome so the less you use the more transparent it is the more see-through that it is the more you use the more opaque it will be so if you want a solid opaque color you can use a lot of it if you want to use it see-through and i use this for all of my oceans i use the blue and the white and the white is formulated so that you don't need to add anything to make the cells to look like waves and broken up seafoamed ocean waves this white will do that on its own without any other additives it's pretty friggin awesome so i've i've mixed up some uh you know my my blue will be in here because it's the most i've got this from my white and i've got this one for my clear and i'll show you how i do that right now we'll zoom in on all these and i'll show you how i do a really quick ocean all right so on our blue here i'm literally just going to take like a drop i like to drop it on this that already has a little bit of epoxy on it and we'll just literally put a little drop on there as you can see it's not that much but immediately look it's already blue but it's see-through so you want to mix that up really really good scrape the sides get it all off the sides make sure you get it all mixed in there really really good [Applause] all right that's going to be our glue now for our our white again now this one on the white you don't want it to be so see-through as the blue you want it to actually be white so i'm probably going to use you know compared to what i used over there use a little bit more here one good drop i mean you can see beautiful liquid white all ready to make cells so i'll show you the secret to the cells and it's probably going to work with pretty much any of the liquid pigments that you're using but especially the ones from formula river because we designed them that way so that way you don't have to add any additives to it you know i mean it makes it a lot easier all right so let's get going this is super super easy you got your clear you got your white and you got your blue so the first thing i'll do is i'll pour my blue on my bottom wave so i'm basically just doing my bottom wave on all of these and then i'll let that dry and harden up and i'll come back in the next day and i'll do another wave on top of it that'll give you that 3d effect that's pretty good it's nice and see-through see so we'll go ahead and do this and then you just pour it like you know i kind of want it to come right in here right in here because this is a matching set so let's go ahead and do that first so let's do this one you're good let's do this one so okay you want to really get it over the edges that's what's going together cool get it right over those edges really good get it inside these little edges really good that's why you made a little bit extra of this so that you can do that give it a little bit of love here a little here okay there's your blue totally easy we're going to take a little bit of clear we're going to stripe right here where the actual wave would be hitting the ocean or hitting the sand doing the wave break right so we're gonna go right in the middle on that okay do it again here okay we'll do it one more time here all right clear strike the blue clear stripe the blue clear stripe the blue blue is going to run off of this a lot because it's a darker wood you know you can always come back in here put a little bit more on there really good all right cool now real simple the white so the first way i like to do i mean i used to take the stick and do it but now anymore i just pour it i want a good amount because i want it to go up in there but i don't want you know too much uh so let's go ahead and let's pour it we're gonna pour right on the edge of that clear okay pour right on the edge of that if you get a little bit on there just wipe it off you're good you can get that off later with a little sand okay let's do this one that looks good to me all right for the next part i'm just going to be taking a hair dryer a regular hair dryer no heat just the air itself and i'm going to blow this way out this way with the white so okay so it doesn't look like ocean waves yet but that's where i was going to tell you what the secret to the ocean waves are is heat so after you get this white the way it is now uh let me i'm gonna take my gloves off let me grab the camera and show you where we are now with it so if you get it like this you're close right you're really really close it doesn't quite look like an ocean there's not very many cells however once you take the heat to these there will be many many cells so you just take your torch and you want to kind of heat it up pretty good but don't overheat it so and instantly you can start seeing the cells appear so the secret to the cells is all about your torch you don't need additives as you can see see now that looks like cells from an ocean that looks like cells from an ocean so that's kind of what we're looking for from here i'm just going to leave it and i'm going to wait for my second wave which will come in right where that clear meets that blue and then i'll do one more third one on top of it to make it look like a full set they usually happen in threes so you can see exactly how those cells are starting to form without me adding anything all i'm using is the exact pigments from so check it out all right so i'm going to do my second layers it's uh been about 12 hours 13 hours and you can see that there's some really cool selling on it it doesn't matter about this this is going to look like undertow underneath my next wave so on these i do them a little bit different than the tables um i actually will normally on my tables now i'll just go with clear but because this blue is very very faint i think i want to darken it up a little bit i'm going to go blue with my next one with just white and no clear in between so it'll just be the blue and white now to finish it up and then that should do it so let's see what happens here you want to just pick where you want your other wave to hit leave room for the white so so so all right taking your white so always start off with your pore of the board and come onto it all right blow dryer high air no heat i think i'm going to go ahead and put a little more white right here right here and i think i'm going to put another stripe on this one because of the long handle so i'll put a little bit there like i did before and i'll make another one come in right about here blow this out so fill in any white that you uh you want on the front of the wave i want that to be dominant right there so let's blow that in perfect now remember the secret is the heat so as you can see there's probably not many cells on this guy now let's hit it with the heat don't want to burn it but you do want to really get that heat in there to where it starts moving around like water just like that like that all right and you can see it starts selling up just from the heat so just from the heat you start creating all those cool cells this one had a darker wood and with these rounded edges like this the blue didn't come through as good as as i would normally like but it's all right i'm going to give it to my mom anyway moms love everything these ones kind of came came out cool this looks like the backwash of it coming back down in this looks like the first wave hitting it um i'll look at this uh in about 15 minutes make sure that there's no bubbles that there shouldn't be because it was on the top it was on a coat of resin one thing i do want to point out is when you use this this plastic right here it's uh it's the three mil plastic that they sell at home depot and lowe's just this was last night's over pour and just to show you how easy it comes off of everything i mean it's you know we're only 12 hours so it's not fully hard but even when it's fully hard it still peels right off so yeah we'll leave this one over here to where it fully cures up in another 12 hours and we'll uh we'll see how easy it comes off too and again i'm using the blue and white pigments from mine are messy as heck but the blue and the white pigments from you can pick those up on their website they make really good ocean waves alright
Channel: Pour Me A River
Views: 245,077
Rating: 4.8310547 out of 5
Id: e_t-Oh9hjFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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