Spray on Granite in 10 minutes | Stone Coat Epoxy

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do you have a surface that you want to make  look like natural stone in this video i'm going   to show you how to use a few of our metallic  powders to mimic rock to mimic mother nature   watch how mike teaches us how to save 10 times  our money with this easy diy granite technique   we're going to use pewter metallic brown and clay  metallic this is an interesting combination that   will look like real granite it's almost like magic  these techniques are a faux artist secret recipe   let's get started you're going to look like you've  been doing this your entire life you can make any   space come to life stay tuned enjoy the video  the sky is the limit i see this as a contractor   uh do-it-yourselfer it's amazing what you can  accomplish with the different color variations all   right we have MDF that's medium density fiberboard  that's wood you can do this over wood laminate   cultured marble any surface just watch our videos  and learn how to prep did you see how we created   this board we actually used MDF we painted it  with two coats of our actual undercoat designed   for epoxy to stick to for that ultimate bond  okay i have three colors i want to start with   the color i want to maximize the least because  i'm going to overlap that color so i'm going to   start with my brown i'll graduate to the silver  and i'll end with the bang with our clay i love   our clay metallic it's a secret weapon it you know  it's it looks like rust deposits almost in that   natural stone and against the black background  it really pops now keep that in mind that's a pro   tip whether you go black or white or any other  base color it's going to change your recipe   dramatically in this case the black is going to  really pop and make this look like granite have   you seen our other recipes we have our Ubatuba  recipe and our Baltic Brown both of these are   with the same technique just different colors guys  you can really mix and match and create your own   custom color using these techniques but i'm trying  three that i've never done before because i saw   a natural stone the other day that i'm trying to  match and i think i'm gonna hit it out of the park so all i'm doing is is just shaking that alcohol  and metallic up and just spritzing some drops   and i kind of like to do the edges first and  then i'll do the major part of the countertop   and you don't have to get everything  perfectly even because mother nature   is not even but now i'm just  going to do drops over the top and because this is alcohol it dissipates so fast  that it leaves the metallic behind and the alcohol   actually wakes up our undercoat a little bit and  it will really embed and bind because of this   combination okay i did the i did the pewter  now i'm going to do the brown metallic now   i'm going to make sure it's spitting out in big  clumps like i like and i'll start on those edges nice very cool that's looking good so make sure  you shake it while you go and then just spray it   to get now i'm not pulling the trigger all the way  down either i'm just pulling it sporadically to   get it to come out in different degrees i don't  want the same size droplets on the entire piece okay now that i've done my  edges let's start with the field and this is a really fast process you can  actually match your curtains or your current   design just by adjusting the colors and  contrast so here i'm using that brown but   maybe you have a little bit of gold in your  kitchen or maybe you have some burgundy   maybe you have red you can do blue you can do this  with any color combination you prefer just have   some fun with it if you're not sure make a sample  board you can always try this on a small piece   and then see if that's what you want your entire  kitchen now remember this is just your background   color you're going to do this again after you add  the stone coat but this is just what you're going   to see through underneath it's going to look like  we're going to cover this entire thing but we're   not this is actually a really important step to  this recipe what's up what's up bro how are you   all right you want to get in on the video with me  have you ever seen me do this technique before no   i haven't guys have you met my brother matt matt's  actually done a couple of stone coat projects   and i think you're getting more addicted aren't  you yeah it's it's really cool it's amazing to   watch the process and all the different things you  can do and how easy it really is you haven't seen   my granified technique yet have no i haven't so  this is our undercoat we did two coats of black   now i'm just using our metallic powders mixed  with the alcohol and i'm creating a faux under   painting wow you see this piece right here like  this was done with green and gold but underneath   i did a little bit of green and gold where you  see through into some of that but then then i   spray black and i fracture it and you get this  really in-depth look it looks a lot like granite   isn't that cool yeah i'm gonna use our clay this  is one of my favorite metallic colors that we have   so you do the edges first or else if you do  the top and then come back to the edges you   have more around the edge yeah you know what i  mean yeah so you picture frame it pretty much   yep and then work the field and then  see how i'm barely pulling that trigger because if i pull it full on you get that   you want more of the droplets yeah you want  big big drops and then the color you want to   see most you do last it's already looking like  granite and it's not even he had stone coat yet so it's it's a little bit stuck in there so  i'm gonna kind of clear my tip and then i'll go   tighter back to my big drops so it's important  to shake your bottle between you know uses or   else it'll it'll kind of separate in the alcohol  and and you get all metallic powder that kind of   fills up your straw the thing i like most about  this is there's no wrong or right way to do this   you can pretty much do whatever you want and if  it doesn't come out like you like it you're the   one who did it yeah and and you know what at  this point if i overdid it yeah paint it again   and do this step again this is really inexpensive  alcohol and metallic you don't have any epoxy yet   yes so this takes just a few minutes to dry  to be ready you can see with the light what's   wet and what isn't what's already set up and so  i'm gonna mix our epoxy by the time that's done   i'll be ready to pour that right here on the  surface sounds good all right here we go grab some   gloves man all right we're going to do part b and  then follow up with part a we're going to mix for   two minutes using a drill and then we're going to  go ahead and pour that right on the center of our   piece we'll trowel it out with our 1/8" by 1/8"  square notch trowel then we'll chop it like it's   hot make sure there's no sticky spots by chopping  the surface if you haven't seen how we do our   clear coat you're going to be linked to that video  as well we have all the knowledge that you need   to go pro as a DIYer you're going to learn to  mimic mother nature and create natural stone with   the simplified process after we've poured this out  we're going to go ahead and use our black spray   paint we'll fog the surface we'll fracture that  with the different color metallics it's going to   blow your mind if you think it looks cool now wait  till you see it then let's do this whoo here we go   this is a one-to-one ratio okay so it's a  very easy mixture if you use five ounces of   part b you're going to use five ounces of part a  typically i mix three ounces total per square foot   if you have a 15 square foot project you're going  to need 45 ounces of resin to complete that coat   i like to do two coats this coat will be my color  coat where i fracture and dimple and really make   this look like rock my second coat will actually  level it out like a sheet of glass and remember   you can always add our natural looking finish  our ultimate top coat which is the most scratch   resistant UV resistant top coat on planet earth  for this process i love our ultimate top coat   and so do the thousands of customers that have  been using it on their own countertop projects   thanks man you got it hold that bucket and try  it try to just hover it just off the bottom   and go full no a little lower and then go  full speed and it should get pretty clear hey if you're enjoying this free tutorial hit that  like button and subscribe help us help you slow   it down real slow and rub the bottom and sides  of the bucket just to get anything that's clean   to that edge go slower yep so take this and  you're going to pour it out where you don't   let it start flowing over the edge you start  here and you'll stop respectively down there   and then just come straight back over what you  poured out so you basically get a big ribbon so it almost puts a lens on what we've  already done underneath yeah it's a magnifier   and you can let more out at a time look how clear it is like lake tahoe crater crater lake up here while you're doing this  do you suggest wearing an apron only mitch's apron   have you guys seen what mitch wore the other night  that was the ultimate apron man oh yeah so when   you uh scrape out what's in the bucket i scrape it  out and i put it in the whole mass that we already   poured if i scrape it over here that's under  mixed it's going to be sticky right here yeah so i   scrape it right here and then i'll take my trowel  and i'll really mix this section before i trowel   it out yes okay does that make sense yeah you  want to get that full mixture mix anything that's   not mixed right on your project but it allows me  to use every drop yeah you know so i'm gonna just   come here now i'm not pressing really hard with  that trowel because i have these cool effects   and if i scrape those it's gonna look scraped so  i'm going really light with my trowel you see what   i mean makes sense okay when i try this out i'm  going to do half you're going to do half okay so   i'm going to start and i'm just going to use the  majority of this i'm not going to push anything   over the edge i'm just going to go close to the  edge and then i'll come back and hit the edges   okay so i'm barely letting that trowel touch that  surface okay let it float it's just combing it   and then i'm going see how i'm getting it right  to that edge yes i'm just barely going over   if i use too much over the edge you won't have  enough to to do the front so now i'm going to   push everything back to you so you can do the  front half of this see i'm putting a trowel at   an angle to move it for myself okay so you go  around the front and do that do that front side   and don't push a bunch over the front  i'll show you what to do with the excess boy it flows really easy right yeah don't let all that see how you're gonna push a   bunch over yeah let me show  you how i finished the front just get so what i'll do matt is is i'll kind  of split the difference i'll start back up here   and i'm just gonna push a little bit so i kind  of go the back back that direction because if   you go this way it's all going over yep  so i go back you'll push the pool back   yep exactly but you got to get it  over that edge a little bit uh-huh yep   because if i mean it'll all start to flow  really fast over that edge if you let it now here's your culprits right here big corner  miss and so come back and just get these edges   and get your corners that's why i don't do u-turns  oh okay i'll bring it there and then i'll pick it   up and turn it yep exactly boom and go do that  at the other end do i carry the material with me   a little bit not all of it and i'll show you what  to do with the rest after you get that corner okay so let me show you what i do with the rest  of it now what about on this extreme corner don't   worry about it okay so what i'll do is i call  it mow the lawn i'm just going to go very soft   on the whole thing and just smooth  it out where i'm not pressing down   it'll just get rid of any real high point for me  yeah and then i'll come back over those edges and   just push a little bit over those edge now i'm  going to scrape over that corner okay so that i   get both corners done so i come here and then i'll  scrape this way okay and now it's it's flowing but   inevitably you're going to have a dry spot  usually at the back or a corner or the front   chopping it the whole thing pushes material over  everything now if you also come here come here and   look down this you see the lines from the trowel  yes when you chop it it erases all those lines   i'm gonna show you how to chop then have you  do it okay come back here so you're going to   want to get your your brush kind of saturated  so it's not dry if you uh if you start with the   dry brush you'll pull material up wet your brush  okay so i got it you're a painter you know that and then i'm not doing rows okay i'm chopping it  almost like a random orbital sander would uh-huh   where i'm i'm i'm doing a section and i'm doing  the entire section but i'm not um not making rows   that you would pick up with your eye i'm also  overlapping the edges okay that way if i have   a dry see this dry spot right there yes that's  very common okay so when i hit that it breaks the   surface tension and allows everything to flow and  level if i never chop that the epoxy hits that dry   spot and goes around so and when i chop i use the  heel i let the heel hit first and i let the brush   spread out rookies stamp it they stamp it like  that oh yeah i see pros hit it like that and they   and they don't whip it where it whips it's  and then it's just random but it's like a   a section like that and then i'll  work myself back there you go got it you see the bubbles that we're creating yes  that's totally normal i'll show you how to   mitigate that in a second boy this piece is  coming alive it looks cool already right yeah this is a really easy recipe it's just a  matter of adjusting colors to what you want could you use any colors on this any colors   oh it's gonna you know you're gonna  get the same pattern different colors   you know could you imagine if you did this over  a white background or tan you know or even teal   and used copper as this technique and a little  bit of green you know a patina hammered copper   you know you really the sky's the limit  on what you want to what you want to do   what happens if you accidentally miss a spot while  chopping you know this is a redundant step so you   know we've already mixed it we've already troweled  it we're going to spray spray paint and fog it   we really could probably get away with not doing  this step but you risk a sticky spot you risk   missing something you know if we had under mixed  epoxy and we're chopping the whole thing you're   actually agitating those chemicals one more time  you know and so um in doing epoxy for the last you   know 15 years yeah i used to get inconsistent  results depending on how well i mixed it   and what i would do is i'd mix it forever forever  i'd transfer buckets i'd make sure that everything   was properly mixed and i was super worried about  sticky spots the moment that i started chopping   it i never got a sticky spot again i can't wait  for the day that you dip your beard in the epoxy   and it hardens and you'll no longer even have  to use rubber bands that'll be nice if you want   to save money on rubber bands for your mango tee  just dip it in epoxy it'll stay that way forever all right we did we good yes all right  i'll show you what the next step is   come around front so see the edges or got drips  over the edge oh yeah so now that we have a real   saturated brush yes all we got to do now is just  brush those edges out oh nice okay you don't   really uh spank it huh not at all you you don't  guys matt said you don't need to spank the edges   another term is chop the edges but we could use  we could use spank he just he spanked the top bad countertop and then yeah your brush some people make the  mistake of putting their brush like this and   you get much less grab right so put your  brush like that like you were on edge yep   and if you roll it up over the top do you need to  chop that once again no it doesn't matter doesn't   matter no because we're so early in the working  time it's going to level everything we've done at   this point is still going to level now come over  here so you can see the bubbles and the light and   you'll see how easy this is to pop people make  a mistake of trying to get all the bubbles out   instantaneously and and the bubbles will pop and  then leave a void because it was a bubble sure and   then and then you get dimples and people freak  out and and want want to sit there with a torch   until it levels yeah just give it a few minutes  it will it'll level so watch so i'm just sweeping   the surface i'm only about an inch from the  surface okay i'll start out going perpendicular   after i do an entire sweep perpendicular  i'll come back and do it parallel   now with this particular technique  the alcohol is going to create   divots it's going to do craters in the piece it's  a solvent that's going to react with the epoxy   this is how you would lay out a top coat or  how you prep for your next step so i'll do half   and then i would do this way so i'm not moving  it a lot of people think you got to move fast   i'm just moving it like i'm blowing off a  driveway with water how well is it laying out okay do your do your section you can see the bubbles popping pretty  easy right yeah you can use a heat gun   you can use a a hair dryer for that matter  but the most effective is a propane torch   a little more overlap than you're doing yep  oh i see it you can almost see that wave   right out in front yep and now go perpendicular  and speed up your pace of hair perfect perfect that lays out like glass right yeah you know what  you know what the real test is of how well you did   you look at the reflection of the lights in the  piece and then move that light across the piece   with your eyes and it'll tell you if if you've  gotten the bubbles out so see our lights and   the reflection oh yeah and you just kind of  move it across it's pretty dang glassed out   that fast you wait five minutes it'll be perfect  yeah there i can't spot any bubbles maybe just uh but we're ready for the next step  i'll show you what we're gonna do so brown is really my undertone color i may do  most of this with clay but i might switch so   let me get my clay right make sure i'm i'm happy  and i'm only going to do small sections at a time   if i try to do this fogging on the whole piece  by the time i get down there the spray paint   will actually have sunk quite a bit and it  won't react the same i see so start out with   small sections you could always go bigger  once you're more comfortable so i'm gonna okay i got that now i'm immediately gonna hit it that's cool see the depth that gives you yes you don't want to spray more than that  if you keep going you'll wash it out   uh-huh okay so i'm tempted right now to spray  that again but i'm gonna leave it alone i see   okay i love that look man i'm gonna do this half  you're gonna do that half okay so i start on that   edge okay and then i'm gonna do what i you see i'm  not going in um in order right like i did that one   corner see i'm not doing like stripes bro  i'm going that way right uh-huh so you want   to stay away from stuff looking geometric and  man-made and see i'm barely pulling that trigger done maybe a little more right there   that is really really cool yeah okay i'm going  to use a little less spray paint this time yeah it's almost translucent now  i use a little less yeah light fog   oh i like that color man beautiful okay your  turn all right now look look at the difference   this looks now this looks somewhat cheesy  compared to the looks that you're getting   but what's happening is you're seeing through  you see right here the spray paint gets pushed   away by the metallic uh-huh and you see down  to that base it gives a 3d look to it so the   the purpose of that base is to make that rock  right there look like it's a rock it does and   so if if i didn't do that it would just  be black right there oh i see yeah that   undercoat really made uh-huh it comes alive when  you start doing it with this style right here okay hit that see what happens   you helped me spray the rocks at mom's house  right yeah so you're pretty good with some spray   paint i could tell you've had some experience  and that's not from tagging street signs no okay hit it you don't want to let that sit nice nice bro nice move to the next section i like the big droplets man it's looking good  there isn't look at that last section you just   did is so good dude that's it don't  don't overdo it remember edges first   because all this too all this will flow  down uh-huh so so when you do that you   don't want to put too much metallic because  then it'll get it may get too too clay-ish   you can always add more metallic  you can't take it out true and see what the purpose of the black spray paint  is people think we're hiding everything uh-huh it   gives it lacing it gives it that rock structure  and black works the best but white paint works   other paint works but black does it the best black  gloss and we sell that right in our store too all right let that sit for a minute man  you know what i might do here is just add   a touch of silver and some spaces that  may be a little too black for me uh-huh   so i'm just gonna hit a little silver right here i don't know if i like that let's see what it  does maybe i'll do like a like that was a section   i don't know i think i like it better  just straight up clay what do you think   the clay looks really good i mean this looks like  a piece of granite that you would see in a granite   facility it really looks you know what watch  i'm just going to get free and loose with this   just put a little bit on this section and then  what we would be able to do is ask our client   do they want some silver in it or do they like  it just clay now you could take this away by   just going back with black over the top of it uh  clay or you really need to let it set for a while   if you're gonna do that because the alcohol  on top will get like water and then it just   washes out it becomes you need that you need that  alcohol to be droplets that can't reach each other   or else it then melds that paint into nothing i  see yeah see this circle this is a real pro tip   so it looks almost almost too circular yes so what  i do is it's it's got surface tension that alcohol   is pushing out okay so i'm gonna tap it and then  i'm gonna grab this and just kind of bring some   of that colorant back in a little bit oh yeah and  that's it now it'll stop growing and it looks more   real oh yeah so do that one right there just touch  it and then tap it and bring it in a little bit   that's it right there done see now   now i really like that silver mat it looks  like a vein a silver going through there yes you know what let me do since i like that i'm just  going to do a little bit more right here where i   don't like where i did it a little too tight  right here i like this being this looks like   stone this this still looks like stone but maybe  it's a little too dark for me okay so i'm just   gonna just do a little bit through that section  as if that's a vein yeah and let that grow on me   you know the one cool thing about this is if  you're a contractor working on the job site   you can get the customer fully involved with  this make it to where they're part of the color   variations too they want more silver they want  more clay absolutely absolutely and and when   you you know what i do when i when i make these  four clients i absolutely include them but if i'm   doing them in my shop i'll say hey look i'm about  to do the important part the fun part i'm gonna   do your coloring i need you to stand by on your  cell phone i'm gonna start sending you pictures   and then i do the smallest piece in their kitchen  so if it's a little piece that's next to this   next to the stove i'll start doing it i'll take  a picture i'll send it to them i say love it or   hate it go both extremes give them license to  hate it yes i hate it which is nine times out of   ten they love it they can't believe what you did  but let's say they oh i just i think it needs a   little bit more of that silvery color absolutely  then you do it take another picture how's that   oh a little bit more take it send it to him i love  it now you have a template yeah don't show them   anything else in the kitchen when you deliver it  i guarantee they love it because they approved it   yes guys remember if you have a few divots that's  normal with the alcohol that's the consequence of   using this technique is that alcohol hits and  it's going to start to spread out okay and it's   going to make you these big craters that look  pretty natural and then it's going to dissipate   and let your epoxy level however if you keep doing  this really late in the cure time it's not going   to have time to self-level again we got a good  hour hour and a half at this temperature we're at   71 degrees we got a good hour and  a half for this to move around   so if we were doing a giant kitchen we're good  yeah but however i'm going to do a clear coat   anyways i don't care if there's imperfections  at this point all i'm looking for is is   patterned it'll fill itself in yep guys visit us  anytime at stonecoatcountertops.com call anytime   for free project support and until next time  remember you got this we'll see you on the next video you got this
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 754,246
Rating: 4.8973732 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, art resin, epoxy metallic, epoxy table, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, diy, diy epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, resin table top, granite countertop, how to, how to epoxy, Spray on Granite in 10 minutes, spray stone, spray on countertops, spray on granite, spray on marble, make granite countertops, diy spray on stone, tan brown granite, beginner learns epoxy, epoxy tips for beginner, 1 on 1 diy hands on training with epoxy
Id: hu8QBjmQOBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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