Creating a Fantasy Marble, Epoxy Sink Bowl

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[Music] hey guys run intro coolest here RK 3 designs I have a lot of people that are wanting to redo a house they don't have the ability to build another countertop so I think what I'm going to try to do today is show y'all some options and they're pretty fun options and they're pretty easy actually [Music] I have a integrated sink integrating meaning that the sink and the backsplash is all one piece so that kind of brings up some issues when you're pouring a design because your design is gonna want to really run down in your sink area and you're gonna lose whatever pattern same thing on your backsplash well we're gonna do something a little different so what I've done so far is I've taken the sink and I buffed it actually I took the grinder because it was pretty bad and then I primed it I cleaned it really well first and I primed it with a bonding primer and the bonding primer that I really like to use is xim and it is the it's a modified urethane so it is washable by water you clean up with water that's what I like about it but it says that it's a Bhandar you have to have a Bhandar because if it's not that adhesion won't be there so a regular kilts or you know an all-purpose type Bhandar is not what you need my go-to is X I am I love it alright so what we did is I put two coats of the X I am I lightly saying it in between and then I came over with my bare paint and primer in one with natural grey so two coats of that sand in between coats and I'm prepped and ready to go there are all kind of patterns that you can use where you actually integrate this into your pattern it's a little more difficult and because obviously your epoxy is gonna be running down and wanting to flow so any kind of pattern that you want to stay as a distinct pattern is really hard to get on this so what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring in this little product I got it off Amazon they are stickable backsplash tiles super lightweight super fun to use I've actually seen News and houses and when the area is prepped correctly and these are put on correctly they are fabulous so also rvs things like that because they're lightweight so this is what we're thinking I'm gonna come in and now all of this will be done after we pour because if I stick these to the backsplash now and then I pour that epoxy is gonna stick along this bottom and then I won't be able to get it off now if you never plan on taking this off then go ahead this would be obviously the easiest way to do it is to apply your stickers first but this is what we're going to do after we pour our finish I'm going to come back and I'll apply the stickers now there's two ways we can do the top of the backsplash one is we I'm going to scoot this over so you guys can see one is we can stop at four inches cut that and then we will have this area here which you could paint the same color as your wall that's one option the other option is to come over here bend this down cut here now because when it bends over it'll fold over and now that's gonna go on top of that space even if you have a little space left that's okay because you're gonna have to come back and put silicone on that and seal it anyway so two ways to do it personally I like to come up here cut it at the four inch mark that way we're level here and and then just run your paint to match the wall so all of this kind of blends in together that would be my choice so fun stuff look on Amazon they have hundreds of different kinds of patterns on these so the actual pattern we're gonna do now this is gonna be an experiment because I'm not done this one I actually had a lady email me and say that she wants she loves the veins knowing that she can't actually get those veins to stay like they are on this top to stay that way in the actual basin of the sink I started thinking so this is my inspiration piece so what I'm going to do we're going to kind of combine this one finish into these veins which we're gonna put across the surface and then as that is starting to kind of set up we're gonna come back and we're gonna do almost like a dirty pour on the inside of the sink heat that so that it runs and we're gonna we're going to kind of embrace that running of the colors into the finish with the veins haven't done this have it practiced this this may be epic fail but we're gonna try it and you're gonna watch me I'm using colors a little different this time little different colors and brands so I mixed up the majority I would probably say little over half of my material is mixed up with a product by just resin it is pearl white I got this from artist til death they're one of their distributors I highly suggest you go check through their website out they have so many colors it's amazing so that's our white then I'm gonna come in with a product it's from bling it and this is also a sparkling white it's called interference oyster satin and so it kinda is gonna have like a two-tone look also from artist til death a little bit less than the first white but almost equal amounts and then I come in with a product I also got from artist till death color obsessions this is a powdered mica the white was a gel the white from jest resin is a gel love gels and then the interference bling it was also a powder so this is steel blue and I used a very very tiny amount of the steel blue like I literally just dipped the tip of the popsicle and stick in there and then start it because I just wanted it to be a very hint and even that little bit tinted this whole cup right here then I came in with just clear resin and I added stone coat counter tops almost that's very fart stone coat countertops diamond dust and so this is this is my go to love it love it love it love it and mixed Oh about I guess in comparison with the white a very small amount cuz I just want it to be an accent I don't want it to take over my piece we're just going to randomly lay this down no particular order now I'm not worried about that product going down into the sink that was the white just resin now I'm going in and it doesn't really make any difference what order you put this in I just like to put what I have the most stuff down first then I kind of know where to fill in with my other colors now I do not want to get this on the backsplash remember we're going to be using that stick on tile for the backsplash alright so that was my bling my interference oyster shell color here comes my steel blue very very lightly tinted steel blue and then last but not least diamond dust and I'm just going in between the colors that I've already laid down now some of you may want to stop at the next step and not go on with the vein patterns and I would tell you guys absolutely because this is going to be a beautiful finish especially if you're wanting a very quiet countertop next to the tile backsplash that that I picked so this might be for you so you're getting to two finishes and one actually today just today only today maybe tomorrow that's what happens when I'm coffee deprived all right so now it's a little bit cool in my shop but I'm actually using that to my advantage because as I'm running my fingers through this I'm getting a striated type of pattern and that's what I'm going for today so if you notice how I'm doing my how I'm pushing this all together instead of running it like this I'm just going back and forth now in the back I do have to kind of run it up along this back edge okay so oh my gosh this is gorgeous all right so now I've got product that's going down into the sink and all I'm gonna do is take this product and very very thinly I'm gonna rub it onto the surface now I know that this is going to start setting up and that's kind of what I want because then when I come back in with the rest of my material that's gonna be for just the sink Basin I'm hoping in theory that it's gonna kind of help it to keep that pattern a little more in place now I'm gonna torch it a little bit and address my edges now know that when you torch it's making your epoxy a lot more fluid so you're going to get more of the product running off the edge okay so we did the edges and I just ran that over the edge now when we start adding our veins you'll really see some of our edges really start to get character and pop so I'm not in a hurry I really kind of like my epoxy to kind of set up just a little bit before I start manipulating my veins because I have more control if it's super fluid everything's still moving and I lose control just a little bit and don't like that so I'm gonna let it sit probably fifteen maybe twenty minutes and then we're gonna start working on our veins okay so we're back it's been setting I don't know 15 minutes or so this is an incredible finish on its own you could even call this maybe a mother-of-pearl type of finish I have strays in here with my hand that I did with my hand and I like that but if you wanted a real mother-of-pearl soft soft finish this metallic can be made to be very soft and I'll show you how to do it but this area right here is very soft you don't see a real street pattern and that is a gorgeous pattern especially for a bathroom okay so if you wanted to take that hard straight type of pattern out just take your gun and meld those colors together and then just leave it and it'll continue to run and it'll it'll run more in a melded type of formation and it will absolutely be incredible okay so now we're gonna start coming in with some type of pattern or vein now when I look at this sink I know that I'm gonna have a backsplash that's gonna be a little bit busy so I don't want that vein to run right up next to the backsplash I want it to kind of be a have some separation there so we're gonna probably run this vein and I just have some smoke smoke gray I'm gonna spray it because I don't have a work area here to spray my paint first I'm gonna just take it and spray it on this paper plate and it's a pretty neutral gray it's a smoked gray now I can come in with my stick I think I'm going to run the pattern I don't want to be right in the middle because that won't look really natural it's gonna be a pretty good-sized vein and I'll have it now I am putting this in a stray the way that I did my fingers when I laid it down so the strays are all kind of going kind of catty-corner they're not going perfectly left and right ok so I put this on a Styrofoam plate and don't do that like a big dummy I didn't realize that styrofoam is eaten up I did spray paint so I'm just gonna be brave I'm just gonna spray straight on there a little bit I'm just trying to get an idea of where I want my color now this I'm gonna have a little bare spot over here and I want to I want to bring in some color there but I don't really want it to go all the way back up to that backsplash now I'm still not really worried about what's going down in my sink area because I'm gonna be adding color to that and now I'm really not even putting any more color on my stick I'm kind of picking it up and just barely depositing any color all I'm doing right now is making a design just kind of seeing visually where my eye wants to go all right okay so I think I'm liking this we can always add to it later all right now I'm going to start building my vane winter gray I'll just have to go really fast so winter gray which is has a blue tit to it which really works with that steel gray mica that I used in my tinting of the resin now you could definitely come in with just the blue on your stick randomly in here just to give you some visual okay so now I'm gonna come back in with some of my darker colors this is a anodized bronze I'm gonna just put a little bit of that because I noticed my backsplash had just a little bit of this color in it so I want to pull a little bit of it out now it is a darker color so depending on how transparent you want your veins to be and how how much you really want them to have contrast will depend on how much of these colors that you bring into the veins I love building veins it's one of my favorite things to do I like to just kind of see them come to life and when I take those colors I'm not just setting them on top of the resin go ahead and get that stick down in there work that color down into the resin you don't want it to just sit on top I'm gonna come in now where I want a little bit of a metallic so I'm gonna add just a touch dark steel metallic now remember if you've never worked with metallic paints before they have a tendency to want to set on top of your resin and not really get down into it which is really pretty but you just have to know how to incorporate that into your design tiny bit and you'll be surprised how that will work its way back up you think that you really work it in well and then you'll see it play peek-a-boo with you when you go and use your heat gun like I said I didn't I don't want to time of the sparkle just a little bit of that metallic also when I'm doing my edges I want that color to organically run down those edges so that it'll eventually be a really pretty edge I do want to make sure that I have epoxy on the edge so that the colors can run there all right now I'm going to come in with a little bit of black black can take over go fast so I wanna be very generous with this or conservative with this black is just almost a I know it's kind of funny to say black is a highlight but it's an accent alright so white is next white can very easily overtake your vein so we're gonna be easy on the white for right now I like the color so let's play with it a little bit with our heat gun see where it goes and we can always add some more color and guys I use the cheapest again I've had so many texts emails Facebook post what fancy heat gun do I use this is it 999 at Harbor Freight in their tent so I have 30 of these and some of them I've had since our very first classes that we've done and they're still rocking on so I really like them you can have a high and a low that's about it now because I've let my epoxy start to kind of set up it's exactly where I want it to be because I want to be able to control this epoxy and how much it runs so because it's starting to really set up I can move just certain parts of my vein open up certain parts without worrying about it really getting out of hand I love that transparency that I got from mixing up the diamond dust in the clear almost an onyx effect because you can see through it now I am not worried at all about this color running down because we're going to use that in our design I like to open up that color see how you can really open up that vein open up those colors and it looks more like a big old slab of rock has been cut into [Applause] on my edges I want to fade them out so that I don't have any straight lines on my edges stone countertop products have so much open time and like I said it's probably maybe right at 70 degrees in my shop right now and this has been out of the bucket hi good 30 maybe 40 minutes and I still have plenty of open time on this project to open this piece up now this looks incredible this does look like a chunk of rock here now I'm also gonna soften the areas here that still had the metallic was still picking up my stray yet striated I guess marks that I put in I have decided as we're going I want to soften those lines these metallics are incredible to work with so I highly suggest you guys if you haven't looked at Eric and Jeff's website artists he'll death that you go check it out because they have some fun products all right so I'm really liking the softness that I'm getting I think I'm gonna call it quits on my veins I really like that I know they're still gonna keep running a certain amount especially down in my Basin but I'm fixing to go mix up some more product and we're gonna start incorporating those colors now into that product we're back and I told you guys that the first of this video that I've never done this one particular pattern with the idea that's in the back of my brain so y'all were learning as I'm learning and I'm really loving how these veins are starting to kind of slide down inside of the basin so I'm gonna kind of have a change of heart a little bit I was gonna do a dirty pore inside there inside the basin and as that dirty pore ran down in my brain it was all going to be kind of cohesive but I thinking I'm changing my mind so what I did is I mixed up some more of the just resin white gel and the bling it powdered interference moisture think I'm gonna take these now and I'm going to very strategically pour this around the rim very careful not to mess up where my veins have already started to drip down so I'm gonna come here with that then I'm going to come in with the interference and I'm just going to go back on top of that I'm gonna let gravity be my friend in this particular pore now if you do a dirty pore you want to calculate about 30% more product being used when you do that sort of finish so because it's terrible to get halfway through your your dirty pore and you realize that you're not going to have enough material so rule of thumb 30% dirty poor so I don't know if the camera can catch this but I'm getting a very nice flow organically of that product and that's what I'm looking for we know this color coat is going to be a very thin coat inside of the basin so what I would suggest doing is on the flood coat I would flood coat my inner sink first when that dries I'd sand off the edges so that now it's smooth again and then I would come back and flood coat the whole thing again now my basin has three coats of epoxy and therefore the durability is gonna be a lot better all right I am so much loving this and I really haven't touched it much right there had a little bit of surface tension I'm letting this flow very organic so that it looks super natural and man I'm really liking it so I see one part of my sink there's some surface tension so I'm going to take a little bit of the left over I'm just gonna touch it I don't want to I don't want to mess up the flow of how it's flowing so I'm just going to touch it add some material and help it help it flow more organic I'm making the decision of what part I want to move faster so I can use my torch manipulate that resin and get it to move where I want it to move give a woman a torch and you empower her I really really really really really like this I like how the colors from the veins are very slowly trinkle and down and given kind of an organic flow in there it looks super natural now if you did not want that if you wanted it to be more just a color not so much flowing you could wait oh probably 10 minutes or so because you remember that super thin in that basin you could take your brush and you could chop all of that then you're not going to have that that flowing effect I kind of like the flow in effect so I'm actually not gonna do that but do me a favor if one of you do something like this and you do chop it tag me post it so I can see that so what do you guys think do you think I should chop it or do you think I should leave it alone I'm really liking it guys I really really am liking it also give me some feedback what you think about this backsplash if you like the idea of coming in with that stickers or would you prefer to see something where I took the background' pattern the whites and the pearls brought it up here and actually let that run down and get the same look that you would get inside that basin that is a huge option but for this video I wanted to show you guys there are other inexpensive products out there that you can use to make it all come together and I not once tilted this or had to move it so this is something that could very easily be done in a bathroom where you can't take the sink out I love how this turned out what a fun project so now I want to suddenly give you kind of a glimpse I'm not gonna adhere these tile stickers until after I'll pour the flood coat but I wanted you guys to get an idea what it looks like so I would come in here line these up there's a way you line these up you have to have this the backing off of them but look how pretty that turned out especially like next to this actual vein and that pretty think that made a really pretty little design after the flood coat I'll come in here I will peel these stickers off I'll stick it on the background I'm in on the backsplash I'll run a silicon bead and this little suckers done [Music] give me a thumbs up if you liked this video I would love to hear some comments and subscribe to our Channel remember don't be scared move forward and be creative [Music]
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 46,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy, diy marble countertops, painting countertops to look like marble, marble epoxy sink, epoxy marble, epoxy marble countertop, epoxy marble countertop diy, stonecoat countertop epoxy marble, stone countertop epoxy marble, leggari epoxy countertops marble, diy marble countertops bathroom, diy painting countertops to look like marble, stone coat countertops white marble, diy marble countertops epoxy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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