Using Decorative Foils With Epoxy | RK3 Designs

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hey guys do you want to learn how to make some of the coolest finishes with some of the neatest products stay tuned and enjoy the video all right so what i'm going to try to show you guys in this video is i'm going to kind of take you back to my faux finishing days when i use decorative foils on all kinds of substrates on furniture you name it on walls i used to use it and i love the product it's very very easy to use and so today what we're going to do is i'm going to show you several different foils with different patterns and then i'm going to show you with one very easy technique how to get different looks so what we're going to do is we're going to start off with just a sample board this is a half inch mdf so what we've done is we routed our edges so that we have a quarter inch round over so that when we do apply our epoxy our epoxy is going to roll over that edge and give me a really pretty edge i put two coats of bare paint and primer in black now you can also use the stone coat countertop undercoating if you do use that product you don't have to wait overnight you can actually pour your epoxy or you can go to the next step which in our case is going to be putting the adhesive down in four hours so if you use a latex paint you're going to want to wait 24 hours if you use the stone coat undercoating you'll be able to do this in four hours all right so let's get started all right so the first thing we're going to use is a product called artsyville i'll have a link in the description below for you guys i get this from a really good friend of mine jennifer ferguson with artistic painting studio she developed her own line of foil adhesive and in my personal opinion my professional opinion i think it's one of the very best adhesives on the market the reason i like this adhesive is once i roll it it's going to take about 45 minutes to get what i call tacky and once it's gotten to that stage it's never going to go beyond that stage of being tacky it's not going to dry i'm not going to have a window that i have to work with i can actually wait two or three days before i go to the next step because it's never going to get completely dry on me until i put my foils on top of it so it gives me a huge open time and open window to be able to do my project i've poured a little bit of the product out on my pan and i'm just going to roll it on just like i would paint i'm just using a quarter inch nap roller you can also use a foam roller and you just want to get it on nice and even and remember anywhere there's adhesive that's where your foil is going to stick so you want to make sure that you do your edges you've got good coverage on your edges now if you're working in a really hot environment or a high humidity your product's probably going to set up a lot quicker than if you're in a cool a seed building or a temperature where it's really cooler but usually you're looking at about 45 minutes worth of time for it to set up now if you're doing this over a countertop what you would want to do is prep your countertop first if you're going over a countertop that's shiny or slick maybe a laminate or you're going over a natural stone is you're going to want to first prime your substrate with a good bonding primer and the reason you want to do that is because you want to make that surface which is non-porous because it's shiny you want to give it something that all of these products can grab a hold of and have good adhesion so the first thing you'd want to do like i said if you're doing this over laminate or you're doing this over a natural stone get yourself some 120 grit sandpaper sand it really well clean it two coats of xim is what i like to use it's a bonding primer that i really like put that on there let that dry then you will come to the stage where i'm at now where i put two coats of the bare paint and primer or two coats of the stone coat counter top undercoating at that point you're going to be where i am here applying your adhesive all right you'll see i'm back rolling i'm really not trying to get rid of lap lines all i'm doing is make sure that my product is on evenly and nice and flat so don't over work the product you want you don't want to keep going back and forth but if you do have bigger areas maybe where it's a little thicker just take that roller and very very very lightly just kind of feather your product out and you'll be ready to go but don't worry about lap lines you'll be fine all right so the adhesive has now set for about 45 minutes to what we call a full tack so what we can do the way you can kind of tell if you're at the right timing is i'm able to touch the top and if you listen it makes a popping noise and also there's no stickiness on my finger if this were not quite ready yet if i touched it and brought it back my finger would be sticky so this is a really good way to determine if uh it's at the right time to go to the next step and so it is all right this is my favorite part guys i love this i'm so excited about decorative foils all right so decorative foils all it is is a pattern that's been metalized onto a piece of plastic it's a metallization onto a piece of plastic so this is actually the the pattern that we're going to put down on and then when we pull the plastic off that's what you're going to see now it's a little misleading because a lot of us want to put it face down because well that's where the pattern is but we're going to do the opposite of that we're going to actually lay it this side down on to the uh the glue all right so there's a couple of ways you can do this you could lay it just out flat but i always like to add a little bit of um i guess extra texture look to it so i'll take this and i'll actually kind of crunch it up a little bit and give it a little body and it's going to give it one more layer of visualization once we put it down onto the glue all right so i'm going to come on here [Music] and i'm just going to lay it down all right then i'm going to come in just with a soft cloth and i'm very lightly going to rub it down now what i'm not doing is i'm not doing it in a circle because if i do it in a circle that circular pattern is going to show through when i pull it off also what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to go all the way to the edge of my piece of foil if i do what will happen is it will develop a really hard edge and i don't want that i want it to be a very soft edge so i'm just going to go almost to the to the edge of that rub it in and i can even come check it too i can pull it back and you can see that i'm already getting some adhesion there and if i were going for a very light color uh uh just a little bit of that pattern i could stop right there but i want to have full coverage so i'm going to go back and then i'm going to come and i'm going to come in with my my brush and i have just a very small little plastic scrub brush and i'm going to really get down and get that foil on to the surface [Music] again i'm not going to go all the way to the edge [Music] get my edges [Music] oh that's so pretty all right now you could see that i have little air bubbles and that's okay that was caused by me crunching it up and that's all right that's going to give us some really cool little designs on the on the surface all right so i'm going to pull it off [Music] now let's just say that i wanted to go back and and add a little bit more pressure on there i can go back i can re-scrub and then i'm going to get 100 coverage all right so we're gonna see i like that look of the black lines i that's why i crunched it up because that's what i'm getting and that's what i wanted all right so now you can see that i have a soft edge i got a little bit close so i have a little bit of a hard edge but we're going to overlap with the other color and you're not gonna see that all right so now what we're doing is i'm gonna give you three uh four actually different patterns instead of just doing one one pattern i want you guys to see how different foils look even though we're going to do the exact same technique over the top i want you to see different foils and how they really look stunning once you put the epoxy on there all right so that was a gold confetti and i'm going to link all of the foils and their names in the description of the video so make sure to check that out alright so that was gold confetti now we're going to come in with my favorite and my whole bathroom actually guys my shower and my countertops are done in this pattern and it is absolutely stunning all right so we're gonna lay it down i think i'm gonna i'm not gonna crunch this one up oh my husband's telling me yes i am he likes it crunched okay so here we go crunch it up actually when you do crunch it up it actually makes it a little bit easier to handle all right so i'm going to overlap this all right this is a little tough because i'm short all right same thing come in with my terry cloth very lightly lay it down first and if you have a lot of wrinkles and you don't want that many wrinkles just pull it up and then you can pull it flat get my edges now it doesn't matter if i go all the way to the edge because now this is not sticky all right once that foil is on top of the adhesive it is no longer sticky so i could actually go all the way to the edge and because i already have a foil there it's not going to leave a hard line all right now what i want to not do is to accidentally go over this because i could scratch it so make sure that you're careful that once you do pull your plastic up that you are careful with your uh finish until you get some epoxy over the top of it [Music] all right edges is that not absolutely gorgeous you could just put clear epoxy over this which is actually what's in our bathroom and you could stop this this is just gorgeous that epoxy just gives it so much depth so now we're going to come in with a really pretty look at that isn't that gorgeous blues it's kind of a hologram type of a foil and we're going to lay that one down now this is a little bit easier if you're if you got long arms i don't have long arms so this is you know a little tough on me you can readjust it once you lay it down you can readjust now you could see that i did not crunch up this one so when you would use this of not going all the way to the edge is if you were doing a whole countertop and you were having to do it in sections you would this is when you would use the the technique of not going all the way to the edge because you want your pattern to be seamless so here even though it's different kinds of foil you can see how it just kind of bleeds in and there's not a really hard edge if these were the same pattern you would not be able to see where one of the foil stopped and the other one started [Music] edges okay so i have a little bit of void here so i'm going to go back and put because you can see now see this is a really good example see how when i pull back the plastic how i still have a little bit of that pattern on the plastic that means that i still have some more that i can pull off so i'm going to put that back down and i'm going to re-scrub it [Music] now when i pull it off look how much more comes off now and i have more coverage [Music] if i start seeing that i didn't press long hard enough i can come back and i can go back and do it again [Music] see so i'm coming i'm having that one little piece i'm going to come back lay it down [Music] okay so this is my very favorite foil it's called pebbles and it is i just i love it so i'm gonna lay it down [Music] so all right so you see i still have a little bit right here that my foil didn't go all the way to the end so i tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to start using some leftover pieces and fill all this in all right so i have some salvage here so now i'm just going to start adding it [Music] and just kind of mod podge it on there together [Music] now this is really fun because if you had two or three different foils that you wanted to layer this is how you would do it you could actually get [Music] different patterns in fact i think i'll do that let me grab some of that gold all right so i'm just going to take over leftovers to show you guys that you can just blend patterns together [Music] now you see how i'm not really pushing really hard i think i had a little bit of epoxy right there i'm gonna come in and see if i can yeah i had something sticking right there so it's not gonna it deactivated the the glue but i'm gonna come right here and you showing you guys how you can take different patterns layer them on top of each other and really get some neat looks anywhere that there hasn't been any foil is still going to be sticky so if i run my hand over here and i feel any sticky spots i can actually take that foil and it'll stick [Music] now once everything has got foil over it no more stickiness all right so you can see without anything else on it that these are stunning these are just so pretty look how they catch the light and you'll need to go to artistic painting studios website she literally uh has hundreds and hundreds of foils um and and you it's just endless you there's so many things that you can do with this and i love layering them underneath the epoxy it's just it's just a way to get a finish that you just can't get any other way alright so now what we're going to do we're going to pour some epoxy and we're going to go to the next step now i'm going to be using stone coat countertop epoxy i'm using their regular countertop epoxy it's a one to one ratio and i'm going to be using three ounces per square foot all right so i'm going to pour in part b first the reason i do that is part b is thinner less viscous i just seem to get a more accurate reading when i pour part b in first as part a is quite a bit thicker and it really falls down through part b a lot quicker giving me a more accurate reading if you do put part a in first that's fine it's not a problem all right in part a like i said it's quite a bit thicker it's going to fall down to the bottom it'll be a lot easier to measure [Music] mix for two minutes when i start mixing i mix very slowly to begin with i don't really mix too fast because if i do then i'm really untraining a lot of air so i keep my mixer paddle going pretty slow all right so once i've mixed with my paddle i'll come in with the paint stick and i'll hand mix it and then i'll get that material that's on the edge i'll scrape that and then stir that into the mixture i'll do that three or four times and what that's doing is ensuring that all of that material that's on the side of those buckets that may not be mixed up thoroughly i'm bringing it into the mixture and i'm making sure that i'm mixing it up all together so that way when i pour my product onto my surface i'm not going to get sticky spots i decided at the last second that i was going to add a little bit of secret sauce so i'm coming with a very very tiny bit of gold dust and i mean a little bit i just want it to get kind of get a shimmer and kind of catch the eye that's literally all i put in there [Music] all right so now here we go i'm gonna just pour out the epoxy over the top this is where i usually tell you guys that if you want to use a trial you can but on this instance i really do want you to use your hands or you could use a roller if you wanted to do that because the foils are very delicate they can be scratched really easy until the epoxy obviously cures but you could definitely scratch that with your trial so be very very soft and i'm just going to go ahead and use my hand i like to use my hand anyway i love just seeing how just the epoxy over the foils just give it such a layer of depth and it's just gorgeous okay so once it's all leveled out we'll torch it and get your edges and i like at this point is when i really do like to use my hands because what i can do is i can take that epoxy and i can roll my fingers over that edge and help that epoxy to roll over and then it's going to actually cause those drips to go all the way under the edge and not form a a hard edge right there a hard ledge or have any kind of surface tension all right so we'll torch it out and that's one thing about stone coat no matter if you get bubbles when you're mixing the product those bubbles are released so easily by just giving it a quick torch now guys like i said my bathroom is done all in leopard and this is this is where i stopped i just have the clear over the leopard and it is absolutely stunning um but what we're going to do we're going to go to a next step and we're going to actually do a technique on the epoxy but because this is very fresh epoxy i want it to set up for about 30 minutes before we go to the next step so we're going to hang out let it set let it start to get a little bit thick and then we'll go to the next step all right so it's been setting here about 30 minutes and what that's done is allowed the epoxy to start setting up so now the pattern and the technique that we're fixing to do it's not going to move as much and that's why i like to let the epoxy set up before we go to the next step all right so this is what we call granification and um the best thing that i've found that works is just your black gloss paint the 2x gloss works the best now you can use many different colors to do this you don't have to use the black but the black in my experience works the best and that's why i like it i really like that look it gives all right so this is a technique that you guys will definitely need to practice because uh there is kind of a learning curve and it has a lot to do with how much of that spray paint actually gets onto the surface you don't want it to be really really thick but you want it to be opaque enough to where you can't really see the the pattern underneath it really really well so there is that fine line so i suggest that you guys definitely do some sample boards and practice this uh also the temperature that you're doing it in does make a difference so if you're doing this in really cold temperatures it's going to react a little bit different than if you're doing it in a more warm environment now i'm only going to do one section at a time i'm not going to do the whole piece so you guys can kind of see what we're doing all right so wear your ppe this is a spray paint so you want to protect yourself or do it and make sure you do it into a ventilated area [Music] you don't want this spray paint to sit very long alright so have your alcohol ready and i'm not going to just spritz it on very fine i want more of a bigger drop so i'm going to use my hand and i'm just going to very lightly drip over the top now you also want to be very very aware of how much alcohol you're putting on the surface now i'm going to come in with some isopropyl alcohol that's got mica powders mixed in and this happens to have gold you don't have to use a colored mica you could just keep it with the clear alcohol but i just wanted to add a little bit extra on top again i'm not coming in with a lot of alcohol now you just have to leave it alone and walk away don't keep adding alcohol because if you do what's going to happen is going to cause it to run off the edges and it's going to get very blurry so you have to be able to walk away and let this finish do its thing so i love this this is really cool and as it moves it's going to get really a cool looking effect on top of it alright so let's continue with the rest of it all right again here we go now what i don't want to do is spritz alcohol and then immediately come on top of it with spray paint so that's why i was really careful when i was laying my alcohol down that i didn't spritz it onto this area here because it will cause a different effect if you put your spray paint over the top of alcohol [Music] and i'm just kind of letting it drip from my fingers i'm not putting a lot [Music] and you can just kind of flick it some of these areas you may want a little more spray paint maybe not quite open it up so much you can just use your fingers and kind of just spritz that so we'll let that continue to move now you could see where we layered the different uh foils how cool that looks let's add a little bit of the gold now now before you make any judgment calls on if you need to add any more spray paint or if you need to add any more alcohol you really need to let this set a good 10 minutes or so because it's going to react right in front of you and if you if you add too much paint immediately if you see a spot that you're like oh i really need to take care of that spot and you add more to that area then you're going to get too much and if you get too much alcohol like i said it's going to cause your surface to be very blurry and it's going to run off because this epoxy is still continuing to move so i love this we're gonna let it sit for just a little bit and then we'll come back and look at it okay guys it's been about two and a half hours um so the product has really kind of slowed its moving down it'll move a little bit more but the pattern is pretty much going to stay just like this and it is absolutely stunning so our next step would be tomorrow we'll come in we'll flood coat it and then we'll come back and we'll put the ultimate top coat that's going to give this finish a super high durability all right guys all of these products that we used are available either on my website or i have a link on my website to artistic painting studios this is where you'll find all of the foils and the foil adhesive check out jennifer's website she is an amazing artist and she's got some phenomenal products if you like what you saw give me a thumbs up subscribe to our channel we're really doing good at getting our numbers up and we appreciate everyone that subscribed and if you have any questions leave them in the comments tell me maybe what you would do with something like this would you do a piece of furniture would you do a countertop let me know and remember until next time guys don't be scared move forward and be creative [Music] you
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 243,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, epoxy table, resin, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy, remodel, renovation, home improvement ideas, kitchen, bathroom, diy, how to, tutorial, using decorative foils with epoxy, decorative foils, foil art, foils at home, diy foils, diy crafts, foils and epoxy, foil countertop, kitchen countertop foil, how to epoxy, how to foil, foil tutorial, tutorial foil, leopard print, pebbles print
Id: d4k0V2AUbRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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