Chameleon Colors Epoxy Swipe Techniques | RK3 Designs

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would you like to know how we took a customer's request to match his pool tile and came up with functional art for his patio stay tuned and enjoy the video okay so we're gonna start out with a round 36 inch table that we built i painted it black and then the next day i came in and poured black epoxy it was just regular epoxy tinted black so i let that dry now what we're going to do we're going to come over with a clear coat and then i'll be adding my colors into the clear coat all right so what i'm going to do first since i already have a coat of epoxy on here and i'm fixing to pour another clear coat i need to rough up the surface so that i get a good mechanical bond so all i'm going to do is take 220 lightly scuff up if i have any little imperfections that i want to sand out now is my time to do that all right you need to be sure to sand your edges as well i do it by hand and i take it the the sandpaper so that i don't burn through my edges all right so now that i've sanded i'm going to take off the dust i'm just using 91 isopropyl alcohol to do this [Music] all right now i'm ready to pour my clear coat i'm doing three ounces per square foot of the regular stone coat countertop epoxy i'm trialing out the material with a 1 8 by 1 8 square notch trial this helps me ensure that i get just the right amount of material on the surface now i'm going to torch out my bubbles all right so at this point i can either choose to take a brush and chop out my trial lines spread out everything very evenly except i really like to use my hands because with my hands i can feel the material i can also help it to flow over the edges really easily and i can take my fingers and run under that edge so that i get a really good amount of epoxy under the table so that the epoxy will roll under and it won't build up on the edges so the products that we're going to be using on the table today are from artists till death check out their website the chameleon micas are amazing we're also going to be using just resin and color passion so here we go all right we're going to start off with mad hatter it's one of their chameleon micas and i want to be a little off centered on my design i don't really want to be right up through the middle kind of be that illusion that i'm off centered and then we're going to come in with a mother knows best this is also a chameleon now the reason i'm pouring this on the right side is because i'm going to now swipe and what i want is i want the top mica to be swiped over the bottom mica okay so i'm using some parchment paper you can also use a magazine wax paper quite a few different things to do the swipe as it rests down i'm letting the epoxy kind of soak up on the paper and then i'm twisting a little bit and bringing it off the edge okay i really like that i'm going to get a smaller piece and i'm going to do the same thing here now i'm going to come in with red queen and i'm going to pour a little section of that now i'm not putting any pressure i'm letting just the weight of the paper so each time that i swipe i either get a new piece of paper or i clean the paper that i have this just makes a cleaner nicer swipe [Music] these are phenomenal so as you can see as i swipe i bring it all the way to the edge so that it'll run down the edge as the epoxy starts to self-level okay so then the last color that i'm going to put on this right side is called wicked stepmother and i actually let that epoxy run over the edge oh this is beautiful [Music] so i'm going to add a little bit of heat and you can see that these colors are really starting to blend and meld out and getting some really cool shapes i love that so now we're going to do the same thing to the other side now mad hatter remember mad hatter is the middle vein so now we're going to come in with mother knows best and i'm going to on this side i'm just going to lay all my colors out and i'm just going to do one big swipe and then our third one is going to be red queen and then see which now putting this a little thicker on this side because i have a little more negative space to pull out now anytime you use these chameleon colors you want to try to go over a black background because that's going to really help to show the chameleon color changes okay so even though we're recreating a table that i did earlier knowing that this is basically functional art i know that it's not going to be exactly like the table before which is kind of what i'm going for this is art it'll never be reproduced exactly so we're following basically the same recipe knowing that it's going to come out differently and that's what's so much fun okay so i'm going to add a little bit more of the third mica color which is red queen i want to pull this out i just want a little bit more material than what i have so i'm going to try to re-swipe this i'm not too worried about what it looks like right here because i'm going to be adding quite a bit of color but i do want that color to extend out all right that's what is what i was wanting alrighty so now we're going to start building our vein with our just resin products and really adding some dimension to the art piece so this is our black alumalite opaque dye this is the same dye that i tinted our first coat of epoxy with very opaque and i'm going to run a line of it down the middle so now we're going to come in with turquoise luster and we're going to put it on the left side of the black and the reason i'm doing this is because now when i swipe i'm going to swipe the turquoise over the black so i don't want to swipe that turquoise all the way out i want to kind of keep it closer to my vein [Applause] now you can see how that turquoise is now reacting with the micas and it's causing a little bit of selling right there okay so now we're going to take the turquoise again and this time we're going to run it and we're going to swipe to the left so i'm not real happy with this area right here i want a little bit more turquoise so i'm going to add a little more that's exactly what i was looking for now one thing i struggle with in doing these types of projects is i'm have a tendency to be a perfectionist and want things to come out exactly like what's in my head and this is not the project for that to happen you have to really embrace the creativity and embrace the way that the epoxy is going to decide to move and interact with the other colors another layer of colors coming in with now color passions magenta now i've left it a little thicker at this end and i tapered off because i want to give an illusion that it's thicker here on the end now i'm not as worried about getting this color to be solid because i want that turquoise to peeky boo through this pink [Applause] okay so i love how this is starting to sell up coming in with wicked stepmother and i'm just going to run a very thin line then i'm going to just kind of just play with it a little bit through here [Music] all right so now i have just a very thin popsicle stick and i'm going to just start running it through basically all i'm doing is taking that mica and i'm just working it down in there all right now i'm going gonna do the same thing with the pink on the other side oh i really like how i pulled some of this chameleon mica over the pink all right so now i'm going to come in on my see which like i did here and run the veins and guys this is something that you just kind of just kind of create as you go if you see something you like you change it if you see something you want to add you definitely add it there's not an exact exact way to do this so i'm just building that vein up all this is doing is just adding interest and building depth it's starting to get thicker so we're not going to have as much movement as when we first put this on on the surface all right so now we're going to just come and do some detail work i'm coming back in with my turquoise and i'm just going to run it in here then i'm just going to kind of drag my [Music] stick so any of these areas where i have some little drips like this little drop right here i don't want to mess up everything around it so i'm going to heat it up a little bit and i'm just going to run my finger there we go [Music] so i think i'm going to stop the way that you kind of determine when to stop is take a step back refresh your eyes and come back and look at your piece okay so i think i like it and i think i got it close enough to where the two pieces are going to look as if they match without actually matching so what i'll do is to let this dry overnight and then i'll come back tomorrow and we'll put a final flood coat on it i don't do a lot of art type finishes but i absolutely love this so if you found value in this please guys do me a favor subscribe to my channel hit the bell for future notifications and let me know what you think in the comments below we will post pictures of this and all of the products that we used on my website so check it out also you'll want to check out our online course online if you're interested in learning from home in your own time and also guys remember until next time don't be scared move forward and be [Music] creative [Music] you
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 27,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, epoxy table, resin, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy, remodel, renovation, home improvement ideas, kitchen, bathroom, diy, chameleon color, pearlescent paint, resin art, color passion, just resin, epoxy swipe technique, epoxy swipe, hoppy, save money tips, epoxy cells, sell art online, RK3Designs, RK3, RK Designs, Rhonda Dracoulis, Rhonda, Dracoulis, RK3Epoxy, Epoxy Countertop, Epoxy Table, Texas, Seguin
Id: WXY2nLDx0k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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