How to Create a WEBSITE in Canva for FREE

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today we are going to learn how to create websites in camp these websites are going to be completely free so anyone with a camber free account or canva pro account can follow this tutorial and as you can see in the background these websites are going to look nice on desktop but also they are going to look nice on mobile so if you are ready for this tutorial let's go to my computer [Music] okay so here we are on my canva homepage and the first thing that i want to show you is that canva already has a bunch of different templates that we can use to create our own websites so they have different kind of templates so i'm going to show you the difference let's go here to the search box that we find on top and let's type website so as you can see we have three different options suggested the first one is going to be website then we're going to see bio link website and then mobile first website so i want to show you the three different options and the one that i'm going to be using for today's tutorial so the first one is website and these templates are going to be just for desktop use because if we are going to view one of these templates or websites on mobile they are not going to look very nice so let me just show you a little bit of these templates so they are going to look like this this is basically how your website is going to look if you use these website template let's go back to the home page let's type again website and let's see what we find on bio link website okay so here what we find are a couple of templates that are going to be very useful if you need a landing page for people to visit some other pages or other websites so i have seen these kind of landing pages on instagram i don't know if you are familiar with link tree so this is a version of those kind of landing pages but these are completely free and are very customizable so this is the second option that we see here this is extremely extremely useful so i would suggest you go and check them out as well for the moment let's go back to the homepage and let's type again website and let's see the last option that says mobilefirst website and here we find all these templates i would say we find more options than in the previous search results and now i want to show you something very important and it is that canva is now offering some free templates and some others that are available for compact producers so if we pay attention in this bottom right corner we will see the free label but some other templates will have these paid labels so if you are using a free account let's go for the three options in this case i will use this template and i will go for the mobile first website option because this one is going to look good on desktop and also on mobile so i'm just going to show you later what is the difference and why i selected this one so let's click on it i'm going to select the first one that says online beginners course but i'm going to customize it so it looks more aligned to my brand i'm going to create so many things so stay until the end of this tutorial and before starting to create your website i would suggest that you spend a couple of minutes trying to identify how many pages you need for your website and if you are going to need images videos or links so you have all those assets ready before starting to design because if you don't have your idea very clear then your design process is going to take more time so i'm going to start creating my own website to show you that we can do so many things and it actually it's going to look very very aligned to my brand i also want to mention that i'm using at the moment a canva free account and i will be able to create this website completely free so let's start i'm going to delete some of these objects and then to edit your text just double click on the text box and then type the text that you need to write on your page so in this case i want to create a website that links to some other resources or assets that you guys might be interested in so i'm also going to leave this link in the description of this video in case that you want to see how this website looks in real life how it looks on your desktop or on your phone and also i'm going to be leaving this design as a combat template in case that you like it and you want to use it for your own designs or your own website and then i'm going to change the text on this design and i will see you in one second okay i have my text ready on this design and now i want to change the photo that is in the background of this design for one of my own photos so i already uploaded the photo that i'm going to be using on this website and it is this one i used this button that says upload media in order to import these images to canva and now i'm just going to drag this image to the background of this design and i'm not going to change the position of the image i just selected an image that i'm located almost in the center of the image and i'm not going to be using for example this one because when i drag it to my background i don't see myself and this is a problem let me just show you an example let's say that i'm going to be using this photo and i double click and i move this photo so you guys are able to see me and then i'm just going to go a little bit ahead of the process to show you this because it's very important so publish as website and then i'm going to select web style scrolling and then open website so this is the way it looks on desktop but if i show you how it looks on mobile this is the way it looks on mobile so that's why i already opted for an image that when i drag it to the background of the design my face it's already visible in the background without having to adjust the image in the background so this is very important let me just save this design and let me show you again how it looks now on mobile so this is the way it is looking right now i didn't adjust the image and it is looking exactly as i see it on my kampa editor okay now we are going to insert or create buttons into our website so i don't know if you can see but there is a button right here i'm going to adjust these elements a tiny bit so i can position my button on this section because if i leave it here it is not very visible and i want my buttons to be visible right so let's say i think this size is nice and now i'm going to use the elements section in canva let's go right here and i'm going to type on the search box button and here we have a couple of different shapes that look like buttons and i would suggest you guys go for one of these options because they already look like buttons if we were going to be using one of these shapes they don't have shades you know or shadows that look like buttons so that's why i'm going for this one and what i like about this shape let me go back to my search result this one is completely free and also we can change the color so this is really great so let's position it somewhere here position backward and now i'm going to delete this shape because i don't really need it now and now what i'm going to do is to go to and i'm going to select this link copy and let's go to my canva design and i'm going to select the button now on this toolbar you see this link icon selected and then paste your url or your link here and then apply later on we are going to be adjusting the colors on our designs and also the fonts but i'm just trying to build the skeleton or the basics of my website and then we are going to customize it even further and now what we are going to do is to embed some videos from our youtube channel into our website and this is extremely easy so let's go to our youtube channel and let me open this video on another tab and here let's go to share and then copy let's go back to our canva design and we are going to more and then we select embeds you see this button right here and then we are going to paste our link here and add to design and you see we have our video now people are going to be able to view this video on the website later on so let me just grab another video that you guys really liked and then go to share and copy now let's go back to our design and do the same process paste and add to design so i'm just going to make these two videos slightly smaller and i think we are good i think i saw an arrow you see this arrow i'm just going to copy and paste it here so when people are viewing this website on mobile or on desktop they can see or they know that they are going to find more content if they scroll down so i guess this is already good just add one more text box here to mention people that they can see more so i'm going to change the fonts and the colors later so they are more visible and now i'm going to add another element and this i really love about canva because let me just type click and sticker so i'm adding the keyword sticker so i find animated elements and let's select this one this one is actually my favorite i'm going to resize it and put it here next to the button so people realize that they can actually click on it i think maybe this will help with the click-through rate i hope so and i guess we are done with the first page i know that is not looking perfect wait wait because we're going to fix this it's going to look even better and now i'm going to start building here the second page i'm going to follow the same steps that i showed you for the first page i want to show you something here the image that i'm going to have on this second page of the website i guess that a couple of people are going to ask did you create this graphic or this visual encompass yes i did and i have a tutorial in which i teach you how to create this wavy effect on text in canva this is the tutorial that says wavy text how to create baby text or distorted text in canva so if you are curious about it i'm going to leave the link to that tutorial here so i'm going to customize a little bit here this page and i see you in a couple of seconds okay i already customized the text on this page and i copied these guys and paste them here on the second page remember to change the link of the button if you are going to be using a different link on different buttons so i'm going to use the same link button and then i'm just going to delete the previous link and i'm going to paste the right link okay so i'm going to show you another trick that i really love about creating websites in canva so for this i'm going to give it and i saw something interesting here on here you can find some gifts and some stickers stickers are animations without background for example this one so i'm just going to click here and i'm going to see if something goes well with my website i'm going to go for this one because i'm talking about our courses and i guess the pencil it's going to add edge it's going to add a little touch of learning or i don't know a learning vibe and how do i add or insert this animation to my design so here we see this link button let's click on it and it says link copy to clipboard now i'm going back to canva and i'm going to be using these embeds feature that we used before i'm going to paste the link here and add to this sign so here i have my pencil and i really love this feature because you will have animations on your website and it's so simple so easy to do okay so we finished the second page and i'm going to create the third page and i'm going to show you another trick okay so here we are on the third page and the design that the template is providing doesn't go with the idea that i have in my mind for this page so i was scrolling down here on the templates category and i found one template that i think is going to look very nice with my website so it is this one right here i'm just going to click on it and canva automatically grabs this template design and insert it into this page so it has a completely different style and some elements that maybe don't align well with the previous pages but we're going to make it work so i'm going to detach the image from background and now i'm just going to delete these two text boxes as well i'm going to grab this copy and then paste it on this page i'm going to change the alignment of the text boxes and i'm also going to copy and paste this button right here remember to change the link and i selected this template because it has this phone mock-up that i really like and i think it's going to go really well with this page that i am envisioning to have on my website so let's go to uploads because i have a phone screenshot of my canva profile and for those of you who didn't know i have some canva templates available for free for canva pro users in canva so that's why i have this screenshot because i want you guys to have a little preview of what you are going to find there on this campus profile and now let's change the link on this button and i already copied the link that is going to go on this button okay it took a couple of seconds to change the text that is going to go on this page of the website and now what i'm going to do is to create the fourth page and to save some time i'm just going to duplicate the page and i'm going to change the image that is going to go on the phone and i'm also going to change the text and the link that is going to go on the fourth page okay i'm done with page number four and now i have another trick that i want to show you today and for this we are going to go again to the more section or more tab and we are going to be using the keyword code option or feature i already have the link in my clipboard so i'm just going to paste it here this is the link that is going to take you guys to this canva pro free trial for 45 days these are 15 days more than what you will get on campus website so yeah i already had this one on my clipboard so i just ctrl v pasted it and generate code and here we have our qr code if you want to offer your audience another way for them to access these links i think it will be a good idea to leave them qr codes on your website instead of having just buttons so now that we have the skeleton of our website done i want this website to looks more cohesive [Music] so i'm going to be using the style option so again i'm going to more and here we have this option that says styles so first i'm going to fonts and remember that everything that i'm showing you here it's free because i'm using a canva free account if you have canva pro you will see more options here so i already know the combination that i want to use on this website and it is this one that says horizon and poppins bold let's click on it and i'm going to apply to all pages and like this i applied these two combinations to all the pages in my design so one more thing that i'm going to do is to go to colors and i'm going to use the 19's arcade and i'm just going to click on it i'm going to shuffle these options until i see something that looks okay so i have my first page ready and i'm going to do the same process for the following pages so i'm going to click on the 90s arcade and try to see which combination i like the most sometimes it happens that for example i like this combination but i don't love the button so i'm just going to change the bottom colors so i want this button to actually look pink and the text to look white okay so i already changed all the colors and i just did anything that i didn't like so i guess this website is ready to be shared so i have two tips before finishing this tutorial and these are very important so i noticed that when my text boxes are very small like this one let me go closer so the text box is fitting the text so what we want for this text not to look broken when we are going to watch our website is to stretch this text box slightly like this so i'm going to do exactly the same for the other buttons if not it may happen that this line will be broken into two lines and your design is not going to look exactly as it looks on your canva editor so this is one trick and the second tip that i want to share here is very important and it is to change the name of your canva doctype so the name that i have here was default this is the name of the template that i used for this website so i'm going to change it for run the mobile first website and this name is going to appear here on top when people are going to be viewing your website so this is important because you don't want your website to have a random name okay so how do we share this website with your audience or your friends or clients or whoever that you want to share this website with so we are going to use the navigation bar on top and let's click on this button that says publish as website so here we have a couple of different options that says web style you click here and you will see presentation scrolling classic navigation and standard so for these websites to look nice on desktop but also on mobile we are going to be using the scrolling option and then open website and here we have our website i just want to check for example this button that we have right here it is working it is taking me to our youtube channel in these videos i can play them and watch the video inside the website if i want i can do the same for this other video that i embed into the website i keep scrolling i see all the different buttons we have the links here yeah this is taking me to the rondi bootcamp website and we have the other links or buttons working right here we have the qr code everything is looking nice and now i want to check how this is looking on my phone okay so this is how the website is looking on my mobile phone the videos are working so we can preview the videos directly from this website all the buttons are working and the website is looking perfect so here we have our website completely free and made with canva and before finishing this tutorial i want to share something else because i'm sure that some of you will be wondering if you can somehow insert or embed this website into your wordpress or another platform similar to wordpress and i actually don't think this is possible at the moment so i would suggest that you use the link that canva is offering us so when i clicked here on publish as website and then scrolling open website this is the link that you will be using or sending people for them to view your website so one thing that you can actually do is to take this link and create a bitly link with this link and customize it so it has the keywords that you want to use or something else that some other people have done is to redirect your website url so you will buy your url so you will redirect your website to this link i have seen some people doing that and it is working fantastic like there is no issues doing that so that is one idea i also read that some people download the images from these websites from the canva editor they download these as images and then they upload those images to their websites but if you do that i guess you won't have these animated stickers or animated elements and you won't have this amazing feature to embed videos and i think this is adding some uniqueness and some creative touch to your website so i guess if you do that you are going to miss on the features that canva is also offering with these websites and i guess this is it for this tutorial if you liked this video remember to give it a thumbs up this is going to help a lot our channel and also if you find this information valuable share this video with your friends or with anyone that needs to know about canvas websites i'm also going to leave you guys some tutorials right here in case that you want to keep learning about canva and i'm also going to leave a link here so you can go and check my canva profile and enjoy from all the free combat templates that i have available for kangapro users right there so i guess this is it i wish you guys a nice day and i guess see you in another tutorial bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 164,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a website in canva, canva free website, create a website in canva, create a website using canva, create a website with canva, create website for free, design website with canva, free website canva, free website with canva, how to create a website for free with canva, how to create a website with canva, how to create website for free in canva, how to make a website in canva for free, how to make a website with canva, landing page in canva, Website in canva
Id: Tgsb9290Abk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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