NEW Font Search, Youtube Shorts TEMPLATES, Shortcut to Add Links... | What's HOT in Canva 🔥 [Ep. 13]

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it is once again this time of the month where we have to discuss what's hot in canva in this episode i will discuss five new features three template categories and one photographer you need to check out let's go [Music] what is up everyone my name is ronnie welcome back to our channel if you don't know who i am or what this channel is all about this is your place if you want to learn anything about canva we have tons of tutorials diana publishes one i publish one every week so if this is your thing if you want to learn how to become a better designer and use canva to do so subscribe to the channel all right today we have a brand new episode of what's hot it is already episode 13. can you believe that well if you are interested in this series we will have a link in the description with all the other episodes so you can basically understand what's hot in canvas since a long time ago all right enough waffling let's jump into canva and discover the new features for this week the first new feature i want to talk about today is a new homepage sidebar so if you log into your canva account this is where you will land on your homepage and on the sidebar right here this sidebar has been redesigned improved so what's new in the sidebar you would ask well very good question let me show you well first of all you have this drop down menu here with the little arrow which is going to quickly show you all the different teams you are part of so as you can see i am part of four different teams here with this kind of account we have team randy we have ronnie's team we have rebecca's team and we have miss harmon's class which is a canva for education so each one of the team shows you actually if it's a pro account or if it's a free account or canva for education account so that's pretty cool and now you can simply toggle between your different teams right from here in the sidebar in this drop down menu you see now i am on running steam if i want to go to my education account i will click on the last one right here and of course every design that you will see here let me close that pop-up every design that we'll see here will be linked to that specific team you're in so my main team is team randy this is where we have the entire team you see six people ronnie's team is more like my personal canvas account where i do stuff for my own courses and business and yeah so this is really an improvement in my opinion to quickly switch back and forth your different teams if you do have different teams the second improvement is that this part of the sidebar has been restructured slightly so you can now see very quickly at the top of the sidebar everything that has to do with your personal account and project so these will be your recent design your project the stuff that has been shared with you that will be on top of it then you will see a bit further down this sidebar your team's assets so you will see the feed of your team if you click on team randy i can see the design created by everyone in my team you can invite new member that's nothing new and then you have your tools which are common to the rest of the team brand kit content planner and then your shared folder right here so that's the first thing i wanted to discuss this new redesigned sidebar with the drop down list to quickly select the right team the second new feature i want to discuss today is a shortcut to add a hyperlink or a link to another page in your design in your document on a specific element so as of now you know that you can add a link to any of the elements or group of elements and traditionally you would select your element like this text box right here that says follow me on and then click on the link button right here it says link you click on that you would paste your url here hit enter or you would link to a specific page of your document and hit enter but now canva introduces a new shortcut to not have to go through the button etc etc so in order to do so you just select your element that you want to link on and you press on the mac command k you see it opens this text box on the pc it would be ctrl k so command k and boom this opens my link box so for example i'm going to paste the link to my linkedin profile i'm going to paste it here hit enter and you see now this is now linkable if i don't want it to be underlined like this that's fine i can totally delete the underline and if i want the linkedin box to be part of this i can very easily undo this so let me command k okay i'm going to remove the link and i'm going to group these two elements so i selected them both i'm going to group them and now i'm gonna ctrl k again or command k on my mac here paste my link to my linkedin profile again and then enter again i don't want this underlined but now if i present this let me show you just presenting this boom if i click here what's gonna happen i'm gonna go straight to my linkedin so no more searching for the link button just control or command k and you will open that dialog box where you can paste your url that is for sure a small feature not so impressive it's a little improvement but this will save us a lot of time especially if you link to a lot of things if you link to different pages in your document so check it out all right moving on to the third new feature for today this one is for you guys who create a lot of content for social media constantly search for new visuals new photos in the canva library so you match your design perfectly so me for example i always search for photos well this one is called image recommendation and canva is going to help you find photos that are consistent with a photo you already use in your document so let me show you how that works i have a blank instagram post document right here i'm just going to search for my first photo so i'm going to my element i want a photo of some fireworks why not let's celebrate and let's make sure we are on the photo tab right here so tap the second tab okay i really like this one it's nice and colorful so i can make this bigger it doesn't really matter what i want to show you is this menu here on the sidebar that says magic recommendation canva is showing me a bunch of consistent photos with fireworks that could be interesting to me to add to my design so that is how photo and image recommendation works canva is just going to recommend a bunch of similar looking photos from the library now let's see i want to search for something else i'm going to search for koi fish okay selecting my photo tab and let's say i like this one right here so i put it on my design and immediately canva is going to recommend me some other photos so if i click on see all here what it does is that you recognize that this photo of a koi fish had no background you see there is no background here so canva in the magic recommendation suggested some animals without a background for example this one right here so it is kind of taking different factors into consideration there's not only photos of koi fishes here like if i close that down in the magic recommendation tab which is the one you want to pay attention to it is slightly lighter gray right here you can see there is no koi fish recommendation but canva understood i was using cut out photo for my design so that's what they serve me so that could be very useful let's try another search for i don't know let's say a rainbow rainbow okay i'm on photo let's say i like this one magic recommendation right here showing me different things so let's see this one could be something quite consistent with the first one so this is pretty good i have multi-colored balls right here so you see it's interesting to see how canva is learning from what's in your photo and serving you similar photos in the magic recommendation so this feature is called image recommendation and i think it's going to simplify our lives to find some consistent looking visuals for example in the presentation if you are using a certain color palette this is going to be super useful and talking about photos and presentation do not miss the photographer highlight at the end of this tutorial this is going to be a very good one especially for our friends watching us from india indian content creators this photographer highlight is for you don't miss it at the end of the tutorial all right moving on to the fourth new feature for today this one is called text tab font search so this allows you to search for different fonts directly from the text tab in canva so let me show you where that is okay so going back to my previous design right here my instagram post this time i'm not working with photos on the side panel here but with the text tab so move down a bit to the text tab right here you click on that and now what you can do from here of course you can still start using your phone combination and everything this is still there you can also use your heading subheading and body text so this is nothing new you can change between different brand kit if you're a pro user and have set different text hierarchy text preset right here but what's new is this search box right here it says search text and what i'm going to do is to type a type of font right or you can type the name of a font for example if you know you want to use montserrat type month say search and you get all your monserrat fonts so i really like that let's say i want to try something else i don't know the name of the exact font but i want a bold font so i just type in bold hit enter and then canva is going to serve me a bunch of fonts that are quite bold like this one for example let me make that text box bigger so nord bold i didn't know it was called nord board but i just typed in bold and that's what canva showed me so that's very nice because now i have this big space this big menu where i can actually visualize my font on a dark background so traditionally if you wanted to work with font you would have to select the text box and go to your font box right here and then you can search from here but you don't really see what the fonts look like right you can say for example i want something bold you can still do the same search but you see them much smaller here and it's not as easy i would say to really identify which one you want now you have this new i would say menu and search possibilities right here from the text tab that pretty much does the same thing but in my opinion it's a much cleaner overview of your fonts okay it also allows you to search for categories for example i want something fun just type in fun and here there are like a bunch of kind of fun looking fonts so brings more let's see i'll give this 100 to bring some fantasy to your design so this for me is a nice improvement for those of you typography lover always searching for the perfect font i'm still waiting for the moment where we can favorite our phone bookmark our favorite fonts that would be awesome but for now we have this new search functionality and you'll find it right here under the text tab by all means guys these four new features i just showed you are available for both free users and pro users all right so now let's move to new feature number five and this one is for pro users only this one is something that a lot of you have been waiting for quite a long time those of you who use the content planner to schedule their post on social media directly from canva there was a lot of complain that when you work with a team you cannot see what your team has scheduled in the content planner well this is now over because canva introduces this week team view in the content planner so what this feature does it basically allows you as the team creator to allow the rest of your team members to see the content that is scheduled in the content planner and vice versa if your team schedules a post in the content planner it will show in the calendar and this calendar can be accessible to all the members of your team so let me quickly show you here content planner from my home page okay so this is my team randy i'm gonna go to content planner we don't really use content planner to schedule on social media but nonetheless we still have the content planner here so what you want to do if you had a bunch of content planned out here you click on the three little dots here calendar options and you see enable team view so it says allow your team to view your post other team members can also allow their posts to be visible in the team view so when you connect new social accounts they will be private by default manage social channels to make them visible to the team okay so you can allow your team to view post of all my social media channels or you can select the channels that you want your team to be seeing in the content planner so that's a nice set of features that canva is giving us to add more collaboration features to this content planner thing so personally again we don't really use it with the team because it's still not compatible with youtube i cannot schedule a post on youtube otherwise i think we'll be using it all the time but when this comes this might change so this is a good illustration of how canva listens to the community because i've seen this in the community again and again hey when can we see the content that our teammates are actually scheduling via the content planner this is needed and yes it was needed and now canva made it happen so thank you canva for this just a reminder this is a pro feature so if you have a free account you won't have access to the content planner if you want to try canva pro there will be diana's link in the description it's an affiliate link for you to try canva pro for free for 45 days so check it out if that is your thing wow this was a nice set of new features like canva really spoiled us this week let me know in the comment section below which one was your favorite my personal favorite was the shortcut to paste a link to any element but let me know what is your favorite in the comments below talking about comments see transition talking about comments let's have a look at my favorite comment for this week so every week i review all the comments that you guys leave us on the youtube channel i try to select the one that makes me feel the best makes me a little happier and this week we have a comment from the lovely dibiani dibiani sahu i'm not sure if dibiani is a male or female name i'm sorry about this but let's say dibiani if you are watching this let me know if you are male or female i'd love to know just out of curiosity anyways dibiani said a damn good video learned a lot and he or she was talking about episode 5 of pimp my design pip my design is this series where i take a design submitted by a member of our community who send that design to us and i review the design and i try to improve on the design using the design principles to kind of explain why i'm doing certain changes why i'm reorganizing the design in this certain way so pimp my design it is a damn good video it is i'm not saying that because i made it because it is and this series is a little bit underrated on our channel not many views maybe because you guys don't really know like what kind of information and value it packs as a matter of fact let's add a card right there so you can check out this episode of my design i completely reworked a poster for an online event so if that's your thing there's a link in the card all right moving on to the second part of the tutorial in which i'm going to discuss three new template categories for you to discover okay so to do so coming back to the canva home page you can either search from the search box right here or you can actually go to the templates tab okay so i like to start these searches for templates from the templates tab is a slightly different ui but i believe there is a templates tab so why not use it okay so the first category of templates i want to talk about is something super relevant if you guys have a lot of meetings yeah meetings if you're like me your calendar is probably looking something like this if you work in a big company or if you work with a company at all so if like me you have a crazy agenda and spend a good chunk of your time in meetings these template keywords are for you okay so the first one i want you to try is meeting agenda okay type in meeting agenda and hit enter and you will see a bunch of templates right here which are very cool looking quite fresh different colors they are template for agenda of your meeting okay so i'm gonna enlarge one so you can see so you have your mood check to check with your team what's going on and things that need assistance priorities of this week highlight from last week what i love about canva template is that it's not just filled up with dummy content this is actual content that you can leverage so this is one from this category let me check another one like the first one right here so yeah we have the date we have one-on-one meeting so that is if you have a coachee or if you work with a manager directly we have good news to-do's blockers and updates that is pretty cool it is branded you have this other one right here so still for one-on-one meeting so that's the first thing i wanted to show you these are meeting agendas they come in different shape and form and colors but the content is super appropriate if you have a meeting these points will kind of guide you through the meetings so highly recommended if you spend a lot of time in meetings the next keyword i want you to search is meeting minutes meeting minutes and you will notice that these templates are pretty consistent with the previous set the meeting agenda so you have meeting agendas and meeting minutes and these go together so you can actually create a whole suite of documents for your meetings that are going to look consistent so for example meetings note so minute if you don't know what minutes means meeting note meeting minutes these are kind of synonyms so it's basically a support for you to take notes during your meeting so here you have your agenda general and roundtable updates action items at the end of the meeting it's nice to have a list of action items so the meeting is actually useful you didn't spend like an hour chatting with your colleague and then what's next well what's next should be in your action items who does what when when's the deadline etc etc so these meeting minutes templates will help you keep everything structured and that's really what they were made for and again they are made in different forms so minutes of the meeting you see this one has kind of blocks different blocks to clearly structure your minutes structural notes so i really like these i like that they are made as a suite as a set of document and they are consistent with the meeting agendas so yeah meeting minutes and the last keyword i would like you to check out if you spend a lot of times in meetings is agenda presentation so agenda presentations hit enter so these again will be consistent with the rest of the set for example you find this one right here we have team alignment meeting and then in the more like this you will find more of the same style we have your team stand up you have your alignment meeting you have your product roadmap so if you put all these slides together you can create an easy deck that you can use to support your meeting presentation right so again you will find these by typing in agenda presentation and so once you click on one you will find one of the slides and you can easily identify the other slides of the presentation because they look alike just scroll down a bit in the more like this and you find here planning presentation for example there you go you have your entire presentation so you can use that to support your meetings and talking about meetings in this new world which is a work from home world a lot of the meetings are let's admit it online meetings like online events or webinars so webinars is the key word here i want you to search for webinar presentation webinar presentation is another cool keyword i want you to discover today i just filtered by clicking on the presentation here and so this one is a set of new templates of webinar presentation template that canva has created for those of you who are actually speaking at events and delivering webinars teaching online to specific audiences so these are great because for example i'm just going to open the first one here hosting a webinar learn the basics of masterful webinars so here you will see all the structure i would say of a typical rundown of a webinar so you would start with an inspirational quote like this and then you will start talking about the different points on the agenda of your webinar etc etc so the structure here is very well thought of let me show you another example of a webinar okay the science lesson company profile writing standout resumes okay so this will be kind of like the title slide of your presentation and you can see that this one has also some animations going on so webinar rules okay so you have a little like housekeeping announcement what we are learning today so that is actually the agenda the webinar etc etc here you have a series of slides that will help you obviously you have to swap the content for your own content but the structure of the webinar is very clear and follows i would say some traditional webinar structure so these are very good again to find these just type in webinar presentation in the last template category i want to introduce today is something for you guys who like us love to spend their time on youtube and maybe you are a youtube content creator if you are you know how important creating shorts has become today on youtube for those of you who don't know what shorts are let me first type in the sir youtube shorts okay youtube shorts youtube shorts are pretty much the same thing as tick tocks or instagram reels these are nine by 16 aspect ratio videos that will show on youtube they are less than a minute so usually they are 59 seconds or less and they show like short video content in the vertical format so canva recently introduced i believe 20 or so templates for youtube shorts in order to find them just type in youtube shorts okay and canva will serve them to you so they are pretty cool they are pretty vibey if you see this one for example people dancing there are animations a lot of colors a lot of stickers going on this one is three pages which is pretty cool this one is obviously a younger type of vibe to it but if you are into cooking for example you have a cooking show on youtube you can use this one template to create the perfect peanut butter banana and honey sandwich this sounds like exactly like the type of tamarind i would use but instead of a piece of bread i would probably have a pancake yeah i'm a big pancake guy every sunday actually i make pancakes for diana yeah little things you might not know about me jana if you're watching i would love you to make me some pancakes sometimes as well all right moving on to the last part of this tutorial guys we have seen new features new template categories now it is time to introduce to you a new photographer that you will find in canva that will change your life let's say it like that like i know it's big words it will change your life if you are a content creator from india let me show you what i'm talking about i'm talking about studio india which is a contributor to the canva library with some very cool photos about indian culture and society studio india at studio india has nine followers really underrated so studio india let's have a look at their feed and how like beautiful these photos are so we have photos of sports spices family and holidays in india this is diwali what i really like about this we have some transgender lgbtq plus community photos which is super important and very hard to find for indian people in indian culture on a stock image library so this is pretty rare to come across so that's another thing that i like here is the diversity we have photos of children we have photos of rural india holiday celebration portraits just family life mother and daughter and what i like about these is that they are simple and they portrait people doing everyday life activities obviously marriage is a big deal in india so there's a lot of photos about this i love that they have photos of rural india as well so to represent the diversity of how people live in india beautiful portraits like this lady right here really love that like when i was working with ngos in fairtrade this photo would have been very useful people doing basketries and handicraft so yeah studio india is really the place to go if you are an indian content creator you're looking for photos that are real for your next social media post this is the place to go i will have a link in the description of this video so you can access this profile because as of now canvas still not has an easy way to find these contributors so if you go to your home page and type in at studio india studio india like so when you search you probably won't find this contributor so that's my one little thing here that it is quite difficult to find so even if you go to photos which brings you directly to the photo library and you type in studio india at studio india like so you still don't have these photos this one is not from studio india you don't see anything from studio india in this feed so that's why we have a link in the description of the video for you to check it out and this wraps up this week's tutorial i hope you find a lot of value in this episode this was episode 13 so don't forget to check out the other episode of the series we'll have a link right here for you to check them out and for me i'm out going back to work with canva and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 4,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new canva features, new canva photos, new in canva, whats hot in canva, what's hot in canva, whats new in canva, what's new in canva, add link canva, add link shortcut canva, adding link in canva, font search canva, free shorts template, how to add link canva, how to search font in canva, image recommender canva, lgbtq photos canva, magic image recommender canva, meeting template, new photos canva, shorts template, youtube shorts template, youtube shorts template free
Id: Vwn7OseJENg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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