5 Ways to USE Canva to MAKE MONEY - Tips you NEED to know to be successful in 2021 (Part 2)

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you've loved part one and i am back today with my money t-shirt because this is how to make money with canva part two are you ready what's going on everyone my name is ronnie for those of you who don't know me i work at canva but i also work with diana on this youtube channel and here we teach you how to unlock your full potential to make money to grow your career by using canva so today i have a very special and very demanded episode this is my part two of how to make money with canvas so we are going to cover five different ways on how you can make money with canva today i'm not saying it's going to be easy you're going to turn this tap and money will start flowing it's not going to be like that there is a lot of effort going on if you really want to create a sustainable source of income with canva but it is possible a lot of people are making money with canva and i just want to show you what's out there the possibilities so also we have part one of this video we will have a link to part one here so by all means if you haven't watched part one yet which has been a very popular video on our channel go ahead and watch this episode first then you can come back to this one or you can watch this one first and the other one second there is no specific order in which i have produced these videos and i'm giving these ways of making money with canva all right so let's jump right in so the first way you can make money with canva is by creating and monetizing a youtube channel obviously diana and i are doing this we are going down this route and making money with youtube so how do we do this well quite simply we create video content that we upload on youtube and you guys enjoy the content find value in the content so you subscribe to the channel or you watch the video even if you're not subscribed but uh what that means for youtube is that you're spending time on their platform and this is an opportunity for them to monetize your presence your attention on their platform by sending advertisement to different customers that they might have so this is how the baseline like the basic principle of selling advertisement on youtube works and it has nothing to do with you really you just do your thing you create your content you bring value to your audience which is what we are doing and then youtube will take part of the monetizing bit so meaning they will match your content with advertisers and they will place these ads in your video or before your video or in the middle of your video at the end in a banner underneath whatever but this is not really your problem that is youtube's problem your problem is to one become eligible to monetizing your youtube channel and we are going to talk about this in just a second and two grow your channel grow the watch time people are spending watching your videos or grow your subscribers count so every time you publish a new video more people will be exposed to it alright so let's talk about how to actually do that how to actually make money on youtube well the first thing you'll have to do is to be eligible for monetizing your channel and there are two main rules and then a couple of smaller rules but basically the main criteria there are two is that you need to have at least a thousand subscribers to your channel and second you need to have at least 4 000 hours of watch time in the previous 12 months so during the previous year the previous 12 months you need to have 4 000 hours of watch time once you have that you will have the possibility to join the youtube partner program you'll have to sign their terms and conditions you'll have to create an adsense account which is the google way of paying you for advertising so there's a bunch of other like administrative things that you need to complete in order for you to be able to earn money with youtube but that's i would say it took us about a year and a half to reach these criterias and it took us even longer for me to realize this is a viable source of income i'm gonna share a little story with you for a very long time we had already completed these criterias our channel was already big i think it was like in the 25 000 subscribers but i never bothered turning on like advertising or monetizing the channel because i thought the channel is not going to bring a lot of money and diana was like but how do you know and i was like i don't know so we turned it on and we started making money and it was good money since the beginning so that's the first month we received our first payment from google and we were super happy and then the second month this amount almost doubled and we didn't understand what happened there but what happened is that when we turned on monetization we were already kind of at the end of the month so google only counted like these 10 or so days that were the remaining of the month and so the next month we had this very cool surprise that the amount had more than doubled so that was a very positive and pleasant experience obviously because your content is making money and and you realize oh i should have done that like a year ago so anyway this is how you can make money via youtube and the way you tie canva into this mix is that just like us you know canva has a lot of features there's always something new going on or there's always something to teach about the design principles about how to achieve specific outcomes so if you create content about canva and put that on youtube there is a demand for that and especially if you do it in different languages maybe you speak bahasa indonesia and that's your thing and and so you can create content in your localized language or maybe you are watching us from india i know we have a lot of indian subscribers to the channel there is a crucial lack of quality tutorials about canva in india so by all means if you feel this is your thing and it's not so complicated to get started just do it and one day you yourself will be able to turn on monetization on your channel and you'll start receiving this monthly payment from google right a couple of things i want to mention before i move on to the second way of making money with canva about monetizing your youtube channel the beginning of creating and growing a youtube channel is quite painful it grows very slowly unless you have some magical content or unless you have a very influential youtuber friend that can give you a shout out and your channel will explode it will take a long time it took us a year and a half to get to the thousand subscribers we really needed to start monetizing it took us two years to get to 10 000 subscribers and after that things are kind of snowballing and the channel grows much faster but the beginning is very hard so that's the first thing i want to warn you about that it takes time at the beginning but it's very rewarding once you get to this nice cruising altitude where things are just working the second thing i want to warn you about is that not all audiences are created equal especially for youtube you know if your audience is mainly and mostly located in the us in australia in the uk in canada in ireland or these english-speaking countries then this is really high value for google because they can sell advertising to companies that want to reach these markets so these are high value markets on the other hand if your audience is located in indonesia or in india or in other countries that has less market value for advertisers google therefore youtube will pay you less per thousand views for example so this is also something to consider so a good strategy here would be to create content in english that will help with the monetization maybe not with the competition because there will be a lot of competition so there is a balance there but just be aware that if you have a huge audience in brazil for example we have a friend robson who has a big youtube channel about canva as well but his audience is in brazil because he speaks portuguese in his tutorials so therefore there is a big difference there in terms of payment at the end of the month alright so that is my point number one how to make money by monetizing a youtube channel all right let's move on to the second way of making money with canva which is to become a canva affiliate all right so what is a canva affiliate well it is a bunch of partners that work together with canva as affiliate partners and these people will be given a special link that they can use to promote canva pro canvas paid offer to their audiences and when people sign up to canva pro when they try the free trial and sign up therefore they put in their credit card details and then they will benefit from a 30-day free trial and then after that they will start being charged if they don't cancel their trial so when people start being charged they are actually becoming kind of a pro user so affiliate partners will make percentage of that price that these people these customers are paying to access canva pro you might know that there are two different plans for canva pro a user can buy kind of a pro monthly and pay monthly or buy for a period of one year so if the person signs up for a year you will get a percentage i believe it is 15 and if they sign up monthly the first two months you will get i believe it is 80 of that price so this is how the affiliate program works at canva so in order to become an affiliate partner you'll have to go to this landing page right here it is canva.com affiliates i will link to this page in the description of the video so you can check it out if you are interested you can sign up so this is the page it says earn money with canva share the power of good design join the canva pro affiliate program so there is more information here you can read about the program see how it works but basically this is what i just explained to you you promote canva pro and then when people sign up when people try it you get a commission during one two months or if it's for a year you get a fixed price at this time so the strategy here is that the bigger your audience the easiest it would be for you to promote your affiliate link so you can create different links and you can use this link in different ways some people use it in their youtube videos like we do so we have this special link it is here so get kind of a pro for free for 45 days because ccc's the canvas certified creatives they get 45 days instead of the regular 30 days that most affiliate get it's a special perk that canva is giving to the cccs and because diana is a ccc she benefits from these 15 extra days anyways people use their affiliate link in their youtube video they can use them on their blog if they write a blog post about the benefits of canva pro you can use the affiliate links on pinterest you can use them on your website you can use them in your podcast on instagram your link in the bio so there is really an infinite number of ways on how you can use your affiliate link right so it's really about having a big audience but also bringing value to that audience and also i would add being a credible source of information if people believe you if they believe that indeed canva pro is really going to help them which it is because the product itself is worth it it will be easier for you to show that to your audience because honestly it is a no-brainer canva pro is really good so your job as a canva affiliate would be to really understand the value of canva pro and how to best explain that to your audience and we've done that like i have created a video on this channel that compares canva pro to canva free i will leave a card here that you can click on or link in the description if you're interested in seeing all the differences but there are a ton of differences and there are some very cool features like the background remover or the ability to export with a transparent background or you know the magic resize or like there's a ton of features that are really worth it or just the amount of content you get in the canva library the photos the stickers the video clips the music tracks all of this you have so much more with canva pro alright this is not a video about canva pro this is just to show you what is the strategy behind becoming a canva affiliate so this is actually a nice source of income it will grow exponentially together with the size of your audience the bigger your audience the more you should be making by promoting your affiliate link so that is a second way of making money with canva a lot of people are doing it a lot of affiliates partners out there some people like the cccs for example they all have access to this affiliate program i believe canva has a pool of 20 000 affiliate partners so it's relatively easy to become one again the way to do it go to canva.com affiliates link in the description and you can start promoting canva pro the third way of making money with canva is to create a course so i am the right person to tell you about this because that's kind of how everything started for me i remember very vividly like three years ago being sitting in a corking space in chiang mai thailand and scratching my head and thinking what should i teach about i was there we decided we would do online teaching online courses there was no big youtube channel at the moment there was no job at canva there was no all of that we were just deanna and i trying to figure out how to make money and we decided let's teach online right and i decided to create a course about canva and she decided to create a course about instagram that's how the story goes i created this course about canva it is here it is this canva master course use canva to grow your business this course has like been the beginning of everything for me because i launched the course at the same time i launched a facebook community and then everything started to grow and people loved the course and i became a ccc and then canva noticed all of this good work i published more courses as you can see on this page right here and then one thing led to the other and canada hired me so i'm not saying this is going to happen to you canada cannot hire every single person creating courses out there but what i'm saying is that creating this online course was a very good move for me online education is exploding at the moment because of kovid so what i'm trying to say here is that creating an online course is a viable source of income and you can use canva to either teach about canva so that's the topic the material that you're teaching about or you can use canva to create your course because now in canva you can record yourself you can create talking presentations you can design all the slides all the graphics for your course so it's a really powerful tool to create online education so what is the strategy behind creating online courses how to be successful well just like starting a youtube channel it is painful at the beginning you will create your first course you will put a lot of effort in the first course i put six months in my canva master course and one year in the personal branding master course and then you launch it and then you have a few students if you don't have an audience to promote your course it will take time so i remember when i launched the canva master course it was a slow process but then it started building up and then you start getting positive reviews and then more people are interested and then you climb up the ranking on the platform you're using the marketplace you're using in my instance it's it's udemy and that's when once you get to this place where you have good reviews and you have a decent ranking then you get more students and then it is that virtuous circle that you get more students and then you get more income also something else there are two ways two main strategies about online teaching about online courses the first path that you can choose is to go down the road of the udemy skillshare basically the massive online marketplaces for education so these marketplaces already have an audience udemy already has i don't know how many million visitors per month not just searching and browsing for courses same with skillshare they already have this pool of students just hovering over the the platform because they've paid a fixed price for accessing all of the material so they provide the audience for you that's the first path the second path is typically known as the high ticket path because you won't have that audience provided to you you will have to bring the audience to your course so therefore you should probably set the price much higher because it will cost you money to bring people to your website to your offering to your course so you would do that by creating content on social media and mention your course and bring people to your course or you will do that by using facebook or google or youtube ads that will redirect people to your course but in many ways you need to spend time and money to promote that course so that is how you make money by selling courses by creating and selling courses you can teach about canva or you can use canva to create your course and then sell that course it is a very good source of income because it is kind of passive but of course you need to do the mammoth effort of creating and launching and promoting the course but once you get there once you are in this top position because your course is quality that's very important don't create like really crap quality course and expect it to perform super well you will need to really create the best course possible and then people will recognize that leave you good reviews and the platform will reward you for providing quality education all right let's move on to the fourth way of making money with canva and that is to create physical products that will be sold on your website or in a store so yes it is possible to do this people are creating physical products like journals like postcards birthday cards even t-shirts or merch and selling that either via their website or via a physical store so a good friend of mine who is doing this is barbara everett so barbara is creating a bunch of journals and she creates content about this as well which promotes the journals which helps her sell her product so she has a youtube channel but she also has a pinterest her company is called inspired paper and designs and this is what her product look like so she has these beautiful journals with some nice cool covers and she sells them on her website people can buy them she can sell them to her friends as well and this is starting to pick up as a business because i've been following barbara for a long time now i've had the chance to interview her she's one of our ccc's so she has this cool community she teaches people how to create the journals but then she also sells the journals so this is a little bit of a different way of making money with canva because canva is really the support it's the platform that she uses to create everything and put it together but she does need to print it so she really have to go through a third party provider to get these articles these products printed and then she will need to sell that so the strategy here is really about the exposure it's really about letting the world know you have these products and creating some kind of demand for the product so it is a little bit of work you will have to kind of find the right way of communicating to this audience you will have to go through all the process of finding the right supplier of finding your workflow you will have to invest in your inventory because you need to physically print these products and have them and stored somewhere and then you'll have to distribute them so there is this component this logistics going on behind selling physical products but it is a viable way of making money with canva and people are doing it barbara is the only person i am aware of but i'm sure there's other people out there designing and printing stuff with canva and then selling that to their audience so that is my fourth way of making money with canva we have one more to go guys if you are enjoying this content please give us a like let us know in the comments how you make money with canberra maybe it's something i haven't covered yet and i would be super happy to know what you're doing all right moving on to the fifth way of making money with canva and that is something very similar to the previous point but it is selling print on demand so selling print on demand what does that mean well exactly the same thing as selling your product except you don't have the product let me explain so print on demand is a way of selling that is very popular nowadays thanks to a website like redbubble or merch by amazon or even other websites like people are doing print on demand via their shopify website etc etc there are lots of marketplaces and there are lots of websites that facilitate this print on demand process so what is it well the principle is that you will create a design you will upload that to the website and then it could be listed like you can create different listings for your products could be t-shirts mugs phone covers anything really when we have a look here at the amazon the merch by amazon website you can see different types of products if we go to redbubble you see more products like pillowcases bottles stickers t-shirts posters face masks a lot of different things tote bags so the way it works is that you design you create your listing and when people buy your listing the website will actually print and ship to the customer so there's no inventory going on for you this is completely free to start so there is no fee for posting well at least there is always a free option for posting your design to the website and there might be some paid plans as well but the strategy here is that you create your stuff you use canva to do so you create beautiful designs and then you list your products so there is a lot of strategy behind this obviously because there is a lot of people doing it so how do you stand out that's the difficult part of this strategy well you need to stand up with a good product description optimized product titles you need to have good reviews for your product people enjoying using your product so you start ranking and you start having that visibility on the platform so there is a little bit of search engine optimization going on here if you want to appear first when you search for stickers for example also you need to find some original ideas so there's a lot of creativity going on a lot of research as well going on and after your listing is ready you will need to bring traffic to these listings so that is kind of similar to selling physical products you need to have a social presence you need to create a lot of content and you need to bring people to your listings because this is really how you will sell so just be aware that these websites don't give you the full amount of money obviously when you sell a t-shirt let's say for 25 you won't get the whole 25 dollars just for you the website obviously will take a big cut of that but the more you sell the more money you will make so that is a viable way of making money online this is a viable way of making money with canva maybe one day we will have the possibility to sell our own print on demand via canva who knows we are not there yet all right so this is it guys these are my five different ways part two of making money with canva i hope you enjoyed it if you did let me know in the comments i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 13,705
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Keywords: use canva to make money, canva business tips, canva for business, canva for freelancers, canva tips, canva tips and tricks 2021, canva tutorial 2021, earn money with canva, how to earn money online with canva, how to earn money with canva, how to make money online with canva, how to make money with canva, make money from home, make money from home with canva, make money online 2021, make money online 2021 worldwide, make money thanks to canva, Make money with canva
Id: SUCzunVMp5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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