How to Create a Canva Website Design in 1 Hour or Less | Taylor Made It Ep. 3

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hello hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of taylormade i'm taylor and in today's video i'm going to be teaching you how to build a professional canva website that converts in one hour or less are you ready listen i don't know about you but i love creating and building a website that is easy that is little to you know no money if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe if you want to see more content like this and if you really love this video give it a thumbs up okay you guys let's go ahead and jump right in we have a lot to do let's go so the first thing that you're going to do of course is to create your very own canva account if you don't already have one you can actually utilize the free account or the 12.95 account which actually has tons of features that i'm going to be using in this video so the next thing that you're going to do is to select your website template okay and so you can use one out of two the two templates that i'm going to be talking with you about today but the main template that i'm going to be using in this tutorial is are is one of my canva website templates um that are in my pop shop okay and so the first thing that you can do if you don't want to use any of the templates that i've created in my pop shop is use the website template in canva so type in website here and select the website and there and and here you see an array of website templates that you can use for any industry they have different layouts that you can customize that's um really really beautiful i think you select on i selected create a blank website and um of course you still you can look at all of these templates here and all you need to do is just select the template that you want to go there select on the page and it'll attach it to the page that you wanted to go on you would add another page attach that page to the second page i added the third page and then the services for you page will show up and populate and so on and so forth okay now we're talking about taylor made it okay and so i actually created five or six on i need to go back and make sure i think i created about six yes six canva website templates that are easy that are a 100 customizable and they actually convert okay and so in today's video like i said i will be talking about these website templates i have six of them for you to check out let's let me click on view product and let me go back you can go to my website at i am taylor and once you get on my website you would select shop and and hit the drop down arrow and select pop shop [Music] and once you are there you will select which template you want to work with in today's video i'm going to be using this template and if you want to take a look at these templates of course you can you can select click here to view this this tip this template in tongue twists there and it will show you the beautiful template that has been made for you that you can completely customize you can add your own text to it i pretty much set everything up for you for you and all you need to do is just add everything you can add links to it i've created a call to action um if you want to add videos to it there's tons of things that you can do to this um and this is a professional website design that you can use in the industry industry that you're in um and it's so it's a one page of website design okay and so now what i'm going to do once you have um purchased this template and what please please please wait to the end of this video because i have a special surprise that is really i believe is really going to be a blessing to you especially if you are interested in purchasing one of my templates okay so wait to the end of this video to to hear about that special surprise okay and so once you have purchased or downloaded um my product then you're going to grab that download link that i provide for you in the pdf document and you will select it and all you're going to do is use template and what that's going to do it's going to automatically copy the website within your canva account okay so whenever you're considering a template make sure that you plan before you create and build your website plan your website and really think about what you want on that website because once you understand what you want on it and the kind of layout you want for it you'll understand what items you need to gather to put it all together okay and so things to think about as it relates to building your website do you want call to actions on it do you want to put your offers on and think about things like do you want people to contact you do you want to display your services products or programs do you want to um create an about page on this one page or website or a bio do you want to build your email list do you want to display testimonials do you want to showcase your event workshops there are tons of things that you can do and add to your canva website but make sure that you plan before you build after you've made the plan for your website now it is time to gather all of the content that you need to put on your website think about the copy or the text that you want on your website i would suggest that you create a separate word document and place all of the text that you want on your word document okay then i want you to collect all of your images personal or stock images that you want to go on your site in addition to that um gather all of your brand fonts your brand colors your brand elements links for your website and also your domain name okay if you haven't seen any of my previous videos i actually talked about um how to build a professional logo design and how to build how to create and design a professional brand i would suggest that you look at those two videos first so that you can learn how to create your own professional logo design and your own professional branding so that you can actually apply it to this website those those foundational elements are key to create before you build and design your website listen you have to have something to build the website with you don't want to just randomly create stuff build a brand before you build a website for people to come to so that everything is consistent all across the board now it's time for the fun part let's get into designing your canva website template okay so as you can see i have already uploaded my canva website template from my pop shop into canva as you can see it says copy it's automatically going to create a copy of the canva website template and so i'm going to name it taylor made it tutorial because this is a tutorial and now i am actually going to apply all of my branding elements that i've already gathered i'm going to apply all of my images and um change all of the colors and the font and everything that you see here these templates are 100 customizable which means that you can change out all of the elements that you see here you can change the font and hey if you wanted to save some extra time you don't have to change anything at all and if you want to just change your font i mean your um your text and apply your text and your links you can do that too okay but i think that by having the template and the layout already designed for you it makes things that much easier and it allows you to save so much time which is why i created these website templates and the difference between these website templates and other website templates is that these templates are actually created for you to actually convert followers and visitors into subscribers customers or clients okay as you can see i've created call to actions here it's already set up for you so you don't have to worry about trying to figure out how to add those i've set up a shop here for you if you wanted to sell a couple of products and or services and i've created some buttons that are actually going to be clickable when you apply your link to it and if you had a course or if you wanted to do a welcome video or if you wanted to show a preview of a program that you have or if you have a youtube channel you can actually link your youtube channel or that video to your canva website okay and also at the bottom i placed um i placed the social media icons for you to actually connect your links to all of your social media channels and so this is a 100 customizable website it is a professional website design it is a one-pager website that can also be broken down into [Music] an actual navigation okay and so there's different website styles that you can actually create within canva so let's go ahead and get started with the design okay so now i'm going to delete all of these elements because the brand that i am going to be applying to this website design is the brand that i created in my other video jennifer logan your personal virtual assistant and so i am going to apply all of her branding elements that i've created the brand design here as you can see i created this design for her to represent her brand all of this is going to go on this website okay to make sure that everything is consistent and professional so the first thing that i'm going to do is change the color of this background to this purple color and i'm going to bring in those circle elements elements because the circles are what we used for one of her patterns okay and so i'm going to change this to pink because that is what we had for the other the design that we created so i'm just going to bring in some circles and i'm going to duplicate these circles and just kind of sporadically place them around this banner this would be um considered a header banner okay it's the area that people see when they first go onto your website so you want to make it engaging you want to make it pop you want to make it stand out okay and so i'm going to just make different sizes of this just everywhere place one right here and i think another oh i duplicated the [Music] i'm page to put one more right here okay i think we should be good to go okay so i'm going to go ahead and delete this little squiggly animation because it's not on brand and the next thing that i'm going to do i'm actually going to delete these two elements but of course you can keep it if you like you can change the color by selecting the back yellow shadow here and by pressing this color yellow and you can change the color just like that there you go but i am going to delete this picture this not this picture but the background shadow and i'm going to delete this picture as well and i'm going to use a circle instead because we're we're on brand remember we're on brand so i i'm using this circle and i'm going to make the circle this tan color because these are her brand colors and i'm going to bring in another frame a circular frame okay i'm going to enlarge this and now i'm going to add her picture here so what i'm going to do i'm going to go to her folder and this is one of the things that i but i recommend that you do is place all of your branding elements your branding images into one folder on canva so that you can keep everything organized okay and so let me find that folder there we go okay so here are her images so we have all of her images here actually i'm going to use this image because she is a virtual assistant no i'm going to use this one because she's pointing at you yeah she's grabbing your attention and so now i'm going to change the font of this and the color because it obviously doesn't match girlfriend oh boy look it doesn't match so i'm going to select this um this uh these words and i'm going to highlight it and change the color i'm going to change the color to this light tan color and i'm going to change the font to her brand font as let me go back here just to remind you that her brand font is here okay all of these brand fonts are hers and i'm going to change it to this font of course that is too big you don't want it to be too big i'm going to change the size of it and kind of make it fit to this frame here and now i'm going to change the color of this text i'm going to change um make it this pink color okay and there you go there is her header banner now one thing that i would like to do is maybe create a button for you guys so that if you wanted to make create a new button you can do that okay and so you would go to elements you would go to see all and select either one of these box shapes but i'm going to choose this one right here because this one looks like a button okay because i believe that when you place a call to action on your hitter banner it and especially if it's if it's something that you want people to invest in or you want people to buy in you want to place that on your header banner okay because that's that's the area where people's attention is going to be wrapped so select your button and of course change the color so i'm going to go ahead and change the colors of this button let me see if i'm going to make the middle of it this just want to select this gray yeah make the pink outline there and then i'm going to change this gray color here i'm going to make it tan okay there we go now what i'm going to do i'm going to add some text to this button okay and i'm going to select text here select this add a little bit of text here i'm gonna drag it on top of that button i am now going to make it the font of her from her brand okay and let me make sure i change this font too because we want to be on brand now i'm going to select these this text and change the color to this tan because you want to make sure you can see it and then you can say you know get access to my free facebook group and boom whatever type of freebie whatever type of um content you may have or program or whatever that's where you want to place it okay and i would even recommend using an animated um an animated element so that you can place more attention on the where you want them to go okay it's strategic very very strategic so you want to select elements type in i'm going to animate it arrow so that it's pointing to where you want it to go okay let me just like no that's that's not matching her colors so let me try that this looks like it matches so i'm going to drag it down i'm going to move it around rotate it and i'm going to point to that button i think it's cute so let's go ahead and keep going we're going i'm going to keep most of this the same but i'm just going to change the color so that everything is on brand right i think that's very cute it really kind of breaks up the color i'm going to keep this text here the same but i'm going to just change the finds okay and i'm going to change the let me see if i want to change the font to her other font that she has that's that's fine i'm going to do that then i'm going to change this text here the font of this text to monster rat regular of course like i said you can keep this the same um i have different layouts with different types of call to action so i also have one of them let me go there that actually has a call to action with a with an ebook on it so here's the one with the ebook on it let me click it so that you can view it and there you go there's an e-book and so now let me go back okay so i'm going to change the colors of this computer screen here and i'm clicking on this button to change the colors of the button actually let me change that too there we go very cute i'm gonna select this shape here make it the pink and i think i want to keep these little sparkles here because that just kind of makes it stand out so i'm going to delete these two flowers because they don't match of course and then i'm going to change this background i'm just going to play around with it oh that's cute okay so now that i've changed i've deleted those elements i'm going to pull in some of the elements that i've made here so i'm going to copy this and paste this into this area here i did ctrl c to copy and ctrl v to paste on a macbook and so i'm going to duplicate it going to select it select this duplicating this do this icon here to duplicate it and i'm going to just leave it like that cool all right now we are at the shop section and we're going to apply the links um last okay that's going to be the last part let me change this font here change this font of course so that it's on brand okay love how everything is flowing now i'm going to go to the shop page and i'm going to change this font to this fragile font and make it bigger and now i am going to change the color of this delete these elements here and i'm going to let's see let me see if i'm going to make this background like a tan yeah let's make that tan let's delete this and let's add an align element i clicked on elements and i'm going to select this line here i'm going to click on this line and um i am going to change the style of it i'm going to click on this line and change the color i like it i like it i like it so i'm pretty much going to keep all of these um blocks the same okay i just want to change the color of um the headers the um titles that i have here okay so i'm gonna do that blue make this blue make that blue i'm going to click on this button and i'm going to change the color to purple don't want to change it to purple you see what color do i want to change it to let's change it to blue okay i'm going to ungroup this one because i need to get back here to select the button change that to blue i want to ungroup it so that i can actually change the color of the button of the shape of the button right here and i'm going to make that blue now i am going to change the color of the by now text and i'm going to change that to let's change that to a pink and there you are we are just about done you guys like your website is almost done so now we are on the work let's work together section i'm going to delete these flowers here because like i said they don't they don't match the brand and what i'm going to do now is bring in this design here okay now what i want to do let me duplicate this and i'm going to delete this um this background here not background but i'm going to delete all those things and i'm going to copy all of these these lines to create the stripe pattern that i want to go back here so let me change this color first the background of this color okay and i'm going to now paste the lines and i'm going to change the color is that the color it was was it that color no it wasn't okay let me change the color back hold on okay there we go that is the color that it was now i'm going to put yes there it is okay i'm going to select position to move this backward and you want to keep moving it backward behind all all of this um so that it's behind there i'm going to paste it again and i'm going to move it to the back as well and i'm going to paste it one more time to get it all the way to the edge right here okay it's okay if it kind of goes off oh it looks like i need to move these down move this down so i'm selecting all of these again and i'm going to move it down by pressing the down button on my keyboard and let me zoom in a little bit okay looks like it needs to be moved down some more a smidge more [Music] and i think we are good to go alrighty so that is the design for this background i'm going to delete these shapes and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select this shape and put it here instead so that it's on brand i'm going to rotate it not for any specific reason just because i just want to okay [Music] then i'm going to duplicate it actually i'm going to bring this backward the one in the back back okay see that it's behind there now actually let me bring it back some more there we go now i think i'm going to change this color to [Music] let's see maybe the purple let's try the purple let's bring in some more purple it's my favorite color by the way okay so i want to situate it like that i'm going to bring it in the back again and there you go so i'm going to change this [Music] text font to the fragile font that is in her brand and what i'm going to do i'm actually going to break these words up and do a little bit more styling to it so i'm going to change the style of the word together and i want to make it this script font i'm going to lowercase it so i've selected and i'm going to select this it's uppercase now i'm going to select it so that it can be lowercase and there you go i like it okay now let me change the color of it to this tan color actually let me make it do i want it to be that color let me see let's make it that color yeah that's better now i'm going to change the color of this button from yellow to let's do tan because that stands out a bit more off of that purple i'm going to change the color this higher me to the purple and i'm going to remove this because it the colors do not match but i do want to bring more attention to it with an animation so let me see if there's something that i can use that will what i needed to do so i'm looking for something to give um people the indication that you need to click here okay i'm going to use this i'm going to rotate it to 90 degree to bring it over here make it smaller by grabbing the edge of it and i'm going to situate it there there you go now of course we have to change her picture because this is not her this is not who she is okay i'm gonna go back to her folder i'm going to do that i'm going to change this back border here let's see we can probably change it to the white there we go alrighty so now we're going to i'm going to delete these flowers they're so pretty but they need to go because they don't match and i am going to add let's see what i want to add i think i want to do the circular these circles behind there i'm going to change this background color first let's see let's change it to the purple okay and i'm going to add some circles i have to duplicate them do so now what i'm going to do is move these circles behind this video select position oh there you go and there i moved to the back all right so i will get to this video and teach you how to change the video um here in a moment we're going to go ahead and finish up our last page so i'm going to change this font the font of this these words and i'm going to of course make it smaller okay and i like the way that it was styled so i'm just going to keep it there i'm going to delete these flowers and i'm going to add this shape here i'm just going to enlarge it just to make it different i'm going to select it duplicate it and rotate it and so this just gives you an opportunity to be creative super easy guys i'm gonna move this to the back okay i'm going to change the color of this text here going to change the color of these social media icons let's see i'm going to change them to purple i think i'll do the pink change the color of this and i'm going to change the color of the footer area and also the footer area text and you would put 2021 or whatever year you're watching this and you would add your name here her name is jennifer so for her name and there you go that is your website design and look at how beautiful it is i love the way that it came out it is gorgeous now we're getting ready to get into adding your links and your videos so now i am going to add the link to the call to action button and i am going to show you how to add your own youtube video okay and so of course with these buttons all you would need to do is select the button here and you're going to select where this looks like a keychain on a link together you want to select link and then you're going to paste the link that you are that you want your visitors your website visitors to go to okay it's very very easy that's why i say to compile gather all of your links so that you don't have to worry about trying to scramble around where everything is now when it comes to your button here all you would need to do well not just any kind of button this button right here is a button for you to collect emails to build your email list so if you were interested in doing that i'm going to show you how to do that with um with two tools of course the tools that you you may use may have the same capability i'm just going to show you how to use it within um mailchimp and also get response okay and so i'm going to go i'm here already in my mailchimp account and what i'm going to do is i am going to go to campaigns because i am already there okay and once i'm at campaigns i am going to select landing pages okay there we go we're already selected okay so now that i've selected landing page i'm going to select where it says create a landing page and i'm going to name this taylor made it tutorial of course you're going to select the audience that you wanted to go to or that you want um the audience is where your email subscribers are going to be housed in okay and so what i am going to do you can use either of these options for people to be directed to whenever they click on that button but for right now i am wanting to use this to grow my email list okay if you want to use it as for lead generation or you know to accept a payment or you know there's tons of options here or to promote a product you can use either of these of these options but in this tutorial i'm going to use the grow your list option so i selected it of course you can customize it however you want to make it on brand and then i am going to save and close it and once it has been closed and here it provides you a url and so once you have you have that url go ahead and copy it of course you can edit the url if you would like with the custom domain name name if you want um or you know you can make the change here okay i'm going to keep that the same and then once you're done with that you're going to just hit publish and then it provides you your landing page your email generating um form with the link okay so now that i have that link i am going to go back to my website and i'm going to click on this pink area here i'm going to click on where this link icon is and paste and apply my link okay i'm going to click on that button and um you don't have to worry about clicking on this little animation right here this is just to get um people to sign up okay and so that is how you add your um email list um gener your email list building um link okay so the next thing that i want to show you is how to add certain products like certain links for people to actually purchase products on your website so all you would need to do is click on the button keep it grouped together and you're going to apply the link to maybe like a paypal account or whatever type of payment processing um tool or platform that you use to accept payment of course like i said you could use mailchimp to do that and you would just paste that link there and apply it and it will direct them directly to where they need to make the payment for your product or service okay one more thing i forgot to show you how to do it within get response all you need to do is create an account of course with get response you would log in you would select this little icon here you would click on not landing pages i apologize forms and surveys and um once you do that you're going to select where it says create a form and i am going to just select um list builder app sign up box actually i don't want to do this this is something different that they included so i'm going to create a form okay and i'm going to scroll down and as you can see there are tons of forms that you can use to collect emails and so i'm just going to just use this one [Music] and let me go back to just to kind of show you some of the options that they have here i mean there's tons of things that you can do newsletter sign up free course sign up event sign up free download leave feedback they can go to your facebook you can have an order seasonal ask a question there are tons of options that you can do here okay you you'll be saving a lot of money by using the tools that i'm showing you right so of course you will customize all of these options the way that you want to customize it and then you would select publish and the same thing goes here you they'll provide you a link and then you will attach that link with um to the button that you want people to um select when signing up for your email list to receive a freebie or whatever it is that you want to provide to them okay all right so let's move forward to the video section this is one of the cool features that canva offers that i absolutely love and i think it's perfect especially if you have a youtube channel as you can see i have my um youtube one of my youtube videos here but all you need to do to add this feature to your website is click on more right here on canva and you would select youtube you would search for the video that you want to apply to your website i'm just going to i'm just going to just select one of these random videos okay let's select this is fine this is this is very random but i'm just going to put this video here and i'm going to um leave mine there because i'll delete this one but that is basically how you add your video just that simple you actually search for the video that you want to go on your website and it'll populate and you will drag and drop it to this page okay simple as that then with these social media icons all you do is you select them and add your social media links to them and that is how you add your links to the buttons on your canva website template so we finally made it to the last thing that you're going to do to finish up your website and it is to publish and preview okay and with this i want to go ahead and show you how to add your own domain name or use the domain name that canva provides or shorten them i mean there's tons of options here people okay so what we're going to do is we are going to go ahead and select which type of website style okay so you're going to click on publish as a website there are tons of what there's presentation there's scrolling there is classic navigation there is standard um i'm going to let me look at some of these options because they're you know i'm going to i think i'm going to use the that i'm not going to use that option the classic navigation i think i would like to use let's see the standard yes so i'm going to use the standard web style okay look how beautiful that looks gorgeous oh one more thing don't forget to actually name your pages okay if you don't name your pages it's going to be named some random text that's on your your uh pages so make sure you you name your pages here and then you'll see them here at the top it's like a navigation bar like this is a professional website so click on you can click on your um the different tabs here and it'll take you to the um page that you that they want to look at okay and so i really really like this and so once it's scrolled all the way to the top this is the canva link that canva provides okay i'm actually going to shorten it first okay there are two ways that you can do this you can use bitly of course if you have a bentley account all you need to do is select create paste your long url there once you've done that you would title the web your website i'm going to title it taylor made website tutorial and then i'm going to customize so i made it one want to customize it and now that it has been customized i'm going to save it now and boom there you go [Music] you will copy this link and that will be the link that you would share with everybody anybody that you want to share with another um platform that you can use to shorten your link is re-brandly i absolutely love re-brandly um i've i actually kind of like it more than bitly because i'm actually able to see um analytics much more easy much easily okay as you can see i've created one here but i'm going to create a link and of course you can create your own account in order to access the features here it is free um if you want to pay for your own customizable link you can do that like i did here so i'm going to paste this that you are canva url and um as you can see i have a branded domain name that rebrandly actually offers you oh my gosh like this is a branded and i only paid um i think it was five bucks for it 5.99 for it it was definitely worth it or you can use the rebrandly um domain name if you would like and you would um create a slash here um taylor made it to tutorial okay now what it's going to do is create the link and there you have it there is the lit that's the link that you can use of course you can have it branded if you would like um i i love this and it actually provides you analytics okay so let me show you some of the analytics on this link that i actually recently created [Music] okay i selected edit um i got two clicks today come on jesus and look at all the analytics that it shows you you guys i love it i think these this is definitely something that canva um i i would think that they would have this feature um to their website and also i hope that they would come up with with the capability to customize your own domain name and actually host your website domain name within the canva platform but you can so you have there's other ways to do it but listen this is the best way to save lots of money and also get your website out there like today okay that i'm showing you so and you're able you're provided stats for free when you take advantage of these tools okay so that's rebrandly and the next way that i'm going to show you is the way to actually customize your um to use your own domain name and to redirect the canva website domain name um from your your own domain name within the hosting platform that you've purchased your domain name in so let me show you what show you what i mean by that there are tons of hosting platforms um that you can use there is bluehost there's godaddy and and this one i'm using so what you're going to do um every platform is different and has a different kind of interface to it all you're going to do is just click on the domain name that you want to use i've clicked on this domain name this is just for example purposes and i am going to go to the bottom where it says advanced and select url forwarding and so you want to look up the url forwarding instructions um within your hosting platform okay they may have you know maybe located in a different location or you know they may have some different instructions on how you actually access it okay but i'm sure that it will um show the url um domain name um url forwarding forwarding domain name okay and so what i'm going to do now is okay see i have selected my domain name and i'm going to go to url forwarding and it should pull up with with whatever platform you're in it should pull up an opportunity for you to go ahead and apply that canva link okay and so what i'm going to do i'm where it says forwards to i am going to paste that canva link there and then i'm going to select redirect um and so what it's going to do with redirection it's going to um whenever people type in your exact domain name so say for instance your domain name was um that's the name of the brand that i've been designing here um and when they type in that domain name it's going to redirect them to that canva website and i think this is so powerful because they don't have to type in this long canva website domain name and they see your professional website brand name on there okay and so what you're going to do is redirect it and then add forwarding and then boom it processes and populates like that and you should give it a couple of moments to actually propagate and once it's finished processing you'll then be able to type in that domain name and you'll be directed to that website okay all right so let's publish these this thing now that we already have our domain name set up our links are up together our website design is flawless it's beautiful it stands out it's on brand everything is together my videos everything is ready to go now i'm going to publish it so you're going to select publish as the website and i've already showed you this but i'm going to do it again because now it's time for the big grand finale so and i'm going to select the standard and then you open the website click on open website and then boom it takes you here look at that website and there you go alright everybody well that concludes today's video but wait don't leave yet because i have a special announcement and a surprise to share with you if you do decide to use one of my canva website templates because you are here and because you may or may not be a subscriber i wanted to give to you with a special discount code in the description box below for you to get 10 off all of my canva website templates for you to get started right away on your website so that you can build your brand and start really transforming lives and making some income in 2021 you guys thank you so much for watching this video if you really enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't subscribed already i don't know why you haven't subscribed yet like why haven't you subscribed to this channel yeah it is amazing i would love to see you again and all as always thank you thank you thank you so so much and i'm also the ceo and founder of an elite performance and creative media firm called taylormade consulting agency where everything is designed with you in mind so if you're interested in taking your brand to the next level and you want us to create you a professional beautifully designed website you can click the link below to go ahead and submit your inquiry so that we can get you set up for that okay listen go ahead and start launching your professional website like today it literally takes no time at all it's easy and i'm just super duper duper excited to see all of your beautiful work go ahead and follow me on instagram at i am taylor simon and send me your images tag me in them um share with me all of your images so that i can share with the world all of your professional beautiful work okay listen thank you so much again for watching taylormade tv [Music] you
Channel: Taylor Made TV
Views: 18,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva Website Tutorial, Canva Website Template, Easy Canva Website, Customizable Canva Website, Canva Website Design, Website Design, Quick Website Design, Create your own Website
Id: EJ7b1hNW7xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 35sec (3275 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.