How to Create a Landing Page or Website In Canva 2021

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okay so as you can tell this video is across the screen of my old video because no matter how many times i uploaded that video it kept chopping up even though on my end it was not choppy so i'm not understanding that so i'm just re-recording the video and it's an updated version of it um 2021 version so some things have changed since that video anyway so here we go so in this video i'm talking to you about how to create a landing page using canva all right so in this video you can not only am i showing you how to use a create a landing page but you can also create a website and we're going to get into that i'm going to show you how to create a landing page using the template as well so let's go so i won't make this video too long so when you first come into canva you're going to be on this screen right here and it's going to show you your designs and it's going to also give you templates that you can choose from now what i do suggest is because landing pages are usually you know people may be on their smartphones or they may be on their desktop i would suggest you utilizing a template either um a flyer size or presentation size i do not recommend the other sizes only because of those things i stated about people being on their smartphones on their desktops okay on laptops whatever just a desktop version so what i'm going to do i've already designed a landing page so i'm just going to go to that but at the end of the video i'm going to show you how to um use a template and kind of customize it to help you do exactly what i'm doing now so once you get inside of the actual you delete these once you get inside of the actual um template or whatever right i'm just going to show you how to utilize this portion so in order to start your get your landing page started you have to know the goal of your website right usually landing pages only have one call to action right whether you're asking them to download something you want them to um pay for something one particular product maybe a book um sign up for um a webinar or whatever usually this is a one focus deal right whatever the goal is it's just that one thing here if you're using it as a landing page okay or a sales page or whatever one you want to call it so what i'm using using it for the goal of this particular landing page is to get people to schedule a discovery call with me right so i'm not going to put anything else here i'm only going to talk about disturbing call because that's what i want them to do so what you're going to do is design it however you want to design it and make it look as fancy as you like it to look or as simple as you like it to look it doesn't matter it goes on what the goal of whatever your opt-in or purchase purchase is okay so in this particular one like i said i'm doing a server call so all i'm going to do is i'm going to go grab the link to my discovery call you see this here i'm just going to highlight it here and do a copy go back into my canva space and i'm going to highlight that area here in order to create a link so you see how when i click in this white space there's nothing here in this menu bar the navigation bar here now this bar is going to always stay the same in canva but this part changes depending on what you're trying to do so if i click on a text box you notice a whole lot of things appear right what i need to do is click on the actual link and if you mouse over these things if you don't know what they are if you mouse over them camera will let you know what they are and so this link here you see it looks just like it does in like microsoft word or any of google apps or anything like that i'm just going to click on link here first before i actually click on that i need to highlight it to let them know what i'm going to link click on that and i'm going to paste my link right here and i'm going to click apply now you notice before i didn't have an underline there but because now it's hyperlink the underline has happened now if you don't want that underline to be there you're just going to go and highlight it and you notice that the menu bar pops up and this right here if i don't want to underline i'm just gonna click it so that it's no longer underlined simple as that so one thing that i like to do is i also not only do i highlight my text and link it but i also link the actual element behind the text only because just if for some odd reason someone does not click on the text and clicks beside the text then it's not going to go anywhere right so what i like to do is just make that whole area active with the length i'm trying to get them to do so i'm going to click the text box and you see the text box now becomes active because all of those things are highlighted beside it and then it also gets another menu bar okay remember depending on what you're trying to do in canva will give you a different navigation menu all right on the menu bar all right so i'm going to click on the link and i'm going to actually paste the link here same link paste it here so now not only is my text going to link to the scheduling but also the box okay all right so this is the goal of my landing page everything is done so now the options are when i go here to these three dots i can click on website and once i click on website you see it says publish your design as a beautiful responsive website in just a few clicks now notice i didn't say this is a website this i said this is a landing page so this is not meant to be a website even though i'm utilizing the website feature out in the later in the video i'll show you all the different ways to make it a website and you're probably going to be like oh wow i can do that here it's so simple to do honestly really it's really simple and so here on the web style you'll see if you click this um drop down menu you have four different styles of the website you can produce right so i'm going to first show you the presentation style so if i click on open website you see it opens let me get rid of my picture here you see that it opens and it has a black bar behind it i mean a black like just black window behind it and you notice here it has this arrow here so that you can do a share feature this is well when the people actually come onto your your site um they can actually share that they want to it just helps them to share it easily now they won't have this edit button there because i'm actually inside of my account which is why the edit button is there but if i was not inside of my account you would not even see that okay they will have the option of full screen to present a full screen and it just does that that's pretty much all it does didn't do anything extra now again this is only one slide in this presentation so if i go back and i'm just going to duplicate this slide and make it a different color just so you can see what it looks like if there's two slides in the landing page because you can make your landing page as long as you want to make it but i want you to see the difference in website styles so if i click on website and i'm still using the presentation web style click on open website and you notice now it has this arrow because why now i have two slides so it goes this way all right now you see sometimes this could be kind of hard to see that it's a you know a different slide here so you may want to think twice about using this if you're going to be using more than one page right if you're going to be utilizing more than one page you may not want to use presentation style just because it would be easy to kind of miss you know that there's an arrow there okay all right so let's go back so the next one is scrolling okay so i'm going to delete this before i want to show you what one page and with two pages so you can see the difference all right so if i want to go here i'm going to do website you know i've chosen scrolling and you notice it says single page site with parallax effect all right it's kind of like a rolling kind of effect it's really cute so i'm clicking on open website and here you see how it kind of just kind of rolled up like kind of fancy right and so it's just there's nothing else to see because again it's only one slide and if i click on schedule or discovery call it's gonna click right on over there to the service dog but one thing camper has added it usually it used to just go straight without you you know doing all this but they've added this feature i guess so people can understand that they're leaving canva and going to another site okay so it gives you the actual link that you're going to go to gives you this this whole spill right here and then you have to say continue to the external site and you know don't let that you know make you think you shouldn't utilize it because even google does that sometimes when you're leaving any other um third-party sites will also do it as well so there's nothing that's not a new thing it's just new for canva okay all right so let me close all these windows get back so that's the scrolling feature with just the one um slide so let me do a second slide so you can see what that looks like with um website i'm gonna go scrolling see i've chosen scrolling and i now have two slides and now it does this it scrolls up you see how it does that real fancy link is there now of course you don't want to have the same you know duplicate the slot like i did you may want to have just a different portion of the website or a landing page rather here right this could possibly be you know what's happening then you may put a link here and not put a link here right you don't have to put a link on each slide i'm just showing you this to show you the possibilities okay so i'm going to delete this so you can see it with one slide versus two slides so the next one is the classic navigation now this one is where it comes into like website and not just landing page okay so let me show you this once i click on that you now see that not only does it give you this you know still the link is there for me to create whatever it is i'm trying to create you know have them to do whatever my call to action is but now it has added a title on the left hand side and my name on the right hand side and you're probably saying well how did it do that right so what it does is it takes on the name the right hand side takes on the name of the text box the first text box on the page so if i want that name to change over there then i need to have a new text box there now say i don't want to show what it is right maybe i want it to say whatever i wanted to say then if i don't want it just the word to actually show here where my name is showing then i can actually put a word there and hide it behind one of the elements inside of my graphic so that way it takes on whatever i need to take on but i may not want it to show all right now this left hand side it's it's only the name of whatever your file name is so whatever you've named that file is what this is going to be so if i want to name this discovery call now when i go to website let's see and open it you see now it says discovery call so let me show you what i mean when i'm talking about um changing and hiding an effect of what you want to change the name to so i'm going to duplicate that and i'm just going to call it schedule your call today i'm gonna make it smaller okay because all i needed is i just need a text box in order for it to take on the name of that text box and i'm going to hide it under this element i'm just going to make sure it's highlighted click on position and just send it to the back all right remember so that way it don't take on my name right so now i'm just gonna go back to those three dots click on website keep on classic navigation open it and you see it says schedule your call and i put skills your call today so it doesn't show all that so that lets you know you can't make it too long right all right so and if they mouse over it's going to show that as well so let me show you how to make that navigate navigation like a website right so this is if we're just doing a landing page with just one slide but if i want to do a landing page and utilize the website feature with class navigation with multiple slides let's just do this let's do three slides i'm going to change the color this is not a design um tutorial so i'm not showing you exactly how to design this this is just me showing you how to actually utilize the website and landing page feature so i'm doing it fast just to show you that portion okay all right so now remember i told you the slides are going to take on the heading of whatever your heading is so if i want this to be i'm just going to duplicate this first text box i'll make it automation and all i'm going to do is just make it a little smaller and i'm going to hide it remember i'm just going to send it to the back because no one needs to know it i just need it for navigation purposes right you don't need to know the word i just need to know it and then here i'm going to do the exact same these words do not mean anything i'm just doing it okay just to show you so remember it's going to take on whatever name you have here so the file name you have so just think about what you want to name it because that's going to be the file the name of the left hand on the left hand side and then each slide is going to become a navigation um link when you're using the website and you're using the classic navigation um option so i'm going to click on open website and now you see it here right now you see schedule your call it still is too long right then you have automation which takes you to the next one and then you have change and takes you to the next one so if you want to make your landing page kind of long excuse me and you want it to go you know down then you don't want to use this feature this is if you're trying to make it into a website but if you want to make it as a landing page and you want it to scroll then i would say utilize this one the scrolling one and you see it just scrolls up because that's kind of what a landing page is more it's more like this not the other way that's more of a website all right and so the last one is just standard it's a single page site with navigation bar and it's you see how it's like why it's wider it goes down it doesn't just it doesn't do that you know roll up like the parallax does right the scrolling one does but it's similar to that one and it also has the features of the classic navigation but as you can see there's a bar here and you have to end up doing that so really i have not figured out why you would want to use the standard one um because it makes it so much bigger so maybe if you if you just wanted to view it maybe if you want a big screen mac or something like that a big computer screen you may want to use it just for yourself but just the one the option of what you're going to share with someone i don't think i would utilize this okay so that's how you actually create it now how do you actually share it right you may be saying well how okay i'm creating it but how do i get the link to share it as a landing page or a website and all you're going to do is excuse me all you're going to do is you're going to go here you can do a couple things but i'm going to do it from this way so i'm going to click on open website i'm just going to take these off and this is how you do it for any way that you decide to present it you just do it's the same way just share the link i'm gonna click on open website and i'm just gonna grab the link from here okay that's all i'm gonna do is grab it from here let me take it off standard presentation and it gives you the link right there now you see that it's a long link right it's a very long link let's go to an incognito window and you see it's a very very long link right so you may want to do like a shortened url like a big.lea or you know just whatever you utilize to shorten links you may want to do that um and another um i guess trick is if you do have on a domain that you want to utilize you can just forward it to this right um i don't think canva has the ability to actually publish on a domain yet so you can you know forward it but you can't you know like choose your own domain and that's pretty much it okay so if you enjoyed this video and it was very helpful to you i would love you to leave a comment down below if you have any questions also leave a comment down below okay and subscribe thank you again for watching and thank you for tuning in
Channel: Tamell Green - The Digital Midwife
Views: 21,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, Canva, how to use canva, how to use canva for beginners, how to use canva for instagram, how to use canva for design, how to design in canva, graphic design in canva, design in canva, how to create clickable links in canva, canva tutorial 2021, canva tutorial 2020, graphic design for beginners, how to create a webs, how to create a website for free, how to create a website, how to create a website to sell things, tamell green, canva website, landing page
Id: haYCm9ar2MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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