How to Create Canva Templates to Sell on Etsy | Passive Income Online with Digital Products

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hello and welcome to today's video in today's video i'm going to show you how to create a digital canva template that you can sell in your etsy shop now in this video i'm going to run through the steps i take personally with my own etsy shop so that's penny street studio to create the template how i access the shareable link and then how i add it to a pdf deliverable that you can then send to your own customers now before we get into today's tutorial i first want to mention that in order to create and sell canva templates to sell on etsy or any other online platform you will need to be signed up for a canva pro account now i actually have a link that gives any users a 30 day free trial to canva pro i'll leave a link to that one in the description box below this video so essentially you need to have a canva account so that you can create those shareable link that you can give out to your customers and that they can access so with that introduction all done let's go ahead and jump on into my canva account we'll create a canva template so and then i'll show you how you can then share this with your customers now before we get into today's tutorial i just want to make a quick note about licensing when it comes to selling canva templates now you don't want to go ahead and just take one of canvas free templates or even one of their pro templates you don't want to go ahead and grab that just change a couple of things and then sell it off as your own you want to be creating all of your templates from scratch as you can see here i've just gone on to the support page for canva it's going to go through some details regarding selling canva templates and if you just scroll down here it says here note changing the content of a canva template without completely changing the design is not creating your own work and is not allowed so it's obviously highlighted here because they really want to drill this in i will leave a link to this page in the description box below so you can check it out and see what's right and what's wrong when selling canva templates in your own etsy shop all right let's go ahead and start creating our template now i thought it would be fun to create a pinterest template today so let's go ahead and create this one from scratch now to do so now you can create any type of template pinterest template other social media templates like instagram facebook you could create youtube thumbnail templates logo templates you could do templates for flyers so there's a whole range of different things really you are only limited by your imagination the key is to make sure that you understand your customer and then from there you will know what problems they have and then your templates will solve that problem okay so just keep that in mind but today's example let's go ahead and create this pinterest template so i'm going to go up here where it says create a design click on that and then it's going to give you a suggested um so there's a few ideas here of what you can create but i'm going to write in pinterest and what it will do is it'll actually give us a couple of different types of pinterest pins that we can create i'm just going to go straight for this pinterest pin it's 1000 by 1500 now this is the recommended size to use with pinterest let's go ahead and click that now you can always do a custom design just click here and click custom size so you can add in your own width and your own height for your dimensions okay so then what it's going to do is open up your new design and it's going to give you a blank template now you're going to see here on the side that it's actually going to give you a couple of template examples now what you want to do is do not be tempted by just picking up one of these because it's so easy to just click this and then it then goes straight into your template now you don't want to do that because that is against canvas terms so what we want to do is we want to clear that so let's go ahead and just select all of that and we need so um maybe use these as inspiration have a look to see what other templates have been created to get an idea of what maybe other customers might be looking for so let's go ahead now i'm just going to put a background color here so all you need to do is click here where it says background color i'm just going to choose some of my branding colors um these branding colors i can import with the canva account so there's lots of great features that come with the canva pro account that you don't get with the free account so another reason or incentive to upgrade your account i'm just going to click this blue and then it's going to fill this entire section with a blue color now to add text all you need to do is go here to the text button and let's go ahead and add a heading just by clicking here and then you can change the font by clicking up here and then if you've got a pro account you can upload your own fonts so here i've uploaded my own fonts but then just below that it's going to have all the canva fonts that you can use now if you see um this little crown icon that means that it's only available for pro users i recommend when you are creating your canva template that you want to be using elements and fonts and images that are available to only the free canva users because not all of your customers are going to have canva pro majority probably 80 to 90 percent are only going to have access to the canva free account if you go ahead and use a pro font or a pro image or a pro element your customer isn't going to have access to that so just keep that in mind when you are creating your canva templates so let's go ahead and scroll down let's pick this one here this is a free element or sorry a free font i should say you can size up by just clicking and scrolling or dragging let's put this in the middle here and i'm going to add some text by double clicking now let's say that my ideal customer is a online course creator and they specialize in teaching people how to start a blog and they want to share on pinterest their latest blog posts and the blog post is you know how to start a blog so let's go ahead and write in here how to start a blog so that could be the title and the key here is that all of this stuff is editable your customer can come in change the font the colors the title this is just to give an example of what they can create so let's go here and do that really this is not so much about um you know what kind of template to create i just wanted to show you the process of how i would do it and then how you can then share this template let's go ahead and add in a photo so in order to filter these images to make sure that only the free images are available what you need to do is just click here and then scroll down to where it says availability and just go to free that way um it'll only show the free images that your customers can use so go apply filters and then now all of the images that you see here are going to be free and you can also double check by um this checking this little icon here at the bottom so what you can do is you can go up here to where it says search photos pro click in i'm just going to write in blogger see what comes up okay so here's a great example so maybe we could put something like this in so you just click on it then you can resize the image like so and i might just pop this let's pop this down here let's resize it like so okay that looks good i'm gonna put this up just a tad now let's go ahead and add a couple more elements again to filter these elements let's go up here to where we've got this little toggle go down where it says availability let's click free and go apply filters okay now let's go ahead and scroll down so you can see that you've got all these different elements that you can play around with you could search for specific elements or images or graphics by just going up here into the search but for this example i'm just going to grab this box here and i'm going to change the color to this purple i'm going to resize it here so what i want to do is i just want to create um i guess just a little box down the bottom here where the user could add their own website or their business name here so i'm just going to go back to text here where it says add a little bit of body text here let's click that let's just make that tag bigger bring it down and i'm just going to put in here a prompt for the customer to add their own url so your website okay so that way your customer can go in here click in here and then add their own url i'm also going to add a subheading here now this is one of my uploaded fonts so i want to change this to a different font let's go ahead and choose i want a script font um a free script let's go this one here i'm going to write just a subtitle here for beginners okay and you can change the color of these fonts just by clicking here just click on that you can get the option to change your colors you can also go here to where it says new color and then you can select any color of the spectrum so you could change it to any color that you like so if you wanted to change it to like a darker blue any color you like and then you can also add your hex coating here okay so let's add maybe just one more element so yeah just have a play around with it um i would suggest having an idea of what you want to create before you come in and start designing because sometimes um when you are just sitting in front of a white canvas it can sometimes be overwhelming so i suggest going on pinterest creative market even on canva itself just to get some inspiration of what you can create let's go ahead and add perhaps one more i want to add maybe some stars so let's go here stars and go enter into the search bar there is an example of how we've created quickly created a canva template so the key here is that the customer can change the colors the text the font style the images you know the details here so um you know if they wanted to get rid of this or change the color or you know make it transparent for example they could do so the key here is that you are creating the base the base template for them to then go ahead and edit it to make it their own and you might be saying okay but um why would they go ahead and you know purchase one of my templates when canva have a whole heap of free ones well the thing is is that you understand your customer and on top of that what i would recommend is not just providing this one template why not create a set of 15 or 20 of these templates that are all branded the same and then that way you're saving your customer time they don't have to go ahead then and go into canva search you know minutes upon hours for the perfect template you are creating that perfect template for them because you understand them you know your customer you know what they want and um you are just there to solve their problem okay so just keep that in mind i've had a few people tell me that like how can you possibly make a living off of selling canva templates when they're already for free and it's because i understand my customer i know exactly what they want and i'm solving their problem okay now let's go on to the next step which is sharing this template and then adding it to a deliverable so the actual product that the customer receives as soon as they make the purchase now once you are signed up for canva pro or if you have a canva pro account all you need to do is go up here where it says share and then click on that button and then here see where it says share a link to edit what you want to do is by default it's always going to say share a link to edit but what you want to do is you want to click down on this arrow and you want to go here to where it says share a link to use as a template and it's going to have that crown icon there that means that it's a pro feature only so all we need to do is change it to that so share a link to use as a template and then here where it says copy link is you want to copy that link and this is the important step you want to make sure you've got a copy of that exact link to then share with your customers so i'm going to go ahead and click on that now and it's going to copy it and it's going to give you this notification to say it's copied let's go ahead now and i'm going to paste this into um a new tab in my browser so you can see what it looks like when the customer receives this link so i'm just going to open up a new tab and click enter and this is the template that will be available so this is the link of the shareable template that will be available when your customer makes a purchase so you can see here it gives you a template created by alicia we shared with you start designing now and it's going to give you a little bit of a preview of what the template looks like and then the customer all they need to do is just click here where it's got use template and then bam they can start using this template so it's that quick and easy for them so that's the key making it easy for your customers now you could go ahead and grab that link and put it into a word document save it and then send it to your customers so upload it on your product listing but what i like to do is i like to make sure that my customers have a professional experience with me so what i like to do is i like to add this to a deliverable that's saved as a pdf that the customer downloads and then they access that link through a button so i'm going to show you now how i would set that up um using canva so let's go back to canva i'm going to go here to where it says create a design and instead of pinterest pin i want to go to an a4 document so go to a4 document click on this one here and then it's going to open up a new canvas for us in the a4 sizing in my experience this is the very first touch point that your customer is going to have of your personal brand of your business brand and you want to make a great first impression like i mentioned it would be easy to just get a text box you know open this up delete the text and add that link so that's that link that was grabbed from our actual template that we created and then you know send that to your customer but you know personally that's not a great first impression to just receive that i want to send information to my customers i want to thank them for making the purchase i want to give them a little bit of information on how they can use this canva template you know well i want to maybe share a photo of myself and introduce them to me personally because i want them to have a happy experience okay so what i would do let's delete this let's go ahead and add it at a heading i'm going to say up here thank you like so and then what i would do on this page i would add a little bit of extra text this is where you would add a whole heap of information about you know the canva template what they can expect um you know etc etc thanking here you could even add a little bit of information saying um you know if they like their product would it be would they you know be happy to leave a review or you if you want repeat customers this is a place where you could add maybe a thank you coupon code so thank you so much for making a purchase um if you would like to buy anything else from my shop any more templates here's a you know 10 coupon code that you can use for your next purchase these little things really make a difference when you are you know selling canva templates in your etsy shop so you would add a little bit of information here maybe you could add an image of yourself so i'm just going to go elements here i'm going to go ahead and grab a frame here so just a circle one here i'm going to click on that and i'm going to scale it down i'm going to add it down here in the corner and then this is where you could drag in a photo of yourself so i'm just going to go ahead and do that there we go here's an image of myself perhaps you could you know put a little bit of a signature here drag that down make it bigger okay so you can see how you can jazz this up um have a play around with all the different colors you could even add like um let's go here let's add a background color you know have fun with it on the next page is where i would include a link to the actual template so here where it's got a page let's go ahead and add another page that's just for fun let's go ahead and change this color to blue and then i'm going to go ahead and grab some of this information here i'm going to copy it and i'm going to paste it so that it's all consistent let's change that to this color here center that up and i'm going to hit put here download your whoops your template okay so this is where you would add information about the template so i would add here a little bit of text let's scroll this up and i'm going to let me just scroll in a bit here so you can see it a bit more clear and i'm going to add in here the pinterest pin template and then just below here we want to emulate a button that the customer can press so instead of just adding the link of our template what we can do is we can create a button so just go here to where it says elements now you can actually search here where it says button and then sometimes it gives you some examples of buttons so we could you know use something like this or we could use something like this or this button here or any of these let's go ahead i'm going to show you um an example of using a pre-created button so let's go ahead and click that one and then i'm going to create one of my own so you could do this and then you could you know if you wanted to you could change the color here and then we could add some text so let's put in download template like this like so let's make this a little bit bigger so you can see how we're kind of creating a button so it's very clear where the customer needs to click in order to download their template okay so um that's an example of using a button from the elements i'm just going to go ahead and show you an example of creating a button using just a couple of squares let's go here to elements i'm going to go and close that off let's scroll down to where it's got shapes and let's go ahead and click this button here with the rounded corners and the shadow effect i'm going to scroll that down like so all right so we've created this button and again let's go ahead and just copy this text here let's make this a little bit longer okay now let's go ahead and group these elements together so all you need to do is just select both of them up here where it's got these three dots go up to here and where it says group click on that and then that way these elements are now grouped together so when i move one both of them move for now i'm just going to delete this one and we will use this one here okay so it's got here so it's telling the customer download your template pinterest pin template and then here it says download template so when the customer clicks on here we want it to redirect directly to that shareable link so to do that let's go back to our canva template where it says share to link to use as template let's go make sure that that's selected it does say copied let's just hit that again and it'll copy it again for us let's go back to our deliverable so here where it's got download template let's click on that and then here in the corner back to those three dots we're going to find an option to link so here with this little chain icon let's click on that and it's going to give us an option to enter our link so what we want to do now is we want to paste that shareable link and then hit apply okay so by default it's going to give you an underlined effect here if you don't want the underline all you need to do is just click here where it's got underline and it should take that off for us fantastic so now we want to save this as a pdf document that we can then send to our customer who can download it open it and then access their template so all you need to do is just click up to this download button here under file type we want to make sure that we've got pdf print selected and then we want to make sure that both pages are selected so we've got this thank you for your purchase page here and then we've got our download our template page here then click download and it will start downloading the template for us okay so let's go ahead and open up that pdf document now to see what it looks like okay so as you can see we've got the thank you for your purchase here a little bit of information would be here not all these letters like i've got perhaps you could add a photo of yourself here and then here is where your customer can download the template so here where it's got download template you can see as i scroll over it see how that little mouse changes to the linkable mouse so let's go ahead and click that and see what comes up and there we go so that link has now been opened up and this template can now be accessed by your customer so all you need to do is you need to then grab this pdf and then you just need to upload it to your product listing and so that way as soon as the customer makes the purchase they can open up this pdf document click on the link and then start using their template straight away so it's a real streamline process a process that keeps your customers happy so i really hope that this tutorial was helpful for you and it's something that you can use for your own etsy shop or it's giving you inspiration to perhaps start at etsy shop selling canva templates now i've had success selling canva templates in my own etsy shop and i thought it would be great if i could share all the knowledge and information tips tricks um resources that i've learned over the past year and a bit selling canva templates on etsy and i thought i could bundle up all this information and add it to an e-course i have been working on creating a course that my audience can take in order to create and start their own etsy shop a successful etsy shop selling canva templates just like i have i have been working behind the scenes on this course it's called the passive income with canva course i'll just open it up now so you can have a quick look at it so if passive income is something you've been striving for and you would love to make money in your sleep just like i do well i thought it would be really helpful to create you know a resource this one place that you could come to get all the information you need the step-by-step process for you to create pretty much what i have i reckon that this is achievable for anybody you don't have to be a graphic designer you don't have to be a pro business owner you just need to know the little tips and tricks that i've learned in order to create a successful etsy shop this is just a little preview of what you can see inside the course so we're going to have the steps tools and resources you'll need to launch the business you'll start creating your designs on canva just like i've shown you here today but just in a lot more depth and detail there's going to be a module on how to set up your etsy shop for success you're going to learn how you can get discovered and found organically through etsy seo you're also going to learn how to get a boost in your traffic and your sales and orders through things like etsy ads and then also through um you know advertising your business on things like pinterest so i'll be running through that as well and then i'm also going to be sharing with you how you can build your community so that you can build a business beyond etsy so using things like an email list and then also you know building up your community with a customer hub so that you can attract customers through etsy but then also provide value for them outside of etsy so this is what i've been working on over the past couple of weeks and i'm hoping to have this up and running for you to dive into as soon as possible hopefully in the next coming weeks um in the beginning of march so if this is something that you would be interested in joining or you just want to find out some more information about it as i run through it as i finalize the details all you need to do is just head on over to um the wait list for this program so you'll be able to sign up and join my wait list for this program over at alicia forward slash canva course i will also leave a link to that one in the description box below and i would love to have you part of this course and part of this community so that is all for today friends i really do hope that this has given you a little bit of a you know one of those idea bulbs has gone off in your head of what you can create and if you found that you know my own etsy shop and my own journey has been inspirational i would love for you to duplicate what i have done my goal is to help as many people as i can by creating passive income through their own etsy shop okay i will catch you next time friends and until then have a fantastic week bye for now
Channel: Alicia Rafiei
Views: 48,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alicia rafiei, make and sell canva templates, how to create canva templates to sell on etsy, sell canva templates on etsy, make passive income with canva templates, canva creators, digital products on etsy, etsy seller tips
Id: 1Mh83Zr9IZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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