How To CREATE A LOGO In Davinci Resolve 18

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what is up i'm marcel and welcome back to the modern filmmaker in this davinci resolve tutorial we're going to go over how and why i create logos in davinci resolve 18. some of the things that i think about along the way and some of the design aspects that i keep in mind when creating a logo [Music] [Applause] so i personally do a lot in davinci resolve i edit video and resolve i also do a lot of animations in resolve i also make thumbnails in resolve as well as i make logos in resolve now you may ask why would you make logos in resolve when there's illustrator and photoshop and all these other programs that you could use for me personally if a client asked me to make a logo then it usually means i'm gonna have to animate it at some point and the easiest way to do that and to kind of make the logo with that in mind is just go ahead and create it in resolve that way i have all the design elements in resolve there to manipulate to animate and to do pretty much whatever i want to i could bring over some design elements from photoshop but if i bring over a square from photoshop into resolve i can animate that square kind of i could you know move it from side to side or make it wiggle i could you know scale it up or down but what if i wanted to morph that square into a triangle or a star if i just go ahead and make everything in resolve then i not only have full control but i could also save it as a macro as you've seen in other videos and then just use it in other projects whenever i need it so let's go ahead and hop on in and get this started so i've got a brand new project it's 4k and it's in 30 frames a second i usually always make logos in a 4k timeline with 30 frames a second sometimes 60 depending on what i want the animation to be but at the very least 30 frames a second because it's better to have more frames than less when it comes to animation so the first thing i'm going to do is just make a new fusion composition by right clicking in the media pool and then clicking new fusion composition and i can name this logo and you can see that's a 30 frame 30 frames a second and i can click create and then i can drop this into our timeline zoom on in and right click and then open in fusion page so a couple things that i keep in mind when making a logo and they're just general things to think about when animating or designing things and number one when it comes to logos you want to make them simple and memorable so they're kind of easy to uh to point out of a crowd if you see a bunch of logos on let's say some kind of banner you want to make something that's easy to say like oh that's obviously this brand that i've seen before something recognizable is a better way to put it and then number two something that easily fits into a circle uh because a lot of the time with social media instagram youtube facebook they'll throw the logo into the profile picture spot which is often in a circle and so you kind of want to think about a few things like how is this logo going to look on the website maybe in the middle of a website or on the left or right hand side of a website how would this look in a circle or how would it look in a square as well because those are usually typically the spaces and places that you'll find a logo in a square a circle or in a banner of a website so with those things in mind the first thing i'm going to do is kind of create our floor and by that i just mean our background and so the first thing i'm going to do is make a background with the background node and then i'll connect this to a merge node and then i'll connect this merge to our media out if you're not super familiar with fusion there are some simpler fusion videos i've made in the past that kind of run through the tiny minutia and the little details of fusion that you may need to know just to navigate around but i'll try to point out as much as i can as i go along here in case you are kind of at the beginner stage and so right now we have our background into our merge which is into our media out and merge is pretty much how everything connects in fusion so you need a merge to pretty much connect anything new and i like to think of this or i like to work in fusion as almost if it's layers so usually you have your you know your layer at layer one and then layer two and then layer three layer four and layer one is usually always on top so if i go back to the edit page for instance you see video one anything i put over this is going to pretty much be on top of our fusion composition so if i put anything in the video 2 section that's going to lay on top so think the same way as i kind of run through this as i go back to fusion we have our floor here which is our background and our merge and then let's say i make our background white i personally like to design in black and white because if i can make something that looks good in simple black and white then it'll also look good when embellished with with colors or any flair or effects but i usually like to start in black and white just because black and white usually always hits if you can't tell that's kind of my style but also if you can make it in black and white then it'll usually look good in color as well so let's say our background is just this white background and this is our floor and we're kind of working up from here so anything we put on top of this will be on top of our background and in front of our background so in our merge we have our background plugged into our background and then this is our foreground and so let's say i want to add a text or let's say let's add it as a shape so i'll add another background and then plug this into another merge and then we'll move this merge on top of the other one and then we'll plug this straight into the foreground of the merge and now our black background is hiding our white background which we have over here so for now we'll take this background off of this second screen and with our black background selected i'll click the ellipse circle which will make a mask and if you were to look at this in another window just the background you can see our mask around our black and so now we have a black circle on top of our white background i hope you're kind of sticking with me here so the first thing i'm going to do is make this a little bit smaller maybe i'll go to 0.3 and width and height let's go to 0.3 making our circle a good bit smaller and then what i'm going to do is select all of these and just hit ctrl c to copy these and then click off and hit ctrl v to paste and now we pretty much have that same layer a duplicate of that same layer and i'm going to plug this into the foreground of our merge 2 essentially placing this above our black circle so now we have a black circle above in front of our black circle and i'm actually going to take this circle and make it white and then come back to our ellipse and make it slightly smaller so let's say we make this point two nine and width and point two nine in height so now we pretty much just have a black uh circle a black outline but there's a reason why i created this way and that's so later on we could hide things underneath it and that would be a lot easier if i just had this outline then maybe you know if we put things through the circle then you could see them through this outline when anything we put kind of behind this i want the circle to eclipse that design and so moving forward i'll move up a little bit and let's say we add one more circle and we'll copy these hit ctrl c and then select off and hit ctrl v to paste and again i'll plug this in to the foreground of our last merge and now we have a circle on top of a circle on top of a circle but this circle is actually going to be a little bit bigger let's go with 0.31 and 0.31 and with that circle a little bit bigger i'm actually going to disconnect it from these and actually scoot it underneath just to kind of help you guys understand how these are working right now so if i move this underneath and then attach this to the foreground of this merge and then attach this to the foreground of our first merge now we have a white circle actually under a white circle and under a black circle so there should be three layers here you can't see that because there's a white background if i were to change the color you could see that we have that white circle or that other circle underneath i'm actually going to leave this white and then one thing i'm going to do is add a drop shadow to this merge and so if i click control space and type in drop shadow now we have a drop shadow which will plug in and now we can kind of see the different layers we have one thing i'm going to do is kind of form this shadow a little differently if i go to the drop distance i can move this down a little closer and then to our blur i'll actually take this down as well leaving a little bit more clean of a design to move our strength up a little bit that's nice i like that uh one thing you can do to clean these up is if you right click just on the empty space here you can go up to line up all tools to grid and then you can right click again and go arrange two to grid that way when you move things around they'll move on the grid and things will stay kind of nice and tidy i can also hit control and then move my mouse wheel up and down to zoom this whole node section and so right now we pretty much have our circle over here which is beautiful i love it one thing we're going to do is actually put text on top of the circle and so if i click on a text node and then of course again we have to plug this into a merge and then we can plug this merge into the foreground of our highest circle our white circle on top of all these uh we'll change the text color to black and then type in v because of course i'm going to make the modern filmmaker logo or a new modern filmmaker logo it's not what i've used before but we'll just make something new and exciting from here so with our text selected i'm just going to change the font to something that is more my style let's go with this one this is a it's a favorite of mine and then instead of bold we'll go to black and then we'll move this up a bit and come to shade and we'll make we'll go to this text outline under properties and click that just to kind of give the its own vibe i like that and then what we can do is make another text and plug this into another merge and then we'll actually put this under our first text you could put it over but i just like to put things kind of in line is how they're going to look and this is going to be slightly under the so i'll plug our old text into the foreground of this merge and then this merge into the foreground of our circle and one thing i can do is rename these with f2 i can name this top circle and then this one i can label middle circle and then bottom circle just so it's a little less confusing and then here we know we have our text one and two and so in text two i'm gonna change this to black and then we'll write modern and i'm gonna go back to our same font that i'm a big fan of and maybe i'll go back to black as well and i'm going to scale this up and now it's kind of coming out of the circle but one thing we can do is with our very last circle the top circle we can use this mask to hide and to contain our text so everything that we plug in here will not be shown unless it's inside this circle kind of giving us a little bit more uniformity and give us a little bit more design as well so if i take the output of this ellipse and plug it into the mask of our text one or actually our text 2 where modern is boom now modern is kind of hidden behind that text and i like that i like that a lot and so if i go to our text 1 i'll scoot this up a little bit maybe size it down or you could you know if you wanted you could plug this in our ellipse mask into our text one as well and you could make this as big as you want make it stand out a little bit more if if you wanted to i personally i think i'm just going to leave it small so i'm going to control z back down to what we had and then i'm even going to make our text 2 slightly smaller in the text of modern i'll go to size and just pull this down a little bit yeah that's good i'll move these nodes up and then what i'll do is actually just grab the text2 and merge four hit ctrl c and copy that ctrl v click this outside and then again i'll plug our text to merge into the foreground of our text our new text and then plug that into our foreground of our circle and that way these are all like layers it's pretty much like the layer workflow for fusion it just kind of helps me keep things clean i love working in fusion like this and then with this last one i'll type in filmmaker and i'll go to the layout slide this down and maybe i'll make this a different font i'll make this intel one design to be different and they'll come instead of regular i'll make it light so each kind of layer of text with its own feel and i'll make this pretty small and then i'll stretch filmmaker out like that that's pretty cool and then there's one other thing that i could do uh just to create a little bit more design elements and so if i slide all these up and i copy our filmmaker text our last text that we added control c click off into this blank space control v and then do that same plug into the foreground plug into the foreground let's get this back over just to keep things clean and then one thing i'm going to do is just erase filmmaker i'm going to anchor the the horizontal anchor i'm going to move to the left and i'm going to put in about seven x's one two three four five six seven i'm gonna move these over i'm gonna move our tracking back to normal back to where it was originally and then i'm actually going to space these x's out to fit in between our text i'm going to make it a little bit smaller and then start spacing these with the space bar and then i'll click over [Music] space these out whoops and of course i bet the photoshop people that are watching right now are like this is ridiculous i wouldn't have to do this if this was photoshop but you also couldn't animate it so i don't know what to tell you and then make one more let's see space here i'll make one more x and then from there kind of based on how it looks i might make it a little bit smaller and then move the tracking up and then i can go back and get rid of some of these spaces this might seem a little crazy but this is just how i would do it to add a little bit more flair into the design itself you have to come back and add some spaces i mean just get creative that's kind of the whole point of the program is to do different things unleash your creativity do whatever works for you that looks pretty good see one more space there boom and now we kind of have these little x's in between and i made that on a different text so we could kind of control the size and the positioning here really nice really simple i like that and then from here one thing i can also do is animate this circle onto the screen so if i go to our very last circle i can make a keyframe in let's say the width and the height and then at key at frame 0 and then let's say come out to frame 30 make two more keyframes and the width and the height and i'll go back to our frame 0 where our first keyframes are and just shove this down to 0. now one other thing we'll need to do is plug this ellipse circle from our bottom circle we actually need to make that the mask of that merge so we need to make the bottom circle mask also the mask of the bottom circle merge boom now it's hidden everything because that is the mask that reveals everything this is a cool little animation that we can throw in um along the way and we will make a few more animations and we'll smooth that animation out by going to the splines and then we'll click our ellipse and click this full screen zoom to fit button and then we can click our last keyframe select our last keyframe hit s and then it'll give us a handlebar that we can click on and hold alt so it doesn't go up and down and we can drag that out and then we'll click this other handle hold alt so it doesn't you know just moves one way and then make that the same distance that way it should animate on really smooth yeah that's pretty cool and then of course we can animate the text as well really easily by let's say coming to frame 15 we'll go to text number one go to our layout and in the center position we'll move this off to the right and then maybe come up here to frame 35 and move this back to 0.5 where it's in the middle and now that'll slide onto the screen of course we'll also want to smooth that out so if we click off our ellipse and then click zoom to fit as well we can click our last this is our text keyframes we can click our last keyframe hit s and then hold alt and grab this handle bring this out to make a smooth ease in boom i love that and then of course with modern we can do the same thing on a slightly different timing just so they're like you know so everything kind of flows in together you guys know i like a good feeling animation a good feeling animation is almost everything to me so uh if we go to about here go to layout click the center and then move up to let's say frame 40 make another keyframe there and then go back to the beginning and move this off to the left and then in our splines you see we have our last keyframe here and we can hit s on that grab our handle hold alt to keep it on that same plane and oh yeah that's nice and maybe even drag this last keyframe out a little further to maybe frame 45. yeah that feels really good and we can do the same thing with film filmmaker on the bottom let's say at frame 20 we create our first keyframe in the layout center position and then at frame 45 we make another keyframe then go back to the first one and we're going to slide this one down this will come up from the bottom and then of course in our spline editor select that last keyframe and actually let me get rid of these other text just so i know i have the right keyframe selected and no nothing else hit s hold alt drag this out and nice and i'm going to do something a little different with our dots here and instead of slide these on i'm actually going to write them on under the text properties under write on this will actually write things on if you see if i move this down and up it's writing on those x's so after everything slides up and slides into place then at about 40 about frame 40 i'll make a keyframe and move the right on all the way down to zero and then maybe come up to 60 and move the right on all the way up and i'm not going to use that i'm just going to leave it as is that way things are like and then it should look pretty sick nice so one thing we'll need to do is make this ellipse this uh top circle we're gonna make that mask the mask for all the other text as well yeah that way when they're not being used they're kind of hidden there nice and maybe we can make our our x's that ride on we can pull these over to yeah frame 55 let's try that nice maybe you know a little faster than that even up to friend 50. boom that's pretty sick if you guys are enjoying this video definitely click that like button i got one more thing i want to do just to kind of make this that much more sick so if i close these splines and then hold our control button and zoom out a little bit one more thing i can do let's say we're gonna make a another merge let's make a just a random merge here we'll pipe this into we'll pipe our circle and text into the foreground and then we'll make a new merge and a new background a new background and we'll plug this into the foreground here this merge into the foreground of our first merge then we'll plug this into our drop shadow that way everything will be we'll go through the drop the shadow because i want to drop shadow on everything so might as well just use that same drop shadow for for everything in the end and then with this you see now we have a black background because we technically just created a layer under our circle but above our floor we still have our white floor here um but then we have now our black background under uh or above our floor but under our circle and i want to create a a custom shape with this and one way i'm going to do that is uh by dragging out our second window where i have our bottom circle and i'm actually going to use this to kind of dictate how i make this shape i'm going to use the grids to make a shape so if i come to our polygon you can pretty much draw whatever you want with the polygon so i'm going to draw kind of like an arrow type thing so let me go from this point in the grid kind of level that out just to make sure that we'll level here and then i'll come down to here i think this is actually the plane that we're on and then i'll make another dot let's say here and actually i'm gonna make this one up here and then we'll make one right let's see right here and here boom i love that that's a cool that's a cool little shape there um very simple very clean and maybe i'll make another one but instead of just drawing a whole nother one i'm just going to select all these copy and then paste and i'll plug this into the foreground of this one and we'll just move the second shape next to it and one thing i do want to do let's say it's like let's say it's like this and then i'll move these to a more pleasing aesthetic shape like like so and i'm still looking at the grid on the left hand side to kind of determine how this looks ooh that's nasty i love that and so let's slide this down a little bit and we'll copy and we'll paste plug this into the merge below and then we can kind of take this and do the exact same thing but one thing i would like to do is kind of reverse the shape and probably the easiest way to do that to be honest is to make a transform we'll need to transform here anyway then in the transform i can flip it and then [Music] with it flipped i can move it up to make that kind of shape that's nice i'm really liking that and so if i click these and just move these down a little bit so they fit a little better boom uh and then one thing we could simply do to animate all these so right now this is our group of arrows so if i were to move this over here you'd see all three of them after the merge five i'm going to make a transform and once everything comes up at 35 i'm going to make a keyframe in the size and then i'm going to run down to [Music] let's say 55 make another keyframe in the size go back to the first keyframe for size and shrink it and then in the splines of course let me get all these out of the way because this is just getting messy this is just a messy mess uh let's see in the transform let's click on that last keyframe hit s hold alt pull it out and oh yeah that's sick and so while these dots come across this these things kind of come out too which is kind of nasty i mean that right there is how you make and animate a logo in davinci resolve and i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy the video you might as well just click the like button i mean just click it for goodness sakes if you didn't enjoy the video maybe just click the like button anyway it really helped the channel out and if you have any comments questions or concerns leave them in the comment section down below i always reply and of course feel free to subscribe if you like videos on adventure resolve and as always i'm marcel this has been the modern filmmaker i'll see y'all next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 95,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To CREATE A LOGO In Davinci Resolve 18, davinci resolve 18, blackmagic design, resolve 18, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve 18 beta, davinci resolve free, davinci 18, davinci resolve 18 fusion, davinci resolve 18 fusion tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve fusion, how to use davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve effects, fusion davinci resolve, motion graphics davinci resolve, the modern filmmaker, davinci resolve text animation
Id: -NZacjpnMFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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