How to Edit A YouTube Video in DaVinci Resolve! (Start to Finish)

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after editing over 200 videos for think media I'm excited to share my step-by-step process on how to edit a YouTube video inside to venture resolve so even if you've never edited a video before by the end of this tutorial you'll have all the skills you need to create engaging and professional YouTube content let's dive in you got to just press record what's up Nate here with think media if you haven't already go ahead and download Da Vinci resolve it's in my opinion one of the best editing programs out there and it's also free so go ahead and click the link in the description to download Once that's installed we're going to move our attention over to our footage so here I have a very simple shot of me making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich nice if you want you can actually download all the footage I'll be working with so you can follow along step by step now after you downloaded your footage from your SD card over to your computer chances are it's going to look something like this just a bunch of different random footage which brings us to our first step and that is to organize our footage now this is an important step that you don't want to overlook trust me it'll save you a lot of head later when you can't find your missing footage so don't overlook this so the first thing we want to do is make a folder of our project name so I'm going to right click new folder and let's just type in PB&J I'll click enter that creates a folder I'm going to drag everything into this this will be basically our project folder once we're in here we want to organize our footage into different kinds such as a roll and b roll what now if this is the first time you're hearing these terms let me explain that for you a roll is your talking head footage so example right here I'm talking to camera this is primarily going to be the footage I'm going to be editing with that also has my audio b roll is supplemental visuals that help you explain your story for example I could throw a shot of a pizza right here if I was talking about that that basically is going to help convey your message more clearly so we want to kind of divide these two so I'm going to go ahead and click a new folder and let's click a roll and this shot right here we can see that once I open it up this is my main talking head video so this is our a-roll so I'm going to click that one drag it into a roll make another folder called Boll and all this other stuff is my Boll so I'm just going to go ahead and put that into there congratulations you've now organized your footage now we can move on to step two which is importing into Da Vinci resolve click on this icon to open up resolve it should bring you to this page where all your different projects live now of course we don't have any projects yet so we're going to click on new project and give it a name so I'm just going to put again PB&J tutorial we're going to then click on Create and should bring us to this rather terrifying looking screen now if yours doesn't look exactly like mine just go ahead to the bottom and make sure you select the media tab now just a side note these different pages allow you to organize your project depending on your needs for this tutorial we're primarily going to stick around in the edit page but first make sure you're on the media page and this is where we're going to import Port our footage the first thing we want to do is drag this folder into our media pool this is where we can access all of our Clips as we edit once we do that as you can see it Imports our Clips however it's all disorganized there's actually a quick fix for this so what I'm going to do is Click command Z just to undo my last move and instead of dragging it here I'm going to bring it right underneath where it says master and if I do that as you can see it keeps all our folder structure the same just a little Pro tip for you so now we've imported our footage we want to go down to the edit tab this is basically where we're going to live for most of our video editing purposes up on the top left you can see all of our footage and it's nicely organized we have our main folder our a roll and our b roll in order to view and play back our clip let's go ahead and double click on our a roll as you can see it brings it up into this viewer Tab and we can play this back by pressing this play button here or pressing the space bar now as you can see I'm still setting up so what we can actually do is scrub through this footage if we don't want to watch the whole thing in real time just by clicking on this little handle here and we can just kind of move it and see where we get to the actual action of our clip in order to edit this clip we need to drag it into our timeline and to do that you can basically click anywhere here on this viewer drag it down right here and boom we have our a roll in our timeline I'm going to mess with the zooming of the timeline just so I can see the entire clip on our screen now that is one way we can import our a-roll into a timeline another way and it might be a little bit more effective is if you use the player basically if I only want a certain section of my video I can scrub through right here and click I on my keyboard to set an endpoint go through towards the end basically to the end of my video click o as an outpoint and if I drag and drop this basically it is already kind of trimming the beginning and the end as I bring it into the timeline this is super handy if you have lots of b-roll and you only want a certain section you don't have to drag the entire thing into your timeline now similarly we can actually scrub through our timeline by clicking on this little orange Tab and we can play it back scrub through find the points we want to work with and that brings us to step two which is to cut down our a-roll footage so playing back this footage as we can see I make a mistake at the beginning but then I get into the main video right here and perform a good take so what we want to do is we truly want the video to begin right here and to do that we can go over to the left side of this clip click on it and drag it all the way towards that beginning that will basically remove all the other footage just to this point but as you see if we were to play this video back we have a bunch of blank space so if you click on that empty space click delete this brings it to the the very beginning and now our video begins right here continue to play the video I have this empty Gap that I want to remove the middle out of so how do you do that the first thing we want to click on is our blade tool so move your attension right up here click on this little razor and then we can click and make a cut right here as you see there's a little perforated Edge so I want to cut it right here where I take too long with the bread tie and I want it to end right there so now I selected this little clip right in the middle that I want to remove just go ahead and click delete and again click on the middle delete and now we've removed that inner bit and made it a lot more Snappy and the handy tip is to look at our waveform when we're editing our talking head video so as you can see this little audio here it gets a little quiet it gets very low when I'm not talking and it gets much louder when I do talk so I can kind of use that as a guide of when I'm talking and what parts I want to remove and if you want to get more precise on where you're cutting just go up here to this zoom in tool and you can get really fine tune and start making your tweaks right here and you can also zoom out to and see your entire video across your timeline so now I'm just going to go through this entire video cutting the things that I don't want in the video and that way we'll have a nice Snappy edit you'll notice as I'm editing this ail I'm not actually using that blade tool instead I'm using a keyboard shortcut such as command B to make those cuts as I go along the video these little tricks help you speed up your workflow and it's definitely looking into if you plan to get into video editing a few moments later so now the video is much shorter and snappier however we have these harsh jump Cuts in the middle of our footage and it looks rather unpolished boring so to bring this video to life we want to add some b-roll to give more perspective to our video so in order to start placing our b-roll I'm going to to find a section where I think we could use some visuals and right here I listed that we'll need bread peanut butter and jelly so I've actually shot all that in our b-roll folder so go up to the top left and click on b-roll and we have a variety of different shots we can choose from I'm going to click on this first clip here and if I scroll to the very end I have this nice panning shot that shows all the ingredients laid out so what I'm going to do is find a good Endo when I start on the camera movement right about here click I on the keyboard and wait for it to end right here I'll click o and now I can basically do the same thing import this into our timeline now as you see when I brought in the video like I did before it also brings in audio track and we don't necessarily want to have audio with our b roll so instead what I'm going to do is click on this video only icon I'm going to click hold and drag this right above where we want our cut to be and if you bring it to a track above your a-roll timeline you can move this around without affecting your a-roll clip and now once I play it back need for this dish well you're going to need some bread some peanut butter and your favorite jelly already just a much more engaging video right off the gate so continue to play the video we're going to run across our jump cut basically this is where I've cut out all the fluff of me trying to fiddle around with the bread tie so we actually want to cut away and show A New Perspective and not have that obvious cut there if you download this footage and follow along you actually will see that I have a different camera angle so if I go to zve E10 a roll we'll see we have a top down perspective of this entire video so I'm going to go through and find the exact moment when I basically have untied the bread and we're going to place that over our jump cut again I'm going to click I and O and drag just the video right above this cut now when I play it back so let's first untie our bread bag make sure you leave the end piece in there no one wants that now it's just a lot smoother even though I've actually completely omitted me messing around with the bread tie when you look through this footage you may notice that some footage is 60 frames per second this is shot at a higher frame rate so I can later slow it down in editing so let me show you how to do that so I'm going to grab this clip right here and let's say I want this jelly spread to be slow motion so I'm going to select my in andout points I'm going to drag this onto the timeline as Boll I'm then going to rightclick and select change clip speed and then I can go over to the speed Tab and slow it down all the way down to 40% and once I click that you'll see that the clip is now very slow motion very cinematic looking I can then change how long I want the clip to last for but that will basically take your 60 frames per second and make it 24 which plays back as slow motion so as I place b-roll on this video I'm just going to listen through this entire video and when I have a good visual in mind or something that I shot I'm going to place it where it seems to fit so as an example when I first play this clip in this video we're going to show you how to make a p butter and jelly sandwich I think it would be good to show a visual of the final product so I'm going to reach up to this top clip and I have this nice panning shot so I'm going to click I right about here and that should be enough I'm going to click o again drag the video clip only and then I'm just going to time it when it seems right when I say the word peanut butter and jelly sandwich in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so let's start I'm going to cut right there just kind of trim the end end and now with that in place let's take a look at our edit in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so let's start off with the ingredients already just much more engaging to watch I'm going to do this exact same process throughout the entire video choosing angles that is best going to show the action so I've just gone through and placed b-roll throughout the entire video so let's go ahead and let's watch it back in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so let's start off with the ingredients you'll need for this dish well you're going to need some bread some peanut butter and your favorite jelly okay so the added Boll definitely does elevate the overall product and I think it does two things for us number one it just shows the overall Clarity of the process of making this sandwich and two I was able to actually trim more fluff from this by adding the b-roll I could get away with cutting some things that I wouldn't have if I were just using A- roll so overall I think we're a much better place but we can go further with today's sponsor if you're a content creator or a YouTuber and you're looking for music for your video projects then you definitely need to check out epidemic sound when you subscribe to epidemic sound you're able to use their entire music library and all of their sound effects inside of your YouTube videos and your social media content and still monetize your videos with the different albums and moods that you can go through you can actually find the perfect music for your project and then once you find a song that you like one of my favorite features is clicking on similar songs this then gives you a ton of different songs that are very similar to the mood and vibe that you liked before if you want to get started today with a special discount then make sure you check the link down in the description and let's get back into the video so after looking through epidemic sound I landed on this track right here and the first thing we're going to do is stick with the organization and create a new folder called music let's drag that in and I'm also going to drag this underneath that Master folder and boom we have our music folder with our music track right here so what I'm going to do is drag this into our timeline by just clicking and we're going to drag it underneath our audio section so it adds a new audio track and if I were to play this back in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter you can see we got our music in there but it's also way too loud so we want to lower down this audio so to change the volume of any audio you can actually reach up towards this little bar and you can lower this down I like to set my music somewhere around -30 for tutorial based content you want the music to be present but you don't want it to be overpowering what you're saying if you want a little bit more control just select on this audio track and go up here to the inspector make sure this is selected click on audio and here we can adjust the volume so we have a little bit more control we can also just double click on this and type in exactly if we want -30 so I like the current level of music as it's playing throughout the tutorial but I actually want a little a little bit louder towards the beginning so we can hear the music so to do this we're going to just zoom in this audio and if you ever want to change the size of the different tracks you're working with you can go over to these adjustments right here I'm just going to click and lower here so I can really see that audio file and what we're going to do is we're going to add some key frames I know scary word but trust me it's actually very easy I'm just going to click on option let's say I want to have the music pretty loud here but I want it to fade out right after we in introduce our ingredients so I'm going to put my first key frame here and let's say I want the second one here and basically I can then lift this section of the music let's say ne 24 and from this first key frame we put to the second key frame is going to gradually go quieter to the volume we set at so now let's take a listen in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so let's start start off with the ingredients you'll need for this dish well you're going to need some bread some peanut butter and your favorite jelly so let's first untie so that sounds pretty good if I want to make further adjustments you can click on this key frame and move it over just make sure that is set to that volume you want so -30 will be good boom again if you want to adjust the audio track you can just kind of move that back down and now we have a nice music that sets the tone for this tutorial but let's say you want want the music to slowly Fade Into Your Video well we can actually do this fairly simply by clicking on this little white tab on the left corner of this track and we can fade it in so let's say we have it at a 2 second duration so once I play this in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly it gradually Rises to the appropriate volume and you can do the exact same thing for the ending as well now just a quick note on music I feel like for educational based videos you do really want to have something very simplistic stick in the background if you have music that starts competing with your vocals it can be very distracting and I think it removes away from the educational quality of the video so having the music very subtle but also simplistic kind of Airy and slightly positive for a fun video like this I think this track works well now that we got our a roll cut we added some b roll and now we put some music I think this video is already a much better place it is totally watchable at this point however I think you do want to spice it up a little bit more so let's talk about adding in some text I think it'll be nice to show some text for what the ingredients are so I'm going to go over and make sure my effects tab is open go down to titles and let's just choose basic text I'm going to drag and drop that above my b-roll clip and as you can see we have some basic titles go ahead and click on that and in this box we can change it to anything we like so let's just type in bread right from here we have a myriad of different controls we can change the position of which this is at the different scales you can even change the rotation if you want to and quick note if you ever do want to undo something you can either click command Z or you can click on this little undo for this particular function so let's say I want it to go back in the center I just click that boom very useful tool so I want to change the position of this text so what I'm going to do is go down to the X and Y coordinates and I'm just going to click and drag this down right here towards the bottom I think this would be a good place to put our text now let's think about changing our font so I'm going to go through and pick a good font and here we go I'm just going to go with the classic think media font and let's just go ahead and bring up that scale just a bit we can also choose to apply a drop shadow which is enabled right here and just go ahead and choose the offset and that will kind of darken what's behind that text which I think is really nice so now if I play this video clip back you're going to need some bread our text now appears however it was quite abrupt so you may want to add some transitions so let's go over here to our toolbox and right under video transitions we have a bunch but my favorite is to find the push one so I'm just click that magnifying glass find the push one we're going to drag it right over to the left side here and as you can see there is a little handle now and I can change the duration of this so for now let's just set it around there 14 frames should be good if I were to play it back on its default settings as you can see it just kind of slides in which is definitely nice however we can tweak the settings we want so I want this text to rise from the bottom up so let's click on it go over to push click push up and we can change the few parameters such as the ease I like to put ease in and out what this does is instead of it being very linear robotic it kind of does a more natural flowing motion so let's go ahead and watch that you're going to need some bread very nice I think it definitely adds a little bit more Pizzazz to this text I'm going to trim this right over here and then I'm going to copy this animation by holding down the option key click and drag that over and now we also have this transition but when we play this back you'll see a problem some bread it just kind of goes way off screen so in I want to change the preset to push down and now here is our effect you're going to need some bread some peanut it it's a little bit too quick so let's actually change this push animation and let's make that shorter so it has more time to be on screen you're going to need some bread now it's a little bit jittery so what you can do is just add some motion blur and that will help smooth things out going to need some bread I think this works pretty nicely now I want this to apply to my other ingredients as well and we've done quite a bit of work just to reach this point so a good way just to copy our work is to hold down option click on this and just drag it over let go and then let go of option and now we have another text frame to work with all I have to do at this point is just type in my other ingredient going to make sure this fits over that clip and I'm going to do the same thing for the jelly and with that we made a very basic text and animations to go with it a cool thing about these transition is it also works for video clips so I'm just going to copy the animation we made already hold down option and I'm going to click and release it right here and boom now we have a smooth animation from our a roll to our b roll oh my god wow you'll notice that this footage is all shot on a tripod so there is no camera movement and now if you want to add a little bit more spice into your videos you can actually add some of this camera movement in post let me show you how to do that so in my main angle it is shot on tripod no camera movement whatsoever if I decide I want to add some digital camera movement what I'm first going to do is I'm just going to make a cut right here where I am on screen this will come in handy a little bit later I'm then going to click on this clip make sure you're under inspector and click on Dynamic Zoom make sure it's turned on and just click on it to see this drop- down menu we're going to keep it on linear and what we need need to do now is we need to go down to this little icon right here and click on Dynamic Zoom we'll have two frames a green and a red frame our green frame is our starting movement so let's say I have want this to kind of start closer and then digitally scale out so I'm going to set that frame right around here and let's watch this back now in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so now with a few quick steps we just have this nice subtle camera movement pulling out that adds just a little bit more interest to a static shot we can actually further control what this Dynamic Zoom is doing so we can choose to go from linear or an ease in an ease basically is going to help create more natural movement so it's going to start off slower then ramp up for this I like to keep it linear now with that animation combined with our b-roll this is our result in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so let's start off with the ingredients you'll need for this dish all righty this is taking nice shape and it's much more entertaining to watch now I want to take you to my favorite part of editing and I think it is often overlooked by YouTubers but it is something you should pay attention to and I think can really improve the overall look of your video and that is color correction to do this I'm just going to click on my a-roll clip and head over to the color Tab and yes this kind of looks scary at first but we're only going to do a few basic adjustments and it's going to take us really far the first step of the color correction process that I like to do is get a proper white balance so sometimes your footage can look a little bit too warm or a little bit too cool well we can actually fix that in one simple step we're going to reach down for this ey dropper tool and we're going to select on something that is white and bright so I'm just going to select on this plate because it happens to be there now you may not have noticed a difference but if we look down here on the temperature and the 10 settings we can see that it decided to make it a little bit cooler and add a little bit more green so it was a little bit too warm and a little bit too magenta but it fixed for that the second thing I like to do is make sure my exposure is right so if I go down here we have these different color wheels one is called lift gamma gain and offset that is really confusing but what I like to think of this is Shadows midtones highlights and just general exposure so if I mess with the offset it kind of increases everything can also darken it let's say you make a mistake you can just again click this tool right here get back to default the third thing I like to do is add in a little bit of contrast so let's go ahead and just move this to the right not too much because we're again we're pretty close already the fourth step is to add some saturation so if I go down here to the saturation slider as I increase this it's going to make it more colorful if you start going too far it starts looking really bad so just keep it very subtle maybe 55 now it may look like we haven't done much of a difference but if I toggle this on and off you can see it is quite substantial and I do think the higher contrast more saturated look is definitely more appealing to look at now so far we've only color graded this one clip if I go further in the video you can see that it's not the color graded version so if I want to apply this color grade to all the Clips in my video what I can do is Click command C on the clip we color graded click command a to select all of it and then click command V and that will apply the color grade to all the Clips in our video now quick Pro tip here is if you plan on doing your color correction I recommend doing it as the first step of your video because then later when you make your Cuts you don't have to go in and apply it to every single clip just makes it a little bit faster all right so with the color gray done it's already looking so much better but now it's time to improve the sound of our video now I think a lot of people Overlook the audio part of a YouTube video but I think it is the most important it's really important that you hear what's being said as clearly as possible now for here it helps that I have a nice microphone attached to me so that way we have decent audio and I always recommend having good audio when you're shooting the video but there are a few things we can do to improve the audio in post production and for that we need to head over to the fair light tab yeah another scary screen but don't worry we'll guide through you step by step we won't do too much in this the first thing we want to look at is this little audio thing right here this basically will change the audio track layer so it doesn't doesn't matter how many Clips you have on track audio one this will raise all of them so when I play back this clip as you can see it gets pretty louder here but I can just lower this to have something that's a little bit more manageable and you want your audio to be hitting around -3 -6 DB around here for this I think this is probably pretty good and as you can see on audio track 2 is my music and it's way down here where we want it all right so now we set our audio levels which is definitely really good but I actually want to improve the audio quality of my lapel microphone the first thing I want to do is disable my music so I don't hear that as I'm working on this audio so you can either click on this music track and select mute or you can select on just your audio and select solo sometimes that's a little bit easier to do so if now I soloed this audio clip I just hear me so now I'm going to click on this EQ tab I'm just going to give it a double click and this brings up a little graph like this this is a little bit complicated but if you roughly follow this shape you will get a little bit better audio so let's go ahead and click on band one and band Six going to move the six so think of this as your low ends and your high ends what we'll want to do is kind of cut out some of the lower frequencies that our main audio my voice is not picking up this kind of cuts down on the room tone in our audio I'm also going to this band five little one and I'm just going to raise it up put all the peanut butter on there and this is going to improve my high end which is going to give it a little bit more clarity now you don't want to go too high with this cuz it'll start kind of bleeding your ears but just enough to kind of give it more clarity now with lav mics in particular sometimes it can sound a little bit muffled and if we want to kind of improve that we can go down here to this three and we're going to find the frequencies we want to remove so I'm just going to raise this up increase the factor so we get a very narrow angle can easily spread across and now I like like to kind of wipe the excess off there I'm going to grab so you can hear this really booming sound all jelly it doesn't sound good but we found a good frequency we can eliminate so if I just lower this down to around -6 and make it a little bit wider we've kind of cut down that frequency and now I like to kind of wipe the excess off there sounds a little better I'm going to do the same thing for audio 4 we're going to grab our jelly so we got some so it's a really echoey tinny sound I found that point I'm just going to lower it on cord grape jelly and we're just going to something like here put a mount that we desire so now let's take a listen to what it sound like before in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and now I'll turn it back on in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I think that sounds much better it definitely makes the voice sound more full and it removes some of that muffly tones once you're happy with your EQ we can now exit out of that and make sure to unsolo your audio so that way it brings your music back all right we've already gone so far we edited our a roll we added some b roll we added some text music some animations and even improve the color grading and the audio quality this is a part where I like to take a breather we've already got a lot of work into it sometimes you can be blind to some of your editing mistakes so take a few minutes just relax relax zone out go for a walk grab a cup of coffee and then sit back and watch your video again with fresh eyes one thing I like to do is get my friend's perspective on it now that I've basically worked on the video I feel comfortable enough to show it to someone who can watch it and they can give me their genuine feedback now oddly enough sometimes just by having your friend watch the video they may not say anything to you but you'll start to see all the flaws and you know oh I actually want to fix this so it's a great way to apply those changes and improve your overall video all right so now you edited your video it's time to export it the first thing we want to do in the edit page is Select our in and out points on our timeline this tells resolve where we want the video to begin and where we want it to end so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go to the very end of our project Zoom way in and I'm going to click o and as you can see there's a little handle right above here a little gray bar make sure this is set to the end and not out here cuz then you'll have a black screen so again make sure that is nicely aligned with our last frame and that should include the first frame as well but you can always just make sure and click I just to double check with our In-N-Out points selected we want to go over to the deliver page so up here in the top left we can give our video a file name so I'm just going to say again PB&J tutorial then we want to choose a location go ahead and click browse and click a folder of where you want this video to be exported I recommend going to that same root folder we made called PB&J and then I like to make a new folder called exports go ahead and create and let's hit save now we want to make sure we have some settings checked everything should be kind of like mine but just double check make sure it's single clip export video I have to use Quicktime h.264 and I'm actually going to change the resolution to 3840 by 2160 this is a 4K export so make sure it's nice and high quality and just double check your settings match mine I'm going to go down to add to render Q go ahead and click add higher resolution renders and now we just hit render and wait for the video to export so now that it's completed I'm going to exit out of resolve and now I'm going to open up our final export video go ahead and watch it and review it just to make sure there's no export errors or glitches all right so let's go ahead and watch our final video in this video we're going to show you how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so let's start off with the ingredients you'll need for this dish well you're going to need some bread some peanut butter and your favorite jelly so let's first untie our bread bag make sure you leave the end piece in there no one wants that then we're going to grab a clean knife and grab some peanut butter we're going to go with the creamy version this time around and we're just going to grab a healthy dose of it like that and we're just going to spread it evenly across all over the sides we're going to need a little bit more than that just put all the peanut butter on there it's helpful if you have room temperature peanut butter so it can easily spread across and now I like to kind of wipe the excess off there and we're going to grab our jelly so we got some conch board grape jelly and we're just going to put a mount that we desire I guess that's maybe a little bit too much but we'll rock with that spread across evenly and now once we have both sides evenly applied going to press the piece of bread together and there you have the sandwich now you like to get fancy you can cut this in half there you have your peanut butter and jelly sandwich now for the last and remaining step is to try it so let's get a taste tastes like childhood classic Nostalgia very nice and there you have it how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich thanks for watching all right there it is it's a very basic tutorial but I hope this gets you up and running and creating for your own YouTube videos and if you are brand new to video editing chances are you're going to be running into some beginner mistakes nol and I share how to avoid and fix them in this video right here so go ahead and click that and I'll see you in a future video peace
Channel: Think Media
Views: 18,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, video editing software, how to use davinci resolve, learn davinci resolve, video editing tutorial, how to edit videos, think media, how to edit with davinci resolve, davinci resolve transition, davinci resolve color grading, video editing for beginners, davinci resolve for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, how to edit youtube videos, editing in davinci resolve, video editing tips, davinci resolve tutorials
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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