HOW TO CREATE A FREE LANDING PAGE | MailChimp Tutorial for Beginners (2021)

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landing pages are vital for capturing information from your audience and one of the most important stages in your sales process hey guys Stewart here welcome back I hope everyone as well today I'm going to guide you through how to create a free landing page using MailChimp now MailChimp is a powerful free email marketing platform that is ideal for small businesses looking to grow their email list and get involved in email marketing and automation today's focus is on showing you how to create a beautiful landing page that converts so you can start building your email list and growing your audience and community now before we get started and if you get value from today's video then please give us a like and leave a comment down below and if you're new here today consider subscribing to stay updated with new in actionable videos designed to help your small business thrive online and with that covered let's start creating your landing page using MailChimp [Music] okay so here we have the landing page that we're going to create today using MailChimp now with a landing page you want to have a single focused call-to-action as you can see we want to capture our visitors email address and name this is how we can build our email list for future email marketing activities essentially we want to build up our community and audience okay so let's get started the first step to building your landing page is to sign up or log in to MailChimp okay so the first thing you want to do is head over to MailChimp comm and sign up if you don't already have an account if you do then just log in what we're going to do is because this is all about building a landing page we're gonna skip through this signup process it's very straightforward and we'll meet you at the MailChimp dashboard okay great so here we are at our MailChimp dashboard now once you've signed up you've logged in this is what you're going to see you're going to see all these elements here on your dashboard now up the top are some important elements here is where you can create an email add website your landing page which will jump into in a moment survey social posts signup forms and postcard so with MailChimp you don't just have the option to create our email marketing activities but you have other marketing automation activities that you can get involved in but today we're just going to talk about landing page how to create a converting landing page now we also have campaigns automation audience brand and reports then we have our settings up here but what we'll do is we'll dive into the landing page so the first thing is we want to understand our audience so this is your audience here when you sign up with MailChimp for the free version you can only create one audience so we've already got an audience created here called Stewart tutorials now you can rename that if you like and you can import contacts that you might already have just down here so we've got an audience that Stewart's tutorials now we want to create a landing page where we can capture our audience's information email and name and we can add them to this audience so that we can retarget and kind of build our audience in our relationship with our audience later on down the track so let's create our landing page what you want to do is hit over to create and then head down to landing page and click landing page now here you want to name your landing page okay so I've named my landing page digital marketing for beginners then we want to pop down here and click on your audience now remember like I said before you can only create one audience we've got Stuart's tutorials so again that's going to automatically show up there and then we'll click begin then we just want to accept terms and conditions so we can use these templates if we like now as you can see we have a bunch of templates that we can choose from to create a landing page so again if you don't want to create one from scratch you can come down here and you can select one of these free landing page templates to start building from so we're going to start off with something simple and start creating from a basic template so we're going to click grow your list because that's essentially what we want to do we want to grow your email list with this landing page so click here to view the landing page and as you can see this has taken us to the basic landing page template which we can now customize and change the way that we like now the great thing about this is it's a really simple landing page builder which we can simply drag and drop to add to our landing page again we can also just come over to the left hand side and we can drag each of these blocks to the position that we like on our landing page and you can also edit each of these blocks by simply clicking edit block on this icon here and that will bring up the information on the right hand side where we can edit and change the content so again it's very simple to create and change the content on this landing page it's a really easy landing page builder so remember the reason we want to create this landing page so we can start building our email list building our audience so we can start with email marketing activities later on down the track so let's start building your landing page so the first thing we want to do is change the background image because as you can see it's just this dull gray color so you can come up here and you can change the here if you have a specific color that maybe represents your brand your business you can choose that color here or you can add an image so what I'll do is end image here and as you can see we don't have any images or files on this account so what I'll do is pop up here and click upload and then I'm going to select background and click open now what you can actually do is head over to and you can download images you can create your own business content for free using canva now the image we've just downloaded as you can see here we actually just downloaded from it's a free image that we've downloaded and we're going to use for the background of this landing page and you can do the same so head over to if you don't have any business materials or any content any images and download the images that you like using canva com all right so I'm happy with that image there that background image and I'm gonna click select and it will take some time to upload but as you can see we have the image background here so I like the look of that now what we want to do is add a logo here so what we want to do is click this edit block icon and come over here and click replace and I'm gonna come over here and click upload and then I'm going to select this logo here and click open again that's going to take some time to upload and then I want to select the logo and click insert and that's going to insert my logo here now you can also come across and change the size so I like the look of that size there then when you're happy with that come down here and click Save and close so we've got our logo here now we want to edit our headline so this is going to be compelling this is going to be enticing we want to invite people to essentially look at our landing page and enter their email information and name so we can capture their information and build our email list so I'm going to edit this heading here and then I'm gonna delete this and then paste my content here so as you can see I've already created my own content and it's on a document so I'm just copying and pasting to make this processes tutorial a lot faster so make sure you have your content in place already so again I've got helping your small business thrive online and as you can see I have made it italic I've also a underline under this particular word thrive and I'm happy with that although it's quite large so I'm gonna highlight the text and come across here and change the size to about not 24 it's a bit too small we'll go we'll go 26 and I'm happy with that and I'm gonna click Save and close then we want to come down and change the body text I'm going to click Edit I'm going to delete the dummy text here and then paste my already existing content so here we have our content again we want to make it as compelling and inviting as possible and you want to share the value you want to explain exactly what you're giving and return for their email address so I'm gonna highlight this text and I'm gonna click center-aligned I like the look of that again some of it I have already highlighted here this whole section here has been highlighted some of it has some of the words underlined again that looks quite good I could change the size but I'm happy with that text and then I'm gonna click Save and close however I don't like how it's all just plain white so what I actually want to do is change the background color of this section here now I can't actually do it with this block itself I need to come across and I need to click on this box text and drag that across here and put that just above the original text box now what I need to do is transfer this information up here so I'm just going to click here to in it I'm gonna highlight all this information ctrl C I'm gonna copy it I'm gonna come over here and delete this block yes you know I'm gonna click it and highlight this information and control V and paste that information that I just deleted into this textbox hit and then click Save and close and as you can see this is a boxed text so it looks a bit more attractive than just the plain white background so I'm happy with that click Save and close so again we've got the logo we've got a header here then we've got our body text and then down here we've got our email information so this is where people put in their email address I want to add their name as well so I'm going to click Edit this box and then we've got the email address so the available fields we've got email address you can click all of these if you like so we've got the email address and first name again you can add last name address phone number birthday if you like but you want to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible you can come down here and change the subscribe button I'm happy with that subscribe yep we'll go subscribe we'll leave it as it is and then after they have submitted we can have confirmation message yep we'll keep that and then you can change that confirmation message down here success you've been added to the audience I'm going to change it to you've been added to our small business community yep I'm happy with that and then click Save and close now that looks quite good so far but we want to have a footer and we want to add some more information down here so what we'll do is come over here and add a divider so I'm gonna drag this and put that under here I'm happy with all this information here again you can edit the style the sizing the padding here I'm gonna leave that as is I'm gonna click Save and close and then I'm gonna come up here and add an image and we drag this image below the divider and then I'm gonna come across here and upload an image so I'm going to come over here I don't want any of these images I've already got my logo so I'm going to click upload and I'm going to add this image of myself and click open I'm going to select the image of myself and click insert add an image or it's up to you what you want to add here but we're gonna add an image of myself and then again I'm gonna resize that image I'm gonna keep it let's say that size looks quite good and I'm happy with that then what I want to do is click Save and close I'm gonna come back over to box tix and drag that under here then what I want to do is get rid of this and add my title here so struggle digital strategist project and content director at sin do media so they're just kind of like I said before gives authority and credibility so that's me this is our company my company and this is the information about this landing page and what we're going to kind of offer and return for their email address and name so that looks quite good so far another thing we want to do one of the last things is add social media buttons so people can head to our website or they can head to our other social media channels so I'm going to click Save and close and then what I'm gonna do is come over here and click on social follow and drag that and pop that below this blocked text and as you can see we have the social media elements here now what I want to do is change this so we've got Facebook here again all you want to do is copy your URL to your Facebook page if you have a business Facebook page and paste that in here so for example as is send do media again you can just hit over to the Facebook page and copy and paste the URL here again we don't use Twitter so we're going to change that to LinkedIn then again you can add your Linkedin URL here it could be your personal profile or it could be your business page your company page if you have one and in your website's answers Cindy okay Enz so we have with that then you can add another you can add up to 10 we're gonna remove this and we're gonna find it YouTube there it is and then what we would do is would actually add our YouTube URL here so just copy your URL like I said before and add that up here and then I'm going to and I'm happy with that so I'm gonna click Save and as you can see that is our landing page now I'm actually really happy with that I'm going to leave it as it is it's simple its straightforward its colorful words it's professional and it has all the information I want to convert my visitors my audience into essentially adding them to my email list now again you can come over here there's other options and then what we want to do is come down here when you're happy with your landing page click Save and continue and then over here you want to add your page title name so we're going to say small business community so I'm happy with that and click Save and then down here you can add the URL so you can create your own URL here or you can connect a domain so I'm just going to type in the business name which is Cindy I media so I'm happy with that and click Save and then down here we've got audiences and tag so contacts will be added to Stewart's Stewart tutorials which I'm happy with remember if you want to create more audiences and you need to upgrade for now we'll just leave it as Stewart tutorials and then the contents you can preview by clicking preview and we can see this on desktop so that looks very attractive I like to look at that then we can click mobile and that will show you it on mobile if you're happy with that and see what I'd probably do is make this takes a bit smaller because it's it doesn't look very responsive on mobile but for now because it's just a tutorial we'll leave that as it is and we'll click it's an out of preview mode and then we'll come up here and we'll click publish and congratulations your landing page is now live on the web and here it is here so what you want to do is copy this here and then share it on Facebook on Twitter you can share on blog posts on your YouTube channel and your videos you can send it via email to individuals you can send paid traffic or organic traffic and then people can sign up through this landing page so that's fantastic then once you've got that up and running what you can do is head over to your audience here when someone pops in their email address and name and they sign up through your landing page that email address is going to show up here and then what you can do when you've built up a bit of an audience you can come over to campaigns you can see your landing page that's active here you can create another landing page if you like and then you can come over here and click create and then click email and here you can create an email so for example keep your subscribers engaged by sharing your latest news promoting a line of products or announcing an event so you can create emails and start targeting those individuals that signed up through your landing page this is all part of email marketing but what we wanted to talk about today is just creating your landing page and we've created it just here and that is how you build your email list with a landing page and there we have it that is how you can simply create a free landing page using MailChimp thank you for watching I hope you found this MailChimp tutorial helpful if you did please give us a like and leave a comment down below and if you haven't done so already make sure you subscribe to this channel and we will see you in next week's video take you [Music]
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 34,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to create a landing page, mailchimp landing page, free landing page, landing page builder, mailchimp tutorial, how to make a landing page, how to create a free landing page, how to build a landing page, landing pages tutorial, mailchimp tutorial for beginners, landing page creator, landing page design, landing pages, landing page for small business, stewart gauld, landing page
Id: W0O0KKC1eDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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