5 Crucial Things Every Landing Page Should Have (With Examples)

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if you want to design great landing pages and by that i mean landing pages that actually convert you're gonna have to use these five elements that we're gonna break down in this video including examples so stay tuned [Music] hey everybody what is up my name is ron sego welcome back to flux where we're talking about everything that has to do with web design and freelancing and making a living as designers today we're going to talk about landing pages now the difference between a landing page and just a normal website is that a landing page is usually a page where you directly send traffic to because you want to convert because you want to achieve something you want them to sign up you want them to buy and usually you bring people in from either ads or you have some kind of a funnel that drive traffic into this page this is not your normal website where you're showing everything that you have this is a very very specific page with a very very specific goal now in this goal if you want to make sure that people convert to the action that you want you're going to have to use five elements on this page the first one and we're gonna i'm gonna show you example first i wanna break them down then i'll show you the actual examples the first one is to have a very very clear value proposition okay you have to explain people what's in it for them if this is not very very clear and very very powerful they're going to just move on to the next thing so very very clear value proposition the next thing is you obviously need a very very strong call to action right you need to tell them what to do right click here sign up here leave your email if you're not very very clear and very very upfront and very very much almost the first thing tells them what you want them to do most likely this thing is not going to happen so you're going to have to have a very very clear call to action the third thing is you need to keep them focused right people lose attention if you're going to show them everything that you have if you're going to tell them all the tiny little details you're going to lose them so on landing pages we're keeping people very very focused by limiting a lot of stuff and we're going to show you in a second how that looks like the third actually fourth thing that we're talking about is the visual you always want to show them some kind of an image and that image is hopefully is going to explain to them what they are going to get what are they signing up for so it has to be very very clear image however it's also great if that email image can also invoke emotion that would lead to them taking actual action and the five fifth thing that you'll need on your landing page is probably some social proof and by social brief i mean show an example of other people using this who else is using it we as people were very very biased to believe that if a lot of other people have used this or bought this thing then you know then it's probably a good thing and we should actually try this and by adding either logos or numbers or testimonials or something like this which is called a social proof on a website it's going to really really increase the likelihood of people actually taking action so let's see some landing pages and see how these elements come into play in different landing pages so we'll start with shopify now note this is a shopify and this link this is not shopify.com this is shopify free trial this is probably where they're sending people from ads into this is not the whole shopify website this is a very very clean so note we talked about focus there is no navigation here there are no other pages that you can go to this is only this so very very focused page sell online with shopify very very clear call very very clear value proposition you know what they do and you know why you want to do this if you want to sell online then this is your solution then the next line is trusted by over 1 million businesses worldwide remember we talked about social proof here it is in the very very big kind of subject and then what we have here leave your email start your free trial so a very very clear call to action with an image here that what do you what do we see in the image so we see kind of a shop right we know that when we see product integrate it's usually a shop we see some graphs here probably hinted at some analytics we see the shopping cart so we know this is an e-commerce website so basically they're saying want a great ecommerce website sign up with us we can scroll here we'll get a little bit more you know benefits and features a little bit more logos but this is a little bit more of the same right more social proof more features but again note how focused this is very very short page call to action at the top call to action at the bottom let's move into the next one so the next one is for webflow now this is actually their own website which includes a lot of stuff but if we break down just the top of the website note there is no navigation actually we don't see any of the other pages we just see it get started and get started here their value proposition is break the code barrier and they explain it here build better business websites faster without coding in the visual they're showing you how they're building a website a little bit of the ui and then lots of logos of big companies that you know so again very very clear focused value proposition call to action get started it's free and then social proof now if we keep scrolling here then we're actually going to move in kind of to the normal website where you'll see a lot of other stuff but if you break down the top of the website the top of the website was built to be kind of a landing page experience at the top the next one is netflix which again this is actually netflix.com this is the main one but they're treating it as a landing page so again no navigation at the top besides sign in for people who already purchased then we have the value proposition 100 entertainment for whatever price for the first 30 days watch anywhere and then very very very big kind of subscript subscribe here give us your email and try it for this price and uh so very very clear in the background we see the image which basically shows you the grid of a lot a lot of shows they do kind of expand a little bit on the offer here but again this is a very very short page just some frequently asked question which will help them kind of sell they do not use social proof on this page but perhaps just because netflix is so big they don't feel like they need social proof at this point but they did build it as a very very high converting landing page the last one is hootsuite the best way to manage social media so again clear focus there is no navigation at all very very clear uh value proposition best way to manage social media see our plans is their call to action the visual shows you kind of the dashboard of how you're scheduling posts and so forth and then they're just talking about the different pricing and trying to sell to you then you have a little bit more kind of again features and stuff like that but that's it no navigation just getting you to check out their plans because the and the reason that they're expanding here is because they've used the same kind of landing page for different types of users so they're not sure they can't just get them to sign up here they need to ch they need the user to choose the right um the right plan and then start their 30-day free trial all right i hope this was useful for you i hope you're gonna note these five elements and use them on the design of your next web design project the landing page project for now the one thing that is really important is for you to click the like button and then we'll catch you on the next video
Channel: Flux
Views: 137,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landing page, landing page tutorial, landing page design, landing page wordpress, landing pages that convert, landing page vs website, landing page html css, landing page shopify, landing page elementor, landing pages taht convert, web design, website design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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