How To Build An Affiliate Marketing Website in 2020 (Make Money Online)

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so in this all-inclusive tutorial we are going to walk you through step by step how to start an affiliate marketing website so that you can make money online now we have to start every video with this disclaimer that we're not selling you courses there's no online pitch to get you into our program and mentor you to charge you $2,000 to learn how to do this this is all free and this is very real now with that said this is not something that you can become a millionaire overnight you're not gonna wake up tomorrow and have a Lamborghini and in your driveway from affiliate marketing but this is a very real strategy for making money online we make tens of thousands of dollars per month with affiliate marketing I'm gonna show you step by step how exactly you can do this now we have a number of sources that we do this from some of them being our YouTube channel some of them being from our web sites but we want to break this down into a really all-inclusive tutorial for you here today so there's a couple of things that we're gonna do we're gonna go through step by step how to do this and the first thing that we want to do is talk about domain and hosting where are you getting your website from how are you naming your website we'll talk about how to set up the initial process of getting your website active getting it live and then starting to build it so after we talk about domain and hosting we're gonna talk about installing WordPress we'll talk about some other options as well if you don't want to use WordPress there are other options out there for building a website what's gonna be the best option for you we'll talk about that and then we will discuss how to build your website the actual logistics of building your site and I can tell you this now that you don't have to necessarily be a rocket scientist or a computer scientist to know how to build a website now it certainly helps to know how to code but you don't have to necessarily know how to do that in fact we know so many people who have very little computer experience but they're still able to build a very professional website that makes them thousands of dollars per month so you don't have to be particularly smart to do this I'm not particularly smart but it's something that we can do without having a massive level of knowledge or skill prior to actually building a website and then we will talk about creating content how you should be writing articles the types of articles how would the be strategy behind that and then we'll talk about search engine optimization which is going to be getting your website viewed how do you actually get people onto your site how ranked it in Google we will discuss all of those factors that are going into effect there and then we will finally discuss more ways of getting traffic in and really establishing your site so that you are monetizing it as best as possible you are getting higher conversion rates so we'll discuss all of that in today's video but the one thing that we need to realize is that affiliate marketing it's been around for a couple of decades now and some of the largest websites in the world are primarily earning their revenue from affiliate marketing now failing marketing it tends to get a bad rap in some cases because there's always going to be the sleazy people out there who will be promoting products that are cramped product so they give fake reviews on a product and they end up making money off of it but their morals aren't necessarily correct they are creating fake reviews there they're doing things that are really not good but if we look at some of the largest websites that that we could use for this example a company like Bank rate which in 2016 which I know it's about four or five years ago was the last time that they published their public numbers and they pulled in about four hundred some million dollars from affiliate revenue from this website here so you can see it is very real some companies make hundreds of millions of dollars from affiliate marketing and it's still growing even today in 2020 so I think what we'll do is I will bring us over to in my computer and then I'll walk you through every step of the process of getting set up with this now as I said this is not going to be a quick video that's a get-rich-quick make money fast online type of video this is going to be a tutorial this is going to be long I suggest taking on a pen taking out a piece of paper and writing down some of the things that we talked about in this video so that you can replicate this and you can do this after you watch this video or you can consider maybe opening up another tab on your computer pulling up a different computer and starting to follow along in this process so that you can do this correctly know there's not one set in stone way to build a website for affiliate marketing but the way that we're going to show you today is the one that we recommend a lot of people choose to go this route and it can be a very effective route to take so when hosting our website we're gonna have a number of different options for where we want to host this site now the one that we'll be using for this tutorial is going to be site ground I'll leave a link for it down below as well as the timestamps for this video so if you want to kind of jump around to sort sections of the video or you want to jump and fast forward pass this signup process or you want to go to the affiliate marketing side of it I'll leave all of those different time stamps down below in the description as well as a link to psych round here if you want to follow along in this video but for the price of essentially a Big Mac at McDonald's or even cheaper than a Big Mac at McDonald's you can build an online business with affiliate marketing so I think it's relatively affordable for 3 dollars and 95 cents a month keep note that you might see some of these prices fluctuate this and if the regular price is 1195 per month but if you don't want to use psych round if you want to kind of look for other ones as well that's totally ok we know people who use something like Bluehost which you're gonna be able to follow along for most of the tutorial with Bluehost just may be a couple of parts in the beginning are gonna be a little bit more different than with a psych round but it's certainly one that you can use as well we've had success hosting with Bluehost but there's also different ones like host Pappa Hostgator DreamHost the list goes on with the difference in different hosting services that you can use to build your WordPress website and I do want to mention one other things before we can jump into this and take you through showing you how to build this site ground site is that you could use something like Squarespace I know people who want to keep things super simple and although you don't have to know how to code to use SiteGround which we'll be showing you in this tutorial you don't have to be a computer scientist some people still want to go for the easiest simplest option which at that point would probably be something like square space or Wix the only issues with those is that they're a little bit more expensive if you want to start with Squarespace or Wix you're probably gonna be paying a little bit of a premium of closer to $20 per month rather than something like three dollars and ninety-five cents per month so that's why we're going with this option for SiteGround with WordPress so I honestly recommend people just go with the start up option and then you can upgrade to these other options later on but for this tutorial won't go at the grow big plan just so we can give it ourselves a little bit more wiggle room for growth in the future now the first thing that we need to do is we need to register a domain now maybe you already have a domain but your domain I think most people already understand what that is it's essentially your website name so McDonald's calm for example right that is the domain is McDonald's calm Nate O'Brien calm is one of my websites right and so that's the domain so if you don't have one yet if you don't own one then you're going to need to register one you can buy one for $15.95 per year which is pretty standard pricing from from my opinion for registering a domain I have a slew of domains I probably have twenty or thirty domains by now just over the years as I've accumulated them but for this definitely think about it a little bit make sure that you are finding a website that you know make sense my tips for finding a good domain is whatever your affiliate marketing website is going to be about trying to make it something similar to that so if you create a domain that doesn't make any sense it's going to be a little bit more difficult to really build that up to a very profitable website I would also argue that you want to really go for calm you're gonna see all these other options for things that you can name your website and a lot of people are incentivized to maybe do like dot biz or dot info what I would suggest doing unless you live in a different country and you're gonna use like not Netherlands here or dot UK because you live in those countries and that makes a lot of sense but the best bet from our experience from a search engine optimization perspective and from people clicking on your link it's going to be using com for your option for that and also for domains is the the shorter is typically better for domains so if you have a domain that is extremely long like Nate's barber shop this that this that it's like ten words and it's like 100 characters it's gonna be less likely for people to click on it so the shorter the domain the better the more traffic that they get this is actually there's been studies on this that show that the shorter the domain the better overall but try to keep it relevant so for this one I think what we'll do is we're gonna create a mock website and we'll call it supplements and you'll see why because this is going to be our affiliate marketing website for supplements for bodybuilders for people who work out a lot and they're looking for whey protein and different types of things that's what we use for this example I I hope this domain is available we're gonna be registering one here and supplements nation we're gonna calm you could use dotnet I would say that if you can't find a calm if you really can't find a calm then go with that net but all the other ones I would really try to avoid if I were you if you can unless of course you are some type of tech company and you want to use dot IO or something but calm is going to be your best bet for that so supplementation calm click proceed hopefully this is available and it looks like it is so that's pretty cool if you wanna do some more research on that you can go and get like GoDaddy or even look them up on Squarespace and you can find domains that are available and domains are not available at the time so then I'm going to enter all of this information I'm going to kind of skip forward here and enter this information but there's a couple of things that we want to be aware of here so for the period 12 months is gonna be our choice here going for something longer you're not gonna really see a discount with SiteGround so the price stays relatively the same for whether you're doing 12 months 24 or 36 so because there's no discount we're just gonna go with 12 months and then also the one-month trial they set you they hate you with the $25 or setup fee so that's probably not worth it so the 12 month phase is what it's going to be our best option for this now there's a couple of things that we do need to really think about here so domain registration yes we're buying the domain of supplements to build our affiliate website for supplements and for nutritional products for weight lifters bodybuilders people who work out that as I just said is going to be the example that we use for this video but you can choose any type of affiliate direction that you would like to go and if you want to go with with just your name if you find that your name is available as well that could be an option I know that I used NATO Brian comm starting to build that site up just kind of getting started on that one but domain primacy something that you are definitely going to want to click on and if you don't have domain privacy essentially what's gonna happen is you're gonna have so much spam coming in from every direction possible when you don't have domain privacy it's only 12 dollars a year and it's gonna save you a lot of headache I'm just telling you now that you're probably gonna want this and then psych ground site site scanner you don't necessarily need this when you first start but once you build up your site quite a bit if it gets bigger you have a lot of traffic you will want to be worried about people hacking or injecting malicious code into your website so you'll probably want SiteGround at some point in the future you'll probably want this site scanner but for now you know if you're just getting started and you want just want to get your feet wet here with the website there's no point in adding on all of these additional expenses just making it more expensive than it already is now you just have to go down here and click both of these and then we can sign up for this and actually we don't want to receive a site ground news and special offers so we won't click that one there and then we'll click pay now and it will take us to the next part of the process for creating our affiliate marketing all right so now it says that our account was successfully created and this is where it's gonna get fun this is where it's important to pay close attention hopefully maybe you're doing this in a separate tab on your computer or you're at least taking notes here so that you're knowing what to do when you go about this for yourself so well proceed to customer area here and our website is being created at the moment so it might take a little bit of time sometimes it'll pop up and say that it's taking a little bit longer than usual that's not a big deal if this happens to you just just X out of it log back in and you'll see that it's probably been created but this means that our website has been created let me X out of these tabs up here here's our website this is not actually our website sorry we will go and we will click on setup site to create our website and this is going to be really cool there's a couple things though that are very important so we can start a new website here or we can migrate a site I'm gonna assume that you you don't have one so you're gonna click select for start a new website and then you're gonna start a WordPress website now if you're planning on selling things like an e-commerce store you're gonna want to set up WooCommerce with your WordPress e-commerce as a way of doing e-commerce as a WordPress plug-in or Weebly site builder which you know I wouldn't recommend using to be honest or other options as well so we're gonna click WordPress here and we're actually going to create a wordpress login to actually log into our website here so go through the process of entering an email creating a password and then click continually here so let me just do that and I'll take us to the next page okay I just click continue we don't want to add SiteGround site can't site scanner I mean if you really want to you can but as I said earlier it's not something that we need right now so we'll click finish here and now it is creating our website and this is the part where it could take a couple of minutes and sometimes it'll taste a that it's taking longer than usual and then you just have to go back and you know log out and then log back in refresh it and then it should work so we're just animate wait just a minute here and so just like that our website has been created so if we go to supplements nation comm let me copy this and paste it into a new tab and we will see here is our website and yours should look something like this and it looks absolutely terrible right but this is the default WordPress website Animus show you how to take it from this to making it look something like other affiliate sites like let's go to which is an affiliate website that pulls in hundreds of millions of dollars per year from their affiliate website we're gonna show you how to create something like this this of course is a website that probably has a team of 20 people just as web developers so you know it's not gonna look like this perfectly but I'm gonna show you how to build a site similar to this relatively quickly or at least to get started here and show you how to do something like that so take it from this crappy website with just it looks absolutely terrible just something more legitimate so let's go back over here and here is what we're looking at here so we can point our domain if we want to if we have a domain someone else and we want to point it to here but we can go to click manage site here and it's going to take us to our dashboard here for site ground and there's a couple of things that we're gonna want to do right away when we first start so we're actually gonna go over to security here on this tab and we're going to go to HTTPS in force and we're going to turn that on here and this is actually just going to give us that little locking tool at the top you'll see this that's what this is going to do what when we put that in because if we go back to our site here before it's not secure Google is on big fan of web sites that are not secured especially in 2020 so this is an important stuff it's pretty simple to do but then we can go to SSL manager and once it's loads we can go down and we have see we have let's encrypt setup and it is active so if we want to for example set up let's encrypt wild card which is what I would personally suggest doing just click yet alright so there we go it's setup and we can configure HTTPS if we really want to so these are actually some essential things but so if we go back to our website here and we click refresh and you see how she says down secure now click refresh and now though it's accurate this is an important step because this helps us keep some privacy for credit card details for login information when people on your website so it is an essential step that I would recommend just doing it now get it out of the way it's like I said pretty easy but it's going to give people peace of mind you know when I go onto a website and I see that it's not secured I get a little bit concerned about my information about the privacy and so this is going to be somewhat helpful just setting that up there so let's go back to site tools here and I'm gonna click on dashboard here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to my account and now we're gonna build a login to WordPress so let me just kind of X out of some of these different screens that we don't get too confused here and keep it to just one so now that we are on our site ground dashboard we can click on websites up here and we can go to our WordPress kit now this is how we're gonna actually access our dashboard for WordPress click go on WordPress admin and then we have to enter our information that we just created previously hopefully you wrote this down your WordPress username and your password so enter that information and then log in and then we will get started on building our actual website alright so here we are and they're gonna try to get you through setting up with this WordPress wizard thing just click exit here there's a better way to do this so we click exit and now this is our beautiful WordPress dashboard this is what we're gonna be able to build pages build posts comments install plugins and so this is everything that you're gonna be doing on a on a daily basis whenever you work on your website you're gonna be doing it from this year this is our dashboard right here at the moment so I am gonna show you how to install a couple of plugins some things that are important let's actually just do that in just a second because first I want to take you to your website here so if you click on my WordPress you can visit site and this is like we just showed you earlier this is your website you can customize it up here but there's a better way to do it so click back I just want to show you that so you can click up there take a visit your site to view it but what we're going to do is before we create menus before we create pages we're going to change the appearance of our site because it looks pretty trashy right so we can go and click on themes so we hover over appearance click on themes and there's a lot of free WordPress themes that are available for us to use we don't have to pay for these we can get them for free and so we can click add new and then you can scroll through here find the theme that you like for this one we're going to use the most popular theme on WordPress it's the one that we recommend just getting started with and so if we click over on popular which people to find it pretty easily here it is right here it's called Astra but once again you know if you're scrolling through and you say hey I really like to generate press or I really like 2015 or invoke storefront then sure go with those you'll find that it's actually pretty easy to use these so we'll click install and it's going to install and then we will need to activate it so click activate then and now just like that you're gonna notice if we go up here and we click on visit site our site already looks different it almost looks better from the previous version which was pretty horrendous but it still needs a lot of work so this is supplementation calm at the bare bones here with these new Astra theme that we just installed so we'll click back and we will then begin to and some things on here so oh we can also go through our settings which is something that you should look over just ensure that things look correct here so for example if we click on permalinks you're gonna want to have your from our experience you're going to want to have your post name as the permalink here so for example if you create a new page or a new blog post that you're doing with for affiliate marketing right so say that you do a review for a supplement or for some whey protein it would be supplementation calm slash whey protein instead of the page being supplementation calm slash just some random characters that just looks kind of strange and very clean so it's always nice to keep them clean by having the permalinks set up with the post name if you wanted to you could do it something different like a numeric or a month or date but I think post name is the best option to go with you can also change the language as well so you can see so many different options here you can go through the settings general settings you can change different things here so site language you know if your primary language is German or it's some different type of language Chinese let's say you can go through and change this and I don't want to change it because I don't really speak very many languages so I'm gonna keep it at English here but you can change that if you would like to and then just go through the settings and make sure that everything looks correct for you you know if you want a different type of date if you're not used to certain things feel free to do that just to kind of read over some of the settings to make sure that things look correct so we will also just want to change our site title so that we don't confuse it so supplements nation it's our website and our tagline is let's say get swole I don't know I don't really work out that much so I probably would not you know personally because I don't work out very much I wouldn't be using supplements nation and it's like an affiliate marketing website for me because I don't use supplements so this is just an example that we're using for the purpose of this video but with affiliate marketing in general you're gonna want to make sure that the products you're promoting are ones that you actually use and not products that you're just promoting because you're greedy and you want money because that is not gonna get you very far in life from what we've seen with people who just chase the money instead of actually creating good quality articles and content for affiliate marketing all right so now make sure that you scroll down and click Save you don't want to forget to do that or else you will have lost your progress there so now what we can do is the next step is we're going to hover over here up top it says new and we're going to create some new pages so that we can start building out our site so put some thought into this for sure I would recommend starting with the smaller amount of pages first so that you don't get overwhelmed with having a number of different pages or menus available so for this one we'll make a home page so we'll click back and then we'll create a couple of more as well so new new page let's great so let's create one that's called blog publish shot and maybe we'll just do a couple of others as well so we'll click on the WordPress icon up here well another new one and let's make this one this is going to be our about Us page I think as an affiliate marketer if you're going to create a website it always helps to have an about Us page or something about you so you can kind of share your story so that people can put a face to your blog to your website to you know just make that connection establish some level of communication there and so that people can trust you a little bit more you know if they see hey this this guy has been a body builder for the past ten years he trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger and he's been in bodybuilding for a long time then they're willing to likely take your word for things more when you're able to establish some type of a credibility so share some stuff about you you know explain why are you credible on these topics why did you create this blog how are you going to be able to help people provide value to them so creating an about Us page I think is really helpful and I think that's all we'll do for now we can always add more pages in the future but we don't want to overdo it right away because if we make ten pages here it's just going to be messy for us to try to create this entire website all at once but now what we can do is if we go back and we go visit our site you're gonna see at the top now we have about us we have the blog we have home and we have sample page so just like that we're already getting started here the website is starting to already form so we'll click back here and we'll go back to where we just were now if we go to appearance we hover over appearance and we go to menus and if at any point during this tutorial if I'm going too fast just you know you can slow the video down to 0.75 speed or just pause it and I'm sorry sometimes I talk a little bit fast so for menu name we'll call it primary menu and then we'll click create menu and this is going to help us to really design the outlay of our website so let's say that for this menu we want to add the home we want to add blog and about us we're just gonna stick with these three for now so we can click Add to menu and there we go right there we have these we can rearrange them so we want home being first then we want blah and then we have about page last you can also drag these underneath so if you wanted about us to be a drop down for blog you could just drag this over here as a sub-item right and then you can even create blog as a sub-item of home and then about us as a sub-item of blog but you know for now we're just gonna keep those at that but when you add articles you can start to add articles underneath here too to put them underneath so whenever you create a post when you create a post which I'll show you how to do in the coming minutes here when you click post right there then it'll show up here and then you can add that post to specific things so if you wanted to add a post to about us or add a post to a different page you can just do that by adding it here and then making it a sub item there just like that if you would like to do that so we have these three options here home blog and about us we're just gonna stick with that for now we're gonna click on a primary menu and then click Save menu so now let me actually just open up supplements nation calm over here so that we can at least see the progress every time that we do something so we can see now these are rearranged two home blog and about us right so now we're going to actually install a couple of plugins so hover over plugins over here and click on it and this is where we can see all of our plug-ins for WordPress now from our experience you don't want to have too many plugins you can start to really bog down your website but there are some very valuable plugins that are going to make your life so much easier with WordPress with creating your website and this is really where it comes in where you don't have to necessarily be coder or know how to be a computer scientist in order to build a WordPress website thanks to our good old trusty plugins here so what we'll do is we will go up to add new and we will add a couple of plugins that are going to be really really valuable one of them being Elementor this is going to be how it's going to allow you to build your website with ease it's almost like a drag-and-drop feature I'll show you how to use Elementor but it helps you build beautiful websites this is probably the most important that we use you can use different ones as well you could use divvy if you wanted to but we're gonna click install now for Elementor this is free by the way they do have a pro version I use the pro version but if you're just getting started there's really not any need to get the pro version right away you can just kind of do that later on down the road once you build your website and you find that you start to meet some of those Pro features but the free version gets you most of the way and it'll get you most of things that you need so then you click activate for element or page builder and here we go so this is it right here we can just exit out of this and it brings us back here so let's go back to plugins because we want to add a couple of more so yeah the other one that we want to add but you can see here that you'll see Elementor now popping up as one of our plugins we have three options here we're gonna go back up to add new and add just a couple of others here that are going to be important so actually let's type in Elementor again because we're going to want to add essential add-ons for Elementor as well so click install now for that it's going to take just a second and then click activate for the essential add-ons for Elementor this is once again both Elementor and essential add-ons for Elementor they are widely used by the website building community most people use either Elementor or Divi to build their websites so it's almost essential it really is for this so now we can actually go back up once again to plugins we're just gonna add one more plug in here that is going to be pretty helpful for us actually two more plugins that I think you're gonna find to be very very useful one of them is going to be pretty links this is how you're gonna be able to attract your links so when you create a link it's going to let you track your links it looks like good to put a space in there actually so pretty links this allows you to track your link so you can see how many clicks are you getting right for let's say that you have an article for your affiliate marketing website and within the article I let me just show you an example here let's go to millennial this is a great example of an affiliate marketing website I don't own this site I don't know the guy who runs us personally but I have read his book and it's a pretty great website and I'm sure he makes a lot of money from this but let's say that you are going to write an article about ways to save money right and then within here you have all of these different things why were you talking about save automatically right or track your spending so right here this is an affiliate link right here it's embedded within his article and so if you want to track this link how many clicks are you getting on this link this is important too to know because you want to say hey how much traffic has my one blog article driven how many clicks have I gotten on that link so he actually cloaks this link most likely through something like pretty links you might use a different one but pretty links is a great plug-in to use so we'll click install now for that it tracks those links you can cloak them and it just makes life so much easier as an affiliate marketer click activate for that and then there is just one more I promise you if there's only one more thing that we're going to add in here and this this pretty links is free there's a free version you can upgrade to pro I think it's like $49 to upgrade to pro but for now you probably don't need that as well so go back to plugins here and I promise you there's only one more plugin that we're gonna add all of these are super super important though for building your website and that's going to be in vada this is going to give you so many themes and options for when you're building your website it's it's just going to make your life easier you can see it has 200,000 active installations and that's for a reason it's because it's widely used and a lot of people like it has five-star reviews by most people and they have free versions for this as well so this is the last one that we're installing for now maybe we'll do some later show you some other different plugins that are useful but just with these plugins your life is gonna become so much easier trust me now you you can't go through and deactivate some of these like WordPress starter you really don't need that so click deactivate on that and psych round optimizer well we'll just keep that for now and you can even delete WordPress daughter if you want to so delete click OK and there it gone it's just out of our way so we have less things that we have to look at here alright so I know I did just promise you that we're done installing these plugins but there's one more that I do use on all of our websites and it's also free and that is going to be Yoast SEO this is going to help you rank your articles for search engine optimization so that when somebody searches for a term let's say they search for best supplements to gain weight or best supplements for bodybuilding well if I write an article about that I want to make sure that I'm ranking in the first page of Google right I want to be ranking at the very top and so Yoast SEO gives you a lot of tools to do that it is free and you can see five million plus active installations don't click activate on this and this is I I really promise you now this is the last plug-in that I'm showing you that you should be getting so we have all of these plugins here they all do have those premium options but we don't need those for now all right so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hover up here and I'm gonna go actually visit the website because what we can do is once we're on our website we want to fix this up a little bit so that the homepage shows up first and then we don't have all these weird things on the side this just looks pretty tacky it looks kind of weird looks like it's from 2012 or something so we want to clean up this before we start actually building out our homepage our blog page and our about Us page so if we go up here above our name here and we click on customize now once we click on customize this is how we're going to change our settings for how the homepage looks and which one we're gonna have as a static page I'll show you how to do all of that so what we can do here for this is we're gonna go and find home page settings so we scroll down a little bit click on homepage settings and then we want to change our homepage here our home page settings to a static page so click on static page and then for home page we're going to want this to be set to home so that it shows up correctly and then our post page which is gonna be our blog posts we're gonna set that up for blog okay so just make sure that you do both of those all right so it is published there you can click back here and then this sidebar as I said we want to get rid of it it just doesn't look very good in my opinion so we can click on sidebar here see what we just did there clicked on sidebar and we don't want the sidebar I just think it looks weird so click no sidebar and then we go okay now it just looks absolutely bare and can also tinker around with this as well you know just kind of mess around see if there's something that you think you would like to do if you do want to sign more you can change the width of that you'll see a lot of different settings within here that you can mess around with if you want to alright so now that we have that done then we can go back to our website now that it just looks a little bit cleaner now we can X out of this here and we can go back to our WordPress dashboard and now we're gonna open up Elementor to start building out our home page so what we can do is we can click on element or if we want to but let's actually just click on pages and this will take us to our pages here that we have open now we do want our privacy policy we will fill that out eventually this is important especially for affiliate marketing you do want to have a privacy policy and a feeling disclosure so that people know that you are getting paid if you link to a certain company it's just important to disclose those we'll show you how to do that later in this video sample page actually let's let's throw this in the trash we don't want that already Queen came previously so now let's start to build out the home page alright so now what we want to do is we want to actually look at and Votto here so we're gonna go over to elements and we're gonna click on elements and this is Envato elements we can just click agree here I don't think you want to opt in for more emails I think we all get enough emails so I would just click agree on there you should read the Terms you know don't blindly do this but I've done this many times before so I'm gonna click on continue and now that's going to take us to Envato elements which is where we can start to look at some really cool templates that can be free so they have some premium ones they've 31 premium template kits here what we can do is scroll as far down as possible and that's where they're gonna hide all of these juicy-looking free templates 123 templates that we can use thanks to Envato so actually let's go to the next page there's gonna be more on next page and we can choose from all of these you know if you're going through and you say hey I really liked that one or I really liked that one then you can just click on it and you can import that into your website and boom all of a sudden your websites looking so good so quickly so we're going through let's just kind of pick one randomly here and I want to look for one that looks somewhat decent let's go to the third page and it depends on your website you know if you're a restaurant this looks like a nice one if you are a tech company maybe this is a good one here and let's kind of just randomly pick one here let's see what we have let's find one that just looks like it could be pretty good for our affiliate products that we're promoting so let's actually let's just op over to the fourth page really quickly so we can find something that looks like it really fits our affiliate website the best okay so now we're on page five but you know what okay so this one look good real estate agent I know this is you know it you don't have to necessarily be a real real estate agent to use this but I like the design of this one here so if I want to make this website its affiliate marketing website with this one let's say that I want to use this design right here you click on home and then all I want to do is click import template and we're gonna have this available to us to create our affiliate website so click import template here give it just a minute so now what we can do is let's go back over to pages so we're gonna click on pages now that we have this one installed here we're going to use as our homepage and so we're gonna go over here and we are going to go to home and you know what let's just click Edit just to show you how to edit it with regular WordPress so once it's loads here you'll see that this is going to be how you can edit your home page if you want to just use WordPress but we're going to do this with Elementor because it's gonna make life so much easier let me use Elementor so it's taking us to the element or page builder for our home page and this is this is elemental right here this is it's it's so easy to use this is the part that I was talking about earlier in the video where we said you don't have to be a computer scientist in order to do this and so it's super easy to drag-and-drop certain things into here for supplements nation right if we want to add a spacer to begin with it so that we don't anything hugging the top there so we're adding a spacer we can say we want a lot of space a little bit of space right pretty easy a lot of this is pretty straightforward I recommend just kind of messing around with it a little bit to see what kinds of options that you can use for this then let's say that we want to add a heading a title for the home page maybe we want to add some other things in here right super easy to use this to start building stuff with Elementor you want to add something like a video or images or a button you can just add those right there boom like that button change things with the button I'll show you how to do more of that with this in the coming minutes but this is one of the easiest things that you can do here is start to just mess around with things that you can make right and you can scroll down you can see all these different options some of them will have that locking feature on them which is because you'll need Elementor Pro in order to access those I think Elementor Pro it's only about fifty dollars I believe or maybe it's a hundred dollars it's it's relatively inexpensive I mean I I have it for my websites but it's just one thing that I don't really look at my credit card bills on that to be honest with you because it's it's pretty cheap but we have so many different options here for things that we can make okay right so we can put in a data table creative buttons dividers image comparisons right so mess around with this start start to look at how you can build your site using that but what I want to show you here is what we previously just did with that Envato element right if we click on folder here the gray folder we can click on that and we can go over to templates my templates and you're gonna see this is the one that we just imported previously so if we click insert here import document settings let's click yes and this is going to fast-track our website creation it's it's going to make it almost as though you just have to enter in some information and you could suddenly have a website and you might find that you could literally build an affiliate marketing website in a couple of hours I mean that's what I'm doing in in this tutorial I'm showing you how to do this in just a few hours and while it might not be the greatest website of all time immediately it's the the backbone for creating a successful website now you can click this little white arrow here to see the full size of your website so it finally loaded and we can see here that this is gonna make our life so much easier especially if we are beginners with WordPress or we're in a little bit of a rush then this is certainly a thing that you can do is installing these things from Envato because now instead of having to create this entire thing on our own we just installed this right and so sure this doesn't really fit our affiliate website like we're not we're not talking about properties and selling houses but what's great here is that we can just start to edit this right so instead of this thing that says 3,500 square feet for a sweet home we can make this a product and so we can just start to edit these things and I find it just makes it easier instead of having to build a website from totally from scratch is when you can just do something like this so for example maybe here you put a picture of you or a picture of a product and then four of the reasons why it's a good product and then in this part maybe you rearranged some things so that some of our top featured products and then put three of them there right and so you can start to really mess around with this but it's just a lot easier when you have these plugins here and so we can even just start to rearrange these now right so let's say that I want to get rid of these let's say I want to get rid of this and get rid of this as well I did this fairly if you if you remember we have our three options up here sometimes if you install some of these different things from Envato you might notice that you won't see these it is possible to get them back but some themes do get a little bit weird with that so let's say that for here you know instead of it's time to find your next home in New York we just title this or how about which supplement is best for you right and I'm not I'm not spending too much time on this because this is just an example right and then explore now or instead of explore now we could change this and we and we can mess around with it on here we can say it's up explore now we can set we can say learn more right so in a lot of cases when you're editing these things over here the way to actually change them is to go over to this little sidebar here and this is where we can change it to link to something so this is a button here so when you click on learn more you can just said hey where do I want this to take them you can take them directly to an affiliate website it can take them directly to a blog post I would recommend taking them to a blog post or a review rather than just linking them directly to a product with your affiliate link right away I just wouldn't recommend doing that but you can mess around with where you want the button to be positioned right so start to just kind of more with this right just through trying this out right and we can change the the type of button we can make it green blue right so there's a screen probably we can make it all kinds of different colors as well so really simple to do that a lot of this is self-explanatory right so let's let's actually just get rid of this I don't want this hurry up thing here right so let's say that we want to get rid of this so we right-click on it and then we can click delete and there it goes so now it's gone and this is a pretty basic page I mean you know I'm not spending too much time on this just because we're using this as an example to show you how to use the different tools and you can start to use your own imagination to figure out how you want to set this up right but then we click over here again and instead of our properties say our top or reviews right and you know I'll probably see this a number of times in this video but make sure that if you're gonna be reviewing products make sure that you're doing this with with high standards make sure that you're not promoting crap products I hate that I have to say this all the time but sometimes people when they start their affiliate websites they just promote things that doesn't make any sense they don't like the products they're terrible products but they promote them anyway because they want to make money don't do that because you're you're not gonna win the long run you're not gonna be helping people the key here is to actually provide people value actually review products that are good and then give objective reviews on those that's what some of the top affiliate marketing websites in the world do when they want to make money is to give objective reviews so that people come back and they read more of the reviews in the future because they know that hey not all products are good and if if an affiliate marketing website is giving every product that they're reviewing five out of five stars then probably know hey maybe there's something up maybe they're just making money off of this and that's that's why they're giving everything a good review so don't give everything a good review actually give your honest opinion about it if it's a bad product give it a three out of five give it a 2 out of 5 stars I've done that before in the past and sure you're not gonna make as much money from it but it's definitely the right thing to do so you can go and go through this mess around with this add some different things add some products here however you would like to set up your page now what I want to do actually is I'm gonna well let's click update here and then I'm actually going to take you back back to the wordpress dashboard do a couple more things and then we're gonna get into the affiliate marketing side of it which is going to be incredibly important to follow along and very closely I would recommend taking some notes on this hopefully you've already been doing this or following following along on your own computer at some point but what I want to do here is let's actually go back to our wordpress dashboard so click exit to dashboard and I want you to actually install a plug-in that's really going to be helpful for us for our blog articles and for our website so what we're gonna do here is we're going to click back again and now we're gonna go to plugins add new and the one that I want you to look up here is going to be social media it's also mania share buttons something should come up for that right so click enter and we'll see some options pop up this is the one that I go with it has over 200,000 active installs the social media share buttons and social sharing icons click install now and then we're gonna have to activate it as well but what this is going to do is it's going to allow people to when they're reading your blog articles or their on one of your pages there it's going to pop up with these different share buttons which really do help a lot one of the biggest keys for blogging and for articles is when people share these they read an article they say wow this would be great for my nephew or for my cousin or for my friend from work who's looking to get into this one thing or they were just talking about how they want to buy a drone from their son for Christmas and so I can just send it to them on Facebook or I can email it to them right and so it's easy to do that so let's click activate because this really I have found helps with SEO search engine optimization and what's just getting your site out to more people it's a super simple step to do so once this becomes active I'll just show you some quick things that you want to do with it all right so now we can just click skip here I mean if you want to read through this you can and we we don't need the premium option here what I constantly want to show on our site so I like all of these you know personally I don't really use Facebook for mine but maybe you want your or maybe you're worried that you'll get spammed with your emails so you take that off YouTube is a big one that we'd like to promote with affiliate products is concrete that loop for YouTube and for websites LinkedIn Instagram telegram right so we've all these different options for things that we can put in here all right and then the premium gives you some more options as well then we can click Save here so find the ones that you want click Save and then we go on to the next steps here so what do we want these icons to do so we can show them exactly where we want to take them right so where do we want our Twitter add this in I'm not gonna do it for the sake of this because this is just an example thing right but visit me on an on on Twitter right so maybe my Twitter name is supplements nation right and so you can add in all these slash supplements nation or whatever my YouTube page is add all of these in here and then save that of course and then just kind of go through these other ones here as well so what do we want them to be displayed this is something that you want to think about a little bit I like to show my icons after a post some people put them in a widget which would be like this sidebar when you're reading a website I don't really do widgets on my sites I just think that they look like 2010 that's a personal opinion of course but what I like to do is put them just after post so it's not intrusive it's not annoying to people it's not popping up all over your website in front of things but just putting them after post clean and simple right responsive icons just like that so they'll pop up like this right which looks pretty good to me follow us Twitter Facebook right and then do we want to display those at the end of every post yes I did want to display that at the end of every post icon size medium sure let's just go through this and you can read through this I mean just decide how you want it to be a lot of this is pretty self-explanatory but let's go with medium here for now and then click Save so now every time when we create a blog post we're gonna see these these icons popping up at the bottom which is gonna be pretty cool so let's just save this and you can go through and read through more of this if you really want to but I just wanted to show you kind of the gist of that to show you how to set that up so there are two other plugins that I want to show you you don't necessarily need to have these but I do think that they are really helpful one of them is going to be MailChimp or some other type of software that you can collect emails with so integrating something like MailChimp is really helpful I find that collecting emails on a blog or on an affiliate website is extremely extremely important for two reasons one because it will allow you to hopefully retarget people who come on to your website that's why when you go into most web sites today you'll see that you'll have a pop up somewhere that says subscribe to our newsletter or subscribe to our mailing list it's certainly something that I would recommend doing it helps kind of keep engagement because let's say that somebody comes onto your website once they read an article they like the article but then they X out of your website and they never come back right but they might still be interested in your and your other articles and the products that you're revealing and in the comparisons but because you didn't collect their email there's no way of contacting them to say hey look I know you liked our article you spent a lot of time on our website here's another article that I think you might like in another review or another really interesting post about the same hobby that we share right so it's the only something like MailChimp for WordPress this is unofficial but it has a ton of great reviews from it so something like this could be really helpful if you want to start collecting emails for that another one that we can install it's going to be something for actually tracking your website if if you want to connect it right so Google Analytics and you're going to see a bunch of options for plugins here so the one that I traditionally use is monster insights but this is going to allow you to use Google Analytics for your website you don't need a plug-in for this but if you want to track everything on your website for the amount of time that people are spending on your website are they spending a minute two minutes three minutes you're gonna be able to tell so much thanks to Google and they can tell you everything about what people are doing on your website what they're searching how many searches you're getting how many clicks are getting your impressions it's really really going to be useful for this so I use monster insights but you can use some different ones as well I've heard great things about and a lot of 5i I know people use site kit by Google if they want to go with Google but see I would suggest dealing with one of these and just installing it messing around with it and you're gonna see some really really cool results from that so you can't install that we're not gonna do it for the purpose of this video because what I want to show you here is something called Google search console so open up a new tab type in search console and this is something that I would most definitely recommend setting up for your website so what this will do is it will show you the amount of impressions that you'll be getting for your website it'll show you how many people are searching for specific terms how your ranking for them super super helpful definitely recommend getting this because it's going to help you see whether your site is growing if you're doing better for ranking your articles or if you're doing worse so now we're getting into these sort of the affiliate marketing part of this tutorial we kind of covered some of the basics of building a website we'll go a little bit more depth on the basics of building the website further in this video but this is really where we are beginning the affiliate marketing process here okay so take notes here but Google search console is something I absolutely recommend so we know there's a process start now connected to your website it's gonna be pretty easy to do that so actually what I'll do is let me actually just pull up Google search console on one of my other websites that we we just started this site like a month or two ago so it doesn't have a ton of traffic but I'll show you inside Google's search console and show you how to use it and how we can really use some of these features to start to make more money and get more traffic to our website so this is inside of Google search console for one of our rather new websites but it's really really helpful because we can see the total amount of web search clicks that we've gotten in the past 90 days it's it's not very many from this new site that we just built because hey when you're starting a new site it takes a while to really start to build it up but if we click on performance you can see that over time you're able to track how many impressions are you getting how many clicks are you getting and you can see this very clear path of an increase in impressions and in clicks so this is gonna give you so much data one of the biggest keys to winning with affiliate marketing is analyzing your data where are you doing things right where are things going wrong and how can you improve those if you don't have data to track all of this you're essentially going to be running around not knowing where you're going imagine playing a sports game playing a football game and having no idea what the score is having no idea how much time is left on the clock it's going to be a total mess so we need to use data to ensure that we are winning and this is one of the biggest most essential steps to affiliate marketing so for example we can look at our total impressions and we can compare that to our average position right our average position for articles and you can see that at one time it was really high because it was just the domain we had nothing else so we was ranking high for when people were searching just for that specific don't domain but then over time we started to put out articles and then we see that it has been climbing for the total position but impressions is really important and clicks is very important as well and you can go through here check your site speed check your mobile usability your site link search box sitemaps removals coverage right so we have all these different things that we can use here to really start to dig into our website to see how we are performing using this Google search console mixed with Google Analytics is going to give you pretty much everything that you need to know as far as website traffic as far as how you're performing how your ranking for specific things right so let's say that you create an article about best supplements right you'll see that article in here you can go to that specific page if we go down to pages here and you can look okay how's it ranking what's the average position of the article of best supplements for 2020 and maybe if your average position is a hundred then you need to focus on getting that ranking higher in Google and in in search and that's one of the ways that we can drive traffic is through search engine optimization which we are going to be digging into here in the coming minutes now another tool that we can use that I do recommend people checking out is something called aah reps eight refs is a tool that it's it's not necessarily cheap but I find it to be extremely helpful they do have a seven day trial for seven dollars I would recommend trying it out I mean just for seven days and you can of course cancel it it's it's one of those popular tools you can see that they've had over three thousand seven hundred and seventy users join them in the past seven days a lot of company use them a lot of people use age and it's going to give you a lot of data they sort of extrapolate some of this data or they interpolate some of it but I do find it to be really useful so let me actually take you into one of our a drafts accounts just to kind of show you around and how you can use this tool as well to start to rank your website's so this is the aah reps website here and we have so many cool different options within here so we have the dashboard site Explorer keywords Explorer so if you're looking for new keywords you're wondering how many searches people are doing for specific keywords and which ones you're going to target then this can be really useful here but then you can also look over entire websites so let's say that you know what here let me open up a new Google search and let me type in supplements for men 2020 and let's see what comes up here right so let's see men's health very well fit calm right so this this looks like it's probably an affiliate website I'm not entirely sure but let's look at very well fit calm all right and so this is where you can get some ideas from okay so here's a website it looks like these are probably affiliate links right so best budget for multivitamins right so this is the best are the nine best multivitamins for men of 2020 so best budget one add a men's multivitamin buy on Walmart buy an Amazon buy on target all three of these I'm going to make the assumption that these are affiliate links so they write some things about it and you know I can't guarantee this I don't know who owns this website but they're probably going to be affiliate links and that's why these buttons are right here so these are all going to be affiliate links in most cases and same for this and best for active men probably an affiliate link probably an affiliate link right so all of these but so let's see let's go back and let's look at very well fit comm let's look at the website and let's see how much traffic they are likely getting so very well fit comm hit enter and this is going to show us how much traffic this website is likely getting so the there's a lot of data that we can look at here and I think we'll create a full eight refs tutorial at some point in the future if you are going to be getting this tool but when building a website and ranking a website and making money with it there's going some key factors that really do decide how well your site performs one of them being backlinks meaning how many people are linking to your website this is one of the biggest things that Google cares about because if for example you have big websites linking to your website let's say that CNN or Forbes or CNBC or Fox News or some big big web site some of the largest websites in the world let's say that they're sending a link to you let's say that they talk about you in an article and then they say nate from supplements nation says that it's important to take five vitamins a day for blah blah blah blah blah right and then they link to you on that article that they write about you well guess what that's a backlink and that is going to send juice to your website hopefully we're not confusing you here but backlinks are very important because it shows Google that you're credible when you have big web sites sending a link to you they link to your website from their website it tells Google hey this is probably a legitimate website if nobody links to your website it's gonna tell Google that you know you don't really matter you're not really relevant but if you have big websites sending links to your websites it tells Google yes this person or this website is probably pretty relevant organic keywords this is per month they're getting about 2.7 million organic keywords per month that are getting sent to their website organic traffic 4.6 million and then traffic value 4.4 million dollars this doesn't mean that very well fit com is making 4.4 million dollars but what it does mean is that if they were to pay to get this level of traffic if they were to pay to get 4.6 million organic traffic for for the pages in search terms that they are getting them from they would have to pay four point four million dollars in ads in order to get them to that page right so it's not necessarily showing how much money that they're making but it's pretty close from my experience from talking to a lot of people and from our own experience with websites the traffic value is relatively close to what some websites are making now if that sounds ridiculous you're thinking this website this random website very well fit is making four million dollars per month on their website I tell you it's probably not that far off I can tell you from my random estimation here I can almost guarantee that they are making easily hundreds of thousands probably a million dollars per month from this website from very well fit comm because they have so many affiliate links right and so this is just one of the perfect examples here and we can look at other ones too right so let's look at nerd wallet comm which I just want to show you really quickly because they get so much traffic but a site like nerd wallet comm which focuses on Finance which focuses on two different things within the financial sector credit cards best bank accounts stock brokerage accounts their traffic value on a monthly basis is 65 million dollars which is sort of ridiculous I mean that's an absolutely incredible amount of money but you know I I suggest going down this rabbit hole of looking more into companies or websites that in most cases people just assume hey it's just a regular website I use it all the time like for example I've been using nerd wallet comm for years I would go into nerd wallet find some products use those products right I wanted to sign up for a bank account I'm going to nerd wall comm read the reviews I never realized that this is a company worth well over a billion dollars and it's a website it's it's a freaking blog right but it's making likely tens of millions of dollars per month from a blog and that that blows a lot of people's minds people thought blogging was dead people thought you know how much money can you realistically make with this and I'm telling you right now from my personal experience and from looking at some of this data that we get they are making millions and millions of dollars on monthly basis and and you can certainly do this as well so a dress really really cool tool if you go over to keywords Explorer as well so let's go to the keywords explorer here and let's say that you want to look up men's supplements right quick search ok so there's only about 100 for search volume with a keyword difficulty of 30 which it's hard to rank for for a beginner websites 30 so kind of difficult they estimates that you'll need backlinks from about 36 websites to rank and the top ten for this keyword so it's probably not the first article that you want to create but if we go over here and we click on keyword ideas we're gonna see a bunch of different cool things that pop up here so supplement is very difficult to rank for the keyword difficulty is 86 with a volume of 46,000 searches on a monthly basis that's gonna be too difficult to rank for multi-vitamin if we want to rank for the word multivitamin keyword difficulty of 58 still gonna be really difficult best multivitamin for men okay now the keyword difficulty is 28 and the keyword difficulty for a Trust goes from 0 to 100 and so for this you know it's it's going to be a little bit easier 28 means that it's it's moderately easy to to rank for you're probably not gonna rank for it right away but it's easier to rank for best multivitamin for men rather than just for supplement right so we can go through here look through and find ones that have an easy keyword difficulty so something that I would recommend going below 20 right so if you want to rank for one a day vitamins you could write an article about one a day vitamins and it has a keyword difficulty of 19 with a search of 5.8 thousand so if you want to write an article about best one a day vitamins for men boom you're probably going to be ranking for this easier than you would if you just mean an article about best supplements because it's going to be so many other websites competing for that specific term but then if we go even more specific right rainbow light men's one vaulty multivitamin keyword difficulty of three with the search volume of five point one thousand this right here could be potentially a gem because it's so easy to rank for according to a href I would suggest going over to Google as well and then searching this up and seeing what websites pop up if you see like a Quora post popping up in the first couple then you'll know that you are probably going to be able to rank for that if you see forums popping up on the first page of Google when you search for something like yahoo answers or Quora or that is a great sign that shows that you can probably rank your website in the top search results for that search that people are making so go through there and look over those address one of my favorite tools it's not absolutely necessary in order to do this so what we can also do if we don't want to use a dress we don't want to pay for it which you know makes sense a lot of people want to start for free we can go to our good old trusty Google here and do some old-school research to find the best articles too right now the biggest tip that I can have for you here is to if you're going to be starting a blog starting an affiliate marketing website you want to target longtail keywords if you just create an article titled best supplements 2020 it's it's probably not gonna rank because you're gonna have so many other websites that are legitimate websites like men's health or you know fitness comm or something that are ranking in the top and if you're a little baby website of supplements nation you're probably not going to be ranking that high for it and so what we can do here is let's say that we go to google and then we can start to look up things all right so let's say that we're going to type in best supplements and then we start to see some options pop up you can start to create articles about these these are probably still too you know broad of things like best supplements for men you're probably gonna have a lot of competition for that also I mean not that you're promoting supplements but we're just using supplements as an example but you want to be careful with things like you know writing article articles about supplements for weight loss or anxiety or depression or something especially if you don't actually have those problems or those issues and then just okay I think you know where what I'm saying there just make sure that if you're writing articles or reviews that you actually use those products which already said like ten times in this video but let's say that we do best supplements for and then let's start typing things in like for men and then look at all these other options we have here right so use the right article and best supplements for men over 40 best supplements for men over 50 best supplements for men working out right so these are more specific which means that you can deal the rank for them a lot easier than if it was just best supplement so this is the key here start with some very specific longtail keywords that you're targeting in your first articles how do you target those in your articles put them in the title right so the title you want to frame it so that is you know best supplements for men over 40 and then the Meta Description you fill that with a lot of those keywords as well and then stuff keywords into your article when you're writing the article about best supplements for men that's how you target specific keywords or phrases so let's say best supplements for men over 70 I know and let's see what comes up here so we have LIVESTRONG so two sneakers com AARP B's it's still difficult ones to compete with so we might have to get even more specific than this right so maybe vitamins for 70 year old men right so we can really start to dig into this and find things that that we could do that we could write articles about but you know of course making sure that they are guided in the right direction if you're creating articles about supplements for people with depression and you have no experience with depression you're not a doctor you're not a physician I would not recommend doing that supplements are kind of a weird thing in the first place to to get into talking about especially if you don't do them so we're using this as an example okay so that's what we wanted to show you there now as far as picking a niche goes so supplements yeah sure we're using this as an example here but picking a niche my biggest suggestion for this is to find something that you are really passionate about what we can do actually is we can go to Wikipedia hobbies and look at a list of hobbies on Wikipedia if you're looking for ideas for affiliate websites to create look at how many different ideas we have here and Vickie here is to create as specific of websites as possible for affiliate marketing especially when you're first starting because it's gonna be easier to rank for them so for example you make a website about home Burling about brewing your own beer right it's pretty specific it's not a broad massive website and because it's pretty specific it's going to be easier to rank for those same for like bullet journaling right our bread making I mean some of these sound ridiculous but if you made an affiliate marketing website about bread making there's probably not a ton of competition in there so read through some of these if you're really looking for some ideas but I actually think the best way to do this is to write down a list of your five or ten favorite hobbies what are your favorite things to do and for some people you know it's it's maybe gardening or you like collecting coins or you love NASCAR you love racing so you can create an affiliate marketing website around that and maybe market you know affiliate marketing racing gear right or you absolutely love carpentry you love building things so you can create an affiliate marketing website related to building things and maybe market products from Home Depot and get a 10% commission on that so find your biggest passions your biggest hobbies if you love gaming I suggest making a website about gaming but if you're not creating a website about your passion or something that you could say sit down at the dinner table and talk somebody's ear off about it then it's probably not going to work and I'm talking from experience here now that doesn't mean that 100% of the time that if you create a website that you don't care about that you won't succeed it's just to say that it's going to be so much easier to write articles when you're already an expert at this you're already very passionate about it instead of you know if I was to make an affiliate marketing website about painting or quilt quilting it would it would be a pretty trashy website for two reasons one because I have no idea what the hell I'd be talking about with quilting because I've never done this in my life but also I don't care about quilting I'm sorry we have any quilting fans out there I don't care about quilting and so it just wouldn't make sense for me to make a site about this it just would not make sense in any way whatsoever so make sure that you try to create a site that you are passionate about because III can tell you now that almost all of these hobbies here will have options for affiliate marketing pretty much every industry in the world has something that you can market even weightlifting wrestling boxing right all of these different things here gone googling I don't even know what that really is but you know what sure I'm sure there's something that you can market here with a gun googling website that's kind of just a bizarre even named on Google or as a person who enjoys watching activity on the canals okay I have no idea what that is but that is what I would do for that okay so now that we have decided what niche we're going to be in you can see that for this website we already chose supplements then what I suggest doing is you need to find products that you can then promote and this is where we're gonna go over to our trusty website called impact com I would recommend signing up for impact com I'm not affiliated with them they don't pay me to use them but I do use impact for most of the products that I promote so we can sign in I'll actually take you into my dashboard for one of my impact accounts for one of my sites but go into impact sign up for it and you're gonna see a ton of different brands a lot of them you already recognize that you can start to promote so let me take you through there and I'll show you how to find some products and how to negotiate deals with these companies and really how to get started and start to really make a lot of money with something like impact so this is impact right here it used to be called impact radius I think they just dropped the radius part so it's just impact calm now but you see so many brands on here that we can start to promote so let's say that your niche is you know what let's say that your niche is going to be hmm let's go through here let's say that your niche is going to be diet and nutrition so it's going to load here and then we see so many products come up here we have 75 brands that are all related to diet and nutrition that we can consider promoting so automatically I already see one that I'm I recognize one of my my friends my my roommate from college bought stuff from five-star nutrition actually I think he worked at five-star nutrition and you can see five-star nutrition a one-time sale of 10 to 20% Commission so let's click on this you know I'm interested in this one I want to learn more about there program so you can read about it you can read about all their different products that they have their commissions so one-time sale ten to twenty percent let's let's actually read more about it but then we can click apply and we can apply for it just like that and we can read through their terms so what are they offering well they're offering twenty percent per item for a new customer and then if they are an old customer or recurring customer you get a ten percent commission now I can tell you right here that people who buy supplements from something like 5-star nutrition I'm not sure what their average order size is but speaking from the couple of people that I know who have bought something from a company like five-star nutrition they spent hundreds of dollars on whey protein on creatine on different types of supplements for bodybuilding and so the average order size I would not be surprised to see it may be $200 $300 and so if the average order size is $200 and trust me I mean my roommate was spending like $500 every month from supplements which kind of was out of control but regardless let's say that you're getting a 20% Commission on a $200 order from 5-star nutrition that's 20% times $200 is about $40 Commission in your pocket for getting somebody to click on your link because you wrote a review about a product perhaps and then they ended up buying something through a company like 5-star nutrition so if we actually go through and we read some of the terms this is important to do action locking put a lock to one month in 15 days so probably about 45 days after the end of the month that they are tracked meaning that people are actually tracked when they click on your links everything on the internet for your your Facebook for Google for your accounts everywhere your device in most cases they are tracked they used to call these cookies but let's say that you click on one of my links and one of my articles about supplements right I write an article about the best way protein for college students who are building muscle and you click on a link that takes you to 5-star nutrition let's say that you don't buy anything for the next 30 days you don't buy anything for the next 30 days from 5-star nutrition but on day number 30 you say hey I'm gonna go background our nutrition calm and you end up buying whey protein or you buy anything on their site I can still get paid for that because I sent you to that site 30 days ago so if you go to that site within any 30-day period I will get money if you buy anything from that site within a 30-day period super cool about that so some different affiliate programs have different referral windows so sometimes for example Amazon if you use Amazon affiliates their referral window is only about 24 hours so if you click on an amazon link from my website and you don't buy anything for 24 hours and then on our 25 you do buy something I'm not gonna get money from that but for this one here I have that 30 day window which is pretty cool gives me a lot more chance of actually making money from that so we can click apply here and I wanted to be aware as well that if you really want to you can actually negotiate contracts with all these different affiliate companies I've done this for most of my sites YouTube channels once you start driving a lot of traffic you can say hey sized our nutrition I'm sending you a lot of traffic I'm making a lot of money and you're making a lot of money off of me so instead of 10 to 20 percent I want 20 to 30% Commission and in a lot of cases from my experience they say yes or they'll at least negotiate and say well you know we can't do 20 to 30% but we can do 15 to 25% and they can bump you up into higher brackets when you start sending more traffic which just means that you make even more money which is pretty great right so go through find your niche and then find products that you can promote right so you want to promote gaming find products you can promote in there all right so let's unclick diet and nutrition let's look at gaming what comes up here Best Buy is one that I think a lot of us are already familiar with you only get half a percent commission on that so somebody buys a thousand-dollar TV you're only gonna get half a percent on that which is going to be what that's going to be five dollars probably not really worth it for something like Best Buy but hey you know maybe Logitech or you go through here razor affiliate program you get three to ten percent and it looks like right razors a big gaming thing that I see people on but go through find your products there's something like impact radius now the next one that I want to show you is something called CJ comm this is what was used to be called Commission Junction now it's just called CJ affiliate signup for this as well sign up for CJ affiliate it's going to be the same deal as with impact a ton of brands are on there a ton of brains that you already recognize it's very similarly outlaid to impact and but I would suggest doing that if you want to find even more brands do you promote using something like CJ affiliate now you can also use Amazon affiliates Amazon Associates it's called their their Commission's are pretty small so I I don't really bother with promoting products on Amazon but you know let's say that you want to promote different products on like target for example target affiliate program almost every company in the world who sells products online has an affiliate program and if they don't have one I found that they are willing to make one for you especially if you are driving a lot of traffic but we can look at target's affiliate program a lot of people just are not familiar with this they are not aware that they even have these you can get up to eight percent commission on a number of different categories with a 7 day cookie which is better than Amazon and so we you know it's it really just depends on the products that you want to promote but most companies have them so get Walmart Walmart affiliate program what's so what I would suggest doing is if you're wondering hey does this company have an affiliate program just google it type in the company and then after that type affiliate program and I'm telling you that most companies do Walmart hasn't any program you're gonna get a percentage from everything that people buy from Walmart from their website because you have a website that's promoting them so once you have your affiliate account set up with whichever program you would like to go with you're going to get that special affiliate link that is your link that is then tracking when people click on it and then if they buy something you're getting that commission you're getting some of the money now comes the legwork this is the stuff that a lot of people don't like to think about because hey it takes some time it takes some effort but that's really the story of affiliate marketing is that it's not something that's going to be overnight and get-rich-quick but this is where we can start writing articles and creating value and then linking to those products so going back to a website here that probably pulls in a lot of money like I said I don't know this guy personally but let's look at some of his top articles here something like passive income ideas right best passive income ideas for 2020 I'm willing to bet that a large number of this of these links in here are probably going to be affiliate links right so he's providing value to people he's saying hey here's some passive income ideas for you you could refinance your student loans you could do crowdfunded rental properties right so you're reading through here you're getting tons of value and then within there he's also getting affiliate commissions right he's embedding his affiliate links in here for things like the certificate of deposit so if you open up a CD which is a passive income idea and then you click on CIT bank you want to learn more this is his affiliate link right here and I suppose I'll just click on it just to show you what it does here and so this is what you essentially want to do for your affiliate business is that see so I just clicked on his line called probably get maybe a hundred bucks $200 it's hard to tell I'm just kind of guessing at how much he's earning from that but you want to start writing blog articles and then embedding links your affiliate links into those blog articles with the sole purpose of really trying to provide value to people and then the money will sort of come as people read through and then they they click on your hyperlink right so your affiliate link is this right here right and so they click on it and then you make money from that so we will be rolling out a number of other videos showing people more in-depth on how to rank websites I mean this video is almost at an hour and a half here so hopefully we were able to ride you a pretty decent amount of value if we did make sure you hit the subscribe button drop me a message on Instagram I'm always happy to read those and I'll see everybody in next week's video we have a ton of other videos though to show you guys kind of through this process of getting started with building sites with affiliate marketing and building some type of online business that is legitimate so thanks for watching the video I appreciate all the support from everyone and I'll see everybody next week
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 132,334
Rating: 4.9317789 out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, santrel media, affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing 2020, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing for beginners 2020, affiliate marketing step by step, affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon affiliate, amazon affiliate marketing, amazon affiliate marketing for beginners, amazon affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon affiliate program, how to affiliate marketing, how to start affiliate marketing, make money online, passive income, wordpress
Id: zhGeMvDxiBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 5sec (4925 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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