How to Create a Landing Page in Mailchimp & Grow Your Email List in 2019

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all right today I'm gonna walk you through how to create a landing page inside of MailChimp all right so a landing page is just a place where people will opt in for something that you're giving away for free you know some kind of freebie or lead magnet where you can capture their name and their information and get them on to your email list all right so we're gonna head on over to my laptop and I'm gonna share my screen as I walk you through how to create the landing page all right so the first thing you want to do is log into your MailChimp account or create it and the first screen you will land on is your dashboard here and just a quick note here MailChimp recently changed the name of their lists to audience alright so for years now MailChimp has had lists that you use and they've just recently changed it to audience so just in case that throws you off when we talk about our audience we're actually talking about the old list okay now there are four steps that we're going to go over to creating and setting up your entire landing page within MailChimp so the first thing is creating a new audience and then actually creating the landing page then setting up the email delivery series and then testing okay so those are the four steps we're gonna go over so the first thing is to come into our audience menu I'm gonna come over here to manage audience we're in a view our audience and we're going to create a new audience so we're going to come here to create audience tells you tags might work better than a new audience I've looked into this and for our purposes of setting up a lead magnet and we do want to actually create a new audience not use tags so we're gonna say create audience and then we're going to fill out all of these details so we're gonna give our audience a name and I like to name my audiences based on what they are signing up to my list for so I'm gonna name this after my freebie and for the purpose of this training we're gonna call it awesome freebie opt and I don't know just awesome freebie and the default from email address should be your business email address and then your default from name so this can be your business name or your personal name I like to use my first and last name and then you're gonna come here to remind people how they sign up to be a member of your audience and I'm just gonna say something like I have a little example here and I like their text so you are receiving this email because you opted in for and then give the title of your freebie so I'm going to say my awesome freebie and I'm going to remind them that they can unsubscribe and they can do to that link in the footer okay and then contact information is already filled out you do need to have that and then here we have our form settings so you can choose here between double opt-in and gdpr okay so double opt-in is great to keep your list clean so a double opt-in will require somebody to confirm their email address before they start receiving any emails from you and the purpose of a double opt-in is like I said to keep your email list clean you can weed out anybody who wasn't serious or any you know spam or BOTS or things like that so it can help keep your email list really clean now if you want to be gdpr compliant meaning that you are marketing to and have people from the EU on your email list you may want to enable gdpr fields all right and this is going to look different for everybody's individual situation I'm not going to get into full gdpr compliance on this tutorial but it is something to consider if you are in the US and you might market to people or find you know people from the EU or opting in for your things and you do want to make sure that you have gdpr compliance worked into any kind of an opt-in process in your business okay and then for notifications you want to pick your option here do you want to get a daily summary one by one of subscribes or unsubscribes I like daily summary and you can edit the email address here - this is my default Gmail I might edit that to be my business email address I'm gonna save this alright so we've set up the basic things for our audience but now we want to go in and just set up our signup form this is a necessary part any time you're creating a new audience and this is going to tell MailChimp what fields we want to collect anytime somebody signs up to be a member of this audience all right so now we're in sign up forms here and you've got a drop down list here with a lot of options we're going to stick to just the sign up form and again this is where we're going to tell MailChimp what form fields we want people to fill out anytime they sign up for this audience and I stick to just email address and first name I like to use first name because I use their name in my emails I think it's more personal don't need last name you only want to collect information that you absolutely need and will use so we're going to go ahead and get rid of the last name field just by clicking on it and then clicking on this minus sign I'll type delete to confirm we're gonna get rid of the address field we definitely don't need their address and we're gonna get rid of phone number and you might want to keep phone number it might make sense for your business but if it's not necessary and if it's a deterrent you don't want to keep it you can have it on your signup form and not have it be a required field that is an option but the less barriers you put here the better so we're going to go ahead and get rid of this and the last thing I'm gonna do is make sure that this first name field is actually a required field here and I'm gonna save it okay so we this is not our landing page this is just telling MailChimp that these are the fields that we want people to use anytime they sign up to be a member of this audience okay and this is going to talk to our landing page but this is not our actual landing page but this is it for setting up our new audience so step two is to actually create the landing page and we're going to do that inside of campaigns so we're going to go here to campaigns now we're going to create a campaign and we're going to choose a landing page here so these are all of our options and setting up a new campaign we're going to start with a landing page we're going to our landing page I'm gonna name it awesome freebie opt-in because again I like to keep the name of my freebie of my lead magnet the same and cohesive all throughout all these steps then we have to pick the list that when somebody signs up on this landing page that they'll get added to and this is funny because MailChimp just changed the name of a list to audiences it looks like they haven't changed everything within their platform to match up with that so we're actually selecting the audience we just set up and that's going to be the awesome freebie one and we're going to begin our landing page and they're going to give us some templates to choose from and we want to keep this really clean and simple and straightforward so we're going to choose this one down here that says grow your list and they've got a really great little picture down here it says neat ideas they've got design tips and this picture kind of shows you what we're getting ready to create here it's got a nice you know image in the background it's visually appealing with this clean white box in the middle with some standout text and a button that really stands out as well so that is what we are creating here now you can add your logo if you want again I like to keep it really clean and simple and I'm gonna get rid of this logo section here right away by just hovering over it and clicking on the delete block are you sure yes you could always add something in if you'd like as well if you get rid of the logo and you want to add it back in and then we're gonna set up the headline and we're gonna make this a subheading so when I go ahead and here and click on this box I'll open up my text editor over here on the right and you know for a headline for an opt-in I like to say things like 100% free and caps must-have and then the name of your awesome freebie and then we're going to choose this select this text and change the font to be something aligned with your brand I like play fair display and I am going to make this centered it already is play with the size maybe make it 32 mm make it a little bigger okay that looks great so we're gonna save and close this then you can play around with the font colors and things like that once you pick an image maybe you want to color coordinate all right and now we're gonna create our subheading and I like to make this something you know where you list the benefits of signing up for your actual freebie and a great way to do that is to start off with a statement that says so you can or so that or without or even if you know and using those kind of leading statements really you know helps you to then list the benefits of signing up for your lead magnet or freebie so an example of that might be let's say y'all do dot dot so you can there you go you know so you can get better results and be happier now something like that you'll want to be more specific obviously with this for example purposes I like to put this in italics to have it stand out from the actual heading we're gonna Center this as well and we might want to make this the same font or use your branding fonts I'm gonna make it just a little bit bigger okay right and now we're going to come down here to our form fields and we're going to edit these okay so now you can see our available fields from what we set up in our signup form builder and first name is available so we're going to click that and we're going to make it required again here so that we're collecting first name and email addresses right button I don't want to say subscribe I want to say something a little more appealing like yes you can say send me my awesome freebie download now maybe we'll just keep this simple and say yes please okay so the next thing here after this button text is really important because we're going to send people somewhere once they sign up so once they enter their email and their first name and they click the button this is what happens they either get this default confirmation message from MailChimp that says success you've been added to the list you can edit this and put your own copy in here you could say something like success you've been added to the list and check your inbox for your awesome freebie now what I like to actually do and what I suggest is to set up a custom thank-you page on your website it's one that you can use for all of your opt-ins and you can send people there by changing this to be a web address instead of a confirmation message and then you will type in your web address here I'm not going to walk through how to set up that Thank You page in this tutorial I will walk you through that in another video but this is where you would paste the address of your thank-you page so for me it could be something like that okay but I'm gonna leave it as our default confirmation message for now and move on alright so we're gonna say save and want to save and close this actually I want to go in now we're going to save and close it because we're going to add our image to the background now we're going to just hover over this main section and go here to image okay so I upload my image and now I'm going to insert it into the background and now I'm just going to play around with a little bit more of the branding piece of it the basics are all here and I just want to kind of match the the colors of my own brand and of the image that I used and one tip here is on this button is that oranges and yellows and bright punchy colors really work best you know you want it to stand out from your page so that the button really yeah stands out and so I'm going to hover over this section and I'm going to come over here I'm going to come to the background of my button color and I'm going to change that by just clicking on this color here and I want to find something in the orange family maybe a little darker that looks great okay and I like this because they have a little orange coloring a little tannish orange in my image in the background so it definitely fits I might even make it just a little darker yeah that looks good okay and I want to make the yes please stand out a little bit more as well so I'm going to come here to the text here it is the button style font I'm going to change that to my Playfair display font that I'm using I'm going to make the size bigger actually I think I'll make it one size smaller and I'll make it bold okay all right so I like that and the only other thing that I might do here is change this font to be dark gray and I'll change my subheading to be this orange color which I did not yeah there you go all right and so now it's just a little bit of style to this nothing crazy and I'm gonna add one more thing here we're gonna add a text section right underneath our button here and what we want to do is anytime you create a landing page or any kind of page on the website on on the Internet where you might be collecting information you always want to link to your own privacy policy from your website so I'm just gonna say we hate spam and promise to keep your information safe read more here and then privacy policy and I'm just gonna select the words privacy policy I'm going to click on my link option and I'm going to insert the web address for my personal websites privacy policy say insert make this oops I'm going to Center this and I'm gonna make it just a little bit smaller I don't want to hide it but I don't want it to stand out either let's see what that looks good so we'll save and close this alright so that is it so we're gonna go ahead and preview this landing page now we can see it on desktop Oh my button is still blue what happened let's save and close again here and let's preview again and see if that took there we go okay so now you can see the desktop preview and it looks great do you have to have this MailChimp down here for free accounts but that's fine and now let's look at it on mobile make sure it looks good here as well and this looks great really simple and really easy and now you have a landing page okay so step three we're gonna save and close this oh we're not quite done yet sorry we actually need to give this page a title and again we're gonna keep it keep it in line with the rest of our titles awesome freebie opt-in and we're going to edit this URL here so you cannot use your own domain with the free MailChimp accounts and that's okay because what you can use is a link shortener like bitly or if you have a wordpress website you can use the pretty links plug-in or you can even use something like a rebrand Lee to create a branded or shorter link but we still want to go ahead and name this URL here to match the name of our freebie our lead magnet and save this and it's already set up to go to this list and this is where you can come back in and edit the design if you want to come back in and edit that form in any way or you know change to the thank you page on your website things like that and then down here is where you can set up your settings and tracking and I do suggest that you do this all right so I don't track with MailChimp but tracking with your Facebook pixel is a great thing to do if you have that set up already so if you have your Facebook pixel you want to come in here check this box use your existing pixel ID and add it here alright and this is just going to track anybody who lands on this landing page okay which was great for retargeting and then you can also track with Google Analytics by adding your analytics ID here which is really great to add as well because you'll be able to see where people are coming from when they land on your landing page so I suggest adding these two things if you can saving it and then your landing page will be complete all right and now that we've double-checked everything we can go ahead and publish this page high-five your landing page is now live so this is the link to our landing page you can just copy this link and come and paste it in a new tab and here it is here is our landing page alright so now we're moving on to step 3 which is to set up the email delivery series for this freebie that we've created the landing page form all right so we're going to come back over to campaigns we're going to create a new campaign and this is going to be an email this is going to be an automated email we are going to welcome our new subscribers and we're not just going to send them one well you could just send one welcome message but what I actually suggest is to send an onboarding series so when someone signs up for a lead magnet or a freebie something that your give away you have an opportunity to send them a few emails to ask them to take another step with you in your business to help walk them through any parts of the freebie that you've sent them so it's a really great idea to stay in contact with them and a great supplement for your lead magnet so we're gonna do an onboarding series and for the name of this we're gonna call this the awesome freebie series and the list is our awesome freebie list so we're going to go ahead and begin this okay so this automatically fills out some default emails here and you can see they've titled it feature descriptions one two three and four so this is a total of five emails that you have automatically in this this series okay so you want to come in here and edit all of these emails you want to edit the timing of each of these emails you can see that they've got it defaulted to one day after subscribers are sent the previous email so this would be five days in a row it's not a bad idea but the first most important one is this welcome email where you are actually delivering your free lead magnet so first we want to look at this trigger immediately after subscribers join your list that's perfect but you could edit it here and change the timing all right but we're going to leave it and you could filter by segment or a tag and what I do like to do is this post send action I like to tag them and what you'll need to do to tag them is actually go into your audience on your main page and create a new tag here let's just walk through that really quick so we'll come back to this we're going to exit without starting to come here to our audience we're going to manage our audience Oh manage contacts and we are going to come here to tags and add a tag all right we're going to create a tag here I want to call this also freebie all right so I've created the tag I'm going to go back into my campaigns and I'm going to go back into my awesome freebie series and my post send action on this first welcome email I'm gonna actually tag them so that I know that they received this awesome freebie okay so choose your posts sending list action we're gonna come here and choose add tag we've added awesome freebie tag we're going to update this action alright now you can come in here and design your email to name your email so here it is Oh name your email sorry here it is was actually our email subject the name of our email is our awesome creepy welcome email mm-hmm I could put in some preview text that's just what they're going to see if they're like on their phone or on their and their email INBOX they'll get a little snippet of text and you can customize that here with this preview text I just leave it to default your from name has already pulled over from your forum settings and your from email address so this is really it we go ahead and choose next and then you can pick a layout or you know you can create a saved template you can choose a theme you can pick all kinds of different options here and this you know you may want to spend some time picking out a theme that you like and then saving something adds a template but sometimes you could just pick this simple text and start from scratch now mail chip is going to have some default text in here that you are going to be required to edit I don't like to have like a heading like this on my emails so I'm going to get rid of that I like it to look as natural and real as possible like what you would actually send to a friend so and here's where we can edit this main text blocks you want to keep all of this at the bottom this is your unsubscribed footer and all of your contact information that you're required legally to have so you want to just leave that alone but we're going to edit this text here and say something like here is your awesome freebie and then down load here I hope you and joy it and that it gets you that was my subheading from my opt-in form so I'm just repeating that and then I'm gonna tell them here I'll be sending you a few more emails to support you with your awesome freebie Oh for the next so be on the lookout and then you know you know it's great to meet you something like that sign this if you have a signature add it in here and then you know you can add a PS here follow me on you know wherever else you are YouTube Instagram Facebook wherever and you can link you know Instagram to the URL for your Instagram account okay you could also just put your follow me icons down here and link to each of your social media accounts something like that I like to give one specific call to action in every email but you can do whatever you like here and then for download here you would just highlight this text select your link here and put the web address of your freebie in here and then we will save and close save and continue and that email is all set up so as soon as they sign up they are going to get this a welcome email and they are going to be tagged with our awesome freebie tag and then a day later they're going to get email number two and then you can set up and configure all of these emails however many you want to send to your new subscribers so we're going to go ahead and hit next it's going to tell me that I have this default text still in those emails and I not going to let me turn this on until those are done so I'm going to go back really quick here so I'm going to actually go ahead and delete these and we'll go ahead and edit this one really quick just so that this can be okay so something really quick right hopefully you've been able to you know dive into this freebie you're loving it here's some quick tips for maximizing or maybe you can add in some positive testimonials from other people who have used it and loved it and you know you want to give a call to action again here I'm telling them reach out with any questions reply to this email if you have any questions but you might want to say something like you know come over to my youtube channel if you want an even more in-depth you know explanation or if you have a video walking through your freebie whatever it is you want to give them continual support with this freebie we're gonna save and close' save and continue and now we've got two emails all set up and configured so who can hit next now and we are able to now click on this start sending and it will send our workflow to any new people so you're about to start this workflow which contains two emails to the awesome freebie audience that's great okay so now we're all set the last thing you want to do is test okay you always want to test anytime you send some set something like this up so I'm actually going to come back in to my campaigns and get that URL for my landing page just right here I'm going to right click and copy that address and I'm going to sign up here this should take me to this default success message but again you have your Thank You page set up it should pop up your Thank You page in stead alright so we've been added to the list so then the other thing I want to do is just make sure that I've got my first email and here it is I've got my email from myself so here's your awesome freebie download here I hope you enjoy it there you go so it looks like everything is working I can come back in to MailChimp and see let's just refresh this my audience has one contact now so you can see I've had two visits to my page I don't know why it says untitled I'm going to go ahead and check that out here I'm one click and one subscribe and I've got one open so I have a hundred percent open rate for my welcome series and everything looks good let's go into this page we're going to edit this landing page and see why it says untitled page Oh edit name here we go there we go so I've got my awesome free the email series of my awesome freebie opt-in landing page all going to my awesome freebie new audience and everything's all set
Channel: Stephanie Wrona
Views: 71,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a landing page with mailchimp, how to make a mailchimp landing page, how to create a landing page with mailchimp, how to create landing pages with mailchimp, how to create a mailchimp landing page, how to setup email automations in mailchimp, how to setup an email funnel in mailchimp, how to get started with mailchimp, how to grow an email list with mailchimp, how to grow an email list with mailchimp landing pages, mailchimp 2019, mailchimp landing page, mailchimp
Id: KSmfu9LFtWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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