7 Landing Page Hacks That'll Double Your Sales - Part 1

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- I thought I would do something that's a bit more interesting today. Now, quick question. The clock is a presentation or Q & A included? Either way I think it's just the presentation, all right. So, today I wanted to do something a bit interesting. This is my Twitter handle. You can tweet at me if you have questions. But what I wanted to do is how many of you guys are here are affiliates? Good amount of you. How many of you guys here are companies with offers? All right. And I'm assuming some of you affiliates once you guys get big enough you guys create your own on offers correct? So I wanted to do something fun in which we take a look at landing pages that you guys are familiar with and I critique them. Because if these are the landing pages that you guys are driving traffic to whether you're creating your own offers or you're driving traffic to other people's offers you can then end up giving them these tips to boost the conversions. Because if the landing pages convert better what does that mean? You make more money. And I know you affiliates love that money probably more than anyone else I know. Every time I go to affiliate conferences everyone's like how do I make $20,000 a day or 20,000 a month? Then they get there they're like, I want to make 20,000 a day. They got there they're like, I need $100,000 a day. It's never ending. I was just had another affiliate event and then they asked once they got there, they're like how do I save the money and not pay taxes? Then everyone's like move to Puerto Rico all right. You guys don't have to do that. Just focus on landing page optimization. So let's first take a look at this bad loan page. People have bad credit they need loans and it's hard. And this landing page has call to actions, has some texts, has some little, you know, buttons or images that show the steps even talks about the requirements then has some small print that's you know for you guys cause the screen is big. It's probably easier to read but normally it's a bit hard to read. Then they even have a map of where they operate. Then from there, they have the footer, call to action button of getting started and that's pretty much it. Now I know what you guys are thinking. You guys are looking at this landing page and you're like I know how to improve the conversions. Well, there's some basic ways and these are my special tips. Something basic could be this header at the top, the scrolling navbar it has too many options. You remove them and you just have a button that talks about apply. You're going to end up generating more clicks, Versus telling them, "Hey, click on my account." Same with the text. Some of the paragraphs are hard to read. You can also reduce the footer navigation options as you saw in the previous slide there is way too many options. when there's way too many options, what happens? What happens? What do you think happens if there's too many options? That's right they click on the wrong areas. The areas that don't make you money you guys are affiliates. You want that money. Don't send them to your FAQ page. You want them to send up to your signup or buy page. And one thing they didn't do let's go back to these landing pages, look at this. It's a long landing page but there's not call to actions in every area. The more so have it at the very top and they have it at the very bottom. So those are general tips, but I'm not here to just give you general tips. In every landing page I go over, I'll give you some general tips but then I'll give you some interesting things that I see. Now, does everyone know what kind of software companies I've created? Analytics companies. Do you know how many visits we track on a monthly basis? Over 3 billion, not million billion with a B. So what can other people do to really boost the conversion rates of pages like these, these lead forms. So my first tip for you guys and some of you guys have seen this some of you haven't is to engage your visitors first. You can quiz them. I used to have a nutrition site called Nutrition Secrets. And we would quiz people when we would want to collect leads. Because when we told people to buy our products or opt-in for a lead form and we would have a sales rep call and tell let's say lose weight or whatever it may be and go for some personal coaching, we found that, Hey people just don't like opting in. But if you make it customized to them, let's say you quiz them. I'm a man, I'm a woman it's more personalized. And then you get in, you ask them questions, like what are your goals and all this stuff. And then you say, all right, you want the results (mumbles) consider our services and our products put in your email name and email. Usually I don't pitch. I just say, want the results, put in your name and email. When I showed them the results, I ended up saying this is what you need if you want to achieve these goals. This simple thing, versus just asking people to put in their information and collect a lead increase my conversions by 108%. That's pretty good. It's simple. And how many of you guys are technical and know how to do some engineering? I like the Indians that are raising their hand. Good for you. We teach IT in India. That's right. But don't waste your time it's inefficient. Just go use LeadQuizzes. LeadQuizzes I don't know what it costs. I don't own it. It's not my company. It's like under a hundred bucks a month and you can just create one of these quizzes and keep churning and burning. And then you can figure out what converts the best and generate the most leads. Now with this bad credit site, they can, they do have an area on their site where they have a slider where they're asking you to engage. How much money do you want to borrow? Do you see how this is way better and having people engage versus putting on their main landing pages, Hey, here's all about us. We do bad credit loans. Here's the areas we service. Here's the areas we don't. You guys are affiliate marketers. You think you're going to be driving traffic to areas they don't serve. Of course not. Facebook allows you to geotarget right. And because of that you're not driving them irrelevant traffic. So why wouldn't they have you engage first? And I wouldn't just engage with this a little slider. I would then ask them more questions and then collect the lead information. Because if I waste five minutes of your time and I have you do multiple things like fill out questionnaires, not your name and email but just all these questions about your loan, what are you looking for a loan? For how much? And then at the end, I asked you for your information to see if you qualify, you're going to be like, Aw, shucks. I wasted all this time might as well just give them my name, email and all my other information. That's why engaging first really works. I also did this with one of my other companies, Hello Bar. Software company where we help people collect emails. But I asked them put in your URL first and then I had him create email collection models and then at the end, I said, "Hey do you want this to go live?" Sign up. I got a 52.11% increase in signups because they're like already spent all this time engaging might as well, just complete the rest. And if you're wondering why engaging works is because of this. What's your name there? What's your name yeah? Huh? - [Dennis] Dennis. - Dennis. So Dennis, if I went to you and I said, will you marry me? What are you going to say? Assuming I was a woman or man of your dreams, what would you say? Yes. You're crazy. Why would you say yes, I could be a terrorist. I could be a killer. I could be anything. I could be a clingy person. I don't know. But you get the point. In most cases you're saying yes right now but in most cases, what would you say? No. And why would you say no? Because you don't know me. That's the same with your visitors? Almost all of you affiliates are trying to get people to buy by buying. You're just like, oh no, I school. I'll just scale up. You know, more counts, get them burned and I'll just spend thousands of dollars a day. Yeah. You can do that but why not get people to engage first? I've also found that when you get them to engage first less of your accounts get burned. That'll save you quite a bit of money if you guys are buying accounts. Its like if you ask someone, "Hey, would you go on a date with me?" Dennis is more likely to say yes. Then we get to know each other. Eventually we end up getting married or moving in together. And then I asked him to marry me. He's much more likely to say yes that's how it works in the real world and that's how it should work on your website. Number two, don't use an exit pop-up. You've seen people talk about exit pop-ups before but I'm going to show you something a bit more unique. You're lucky if three out of a hundred people buy sometimes you guys get more, sometimes less but in most cases, most people don't buy. So why not collect leads right when people are about to bounce. On a desktop what I did was I created an exit popup but I made my background of the exit pop-up a Gif you guys are familiar with Gif's those images that move. And I showed them in that Gif what they would be putting in their name and email for my conversions went through the roof. The copy stayed the same but just by adding a silly little Gif I increased my email collection rate by 42%. That's crazy. And then you do remarketing and you get people to start buying. I don't know what it is about affiliate marketers. Most of them just want people to buy collect emails for all the people who are going to leave. It's a great way to generate more sales. And here's the crazy one for all of you guys who love mobile. This is a highest converting lead opt-in that I've seen on mobile. This is for a site that teaches you how to like grow your wealth and it says, "How rich or how rich are you ready to be?" So the slider is dollar signs. They're like, I'm on my iPhone and I know the screenshots ghetto on too cheap to buy a nice iPhone. I still have the five and you have to slide all the way with dollar signs and once it goes to the end, you can click the button. That little simple trick accounts for 16% of the leads. Now let's go over to the next landing page. Have you guys all heard of Babbel. The company where you do translations you learn different languages. Their landing page, they like using blog posts. Tell me of you affiliates how many of you guys drive traffic to I don't know what you guys call them. Like those blog posts those fake content sites that you guys create that say like CNN, and then you remove all the navigation and stuff. You guys know what I'm talking about. And look at Dennis, he's laughing. How many times do you do that a day? A lot. I met someone yesterday he's like, yeah, I have a whole team of four people. I'm like, what did they do? They do all the media buy. And he's like, no, no, no. They just create fake stories. So and so was ready to quit DoubleDown Casino and what happened next will shock you. All right, I made that up. Don't be good Jack in that, if you do give me my affiliate link on that. I'm kidding you guys can keep it. But this page keeps going. It's just content, content. Let's go button. Some ads on the sidebar. Look at this, articles you may like. They're showing you other articles and then comments. So some basic tips sticky navigation doesn't have a benefit. It just has try Babbel. Why should I try it? There's no benefit in there. This is all basic stuff. Remove articles you may like section. Why would you send them to another article when you want them to get them to buy? Another basic tip highlight the comments that are the best ones and of course have call to actions within the blog content. If people are reading your blog content that's where their eyes are going your call to action shouldn't just be in your sidebars. Put them in your blog content. You'll get like three to four times more clicks. It's the simplest thing I don't know why people don't do it. This all basic shit. So now let's go over what I would have done if I was them again, I'll always give you my unique tips. So my third unique tip for you is use GOIP. You know, all those dating sites you feel warm and fuzzy because you're like, you see copy let's say if there's match.bangkok I don't know what dating site they have here are match.com. There are 1,000,632 single people in Bangkok. What are you waiting for? You see when they do that warm, fuzzy, you know GOIP targeting within their copy of converts better. And of course, here's another example from a guy who sells people how to make money online. I'm determined to create a millionaire trader in Las Vegas. My only question is will it be you? People started going out they are like, oh I'm in Henderson is right outside of Vegas. Do I have, can I still qualify? Please, please let me in. Expedia uses this. When I'm on Expedia and I was in Los Angeles it automatically pop in Los Angeles. It showed me flights to New York and it even shows me details below of the most common flights I'm probably likely to take because I'm in Los Angeles. No one's in like Bangkok and be like, Oh I want to book a flight from Vancouver Canada to Los Angeles. They're usually going to leave from the city they're in. Not always, but in most cases this all helps this conversions. So we tested this on five landing pages and it increased sales by anywhere from 12.49 to 27.57%. Now, if I was Babbel and this is the example I'll give for Babbel why don't they include products based on IP's? For example, in Brazil, you know what the most common language that they want to speak is? I did the screenshot of Babbel when I was in Brazil they should have shown me English as the main language only two or 3% of people in Brazil speak English it's the most common language that they want to learn. Because then they can make money on Upwork and all these sites and then have the money in Brazil. But they should be showing me the products that I'm most likely want to learn based on where I'm coming from my computer's IP. And that's what Babbel should have done, but they didn't. They should have shown the most popular languages based on IP. Simple way to boost conversions. Next one at a checkout bump. This is simple. It's easier to get upsells than it is to get new sales. Tell all of your people that you're driving traffic to it to add a checkout bump. So on the checkout page this doesn't decrease conversions. When they're buying offer them a really sweetheart deal where they're getting a steep discount and you'll notice that you'll get roughly 15% more in revenue. If these affiliates or these companies can get more revenue from their pages, what does that mean for you as affiliate? You can get paid out more money or if you have your own products, add checkout bumps you can pay the affiliates out the same money and pocket more profit. So the trick with checkout bumps is speed and automation. If the checkout bump helps them get the product, the service, the results faster in a more automate automated way, it converts better. Why is that? People are lazy. Your checkout bumps should be priced at 50% or lower of the main product. You're selling a product for $100. You can sell a checkout bump, but for no more than 50 bucks it has to be cheaper than $50. If you can't explain the benefit in the checkout bump in one sentence, it's not going to do well. Keep it simple and it has to be largely discounted. Ideally when I'm selling, let's say $100 product. I like my checkup bumps being like 30 bucks. It's simple, it's easy people buy that shit. How many of you guys are going to start adding checkout bumps to your product pages? Only a few of you? You got to start adding them. I'll Make a bet with you guys all right. If any of you use these or use these tips and you can't get an increase in conversions I will give you free advice. I will get on the phone and I'll help you guys out for free. And keep in mind I have companies like Google ad-words who pay me to market Google ad-words. I get paid by Facebook to speak at their conferences. I will give you free advice on whatever you want if you actually take these tips and try implementing them is that a fair deal? That means I'm that confident that this shit works. So now let's go over another product landing page that you guys are familiar with. How many of you guys like selling wrinkle cream? Only a few of you or have in the past you guys are like, no, we moved on to flashlights. All right. So wrinkle creams, you see this landing page. It keeps going and going and going and going and going and going. Look at that buy button. It's kind of small for the page. That'll be one of my tips and going and going, look at this form fields. Name and phone is hard to read. They could've made it a little bit better. Why the heck are they putting United States there and having the damn product being sold in pounds? Basic tips buy button should be larger, pricing should be in their currency that the person's coming from, form field text is hard to read and this landing page was hard to read on a mobile phone. Make it hard for people to buy. How many of you guys are familiar with Instant Checkmate? None of you. All right. Good. So Instant Checkmate is a site that gives background checks. You know you're dating this guy or a girl most of you guys are affiliates you're dating this girl. So you go through Instant Checkmate and they just put up a ton of roadblocks. They just keep saying like, Oh, the they just keep like giving you more and more pages over finding more information or doing a deep dive. What we're showing you may scare you. Are you okay with this? And they make you wait like a few minutes. When you wait a few minutes and they say what you may find may scare you. What are you going to do? You're probably going to put in your information and pay especially because you love this girl and you already ready to propose to her, which I showed you you don't do. And you're going to put it. I heard all this information and started spending money. So it converts really well. Why? Because you made people go through hoops. If you make people work for shit they're much more likely to convert. Mike Chang also did the same with a six pack shortcuts. Are you guys familiar with Mike Chang? He's have all these ads on YouTube saying buy his fitness products and then he went to this hippy dippy conference about like life and spirituality which there's nothing wrong with if you believe in it. I'm not saying I do or I don't. And then he decided to like, stop selling all this shit. But we tested this on a few sites where he made it harder for people to purchase. Instead of just letting them buy like skincare we would just be like, okay, what are your goals? How old are you? What kind of environment do you live in? Is it dry, moist? What are your skincare goals? Do you have issues with your eyes? Ask him all these questions and then saying, oh, you qualify. I tested this out on Mike Chang site. I didn't fill out shit and I click the buy button he's like, congratulations you qualify to buy her product. No matter what I filled out I qualify. Tested this on five sites one decrease in sales by 34.63% and the other four increase in sales all the way up to 58.86 not too shabby. Test this out. Now number six. Copy tweaks have the biggest impact in conversions. If I'm doing a skincare side and you guys have big landers there's one thing you need to know. And I do a ton of copywriting and I've paid some of the best copywriters, literally 60, 70, 100 grand just for a landing page. And out of all, the data have analyzed cause I analyze a shit load of data. I've learned that eight out of 10 people will read your headline, but only two out of 10 people will read the rest of your landing page. It's all in the headline. Yes. The rest of the copy's important but it starts with the headline. You got a shit headline you're going to have shit conversions. So here's some quick headline rules. Numbers and negative words increase click through rate and reads. Not only does it increase click-through rates if you guys are doing organic SEO, which some of you are you want to keep them under 65 characters per search might as well get some extra search traffic. Make your headlines match the content if it's deceiving you're going to get a big fall off from the purchase. Odd numbers perform better than even. Don't ask me why, but from everything we've tested we've seen that. Six word headlines convert extremely well and avoid words with multiple meanings and of course use powers and adjectives. So fun, effortless, incredible. So and here's some general copy tweaks, evoking curiosity is a strong way to generate clicks and sales. What's your name? Huh? - [Kul'vad] Kul'vad. - Good one? - [Kul'vad] Kul'vad. - Kul'vad? I'm Indian, I should be able to say this. Okay. Kul'vad. Good enough? All right, Kul'vad quit DoubleDown casino and what happened next will shock you. That's curiosity you are much more likely to quit DoubleDown casino and you know, if they're playing DoubleDown casino they're much more likely to buy your casino offer. You also want to make sure you're writing in our conversational tone. With copy if you're not using the words you and I, it doesn't feel as personal it doesn't convert as well. Using the words you and I makes it personal and people like, oh my God this copy's written just for me. You don't want to be too salesy cause it hurts conversions. You want to make your copy clear, dark. I don't know why people like using these fancy like landing pages with all this pink stuff. I understand the product and the audience but if they made their copy easier to read on mobile phones they would convert better. You also want to make sure your mobile landing pages are AMP friendly. Are you guys familiar with AMP? AMP makes the landing pages load way faster which boosts conversions and of course you want to answer objections. So you can use tools like Qualaroo to ask them questions like if they're on your page for like five minutes cause they're most likely not ready to convert. What did you come to the site for? Did we help solve your you know what you're looking for. Asking them simple questions will help you understand what objections they have and then making your copy answering each of their objections because you guys drive so much traffic. Just look for the most common ones. That's the best way to boost your sales. Answered objections at one of my sites through copy boosted conversions by 14% just one little simple objection. Why should we pay you guys instead of your competitors is really simple. Now they can do that on the skincare products. Beauty answer objections. Now let's look at the last landing page. VPN solutions. Get your free VPN. Boom, here's the rest of the landing page. Is short, sweet. Doesn't have to be too long. Now, basic feedback is not everyone knows what a VPN is. So should make it more basic. They should let people know that it's easy to use. They should consider creating a short video explaining the VPN process instead of this image on the top left. I understand is privacy related but you can have the thumbnail of the video do the same thing. And what's the catch? Why is it free? People are going to be wondering this. So you're going to lose a lot of people there. Now here's what I would do if I had the VPN page. Evoke fear and some of you guys' products you can scare the shit out of people and make them buy. So here's what this VPN page has. Snoopers and hackers can trace you by your IP address. And I actually did this for a VPN company. It wasn't these guys, but I changed this copy. One of my buddies owns a VPN offer and right there I put shit like people are spying on you. We know that this is your IP address. You live in Berlin, Germany. You use a Mac big Mac book pro and you enjoy surfing the web at all times at night, especially at night time. It's this time in your time zone. That scares the out of people. And I would end up being like, and this is just scratching the surface of what we know about you. You want to stop this, use this free VPN so we and other people can't trace you. You see how that scares people. Don't you think that'll get people to download your product? Of course it will. When we did it on that VPN site conversions went up by 39.14%. That's crazy. All we did is just showcase the person's information based on their IP. And we went really hardcore specific like we even made judgements being like you love browsing the web using Safari. You're really loyal to Mac products. Or like if they have Chrome you love using Google. You're loyal to Google products, such as Google search and Chrome by making it creepy conversions went up. And my last bonus tip, ask your customers and visitors for a favor all right. So when you're collecting emails from your offers and most of the affiliates don't do this, I don't understand why because most of your traffic isn't going to convert start dripping them with free information such as being like, I'll give you this bonus if you do X, Y, and Z for me. And the subject line I use is I need a favor can you help? Plus some good news. And I just write an email that just basically says something like, "Hey, you know, Hey John, or Hey Dennis, I have a favor that I'm asking for you. I want to help the world look more youthful. I have this amazing skincare product and no I'm not here to sell you on it. But instead, what I want to do is I want to have you help me and educate the world on this product and in exchange, I'll send you a free sample. All you have to do is pay shipping, but I all I ask is in favor is for you to let other people know about this offer and share this link on your Facebook and Twitter and yada yada yada. And it's really simple. You start getting people to share and they email you back saying, Oh my God, this is amazing. And then they write blog post talking about how you're awesome and then boom, you get more traffic and more sales. Funny enough traffic hasn't gone up much but when someone recommends a product or service I found that we got an extra 6.41% increase in sales. And when I met traffic, didn't go up in much when you have a million plus visitors that you're driving or you're getting you're not going to notice the big traffic increase but the people who come from this they do extremely well when it comes to conversion from visitor to a purchaser. So that's it. And now let's get into some Q and A.
Channel: Neil Patel
Views: 305,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landing page high conversion, landing page, how to make a landing page, landing page design, landing page builder, best landing pages, landing page template, landing page examples, affiliate marketing, affiliate summit, affiliate world, affiliate marketers, selling on affiliate platforms, What is affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing for beginners, how to make money online, landing page optimization, landing page hacks, affiliate marketing 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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