MAILCHIMP TUTORIAL 2021 | Complete Email Marketing Guide For Beginners (Updated)

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what's up party people my name is daryl wilson and today in this video i'm going to teach you everything there is to know about mailchimp and email marketing i'll show you how i built and market my email list of 15 000 subscribers plus i'll show you how i make money from my email list and i'll teach you on how to properly send emails for your marketing campaigns i'll first show you how to create an email list for your email subscribers this is where your subscribers are stored on your email list i'll show you how you can manually add subscribers or import a list then i'll show you how you can send emails using a variety of free templates to those subscribers and i will use real life examples that i use for my personal marketing campaigns plus i'll show you how you can send welcome emails to people who sign up for your list automatically i'll then be showing you how you can integrate mailchimp onto anywhere you want for your wordpress website and if you're not using wordpress you should next i'll be showing you how to integrate it with woocommerce and if you don't have an ecommerce website already i do have several videos on how to make one so go ahead and check those out and the great part is mailchimp is completely free so once we go through the basics of email marketing i'll run you through some different ways on how to make your signup forms look really stylish and make them look really modern and professional plus mailchimp works with all major page builders like divi brizzy or elementor so i'll be running you through all of that today in this tutorial so after watching this video you're gonna be an email marketing expert you will have all the knowledge you need to know you're ready to get started let's go okay so you guys ready to do this let's do this so the first thing you'll do obviously is go to and on the top right you will see sign up for free now this page might change in the future guys i'm really sorry but does not mean the tutorial is outdated it just means that mailchimp likes to update their website a lot so you'll put in an email here and then you'll put in your username and a password and once you're done you will say i want to receive emails or i don't want to receive them and then you'll click sign up now all right so i'll go ahead and click on sign up all right so go ahead and check your email so this is going to confirm your email address to make sure that this is not some bot signing up for mailchimp all right so this is my email list this is actually my portuguese youtube channel so if you guys want to see this my videos in portuguese i hired a translator for that so here i will click on activate your mailchimp accounts and i will click on activate account all right so this is obviously the process of signing up they just want to make sure that you're not a robot and they want to ask you some quick details just to i don't know make their platform easier to use so we want to use the free plan so by default these other plans are for people like me so if you have like 30 000 subscribers they're going to have to pay you'll have to pay a monthly fee however for your first 2000 subscribers you will not pay anything at all so i'll go ahead and click on the free plan and then click on complete so go ahead and fill out this information i'm sure you've seen the forms like this your first name your last name your social security number and your bank account i'm just kidding i'm just kidding they don't ask for that just give them this information and then once you're done with this you will click on continue so next you'll need to add in your address so if you don't want to put your home address you can put in a po box now this is required for international anti-spam law so unfortunately this is out of my control and it's also out of mailchimp's control so just put in an address that you use or you might have access to all right so it's asking us do we have any contacts i'm just going to say no no no no and then click on continue so what do you offer or plan to offer well i can just put technology and if you don't want to answer this you can just put other and then just puts not available or you know if you're selling marijuana or whatever yeah i think that's actually legal in my state nevada yeah so let's put uh not sure and then click on continue where can people access your offerings so is this a physical store is this an e-commerce website i'll just put our own websites and click on continue alright so this is just basically asking if you want to get updates from mailchimp now these are all optional you don't have to select anything so i will skip all of these and click on let's go alright so here they're trying to sell you a bunch of stuff that you don't need so just go ahead and skip all these steps so i'm going to skip this step i'll do this later i'll do this later and i'm good i'm good i don't need to see this anymore all right and welcome to your new dashboard so congratulations you now have mailchimp ready to go okay so step one let's just create a simple email list where your subscribers will be stored so you can send them email marketing campaigns all right guys a quick update so as of october 6th mailchimp decided once again to change their entire interface so i just want to let you guys all know that if you see my video it's not out to date they just like to update their website quite often so usually they have the navigation bar at the top and now on the left side we have the navigation bar so for example if you want to go to your profile it's on the bottom left under the account section this is how you would create emails so if you click on this little pencil it'll say crates these are where your selections are and so on and so forth so they did move the audience so this is like where your list is and everything to this side then they have this other little navigation bar so again i just want to let you guys know that um i'm not going to redo the video i'm just letting you guys know that they have changed the actual interface to the left side so again the video is not out to date i get these these comments quite often it's just that mailchimp has a very big tendency to update their website maybe once a month so you know i do my best you know i truly do my best so go ahead and follow along the video just just letting you guys know that the options are on the left side and they might not be on the top side so let's go back to the video first let's click on view audiences now you can also go to audiences and go to audience dashboard as well you'll see one of them are subscribers and we can actually view the subscribers so right here you can click on view contacts or the number one it'll take you to the same page now when someone signs up for your list this is where they're going to be stored so i don't know why but they've added me by default maybe they just want to see i don't know so when you sign up they add yourself but again you can go ahead and delete yourself at any time by just clicking on the email under actions and unsubscribe but i want to keep myself just just for tall purposes so let's say for example someone says hey can you sign up for your list and they give you your email or their email you'll go to add contacts and click on add a subscriber so this is how to manually add a subscriber so for example we have the email address and all the information so let's say for example your sister or your brother want to be added to your email list you can go ahead and put their information right here or if someone that you know you know they want to sign up you can put in their info right here okay so i just put in some information i put in the first name the last name and also i put in a phone number you can also put in a birth date if you want to do that now tags so what tags are essentially are categories so you can actually categorize your subscribers so for example let's say you have a a list of people who want to purchase a specific product and you have other subscribers who might be more interested in something else you can actually tag specific subscribers because maybe each of them are having different interests in different niches so for example click on the plus and this could be something like a deals or something like that so i'll just click on deals so for example if you want to send emails to a specific tag when people register for your email you can use that specific one so you're just categorizing your audience personally i don't even use tags i just use different lists for different websites i just find that easier people do use tags however i just don't i just find it's too much of a hassle to keep making certain categories but then again that's just my personal opinion so this person gave me permission to email them if this person is already in my audience update their profile and then i will click on subscribe alright congratulations we have now successfully added someone to our email list so for example i'll click on the number two where it says two of our subscribers and now you'll see the email and you'll see the first name and the last name and all the information about that certain subscriber so that's how you can actually import or create your own subscribers for your email list so next let's go ahead and talk about how you can export and import lists onto other lists or other audiences or whatever you want to do so for example i have these two subscribers but let's say for example i had a thousand right here we have this button that says export segments i'll go ahead and click on this and then you will see the audience exports so you'll see that we have this member export and on the right side i can export this list as a csv so i'll click here on this button and then i will save the file to my computer and click on ok ok so once that's done you can go click on audience and click on your audience dashboard and then again you can click on this number two or view contacts it takes you to the same place and we have add contacts and we also have import contacts so click on import contacts and then you see where it says upload file so we do have a csv i'll click on continue to upload and then i will go ahead and upload the file that i exported and then you'll click on continue to organize so select the status i'll say these people are subscribed and then click on continue to tag here you can go ahead and add those people to a specific tag so for example remember i made that deals but i'm not going to do that but that's exactly why you would want to make a tag if you want to and then you'll click on continue to match so for example if you have some contacts that are already registered to that list it'll just say hey we recognize a few people on the list and that's okay and i'll click on finalize report or import and then we'll click on complete import and we are all done so i have already added those people on my list so obviously nothing updated but in the future if you want to import and export your subscribers that's exactly how you would do it so now that i showed you all how to create an audience and how to add subscribers and import and export lists let's now create a campaign okay so now that we have an email list where our subscribers are stored now we can send them email marketing campaigns so i'm going to show you on how to do that and i'll also be showing you my templates on what i use for my personal marketing campaigns so on the top left you will see creates i'll click on create and click on email so this is going to be your campaign name now only you will see this info so don't worry if you think people will see this this is only for internal purposes so for example if you are promoting a specific product like for example i have flatsome tutorial so i'm trying to get commissions from a digital product so i'll just put flat some tutorial just just for myself so i know what it is and then i'll click on begin all right so under the two people you'll click on your edit recipients and you want to make sure that it's for your specific audience so you'll see i have two subscribers and then i will click on save now who is this from this is from you right so you can actually edit that form so edit form so for my name i'll put darryl wilson and then you will see the email where it's from as well and then i'll click on save so we have subject so let's go ahead and add a subject so you want to make sure your subject is really catchy you know you want it to be simple and you also want it to be just straight to the point so for subject i'll put you won't believe what i have what i have for you so next we have the preview text and the preview text is the text under the actual subject line so for example you see the screenshot right here so the preview text is under it so it's not actual text in the email it's just something a preview text where they can see before they open the actual email so i'll put something here like about flat sum or something so and i'll click on save all right so we have the subject all done and now let's go ahead and design the email so we do have some layouts now a lot of these are really ugly and you're going to have to kind of design them all from scratch and that's okay but if you click on themes you will see some themes that you can choose from if you're just getting started out i think i used this one when i got started out i think it was just like something really basic and simple and uh you know just something that i that i thought was just like really easy but first let's go ahead and just create our own so under layouts i like to sell product layouts i think it says very straight to the point i think it's easy on the eye so under sell products i'll click on this one now of course when you learn how to make your own you can go ahead and design the templates and you can have fun you can grab a beer and drink and make campaigns all you want but let me just show you the basics of how to design the email so first at the top we have this logo so if you want to change something so for example they have just a placeholder here i'll click on logo and then replace and what i can do is upload my own logo or upload my own files here so i can use them on my email campaign so on the right side you'll see upload i'll click on upload and then i'll go ahead and upload some files here so you'll see that i added the logo and then here you can change the text so instead of showcase your products i'll put 90 off the flat sum theme and then i'll take the fonts and we can change it to something a little bit more friendlier right like you know actually i think uh you know we'll do our bottle our bottle is a good one and then for the size you can change the size you can also change the actual heading style if you want to do that you can change the whatever you want but i'll just leave it as heading 1. if you want to change the color of something you can just go ahead and change the text color so if you want it's like a red or if you want it a black so these are just all the options of how you can customize the text so you can kind of mess around with this but these options right here are where you would customize the content so next we have the style and the style is where you can again you can adjust things like the alignments and other various settings and then we also have these settings which is just the number of columns so i prefer one column i think one column is ideal for most emails however if you want a two column email you can have a two specific column email but for this video we're just going to be using one i think that two three four columns can just be a little weird you know that's just my opinion so for example i'll go back to the content and click on save and close so now we have a photo now if you want to add in your own photo or drag and drop it let's just delete this so i'll click on this trash can and delete it then let's just say you know what i want to add in my own image somewhere else so under image we can just drag and drop that right there i know it's the same spot i just wanted to show you all how to you know how to how to use an image or how to drag it so then you'll see the same thing upload an image so we have this image here so you'll see that sometimes when you upload these images it says this image might be too big so we can go ahead and fix it so let's do that let's fix it this is a very common thing with mailchimp so it's just saying hey if you want to make it a little smaller let's do that so i will just say crop or resize and then click on save and then you know that would be the end of it so and then click on save and close all right so once that's all done you'll see some content now you can see already how this email just looks really clean we have an image we have a title we have some description and then we have a button so for example if i want to edit this you can just edit this as you want so we can do you know fonts and we can center that's and then here we can actually i'll save and close whoops click here and then i will there we go and save and close so let's say you want to add something a little bit more stylish maybe you want to add in a specific divider so i'll take the divider and put it in there so here you can go ahead and adjust things like the padding on the top which is space and the padding on the bottom so the more padding the more space so just to give you an example if i put 25 it's just going to add in more space there so that's if you want to just you know make it look a little bit neater and then we have the border so we have the style of the border you can have dashed or you can have groove or whatever you want to do you can have foam with that and then you can even change the actual width of it so you want it really really thick like we can have a really thick one and then we can change this color to something more visible so for the actual color of the bar i would probably pick your brand so if your brand is green i would say all right then maybe you should apply green that's why i like the divider because it kind of represents your brand and it helps people identify you and your website so let's just say you know for total purposes let's just do black you know and i'll make this smaller there we go so you'll see that we have this image we have this and then for the button actually let's delete this i'll delete it and listen let's i want my own button and we'll grab our own here i don't want to use the generic stuff to give us you know it's ugly stuff so i'll drag this down so i can see and put the button there and then for the buy now text we can change this to something like a get deal now link two so where do you want these people to go to if they click on this button so we have web address email address an anchor link or a specific file so if you want to offer a specific downloadable file you can select file so let's say for example you want to offer a instructions on how to do cooking or how to lose weight you can go ahead and upload your zip file and then you can click on insert now whenever someone clicks on this button it will then go ahead and give them that file so that's a way on how you can send them free stuff like instructions or those uh those scammy get rich quick guys the the free you know the free ebook and all that stuff so this is how you can send free ebooks cooking instructions whatever you want to do so you would just select the fire url and then there you go but i just want to select a specific location so what i'll do is i will change this to web address and then i can put in my affiliate link here or i can put in a youtube channel or i can put in my website so i'll put in my affiliate link so basically saying if someone clicks on this and they purchase flatsome i will then make a commission off that company so that's the whole purpose of this email is to make money right that's why you're all watching this email let's just be real you know let's just let's just get straight to the point we all want to make money right so i'll go ahead and delete this block because i don't need it it's ugly and i want to finish this off with something like uh you know maybe we want some here save and close maybe i want some social follows or you can even do sharing but who the hell shares emails you know so probably just like social follow right that's like more standard and ideal so you'll see we have a facebook button you can link the actual facebook page you have a twitter you can link the twitter and then you have your websites and you can add another service i think let's see what they got here they got what the hell is whose who's in the i think that's i think that's like the russian facebook vita v contact i don't even know but let's just do dribble let's just let's just keep it simple and then i'll click on save and close so of course you can link these uh social accounts to any other social websites and then on the bottom we have this now this is ugly i don't like this but you can leave it there if you want if you want to do that you can do that but uh you know i don't want it those are ugly i like the color ones you know people like color on their social icons right so then at the bottom we have just some information now a lot of this information is required so for example they want to know who send this email and they also want to know if they can update their preferences or even subscribe from your list and you can edit this anytime that you want but i'm not going to go into all this this is something that you should just kind of leave but again you can update this and change this however you want so i will click on save and close so party people i think we are all ready with this email so i think this is looking good i think the logo was way too big i probably could update that right okay so i went ahead and edit that i felt like that was just a little that looked a little weird so here we go so we have the logo we have a title of whatever you want to put we have an image we have just some information about the email a beautiful button and we have our lovely social icons where they can go ahead and like all of your stuff so once you are done you'll click on on the top right you will see continue all right so let's go ahead and scroll down we have the email so you'll see a quick preview of it you can also send a test email to make sure it's working so let's just do that i'll click on send a test email and then i will send this to all rights so then i'll click on send a test email so i just put in a email that i have access to and send a test just to see how it looks like before i send it to you know 15 000 people and i'll click on ok so look at that we have the email and you can see how it says test so i'll click on this email and i just want to scroll and just make sure everything looks good so we have the image everything looks really nice and if i click on get deal this should bring me to a website to purchase flatsome and there we go so now they can purchase flatsome they can buy and add it to the cart so that is the test email so i think by now you guys are all ready to go with your first campaign and then once you are all ready you will click on send or you can schedule it so let's say for example i don't know why but people like to open their emails in the morning right when they wake up i mean that's like the first thing you do right you check your phone like a like a corporate zombie but i do too so that's okay so here they have the sendtime optimize optimization which is a very new feature i didn't even know they had this and this apparently will let them optimize it so when people open your email that's when it's going to send it to your subscribers but you can also do something what i've noticed over the years guys is corporations and businesses they send it at like three four in the morning when people are sleeping so when they wake up what's the first thing they see yep they see your email so i usually send my emails somewhere around 4 a.m pacific time so again when they wake up when they want to do something we'll get them before they go to work you know we'll get them you know we'll get them so they'll buy our product so that's some strategy that you might want to consider uh also they have the send in batches so if you do get a lot of bounce emails like for example you just get like a lot of balanced emails and you don't know why you can send those in batches and that will usually lead to a more successful campaign so mailchimp cannot guarantee that every single email will be sent but you can help them by setting them in current batches of two or three or four or however you want to do that so yeah and then you click on a schedule campaign or you can just click on send and send the email right away and congratulations you have now successfully sent out your email so that's always good to know so if you want to go ahead and check out the reports let's go ahead and jump to that section so let's switch back to my account because this actually has a lot of campaigns and i'll give you a real life example so for example we have best web hosting so i'll click on best web hosting and this is a real campaign that i've sent to my subscribers so i have an image i have a title i have a little divider and then we have some text we have some a button to the video and then below that i have additional affiliate links and other videos now these actually get clicked on quite a bit so when people are um you know maybe they're in the market for purchasing a new page builder it's like oh here by divi maybe they're in the market of purchasing a new web hosting you know who knows but i included other offers below that so we have hot offers and then we also have hey check out these new page builders and then we also have hey you need help you know we can help you with this and linking them to other youtube videos so uh it took me some you know it took me some time to really optimize my email campaigns but i do get a lot of clicks from my email campaign so let's go ahead and scroll down or let's go back to the view report so let's scroll down now i'm not selling anything so obviously i won't have any money here because i'm an affiliate i'm not actually selling a product i recommend it so let's scroll down keep scrolling keep scrolling and here we go so we have the opened the clicked the balanced and the unsubscribed that is quite a bits but you know i got a lot of clicks so that i feel good i felt good so we have successful deliveries your opens and everything all your information that you need right here so we have the performance so these are where your performances are going to be for your campaigns and also top links clicked so notice how we have the main button being clicked a lot but people are already clicking on my affiliates for other offers so just remember to put other offers in your email besides what you're currently offering because maybe people might want to purchase other products i mean look at this they are we have 269 clicks from the main button but we have all these other clicks from let's go ahead and take a look at this so look at that we have all these other clicks from other offers that they might have purchased so that's how i make commissions and that's how i make a living through affiliate marketing so always go ahead and put in other offers just besides your current one that's always a good strategy for email marketing so you know how to make lists you know how to send emails but what happens if someone signs up for your form right so let me show you all how to send auto responders for people who sign up for your email marketing list so let's move on to the next step let's go ahead and create automatic emails for your new subscribers so on the top left you'll see create and click on email so at this point i think you guys know what to do right it's almost the same thing so just click on automated and then we have email subscribers when they're tagged or welcome new subscribers welcome new subscribers and then we have the campaign name so single welcome email by default we have the actual audience you might only have one and then i'll click on begin i have a lot of audiences i have like five or six because i have run a bunch of different websites and you can see everything's already pre-filled so you can change the subject so instead of thanks for joining us we can change that to i like to do something more modern you know like uh welcome to the party and then you know drinks drinks on me you know something more modern you know that sounds really boring i think people out there all like to you know like to be real right so we have the content and then you can go ahead and design this email just like you did the other one so i'll click on edit design so i'll go ahead and explain what all this weird text is so go ahead and leave this so this is going to be their name it's going to pre-fill their name so for example if their name was jessica rabbit it's going to put in hey jessica rabbit it's going to put in their specific name but then you'll go ahead and create and design this email just like you did the previous one so for example you can replace your logo you can change the text so instead of saying we're glad you're here i'll put them in i'm like it's it's about time you did the right thing welcome and expect great things you know that was on the top of my head i didn't have to i'm not even on the script guys i'm really not so save and close and then i'll click on uh save and continue of course once you are done editing your specific email save and continue on the bottom right so once you have successfully done that you'll click on start sending and then you'll click on start now all right congratulations so now when they sign up for your email list they will get an automatic email from you welcoming them to your new email subscriber list okay so at this point you guys are kind of professionals you guys know how to send automatic emails to subscribers you know how to send campaigns and you also know how to view the reports so now let's talk about how to integrate it with popular platforms like wordpress duh i mean that's what everyone uses today is wordpress and woocommerce so let's do that okay so now that you all know how to use mailchimp let's talk about how to integrate it with wordpress and if you're not using wordpress you gotta start because wordpress is the number one cms it's really easy to build the website with wordpress so let's get started okay so this is a basic wordpress website i have and if you want to learn how to make this same website i'll leave that in the description below we use the divi theme here it's actually the number one most popular wordpress theme in the world so what i'll do is just go to my blog and i'll just click on some blog here and i can go ahead and add in a signup form on this specific list so what i'll do is i'll go to mailchimp now this is the default way so i'll show you a few methods but i'll also talk about what i have on my website which i think you should use but let's just use the free methods first so under the audience tab you'll see sign up forms click on sign up forms so they have a form builder they have embedded forms subscriber pop-up and also form integrations so let's just click on embedded forms first i'll click on select so they're just giving you a basic example of what this would look like so this is how your your signup form would look like we also have condensed horizontal unstyled wow that is that is really ugly they should just take that out you know if wow that's ugly okay like that is pretty that's like the the scammy paypal style you know so let's just do something very basic i'll just do classic i'll just do classic um for the fields i'll just do show all of course you can go ahead and edit and style this but you can do that on your own time and then right here copy and paste this onto our website so what you can do is you can first put this on a text widgets or you can put it under a code widgets so let me just go ahead and give you a quick example here so this is my sidebar right so i want to add it to the sidebar first so i'll click on widgets and this works for any wordpress website not just divi it works for any one of them so we have the arbitrary text what i'll do is i will drag and drop that i will click on the text and then dismiss that annoying notice and then paste it in there and we are all done and then for title we can do sign up for free junk and then click on save all right so now let's go to visit sites go to our blog we'll go to the actual blog post and now you'll see sign up for free junk and people can go ahead and subscribe to this list so they'll put in their first name their last name and also their email address now again you can pick different forms so if you don't like the way that looks you can use condensed or even horizontal or whatever you want to do so let's talk about some ways on how you can get some subscribers to your email list that will really work so i'll first go through a free method and then i'll talk about a paid method where some you can get something like this on your website where just kind of graze everything out and people are kind of given a choice to sign up for your newsletter or not also i'll show you how i have mine and we'll talk about how you can see how many people saw the the pop-up how many people signed up and it'll give you a conversion rate and all that stuff but first we'll go through the free version just in case you don't want to spend any money on a premium email opt-in and um yeah that's just something you know whatever so uh on the plug-in section you'll click on add new now there's a free plug-in that i think is really good and suitable for beginners it's called sumo so this is the actual plugin it's called sumo burst boost conversions and sales i'll click on install now now this will give you a variety of different templates and different signup forms for your specific websites so click on activate now i'll click on settings so then you can connect your wordpress website before we do that you can actually see some of the um signup forms before you even download it so you'll see they have a few also you can see some screenshots of some of their templates as well so if you want to go ahead and go this route for a free method you can always go ahead and do that so you'll need to make a free account and you can make a free account but you don't have to i'll just give you an example of the whole process so i'll click on sign uh login so once your website is connected with sumo i'll go to my dashboard and then you'll just get some options here like they have other plugins and all this other stuff but i'll click on my apps so right away you'll see that uh they're giving you a free template they're saying hey do you like this one you can turn it on on your websites but i'll just put no thanks and then we can click on create a form and you can say i want to collect emails and you can also add a just a call to action and then you can go ahead and design and customize this form however you want at the bottom it says connect to an email service so you'll see that mailchimp is here so i'll click on connect with mailchimp and i'll click on connect so now you'll put in your username and your password for your mailchimp accounts and then you'll click on login alright so it's saying sumo will have access to your account so i'll say sure now to be honest this is probably the only free plugin that actually allows this the other ones are all paid and premium so you can customize your form and you can also connect it to mailchimp at the same time instead of spending money on plugins so for the mailing list you'll go ahead and put the mailing list that we created and then we have disable double opt-in so what this means is if you have this unchecked they'll just go ahead and be subscribed to your list but if you have double opt-in enabled that means they'll have to go to their email and confirm their email before they sign up for your list so i will disable double opt-in i feel like it's a hassle for people signing up for the list and then i'll click on save all right and then i will click on publish once we're all done so there is the actual newsletter so people can go ahead and sign up on your website now if you want to show your form at a specific time you can click on the edit button and under the visibility tab you'll see manual mode so you can go ahead and go through these options and change this so for example if the visitor hasn't seen the pop-up in one month you can show it again or you can show it every hour or every day or however you want to manipulate this for your website so just go ahead and go through these options and you'll be on your way and you'll be all set and all good to go so let's go ahead and take a quick look at our website now so look at that we went to the website and now we have this pop-up saying join our newsletter so i will go ahead and put in an email list and then there you go so now you have subscribers that are subscribing to your newsletter for free on your new website amazing okay so now let's say you're not broke and you want to spend some money on a premium plug-in which i recommend now this is the number one recommended uh plug-in for male opt-ins and it works with mailchimp like a breeze now i'll leave this in the description below i do have a 20 off bloom so the bloom plug-in is a package bundle with divi and also the monarch plug-in so let me just give you a quick example you would go ahead and you would purchase bloom there's a 20 discount in the description so it is around 89 however you do get access to other premium themes like divi theme which is what we built this website with so you do get a lot of value here so for 89 you get access to all this stuff and then once you get it you can upload it to your current wordpress website so let's just give you a quick example here so i'll go to my dashboard and under plugins i'll go to add new now once i purchase bloom i can upload the plugin right here so i'll click on upload i'll choose the file and then i'll upload the zip file and that will install bloom onto my website so once i have bloom installed on my current wordpress website you'll see that i have my active opt-in so i have a widgets and i also have a pop-up so right here you'll see i have this beautiful pop-up and there are hundreds of templates for you to choose from it's really really convenient so if i go to new opt-in it gives us an option do you want a pop-up do you want to fly in do you want to lock your content or place it under widgets but i'll just keep it basic you know pop-up so then you'll select an email provider and bloom pretty much works with everything on the internet it is a very popular email opt-in so i'll click on mailchimp and then you can go ahead and connect mailchimp to this so i already have connected mailchimp to this but if you click on add accounts it'll then say add the account so i'll click on add accounts and then it's asking for the account name and the api key so you'll go back to your website and under your profile this is your current username so you'll go ahead and put in that specific username and then under the extras you'll see api keys i know api key sounds a little confusing or even intimidating but it's really not so i'll just go ahead and copy and paste the api key and then i'll go ahead and paste that api key right there and click on authorize and look at that so it recognizes my accounts and it also recognizes all the lists that i have in my previous mailchimp account so this is how you can have mailchimp signups for each specific website so for example i can have one on this website on another website and another website and so on one thing to note though when you create an api key you want to click on create a key and then you'll just want to just copy and paste the first key because obviously i have all these in use so you'll go ahead and click on create a key sorry i forgot to tell you that but yeah no harm no foul so copy and paste the api key and you are all set then you'll go to your um you'll select your list so i'll just put darrel wilson and i'll click on design your opt-in so this just makes it super easy and super convenient i mean this is beautiful and it has a color for pretty much everything it has a style for anything that you want so you can just select any single form and then on the bottom you'll click on customize and then you can go ahead and change the text you can also change the font you can change the color you'll have full customization over your form and you can even get a preview of what it looks like as you are actually customizing it so it'll look something like that something very modern something very unique and yeah so go through these options and you'll you know have fun and you can customize your form and then you'll click on display settings so you have different options you can have it fade in you can slide it into the right of the screen you can slide it up you know vice versa so you can go through a lot of these and check it out also you can say hey i want this to display 20 seconds after they come to the website or something like that so you can go through and change the display settings of this you can even have it on each specific page or exclude certain pages so that's why i feel like this is a lot better than free forms because you can actually display this on each specific page and have specific conditions for each specific page because what's the point of having this display on the contact form you know like there would be no reason for this to display on the contact us page so what i'll do is i'll scroll down and i'll click on next and then it just says success message we can redirect them to another url or just give them like a thank you for signing up so that means if they sign up for your form we can link them to a different page you can link them to a special offer you can link them to pretty much anywhere that you want by going to redirect to url and then putting that url there so that's a really cool feature they've added in bloom this year so i'm really happy they added that in but i'll just do success message and click on save and exit and congratulations so now my website has a new email opt-in that will display whenever and it'll actually show me the impressions which is how many people saw it it'll show me the conversions which is how many people signed up and then it'll give me my conversion rate so if one's not working out you can kind of switch and go to the other so that's how you can have pop-ups on your website with style and you can do the same thing on your blog so where it says you can add it to the widget alright cool so now i went to my website and now i'm greeted with the subscribe to our newsletter and you can see i really can't do anything i have to either make it a selection or i have to close it so i'll just close it and now i'll just quickly go over how you can add this to the sidebar so bloom is actually a widget as well so you'll see on the right side how it says join for freebies and news so let's go ahead and just add it to the right side i'll just run you through on how to do that so i went to my widgets section and on the widgets section now you'll see bloom so it's really simple guys just drag and drop it that's it and you're done and then select the opt-in form that we made put widgets and save and now you are done so now you can start collecting emails from your sidebar on your wordpress website so that pretty much concludes how to add it to your website you can do various different styles you can use mailchimp's default settings you can add it to your website you can use the bloom plug-in which i recommend i do have a 20 discount for that plug-in in the description below or you can use sumome which is a free alternative it is limited but again it's free so what happens when someone buy something on your website right you want to get their email so you can send them coupons or discounts or promo codes or whatever you want to do so in this next section i'm going to show you how to integrate it with woocommerce now if you're not using woocommerce i strongly recommend it if you're using shopify leave shopify and go to woocommerce wordpress it is much better and a lot cheaper so let's go and lastly for you party people who watch my tutorial on flat sum i'll go ahead and show you how you can add the email subscription to pretty much any ecommerce website with wordpress or any wordpress theme so if you're running an ecommerce website with wordpress right now and you want to add an email opt-in form for it let me show you how to do that in fact it's really really simple so under plugins we'll go to add new and then under search plugins i'll type in mailchimp mailchimp and right here we have mailchimp for woocommerce and that's it and that's it guys that is it you're done yeah click click click on activate there we go all right so it wants to connect our store to mailchimp so go ahead and click on connect all right and we have to enter in our credentials for mailchimp so once we do that i'll click on login alright i will authorize mailchimp and woocommerce and i will click on allow all right it just wants to clarify some of our store settings so just go ahead and make sure everything is correct and then click on next okay so next what is your subscribers gonna see so for example you were subscribed to this newsletter from darrell wilson you can change this to you know our lovely lovely e-commerce websites and then you'll click on next all right so go ahead and select your audience so where do you want your subscribers to be stored well i'm going to put my e-commerce store and then scroll down just keep scrolling these are other options you can mess around with but uh you know for the total purposes i don't want to go through each one because they're really not for everybody they're for some people so i'll click on start sync and congratulations you have now successfully connected mailchimp and your wordpress website it is syncing so just give it a few minutes all right so let's buy something on this beautiful e-commerce website let's do that here i'll click on shop and also again i have a tutorial on how to make this same exact e-commerce website in the description below but i want to get scammed here let's just buy this uh this watch right here so i'll click on checkout and now when i try to purchase this specific watch you'll see at the bottom it says subscribe to our newsletter and this is automatically checked by default so whenever someone purchases something on your website and has this checked you will then get their email and it'll end up in your mailchimp account so congratulations guys you've made it to the ends i want to go ahead and say thank you for watching this video i think i covered every aspect i showed you all how to create a list how to create a campaign how to send automated emails how to connect it to your wordpress website and also how to connect it to woocommerce so again i hope this video helped you out make sure to like this video i do spend a lot of time making these videos and you know i have to really go through everything to make sure it's perfect for you guys or else you're gonna get me disliked and nobody wants that so all right party people i hope this video helped you out now if there's something that changed or if they added something that was not in the video let me know in the comments below mailchimp has a tendency to update so i try to keep these videos up to date as much as possible so my name is daryl wilson and i will see all of you party people in the next video guys take it easy
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 61,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mailchimp, email marketing, mailchimp guide, 2020, updated 2020 tutorial, how to use mailchimp in 2020, tutorial for beginners about mailchimp, create campaigns in 2020 with mailchimp, create audiences in mailchimp, how to use mailchimp, mailchimp tutorial, mail chimp, mailchimp email, email campaign, sign up forms, free autoresponder, free email marketing, mailchim, mialchimp, mailchimp tutorial 2020
Id: 8RZvuFX5ENc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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