How to Catch Story BOSSES in Palworld

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welcome to an episode of pal world I'm going to show you how you can catch the bosses that you face in pal world and yeah you can imagine that that's definitely not something you're supposed to be able to do we're of course going to be using a glitch now the great thing is these are extremely strong they're also going to be extraordinarily unique because this is going to be 100% patched out eventually very soon most likely this is something you should absolutely not do so once you catch these you will have them and they will be extraordinar unique and rare and they are strong as well so you can use them let's have a look at how this works so welcome to my base welcome to my power let's have a quick look at some of the comparisons between the glitched boss Pals that you can catch and the actual legendaries that you can catch in the game so here's a strong sort of late game area Pokemon a pal rather and uh looking at him he's got 515 attack 600 so defense 3,500 HP all right so this is a pretty good pile to catch for your team now compare that to say the legendary which you can catch the end of the game this is the strongest legendary in the game this has 11k HP it's got 800 plus attack it's got 600 plus defense that's very very good this is the strongest Pokemon in the game pal rather now looking at say the first boss that we can catch in the game or far fight in the game this is Zoe and Gris bolt yes it is Zoe as Gris bolt and I know we can't see Zoe here is just GIS bolt but you can see the HP is 150,000 hey HP that's ridiculous that's ridiculous attack is only 475 425 so uh we can of course buff that with the levels H by merging more GIS bolts so actually sending out Zoe and GIS bolt will look like this Zoe is still here it's not just a GIS bolt you're catching you're catching the full combo here you're catching both of them and of course they do everything just like normal Pals if you release them they'll fight they'll work on your base and Zoe is still there on top we also have uh the other one Axel and or which is a later area boss and yeah there he is there's the Buddy and he's riding his guy too these guys are strong so I'm going to show you how to catch these guys right now first step is go to the settlement small settlement which is down at the south of the game it's somewhere you probably would have encountered early game so I'm going to pick this one so you can do this easily enough fast travel there to the small settlement the next thing we're going to do is we're going to shoot the guard that we can see immediately or just hit him you can just do anything as long as you become wanted then we can fast travel to whatever boss we want to do so I'm actually going to go ahead and do a boss I have not done yet actually I have done this one but I haven't caught it yet so we're going to go ahead and do this this boss this will be my third one to catch all right so this is good stuff let's go over here and let's go straight for the tower wherever that is there it is let's go straight for that Tower and enter the boss room all right so once you're ready to go ahead and join the boss now you're going to still be wanted and the guys who are chasing you are all following you all the way through here and they're going to follow you into the boss room too you can escape and space bar this now the first thing we want to do is we want to get this this pal shot by one of the guards who would have followed us in which was there but we want to make sure that the pal gets kind of triggered in a sort of glitch where it starts walking over to the corner by itself and you'll see it it's very very clear so let's just get it shot first you'll see its health bar there it is it's shot and there it goes there it goes so as soon as it triggers that and it goes off by itself into the corner you can throw a PO ball at it and it will be able to be caught if it doesn't do that you're not going to be able to catch it but it's also 100% catch rate so it doesn't matter what ball you use and we caught Lily and liline once you've done that guys all you have to do is hit respawn or you can return to title if you have the settings which make you lose your items if you do not have the settings that make you lose your items respawn as faster so you can of course reload the game either way and uh just end up right outside the tower so let's go back to base here so that's another one done it's actually that easy and as exactly as explained it folks you want to get it to trigger after being shot without you shooting it do not attack the boss yourself you want it to be shot at by the guards until it triggers going into the corner like that uh let's have a look at Lily and liline now let's bring that out pop and there she is there she is it was that easy folks this is a Nutty this is a Nutty Nutty glitch nutty glitch and this is going to be patched so if you do manage to catch your bosses like this you're going to have them you're going to keep them and it's going to be extremely unique to use them especially in PvP when they add that into the game so I highly recommend you catch all five bosses ASAP thanks for watching that's all there is to it anyway I might cover some more power world stuff I'm kind of looking forward to them when they add do do add other things like PVP and whatnot and uh I will be covering things that are vital for you to know so you can get your head in the game get your foot in the door so to speak with all these really cool things that you can do in power world that you're obviously not supposed to thanks for watching this one I'll see you around in the next have a good one bye
Channel: BLAINES
Views: 19,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, blaines, how to catch bosses in palworld, palworld glitches, palworld guides, palworld exploits, catch strongest pals in palworld, how to catch palworld bosses, how to catch zoe and grizzbolt, palworld bosses, palworld funny glitches, palworld tips and tricks
Id: iH1LftzqvpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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