How To Can with a Brake Bleeder -No Heat, No Electricity Canning = GENIUS!

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I'm excited to be with you again today we're talking about a very important part of food preservation in the event of an emergency where you don't have electricity but you're needing to lengthen the shelf life of food as much as possible or perhaps you're not into canning that you want to canned foods well stay with us in the next few minutes I'm going to give you some really practical tips of what will can and what won't can and how to do this just stay tuned [Music] there are some of you out there that know how to can any kind of food available to mankind and there are others of us out here that are completely terrified of it whether it's the pressurization of the pressure canner or we just don't like the heat that's put off in regular water bath canning or using the oven there are all different kinds of methods but today I want to give you one that I think all of us should know about because this is how you're going to can if you don't have any electricity and you can't just go outside and fire up the grill and do the canning on that or something like that this is going to help you can especially dried goods or thick foods that are not super acidic that give off lots of acids this is going to be a fantastic solution for preserving your foods a whole lot longer all right let's get started so today what we're going to use is one of the most popular versions of food preservations out there and that's the food saver lid system that is going to let us suck all of the oxygen out of whatever it is that we've canned ok let me show you how this is going to come you could order them directly from food saver or you could get them on Amazon I just ordered only the lids and I got a large one for large mouth jars and a small one for small mouth jars it'll come just in a easy little box and it'll come with a food saver cord but you are just gonna save that for another day another siphoning project or something like that or make a bendy straw out of it for your children whatever floats your boat but there are about eight dollars each here's the large version of it and I'll take it out for the large mouth jars you can see that's even bigger but they both use the same exact process so that's the first thing you need to get now let me set that aside and show you what else you want to get all right the next ingredient you're going to want to get is a handy dandy brake bleeder now you can get these from so many places online this particular one I got locally at I think it was just a harbor eight tools or northern tools or something like that it's going to come in a package like this and it'll come with some extra this is clear full of little contraptions and that's what you need is going to be inside that vial and then it comes with several of these hoses so you'll have plenty for the years ahead all right so this is what you're gonna get is a brake bleeder a hand pump brake bleeder that's what it's called let me show you about this this is a hand pump brake bleeder like I said you're gonna have to have a little bit of mussels or find somebody around you that does that's going to be able to pump this for you but when you get it it will not have the hose on it so you're just going to install one of the hoses that it comes with and this is about 18 inches long and that's the perfect length remember that the longer the cord is the more you're gonna be pumping so feel free to cut that cord down just a little bit if you are have not a lot of strength in your hand you could make the cord a lot shorter and you're just going to put on one of the nozzles that it comes right with it just slides on there and is tight all of itself also I will just bring your attention to this little release right underneath here because once we pump it up to 20 pounds we're going to just hit that little release button so that when we take the lid off it's safely releases the oxygen without pulling the lid right back off with it I want you to stick with me because after I show you how this works I want us to talk through exactly what you can and cannot can using a hand crane or a hand pump brake bleeder so right here I've just got a little half-pint jar that I'm going to fill up with rice while I'm doing that let me say this there are a lot of folks that buy huge bags of rice and beans sorry about the noise they'll buy huge bags of rice and beans and they'll put them in some sort of storage like a five-gallon buckets you've seen that a lot and they even come up with a way to seal those buckets with either dry eyes or oxygen absorbers or things like that let me just remind you of this when you package things like that and store them away remember that that whole five-gallon bucket is going to go bad at the same time whenever it does expire down the road it's gonna be all gone so there's a little bit of benefit in packaging your things in smaller quantities because this might be the perfect amount of rice for one meal for your family so having things packaged in smaller quantities is going to help you rotate those through your pantry shelf without the problem of everything going bad all at once and for those of you who live in areas and have written in and told me oh but we have terrible problems with weevils and things like that those little bugs that get into your rice and things a couple of things you can do with this is first freeze your rice in the freezer for about 48 hours before you put it in here same with beans or things like that and also I like to put maybe just a quarter of a teaspoon or less maybe an eighth of a teaspoon of diatomaceous earth right in the bottom before you fill it with rice the reason I wouldn't dump it on top is because we're getting ready to pump all the oxygen out and I don't want the diatomaceous earth to fill up that chamber sucking out of this and mess everything up so putting it in the very bottom is going to help with that later after we have got the lid on we can shake it and disperse that diatomaceous earth throughout and you can look at our video on that to see exactly why that is so beneficial at taking care of any kind of little weevils and such next I'm going to fill it to just about an inch from within an inch of the top not all the way to the top but within three quarters to an inch down from the top and then I have a fresh one of these for those of you who say oh it doesn't work well partly it maybe because you're using old ones of these that have already had the seals broken that is going to hamper this from working but if I have one that has a good rubber seal on it I just set that on top and it's time for us to seal it with a break leader so I get out my small man Health version of this and I set it down on top once I have that lid on and I make sure it's fully seated all the way down as tight as it'll go and as perfectly level as it will get alright and now it's time to use our brake bleeder I want you to see this up close I'm going to put that little nozzle right down on top of the hole that is available to me and I'll let you know there's nothing that seals it there it's just a slick surface to a slick surface so you're gonna need to just hold it pretty tight the tighter you hold it the less you're gonna have to pump it might be worth holding it pretty tight so we only have to pump a few times but now coming close I want to you to watch me as I pump this up for us I'm gonna set this down lower so you can see it a little better watch this as I pump it on up we're gonna get it all the way to 20 pounds worth of pressure and it's in the process of sucking all that oxygen out for us the beauty of this is that you're not gonna lose the nutrition that you would through traditional canning that's exposing this to so much heat alright there it is right out 20 pounds and I'm going to I can either just lift this off or I could have pushed this little button either one of those is going to work fine but I want to make sure it's not still attached when I take this lid off I'll lift this off and we'll see if we have a good seal alright it's dimpled in it feels good I can dump it upside down one of the ways you tell if that things are canned or you hold just to the edge of the lid and kind of test it like that this feels very nice and sealed if I wanted to I can take a spoon or a knife and run it close to that edge until I can get good leverage but let me just see if you can hear this closely I'm going to try and pop it with my thumb nails did you hear the seal break it kind of what you heard that I hope and I can do it again if you didn't but nice tight seal on that which is awesome that's just what we want and he'll lengthen little the the lifespan of this the other way I would recommend packing these is with a little silica gel packet on top because the less moisture you can have in there the better not an oxygen absorber I'm talking about because this is taking out the oxygen but to put a silica gel packet on top is going to help you and then you'll just put on that ring lid and set it on the pantry shelf of course this is not sealed now but I'll seal at it again once we're done with the video now let me talk you through just a couple of the things that you can and cannot do this with all right beans are fantastic again if I was doing beans just like this and I can to this one earlier today I put a little diatomaceous earth on the bottom I would can them with a silica gel packet that I've made and we have a video on how to make your own silica gel packets I hope that you'll watch that one but throw that in the top once you've got it sealed I would go ahead and kind of just shake it upside down so that diatomaceous earth has a chance to filter down through all of those beans but this is ready to store for quite a length of time also here's some hardtack that we made a while back now you'll notice I've got some massive silica gel packets in there I recycle all of my silica gel packets so some are huge and some are small and these I just wanted to make sure had no moisture so those are fantastic to do this with but I want to warn you in a jar like this that is only maybe about in volume halfway full you're going to be pumping for a while to get all of that oxygen out so recruit somebody with a strong arm to do that because anything like this that is only partially filled is going to take a lot more energy than something that's feel filled all the way to the top like these beans all right this represents dog biscuits you can its perfect for dog biscuits that keeps them nice and crisp also these lentils you can do I did keep this because I wanted to show you an example of what you cannot use this fancy lid for you can't use it on these old loop antique jar lids it doesn't work on that kind of lid at all or on this kind of lid this is what you would get from the store but when I had someone ask me what's the cheap way to get jars every chance you get when you are shopping there are so many times that you'll find things packaged in a jar about like this with a lid like this that you're not going to be able to reuse the lid on for canning it is great for dry storage if you don't need to have it vacuum sealed but I like to get this kind simply because I can swap it out with this kind of lid and dry can it or can it with a water bath counter if I'd like and it works just fine so feel free to be looking for this kind of jars while you are at the store buying already different things and you understand you cannot dry can with that lid but it is worthwhile to look for those kind in stores okay also all of the dehydrated vegetables that I have these are sweet potatoes from last year that I dehydrated they're perfect for this kind of storage here are some dehydrated lemons those are perfect for this kind of thing what else do we have over here there's the rice okay let's get into some of this these are fresh bean cherries now obviously just in case in case you were wondering I'm not going to just can these this way and then set them in the pantry indefinitely but they will store longer in the refrigerator or even on the counter if I have vacuum sealed them this way so something like cherries you can vacuum seal and tuck away in the refrigerator and it'll last maybe a week or two extra long then if they were just sitting out something you cannot do with this is acidic things like Tomatoes I'm sorry they just don't work same with mushrooms in fact below this video I want you to make sure you expand the description so you can check out the links I'll give you a little linked to food savers website where they have some strong recommendations against the few foods that just absolutely should never be stored this way and one of them is tomatoes and one of them happens to be mushrooms you would never want that also potatoes that give off gases you wouldn't do that with however low and behold you can do this with apples the thing is is you couldn't do it with a whole apple like this what you would want to do is if you are storing these vacuum-sealed is slice the Apple up go ahead and dip it in a little bit of fresh lemon juice so that it doesn't turn brown but once you've sliced that Apple up dipped it in some lemon juice and then you can just pack a jar full and vacuum seal it and again it won't last in your pantry but it would last in the refrigerator beautifully for about one to two weeks longer than it would if you hadn't done that all right you can also do potato chips these are fantastic if you want them to stay crisp all kinds of cereals this is perfect for storing cereals that you like to have nice and crisp and crunchy and incidentally here's some rhubarb jam now the rhubarb jam I generally water bath can almost always but if you're just wanting to say make refrigerator preserves you've heard of that before a way to keep them longer because they're normal refrigerated shelf life is usually about two weeks if you want to stretch that out to four weeks you can do that just fine with this now I wouldn't do it with super super just thin watery but I would do it with thick preserves and you would want to make sure that you kept at least an inch of space between the top of the preserves and the canning lid because you don't want to suck in any of that preserves up into that little nozzle and ruin the whole process of this but it will do stuff like this and there are probably other things I haven't covered I want you to experiment do your own research of course that's very very important you're going to hear people say I just couldn't make it work and I want to suggest to them that they may have the gasket just a little bit see it has a removable gasket they may have that out of line or they may not have it fully flesh on top I know it's very easy for me to get it a little bit hocks QE or whatever word you like to use for that it needs to be perfectly flesh and perfectly down tight for it to work but this is a fantastic solution for lengthening the life of all of your stored goods that you're able to do this method with all right I want to hear from you what ways do you like to preserve your foods to last indefinitely but can also be done again and again this that's why I love this so much is because I can seal this today tomorrow I can use half of it and then I can just reseal it right then oh also coffee beans oh my goodness if you want your coffee to last longer this is a perfect way to store your coffee beans so they're not just in a bag in the cupboard that goes bad after just a few days all right write to us tell us what you like to preserve and how you like to do it if you have a better method or some tips that you'd like to share on this will you do that because we want to hear from you also take the time to share this with somebody you love and I hope we'll see you next time until we do will you take the time to intentionally go out and be a blessing to someone today [Music] [Applause] [Music] before you go let me share this first with you psalm 34 verse 8 o taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who takes refuge in him now go spread the word [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 121,109
Rating: 4.9487262 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, Brake Bleeder, No Electricity Canning, How To Can, Food Preservation, Food Storage, Prepsteading, Survival Food, Food Saver, Diatomaceous Earth, Silica Gel Packets, Oxygen Absorbers, DIY, DE, Canning, Dry Canning, Vacuum Sealing, How to Vacuum Seal
Id: 4sceVvxxluw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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