How to Make Hiker's "Logan Bread" for Portable Nutrition and Sustained Energy

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there happen to be at least seven states in the united states that have a mount logan and there's one in canada as well in fact theirs is a lot lot taller than ours in fact the second highest peak in all of the northern hemisphere is in canada named mount logan and it's almost 20 000 feet high that's incredible now the reason i tell you all of that is because that probably is where today's recipe got its name in fact those of you who are avid backpackers know all about this already it came from the backpackers community who are always searching for some kind of food item that they can carry with them that is going to hold up under the rigors of being packed in a jostled backpack that doesn't weigh a whole lot that isn't going to get all messed up and ruined and crumbled it's going to have a whole lot of nutrition and and sustained energy that it provides them as they hike up those high mountains so those of you who are into backpacking already know today we're going to make logan bread now this isn't like any bread you've made before this is sort of like a cliff bar version sort of like a cookie bar only thicker and denser and way more packed with nutrition i can't wait to share my version of how to make logan bread just around the corner so don't go away [Music] all right let's start with half a cup of warm water in fact as warm as you can get it i'd say hot as hot as the tap will give you put in half a cup of water easy enough now you're going to want one full cup of oil and if you're in doubt about which oils last the longest that's what you're trying to go for here this is canola oil and that has a shelf life generally of at least one to two years i think you could use ghee or you could use light olive oil would be another good choice but there's a cup full of oil here's half a cup of raw wild honey and if i were you i would use whatever is local to you but we're going to go ahead and put in half a cup of that honey and let me scrape it out so we don't miss any of it next we're going to put in half a cup of molasses and the darker the better in my opinion i love the taste of this so we'll put that in and then i'll scrape out the last of it you want to get every bit of it again if you didn't have molaska molasses and you wanted to put in a full cup of honey that would work just fine or vice versa all right i've got that pretty scraped out now that we've got the wet ingredients in here i'm going to put in the additives that are going to soak in that and get kind of plump while we mix the dry ingredients in the other bowl for this you can use any number of different kinds of dried fruits but i've got right here a half a cup of dried chopped cherries if i put them in whole they're just too big so you chop them up as best as you can they'll be coarse and rough and some bigger and smaller chunks but half a cup of dried cherries that you've chopped up and then of course one of my favorites and if i hadn't had the cherries i would have just doubled this amount of cranberries this is supposed to be a half a cup of cranberries but i always get a little ambitious and overdo it it's definitely a rounded half cup of dried cranberries but we're going to put all that in there i love the tartness of that and then you're going to put in a half a cup of either walnuts or today i'm using pecans whichever is your favorite or if you wanted sliced almonds you could do that these don't go rancid as quickly as almonds do so i'm going to go ahead and put in half a cup of chopped up pecans now i'm going to stir this up and it'll just be a mess here for a minute but then we're going to add these four eggs that are waiting their turn to be added to this and we'll let this all soak in together while we mix those dry ingredients it already smells wonderful the eggs that i'm using today are from the local chickens so some are big and some are small i'm going to put in four eggs so three of them are pretty little and one giant one to go with them now i will say this everyone has their own opinion about logan bread and whether you should put eggs in it or not i'm going to cook it very well and i'm not expecting it to last longer than about four months so i'm not concerned about using eggs in this but if you would like to swap it out for what works with you use a little bit more of the chia seed or apple sauce those are common replacements for eggs you do whatever works here's that mack daddy that might be a double yolker i think it is it was it was a double yolk the cranberries and cherries come to rest at the bottom but that's okay as long as everything is really stirred in well we'll just let it rest and let it hopefully plump up a little bit before i stir all these dry ingredients together i went ahead and got the oven preheating at 280 fahrenheit which is close to around 140 celsius all right with that in mind let's go ahead and stir some of these together i'm going to start with one cup of organic whole wheat flour you could probably use regular white flour but whole wheat would be better and organic of course is always best so there's one cup of that and then for me today i could use a cup and a half of rye flour but instead i like to use a half a cup of chia seeds and a half a cup of flax now you can get creative with this but i'll tell you if you were on the trail don't put too much flax in you want flax but if you put way too much in you will regret it because it will act sort of as something that loosens your system up so half a cup is plenty for that recipe then i'm going to use one full cup of oats and i'll tell you i don't use the quick oats i like to use the kind that have just a little bit more nutrition that are not the five minute version this is just the regular oatmeal next we're going to put in a cup worth of wheat germ i love the taste that this gives it kind of a nutty flavor that wheat germ and it's very rich in good nutrition for you you're going to want one half of a cup of powdered milk so there we've got that in now we're going to put in a fourth of a cup of brown sugar and i did pack this down because i like mine a little bit sweet you don't have to pack yours down but i packed it down and i gave it just a little bit of a extra lump on top of it there's a half a cup of brown sugar now we want one and a half teaspoons of baking powder not baking soda baking powder there's one and a half teaspoons of that and one teaspoon of salt and that is all of the dry ingredients that we need that we need so we'll get this put together we're going to stir this up really well and i'm actually going to stir again all of those wet ingredients before we stir all of these together in this big bowl like i said earlier you get creative if you love wheat germ if you wanted to put some coconut in there this is your chance if you wanted to put some quinoa in there or some other grain i hope that you would just experiment because it is super forgiving and my whole goal is to try and pack as much nutrition in as i possibly can calories and nutrition but also make it taste really good so cinnamon is another good one to add and you could even add some almond extract those are some of my favorite tastes almond extract in the wet ingredients if you'd like to get all of that yummy stuff out of there you've got to remember this is going to be very different than anything that you've called bread before this is not going to be like nut bread it's not going to be like a yeast bread for sure this is going to be sort of like cookie bars i'm always looking for a replacement and in the future we'll have an episode on how to make a replacement for cliff bars but this is about as close as you're going to get with this logan bread in a different kind of way also you kind of think of it as some sort of a healthy version of between a granola bar and a kind bar or my favorite are lara bars this is sort of like that but just packed with as much protein and nutrition as you can get in there it's not going to puff up you want it to be very dense because if it's going to travel in your backpack and not crumble up or get all you don't want it to be too gooey you don't want it to be too crumbly you want it to just hold its shape and still taste really delicious so it's just its own unique version of bread all right i've got it very well stirred up the oven is already heated and ready to go and so over here i've prepared a pan and this is i believe a nine by nine inch pan i think you could use an eight by nine or any close variation of this you would want to either line it with parchment paper as i have done here and i like to even go up two of the sides so that it's easy to just pull it all out when you're ready or you could flour flour it after you've put a little bit of oil in there so it comes out very easily that way this is wonderful though and so we're going to go ahead and just pour it on in there you can see how thick and dense that is and that's exactly what it's supposed to be like okay you can see how easily that spread itself out i don't even need to worry about it we're going to go ahead and put this in the oven and bake it for i know you're going to choke you noticed it's kind of a low temperature that we put on this we're going to bake it for 80 to 90 minutes because you need it to be absolutely baked well you need it to not have any gooeyness from not being fully cooked so 80 to 90 minutes you're gonna test it with that toothpick make sure it comes out entirely clean and then we're gonna just set it out on the counter and given it about 10 or 15 minutes to just cool down a little bit before we even try to start cutting it but then when it is time to cut it you're going to cut it larger than you would expect we're going to make three inch by three inch blocks with this so and remember this is not like your typical bread this is going to be much heavier duty and thicker so i'm going to go ahead and just cut it in three inch squares before we get it all wrapped up tight and take a taste test of a little bit of it while it's still relatively warm all right let me get a piece of this out for you to see oh my word it looks wonderful look at that served on one of grandma's antique plates it has to taste good but the way that i would serve this just so you know or the way that i would keep it in my backpack would be to wrap it up tight in either tin foil or wax paper now you could do both some people like to wrap it first in parchment or wax paper then in tin foil but ultimately i'm going to put it in a small snack sized ziploc bag and that's going to keep it nice but make sure it's come completely to room temperature first and really it's going to keep well like that for a good number of weeks without any issue i just wouldn't wrap it up until it's fully cooled because you don't want that moisture having nowhere to go once you've got it wrapped up tight i've wrapped this piece up and i'll wrap all the rest of these up to go in go bags get home bags and for hiking but look at this one piece i just want to show you this this is perfectly moist without being crumbly without being too gooey or anything like that it's not going to fall apart it's very hardy i want to break it with my hands just so you can kind of see how that's going to look and this is still just a little bit warm so you know isn't that beautiful inside it smells amazing and i can't wait to have a little bit of it it will get just a little bit drier with time and that's you want that but it won't be it won't be hard to palette you won't have to have a drink with it let me taste this and i'll try to give you a clue of what i'm experiencing it tastes a little bit like grandma's molasses cookies not super sweet though it has a lot of a little bit of tartness from the cranberry a lot of nuttiness from all of those different seeds that we put in there and and grains i think you're going to really enjoy this and you would probably equally enjoy it if you put chocolate chips and coconut in it and went a different direction with the flavors but this version i absolutely love and i'm going to enjoy the whole rest of this piece right here at home well my walk today is over and though i didn't hike up any steep mountains today i will say that i'm very thankful that i have logan bread with me and a water bottle full of some warm water that's going to keep me warm the rest of the day as it gets chillier and especially traveling in the winter you end up burning more calories than you realize so this logan bread is perfect i made it just a few days ago but i wish you were here to taste it with me it tastes like home it has that molasses and the good cherries and cranberries in there it's absolutely scrumptious so i'm going to enjoy it now and i hope you plan on joining us next week for another episode until i see you again though will you go out and find someone and be a blessing to them today thanks for joining us bye bye [Music] before you go i would love to share with you just a quick word of scripture this is out of the old testament in the holy bible back in that book of lamentations and it's in chapter 3 verses 25 and 26 it says this the lord is good to those who wait for him to the soul who seeks him it is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the lord now go spread the word [Music] you
Views: 105,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, homemade nutrient bar, camp bread, mount logan, camp recipes, bachelor food, home made, trail bread, satisfying food, logan utah, bread, winter camping logan bread, logan, logan bread, survival skills, wilderness survival, recipe, hiker's bread
Id: s6UJBK1Ai_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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