A Conversation on The Tree of Life - Moringa Oleifera

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[Music] there was one tree one plant in all of creation one medicinal superfood that outshined every other superfood known to mankind it would be this this stick I have growing next to me I can't wait stay with us because in the next few minutes I'm going to tell you just a few of the almost unbelievable properties of this incredible plant known to many as the Tree of Life [Music] perhaps a wiser woman would have chosen the day after filming the episode of prep stutters to cut down her Moringa tree but of course I am NOT every other woman so I happen to choose the day before the video was made to cut down my Moringa tree now I'll explain why you cut it down about this time of year a little later in the video but let me first tell you about this amazing stick that I know already is going to come back to life even without one single vestige of growth left on it as I have cut it down for the winter but this is known in so many parts of the world for different things but most commonly it's known as the miracle tree or the Tree of Life you might have more recently come to know it as the Moringa tree or some of you know it is the drumstick tree it's called that because of the little bean pods that grow on it that are kind of the shape of drumsticks whatever you know it as it is an unbelievably miraculous tree I mean it has earned this title and I would say it outshines every superfood known to mankind so if there is one type of tree that you should try to get seeds for somehow and try to plant no matter what zone you're in I would encourage you to get this type of tree this is a Moringa oleifera I think I'm saying it right but some of you botanists can correct me and tell me the correct pronunciation of that now it grows best in grins owns nine and ten because it does truly love heat and light but thankfully for the rest of us this is a fantastic tree that you can cut down like you have seen me do here for the winter in zones that are less than nine and ten you can cut it down about like this and get it in a nice sunny south-facing win window all through the winter and it's going to continue to make little branches and wonderful leaves you'll notice the branches grow in the crook of the other branches and it can absolutely get out of hand if you don't prune it often and prune it way more than you expect just like you notice here when it comes time for putting it to bed for winter I have to cut it completely off you'd think it was dead but it's not now every single part of this plant is edible so even if you don't get a lot of foliage growing on yours you can trust me that even this part and the roots are edible and very medicinal for you but hopefully you're going to see a lot of wonderful growth like these little tiny leaves that grow in multitudes all over this plant and incidentally the more that you cut it back and you cut it back from the top but the more that you cut back the foilage and prune it and water it and give it light the more it just becomes prolific and what it spreads out in its growth so you can have a very short plant growing as a house plant inside a sunny window and have it be completely enough to be for you and your family and everyone you know that you can still share some of these leaves with and some of the medicinal qualities of this plant now there is no way I can cover every miracle that this does but I'm going to cover a few and I want you to promise me that you'll do your homework and look it up online to see what it treats what it doesn't what cautions there are thankfully as you grow it it doesn't have very many pests that like it so that's awesome secondly it has very few interactions when you eat it with other medicines and foods so it's a it is just miraculous on the front and the back end the two little warnings I would give right on the front end that I am aware of are it actually is so effective at lowering your blood pressure that if you're on blood pressure medication you can actually lower it too much if you're taking the medication and taking Moringa in your diet also it's the same type of warning for those of you who might be on diabetes medicines that lower your blood sugar for that because this is so effective at also lowering your blood sugar you might actually get it too low can you believe that and hopefully the wheels are already turning of how you could just treat yourself naturally without even any need for those medicines but see your doctor don't let my advice be what you take until you've done your own research now let me tell you just a few of the amazing things this does when I first learned about maringá a few years ago the reason I did was because it was something that treats the young children who have distended bellies because in Africa and India in some places where there are poor children that are so malnourished that they can't even absorb vitamins and minerals from their food anymore they're often treated with Moringa first because it makes that anemia kind of turn around and makes their body be able to receive the nourishment from their food and use it well to grow healthy again so that just got my wheels turning I had to learn about this amazing plant and yes indeed it is fantastic at treating those of you who suffer with anaemia and blood disorders like low iron level believe it or not the leaves of this incredible tree have more iron in them than a big fat juicy red steak so if you need iron to go up in your blood levels this might be the plant for you it's also high in vitamin A vitamin B vitamin b12 and three also vitamin C it's high in magnesium and phosphorus and like I said iron this has got so many minerals in it it is just incredible and it has no bad cholesterol in it at all I spoke about it earlier but every part of the Moringa tree is edible but one of the most common and easy ways for you to get your hands on it right now if you can't purchase it yourself is get yourself some Moringa powder you can order this like I did through Amazon and I always I'm going to make sure to put the links down below this episode if you're watching on YouTube you should be able to find it if you'll just expand that little description below the video it comes in this beautiful little green powder that you see here and it's just like a nice little bit of flour or spirulina powder that you might be familiar with you can sprinkle it on whatever food you're making you can just add it into whatever you want I sometimes just throw it in my morning coffee and I'll let you do your research on how much you should take and when but for me I take about a half a teaspoon in the morning and I am taking about a half a teaspoon in the evening it says that the recommended dosage is somewhere between a half and a full teaspoon per day you can also make Moringa tea and the leaves that you harvest from your own tree you can dry those and they hold their their nutrition so well after they've been dehydrated that they make a perfect tea or can be thrown into other recipes just fine as well but you can also eat the pods that looked like those little drumsticks that we talked about you can eat those when they're nice and green or some people like to harvest them and dry those seeds and just eat them like beans or like you would do like you would rehydrate dried peas these are perfect for doing that same kind of thing so there are all kinds of ways to eat them all and you can just snack on the little tender shoots that come out that are even the stems because those are wonderful for you now I'll let you do the research on other ways the you can cook it and all kinds of recipes you can throw it in but let me tell you some of the things that this is going to help you with and this is just the short list this is just a few of the things I already mentioned anemia and blood low iron in your blood that this is going to help with that this is going to help with lowering your cholesterol and lowering your blood sugar levels Moringa helps your body absorb iron and so it increases your red blouse blood cell count and that's why it's good at treating anemia and sickle cell diseases it also helps with your eye health believe it or not for those of you who have the same problem I do where you've got those little dilation blood vessels growing in your eyes well this helps stop dilation and retinal vessels so if you've got I problems like I do be thankful that this is a fantastic solution for that it also protects against kidney disorders and treats asthma and bronchitis so if you have that running in your family this is a fantastic solution for some of that it treats stomach issues like gastritis and ulcerative colitis and this is an incredible one if I had cancer right now and Lord willing I don't but this would be the first thing I was reaching for listen to this Moringa actually contains niacin if I'm saying that right which is a compound that suppresses the development of cancer cells isn't that incredible it also protects your liver it treats edema it protects and nourishes your skin and hair it makes your bones healthier and helps with arthritis and those of you who have a very moody spouse start sneaking some of this into their food because this helps with depression and anxiety and fatigue it also I don't even know how this works but the antimicrobial and antifungal and antibacterial properties of it help with combating infections like salmonella and e-coli I haven't even begun to touch on all of the things that this does but if you don't like it I hope that you start giving it another chance another look in your diet I hope you might incorporate some of this tea into maybe your evening routine before you go to bed I know that the animals that are around your farm benefit from it especially chickens and and pigs love eating any that you aren't willing to eat although I wouldn't be putting much out there in their stuff because I would be using it for the family it all also makes a great fertilizer for itself and I didn't even go into how to grow your own but I would say it's easy to get started if you have warm sunny dirt to put a few of these seeds in you can even take clippings of it if you have a friend who has a tree and get those started by putting in some water and getting the roots going and get it out there in the Sun but it grows very fast it can grow up to 20 feet in one year if you don't trim it back so you definitely want to always be pruning it continually especially if you're keeping it inside its drought resistant so wherever you live if you don't water it well it's probably going to be pretty forgiving you can eat the pods the leaves the flowers the stem the roots you can use the wood of it for firewood it's a it's a very light wood so it burns very quickly but there is nothing about this that is unuseful there is an oil that can be extracted from it that's useful in even engines have run on this kind of oil and I know that there are a number of things that I've read that I haven't even touched on so I hope you're going to go out there and do some of your research on this incredible tree for yourself and if I had enough seeds I'd send them to you but I've already clipped it back for the winter and I hope the illah order some online and get this growing where you are now it's your turn if you have experience with this tree and know way more about it than I do will you write in and give us what you know about it how it has it helped you how have you incorporated it into your diet share this video with somebody you love and I hope that you join us I hope that you subscribe and become one of the family if you haven't already but will you do this for me will you go out this week and find someone who particularly looks a little bound tridon and mighty blessed and will you intentionally make it a point to be a blessing to them this week I will and I'll see you next time bye for now [Music] before you go let me share some scripture with you Psalms 27 1 says the Lord is my life in my salvation of whom shall I fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid now go spread the word [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Views: 425,564
Rating: 4.8981867 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, Moringa, Drumbstick, Tree of Life, Miracle Tree
Id: NZ5WP0wLzFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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