How to Prepare in the 24 Hours Before a 30-Day Lockdown

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[Music] i want you to think about something if you were given just a 24-hour notice that you were going to be on lockdown in your home for the next 30 days are you ready well a lot of you have been asking me that very question this week and so i want to answer it in this episode don't go away in the next few minutes we're going to take a lot of notes so grab a pen and paper and i'll see you right around the corner [Music] there is so much to cover here in the next few minutes i'm going to go rather quickly but i want you to make sure you take notes so you don't miss anything and also don't mind if i look down a few times because i have a lot of notes i've taken that i don't want to miss out on sharing with you today so if you were given 24 hours to prepare for 30 days of lockdown or whatever you want to call it some places might call it house arrest that sounds really negative to me it might be like a 30-day vacation if you're prepared so however you want to look at this let's talk about the steps to prepare in just 24 hours for that full month of being in your home here's how i would start i would wake up early and i would get on my knees i would have the scriptures before me and i would ask god for wisdom for clarity for protection for provision i would ask him to help me know exactly what is the priority for my situation wherever i find myself and for whatever family i'm trying to provide for around me start there and it's going to put your whole mindset in a different place and it's going to be of utmost importance before you do anything else you've got to remember that keep in a s keep in a peaceful spirit with all of your trust put in somebody who knows a whole lot more than you do okay now that we've covered number one the very next thing i would do is take an inventory of what your needs are and what your assets are and i'm going to cover very quickly 10 different categories that you need to consider so get ready to write these down and number three of what you're going to do kind of goes along with number two and why i'm saying that is number two is take that inventory of your needs and your assets but number three is going to be write out a plan so as you're taking inventory if you see that there's a place that you're lacking go ahead and have a tablet already to the side where you can take notes of hey today i've got to get this taken care of okay so two and three go together there now let's go through the list of ten different aspects that are of utmost importance and i don't know that these are exactly in the order they need to be but they are all of importance so here we go first of all you need to make sure you have a shelter over your head for most of the us that's a given and we can be so very thankful that we have a house to live in if you don't you probably need to take this 24 hours to find a suitable shelter for yourself when i say suitable shelter i mean something that's going to protect you from the elements going to give you a place to rest your head at night and sleep peacefully in some sort of protective place that is not exposed to the elements or to other people that are possibly able to harm you it needs to be a clean place especially right now with this covid scare that's going on you need to make sure that you have not only a roof over your head but a clean space so if your house is tremendously dirty that might be the top priority is just clean it within an inch of its life in the next 24 hours if everything else is good to go it needs to be sufficient for the season that you're in so if you're in winter like we happen to be here in the us right now as we film this i've got to make sure i've got some warmth i've got to have insulation around me doors that close windows that come down and are fully functioning without breaks in them that might sound silly for you to consider but for some of you listening this is very important and it needs to be one of your first priorities find a shelter okay also i'm going to encourage you whether you have a good home or not that you also get tarps a couple of them just in case you were in your home for the next 30 days and there was some sort of a natural disaster where your roof was compromised or you had to leave the house and still needed some form of shelter you need at least a good waterproof tarp keep that in mind and i would put that on the list of if you can afford it make sure you have a tarp on hand water you need to have water keep in mind that every person in your home including your pets needs to have sufficient water for the entire 30 days even if you have running water right now and say oh that's not an issue for us no i don't want you to think it that way i want you to consider that if the water was shut off you would need your own water so don't only just have a means of capturing water like a tarp that could capture water outside or a barrel underneath your gutter but i want you as much as possible to store one gallon of water for every person and pet per day for the next 30 days you could use milk jugs this is one of those aloe vera jugs that i love that i use in my own home and i save every one of them they kind of have a square bottle bottom so they store very nicely and compactly together so if i just stored water this way in 30 of these for myself that would be great some of you don't have that much space or don't have gallon jugs i'm going to say if you just happen to have some canning jars that are around if you have any kind of vessels that are not being used already for something else go ahead and fill them up with water this is the day to do it and it won't hurt anything if you have a berkey water filter i congratulate you i don't think i would go out and buy one in the last 24 hours before i lock down but i do encourage you to use it if you have that or a distiller that's an excellent option also for some of us um you of course remember the water that's in your hot water heater but some of us don't have access to any of the storage space for these but we do have a bob you've seen those that large uh inflatable with water it goes in your bathtub and it holds up to a hundred gallons of water that might be an option if that's your only place in the house to store water so we've covered shelter we've covered water and now i want us to talk just a little bit more about the next category which is heat in that category of heat i'm also including uh power and and any kind of fire or warmth for your family so that kind of is is a lot of different things right there but as you know the fire happens to be a heat source as well as a source of light so you need to be thinking about that already if i was in an apartment in an urban area and i had no other way of storing any kind of provision for heating my apartment if the electricity happened to go out in the next 30 days i would encourage you to go ahead and get these i think these are uh full body in fact let me pull this out real quick this is uh it's by hot hands brand but these are super warmers and they are um they're extra large so that you could warm up your whole body a little bit if you put that under your jacket or your coat or in your bed and these stay warm for up to 18 hours is that not incredible so if nothing else go out and buy 30 of these and if each one of them gives you 18 hours of heat that's going to keep your body above the temperature it needs to be for staying warm if you happen to be in a cold environment that's a very minimal start to your preps for heat of course you know that if you have watched our episodes before you know that my very first recommendation to anyone who's starting to be a prepared person for anything in the future is to get a good oil lamp and you can buy one of these in the next 24 hours easily you can get it at almost any department store many grocery stores carry them what you need to make sure is that it has a good wick has a good working mechanism so you can move that wick up and down and it has a good uh base that's going to be able to hold the oil that it needs get the kind that it calls for and some of them are different but if it calls for kerosene only get kerosene and try to get the kind that says it's usable indoors and that it's odorless that's going to help you a lot i still recommend having some sort of ventilation available don't just lock yourself in a room with that but that's going to give you a source of light and heat in this same category we have all of the power needs for the house and you've probably seen these before these come with all of your cell phones and charging devices this is just something that plugs into the wall and has a usb port on the back you've seen those and those are excellent to have and i hope we all have plenty of those but we also need to be prepared just in case the power were to give out during that 30 days for any length of time so this would be the baby the least i would recommend but let's go up from there this handy little charging device is the same as this it plugs right in but it has two usb ports on the back or front whichever way you look at it and it stores plenty of power in there so that you can charge your phone up to four times once you've got this charged that's pretty handy so it works just like this one did but in the event that you needed to unplug it it can be stored in your purse or your uh everyday carry bag and that would charge your phone four different times if it was needed staying in the same vein of things i want you to look at this little portable power cell this is from four patriots and no they are not a sponsor and i have no affiliation with them but this was a christmas gift that i'm thankful for and it is almost just like this and how it works i can plug it into the wall and store the energy up in it so that i can charge multiple devices a couple of times it also has a wonderful little flashlight here on the back of it that if you hold down the button it it'll give you at least some bit of light for quite a while which i think is very handy but it can charge also from just the sunlight which is very fantastic now i did read about it takes a lot a lot longer to charge with sunlight than it does just by plugging it into the wall however if the power went out i'd sure be thankful for that and i would sure be sitting this in the sun so that i had a power cell that could help me out before i go further to the bigger mom and daddies that i'm going to mention here of course have plenty of batteries on hand and remember this is a good time to realize how dependent you are on any kind of batteries and do your very best to come up with solutions that do not require battery power have as many manually operated things as you can you can get hang crank radios that are also solar powered those are extremely helpful there are a lot of different devices that can be powered without the use of batteries okay enough of that this is my favorite thing right now this was another christmas gift that i cannot even tell you how excited i'm about how excited i am about this this is a professional power station from cat what this does is it can charge itself up like these littler ones but a much bigger beefier charge it can charge up just by plugging into the wall with any regular extension cord which i think is so cool because it doesn't have to have some special cord that attaches to it at all times if you have any regular extension cord you can charge this up also if you wanted to i was told that you can attach it to some solar panels and charge it up that way as well but once you've got it charged it has got and i'm going to say this all wrong probably but i know it has at least a thousand amps i hope i'm saying that 250 watts of power it can charge your car so it has the car chargers right here on the back it has an air compressor in it with two different sizes of nozzle one for your tires in your car one for smaller things like bike tires or basketballs or something like that also on the front it has four usb ports and a regular plug-in so i could do all kinds of things it even has a light so if i had to if i had to put this right next to my car to pump up the tire if i had a flat tire or something like that it has this wonderful light that is going to shine right at the correct level that i need it to and it has lots of other fancy things to it that i think is just fantastic and it's small enough with a handle almost anybody can carry this is the next size up different brand also a gift from a friend and i am so very grateful that i feel so blessed to even have this actually they're letting me borrow it this year i will give it back to them but i'm very thankful to have it in my home in case it's ever needed this does run on gas however it's much quieter than those big ones that you see out in the garage that are going to make quite a bit of racket and attract the attention of the neighbors it does need to have ventilation so i would not recommend that you use this inside the house but if you used it outside and kind of shielded it just a bit it would be wonderful for being quiet enough that you could get power to whatever you needed on a temporary situation uh in your house and i'll show you the end of it here it does take just a little bit more knowing how to do it and upkeep but it is a fantastic unit that even a woman uh of strength the amount that i have can lift it with this handle and get it where she needs to go or heave it up into the backyard truck or car or something like that to take it somewhere it has up to 2000 amps did i say that right 2000 watts of power i think that's the correct way to determine to say it get whatever you need for your family i want you to be prepared and power and heat is a very important thing to consider along with that i'm going to say if you have a fireplace make sure you have the wood or the source of whatever is needed to burn in that fireplace if it runs on gas if it runs on wood have a big enough pile that you could potentially heat your home and cook every meal in that if it came down to it for 30 whole days food is really important you have to have enough for 30 days and i have so many of us that have stored just a bit of food in a back pantry and thought well yeah if we have to dig into the rice and beans we'll do that i want to tell you if you do that if you have rice and beans that you've stored for the past 10 or 12 or even 20 years that you haven't gotten into first of all you're going to have a family that's pretty disgruntled that has some real gastrointestinal issues because that is not the normal diet that they are used to and at the same time i want to encourage you you can't just go and buy 30 days worth of food that is not good for you that is just comfort food if you're going to live 30 days at home you need to think as as balanced as possible for what do we usually eat in our home how much of it do we go through on a daily or weekly basis and how much can we store up of superfoods fresh superfoods that are going to boost our immune system that are going to help us power through the days and not just get sloggish and lazy and want to lay on the couch for 30 days straight so think carefully when you go out and shop today and i want you to get to the grocery store at some point in this next 24 hours if you have rice and beans stored in the pantry that's great those are a good backup plan but that's not going to be what you need to be eating for 30 days so on my notes here let me just give you a couple really quick i'm going to say get milk milk that is not just fresh get a gallon or two of that but get some that is canned get some that is in boxes and get some powdered milk so you have multiple options and for those picky eaters around you everybody's going to have what they need milk wise also eggs i'm going to encourage you to have double the amount that you need on hand and they're probably going to last just fine all 30 days without needing any more fresh eggs those do great once you've got them in the refrigerator but if in doubt you can watch our episode on how to uh pickle eggs or how to preserve eggs how to put some of them in the dehydrator or the freezer or whatever you need to do we've got some of those episodes made already and some that are coming up so just stay tuned and if we haven't covered it already you'll see it in future episodes flour and oil those are things that everyone needs to have on hand whether you use the usually use them or not those are the things that make comfort foods and of course oil is used for everything from baking from frying pans everything that you make usually has to have some bit of oil to keep it from sticking to the pan or whatnot okay so make sure you have plenty of oil on hand and flour flour makes biscuits flour thickens gravies flour makes things rich in taste and you need to have some of that even if you're not a big baker of bread on your own if you are a coffee or tea drinker you need to make sure you have plenty of that on hand don't forget meats if you are not sure what kind of meats to get and you're considering that there may be a power outage in your area get canned meats those are wonderful and there are all kinds from fish and beef and chicken get canned meats those are going to last you great you need a good source of protein besides eggs for your for your stock up on this of course beans and grains are going to be excellent and those are comfort foods that our bodies need and they're going to be very healthy for you in the days ahead get oats steel cut oats are what i would recommend because they have so much more nutrition than the five minute quick oats that you can get easily at the store they cost just a little bit more they take a little longer to cook but they have much higher nutrition and quinoa is another one that's underestimated it's great when you're tired of eating rice or other beans quinoa has this wonderful flavor that gives a richness also barley think outside the box of what you're used to but what is a super food or extremely healthy and it's going to help you out here think of bone broth because that's going to be healthy if anyone in your family gets sick you're going to need bone broth also nuts nuts are super healthy and really if you were just to google right now the list of of anything that is classified as a superfood and then just go down that list and anything that your family likes go ahead and get some of it i've got granny smith apples and spaghetti squash i have gotten okra and walnuts and cranberries and pomegranates it's so much fun to go shopping and get as much as you can that's that's going to be exceptionally nutritious for you to to work with in the days ahead if you're in doubt remember that the richer the color of the vegetable generally means it's going to be higher in nutrition content so just like i could have gotten white potatoes but i did go ahead and get the dark purple potatoes and those are always fun you can get multi-colored carrots and of course i would say this any kind of underground vegetable is going to last very well like carrots and beets and turnips and the potatoes sweet potatoes all of those are excellent at com being a comfort food for your family as well as being entirely nutritious okay let me move on more quickly here sanitation is something that absolutely must be thought of and when i say sanitation i'm not just talking about clorox wipes though i do want you to store up on clorox wipes also make sure you know how much toilet paper you go through we've done an episode on this before and on usually on the month of january on my calendar that's when i take us a real careful inventory of how much i'm using of each different thing so that i kind of know how to budget throughout the year and toilet paper is one of those things you really need to make sure you've budgeted for your whole family at least have one nice big fat roll of toilet paper per family member per week that's going to be a good rule of thumb to follow and if in doubt double it and i would say don't forget about the paper towels those are excellent for cleaning up messes they can be used for kleenexes or toilet paper in a pinch not on a normal basis but just think of all of the things that you need to keep your house sanitary have alcohol and hydrogen peroxide on hand make sure you've got a good first aid kit that's fully functioning that doesn't have several of the things robbed out of it because it's several years old make sure it's really good well stocked also in this category would be anything that cleanses your body so shampoo and conditioner and soaps think of toothpaste and deodorant think of shaving cream and razors also don't forget about your medication if you have any prescriptions that might need filled go ahead and get that done today as well as keep in mind anything like contacts or contact solutions that you might need those kind of things are really important for you to have for the next 30 days ahead that all fits in that sanitary situation category and of course you've heard me mention before i do think every home should have a luggable loo which is one of those five gallon buckets that can have a little toilet seat put on top and bags put in it that can be disposed of quickly if by chance the sanitary system for your syst for your city was shut down or something like that okay let's go on security this is a really important category that you need to be considering and when you when i say security i'm talking not just about firearms though if you are a family who has those you need to know how to use them you need to know where they are you need to have them with whatever maintenance is needed already done and if you need to get a new maintenance kit for that go ahead and get it today whatever system you have i want you to just evaluate it real quick here this morning and decide what needs to be done to shore up any loose ends in that category also in the event that you aren't one of those people who uses that or in addition to it and you need some sort of a perimeter marking one of the easiest ways for you to kind of have the security system that's a poor man's version of things would be to have a whole lot of fishing line on on hand i'm going to let you do the do the research but with some fishing line and some mouse traps you can really make a good little security system for yourself without any electricity needed or any real fancy college degree to figure out how to do that so do what works for you also some folks really like those solar powered motion detector lights and i would encourage you if you don't know about those today might be the data to see if you can get some of those and have them on hand also you might just in case you need to think about this if there was any kind of a natural disaster during this season of wherever you live and find yourself you might want something that you could put over the windows like boards if you need to get a few pieces of plywood or particle board that would be useful in your area if there was a natural disaster in the next 30 days this is the time to go ahead and make sure you have something to cover those windows in that event transportation i'm just going to cover this really quick because if you're supposed to stay home you probably are supposed to stay home and not go anywhere however i want you to make sure today in this last 24 hours you go out and get your gas tank in every single vehicle completely topped off with gas secondly i want you to make sure that you've gotten a couple of gas cans and fill them with gas and gotten also just that little uh additive that you can put in that gas that's going to stabilize it for the long haul okay keep that in mind this is uh this is stable fuel stabilizer it treats up to 20 gallons so i've got a couple of five gallon tanks of gas out back and this will treat several of those and keep that gas good and usable for at least 30 days and much longer hopefully okay so get what you need to in that and then i do encourage you make sure your car still has a get home bag in it it has jumper cables it has whatever you need to make that a safe uh and ready vehicle if by chance you did have to get away think of water and food and fire as and shelter as as just absolutes to always have available in your vehicle as well as any tools that you might need if you did have to change a tire get some fix-a-flat get whatever it is that you need to in your vehicle so that if it did have to be just jumped into and driven off it's already equipped without you having to bring anything out to it all right communication now i'm just going to refer to you really quick on this one and say watch our episode on covert communication that's going to help expand on this a lot better than i can right now but my main point i want to make to you is have a plan if you have a loved one if you have people that you need to communicate with have a certain plan that you all agree to that you know how to communicate i want to also mention be certain of how you're going to receive communication because right now in the next 30 days if you were put into a situation where you were to stay in your home how do you know where to get the correct information that's a very difficult thing to answer but i want you to already be thinking of it and have a plan if you need to go out and buy a some sort of a shortwave radio today do it it's going to be worth it if you need to decide as a family which news channel you're going to be all tuning in to or which website to get your news headlines this is the time to come up with how are we going to communicate with each other and how are we going to receive communication so we all know kind of what's going on in the world outside of our home the next two categories are the last two and they're fun one is what i call comfort and joy this is important because in a stressful situation your family is going to have tense tensions that are higher than normal anxiety that's a little bit above the average you're going to feel displaced a little bit and still very much at home it's just an awkward feeling don't be surprised if you feel alone and angry and confused all at the same time that's why this becomes an actually a very important category let me give you a couple of ideas under the comfort and joy scenario here first of all i want you to have your clothing ready in this 24 hours go ahead are you missing anything have you grown out of everything and you need to go out and get a new pair of jeans that you're going to wear go ahead and throw it on the list of things to do shouldn't be the top priority you can probably get by with what you have but if you are in a situation where you need clothing go ahead and today would be the day to get just a couple of pieces that are going to be comfortable and the right size and what you need as well as having good quality bedding you should have something that's going to get you by already but just in case you don't have a good warm blanket that's going to comfort you through this time make sure you've got that blanket also make sure you have personal things for each person in your family i love this little solar charger but what i love best is the idea of having each person in my family have one my mother was the one who gave this to me for christmas and as far as i know she gave one to all of her children and all of her grandchildren i think that's just a great way to do it so you're not fighting over chargers you're not getting aggravated with each other as best as you're able to afford it get something where each person is responsible for something that's going to to take care of themselves and and they aren't overlapping with the other family members if at all possible so just keep that in mind next i want to encourage you if there are apps or games that your children play go ahead and get those downloaded if there are like one of my favorites is a bible app and i want to be able to look at it offline if the if the internet or the wi-fi went down and so having that available offline is fantastic um i heard this from a missionary one time and i really remember i remember her and how beautiful she was but when i asked her how she was able to make it when her husband took her off to a very very austere environment very difficult place in the world she said she took one thing that helped her feel feminine she had her favorite perfume and every time she got discouraged and just felt hopeless and whatnot she would go dab a little bit of that on and buck up and chin up and go forward again if there is something that each person in your family needs for you men it's probably not perfume it's probably something else you probably want your favorite i don't know but get that for the children it might be a favorite stuffed animal it might be a favorite bedtime storybook personally comfort and joy to me is going to be something like a good pillow and something made out of caramel or chocolate or perhaps maple but i digress for your pets if you have pets they may need something different but keep them in mind when you're getting something to comfort each family member also get a favorite toy or a good pet pillow for each of them but make sure that each person has some one article that's comforting to them that that makes them feel human and not completely alone or in any way discouraged but gives them a little spark of this is me this is hopeful this is joy and i'll keep on going if at all possible if you can pull out one thousand dollars or more some of you some of us less but aim for around that amount of dollar bills that you have in small medium and large bills say ten ten dollar bills ten twenty dollar bills and the rest in fifties and one hundreds you might be very thankful later last on this category on this list of 10 categories i want to mention is productivity if you were to just sit still and try and just muddle around the house for 30 days you're going to really just get cabin fever like nobody's business but if you can already have a plan in this 24 hours before that 30 days starts to be productive i want you to go ahead and write them out come up with the plan what do we want to accomplish and do i have the tools and the things that i need to make that happen like let me give you a couple of examples make a list of projects that you haven't gotten accomplished that you've been procrastinating on make sure you've got the supplies and the tools to complete them if there's homework that needs brought home from the kids school make sure you've got all the homework already on the property in hand make sure you make a list of assigned chores for each person this sounds very minor it might be something you already do but i would ramp it up in these 30 days give assignments to each person so they feel like they have a mission to accomplish that day if it's just taking out the trash if it is feeding the dog if it is to journal what the weather was like and then what each person in the family did that day let that be somebody's chore make it fun but give assignments so there is a purposefulness about this and not just a willy-nilly let's sit down and wait for this to get over have some sort of a progression that pulls you forward and then i would encourage you learn something if you need to learn about cooking because you've never learned cooking before this is the perfect time or gardening or foraging what you can eat in your from your own yard this is the perfect time to learn it already in this 24 hours i want you to acquire what you need to accomplish something productive in the next 30 days okay i do want to encourage you in this way and say as best as you can if there is a list that you have created over listening to these 10 categories of what you need to purchase i want you to go out and try and find those today but i wanted to steer you just a little bit away from amazon not because i hate amazon i'm sure there are some wonderful people there but i want you to try and think of mom and pop stores or small chains that are around you chain grocery stores or hardware stores that might have what you need go there first partly because they're probably not sold out as quickly as the big department stores are going to be and partly because you are supporting them and this might be the last support they get for the next 30 days amazon probably doesn't need your business right now and they're going to be inundated with business over the next month and you don't need to necessarily be one of those ones that sends all of your money there when it could be on some local level also consider that you may not have access to some of the appliances you're used to like those of you who are addicted to the insta pot you won't be able to do that if by chance the electricity ran out i want you to think of that and at least prepare mentally and if there is something you need to get as a replacement this is the day to do it like if you only have the type of coated frying pan in your house that can be used only on a certain kind of stove and only with plastic utensils this might be the time to go ahead and splurge and get a cast iron skillet that will work over any kind of stove and over any type of open flame fire because if you find yourself in a situation where you're cooking in that fireplace or even out over a grill or something you need the tools that is going to to be indestructible and usable in any environment an instapot does not qualify for that nor does a microwave those are going to be useless in the event of a power outage but i will hope with you that that does not happen in the next 30 days okay you've come through your morning prayers you've come through you're taking inventory of needs and assets you've written out your plan the last two things are acquire what you need to from that list what whatever is missing go ahead and today is the day to get it do what you need to do from that list of preparation that you just made and then fifthly and lastly i'm gonna encourage you to rest and trust the lord it's time to go to bed and tomorrow has enough trouble of its own and so end your day with prayer end your day with peace lay your head on the pillow trusting that if you have not remembered everything if you didn't have enough money to get everything that you have a god who is looking after you and he will not let you fall if you trust in him completely with your life and your protection and your provision you can trust him and so i'm encouraging you in the next 30 days make it your mission to wake up first thing trusting fall asleep each evening with peace in your heart trusting him also and all of the rest of the things are going to fall in line let me say this of all the days of the year if you had 24 hours before you had a 30 day lockdown wouldn't this be the perfect time to make sure you've gone out and found somebody who needs you to be their blessing and bless them today i hope you will do that i hope you'll share this video with someone it might help and i hope it helped you today if it did will you let us know in the comments below and like and subscribe because that helps us keep going thank you for being with us and we're going to see you next time god bless you bye bye before you go i would love to share with you just a quick word of scripture this happens to come out of the old testament in the holy bible back in that book of lamentations and it's in chapter 3 verses 31-33 and it says this for the lord will not cast off forever but though he cause grief he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love for he does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men now go spread the word [Music] [Music] you
Views: 195,012
Rating: 4.9041109 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, lockdown, shelter, water, fire, food, transportation, communication, comfort, security, sanitation, productivity, survival skills
Id: XviDyO-VTS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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