How to Dry Can Ground Beef

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hi guys welcome back to Linda's pantry so today we're doing a canning project I'm so excited we're going to camp some ground beef now I know I've done that for you in the past and I will post that video below in the video response section cat's cradle did a video the other day and it was about dry canning ground beef and he posted the links of where she got her information I went and researched and read the articles and I just really felt like this was good information and I researched on the internet and looked for videos and nobody's posted a video that I could find on this so I thought you know what I would want to see a demonstration and I'm willing to do the test for you guys and I'm also going to do a comparison video afterwards so that being said this is a dry canning method and what they do instead of cooking the ground beef and then putting it in the jars and putting boiling water over it and hot lids and rings and pressure canning it you are cooking the ground beef putting it in the jars leaving out the water step putting the hot lids and rings putting it in the canner and can't pressure canning it for the amount of pressure and time for meat and the pressure is for your altitude so I'm going to try it and it makes sense to me because all the air is pushed out of the jar in the canning process so air somebody said well it would have air majore and that would spoil it no no so not if there can properly so we're going to do this and then we're going to do a comparison video I'm going to make tacos with the meat and with some fresh ground beef and see how it fares up with each other and I hope you stay along for the ride I also hope you go over to my facebook page you'll like that page I'll be posting videos over there as well and as always you guys let's go do this it's gonna be fun alright I'm glad you stayed along for the ride I already got things started here because it's going to take a look at a time so I browned off this was six pounds of ground beef and then it's a twelve percent fat so it's really pretty lean I don't care if it's all in little tiny pieces I'm okay with it be just the way it is I've got my jars over here in the sink i boiled them for 10 minutes even though it really that isn't really that necessary I just because of this dry canning process I want to be extremely careful so it got boiled in water for 10 minutes and then they've been sitting in boiling water in the sink for until this got finished and then they'll go into the canner so these are pregnant half sized jars and I would get a slotted spoon or a spoon that has some way to let off the excess liquid there's water and a little bit of fat and I highly recommend I'm going to link the video for cats cradles video and I recommend you guys go read the articles from Jackie play just really a wealth of information and then you're gonna just kind of get your little pokey thing whatever you use a nonmetallic so you don't scratch a chip a jar and fill that up I'm hoping this holds about a pound and a half that's how I bought the meat was figuring out usually you can get about a pound of meat in a pipe jar so you want to leave an inch of a headspace so I might have it too full now and I don't want to pack it down too awfully tight I don't think No um that looks about right actually perfect so out there couple more little pieces excited I love doing new projects like this and then I'm going to now I've got my lids and rings over there now I'm going to go ahead wipe the room down I inspected all these jars these are brand new jars but I still inspect the rims really well and the jar for any cracks or anything because when you spend this kind of money you want to make sure that your end result is going to be a wonderful product so I don't see food prices going down at all you see them going up up up so our looting race this is going to be finger tight and then I'm going to go put it in the canner that pretty I'm going to go put it in the pan canner which is not up to a boil but it is the water is hot so we are keeping everything a good temperature together okay it's a jar I'll do another one for you and then we'll just get the rest done and then I've got another batch of meat to cook because I figured it was going to take well I want the counter fold so I want eight jars and I bought twelve pounds of meat because I knew there would be some waste with liquid and fat whoops so this couldn't be easier it's just that it's going to the timing for the canning process because the ball canning book does not have a time set for these kite and 1/2 jars yet I'm sure they will or I maybe if I went directly to their site I could find out but I'm going to be on the safe side and can infer the court size tiny um I'd rather be safe than sorry sorry okay there's that one could use a little bit less I think okay right the room sure there's no anything on it and that back over there grab us a lid and allene finger-tight hot it's nice and hot okay and in the can so I'm going to finish the rest of these clips it's the second batch of meat going I'll bring you back when I am putting the second batch of meat in the jars and well I'll let you know how much 12 pounds meat I'm it may not do uh eight jars we're going to find out okay I'll be right back okay here's another six point two one pounds of meat so altogether and let's see what the other one was the package was over six six point one nine so roughly almost twelve and a half pounds of I just let this do its thing go about my business I had some stuff to put away from the store so let this cook and get all browned up and um but why I brought you back because I wanted to talk to you a little bit about cats cradles video a little bit more I should say Jackie clay is who she refers us to and it's she writes for a magazine called backwoods home and she writes articles and this is who cat's cradle trust and if cats cradles trust her I trust her because I trust cat's cradle anyways it's a trust it's a twist-off I truly hope that you guys go check it out because being self-reliant is not just about knowing how to do a few things but also opening your mind to learning how to do other things you hadn't really decided that was okay or that you had never heard of I had never heard of this method before so I'm anxious to try it and yeah I could have done a small batch and tried it out see if it worked but worst case scenario is I've got a canned ground beef or sage because in a situation I might need it you never know so anyways I hope you guys stick a stick around because as soon as this is browned off I'm going to go ahead the last six pounds point six point one nine pounds of ground beef filled four of those pint and a half jars they're waiting in the pressure canner in hot water and they're just waiting to for these guys to get in there and we'll get moving on this okay I'm excited it's gonna be amazing okay guys we're just about ready to load some more jars but I did want to tell you you know I had for a long time and it bugged me how they could can this dried beef in here and yet we were putting liquid in jars and so it all now it's all coming full circle for me so you could actually handwrite meats as well pepper on me this package of pepperoni is good and you don't have to refrigerate it until you open it so you could can pepperoni you could can crumbled sausage you could do all kinds of things with this type of application and I'm excited to just open up a bunch of new doors I love this I really really like this idea so my other borders have been in the canner with the water just below a boiling temperature and the lid on to keep the whole canner warm and now we're going to go ahead and start jarring up some more I need to get oh I need to get my lids and rings back over here good sitting there still in hot water and it's a jar bestest fingers this one okay and then we'll turn this down cuz it's ready it's all cooked through like I said I don't want if it has big chunks I can always break it up they're not too big you can always break it up when I do whatever application I'm going to do whether it be spaghetti sauce chili super excited I hope you guys are excited with the volume this was about this represents about 38 dollars worth of ground beef so I want it to be successful that's for sure I just kind of tax up down in there a little bit I guess why you don't think of these things too is because we're really taught to eat all the air bubbles out and all that but there's no reason if you don't pack it too tight that the air cannot get out up through the meat so there's that right what the rim down hot and let's get us a lid ring and I want to thank you guys why I have your attention the video of the when I didn't feel good and I made a little pot of chicken and dumplings out of food storage or my extended pantry as I like to call it um I got I think 80 some responses and all or I mean there were it back and forth a that everybody that responded wished me well and wished that I would get better soon so it was like getting all these Get Well cards and bouquets of flowers it was just a really sweet thing for you guys to do and I so appreciated it when you're not feeling good those things make you feel better good truth yeah I wasn't wasn't good I'm at the tail end of it though I'm getting better I just did still now we've got fires and stuff in the Arian it always messes with my sinuses but I'm allergic to the smoke but draining off this liquid and I'm gonna get busy love it I wish I woulda bought some sausage the only thing I'm kind of concerned with and I haven't opened up I need to open up sausage to compare it I would probably want to make my own sausage so it didn't have a sage in there because I hear that the sage will become kind of off tasty and or it changes the flavor and so I would probably make my own okay without sage in it and I have the sage later I'm thinking so that makes it okay I'm going to finish up these doors we're arrest him in the camera get the camera going on excited huh okay take a sip of my tea notice my icy glass please make perfect iced tea glasses all right I'll be right back okay so there's a little bit of meat that's left and a little bit this is like water mostly water there's some fat in there too but it's more water than liquid from the meat so that's going to go over sages dog rice she's getting a treat and this really is good ground beef so take you over we did get eight plus that little bit eight one and a half pints ah I can't wait okay so I'm gonna I've inspected my lid make sure that the vent hole is clear that the pressure button will move up and down freely my handles are all on tight and I make sure a hat before every canning that I inspect that even if I just used it because you never know we have minerals in our water and that can cause things to get clogged up so I do have a couple gloves of vinegar down in the water because of the hard water to keep the jars from becoming cloudy and icky and so anyhow I'll be back when it's fixing okay just started the timer for 10 minutes that button there in the back that is popped up that means it's pressurizing and it's venting out the vent hole you want to make sure we let it vents for a full 10 minutes very important if it did for some reason build up too much pressure this little rubber gasket would pop out and resurface your ceiling and everything in the jars with bread and the jars would break everything in there because it would lose pressure so fast that it would cause a temperature change and would be a bad thing but I've never had that happen and I've never heard of anybody having that happened so anyhow we are going to let this continue to vent for 10 and full minutes and then we're going to put the weight on it and the weight that I have for this it's a two-part weight let me see if I can show you it's a two-part wait so it's got a top wait here it's been on there so long it doesn't want come off hold on I promised it would come off this top wait if it would come off this would make that a 10 pound weight if but adding that makes it a 15 pound weight and or 15 pound weight when you are pressurized so once it's on over the spigot or whatever that is the vent hole then it starts the rocking motion once it starts the rocking motion it is up to full pressure 15 pounds of pressure and that's because of my altitude we're at 4,500 feet and so we have to have the full amount of pressure to do it right and so once it's rocking then I on my stove I keep it between a 8 at 7 and 8 and it seems to be perfect and never ever had a problem I would like to go pressure can outside but I just I would worry without a having a gauge I would worry that it wouldn't get hot enough or I don't know so anyways I'm heating up the house again all right but this helps for the people that are new to tanning because I know when I first started I didn't have anybody really well didn't have YouTube so it was always call your mom or call your grandma or you know be there in a big canning session that's how we learned so your wimzie okay we'll help you back when this is done and remember I'm gonna process it 15 pounds pressure for 90 minutes that's a long time hey guys boom so excited we're back and I'm getting ready to take these out of the counter now I let the canner come down off a pressure after the 90 minutes at 15 pounds of pressure for my altitude umm it was it was really neat to hear that rocking and to know that I'm doing a new experience that I've never done before and I'm getting to bring you along for this because it's it's a great learning experience so I'm super excited now back here the little button has gone down to release all the pressure has been released down on its own and I let it sit here for another half hour it's still really hot don't get me wrong it's really really hot but I just I'm anxious and I'm going to go ahead and open the canner so you always when you start twisting this make sure that when you open it you tip it away there's going to be some steam coming out there as you can see just a little bit some hot water dripping down the side of that lid and then I set my lid over to the side smells like ground bees to me Wow excited oh yeah when they're they're bubbling in their own juices right there so it did keep some of its own liquid I guess you'd say look here in the pink whew I love it I love it I love it I love it and I'm going to go against some rules here normally I would touch these stars for 24 hours that I'm going to make dinner with this tonight we're having tacos and I'm going to give you a fair comparison I'm going to be really honest with you as always and let you know exactly the texture opposed to the other ground beef and how soft it is so I want to leave plenty of air space in between my jars so they can cool on their own you don't want any fans around or any drafts because if these stars we're going to start cooling down too quickly it could cause them to break and oftentimes in the wintertime because it's cold in here you know we keep the house pretty cool I will leave them in the canner to cool down a little bit on their own still have about it inch and a half of water in the bottom of the canner which is good another little fYI you always want to have plenty of water in there ninety minutes is a long time and even after venting you still are losing some steam out of the top of that and you want to make sure that you are equipped with enough water in your canner if you run a can or dry you have ruined it so that would just be a shame even on a more inexpensive canner so let's see who and I I'm working on a Craigslist deal for an all-american canner the guy lives quite a ways from me about two and a half hours I'm going to offer him a little bit more money maybe some jelly no um I'm going to offer him a little bit more money if he can bring it to Reno the next time he's in town and see we're just kind of emailing back and forth but let me give you a close-up of how beautiful they are and what they're doing because they are bullying in seeing boiling away so they're still with some liquid of their own I didn't add any liquid to this but Wow look at that that's awesome I'm so excited you guys I can't wait to show you the comparison and I truly hope this inspires you to try something new I had never thought of this directly I had when I kept looking at the key the chip fee for the you know the dry beef in the jar with nothing in there but air you know and it's really there's no air in there but I thought how can they do that and it always intrigues me they can do it I can do it in my mind so I have eight one and a half pint jars of the ground beef which represents about thirty eight dollars so I'm really hoping that it turned out well and and say just really help and then it was a flop and that she gets eat all of it but I'm just kidding anyway hope it inspires you to try something new maybe try this pass it on to your friends share it on Facebook there I couldn't find another video on this so Thank You cat's cradle you're always an amazing inspirational leader in this community we call YouTube and I appreciate everything you do and I will I will post all the links in the description box from my Facebook page right on down to all the information that you might need for this and cats cradles video on what inspired me to do this so hope I see next time listen to that hope we see you next time I hope it brings you back and I truly hope you were inspired by this one and as always guys god bless you
Channel: Linda's Pantry
Views: 677,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linda's, Pantry, 255sage, canning, cooking, ground, beef, home, canned, texture, food, preps, prepper, prepping, katzcradul, Jackie, Clay, Backwoods, self-reliant, self, sufficient, spun, money, saving
Id: bBEjwlV-czE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2012
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